1 | #ifndef FACT_RemoteControl
2 | #define FACT_RemoteControl
3 |
4 | // **************************************************************************
5 | /** @class StateClient
6 |
7 | @brief A simple Dim client diriving from MessageDimRX subscribing to the STATE service
8 |
9 | This is a simple dim client which subscribes to the MESSAGE and STATE
10 | service of a server. It stores the last state and its time as well as
11 | the last message sent.
12 |
13 | **/
14 | // **************************************************************************
15 | #include "MessageDim.h"
16 | #include "Time.h"
17 |
18 | class StateClient : public MessageDimRX
19 | {
20 | private:
21 | Time fStateTime; /// Combine into one MTime (together with value)
22 | int fState; /// -2 not initialized, -1 not connected, 0>= state of client
23 |
24 | std::string fStateMsg; /// The message received with the last state change
25 |
26 | DimStampedInfo fInfoState; /// The dim service subscription
27 |
28 | protected:
29 | void infoHandler();
30 |
31 | public:
32 | StateClient(const std::string &name, MessageImp &imp);
33 |
34 | bool IsConnected() const { return fState>=0; }
35 | int GetState() const { return fState; }
36 | std::string GetMsg() const { return fStateMsg; }
37 | };
38 |
39 | // **************************************************************************
40 | /** @class RemoteControlImp
41 |
42 | @brief This implements the basic functions of a remote control via dim
43 |
44 | Through a ServiceList object this object subscribes to all available
45 | SERVICE_LISTs in the dim network. This allows to keep an up-to-date
46 | list of all servers and services. Its ProcessCommand member function
47 | allows to emit commands according to the services found in the network.
48 | Its infoHandler() is called as an update notifier from the ClientList
49 | object.
50 |
51 | **/
52 | // **************************************************************************
53 | #include "ServiceList.h"
54 | #include "DimErrorRedirecter.h"
55 |
56 | using namespace std;
57 |
58 | class RemoteControlImp : public MessageImp, public DimErrorRedirecter, public DimInfoHandler
59 | {
60 | private:
61 | std::ostream &lout; /// Output stream for local synchrounous output
62 |
63 | protected:
64 | typedef std::map<const std::string, StateClient*> ClientList;
65 |
66 | ServiceList fCommandList; /// An up-to-date list of all available commands
67 | ServiceList fServiceList; /// An up-to-date list of all available services
68 | ClientList fClientList; /// A list with all MESSAGE services to which we subscribed
69 |
70 | std::string fCurrentServer; /// The server to which we currently cd'ed
71 |
72 | void infoHandler();
73 |
74 | protected:
75 | // Redirect asynchronous output to the output window
76 | RemoteControlImp(std::ostream &out, std::ostream &in) :
77 | MessageImp(out),
78 | DimErrorRedirecter(static_cast<MessageImp&>(*this)),
79 | lout(in), fCommandList("CMD", out), fServiceList("", out)
80 | {
81 | fCommandList.SetHandler(this);
82 | fServiceList.SetHandler(this);
83 | }
84 | bool ProcessCommand(const std::string &str);
85 | };
86 |
87 | // **************************************************************************
88 | /** @class RemoteControl
89 |
90 | @brief Implements a remote control based on a Readline class for the dim network
91 |
92 | This template implements all functions which overwrite any function from the
93 | Readline class. Since several derivatives of the Readline class implement
94 | different kind of Readline access, this class can be derived by any of them
95 | due to its template argument. However, the normal case will be
96 | deriving it from either Console or Shell.
97 |
98 | @tparam T
99 | The base class for RemoteControl. Either Readlien or a class
100 | deriving from it. This is usually either Console or Shell.
101 |
102 | **/
103 | // **************************************************************************
104 | #include "WindowLog.h"
105 |
106 | template <class T>
107 | class RemoteControl : public T, public RemoteControlImp
108 | {
109 | private:
110 | std::ostream &lout; /// Output stream for local synchrounous output
111 |
112 | // This funtion defines which generator should be called.
113 | // If it returns 0 the standard reaqdline generator are called.
114 | // Otherwise set the right generator with rl_completion_matches.
115 | char **Completion(const char *text, int start, int)
116 | {
117 | // Get the whole buffer before the tab-position
118 | const string s = string(T::GetBuffer(), 0, start);
119 | const string l = T::TrimSpaces(s.c_str());
120 | if (l.empty())
121 | {
122 | if (fCurrentServer.empty())
123 | return T::Complete(fCommandList.GetServerList(), text);
124 | else
125 | return T::Complete(fCommandList.GetServiceList(fCurrentServer), text);
126 | }
127 | return T::Complete(fCommandList.GetServiceList(l), text);
128 | }
129 |
130 | void infoHandler()
131 | {
132 | RemoteControlImp::infoHandler();
133 | if (!fCurrentServer.empty() && !fCommandList.HasServer(fCurrentServer))
134 | {
135 | fCurrentServer = "";
136 | T::UpdatePrompt();
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | public:
141 | // Redirect asynchronous output to the output window
142 | RemoteControl(const char *name) : T(name),
143 | RemoteControlImp(T::GetStreamOut(), T::GetStreamIn()),
144 | lout(T::GetStreamIn())
145 | {
146 | }
147 |
148 |
149 | bool PrintGeneralHelp()
150 | {
151 | T::PrintGeneralHelp();
152 | lout << " " << kUnderline << "Specific commands:" << endl;
153 | lout << kBold << " s,servers " << kReset << "List all servers which are connected." << endl;
154 | lout << kBold << " svc,service " << kReset << "List all services in the network." << endl;
155 | lout << endl;
156 | return true;
157 | }
158 |
159 | bool PrintCommands()
160 | {
161 | lout << endl << kBold << "List of commands:" << endl;
162 | fCommandList.PrintDescription(lout);
163 | return true;
164 | }
165 |
166 | // returns whether a command should be put into the history
167 | bool Process(const std::string &str)
168 | {
169 | if (T::Process(str))
170 | return true;
171 |
172 | if (str=="servers" || str=="s")
173 | {
174 | fCommandList.PrintServerList(lout);
175 | return true;
176 | }
177 |
178 | if (str=="service" || str=="svc")
179 | {
180 | fServiceList.PrintDescription(lout);
181 | return true;
182 | }
183 |
184 | return ProcessCommand(str);
185 | }
186 | void Run(const char * = 0)
187 | {
188 | lout << endl;
189 | lout << kBlue << kBold << "You are on the terminal of the MCP -" << endl;
190 | lout << kBlue << kBold << "the Master Control Program." << endl;
191 | lout << endl;
192 | lout << kBlue << kBold << "Hello Flynn..." << endl;
193 | lout << endl;
194 |
195 | T::Run();
196 | }
197 | };
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 | // **************************************************************************
202 | /** @class RemoteConsole
203 |
204 | @brief Derives the RemoteControl from Control and adds a proper prompt
205 |
206 | This is basically a RemoteControl, which derives through the template
207 | argument from the Console class. It enhances the functionality of
208 | the remote control with a proper updated prompt.
209 |
210 | */
211 | // **************************************************************************
212 | #include "Console.h"
213 |
214 | class RemoteConsole : public RemoteControl<Console>
215 | {
216 | public:
217 | RemoteConsole(const char *name, bool continous=false) :
218 | RemoteControl<Console>(name)
219 | {
220 | SetContinous(continous);
221 | }
222 | string GetUpdatePrompt() const;
223 | };
224 |
225 | // **************************************************************************
226 | /** @class RemoteShell
227 |
228 | @brief Derives the RemoteControl from Shell and adds colored prompt
229 |
230 | This is basically a RemoteControl, which derives through the template
231 | argument from the Shell class. It enhances the functionality of
232 | the local control with a proper updated prompt.
233 |
234 | */
235 | // **************************************************************************
236 | #include "Shell.h"
237 |
238 | class RemoteShell : public RemoteControl<Shell>
239 | {
240 | public:
241 | RemoteShell(const char *name, bool = false) :
242 | RemoteControl<Shell>(name)
243 | {
244 | }
245 | string GetUpdatePrompt() const;
246 | };
247 |
248 | #endif