#include "RemoteControl.h" StateClient::StateClient(const std::string &name, MessageImp &imp) : MessageDimRX(name, imp), fState(-2), fInfoState((name + "/STATE").c_str(), const_cast(""), this) { } void StateClient::infoHandler() { DimInfo *curr = getInfo(); // get current DimInfo address if (!curr) return; if (curr==&fInfoState) { const char *txt = fInfoState.getString(); fState = strlen(txt)==0 ? -2 : fInfoState.getQuality(); fStateTime = Time(fInfoState.getTimestamp(), fInfoState.getTimestampMillisecs()); fStateMsg = txt; if (fState!=-2) { stringstream msg; msg << fInfoState.getName() << ": Changed state to " << fState << " '" << txt << "' received."; fMsg.Write(fStateTime, msg.str().c_str(), MessageImp::kInfo); } return; } MessageDimRX::infoHandler(); } // ========================================================================== void RemoteControlImp::infoHandler() { const vector list = fServiceList.GetServerList(); // Remover StateClients which are not available anymore for (ClientList::iterator l=fClientList.begin(); l!=fClientList.end(); l++) { const string &server = l->first; // HasServer doesn't work here, I don't understand why. if (find(list.begin(), list.end(), server)!=list.end()) continue; delete l->second; fClientList.erase(l); } // Add StateClients which are new for (vector::const_iterator l=list.begin(); l!=list.end(); l++) { if (*l=="DIS_DNS") continue; const ClientList::const_iterator p = fClientList.find(*l); if (p!=fClientList.end()) continue; fClientList[*l] = new StateClient(*l, *this); } } bool RemoteControlImp::ProcessCommand(const std::string &str) { if (fCurrentServer.empty()) { if(fServiceList.HasServer(str)) { fCurrentServer = str; return true; } lout << kRed << "Unkown server '" << str << "'" << endl; return false; } if (!fCurrentServer.empty() && str=="..") { fCurrentServer = ""; return false; } return !fServiceList.SendDimCommand(lout, fCurrentServer, str); } // ========================================================================== #include #include "tools.h" string RemoteConsole::GetUpdatePrompt() const { // If we are continously flushing the buffer omit the buffer size // If we are buffering show the buffer size const string beg = "\n" + GetLinePrompt(); // If we have not cd'ed to a server show only the line start if (fCurrentServer.empty()) return beg + "> "; // Check if we have cd'ed to a valid server const ClientList::const_iterator l = fClientList.find(fCurrentServer); if (l==fClientList.end()) return beg + "> ";//Form("\n[%d] \033[34m\033[1m%s\033[0m> ", GetLine(), fCurrentServer.c_str()); // The server is valid, check for the state from the last status message const string msg = l->second->GetMsg(); static const boost::regex expr("(.+)\\[[0-9]+\\].*"); // The server const string serv = Form("\033[34m\033[1m%s\033[0m", fCurrentServer.c_str()); boost::smatch what; const int rc = boost::regex_match(msg, what, expr, boost::match_extra); // If no match found or something wrong found just output the server if (!rc || what.size()!=2) return beg + " " + serv + "> ";//Form("[%d-%s] ", GetLine(), msg.c_str()); // If everything found add the state to the server const string state = what[1]; return beg + " " + serv + Form(":\033[32m\033[1m%s\033[0m> ", state.c_str()); } string RemoteShell::GetUpdatePrompt() const { // If we are continously flushing the buffer omit the buffer size // If we are buffering show the buffer size const string beg = GetLinePrompt(); // If we have not cd'ed to a server show only the line start if (fCurrentServer.empty()) return beg + "> "; // Check if we have cd'ed to a valid server const ClientList::const_iterator l = fClientList.find(fCurrentServer); if (l==fClientList.end()) return beg + "> ";//Form("\n[%d] \033[34m\033[1m%s\033[0m> ", GetLine(), fCurrentServer.c_str()); // The server is valid, check for the state from the last status message const string msg = l->second->GetMsg(); static const boost::regex expr("(.+)\\[[0-9]+\\].*"); boost::smatch what; const int rc = boost::regex_match(msg, what, expr, boost::match_extra); // If no match found or something wrong found just output the server if (!rc || what.size()!=2) return beg + " " + fCurrentServer + "> ";//Form("[%d-%s] ", GetLine(), msg.c_str()); // If everything found add the state to the server const string state = what[1]; return beg + " " + fCurrentServer + ":" + state + "> "; }