1 | #include "RemoteControl.h"
2 |
3 | StateClient::StateClient(const std::string &name, MessageImp &imp) :
4 | MessageDimRX(name, imp), fState(-2),
5 | fInfoState((name + "/STATE").c_str(), const_cast<char*>(""), this)
6 | {
7 | }
8 |
9 | void StateClient::infoHandler()
10 | {
11 | DimInfo *curr = getInfo(); // get current DimInfo address
12 | if (!curr)
13 | return;
14 |
15 | if (curr==&fInfoState)
16 | {
17 | const char *txt = fInfoState.getString();
18 |
19 | fState = strlen(txt)==0 ? -2 : fInfoState.getQuality();
20 | fStateTime = Time(fInfoState.getTimestamp(),
21 | fInfoState.getTimestampMillisecs());
22 | fStateMsg = txt;
23 |
24 | if (fState!=-2)
25 | {
26 | stringstream msg;
27 | msg << fInfoState.getName() << ": Changed state to " << fState << " '" << txt << "' received.";
28 | fMsg.Write(fStateTime, msg.str().c_str(), MessageImp::kInfo);
29 | }
30 | return;
31 | }
32 |
33 | MessageDimRX::infoHandler();
34 | }
35 |
36 | // ==========================================================================
37 |
38 | void RemoteControlImp::infoHandler()
39 | {
40 | const vector<string> list = fServiceList.GetServerList();
41 |
42 | // Remover StateClients which are not available anymore
43 | for (ClientList::iterator l=fClientList.begin(); l!=fClientList.end(); l++)
44 | {
45 | const string &server = l->first;
46 |
47 | // HasServer doesn't work here, I don't understand why.
48 | if (find(list.begin(), list.end(), server)!=list.end())
49 | continue;
50 |
51 | delete l->second;
52 | fClientList.erase(l);
53 | }
54 |
55 |
56 | // Add StateClients which are new
57 | for (vector<string>::const_iterator l=list.begin(); l!=list.end(); l++)
58 | {
59 | if (*l=="DIS_DNS")
60 | continue;
61 |
62 | const ClientList::const_iterator p = fClientList.find(*l);
63 | if (p!=fClientList.end())
64 | continue;
65 |
66 | fClientList[*l] = new StateClient(*l, *this);
67 | }
68 | }
69 |
70 | bool RemoteControlImp::ProcessCommand(const std::string &str)
71 | {
72 | if (fCurrentServer.empty())
73 | {
74 | if(fServiceList.HasServer(str))
75 | {
76 | fCurrentServer = str;
77 | return true;
78 | }
79 | lout << kRed << "Unkown server '" << str << "'" << endl;
80 | return false;
81 | }
82 |
83 | if (!fCurrentServer.empty() && str=="..")
84 | {
85 | fCurrentServer = "";
86 | return false;
87 | }
88 |
89 | return !fServiceList.SendDimCommand(lout, fCurrentServer, str);
90 | }
91 |
92 | // ==========================================================================
93 | #include <boost/regex.hpp>
94 |
95 | #include "tools.h"
96 |
97 | string RemoteConsole::GetUpdatePrompt() const
98 | {
99 | // If we are continously flushing the buffer omit the buffer size
100 | // If we are buffering show the buffer size
101 | const string beg = "\n" + GetLinePrompt();
102 |
103 | // If we have not cd'ed to a server show only the line start
104 | if (fCurrentServer.empty())
105 | return beg + "> ";
106 |
107 | // Check if we have cd'ed to a valid server
108 | const ClientList::const_iterator l = fClientList.find(fCurrentServer);
109 | if (l==fClientList.end())
110 | return beg + "> ";//Form("\n[%d] \033[34m\033[1m%s\033[0m> ", GetLine(), fCurrentServer.c_str());
111 |
112 | // The server is valid, check for the state from the last status message
113 | const string msg = l->second->GetMsg();
114 |
115 | static const boost::regex expr("(.+)\\[[0-9]+\\].*");
116 |
117 | // The server
118 | const string serv = Form("\033[34m\033[1m%s\033[0m", fCurrentServer.c_str());
119 |
120 | boost::smatch what;
121 | const int rc = boost::regex_match(msg, what, expr, boost::match_extra);
122 |
123 | // If no match found or something wrong found just output the server
124 | if (!rc || what.size()!=2)
125 | return beg + " " + serv + "> ";//Form("[%d-%s] ", GetLine(), msg.c_str());
126 |
127 | // If everything found add the state to the server
128 | const string state = what[1];
129 | return beg + " " + serv + Form(":\033[32m\033[1m%s\033[0m> ", state.c_str());
130 | }
131 |
132 | string RemoteShell::GetUpdatePrompt() const
133 | {
134 | // If we are continously flushing the buffer omit the buffer size
135 | // If we are buffering show the buffer size
136 | const string beg = GetLinePrompt();
137 |
138 | // If we have not cd'ed to a server show only the line start
139 | if (fCurrentServer.empty())
140 | return beg + "> ";
141 |
142 | // Check if we have cd'ed to a valid server
143 | const ClientList::const_iterator l = fClientList.find(fCurrentServer);
144 | if (l==fClientList.end())
145 | return beg + "> ";//Form("\n[%d] \033[34m\033[1m%s\033[0m> ", GetLine(), fCurrentServer.c_str());
146 |
147 | // The server is valid, check for the state from the last status message
148 | const string msg = l->second->GetMsg();
149 |
150 | static const boost::regex expr("(.+)\\[[0-9]+\\].*");
151 |
152 | boost::smatch what;
153 | const int rc = boost::regex_match(msg, what, expr, boost::match_extra);
154 |
155 | // If no match found or something wrong found just output the server
156 | if (!rc || what.size()!=2)
157 | return beg + " " + fCurrentServer + "> ";//Form("[%d-%s] ", GetLine(), msg.c_str());
158 |
159 | // If everything found add the state to the server
160 | const string state = what[1];
161 | return beg + " " + fCurrentServer + ":" + state + "> ";
162 | }