1 | #ifndef FACT_Main
2 | #define FACT_Main
3 |
4 | #include <map>
5 | #include <thread>
6 | #include <functional>
7 |
8 | #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
9 |
10 | #include "dim.h"
11 |
12 | #include "Dim.h"
13 | #include "Time.h"
14 | #include "MainImp.h"
15 | #include "Readline.h"
16 | #include "WindowLog.h"
17 | #include "MessageImp.h"
18 | #include "Configuration.h"
19 |
20 | namespace Main
21 | {
22 | using namespace std;
23 |
24 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
25 | {
26 | const string n = conf.GetName()+".log";
27 |
28 | po::options_description config("Program options");
29 | config.add_options()
30 | ("dns", var<string>("localhost"), "Dim nameserver (overwites DIM_DNS_NODE environment variable)")
31 | ("host", var<string>(), "Address with which the Dim nameserver can connect to this host (overwites DIM_HOST_NODE environment variable)")
32 | ("log,l", var<string>(n), "Name of local log-file")
33 | ("append-log", po_bool(), "Append log information to local log-file")
34 | ("null", po_switch(), "Suppresses almost all console output - including errors (only available without --console option)")
35 | ("console,c", var<int>(), "Use console (0=shell, 1=simple buffered, X=simple unbuffered)")
36 | ("cmd", vars<string>(), "Execute one or more commands at startup")
37 | ("exec,e", vars<string>(), "Execute one or more scrips at startup ('file:N' - start at label N)")
38 | ("arg:*", var<string>(), "Arguments for script execution with --exc, e.g. --arg:ra='12.5436'")
39 | ("quit", po_switch(), "Quit after startup");
40 | ;
41 |
42 | conf.AddEnv("dns", "DIM_DNS_NODE");
43 | conf.AddEnv("host", "DIM_HOST_NODE");
44 |
45 | conf.AddOptions(config);
46 | }
47 |
48 | void PrintUsage()
49 | {
50 | cout <<
51 | "Files:\n"
52 | "The following files are written by each program by default\n"
53 | " program.evt: A log of all executed of skipped events\n"
54 | " program.his: The history accessible by Pg-up/dn\n"
55 | " program.log: All output piped to the log-stream\n"
56 | << endl;
57 | }
58 |
59 | template<class T>
60 | void PrintHelp()
61 | {
62 | Dim::Setup();
63 |
64 | ofstream fout("/dev/null");
65 |
66 | T io_service(fout);
67 |
68 | io_service.PrintListOfStates(cout);
69 | cout << "\nList of available commands:\n";
70 | io_service.PrintListOfEvents(cout);
71 | cout << "\n";
72 | }
73 |
74 | void Thread(MainImp *io_service, bool dummy, int &rc)
75 | {
76 | // This is necessary so that the StateMachien Thread can signal the
77 | // Readline to exit
78 | rc = io_service->Run(dummy);
79 | Readline::Stop();
80 | }
81 |
82 | template<class T, class S>
83 | int execute(Configuration &conf, bool dummy=false)
84 | {
85 | Dim::Setup(conf.Get<string>("dns"), conf.Has("host")?conf.Get<string>("host"):"");
86 |
87 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
88 |
89 | static T shell(conf.GetName().c_str(),
90 | conf.Has("console") ? conf.Get<int>("console")!=1 : conf.Get<bool>("null"));
91 |
92 | WindowLog &win = shell.GetStreamIn();
93 | WindowLog &wout = shell.GetStreamOut();
94 |
95 | // Switching off buffering is not strictly necessary, since
96 | // the destructor of shell should flush everything still buffered,
97 | // nevertheless it helps to debug problems in the initialization
98 | // sequence.
99 | const bool backlog = wout.GetBacklog();
100 | const bool null = wout.GetNullOutput();
101 | if (conf.Has("console") || !conf.Get<bool>("null"))
102 | {
103 | wout.SetBacklog(false);
104 | wout.SetNullOutput(false);
105 | wout.Display(true);
106 | }
107 |
108 | if (conf.Has("log"))
109 | if (!wout.OpenLogFile(conf.Get<string>("log"), conf.Get<bool>("append-log")))
110 | win << kRed << "ERROR - Couldn't open log-file " << conf.Get<string>("log") << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
111 |
112 | S io_service(wout);
113 |
114 | const boost::filesystem::path path(conf.GetName());
115 |
116 | const string pname = path.parent_path().string();
117 | #if BOOST_VERSION < 104600
118 | const string fname = path.filename();
119 | #else
120 | const string fname = path.filename().string();
121 | #endif
122 | const Time now;
123 | io_service.Write(now, "/----------------------- Program ------------------------");
124 | io_service.Write(now, "| Program: "PACKAGE_STRING" ("+fname+":"+to_string(getpid())+")");
125 | io_service.Write(now, "| CallPath: "+pname);
126 | io_service.Write(now, "| Compiled: "__DATE__" "__TIME__);
127 | io_service.Write(now, "| Revision: "REVISION);
128 | io_service.Write(now, "| DIM: v"+to_string(DIM_VERSION_NUMBER/100)+"r"+to_string(DIM_VERSION_NUMBER%100));
129 | io_service.Write(now, "| Contact: "PACKAGE_BUGREPORT);
130 | io_service.Write(now, "| URL: "PACKAGE_URL);
131 | io_service.Write(now, "| Start: "+now.GetAsStr("%c"));
132 | io_service.Write(now, "\\----------------------- Options ------------------------");
133 | const multimap<string,string> mmap = conf.GetOptions();
134 | for (auto it=mmap.begin(); it!=mmap.end(); it++)
135 | io_service.Write(now, ": "+it->first+(it->second.empty()?"":" = ")+it->second);
136 |
137 | const map<string,string> &args = conf.GetOptions<string>("arg:");
138 | if (args.size()>0)
139 | {
140 | io_service.Write(now, "------------------------ Arguments ----------------------", MessageImp::kMessage);
141 |
142 | for (auto it=args.begin(); it!=args.end(); it++)
143 | {
144 | ostringstream str;
145 | str.setf(ios_base::left);
146 | str << ": " << it->first << " = " << it->second;
147 | io_service.Write(now, str.str(), MessageImp::kMessage);
148 | }
149 | }
150 |
151 | io_service.Write(now, "\\------------------- Evaluating options -----------------");
152 | const int rc = io_service.EvalOptions(conf);
153 | if (rc>=0)
154 | {
155 | ostringstream str;
156 | str << "Exit triggered by EvalOptions with rc=" << rc;
157 | io_service.Write(now, str.str(), rc==0?MessageImp::kInfo:MessageImp::kError);
158 | return rc;
159 | }
160 |
161 | const map<string,string> &wco = conf.GetWildcardOptions();
162 | if (wco.size()>0)
163 | {
164 | io_service.Write(now, "------------- Unrecognized wildcard options -------------", MessageImp::kWarn);
165 |
166 | size_t max = 0;
167 | for (auto it=wco.begin(); it!=wco.end(); it++)
168 | if (it->second.length()>max)
169 | max = it->second.length();
170 |
171 | for (auto it=wco.begin(); it!=wco.end(); it++)
172 | {
173 | ostringstream str;
174 | str.setf(ios_base::left);
175 | str << setw(max+1) << it->second << " : " << it->first;
176 | io_service.Write(now, str.str(), MessageImp::kWarn);
177 | }
178 | io_service.Write(now, "Unrecognized options found, will exit with rc=127", MessageImp::kError);
179 | return 127;
180 | }
181 |
182 | io_service.Message("==================== Starting main loop =================");
183 |
184 | if (conf.Has("console") || !conf.Get<bool>("null"))
185 | {
186 | wout.SetNullOutput(null);
187 | wout.SetBacklog(backlog);
188 | }
189 |
190 | shell.SetReceiver(io_service);
191 |
192 | // boost::thread t(boost::bind(&AutoScheduler<S>::Run, &io_service));
193 | int ret = 0;
194 | thread t(bind(Main::Thread, &io_service, dummy, ref(ret)));
195 |
196 | // Wait until state machine is ready (The only case I can imagine
197 | // in which the state will never chane is when DIM triggers
198 | // an exit before the state machine has been started at all.
199 | // Hopefully checking the readline (see Threed) should fix
200 | // that -- difficult to test.)
201 | while (io_service.GetCurrentState()<StateMachineImp::kSM_Ready && !shell.IsStopped())
202 | usleep(1);
203 |
204 | // Execute command line commands
205 | const vector<string> v1 = conf.Vec<string>("cmd");
206 | for (vector<string>::const_iterator it=v1.begin(); it!=v1.end(); it++)
207 | shell.ProcessLine(*it);
208 |
209 | const vector<string> v2 = conf.Vec<string>("exec");
210 | for (vector<string>::const_iterator it=v2.begin(); it!=v2.end(); it++)
211 | shell.Execute(*it, args);
212 |
213 | // Run the shell if no immediate exit was requested
214 | if (!conf.Get<bool>("quit"))
215 | shell.Run();
216 |
217 | io_service.Stop(); // Signal Loop-thread to stop
218 | // io_service.Close(); // Obsolete, done by the destructor
219 | // wout << "join: " << t.timed_join(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(0)) << endl;
220 |
221 | // Wait until the StateMachine has finished its thread
222 | // before returning and destroying the dim objects which might
223 | // still be in use.
224 | t.join();
225 |
226 | return ret;
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | #endif