// **************************************************************************
/** @class Shell
@brief Implementation of a console based user shell with an input and output window
Shell is based on the ReadlineWindow class. It creates two windows
(panels) using ncurses which are used for input and output. The output
window panel is displayed on top of the input panel, but can be hidden
for example by pressing F1.
The idea is that continous messages like logging messages do not interfere
with the input area, although one still has both diplayed in the same
console window.
To get a list of the command and functions supported by Shell
type 'h' or 'help' at a command line prompt.
The usage is quite simple. Instantiate an object of Shell with the
programname as an argument. For its meaning see the base class
documentation Readline::Readline(). The created input- and output-
stream can be accessed through GetStreamIn() and GetStreamOut()
whihc are both ostreams, one redirected to the input window and the
other one redirected to the output window. Especially, GetStreamIn()
should not be used while the Readline prompt is in progress, but can for
example be used to display errors about what was entered.
The recommanded way of usage is:
static Shell shell("myprog"); // readline will read the myprog.his history file
while (1)
string txt = shell.Prompt("prompt> ");
if (txt=="quit)
// ... do something ...
// On destruction redline will write the current history to the file
// By declaring the Shell static the correct terminal is restored even
// the program got killed (not if killed with SIGABRT)
If for some reason the terminal is not correctly restored type (maybe blindly)
reset in your console. This should restor everything back to normal.
@section References
- GNU Readline
- GNU Ncurses
- Introduce the possibility to scroll in both windows
- Add redisplay functionality for both panels if the console was resized
// **************************************************************************
#include "Shell.h"
#include // SIGWINCH
#include // waitpid
#include // ioctl
using namespace std;
Shell *Shell::This = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! This initializes the Ncurses environment. Since the ncurses environment
//! is global only one instance of this class is allowed.
//! The first 8 color pairs (COLOR_PAIR) are set to the first 8 color
//! with default background.
//! The shells windows and panels are created. And their pointers are
//! propagated to the two associated WindowLog streams.
//! Also some key bindings are initialized.
Shell::Shell(const char *prgname) : ReadlineWindow(prgname),
fPanelHeight(13), fIsVisible(1), fLine(0)
if (stdscr!=0)
cout << "ERROR - Only one instance of class Shell is allowed." << endl;
This = this;
// ---------------------- Setup ncurses -------------------------
initscr(); // Start curses mode
cbreak(); // Line buffering disabled, Pass on
noecho(); // Switch off echo mode
nonl(); // Associate return with CR
intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
keypad(stdscr, FALSE); // Switch off keymapping for function keys
start_color(); // Initialize ncurses colors
use_default_colors(); // Assign terminal default colors to -1
//assume_default_colors(-1, -1); // standard terminal colors assigned to pair 0
// Setup colors
for (int i=1; i<8; i++)
init_pair(i, i, -1); // -1: def background
signal(SIGWINCH, HandleResizeImp); // Attach HandleResize to SIGWINCH signal
// ---------------------- Setup pansl --------------------------
// Create the necessary windows
WINDOW *wins[4];
// Initialize the panels
fPanelIn = new_panel(wins[0]);
fPanelFrame = new_panel(wins[1]);
fPanelOut = new_panel(wins[2]);
// Get the panels into the right order for startup
// Setup Readline
// ------------------- Setup key bindings -----------------------
BindKeySequence("\033OP", rl_proc_F1);
BindKeySequence("\033[1;5B", rl_scroll_top);
BindKeySequence("\033[1;5A", rl_scroll_top);
BindKeySequence("\033[1;3A", rl_scroll_bot);
BindKeySequence("\033[1;3B", rl_scroll_bot);
BindKeySequence("\033[5;3~", rl_top_inc);
BindKeySequence("\033[6;3~", rl_top_dec);
BindKeySequence("\033+", rl_top_resize);
BindKeySequence("\033-", rl_top_resize);
rl_bind_keyseq("\033\t", rl_complete); // Meta-Tab
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[1~", home); // Home (console)
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[H", home); // Home (x)
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[4~", end); // End (console)
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[F", end); // End (x)
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[A", up); // Up
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[B", down); // Down
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[[B", accept); // F2 (console)
rl_bind_keyseq("\033OQ", accept); // F2 (x)
rl_bind_keyseq("\033[21~", cancel); // F10
// Ctrl+dn: \033[1;5B
// Ctrl+up: \033[1;5A
// Alt+up: \033[1;3A
// Alt+dn: \033[1;3B
// Alt+pg up: \033[5;3~
// Alt+pg dn: \033[6;3~
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Ends the ncurses environment by calling endwin().
// Maybe not needed because the window is more or less valid until the
// object is destructed anyway.
cout << "The end." << endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! This function gets the windows into the expected order which is:
//! @param v
//! - \b 0: Do not show the output panel
//! - \b 1: Show the output panel
//! - \b -1: Toggle the visibility of the output panel
//! - \b -2: Just update the panels, do not change their visibility
void Shell::ShowHide(int v)
if (v>-2)
fIsVisible = v==-1 ? !fIsVisible : v;
if (fIsVisible)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Creates the windows to be used as panels and draws a frame around one
//! @param w
//! pointers to the three windows which have been created are returned
//! @param all
//! If all is false do not (re-)create the bottom or input-window
void Shell::CreateWindows(WINDOW *w[3], int all)
int maxx, maxy;
getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx);
const int separator = maxy-fPanelHeight;
WINDOW *new_in = all ? newwin(maxy, maxx, 0, 0) : 0;
WINDOW *new_frame = newwin(separator-1, maxx, 0, 0);
WINDOW *new_out = newwin(separator-1-2, maxx-2, 1, 1);
box(new_frame, 0,0);
wmove(new_frame, 0, 1);
waddch(new_frame, ACS_RTEE);
wprintw(new_frame, " F1 ");
waddch(new_frame, ACS_LTEE);
scrollok(new_out, true);
leaveok (new_out, true);
if (new_in)
scrollok(new_in, true); // Allow scrolling
leaveok (new_in, false); // Move the cursor with the output
wmove(new_in, maxy-1, 0);
w[0] = new_in;
w[1] = new_frame;
w[2] = new_out;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Key binding for F1. Toggles upper panel by calling ShowHide(-1)
int Shell::rl_proc_F1(int /*cnt*/, int /*key*/)
This->ShowHide(-1); // toggle
return 0;
int Shell::rl_scroll_top(int, int key)
This->win << "Scroll " << key << endl;
return 0;
int Shell::rl_scroll_bot(int, int key)
This->win << "Scroll " << key << endl;
return 0;
int Shell::rl_top_inc(int, int key)
This->win << "Increase " << key << endl;
return 0;
int Shell::rl_top_dec(int, int key)
This->win << "Increase " << key << endl;
return 0;
int Shell::rl_top_resize(int, int key)
This->Resize(key=='+' ? This->fPanelHeight-1 : This->fPanelHeight+1);
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Signal handler for SIGWINCH, calls HandleResize
void Shell::HandleResizeImp(int)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Signal handler for SIGWINCH. It resizes the terminal and all panels
//! according to the new terminal size and redisplay the backlog buffer
//! in both windows
//! @todo
//! Maybe there are more efficient ways than to display the whole buffers
void Shell::HandleResize()
// Get the new terminal size
struct winsize w;
ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w);
// propagate it to the terminal
resize_term(w.ws_row, w.ws_col);
// Store the pointer to the old windows
WINDOW *w_in = panel_window(fPanelIn);
WINDOW *w_frame = panel_window(fPanelFrame);
WINDOW *w_out = panel_window(fPanelOut);
// Create new windows
WINDOW *wins[3];
// Redirect the streams and the readline output to the new windows
// Replace windows in the panels
replace_panel(fPanelIn, wins[0]);
replace_panel(fPanelFrame, wins[1]);
replace_panel(fPanelOut, wins[2]);
// delete the old obsolete windows
// FIXME: NEEDED also in Redisplay panel
// Redisplay their contents
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! This resized the top panel or output panel as requested by the argument.
//! The argument is the number of lines which are kept free for the input
//! panel below the top panel
//! @returns
//! always true
bool Shell::Resize(int h)
// Get curretn terminal size
int lines, cols;
getmaxyx(stdscr, lines, cols);
// Check if we are in a valid range
if (h<1 || h>lines-5)
return false;
// Set new height for panel to be kept free
fPanelHeight = h;
// Store the pointers of the old windows associated with the panels
// which should be resized
WINDOW *w_frame = panel_window(fPanelFrame);
WINDOW *w_out = panel_window(fPanelOut);
// Create new windows
WINDOW *wins[3];
CreateWindows(wins, false);
// Redirect the output stream to the new window
// Replace the windows associated with the panels
replace_panel(fPanelFrame, wins[1]);
replace_panel(fPanelOut, wins[2]);
// delete the ols windows
// FIXME: NEEDED also in Redisplay panel
// Redisplay the contents
return true;
bool Shell::PrintKeyBindings()
win << " " << kUnderline << "Special key bindings:" << endl << endl;;
win << kBold << " F1 " << kReset << "Toggle visibility of upper panel" << endl;
win << endl;
return true;
bool Shell::PrintGeneralHelp()
ReadlineColor::PrintGeneralHelp(win, GetName());
win << kBold << " hide " << kReset << "Hide upper panel." << endl;
win << kBold << " show " << kReset << "Show upper panel." << endl;
win << kBold << " height " << kReset << "Set height of upper panel to h." << endl;
win << endl;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Processes the command provided by the Shell-class.
//! @returns
//! whether a command was successfully processed or could not be found
bool Shell::Process(const string &str)
// Implement readline commands:
// rl set (rl_variable_bind(..))
// rl_read_init_file(filename)
// int rl_add_defun (const char *name, rl_command_func_t *function, int key)
if (ReadlineColor::Process(win, str))
return true;
if (Readline::Process(str))
return true;
// ----------- ReadlineNcurses -----------
if (string(str)=="hide")
return true;
if (string(str)=="show")
return true;
if (str.substr(0, 7)=="height ")
int h;
sscanf(str.c_str()+7, "%d", &h);
return Resize(h);
if (str=="d")
return true;
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Overwrites Shutdown. It's main purpose is to re-output
//! the prompt and the buffer using the WindowLog stream so that it is
//! buffered in its backlog.
//! @param buf
//! A pointer to the buffer returned by readline
void Shell::Shutdown(const char *buf)
// Now move the cursor to the start of the prompt
// Output the text ourself to get it into the backlog
// buffer of win. We cannot use GetBuffer() because rl_end
// is not updated finally.
win << kBlue << GetPrompt() << kReset << buf << endl;