// ************************************************************************** /** @namespace ReadlineColor @brief A fewer helper functions to apply color attributes and redirect the output */ // ************************************************************************** #include "ReadlineColor.h" #include #include #include "Time.h" #include "Readline.h" #include "WindowLog.h" using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! @returns //! always true // bool ReadlineColor::PrintBootMsg(ostream &out, const string &name, bool interactive) { #if BOOST_VERSION < 104600 const string n = boost::filesystem::path(name).stem(); #else const string n = boost::filesystem::path(name).stem().string(); #endif out << kBlue << kBold << kUnderline << "\n Master Control Program (compiled "__DATE__" " __TIME__ << ") " << endl; out << kBlue << "\n" " ENCOM MX 16-923 USER # 0" << int(Time().Mjd()) << Time::fmt(" %H:%M:%S") << Time() << Time::reset << " INFORMATION\n" "\n" " TELESCOPE CONTROL PROGRAM: " << n << "\n" " ANNEXED BY FACT COLLABORATION\n" " ORIGINAL PROGRAM WRITTEN BY T.BRETZ\n" " THIS INFORMATION " << kUnderline << "PRIORITY ONE" << endl; out << kBlue << " END OF LINE\n" << endl; if (!interactive) return true; out << "Enter 'h' for help." << endl; out << endl; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! @returns //! always true // bool ReadlineColor::PrintCommands(ostream &out) { out << endl; out << " " << kUnderline << " Commands:" << endl; out << " No application specific commands defined." << endl; out << endl; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Displays the available ncurses attributes, like color. //! //! @returns //! always true // bool ReadlineColor::PrintAttributes(ostream &out) { out << endl; out << " Attributes:" << endl; out << " " << kReset << "kReset" << endl; out << " " << kNormal << "kNormal" << endl; out << " " << kHighlight << "kHighlight" << endl; out << " " << kReverse << "kReverse" << endl; out << " " << kUnderline << "kUnderline" << endl; out << " " << kBlink << "kBlink" << endl; out << " " << kDim << "kDim" << endl; out << " " << kBold << "kBold" << endl; out << " " << kProtect << "kProtect" << endl; out << " " << kInvisible << "kInvisible" << endl; out << " " << kAltCharset << "kAltCharset" << kReset << " (kAltCharset)" << endl; out << endl; out << " Colors:" << endl; out << " " << kDefault << "kDefault " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kRed << "kRed " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kGreen << "kGreen " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kYellow << "kYellow " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kBlue << "kBlue " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kMagenta << "kMagenta " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kCyan << "kCyan " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << kWhite << "kWhite " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl; out << " " << endl; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Displays the keybindings available due to the Shell class //! //! @returns //! always true //! //! @todo //! Update output // bool ReadlineColor::PrintKeyBindings(ostream &out) { out << endl; out << " " << kUnderline << "Key bindings:" << endl << endl;; out << " Default key-bindings are identical with your bash." << endl; out << endl; out << kBold << " Page-up " << kReset << "Search backward in history" << endl; out << kBold << " Page-dn " << kReset << "Search forward in history" << endl; out << kBold << " Ctrl-left " << kReset << "One word backward" << endl; out << kBold << " Ctrl-right " << kReset << "One word forward" << endl; out << kBold << " Home " << kReset << "Beginning of line" << endl; out << kBold << " End " << kReset << "End of line" << endl; out << kBold << " Ctrl-d " << kReset << "Quit" << endl; out << kBold << " Ctrl-y " << kReset << "Delete line" << endl; out << kBold << " Alt-end/Ctrl-k " << kReset << "Delete until the end of the line" << endl; out << endl; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Print a general help text which also includes the commands pre-defined //! by the Shell class. //! //! @returns //! always true //! //! @todo //! Get it up-to-date // bool ReadlineColor::PrintGeneralHelp(ostream &out, const string &name) { out << endl; out << " " << kUnderline << "General help:" << endl << endl; out << " The command history is automatically loaded and saves to" << endl; out << " and from " << name << endl; out << endl; out << kBold << " h,help " << kReset << "Print this help message\n"; out << kBold << " clear " << kReset << "Clear history buffer\n"; out << kBold << " lh,history " << kReset << "Dump the history buffer to the screen\n"; out << kBold << " v,variable " << kReset << "Dump readline variables\n"; out << kBold << " f,function " << kReset << "Dump readline functions\n"; out << kBold << " m,funmap " << kReset << "Dump readline funmap\n"; out << kBold << " c,command " << kReset << "Dump available commands\n"; out << kBold << " k,keylist " << kReset << "Dump key bindings\n"; out << kBold << " a,attrs " << kReset << "Dump available stream attributes\n"; out << kBold << " .! command " << kReset << "Execute a shell command\n"; out << kBold << " .w n " << kReset << "Sleep n milliseconds\n"; out << kBold << " .x filename " << kReset << "Execute a script of commands (+optional arguments)\n"; out << kBold << " .x file:N " << kReset << "Execute a script of commands, start at label N\n"; out << kBold << " .j N " << kReset << "Forward jump to label N\n"; out << kBold << " .lt f0 f1 N " << kReset << "If float f0 lower than float f1, jump to label N\n"; out << kBold << " .gt f0 f1 N " << kReset << "If float f0 greater than float f1, jump to label N\n"; out << kBold << " .eq i0 i1 N " << kReset << "If int i0 equal int i1, jump to label N\n"; out << kBold << " : N " << kReset << "Defines a label (N=number)\n"; out << kBold << " # comment " << kReset << "Ignored\n"; out << kBold << " .q,quit " << kReset << "Quit" << endl; out << endl; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Execute a shell command through a pipe. Write stdout to rl_outstream //! //! @param cmd //! Command to be executed //! //! @returns //! always true // bool ReadlineColor::ExecuteShellCommand(ostream &out, const string &cmd) { FILE *pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"); if (!pipe) { out << kRed << "ERROR - Could not create pipe '" << cmd << "': " << strerror(errno) << " [" << errno << "]" << endl; return true; } while (1) { char buf[1024]; const size_t sz = fread(buf, 1, 1024, pipe); out.write(buf, sz); if (feof(pipe) || ferror(pipe)) break; } out << endl; if (ferror(pipe)) out << kRed << "ERROR - Reading from pipe '" << cmd << "': " << strerror(errno) << " [" << errno << "]" << endl; pclose(pipe); return true; } bool ReadlineColor::Process(ostream &out, const string &str) { // ----------- Readline ----------- if (str.substr(0, 2)==".!") return ExecuteShellCommand(out, str.substr(2)); if (str=="lh" || str=="history") { out << endl << kBold << "History:" << endl; return Readline::RedirectionWrapper(out, Readline::DumpHistory); } if (str=="v" || str=="variable") { out << endl << kBold << "Variables:" << endl; return Readline::RedirectionWrapper(out, Readline::DumpVariables); } if (str=="f" || str=="function") { out << endl << kBold << "Functions:" << endl; return Readline::RedirectionWrapper(out, Readline::DumpFunctions); } if (str=="m" || str=="funmap") { out << endl << kBold << "Funmap:" << endl; return Readline::RedirectionWrapper(out, Readline::DumpFunmap); } // ------------ ReadlineWindow ------------- if (str=="a" || str=="attrs") return PrintAttributes(out); return false; }