1 | #include "InterpreterV8.h"
2 |
3 | #ifdef HAVE_V8
4 |
5 | #include <fstream>
6 | #include <sstream>
7 | #include <iomanip>
8 |
9 | #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
10 |
11 | #ifdef HAVE_NOVA
12 | #include "externals/nova.h"
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
16 | #include "Database.h"
17 | #endif
18 |
19 | #include <v8.h>
20 |
21 | #include "dim.h"
22 | #include "tools.h"
23 | #include "Readline.h"
24 | #include "externals/izstream.h"
25 |
26 | #include "WindowLog.h"
27 |
28 | using namespace std;
29 | using namespace v8;
30 |
31 | v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> InterpreterV8::fTemplateLocal;
32 | v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> InterpreterV8::fTemplateSky;
33 | v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> InterpreterV8::fTemplateEvent;
34 | v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> InterpreterV8::fTemplateDescription;
35 | //v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> InterpreterV8::fTemplateDatabase;
36 |
37 |
38 | // ==========================================================================
39 | // Some documentation
40 | // ==========================================================================
41 | //
42 | // Threads:
43 | // --------
44 | // In most cases Js* and other calls to native C++ code could be wrapped
45 | // with an Unlocker to allow possible other JavaScipt 'threads' to run
46 | // during that time. However, all of these calls should take much less than
47 | // the preemption time of 10ms, so it would just be a waste of tim.
48 | //
49 | // Termination:
50 | // ------------
51 | // Each thread running V8 code needs to be signalled individually for
52 | // termination. Therefor a list of V8 thread ids is created.
53 | //
54 | // If termination has already be signalled, no thread should start running
55 | // anymore (thy could, e.g., wait for their locking). So after locking
56 | // it has to be checked if the thread was terminated already. Note
57 | // that all calls to Terminate() must be locked to ensure that fThreadId
58 | // is correct when it is checked.
59 | //
60 | // The current thread id must be added to fThreadIds _before_ any
61 | // function is called after Locking and before execution is given
62 | // back to JavaScript, e.g. in script->Run(). So until the thread
63 | // is added to the list Terminate will not be executed. If Terminate
64 | // is then executed, it is ensured that the current thread is
65 | // already in the list. If terminate has been called before
66 | // the Locking, the check for the validiy of fThreadId ensures that
67 | // nothing is executed.
68 | //
69 | // Empty handles:
70 | // --------------
71 | // If exceution is terminated, V8 calls might return with empty handles,
72 | // e.g. Date::New(). Therefore, the returned handles of these calls have to
73 | // be checked in all placed to avoid that V8 will core dump.
74 | //
75 | // HandleScope:
76 | // ------------
77 | // A handle scope is a garbage collector and collects all handles created
78 | // until it goes out of scope. Handles which are not needed anymore are
79 | // then deleted. To return a handle from a HandleScope you need to use
80 | // Close(). E.g., String::AsciiValue does not create a new handle and
81 | // hence does not need a HandleScope. Any ::New will need a handle scope.
82 | // Forgetting the HandleScope could in principle fill your memory,
83 | // but everything is properly deleted by the global HandleScope at
84 | // script termination.
85 | //
86 |
87 | // ==========================================================================
88 | // Simple interface
89 | // ==========================================================================
90 |
91 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncExit(const Arguments &)
92 | {
93 | V8::TerminateExecution(fThreadId);
94 |
95 | // we have to throw an excption to make sure that the
96 | // calling thread does not go on executing until it
97 | // has realized that it should terminate
98 | return ThrowException(Null());
99 | }
100 |
101 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncSleep(const Arguments& args)
102 | {
103 | if (args.Length()==0)
104 | {
105 | // Theoretically, the CPU usage can be reduced by maybe a factor
106 | // of four using a larger value, but this also means that the
107 | // JavaScript is locked for a longer time.
108 | const Unlocker unlock;
109 | usleep(1000);
110 | return Undefined();
111 | }
112 |
113 | if (args.Length()!=1)
114 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be exactly 1."));
115 |
116 | if (!args[0]->IsUint32())
117 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 must be an uint32."));
118 |
119 | // Using a Javascript function has the advantage that it is fully
120 | // interruptable without the need of C++ code
121 | const string code =
122 | "(function(){"
123 | "var t=new Date();"
124 | "while ((new Date()-t)<"+to_string(args[0]->Int32Value())+") v8.sleep();"
125 | "})();";
126 |
127 | return ExecuteInternal(code);
128 | }
129 |
130 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncTimeout(const Arguments &args)
131 | {
132 | if (args.Length()<2)
133 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be at least two."));
134 |
135 | if (!args[0]->IsNull() && !args[0]->IsInt32())
136 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 0 not null and not an int32."));
137 |
138 | if (!args[1]->IsFunction())
139 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 not a function."));
140 |
141 | const int32_t timeout = args[0]->IsNull() ? 0 : args[0]->Int32Value();
142 | const bool null = args[0]->IsNull();
143 |
144 | HandleScope handle_scope;
145 |
146 | Handle<Function> func = Handle<Function>::Cast(args[1]);
147 |
148 | Handle<Value> argv[args.Length()-2];
149 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length()-2; i++)
150 | argv[i] = args[i+2];
151 |
152 | Time t;
153 | while (1)
154 | {
155 | const Handle<Value> rc = func->Call(func, args.Length()-2, argv);
156 | if (rc.IsEmpty())
157 | return Undefined();
158 |
159 | if (!rc->IsUndefined())
160 | return handle_scope.Close(rc);
161 |
162 | if (!null && Time()-t>=boost::posix_time::milliseconds(abs(timeout)))
163 | break;
164 |
165 | // Theoretically, the CPU usage can be reduced by maybe a factor
166 | // of four using a larger value, but this also means that the
167 | // JavaScript is locked for a longer time.
168 | const Unlocker unlock;
169 | usleep(1000);
170 | }
171 |
172 | if (timeout<0)
173 | return Undefined();
174 |
175 | const string str = "Waiting for func to return a defined value timed out.";
176 | return ThrowException(String::New(str.c_str()));
177 | }
178 |
179 | void InterpreterV8::Thread(int &id, Persistent<Function> func, uint32_t ms)
180 | {
181 | const Locker lock;
182 |
183 | if (fThreadId<0)
184 | {
185 | id = -1;
186 | return;
187 | }
188 |
189 | // Warning: As soon as id is set, the parent of this thread might terminate
190 | // and hance the reference to id does not exist anymore. So, id
191 | // is just a kind of return value and must not be used at all
192 | // otherwise.
193 |
194 | const int id_local = V8::GetCurrentThreadId();
195 | id = id_local;
196 | fThreadIds.insert(id_local);
197 |
198 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
199 |
200 | func->CreationContext()->Enter();
201 |
202 | TryCatch exception;
203 |
204 | const bool rc = ms==0 || !ExecuteInternal("v8.sleep("+to_string(ms)+");").IsEmpty();
205 | if (rc)
206 | func->Call(func, 0, NULL);
207 |
208 | func.Dispose();
209 | fThreadIds.erase(id_local);
210 |
211 | if (!HandleException(exception, "thread"))
212 | V8::TerminateExecution(fThreadId);
213 | }
214 |
215 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncThread(const Arguments& args)
216 | {
217 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
218 | return ThrowException(String::New("Thread must be called as constructor."));
219 |
220 | if (args.Length()!=2)
221 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be two."));
222 |
223 | if (!args[0]->IsUint32())
224 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 0 not an uint32."));
225 |
226 | if (!args[1]->IsFunction())
227 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 not a function."));
228 |
229 | //if (!args.IsConstructCall())
230 | // return Constructor(args);
231 |
232 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
233 |
234 | Handle<Function> handle = Handle<Function>::Cast(args[1]);
235 |
236 | Persistent<Function> func = Persistent<Function>::New(handle);
237 |
238 | const uint32_t ms = args[0]->Uint32Value();
239 |
240 | int id=-2;
241 | fThreads.push_back(thread(bind(&InterpreterV8::Thread, this, ref(id), func, ms)));
242 | {
243 | // Allow the thread to lock, so we can get the thread id.
244 | const Unlocker unlock;
245 | while (id==-2)
246 | usleep(1);
247 | }
248 |
249 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
250 |
251 | self->Set(String::New("id"), Integer::NewFromUnsigned(id), ReadOnly);
252 | self->Set(String::New("kill"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapKill)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly);
253 |
254 | return Undefined();
255 | }
256 |
257 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncKill(const Arguments& args)
258 | {
259 | const uint32_t id = args.This()->Get(String::New("id"))->Uint32Value();
260 |
261 | V8::TerminateExecution(id);
262 |
263 | return Boolean::New(fThreadIds.erase(id));
264 | }
265 |
266 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncSend(const Arguments& args)
267 | {
268 | if (args.Length()==0)
269 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be at least 1."));
270 |
271 | if (!args[0]->IsString())
272 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 must be a string."));
273 |
274 | const String::AsciiValue str(args[0]);
275 |
276 | string command = *str;
277 |
278 | if (command.length()==0)
279 | return ThrowException(String::New("Server name empty."));
280 |
281 | if (args.Length()==0)
282 | {
283 | if (command.find_first_of('/')==string::npos)
284 | command += "/";
285 | }
286 |
287 | // Escape all string arguments. All others can be kept as they are.
288 | for (int i=1; i<args.Length(); i++)
289 | {
290 | string arg = *String::AsciiValue(args[i]);
291 |
292 | // Escape string
293 | if (args[i]->IsString())
294 | {
295 | boost::replace_all(arg, "\\", "\\\\");
296 | boost::replace_all(arg, "'", "\\'");
297 | boost::replace_all(arg, "\"", "\\\"");
298 | }
299 |
300 | command += " "+arg;
301 | }
302 |
303 | try
304 | {
305 | return Boolean::New(JsSend(command));
306 | }
307 | catch (const runtime_error &e)
308 | {
309 | return ThrowException(String::New(e.what()));
310 | }
311 | }
312 |
313 | // ==========================================================================
314 | // State control
315 | // ==========================================================================
316 |
317 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncWait(const Arguments& args)
318 | {
319 | if (args.Length()!=2 && args.Length()!=3)
320 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be 2 or 3."));
321 |
322 | if (!args[0]->IsString())
323 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 not a string."));
324 |
325 | if (!args[1]->IsInt32() && !args[1]->IsString())
326 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 2 not an int32 and not a string."));
327 |
328 | if (args.Length()==3 && !args[2]->IsInt32() && !args[2]->IsUndefined())
329 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 3 not an int32 and not undefined."));
330 |
331 | // Using a Javascript function has the advantage that it is fully
332 | // interruptable without the need of C++ code
333 |
334 | const string index = args[1]->IsInt32() ? "s.index" : "s.name";
335 | const bool timeout = args.Length()==3 && !args[2]->IsUndefined();
336 | const string arg0 = *String::AsciiValue(args[0]);
337 | const string state = args[1]->IsString() ? *String::AsciiValue(args[1]) : "";
338 | const string arg1 = args[1]->IsString() ? ("\""+state+"\"") : to_string(args[1]->Int32Value());
339 |
340 | if (arg0.find_first_of("\"'")!=string::npos)
341 | return ThrowException(String::New("Server name must not contain quotation marks."));
342 |
343 | if (args[1]->IsString())
344 | if (state.find_first_of("\"'")!=string::npos)
345 | return ThrowException(String::New("State name must not contain quotation marks."));
346 |
347 | string code = "(function(name,state,ms)"
348 | "{";
349 | if (timeout)
350 | code += "var t = new Date();";
351 | code += "while (1)"
352 | "{"
353 | "var s = dim.state(name);"
354 | "if(!s)throw new Error('Waiting for state "+arg1+" of server "+arg0+" failed.');"
355 | "if(state=="+index+")return true;";
356 | if (timeout)
357 | code += "if((new Date()-t)>Math.abs(ms))break;";
358 |
359 | code += "v8.sleep();"
360 | "}";
361 | if (timeout)
362 | code += "if(ms>0)throw new Error('Waiting for state "+arg1+" of server "+arg0+" timed out.');";
363 | code += "return false;"
364 | "})('"+arg0+"',"+arg1;
365 | if (timeout)
366 | code += "," + (args[2]->IsUndefined()?"undefined":to_string(args[2]->Int32Value()));
367 | code += ");";
368 |
369 | return ExecuteInternal(code);
370 | }
371 |
372 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncState(const Arguments& args)
373 | {
374 | if (args.Length()!=1)
375 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be exactly 1."));
376 |
377 | if (!args[0]->IsString())
378 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 must be a string."));
379 |
380 | // Return state.name/state.index
381 |
382 | const String::AsciiValue str(args[0]);
383 |
384 | const State rc = JsState(*str);
385 | if (rc.index<=-256)
386 | return Undefined();
387 |
388 | HandleScope handle_scope;
389 |
390 | Handle<Object> obj = Object::New();
391 |
392 | obj->Set(String::New("server"), String::New(*str), ReadOnly);
393 | obj->Set(String::New("index"), Integer::New(rc.index), ReadOnly);
394 | obj->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(rc.name.c_str()), ReadOnly);
395 |
396 | const Local<Value> date = Date::New(rc.time.JavaDate());
397 | if (rc.index>-256 && !date.IsEmpty())
398 | obj->Set(String::New("time"), date);
399 |
400 | return handle_scope.Close(obj);
401 | }
402 |
403 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncNewState(const Arguments& args)
404 | {
405 | if (args.Length()<1 || args.Length()>3)
406 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be 1, 2 or 3."));
407 |
408 | if (!args[0]->IsUint32())
409 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 must be an uint32."));
410 | if (args.Length()>1 && !args[1]->IsString())
411 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 2 must be a string."));
412 | if (args.Length()>2 && !args[2]->IsString())
413 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 3 must be a string."));
414 |
415 | const uint32_t index = args[0]->Int32Value();
416 | const string name = *String::AsciiValue(args[1]);
417 | const string comment = *String::AsciiValue(args[2]);
418 |
419 | if (index<10 || index>255)
420 | return ThrowException(String::New("State must be in the range [10, 255]."));
421 |
422 | if (name.empty())
423 | return ThrowException(String::New("State name must not be empty."));
424 |
425 | if (name.find_first_of(':')!=string::npos || name.find_first_of('=')!=string::npos)
426 | return ThrowException(String::New("State name must not contain : or =."));
427 |
428 | struct Find : State
429 | {
430 | Find(int idx, const string &n) : State(idx, n) { }
431 | bool operator()(const pair<int, string> &p) { return index==p.first || name==p.second; }
432 | };
433 |
434 | if (find_if(fStates.begin(), fStates.end(), Find(index, name))!=fStates.end())
435 | {
436 | const string what =
437 | "State index ["+to_string(index)+"] or name ["+name+"] already defined.";
438 |
439 | return ThrowException(String::New(what.c_str()));
440 | }
441 |
442 | return Boolean::New(JsNewState(index, name, comment));
443 | }
444 |
445 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncSetState(const Arguments& args)
446 | {
447 | if (args.Length()!=1)
448 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be exactly 1."));
449 |
450 | if (!args[0]->IsUint32() && !args[0]->IsString())
451 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be an unint32 or a string."));
452 |
453 | int index = -2;
454 | if (args[0]->IsUint32())
455 | {
456 | index = args[0]->Int32Value();
457 | }
458 | else
459 | {
460 | const string name = *String::AsciiValue(args[0]);
461 | index = JsGetState(name);
462 | if (index==-2)
463 | return ThrowException(String::New(("State '"+name+"' not found.").c_str()));
464 | }
465 |
466 | if (index<10 || index>255)
467 | return ThrowException(String::New("State must be in the range [10, 255]."));
468 |
469 | return Boolean::New(JsSetState(index));
470 | }
471 |
472 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncGetState(const Arguments& args)
473 | {
474 | if (args.Length()>0)
475 | return ThrowException(String::New("getState must not take arguments."));
476 |
477 | const State state = JsGetCurrentState();
478 |
479 | HandleScope handle_scope;
480 |
481 | Handle<Object> rc = Object::New();
482 | if (rc.IsEmpty())
483 | return Undefined();
484 |
485 | rc->Set(String::New("index"), Integer::New(state.index), ReadOnly);
486 | rc->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(state.name.c_str()), ReadOnly);
487 | rc->Set(String::New("description"), String::New(state.comment.c_str()), ReadOnly);
488 |
489 | return handle_scope.Close(rc);
490 | }
491 |
492 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncGetStates(const Arguments& args)
493 | {
494 | if (args.Length()>1)
495 | return ThrowException(String::New("getStates must not take more than one arguments."));
496 |
497 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsString())
498 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a string."));
499 |
500 | const string server = args.Length()==1 ? *String::AsciiValue(args[0]) : "DIM_CONTROL";
501 |
502 | const vector<State> states = JsGetStates(server);
503 |
504 | HandleScope handle_scope;
505 |
506 | Handle<Object> list = Object::New();
507 | if (list.IsEmpty())
508 | return Undefined();
509 |
510 | for (auto it=states.begin(); it!=states.end(); it++)
511 | {
512 | Handle<Value> entry = StringObject::New(String::New(it->name.c_str()));
513 | if (entry.IsEmpty())
514 | return Undefined();
515 |
516 | StringObject::Cast(*entry)->Set(String::New("description"), String::New(it->comment.c_str()), ReadOnly);
517 | list->Set(Integer::New(it->index), entry, ReadOnly);
518 | }
519 |
520 | return handle_scope.Close(list);
521 | }
522 |
523 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncGetDescription(const Arguments& args)
524 | {
525 | if (args.Length()!=1)
526 | return ThrowException(String::New("getDescription must take exactly one argument."));
527 |
528 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsString())
529 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a string."));
530 |
531 | const string service = *String::AsciiValue(args[0]);
532 |
533 | const vector<Description> descriptions = JsGetDescription(service);
534 | const set<Service> services = JsGetServices();
535 |
536 | auto is=services.begin();
537 | for (; is!=services.end(); is++)
538 | if (is->name==service)
539 | break;
540 |
541 | if (is==services.end())
542 | return Undefined();
543 |
544 | HandleScope handle_scope;
545 |
546 | Handle<Object> arr = fTemplateDescription->GetFunction()->NewInstance();//Object::New();
547 | if (arr.IsEmpty())
548 | return Undefined();
549 |
550 | auto it=descriptions.begin();
551 | arr->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(it->name.c_str()), ReadOnly);
552 | if (!it->comment.empty())
553 | arr->Set(String::New("description"), String::New(it->comment.c_str()), ReadOnly);
554 | if (is!=services.end())
555 | {
556 | arr->Set(String::New("server"), String::New(is->server.c_str()), ReadOnly);
557 | arr->Set(String::New("service"), String::New(is->service.c_str()), ReadOnly);
558 | arr->Set(String::New("isCommand"), Boolean::New(is->iscmd), ReadOnly);
559 | if (!is->format.empty())
560 | arr->Set(String::New("format"), String::New(is->format.c_str()), ReadOnly);
561 | }
562 |
563 | uint32_t i=0;
564 | for (it++; it!=descriptions.end(); it++)
565 | {
566 | Handle<Object> obj = Object::New();
567 | if (obj.IsEmpty())
568 | return Undefined();
569 |
570 | if (!it->name.empty())
571 | obj->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(it->name.c_str()), ReadOnly);
572 | if (!it->comment.empty())
573 | obj->Set(String::New("description"), String::New(it->comment.c_str()), ReadOnly);
574 | if (!it->unit.empty())
575 | obj->Set(String::New("unit"), String::New(it->unit.c_str()), ReadOnly);
576 |
577 | arr->Set(i++, obj);
578 | }
579 |
580 | return handle_scope.Close(arr);
581 | }
582 |
583 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncGetServices(const Arguments& args)
584 | {
585 | if (args.Length()>2)
586 | return ThrowException(String::New("getServices must not take more than two argument."));
587 |
588 | if (args.Length()>=1 && !args[0]->IsString())
589 | return ThrowException(String::New("First argument must be a string."));
590 |
591 | if (args.Length()==2 && !args[1]->IsBoolean())
592 | return ThrowException(String::New("Second argument must be a boolean."));
593 |
594 | string arg0 = args.Length() ? *String::AsciiValue(args[0]) : "";
595 | if (arg0=="*")
596 | arg0=="";
597 |
598 | const set<Service> services = JsGetServices();
599 |
600 | HandleScope handle_scope;
601 |
602 | Handle<Array> arr = Array::New();
603 | if (arr.IsEmpty())
604 | return Undefined();
605 |
606 | uint32_t i=0;
607 | for (auto is=services.begin(); is!=services.end(); is++)
608 | {
609 | if (!arg0.empty() && is->name.find(arg0)!=0)
610 | continue;
611 |
612 | if (args.Length()==2 && args[1]->BooleanValue()!=is->iscmd)
613 | continue;
614 |
615 | Handle<Object> obj = Object::New();
616 | if (obj.IsEmpty())
617 | return Undefined();
618 |
619 | obj->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(is->name.c_str()), ReadOnly);
620 | obj->Set(String::New("server"), String::New(is->server.c_str()), ReadOnly);
621 | obj->Set(String::New("service"), String::New(is->service.c_str()), ReadOnly);
622 | obj->Set(String::New("isCommand"), Boolean::New(is->iscmd), ReadOnly);
623 | if (!is->format.empty())
624 | obj->Set(String::New("format"), String::New(is->format.c_str()), ReadOnly);
625 |
626 | arr->Set(i++, obj);
627 | }
628 |
629 | return handle_scope.Close(arr);
630 | }
631 |
632 | // ==========================================================================
633 | // Internal functions
634 | // ==========================================================================
635 |
636 |
637 | // The callback that is invoked by v8 whenever the JavaScript 'print'
638 | // function is called. Prints its arguments on stdout separated by
639 | // spaces and ending with a newline.
640 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncLog(const Arguments& args)
641 | {
642 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length(); i++)
643 | {
644 | const String::AsciiValue str(args[i]);
645 | if (*str)
646 | JsPrint(*str);
647 | }
648 |
649 | if (args.Length()==0)
650 | JsPrint();
651 |
652 | return Undefined();
653 | }
654 |
655 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncAlarm(const Arguments& args)
656 | {
657 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length(); i++)
658 | {
659 | const String::AsciiValue str(args[i]);
660 | if (*str)
661 | JsAlarm(*str);
662 | }
663 |
664 | if (args.Length()==0)
665 | JsAlarm();
666 |
667 | return Undefined();
668 | }
669 |
670 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncOut(const Arguments& args)
671 | {
672 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length(); i++)
673 | {
674 | const String::AsciiValue str(args[i]);
675 | if (*str)
676 | JsOut(*str);
677 | }
678 | return Undefined();
679 | }
680 |
681 | // The callback that is invoked by v8 whenever the JavaScript 'load'
682 | // function is called. Loads, compiles and executes its argument
683 | // JavaScript file.
684 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncInclude(const Arguments& args)
685 | {
686 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length(); i++)
687 | {
688 | const String::AsciiValue file(args[i]);
689 | if (*file == NULL)
690 | return ThrowException(String::New("File name missing."));
691 |
692 | if (strlen(*file)==0)
693 | return ThrowException(String::New("File name empty."));
694 |
695 | ifstream fin(*file); // izstream does not work: WHY?
696 | if (!fin)
697 | return ThrowException(String::New(errno!=0?strerror(errno):"Insufficient memory for decompression"));
698 |
699 | string buffer;
700 | getline(fin, buffer, '\0');
701 |
702 | if ((fin.fail() && !fin.eof()) || fin.bad())
703 | return ThrowException(String::New(strerror(errno)));
704 |
705 | const Handle<Value> rc = ExecuteCode(buffer, *file);
706 | if (rc.IsEmpty())
707 | return Undefined();
708 | }
709 |
710 | return Undefined();
711 | }
712 |
713 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncFile(const Arguments& args)
714 | {
715 | if (args.Length()!=1 && args.Length()!=2)
716 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be one or two."));
717 |
718 | const String::AsciiValue file(args[0]);
719 | if (*file == NULL)
720 | return ThrowException(String::New("File name missing"));
721 |
722 | if (args.Length()==2 && !args[1]->IsString())
723 | return ThrowException(String::New("Second argument must be a string."));
724 |
725 | const string delim = args.Length()==2 ? *String::AsciiValue(args[1]) : "";
726 |
727 | if (args.Length()==2 && delim.size()!=1)
728 | return ThrowException(String::New("Second argument must be a string of length 1."));
729 |
730 | HandleScope handle_scope;
731 |
732 | izstream fin(*file);
733 | if (!fin)
734 | return ThrowException(String::New(errno!=0?strerror(errno):"Insufficient memory for decompression"));
735 |
736 | if (args.Length()==1)
737 | {
738 | string buffer;
739 | getline(fin, buffer, '\0');
740 | if ((fin.fail() && !fin.eof()) || fin.bad())
741 | return ThrowException(String::New(strerror(errno)));
742 |
743 | Handle<Value> str = StringObject::New(String::New(buffer.c_str()));
744 | StringObject::Cast(*str)->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(*file));
745 | return handle_scope.Close(str);
746 | }
747 |
748 | Handle<Array> arr = Array::New();
749 | if (arr.IsEmpty())
750 | return Undefined();
751 |
752 | int i=0;
753 | string buffer;
754 | while (getline(fin, buffer, delim[0]))
755 | arr->Set(i++, String::New(buffer.c_str()));
756 |
757 | if ((fin.fail() && !fin.eof()) || fin.bad())
758 | return ThrowException(String::New(strerror(errno)));
759 |
760 | arr->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(*file));
761 | arr->Set(String::New("delim"), String::New(delim.c_str(), 1));
762 |
763 | return handle_scope.Close(arr);
764 | }
765 |
766 | // ==========================================================================
767 | // Mail
768 | // ==========================================================================
769 |
770 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ConstructorMail(const Arguments &args)
771 | {
772 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
773 | return ThrowException(String::New("Mail must be called as constructor"));
774 |
775 | if (args.Length()!=1 || !args[0]->IsString())
776 | return ThrowException(String::New("Constructor must be called with a single string as argument"));
777 |
778 | HandleScope handle_scope;
779 |
780 | Handle<Array> rec = Array::New();
781 | Handle<Array> att = Array::New();
782 | Handle<Array> bcc = Array::New();
783 | Handle<Array> cc = Array::New();
784 | Handle<Array> txt = Array::New();
785 | if (rec.IsEmpty() || att.IsEmpty() || bcc.IsEmpty() || cc.IsEmpty() || txt.IsEmpty())
786 | return Undefined();
787 |
788 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
789 |
790 | self->Set(String::New("subject"), args[0]->ToString(), ReadOnly);
791 | self->Set(String::New("recipients"), rec, ReadOnly);
792 | self->Set(String::New("attachments"), att, ReadOnly);
793 | self->Set(String::New("bcc"), bcc, ReadOnly);
794 | self->Set(String::New("cc"), cc, ReadOnly);
795 | self->Set(String::New("text"), txt, ReadOnly);
796 |
797 | self->Set(String::New("send"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSendMail)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly);
798 |
799 | return handle_scope.Close(self);
800 | }
801 |
802 | vector<string> InterpreterV8::ValueToArray(const Handle<Value> &val, bool only)
803 | {
804 | vector<string> rc;
805 |
806 | Handle<Array> arr = Handle<Array>::Cast(val);
807 | for (uint32_t i=0; i<arr->Length(); i++)
808 | {
809 | Handle<Value> obj = arr->Get(i);
810 | if (obj.IsEmpty())
811 | continue;
812 |
813 | if (obj->IsNull() || obj->IsUndefined())
814 | continue;
815 |
816 | if (only && !obj->IsString())
817 | continue;
818 |
819 | rc.push_back(*String::AsciiValue(obj->ToString()));
820 | }
821 |
822 | return rc;
823 | }
824 |
825 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncSendMail(const Arguments& args)
826 | {
827 | HandleScope handle_scope;
828 |
829 | if (args.Length()>1)
830 | return ThrowException(String::New("Only one argument allowed."));
831 |
832 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsBoolean())
833 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a boolean."));
834 |
835 | const bool block = args.Length()==0 || args[0]->BooleanValue();
836 |
837 | const Handle<Value> sub = args.This()->Get(String::New("subject"));
838 | const Handle<Value> rec = args.This()->Get(String::New("recipients"));
839 | const Handle<Value> txt = args.This()->Get(String::New("text"));
840 | const Handle<Value> att = args.This()->Get(String::New("attachments"));
841 | const Handle<Value> bcc = args.This()->Get(String::New("bcc"));
842 | const Handle<Value> cc = args.This()->Get(String::New("cc"));
843 |
844 | const vector<string> vrec = ValueToArray(rec);
845 | const vector<string> vtxt = ValueToArray(txt, false);
846 | const vector<string> vatt = ValueToArray(att);
847 | const vector<string> vbcc = ValueToArray(bcc);
848 | const vector<string> vcc = ValueToArray(cc);
849 |
850 | if (vrec.size()==0)
851 | return ThrowException(String::New("At least one valid string is required in 'recipients'."));
852 | if (vtxt.size()==0)
853 | return ThrowException(String::New("At least one valid string is required in 'text'."));
854 |
855 | const string subject = *String::AsciiValue(sub->ToString());
856 |
857 | FILE *pipe = popen(("from=no-reply@fact-project.org mailx -~ "+vrec[0]).c_str(), "w");
858 | if (!pipe)
859 | return ThrowException(String::New(strerror(errno)));
860 |
861 | fprintf(pipe, "%s", ("~s"+subject+"\n").c_str());
862 | for (auto it=vrec.begin()+1; it<vrec.end(); it++)
863 | fprintf(pipe, "%s", ("~t"+*it+"\n").c_str());
864 | for (auto it=vbcc.begin(); it<vbcc.end(); it++)
865 | fprintf(pipe, "%s", ("~b"+*it+"\n").c_str());
866 | for (auto it=vcc.begin(); it<vcc.end(); it++)
867 | fprintf(pipe, "%s", ("~c"+*it+"\n").c_str());
868 | for (auto it=vatt.begin(); it<vatt.end(); it++)
869 | fprintf(pipe, "%s", ("~@"+*it+"\n").c_str()); // Must not contain white spaces
870 |
871 | for (auto it=vtxt.begin(); it<vtxt.end(); it++)
872 | fwrite((*it+"\n").c_str(), it->length()+1, 1, pipe);
873 |
874 | fprintf(pipe, "\n---\nsent by dimctrl");
875 |
876 | if (!block)
877 | return Undefined();
878 |
879 | const int rc = pclose(pipe);
880 |
881 | const Locker lock;
882 | return handle_scope.Close(Integer::New(WEXITSTATUS(rc)));
883 | }
884 |
885 | // ==========================================================================
886 | // Database
887 | // ==========================================================================
888 |
889 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncDbClose(const Arguments &args)
890 | {
891 | void *ptr = External::Unwrap(args.This()->GetInternalField(0));
892 | if (!ptr)
893 | return Boolean::New(false);
894 |
895 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
896 | Database *db = reinterpret_cast<Database*>(ptr);
897 | auto it = find(fDatabases.begin(), fDatabases.end(), db);
898 | fDatabases.erase(it);
899 | delete db;
900 | #endif
901 |
902 | HandleScope handle_scope;
903 |
904 | args.This()->SetInternalField(0, External::New(0));
905 |
906 | return handle_scope.Close(Boolean::New(true));
907 | }
908 |
909 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncDbQuery(const Arguments &args)
910 | {
911 | if (args.Length()==0)
912 | return ThrowException(String::New("Arguments expected."));
913 |
914 | void *ptr = External::Unwrap(args.This()->GetInternalField(0));
915 | if (!ptr)
916 | return Undefined();
917 |
918 | string query;
919 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length(); i++)
920 | query += string(" ") + *String::AsciiValue(args[i]);
921 | query.erase(0, 1);
922 |
923 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
924 | try
925 | {
926 | HandleScope handle_scope;
927 |
928 | Database *db = reinterpret_cast<Database*>(ptr);
929 |
930 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = db->query(query).store();
931 |
932 | Handle<Array> ret = Array::New();
933 | if (ret.IsEmpty())
934 | return Undefined();
935 |
936 | ret->Set(String::New("table"), String::New(res.table()), ReadOnly);
937 | ret->Set(String::New("query"), String::New(query.c_str()), ReadOnly);
938 |
939 | Handle<Array> cols = Array::New();
940 | if (cols.IsEmpty())
941 | return Undefined();
942 |
943 | int irow=0;
944 | for (vector<mysqlpp::Row>::const_iterator it=res.begin(); it<res.end(); it++)
945 | {
946 | Handle<Object> row = Object::New();
947 | if (row.IsEmpty())
948 | return Undefined();
949 |
950 | const mysqlpp::FieldNames *list = it->field_list().list;
951 |
952 | for (size_t i=0; i<it->size(); i++)
953 | {
954 | const Handle<Value> name = String::New((*list)[i].c_str());
955 | if (irow==0)
956 | cols->Set(i, name);
957 |
958 | if ((*it)[i].is_null())
959 | {
960 | row->Set(name, Undefined(), ReadOnly);
961 | continue;
962 | }
963 |
964 | const string sql_type = (*it)[i].type().sql_name();
965 |
966 | const bool uns = sql_type.find("UNSIGNED")==string::npos;
967 |
968 | if (sql_type.find("BIGINT")!=string::npos)
969 | {
970 | if (uns)
971 | {
972 | const uint64_t val = (uint64_t)(*it)[i];
973 | if (val>UINT32_MAX)
974 | row->Set(name, Number::New(val), ReadOnly);
975 | else
976 | row->Set(name, Integer::NewFromUnsigned(val), ReadOnly);
977 | }
978 | else
979 | {
980 | const int64_t val = (int64_t)(*it)[i];
981 | if (val<INT32_MIN || val>INT32_MAX)
982 | row->Set(name, Number::New(val), ReadOnly);
983 | else
984 | row->Set(name, Integer::NewFromUnsigned(val), ReadOnly);
985 | }
986 | continue;
987 | }
988 |
989 | // 32 bit
990 | if (sql_type.find("INT")!=string::npos)
991 | {
992 | if (uns)
993 | row->Set(name, Integer::NewFromUnsigned((uint32_t)(*it)[i]), ReadOnly);
994 | else
995 | row->Set(name, Integer::New((int32_t)(*it)[i]), ReadOnly);
996 | continue;
997 | }
998 |
999 | if (sql_type.find("BOOL")!=string::npos )
1000 | {
1001 | row->Set(name, Boolean::New((bool)(*it)[i]), ReadOnly);
1002 | continue;
1003 | }
1004 |
1005 | if (sql_type.find("FLOAT")!=string::npos)
1006 | {
1007 | ostringstream val;
1008 | val << setprecision(7) << (float)(*it)[i];
1009 | row->Set(name, Number::New(stod(val.str())), ReadOnly);
1010 | continue;
1011 |
1012 | }
1013 | if (sql_type.find("DOUBLE")!=string::npos)
1014 | {
1015 | row->Set(name, Number::New((double)(*it)[i]), ReadOnly);
1016 | continue;
1017 | }
1018 |
1019 | if (sql_type.find("CHAR")!=string::npos ||
1020 | sql_type.find("TEXT")!=string::npos)
1021 | {
1022 | row->Set(name, String::New((const char*)(*it)[i]), ReadOnly);
1023 | continue;
1024 | }
1025 |
1026 | time_t date = 0;
1027 | if (sql_type.find("TIMESTAMP")!=string::npos)
1028 | date = mysqlpp::Time((*it)[i]);
1029 |
1030 | if (sql_type.find("DATETIME")!=string::npos)
1031 | date = mysqlpp::DateTime((*it)[i]);
1032 |
1033 | if (sql_type.find(" DATE ")!=string::npos)
1034 | date = mysqlpp::Date((*it)[i]);
1035 |
1036 | if (date>0)
1037 | {
1038 | // It is important to catch the exception thrown
1039 | // by Date::New in case of thread termination!
1040 | const Local<Value> val = Date::New(date*1000);
1041 | if (val.IsEmpty())
1042 | return Undefined();
1043 |
1044 | row->Set(name, val, ReadOnly);
1045 | }
1046 | }
1047 |
1048 | ret->Set(irow++, row);
1049 | }
1050 |
1051 | if (irow>0)
1052 | ret->Set(String::New("cols"), cols, ReadOnly);
1053 |
1054 | return handle_scope.Close(ret);
1055 | }
1056 | catch (const exception &e)
1057 | {
1058 | return ThrowException(String::New(e.what()));
1059 | }
1060 | #endif
1061 | }
1062 |
1063 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncDatabase(const Arguments &args)
1064 | {
1065 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
1066 | return ThrowException(String::New("Database must be called as constructor."));
1067 |
1068 | if (args.Length()!=1)
1069 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be 1."));
1070 |
1071 | if (!args[0]->IsString())
1072 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 not a string."));
1073 |
1074 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
1075 | try
1076 | {
1077 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1078 |
1079 | //if (!args.IsConstructCall())
1080 | // return Constructor(fTemplateDatabase, args);
1081 |
1082 | Database *db = new Database(*String::AsciiValue(args[0]));
1083 | fDatabases.push_back(db);
1084 |
1085 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
1086 | self->Set(String::New("user"), String::New(db->user.c_str()), ReadOnly);
1087 | self->Set(String::New("server"), String::New(db->server.c_str()), ReadOnly);
1088 | self->Set(String::New("database"), String::New(db->db.c_str()), ReadOnly);
1089 | self->Set(String::New("port"), db->port==0?Undefined():Integer::NewFromUnsigned(db->port), ReadOnly);
1090 | self->Set(String::New("query"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapDbQuery)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly);
1091 | self->Set(String::New("close"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapDbClose)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly);
1092 | self->SetInternalField(0, External::New(db));
1093 |
1094 | return handle_scope.Close(self);
1095 | }
1096 | catch (const exception &e)
1097 | {
1098 | return ThrowException(String::New(e.what()));
1099 | }
1100 | #endif
1101 | }
1102 |
1103 | // ==========================================================================
1104 | // Services
1105 | // ==========================================================================
1106 |
1107 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::Convert(char type, const char* &ptr)
1108 | {
1109 | // Dim values are always unsigned per (FACT++) definition
1110 | switch (type)
1111 | {
1112 | case 'F':
1113 | {
1114 | // Remove the "imprecision" effect coming from casting a float to
1115 | // a double and then showing it with double precision
1116 | ostringstream val;
1117 | val << setprecision(7) << *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(ptr);
1118 | ptr += 4;
1119 | return Number::New(stod(val.str()));
1120 | }
1121 | case 'D': { Handle<Value> v=Number::New(*reinterpret_cast<const double*>(ptr)); ptr+=8; return v; }
1122 | case 'I':
1123 | case 'L': { Handle<Value> v=Integer::NewFromUnsigned(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(ptr)); ptr += 4; return v; }
1124 | case 'X':
1125 | {
1126 | const uint64_t val = *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(ptr);
1127 | ptr += 8;
1128 | if (val>UINT32_MAX)
1129 | return Number::New(val);
1130 | return Integer::NewFromUnsigned(val);
1131 | }
1132 | case 'S': { Handle<Value> v=Integer::NewFromUnsigned(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(ptr)); ptr += 2; return v; }
1133 | case 'C': { Handle<Value> v=Integer::NewFromUnsigned((uint16_t)*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr)); ptr += 1; return v; }
1134 | }
1135 | return Undefined();
1136 | }
1137 |
1138 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncClose(const Arguments &args)
1139 | {
1140 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1141 |
1142 | //const void *ptr = Local<External>::Cast(args.Holder()->GetInternalField(0))->Value();
1143 |
1144 | const String::AsciiValue str(args.This()->Get(String::New("name")));
1145 |
1146 | const auto it = fReverseMap.find(*str);
1147 | if (it!=fReverseMap.end())
1148 | {
1149 | it->second.Dispose();
1150 | fReverseMap.erase(it);
1151 | }
1152 |
1153 | args.This()->Set(String::New("isOpen"), Boolean::New(false), ReadOnly);
1154 |
1155 | return handle_scope.Close(Boolean::New(JsUnsubscribe(*str)));
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ConvertEvent(const EventImp *evt, uint64_t counter, const char *str)
1159 | {
1160 | const vector<Description> vec = JsDescription(str);
1161 |
1162 | Handle<Object> ret = fTemplateEvent->GetFunction()->NewInstance();//Object::New();
1163 | if (ret.IsEmpty())
1164 | return Undefined();
1165 |
1166 | const Local<Value> date = Date::New(evt->GetJavaDate());
1167 | if (date.IsEmpty())
1168 | return Undefined();
1169 |
1170 | ret->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(str), ReadOnly);
1171 | ret->Set(String::New("format"), String::New(evt->GetFormat().c_str()), ReadOnly);
1172 | ret->Set(String::New("qos"), Integer::New(evt->GetQoS()), ReadOnly);
1173 | ret->Set(String::New("size"), Integer::New(evt->GetSize()), ReadOnly);
1174 | ret->Set(String::New("counter"), Integer::New(counter), ReadOnly);
1175 | if (evt->GetJavaDate()>0)
1176 | ret->Set(String::New("time"), date, ReadOnly);
1177 |
1178 | // If names are available data will also be provided as an
1179 | // object. If an empty event was received, but names are available,
1180 | // the object will be empty. Otherwise 'obj' will be undefined.
1181 | // obj===undefined: no data received
1182 | // obj!==undefined, length==0: names for event available
1183 | // obj!==undefined, obj.length>0: names available, data received
1184 | Handle<Object> named = Object::New();
1185 | if (vec.size()>0)
1186 | ret->Set(String::New("obj"), named, ReadOnly);
1187 |
1188 | // If no event was received (usually a disconnection event in
1189 | // the context of FACT++), no data is returned
1190 | if (evt->IsEmpty())
1191 | return ret;
1192 |
1193 | // If valid data was received, but the size was zero, then
1194 | // null is returned as data
1195 | // data===undefined: no data received
1196 | // data===null: event received, but no data
1197 | // data.length>0: event received, contains data
1198 | if (evt->GetSize()==0 || evt->GetFormat().empty())
1199 | {
1200 | ret->Set(String::New("data"), Null(), ReadOnly);
1201 | return ret;
1202 | }
1203 |
1204 | typedef boost::char_separator<char> separator;
1205 | const boost::tokenizer<separator> tokenizer(evt->GetFormat(), separator(";:"));
1206 |
1207 | const vector<string> tok(tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());
1208 |
1209 | Handle<Object> arr = tok.size()>1 ? Array::New() : ret;
1210 | if (arr.IsEmpty())
1211 | return Undefined();
1212 |
1213 | const char *ptr = evt->GetText();
1214 | const char *end = evt->GetText()+evt->GetSize();
1215 |
1216 | try
1217 | {
1218 | size_t pos = 1;
1219 | for (auto it=tok.begin(); it<tok.end() && ptr<end; it++, pos++)
1220 | {
1221 | char type = (*it)[0];
1222 | it++;
1223 |
1224 | string name = pos<vec.size() ? vec[pos].name : "";
1225 | if (tok.size()==1)
1226 | name = "data";
1227 |
1228 | // Get element size
1229 | uint32_t sz = 1;
1230 | switch (type)
1231 | {
1232 | case 'X':
1233 | case 'D': sz = 8; break;
1234 | case 'F':
1235 | case 'I':
1236 | case 'L': sz = 4; break;
1237 | case 'S': sz = 2; break;
1238 | case 'C': sz = 1; break;
1239 | }
1240 |
1241 | // Check if no number is attached if the size of the
1242 | // received data is consistent with the format string
1243 | if (it==tok.end() && (end-ptr)%sz>0)
1244 | return Exception::Error(String::New(("Number of received bytes ["+to_string(evt->GetSize())+"] does not match format ["+evt->GetFormat()+"]").c_str()));
1245 |
1246 | // Check if format has a number attached.
1247 | // If no number is attached calculate number of elements
1248 | const uint32_t cnt = it==tok.end() ? (end-ptr)/sz : stoi(it->c_str());
1249 |
1250 | // is_str: Array of type C but unknown size (String)
1251 | // is_one: Array of known size, but size is 1 (I:1)
1252 | const bool is_str = type=='C' && it==tok.end();
1253 | const bool is_one = cnt==1 && it!=tok.end();
1254 |
1255 | Handle<Value> v;
1256 |
1257 | if (is_str)
1258 | v = String::New(ptr);
1259 | if (is_one)
1260 | v = Convert(type, ptr);
1261 |
1262 | // Array of known (I:5) or unknown size (I), but no string
1263 | if (!is_str && !is_one)
1264 | {
1265 | Handle<Object> a = Array::New(cnt);
1266 | if (a.IsEmpty())
1267 | return Undefined();
1268 |
1269 | for (uint32_t i=0; i<cnt; i++)
1270 | a->Set(i, Convert(type, ptr));
1271 |
1272 | v = a;
1273 | }
1274 |
1275 | if (tok.size()>1)
1276 | arr->Set(pos-1, v);
1277 | else
1278 | ret->Set(String::New("data"), v, ReadOnly);
1279 |
1280 | if (!name.empty())
1281 | {
1282 | const Handle<String> n = String::New(name.c_str());
1283 | named->Set(n, v);
1284 | }
1285 | }
1286 |
1287 | if (tok.size()>1)
1288 | ret->Set(String::New("data"), arr, ReadOnly);
1289 |
1290 | return ret;
1291 | }
1292 | catch (...)
1293 | {
1294 | return Exception::Error(String::New(("Format string conversion '"+evt->GetFormat()+"' failed.").c_str()));
1295 | }
1296 | }
1297 | /*
1298 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncGetData(const Arguments &args)
1299 | {
1300 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1301 |
1302 | const String::AsciiValue str(args.Holder()->Get(String::New("name")));
1303 |
1304 | const pair<uint64_t, EventImp *> p = JsGetEvent(*str);
1305 |
1306 | const EventImp *evt = p.second;
1307 | if (!evt)
1308 | return Undefined();
1309 |
1310 | //if (counter==cnt)
1311 | // return info.Holder();//Holder()->Get(String::New("data"));
1312 |
1313 | Handle<Value> ret = ConvertEvent(evt, p.first, *str);
1314 | return ret->IsNativeError() ? ThrowException(ret) : handle_scope.Close(ret);
1315 | }
1316 | */
1317 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncGetData(const Arguments &args)
1318 | {
1319 | if (args.Length()>2)
1320 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must not be greater than 2."));
1321 |
1322 | if (args.Length()>=1 && !args[0]->IsInt32() && !args[0]->IsNull())
1323 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 not an uint32."));
1324 |
1325 | if (args.Length()==2 && !args[1]->IsBoolean())
1326 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 2 not a boolean."));
1327 |
1328 | // Using a Javascript function has the advantage that it is fully
1329 | // interruptable without the need of C++ code
1330 | const bool null = args.Length()>=1 && args[0]->IsNull();
1331 | const int32_t timeout = args.Length()>=1 ? args[0]->Int32Value() : 0;
1332 | const bool named = args.Length()<2 || args[1]->BooleanValue();
1333 |
1334 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1335 |
1336 | const Handle<String> data = String::New("data");
1337 | const Handle<String> object = String::New("obj");
1338 |
1339 | const String::AsciiValue name(args.Holder()->Get(String::New("name")));
1340 |
1341 | TryCatch exception;
1342 |
1343 | Time t;
1344 | while (!exception.HasCaught())
1345 | {
1346 | const pair<uint64_t, EventImp *> p = JsGetEvent(*name);
1347 |
1348 | const EventImp *evt = p.second;
1349 | if (evt)
1350 | {
1351 | const Handle<Value> val = ConvertEvent(evt, p.first, *name);
1352 | if (val->IsNativeError())
1353 | return ThrowException(val);
1354 |
1355 | // Protect against the return of an exception
1356 | if (val->IsObject())
1357 | {
1358 | const Handle<Object> event = val->ToObject();
1359 | const Handle<Value> obj = event->Get(named?object:data);
1360 | if (!obj.IsEmpty())
1361 | {
1362 | if (!named)
1363 | {
1364 | // No names (no 'obj'), but 'data'
1365 | if (!obj->IsUndefined())
1366 | return handle_scope.Close(val);
1367 | }
1368 | else
1369 | {
1370 | // Has names and data was received?
1371 | if (obj->IsObject() && obj->ToObject()->GetOwnPropertyNames()->Length()>0)
1372 | return handle_scope.Close(val);
1373 | }
1374 | }
1375 | }
1376 | }
1377 |
1378 | if (args.Length()==0)
1379 | break;
1380 |
1381 | if (!null && Time()-t>=boost::posix_time::milliseconds(abs(timeout)))
1382 | break;
1383 |
1384 | // Theoretically, the CPU usage can be reduced by maybe a factor
1385 | // of four using a larger value, but this also means that the
1386 | // JavaScript is locked for a longer time.
1387 | const Unlocker unlock;
1388 | usleep(1000);
1389 | }
1390 |
1391 | // This hides the location of the exception, which is wanted.
1392 | if (exception.HasCaught())
1393 | return exception.ReThrow();
1394 |
1395 | if (timeout<0)
1396 | return Undefined();
1397 |
1398 | const string str = "Waiting for a valid event of "+string(*name)+" timed out.";
1399 | return ThrowException(String::New(str.c_str()));
1400 | }
1401 |
1402 |
1403 | // This is a callback from the RemoteControl piping event handling
1404 | // to the java script ---> in test phase!
1405 | void InterpreterV8::JsHandleEvent(const EventImp &evt, uint64_t cnt, const string &service)
1406 | {
1407 | const Locker locker;
1408 |
1409 | if (fThreadId<0)
1410 | return;
1411 |
1412 | const auto it = fReverseMap.find(service);
1413 | if (it==fReverseMap.end())
1414 | return;
1415 |
1416 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
1417 |
1418 | Handle<Object> obj = it->second;
1419 |
1420 | obj->CreationContext()->Enter();
1421 |
1422 | const Handle<String> onchange = String::New("onchange");
1423 | if (!obj->Has(onchange))
1424 | return;
1425 |
1426 | const Handle<Value> val = obj->Get(onchange);
1427 | if (!val->IsFunction())
1428 | return;
1429 |
1430 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1431 |
1432 | TryCatch exception;
1433 |
1434 | const int id = V8::GetCurrentThreadId();
1435 | fThreadIds.insert(id);
1436 |
1437 | Handle<Value> ret = ConvertEvent(&evt, cnt, service.c_str());
1438 | if (ret->IsObject())
1439 | Handle<Function>::Cast(val)->Call(obj, 1, &ret);
1440 |
1441 | fThreadIds.erase(id);
1442 |
1443 | if (!HandleException(exception, "Service.onchange"))
1444 | V8::TerminateExecution(fThreadId);
1445 |
1446 | if (ret->IsNativeError())
1447 | {
1448 | JsException(service+".onchange callback - "+*String::AsciiValue(ret));
1449 | V8::TerminateExecution(fThreadId);
1450 | }
1451 | }
1452 |
1453 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::OnChangeSet(Local<String> prop, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo &)
1454 | {
1455 | // Returns the value if the setter intercepts the request. Otherwise, returns an empty handle.
1456 | const string server = *String::AsciiValue(prop);
1457 | auto it = fStateCallbacks.find(server);
1458 |
1459 | if (it!=fStateCallbacks.end())
1460 | {
1461 | it->second.Dispose();
1462 | fStateCallbacks.erase(it);
1463 | }
1464 |
1465 | if (value->IsFunction())
1466 | fStateCallbacks[server] = Persistent<Object>::New(value->ToObject());
1467 |
1468 | return Handle<Value>();
1469 | }
1470 |
1471 |
1472 | void InterpreterV8::JsHandleState(const std::string &server, const State &state)
1473 | {
1474 | const Locker locker;
1475 |
1476 | if (fThreadId<0)
1477 | return;
1478 |
1479 | auto it = fStateCallbacks.find(server);
1480 | if (it==fStateCallbacks.end())
1481 | {
1482 | it = fStateCallbacks.find("*");
1483 | if (it==fStateCallbacks.end())
1484 | return;
1485 | }
1486 |
1487 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
1488 |
1489 | it->second->CreationContext()->Enter();
1490 |
1491 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1492 |
1493 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> obj = ObjectTemplate::New();
1494 | obj->Set(String::New("server"), String::New(server.c_str()), ReadOnly);
1495 |
1496 | if (state.index>-256)
1497 | {
1498 | obj->Set(String::New("index"), Integer::New(state.index), ReadOnly);
1499 | obj->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(state.name.c_str()), ReadOnly);
1500 | obj->Set(String::New("comment"), String::New(state.comment.c_str()), ReadOnly);
1501 | const Local<Value> date = Date::New(state.time.JavaDate());
1502 | if (!date.IsEmpty())
1503 | obj->Set(String::New("time"), date);
1504 | }
1505 |
1506 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1507 |
1508 | TryCatch exception;
1509 |
1510 | const int id = V8::GetCurrentThreadId();
1511 | fThreadIds.insert(id);
1512 |
1513 | Handle<Value> args[] = { obj->NewInstance() };
1514 | Handle<Function> fun = Handle<Function>(Function::Cast(*it->second));
1515 | fun->Call(fun, 1, args);
1516 |
1517 | fThreadIds.erase(id);
1518 |
1519 | if (!HandleException(exception, "dim.onchange"))
1520 | V8::TerminateExecution(fThreadId);
1521 | }
1522 |
1523 | /*
1524 | void Cleanup( Persistent<Value> object, void *parameter )
1525 | {
1526 | cout << "======================> RemoveMyObj()" << endl;
1527 | }*/
1528 |
1529 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncSubscription(const Arguments &args)
1530 | {
1531 | if (args.Length()!=1 && args.Length()!=2)
1532 | return ThrowException(String::New("Number of arguments must be one or two."));
1533 |
1534 | if (!args[0]->IsString())
1535 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 1 must be a string."));
1536 |
1537 | if (args.Length()==2 && !args[1]->IsFunction())
1538 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 2 must be a function."));
1539 |
1540 | const String::AsciiValue str(args[0]);
1541 |
1542 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
1543 | {
1544 | const auto it = fReverseMap.find(*str);
1545 | if (it!=fReverseMap.end())
1546 | return it->second;
1547 |
1548 | return Undefined();
1549 | }
1550 |
1551 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
1552 |
1553 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
1554 | self->Set(String::New("get"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapGetData)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly);
1555 | self->Set(String::New("close"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapClose)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly);
1556 | self->Set(String::New("name"), String::New(*str), ReadOnly);
1557 | self->Set(String::New("isOpen"), Boolean::New(true));
1558 |
1559 | if (args.Length()==2)
1560 | self->Set(String::New("onchange"), args[1]);
1561 |
1562 | fReverseMap[*str] = Persistent<Object>::New(self);
1563 |
1564 | void *ptr = JsSubscribe(*str);
1565 | if (ptr==0)
1566 | return ThrowException(String::New(("Subscription to '"+string(*str)+"' already exists.").c_str()));
1567 |
1568 | self->SetInternalField(0, External::New(ptr));
1569 |
1570 | return Undefined();
1571 |
1572 | // Persistent<Object> p = Persistent<Object>::New(obj->NewInstance());
1573 | // obj.MakeWeak((void*)1, Cleanup);
1574 | // return obj;
1575 | }
1576 |
1577 | // ==========================================================================
1578 | // Astrometry
1579 | // ==========================================================================
1580 | #ifdef HAVE_NOVA
1581 |
1582 | double InterpreterV8::GetDataMember(const Arguments &args, const char *name)
1583 | {
1584 | return args.This()->Get(String::New(name))->NumberValue();
1585 | }
1586 |
1587 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::CalcDist(const Arguments &args, const bool local)
1588 | {
1589 | if (args.Length()!=2)
1590 | return ThrowException(String::New("dist must not be called with two arguments."));
1591 |
1592 | if (!args[0]->IsObject() || !args[1]->IsObject())
1593 | return ThrowException(String::New("at least one argument not an object."));
1594 |
1595 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1596 |
1597 | Handle<Object> obj[2] =
1598 | {
1599 | Handle<Object>::Cast(args[0]),
1600 | Handle<Object>::Cast(args[1])
1601 | };
1602 |
1603 | const Handle<String> s_theta = String::New(local?"zd":"dec"); // was: zd
1604 | const Handle<String> s_phi = String::New(local?"az":"ra"); // was: az
1605 |
1606 | const double conv_t = M_PI/180;
1607 | const double conv_p = local ? -M_PI/180 : M_PI/12;
1608 | const double offset = local ? 0 : M_PI;
1609 |
1610 | const double theta0 = offset - obj[0]->Get(s_theta)->NumberValue() * conv_t;
1611 | const double phi0 = obj[0]->Get(s_phi )->NumberValue() * conv_p;
1612 | const double theta1 = offset - obj[1]->Get(s_theta)->NumberValue() * conv_t;
1613 | const double phi1 = obj[1]->Get(s_phi )->NumberValue() * conv_p;
1614 |
1615 | if (!finite(theta0) || !finite(theta1) || !finite(phi0) || !finite(phi1))
1616 | return ThrowException(String::New("some values not valid or not finite."));
1617 |
1618 | /*
1619 | const double x0 = sin(zd0) * cos(az0); // az0 -= az0
1620 | const double y0 = sin(zd0) * sin(az0); // az0 -= az0
1621 | const double z0 = cos(zd0);
1622 |
1623 | const double x1 = sin(zd1) * cos(az1); // az1 -= az0
1624 | const double y1 = sin(zd1) * sin(az1); // az1 -= az0
1625 | const double z1 = cos(zd1);
1626 |
1627 | const double res = acos(x0*x1 + y0*y1 + z0*z1) * 180/M_PI;
1628 | */
1629 |
1630 | // cos(az1-az0) = cos(az1)*cos(az0) + sin(az1)*sin(az0)
1631 |
1632 | const double x = sin(theta0) * sin(theta1) * cos(phi1-phi0);
1633 | const double y = cos(theta0) * cos(theta1);
1634 |
1635 | const double res = acos(x + y) * 180/M_PI;
1636 |
1637 | return handle_scope.Close(Number::New(res));
1638 | }
1639 |
1640 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::LocalDist(const Arguments &args)
1641 | {
1642 | return CalcDist(args, true);
1643 | }
1644 |
1645 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::SkyDist(const Arguments &args)
1646 | {
1647 | return CalcDist(args, false);
1648 | }
1649 |
1650 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::MoonDisk(const Arguments &args)
1651 | {
1652 | if (args.Length()>1)
1653 | return ThrowException(String::New("disk must not be called with more than one argument."));
1654 |
1655 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(args[0]->NumberValue());
1656 | const Time utc = args.Length()==0 ? Time() : Time(v/1000, v%1000);
1657 |
1658 | return Number::New(Nova::GetLunarDisk(utc.JD()));
1659 | }
1660 |
1661 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::LocalToSky(const Arguments &args)
1662 | {
1663 | if (args.Length()>1)
1664 | return ThrowException(String::New("toSky must not be called with more than one argument."));
1665 |
1666 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsDate())
1667 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a Date"));
1668 |
1669 | Nova::HrzPosn hrz;
1670 | hrz.alt = 90-GetDataMember(args, "zd");
1671 | hrz.az = GetDataMember(args, "az");
1672 |
1673 | if (!finite(hrz.alt) || !finite(hrz.az))
1674 | return ThrowException(String::New("zd and az must be finite."));
1675 |
1676 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1677 |
1678 | const Local<Value> date =
1679 | args.Length()==0 ? Date::New(Time().JavaDate()) : args[0];
1680 | if (date.IsEmpty())
1681 | return Undefined();
1682 |
1683 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(date->NumberValue());
1684 | const Time utc(v/1000, v%1000);
1685 |
1686 | const Nova::EquPosn equ = Nova::GetEquFromHrz(hrz, utc.JD());
1687 |
1688 | // -----------------------------
1689 |
1690 | Handle<Value> arg[] = { Number::New(equ.ra/15), Number::New(equ.dec), date };
1691 | return handle_scope.Close(fTemplateSky->GetFunction()->NewInstance(3, arg));
1692 | }
1693 |
1694 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::SkyToLocal(const Arguments &args)
1695 | {
1696 | if (args.Length()>1)
1697 | return ThrowException(String::New("toLocal must not be called with more than one argument."));
1698 |
1699 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsDate())
1700 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a Date"));
1701 |
1702 | Nova::EquPosn equ;
1703 | equ.ra = GetDataMember(args, "ra")*15;
1704 | equ.dec = GetDataMember(args, "dec");
1705 |
1706 | if (!finite(equ.ra) || !finite(equ.dec))
1707 | return ThrowException(String::New("Ra and dec must be finite."));
1708 |
1709 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1710 |
1711 | const Local<Value> date =
1712 | args.Length()==0 ? Date::New(Time().JavaDate()) : args[0];
1713 | if (date.IsEmpty())
1714 | return Undefined();
1715 |
1716 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(date->NumberValue());
1717 | const Time utc(v/1000, v%1000);
1718 |
1719 | const Nova::HrzPosn hrz = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(equ, utc.JD());
1720 |
1721 | Handle<Value> arg[] = { Number::New(90-hrz.alt), Number::New(hrz.az), date };
1722 | return handle_scope.Close(fTemplateLocal->GetFunction()->NewInstance(3, arg));
1723 | }
1724 |
1725 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::MoonToLocal(const Arguments &args)
1726 | {
1727 | if (args.Length()>0)
1728 | return ThrowException(String::New("toLocal must not be called with arguments."));
1729 |
1730 | Nova::EquPosn equ;
1731 | equ.ra = GetDataMember(args, "ra")*15;
1732 | equ.dec = GetDataMember(args, "dec");
1733 |
1734 | if (!finite(equ.ra) || !finite(equ.dec))
1735 | return ThrowException(String::New("ra and dec must be finite."));
1736 |
1737 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1738 |
1739 | const Local<Value> date = args.This()->Get(String::New("time"));
1740 | if (date.IsEmpty() || date->IsUndefined() )
1741 | return Undefined();
1742 |
1743 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(date->NumberValue());
1744 | const Time utc(v/1000, v%1000);
1745 |
1746 | const Nova::HrzPosn hrz = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(equ, utc.JD());
1747 |
1748 | Handle<Value> arg[] = { Number::New(90-hrz.alt), Number::New(hrz.az), date };
1749 | return handle_scope.Close(fTemplateLocal->GetFunction()->NewInstance(3, arg));
1750 | }
1751 |
1752 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ConstructorMoon(const Arguments &args)
1753 | {
1754 | if (args.Length()>1)
1755 | return ThrowException(String::New("Moon constructor must not be called with more than one argument."));
1756 |
1757 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsDate())
1758 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a Date"));
1759 |
1760 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1761 |
1762 | const Local<Value> date =
1763 | args.Length()==0 ? Date::New(Time().JavaDate()) : args[0];
1764 | if (date.IsEmpty())
1765 | return Undefined();
1766 |
1767 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(date->NumberValue());
1768 | const Time utc(v/1000, v%1000);
1769 |
1770 | const Nova::EquPosn equ = Nova::GetLunarEquCoords(utc.JD(), 0.01);
1771 |
1772 | // ----------------------------
1773 |
1774 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
1775 | return handle_scope.Close(Constructor(args));
1776 |
1777 | Handle<Function> function =
1778 | FunctionTemplate::New(MoonToLocal)->GetFunction();
1779 | if (function.IsEmpty())
1780 | return Undefined();
1781 |
1782 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
1783 | self->Set(String::New("ra"), Number::New(equ.ra/15), ReadOnly);
1784 | self->Set(String::New("dec"), Number::New(equ.dec), ReadOnly);
1785 | self->Set(String::New("toLocal"), function, ReadOnly);
1786 | self->Set(String::New("time"), date, ReadOnly);
1787 |
1788 | return handle_scope.Close(self);
1789 | }
1790 |
1791 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ConstructorSky(const Arguments &args)
1792 | {
1793 | if (args.Length()<2 || args.Length()>3)
1794 | return ThrowException(String::New("Sky constructor takes two or three arguments."));
1795 |
1796 | if (args.Length()==3 && !args[2]->IsDate())
1797 | return ThrowException(String::New("Third argument must be a Date."));
1798 |
1799 | const double ra = args[0]->NumberValue();
1800 | const double dec = args[1]->NumberValue();
1801 |
1802 | if (!finite(ra) || !finite(dec))
1803 | return ThrowException(String::New("Both arguments to Sky must be valid numbers."));
1804 |
1805 | // ----------------------------
1806 |
1807 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1808 |
1809 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
1810 | return handle_scope.Close(Constructor(args));
1811 |
1812 | Handle<Function> function =
1813 | FunctionTemplate::New(SkyToLocal)->GetFunction();
1814 | if (function.IsEmpty())
1815 | return Undefined();
1816 |
1817 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
1818 | self->Set(String::New("ra"), Number::New(ra), ReadOnly);
1819 | self->Set(String::New("dec"), Number::New(dec), ReadOnly);
1820 | self->Set(String::New("toLocal"), function, ReadOnly);
1821 | if (args.Length()==3)
1822 | self->Set(String::New("time"), args[2], ReadOnly);
1823 |
1824 | return handle_scope.Close(self);
1825 | }
1826 |
1827 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ConstructorLocal(const Arguments &args)
1828 | {
1829 | if (args.Length()<2 || args.Length()>3)
1830 | return ThrowException(String::New("Local constructor takes two or three arguments."));
1831 |
1832 | if (args.Length()==3 && !args[2]->IsDate())
1833 | return ThrowException(String::New("Third argument must be a Date."));
1834 |
1835 | const double zd = args[0]->NumberValue();
1836 | const double az = args[1]->NumberValue();
1837 |
1838 | if (!finite(zd) || !finite(az))
1839 | return ThrowException(String::New("Both arguments to Local must be valid numbers."));
1840 |
1841 | // --------------------
1842 |
1843 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1844 |
1845 | if (!args.IsConstructCall())
1846 | return handle_scope.Close(Constructor(args));
1847 |
1848 | Handle<Function> function =
1849 | FunctionTemplate::New(LocalToSky)->GetFunction();
1850 | if (function.IsEmpty())
1851 | return Undefined();
1852 |
1853 | Handle<Object> self = args.This();
1854 | self->Set(String::New("zd"), Number::New(zd), ReadOnly);
1855 | self->Set(String::New("az"), Number::New(az), ReadOnly);
1856 | self->Set(String::New("toSky"), function, ReadOnly);
1857 | if (args.Length()==3)
1858 | self->Set(String::New("time"), args[2], ReadOnly);
1859 |
1860 | return handle_scope.Close(self);
1861 | }
1862 |
1863 | Handle<Object> InterpreterV8::ConstructRiseSet(const Handle<Value> time, const Nova::RstTime &rst, const bool &rc)
1864 | {
1865 | Handle<Object> obj = Object::New();
1866 | obj->Set(String::New("time"), time, ReadOnly);
1867 |
1868 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(time->NumberValue());
1869 | const double jd = Time(v/1000, v%1000).JD();
1870 |
1871 | const bool isUp = rc>0 ||
1872 | (rst.rise<rst.set && (jd>rst.rise && jd<rst.set)) ||
1873 | (rst.rise>rst.set && (jd<rst.set || jd>rst.rise));
1874 |
1875 | obj->Set(String::New("isUp"), Boolean::New(rc>=0 && isUp), ReadOnly);
1876 |
1877 | if (rc!=0)
1878 | return obj;
1879 |
1880 | Handle<Value> rise = Date::New(Time(rst.rise).JavaDate());
1881 | Handle<Value> set = Date::New(Time(rst.set).JavaDate());
1882 | Handle<Value> trans = Date::New(Time(rst.transit).JavaDate());
1883 | if (rise.IsEmpty() || set.IsEmpty() || trans.IsEmpty())
1884 | return Handle<Object>();
1885 |
1886 | obj->Set(String::New("rise"), rise, ReadOnly);
1887 | obj->Set(String::New("set"), set, ReadOnly);
1888 | obj->Set(String::New("transit"), trans, ReadOnly);
1889 |
1890 | return obj;
1891 | }
1892 |
1893 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::SunHorizon(const Arguments &args)
1894 | {
1895 | if (args.Length()>2)
1896 | return ThrowException(String::New("Sun.horizon must not be called with one or two arguments."));
1897 |
1898 | if (args.Length()==2 && !args[1]->IsDate())
1899 | return ThrowException(String::New("Second argument must be a Date"));
1900 |
1901 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1902 |
1903 | double hrz = NAN;
1904 | if (args.Length()==0 || args[0]->IsNull())
1906 | if (args.Length()>0 && args[0]->IsNumber())
1907 | hrz = args[0]->NumberValue();
1908 | if (args.Length()>0 && args[0]->IsString())
1909 | {
1910 | string arg(Tools::Trim(*String::AsciiValue(args[0])));
1911 | transform(arg.begin(), arg.end(), arg.begin(), ::tolower);
1912 |
1913 | if (arg==string("horizon").substr(0, arg.length()))
1915 | if (arg==string("civil").substr(0, arg.length()))
1917 | if (arg==string("nautical").substr(0, arg.length()))
1919 | if (arg==string("fact").substr(0, arg.length()))
1920 | hrz = -15;
1921 | if (arg==string("astronomical").substr(0, arg.length()))
1923 | }
1924 |
1925 | if (!finite(hrz))
1926 | return ThrowException(String::New("Second argument did not yield a valid number."));
1927 |
1928 | const Local<Value> date =
1929 | args.Length()<2 ? Date::New(Time().JavaDate()) : args[1];
1930 | if (date.IsEmpty())
1931 | return Undefined();
1932 |
1933 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(date->NumberValue());
1934 | const Time utc(v/1000, v%1000);
1935 |
1936 | Nova::LnLatPosn obs = Nova::ORM();
1937 |
1938 | ln_rst_time sun;
1939 | const int rc = ln_get_solar_rst_horizon(utc.JD()-0.5, &obs, hrz, &sun);
1940 | Handle<Object> rst = ConstructRiseSet(date, sun, rc);
1941 | rst->Set(String::New("horizon"), Number::New(hrz));
1942 | return handle_scope.Close(rst);
1943 | };
1944 |
1945 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::MoonHorizon(const Arguments &args)
1946 | {
1947 | if (args.Length()>1)
1948 | return ThrowException(String::New("Moon.horizon must not be called with one argument."));
1949 |
1950 | if (args.Length()==1 && !args[0]->IsDate())
1951 | return ThrowException(String::New("Argument must be a Date"));
1952 |
1953 | HandleScope handle_scope;
1954 |
1955 | const Local<Value> date =
1956 | args.Length()==0 ? Date::New(Time().JavaDate()) : args[0];
1957 | if (date.IsEmpty())
1958 | return Undefined();
1959 |
1960 | const uint64_t v = uint64_t(date->NumberValue());
1961 | const Time utc(v/1000, v%1000);
1962 |
1963 | Nova::LnLatPosn obs = Nova::ORM();
1964 |
1965 | ln_rst_time moon;
1966 | const int rc = ln_get_lunar_rst(utc.JD()-0.5, &obs, &moon);
1967 | Handle<Object> rst = ConstructRiseSet(date, moon, rc);
1968 | return handle_scope.Close(rst);
1969 | };
1970 | #endif
1971 |
1972 | // ==========================================================================
1973 | // Process control
1974 | // ==========================================================================
1975 |
1976 | bool InterpreterV8::HandleException(TryCatch& try_catch, const char *where)
1977 | {
1978 | if (!try_catch.HasCaught() || !try_catch.CanContinue())
1979 | return true;
1980 |
1981 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
1982 |
1983 | Handle<Value> except = try_catch.Exception();
1984 | if (except.IsEmpty() || except->IsNull())
1985 | return true;
1986 |
1987 | const String::AsciiValue exception(except);
1988 |
1989 | const Handle<Message> message = try_catch.Message();
1990 | if (message.IsEmpty())
1991 | return false;
1992 |
1993 | ostringstream out;
1994 |
1995 | if (!message->GetScriptResourceName()->IsUndefined())
1996 | {
1997 | // Print (filename):(line number): (message).
1998 | const String::AsciiValue filename(message->GetScriptResourceName());
1999 | if (filename.length()>0)
2000 | {
2001 | out << *filename;
2002 | if (message->GetLineNumber()>0)
2003 | out << ": l." << message->GetLineNumber();
2004 | if (*exception)
2005 | out << ": ";
2006 | }
2007 | }
2008 |
2009 | if (*exception)
2010 | out << *exception;
2011 |
2012 | out << " [" << where << "]";
2013 |
2014 | JsException(out.str());
2015 |
2016 | // Print line of source code.
2017 | const String::AsciiValue sourceline(message->GetSourceLine());
2018 | if (*sourceline)
2019 | JsException(*sourceline);
2020 |
2021 | // Print wavy underline (GetUnderline is deprecated).
2022 | const int start = message->GetStartColumn();
2023 | const int end = message->GetEndColumn();
2024 |
2025 | out.str("");
2026 | if (start>0)
2027 | out << setfill(' ') << setw(start) << ' ';
2028 | out << setfill('^') << setw(end-start) << '^';
2029 |
2030 | JsException(out.str());
2031 |
2032 | const String::AsciiValue stack_trace(try_catch.StackTrace());
2033 | if (stack_trace.length()<=0)
2034 | return false;
2035 |
2036 | if (!*stack_trace)
2037 | return false;
2038 |
2039 | const string trace(*stack_trace);
2040 |
2041 | typedef boost::char_separator<char> separator;
2042 | const boost::tokenizer<separator> tokenizer(trace, separator("\n"));
2043 |
2044 | // maybe skip: " at internal:"
2045 | // maybe skip: " at unknown source:"
2046 |
2047 | auto it = tokenizer.begin();
2048 | JsException("");
2049 | while (it!=tokenizer.end())
2050 | JsException(*it++);
2051 |
2052 | return false;
2053 | }
2054 |
2055 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ExecuteInternal(const string &code)
2056 | {
2057 | // Try/catch and re-throw hides our internal code from
2058 | // the displayed exception showing the origin and shows
2059 | // the user function instead.
2060 | TryCatch exception;
2061 |
2062 | const Handle<Value> result = ExecuteCode(code);
2063 |
2064 | // This hides the location of the exception in the internal code,
2065 | // which is wanted.
2066 | if (exception.HasCaught())
2067 | exception.ReThrow();
2068 |
2069 | return result;
2070 | }
2071 |
2072 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::ExecuteCode(const string &code, const string &file)
2073 | {
2074 | HandleScope handle_scope;
2075 |
2076 | const Handle<String> source = String::New(code.c_str(), code.size());
2077 | const Handle<String> origin = String::New(file.c_str());
2078 | if (source.IsEmpty())
2079 | return Undefined();
2080 |
2081 | const Handle<Script> script = Script::Compile(source, origin);
2082 | if (script.IsEmpty())
2083 | return Undefined();
2084 |
2085 | //if (main && JsGetCurrentState().index!=3)
2086 | // JsSetState(3);
2087 |
2088 | const Handle<Value> rc = script->Run();
2089 | if (rc.IsEmpty())
2090 | return Undefined();
2091 |
2092 | // If all went well and the result wasn't undefined then print
2093 | // the returned value.
2094 | if (!rc->IsUndefined() && file!="internal")
2095 | JsResult(*String::AsciiValue(rc));
2096 |
2097 | return handle_scope.Close(rc);
2098 | }
2099 |
2100 | void InterpreterV8::ExecuteConsole()
2101 | {
2102 | JsSetState(3);
2103 |
2104 | WindowLog lout;
2105 | lout << "\n " << kUnderline << " JavaScript interpreter " << kReset << " (enter '.q' to quit)\n" << endl;
2106 |
2107 | Readline::StaticPushHistory("java.his");
2108 |
2109 | string command;
2110 | while (1)
2111 | {
2112 | // Create a local handle scope so that left-overs from single
2113 | // console inputs will not fill up the memory
2114 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
2115 |
2116 | // Unlocking is necessary for the preemption to work
2117 | const Unlocker global_unlock;
2118 |
2119 | const string buffer = Tools::Trim(Readline::StaticPrompt(command.empty() ? "JS> " : " \\> "));
2120 | if (buffer==".q")
2121 | break;
2122 |
2123 | // buffer empty, do nothing
2124 | if (buffer.empty())
2125 | continue;
2126 |
2127 | // Compose command
2128 | if (!command.empty())
2129 | command += ' ';
2130 | command += buffer;
2131 |
2132 | // If line ends with a backslash, allow addition of next line
2133 | auto back = command.rbegin();
2134 | if (*back=='\\')
2135 | {
2136 | *back = ' ';
2137 | command = Tools::Trim(command);
2138 | continue;
2139 | }
2140 |
2141 | // Locking is necessary to be able to execute java script code
2142 | const Locker lock;
2143 |
2144 | // Catch exceptions during code compilation
2145 | TryCatch exception;
2146 |
2147 | // Execute code which was entered
2148 | ExecuteCode(command, "console");
2149 | if (!HandleException(exception, "console"))
2150 | lout << endl;
2151 |
2152 | // Stop all other threads
2153 | for (auto it=fThreadIds.begin(); it!=fThreadIds.end(); it++)
2154 | V8::TerminateExecution(*it);
2155 |
2156 | // Allow the java scripts (threads) to run and hence to terminate
2157 | const Unlocker unlock;
2158 |
2159 | // Wait until all threads are terminated
2160 | while (fThreadIds.size()>0)
2161 | usleep(1000);
2162 |
2163 | // command has been executed, collect new command
2164 | command = "";
2165 | }
2166 |
2167 | lout << endl;
2168 |
2169 | Readline::StaticPopHistory("java.his");
2170 | }
2171 |
2172 | // ==========================================================================
2173 | // CORE
2174 | // ==========================================================================
2175 |
2176 | InterpreterV8::InterpreterV8() : fThreadId(-1)
2177 | {
2178 | const string ver(V8::GetVersion());
2179 |
2180 | typedef boost::char_separator<char> separator;
2181 | const boost::tokenizer<separator> tokenizer(ver, separator("."));
2182 |
2183 | const vector<string> tok(tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());
2184 |
2185 | const int major = tok.size()>0 ? stol(tok[0]) : -1;
2186 | const int minor = tok.size()>1 ? stol(tok[1]) : -1;
2187 | const int build = tok.size()>2 ? stol(tok[2]) : -1;
2188 |
2189 | if (major>3 || (major==3 && minor>9) || (major==3 && minor==9 && build>10))
2190 | {
2191 | const string argv = "--use_strict";
2192 | V8::SetFlagsFromString(argv.c_str(), argv.size());
2193 | }
2194 |
2195 | This = this;
2196 | }
2197 |
2198 | Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::Constructor(/*Handle<FunctionTemplate> T,*/ const Arguments &args)
2199 | {
2200 | Handle<Value> argv[args.Length()];
2201 |
2202 | for (int i=0; i<args.Length(); i++)
2203 | argv[i] = args[i];
2204 |
2205 | return args.Callee()->NewInstance(args.Length(), argv);
2206 | }
2207 |
2208 |
2209 | void InterpreterV8::AddFormatToGlobal()// const
2210 | {
2211 | const string code =
2212 | "String.form = function(str, arr)"
2213 | "{"
2214 | "var i = -1;"
2215 | "function callback(exp, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4/*, pos, str*/)"
2216 | "{"
2217 | "if (exp=='%%')"
2218 | "return '%';"
2219 | ""
2220 | "if (arr[++i]===undefined)"
2221 | "return undefined;"
2222 | ""
2223 | "var exp = p2 ? parseInt(p2.substr(1)) : undefined;"
2224 | "var base = p3 ? parseInt(p3.substr(1)) : undefined;"
2225 | ""
2226 | "var val;"
2227 | "switch (p4)"
2228 | "{"
2229 | "case 's': val = arr[i]; break;"
2230 | "case 'c': val = arr[i][0]; break;"
2231 | "case 'f': val = parseFloat(arr[i]).toFixed(exp); break;"
2232 | "case 'p': val = parseFloat(arr[i]).toPrecision(exp); break;"
2233 | "case 'e': val = parseFloat(arr[i]).toExponential(exp); break;"
2234 | "case 'x': val = parseInt(arr[i]).toString(base?base:16); break;"
2235 | "case 'd': val = parseFloat(parseInt(arr[i], base?base:10).toPrecision(exp)).toFixed(0); break;"
2236 | //"default:\n"
2237 | //" throw new SyntaxError('Conversion specifier '+p4+' unknown.');\n"
2238 | "}"
2239 | ""
2240 | "val = typeof(val)=='object' ? JSON.stringify(val) : val.toString(base);"
2241 | ""
2242 | "var sz = parseInt(p1); /* padding size */"
2243 | "var ch = p1 && p1[0]=='0' ? '0' : ' '; /* isnull? */"
2244 | "while (val.length<sz)"
2245 | "val = p0 !== undefined ? val+ch : ch+val; /* isminus? */"
2246 | ""
2247 | "return val;"
2248 | "}"
2249 | ""
2250 | "var regex = /%(-)?(0?[0-9]+)?([.][0-9]+)?([#][0-9]+)?([scfpexd])/g;"
2251 | "return str.replace(regex, callback);"
2252 | "}"
2253 | "\n"
2254 | "String.prototype.$ = function()"
2255 | "{"
2256 | "return String.form(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));"
2257 | "}"
2258 | "\n"
2259 | "String.prototype.count = function(c,i)"
2260 | "{"
2261 | "return (this.match(new RegExp(c,i?'gi':'g'))||[]).length;"
2262 | "}"/*
2263 | "\n"
2264 | "var format = function()"
2265 | "{"
2266 | "return dim.format(arguments[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));"
2267 | "}"*/;
2268 |
2269 | // ExcuteInternal does not work properly here...
2270 | // If suring compilation an exception is thrown, it will not work
2271 | Handle<Script> script = Script::New(String::New(code.c_str()), String::New("internal"));
2272 | if (!script.IsEmpty())
2273 | script->Run();
2274 | }
2275 |
2276 | void InterpreterV8::JsLoad(const std::string &)
2277 | {
2278 | Readline::SetScriptDepth(1);
2279 | }
2280 |
2281 | void InterpreterV8::JsEnd(const std::string &)
2282 | {
2283 | Readline::SetScriptDepth(0);
2284 | }
2285 |
2286 | bool InterpreterV8::JsRun(const string &filename, const map<string, string> &map)
2287 | {
2288 | const Locker locker;
2289 | fThreadId = V8::GetCurrentThreadId();
2290 |
2291 | JsPrint(string("JavaScript Engine V8 ")+V8::GetVersion());
2292 |
2293 | JsLoad(filename);
2294 |
2295 | const HandleScope handle_scope;
2296 |
2297 | // Create a template for the global object.
2298 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> dim = ObjectTemplate::New();
2299 | dim->Set(String::New("log"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapLog), ReadOnly);
2300 | dim->Set(String::New("alarm"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapAlarm), ReadOnly);
2301 | dim->Set(String::New("wait"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapWait), ReadOnly);
2302 | dim->Set(String::New("send"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSend), ReadOnly);
2303 | dim->Set(String::New("state"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapState), ReadOnly);
2304 | dim->Set(String::New("version"), Integer::New(DIM_VERSION_NUMBER), ReadOnly);
2305 | dim->Set(String::New("getStates"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapGetStates), ReadOnly);
2306 | dim->Set(String::New("getDescription"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapGetDescription), ReadOnly);
2307 | dim->Set(String::New("getServices"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapGetServices), ReadOnly);
2308 |
2309 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> dimctrl = ObjectTemplate::New();
2310 | dimctrl->Set(String::New("defineState"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapNewState), ReadOnly);
2311 | dimctrl->Set(String::New("setState"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSetState), ReadOnly);
2312 | dimctrl->Set(String::New("getState"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapGetState), ReadOnly);
2313 |
2314 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> v8 = ObjectTemplate::New();
2315 | v8->Set(String::New("sleep"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSleep), ReadOnly);
2316 | v8->Set(String::New("timeout"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapTimeout), ReadOnly);
2317 | v8->Set(String::New("version"), String::New(V8::GetVersion()), ReadOnly);
2318 |
2319 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> console = ObjectTemplate::New();
2320 | console->Set(String::New("out"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapOut), ReadOnly);
2321 |
2322 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> onchange = ObjectTemplate::New();
2323 | onchange->SetNamedPropertyHandler(OnChangeGet, WrapOnChangeSet);
2324 | dim->Set(String::New("onchange"), onchange);
2325 |
2326 | Handle<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New();
2327 | global->Set(String::New("v8"), v8, ReadOnly);
2328 | global->Set(String::New("dim"), dim, ReadOnly);
2329 | global->Set(String::New("dimctrl"), dimctrl, ReadOnly);
2330 | global->Set(String::New("console"), console, ReadOnly);
2331 | global->Set(String::New("include"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapInclude), ReadOnly);
2332 | global->Set(String::New("exit"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapExit), ReadOnly);
2333 |
2334 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> sub = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSubscription);
2335 | sub->SetClassName(String::New("Subscription"));
2336 | sub->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1);
2337 | global->Set(String::New("Subscription"), sub, ReadOnly);
2338 |
2339 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
2340 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> db = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapDatabase);
2341 | db->SetClassName(String::New("Database"));
2342 | db->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1);
2343 | global->Set(String::New("Database"), db, ReadOnly);
2344 | #endif
2345 |
2346 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> thread = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapThread);
2347 | thread->SetClassName(String::New("Thread"));
2348 | global->Set(String::New("Thread"), thread, ReadOnly);
2349 |
2350 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> file = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapFile);
2351 | file->SetClassName(String::New("File"));
2352 | global->Set(String::New("File"), file, ReadOnly);
2353 |
2354 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> evt = FunctionTemplate::New();
2355 | evt->SetClassName(String::New("Event"));
2356 | global->Set(String::New("Event"), evt, ReadOnly);
2357 |
2358 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> desc = FunctionTemplate::New();
2359 | desc->SetClassName(String::New("Description"));
2360 | global->Set(String::New("Description"), desc, ReadOnly);
2361 |
2362 | fTemplateEvent = evt;
2363 | fTemplateDescription = desc;
2364 |
2365 | #ifdef HAVE_MAILX
2366 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> mail = FunctionTemplate::New(ConstructorMail);
2367 | mail->SetClassName(String::New("Mail"));
2368 | global->Set(String::New("Mail"), mail, ReadOnly);
2369 | #endif
2370 |
2371 | #ifdef HAVE_NOVA
2372 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> sky = FunctionTemplate::New(ConstructorSky);
2373 | sky->SetClassName(String::New("Sky"));
2374 | sky->Set(String::New("dist"), FunctionTemplate::New(SkyDist), ReadOnly);
2375 | global->Set(String::New("Sky"), sky, ReadOnly);
2376 |
2377 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> loc = FunctionTemplate::New(ConstructorLocal);
2378 | loc->SetClassName(String::New("Local"));
2379 | loc->Set(String::New("dist"), FunctionTemplate::New(LocalDist), ReadOnly);
2380 | global->Set(String::New("Local"), loc, ReadOnly);
2381 |
2382 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> moon = FunctionTemplate::New(ConstructorMoon);
2383 | moon->SetClassName(String::New("Moon"));
2384 | moon->Set(String::New("disk"), FunctionTemplate::New(MoonDisk), ReadOnly);
2385 | moon->Set(String::New("horizon"), FunctionTemplate::New(MoonHorizon), ReadOnly);
2386 | global->Set(String::New("Moon"), moon, ReadOnly);
2387 |
2388 | Handle<FunctionTemplate> sun = FunctionTemplate::New();
2389 | sun->SetClassName(String::New("Sun"));
2390 | sun->Set(String::New("horizon"), FunctionTemplate::New(SunHorizon), ReadOnly);
2391 | global->Set(String::New("Sun"), sun, ReadOnly);
2392 |
2393 | fTemplateLocal = loc;
2394 | fTemplateSky = sky;
2395 | #endif
2396 |
2397 | // Persistent
2398 | Persistent<Context> context = Context::New(NULL, global);
2399 | if (context.IsEmpty())
2400 | {
2401 | JsException("Creation of global context failed...");
2402 | JsEnd(filename);
2403 | return false;
2404 | }
2405 |
2406 | // Switch off eval(). It is not possible to track it's exceptions.
2407 | context->AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings(false);
2408 |
2409 | Context::Scope scope(context);
2410 |
2411 | Handle<Array> args = Array::New(map.size());
2412 | for (auto it=map.begin(); it!=map.end(); it++)
2413 | args->Set(String::New(it->first.c_str()), String::New(it->second.c_str()));
2414 | context->Global()->Set(String::New("$"), args, ReadOnly);
2415 | context->Global()->Set(String::New("arg"), args, ReadOnly);
2416 |
2417 | //V8::ResumeProfiler();
2418 |
2419 | TryCatch exception;
2420 |
2421 | AddFormatToGlobal();
2422 |
2423 | if (!exception.HasCaught())
2424 | {
2425 | JsStart(filename);
2426 |
2427 | Locker::StartPreemption(10);
2428 |
2429 | if (filename.empty())
2430 | ExecuteConsole();
2431 | else
2432 | {
2433 | // We call script->Run because it is the only way to
2434 | // catch exceptions.
2435 | const Handle<String> source = String::New(("include('"+filename+"');").c_str());
2436 | const Handle<String> origin = String::New("main");
2437 | const Handle<Script> script = Script::Compile(source, origin);
2438 | if (!script.IsEmpty())
2439 | {
2440 | JsSetState(3);
2441 | script->Run();
2442 | }
2443 | }
2444 |
2445 | Locker::StopPreemption();
2446 |
2447 | // Stop all other threads
2448 | for (auto it=fThreadIds.begin(); it!=fThreadIds.end(); it++)
2449 | V8::TerminateExecution(*it);
2450 | fThreadIds.clear();
2451 | }
2452 |
2453 | // Handle an exception
2454 | /*const bool rc =*/ HandleException(exception, "main");
2455 |
2456 | // IsProfilerPaused()
2457 | // V8::PauseProfiler();
2458 |
2459 | // -----
2460 | // This is how an exit handler could look like, but there is no way to interrupt it
2461 | // -----
2462 | // Handle<Object> obj = Handle<Object>::Cast(context->Global()->Get(String::New("dim")));
2463 | // if (!obj.IsEmpty())
2464 | // {
2465 | // Handle<Value> onexit = obj->Get(String::New("onexit"));
2466 | // if (!onexit->IsUndefined())
2467 | // Handle<Function>::Cast(onexit)->NewInstance(0, NULL); // argc, argv
2468 | // // Handle<Object> result = Handle<Function>::Cast(onexit)->NewInstance(0, NULL); // argc, argv
2469 | // }
2470 |
2471 | //context->Exit();
2472 |
2473 | // The threads are started already and wait to get the lock
2474 | // So we have to unlock (manual preemtion) so that they get
2475 | // the signal to terminate.
2476 | {
2477 | const Unlocker unlock;
2478 |
2479 | for (auto it=fThreads.begin(); it!=fThreads.end(); it++)
2480 | it->join();
2481 | fThreads.clear();
2482 | }
2483 |
2484 | // Now we can dispose all persistent handles from state callbacks
2485 | for (auto it=fStateCallbacks.begin(); it!=fStateCallbacks.end(); it++)
2486 | it->second.Dispose();
2487 | fStateCallbacks.clear();
2488 |
2489 | // Now we can dispose all persistent handles from reverse maps
2490 | for (auto it=fReverseMap.begin(); it!=fReverseMap.end(); it++)
2491 | it->second.Dispose();
2492 | fReverseMap.clear();
2493 |
2494 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
2495 | // ...and close all database handles
2496 | for (auto it=fDatabases.begin(); it!=fDatabases.end(); it++)
2497 | delete *it;
2498 | fDatabases.clear();
2499 | #endif
2500 |
2501 | fStates.clear();
2502 |
2503 | context.Dispose();
2504 |
2505 | JsEnd(filename);
2506 |
2507 | return true;
2508 | }
2509 |
2510 | void InterpreterV8::JsStop()
2511 | {
2512 | Locker locker;
2513 | V8::TerminateExecution(This->fThreadId);
2514 | }
2515 |
2516 | #endif
2517 |
2518 | InterpreterV8 *InterpreterV8::This = 0;