1 | // **************************************************************************
2 | /** @class Shell
3 |
4 | @brief Implementation of a console based user shell with an input and output window
5 |
6 | Shell is based on the ReadlineWindow class. It creates two windows
7 | (panels) using ncurses which are used for input and output. The output
8 | window panel is displayed on top of the input panel, but can be hidden
9 | for example by pressing F1.
10 |
11 | The idea is that continous messages like logging messages do not interfere
12 | with the input area, although one still has both diplayed in the same
13 | console window.
14 |
15 | To get a list of the command and functions supported by Shell
16 | type 'h' or 'help' at a command line prompt.
17 |
18 | The usage is quite simple. Instantiate an object of Shell with the
19 | programname as an argument. For its meaning see the base class
20 | documentation Readline::Readline(). The created input- and output-
21 | stream can be accessed through GetStreamIn() and GetStreamOut()
22 | whihc are both ostreams, one redirected to the input window and the
23 | other one redirected to the output window. Especially, GetStreamIn()
24 | should not be used while the Readline prompt is in progress, but can for
25 | example be used to display errors about what was entered.
26 |
27 | The recommanded way of usage is:
28 |
29 | \code
30 |
31 | static Shell shell("myprog"); // readline will read the myprog.his history file
32 |
33 | while (1)
34 | {
35 | string txt = shell.Prompt("prompt> ");
36 | if (txt=="quit)
37 | break;
38 |
39 | // ... do something ...
40 |
41 | shell.AddHistory(txt);
42 | }
43 |
44 | // On destruction redline will write the current history to the file
45 | // By declaring the Shell static the correct terminal is restored even
46 | // the program got killed (not if killed with SIGABRT)
47 |
48 | \endcode
49 |
50 | If for some reason the terminal is not correctly restored type (maybe blindly)
51 | <I>reset</I> in your console. This should restor everything back to normal.
52 |
53 | @section References
54 |
55 | - <A HREF="http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html">GNU Readline</A>
56 | - <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses">GNU Ncurses</A>
57 |
58 |
59 | @todo
60 | - Introduce the possibility to scroll in both windows
61 | - Add redisplay functionality for both panels if the console was resized
62 |
63 | */
64 | // **************************************************************************
65 | #include "Shell.h"
66 |
67 | #include <fstream>
68 | #include <iostream>
69 |
70 | #include <signal.h> // SIGWINCH
71 | #include <sys/wait.h> // waitpid
72 | #include <sys/ioctl.h> // ioctl
73 |
74 | #include <panel.h>
75 |
76 | #define FORK_ALLOWED
77 |
78 | using namespace std;
79 |
80 | Shell *Shell::This = 0;
81 |
82 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 | //
84 | //! This initializes the Ncurses environment. Since the ncurses environment
85 | //! is global only one instance of this class is allowed.
86 | //!
87 | //! The first 8 color pairs (COLOR_PAIR) are set to the first 8 color
88 | //! with default background.
89 | //!
90 | //! The shells windows and panels are created. And their pointers are
91 | //! propagated to the two associated WindowLog streams.
92 | //!
93 | //! Also some key bindings are initialized.
94 | //
95 | Shell::Shell(const char *prgname) : ReadlineWindow(prgname),
96 | fPanelHeight(13), fIsVisible(1), fLine(0)
97 | {
98 | if (stdscr!=0)
99 | {
100 | endwin();
101 | cout << "ERROR - Only one instance of class Shell is allowed." << endl;
102 | exit(-1);
103 | }
104 |
105 | This = this;
106 |
107 | // ---------------------- Setup ncurses -------------------------
108 |
109 | initscr(); // Start curses mode
110 |
111 | cbreak(); // Line buffering disabled, Pass on
112 | noecho(); // Switch off echo mode
113 | nonl(); // Associate return with CR
114 |
115 | intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
116 | keypad(stdscr, FALSE); // Switch off keymapping for function keys
117 |
118 | start_color(); // Initialize ncurses colors
119 | use_default_colors(); // Assign terminal default colors to -1
120 | //assume_default_colors(-1, -1); // standard terminal colors assigned to pair 0
121 |
122 | // Setup colors
123 | for (int i=1; i<8; i++)
124 | init_pair(i, i, -1); // -1: def background
125 |
126 | signal(SIGWINCH, HandleResizeImp); // Attach HandleResize to SIGWINCH signal
127 |
128 | // ---------------------- Setup pansl --------------------------
129 |
130 | // Create the necessary windows
131 | WINDOW *wins[4];
132 | CreateWindows(wins);
133 |
134 | // Initialize the panels
135 | fPanelIn = new_panel(wins[0]);
136 | fPanelFrame = new_panel(wins[1]);
137 | fPanelOut = new_panel(wins[2]);
138 |
139 | win.SetWindow(wins[0]);
140 | wout.SetWindow(wins[2]);
141 |
142 | // Get the panels into the right order for startup
143 | ShowHide(1);
144 |
145 | // Setup Readline
146 | SetWindow(wins[0]);
147 | SetColorPrompt(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_BLUE));
148 |
149 | // ------------------- Setup key bindings -----------------------
150 | BindKeySequence("\033OP", rl_proc_F1);
151 | BindKeySequence("\033[1;5B", rl_scroll_top);
152 | BindKeySequence("\033[1;5A", rl_scroll_top);
153 | BindKeySequence("\033[1;3A", rl_scroll_bot);
154 | BindKeySequence("\033[1;3B", rl_scroll_bot);
155 | BindKeySequence("\033[5;3~", rl_top_inc);
156 | BindKeySequence("\033[6;3~", rl_top_dec);
157 | BindKeySequence("\033+", rl_top_resize);
158 | BindKeySequence("\033-", rl_top_resize);
159 |
160 | /*
161 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033\t", rl_complete); // Meta-Tab
162 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[1~", home); // Home (console)
163 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[H", home); // Home (x)
164 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[4~", end); // End (console)
165 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[F", end); // End (x)
166 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[A", up); // Up
167 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[B", down); // Down
168 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[[B", accept); // F2 (console)
169 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033OQ", accept); // F2 (x)
170 | rl_bind_keyseq("\033[21~", cancel); // F10
171 | */
172 |
173 | // Ctrl+dn: \033[1;5B
174 | // Ctrl+up: \033[1;5A
175 | // Alt+up: \033[1;3A
176 | // Alt+dn: \033[1;3B
177 | // Alt+pg up: \033[5;3~
178 | // Alt+pg dn: \033[6;3~
179 | }
180 |
181 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 | //
183 | //! Ends the ncurses environment by calling endwin().
184 | //
185 | Shell::~Shell()
186 | {
187 | // Maybe not needed because the window is more or less valid until the
188 | // object is destructed anyway.
189 | //win.SetWindow(0);
190 | //wout.SetWindow(0);
191 | //SetWindow(0);
192 |
193 | endwin();
194 | cout << "The end." << endl;
195 | }
196 |
197 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 | //
199 | //! This function gets the windows into the expected order which is:
200 | //!
201 | //! @param v
202 | //! - \b 0: Do not show the output panel
203 | //! - \b 1: Show the output panel
204 | //! - \b -1: Toggle the visibility of the output panel
205 | //! - \b -2: Just update the panels, do not change their visibility
206 | //
207 | void Shell::ShowHide(int v)
208 | {
209 | if (v>-2)
210 | fIsVisible = v==-1 ? !fIsVisible : v;
211 |
212 | if (fIsVisible)
213 | {
214 | show_panel(fPanelIn);
215 | show_panel(fPanelFrame);
216 | show_panel(fPanelOut);
217 | }
218 | else
219 | {
220 | show_panel(fPanelIn);
221 | hide_panel(fPanelFrame);
222 | hide_panel(fPanelOut);
223 | }
224 |
225 | update_panels();
226 | doupdate();
227 | }
228 |
229 |
230 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 | //
232 | //! Creates the windows to be used as panels and draws a frame around one
233 | //!
234 | //! @param w
235 | //! pointers to the three windows which have been created are returned
236 | //!
237 | //! @param all
238 | //! If all is false do not (re-)create the bottom or input-window
239 | //
240 | void Shell::CreateWindows(WINDOW *w[3], int all)
241 | {
242 | int maxx, maxy;
243 | getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx);
244 |
245 | int separator = maxy-fPanelHeight;
246 |
247 | WINDOW *new_in = all ? newwin(maxy, maxx, 0, 0) : 0;
248 | WINDOW *new_frame = newwin(separator-1, maxx, 0, 0);
249 | WINDOW *new_out = newwin(separator-1-2, maxx-2, 1, 1);
250 |
251 | box(new_frame, 0,0);
252 | wmove(new_frame, 0, 1);
253 | waddch(new_frame, ACS_RTEE);
254 | wprintw(new_frame, " F1 ");
255 | waddch(new_frame, ACS_LTEE);
256 |
257 | scrollok(new_out, true);
258 | leaveok (new_out, true);
259 |
260 | if (new_in)
261 | {
262 | scrollok(new_in, true); // Allow scrolling
263 | leaveok (new_in, false); // Move the cursor with the output
264 |
265 | wmove(new_in, maxy-1, 0);
266 | }
267 |
268 | w[0] = new_in;
269 | w[1] = new_frame;
270 | w[2] = new_out;
271 | }
272 |
273 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 | //
275 | //! Key binding for F1. Toggles upper panel by calling ShowHide(-1)
276 | //
277 | int Shell::rl_proc_F1(int /*cnt*/, int /*key*/)
278 | {
279 | This->ShowHide(-1); // toggle
280 | return 0;
281 | }
282 |
283 | int Shell::rl_scroll_top(int, int key)
284 | {
285 | This->win << "Scroll " << key << endl;
286 | return 0;
287 | }
288 |
289 | int Shell::rl_scroll_bot(int, int key)
290 | {
291 | This->win << "Scroll " << key << endl;
292 | return 0;
293 | }
294 |
295 | int Shell::rl_top_inc(int, int key)
296 | {
297 | This->win << "Increase " << key << endl;
298 | return 0;
299 | }
300 |
301 | int Shell::rl_top_dec(int, int key)
302 | {
303 | This->win << "Increase " << key << endl;
304 | return 0;
305 | }
306 |
307 | int Shell::rl_top_resize(int, int key)
308 | {
309 | This->Resize(key=='+' ? This->fPanelHeight-1 : This->fPanelHeight+1);
310 | return 0;
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 | //
316 | //! Signal handler for SIGWINCH, calls HandleResize
317 | //
318 | void Shell::HandleResizeImp(int)
319 | {
320 | This->HandleResize();
321 | }
322 |
323 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 | //
325 | //! Signal handler for SIGWINCH. It resizes the terminal and all panels
326 | //! according to the new terminal size and redisplay the backlog buffer
327 | //! in both windows
328 | //!
329 | //! @todo
330 | //! Maybe there are more efficient ways than to display the whole buffers
331 | //
332 | void Shell::HandleResize()
333 | {
334 | // Get the new terminal size
335 | struct winsize w;
336 | ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w);
337 |
338 | // propagate it to the terminal
339 | resize_term(w.ws_row, w.ws_col);
340 |
341 | // Store the pointer to the old windows
342 | WINDOW *w_in = panel_window(fPanelIn);
343 | WINDOW *w_frame = panel_window(fPanelFrame);
344 | WINDOW *w_out = panel_window(fPanelOut);
345 |
346 | // Create new windows
347 | WINDOW *wins[3];
348 | CreateWindows(wins);
349 |
350 | // Redirect the streams and the readline output to the new windows
351 | win.SetWindow(wins[0]);
352 | wout.SetWindow(wins[2]);
353 |
354 | SetWindow(wins[0]);
355 |
356 | // Replace windows in the panels
357 | replace_panel(fPanelIn, wins[0]);
358 | replace_panel(fPanelFrame, wins[1]);
359 | replace_panel(fPanelOut, wins[2]);
360 |
361 | // delete the old obsolete windows
362 | delwin(w_in);
363 | delwin(w_out);
364 | delwin(w_frame);
365 |
366 | // FIXME: NEEDED also in Redisplay panel
367 | //Redisplay();
368 |
369 | // Redisplay their contents
370 | win.Display();
371 | wout.Display();
372 | }
373 |
374 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 | //
376 | //! This resized the top panel or output panel as requested by the argument.
377 | //! The argument is the number of lines which are kept free for the input
378 | //! panel below the top panel
379 | //!
380 | //! @returns
381 | //! always true
382 | //
383 | bool Shell::Resize(int h)
384 | {
385 | // Get curretn terminal size
386 | int lines, cols;
387 | getmaxyx(stdscr, lines, cols);
388 |
389 | // Check if we are in a valid range
390 | if (h<1 || h>lines-5)
391 | return false;
392 |
393 | // Set new height for panel to be kept free
394 | fPanelHeight = h;
395 |
396 | // Store the pointers of the old windows associated with the panels
397 | // which should be resized
398 | WINDOW *w_frame = panel_window(fPanelFrame);
399 | WINDOW *w_out = panel_window(fPanelOut);
400 |
401 | // Create new windows
402 | WINDOW *wins[3];
403 | CreateWindows(wins, false);
404 |
405 | // Redirect the output stream to the new window
406 | wout.SetWindow(wins[2]);
407 |
408 | // Replace the windows associated with the panels
409 | replace_panel(fPanelFrame, wins[1]);
410 | replace_panel(fPanelOut, wins[2]);
411 |
412 | // delete the ols windows
413 | delwin(w_out);
414 | delwin(w_frame);
415 |
416 | // FIXME: NEEDED also in Redisplay panel
417 | //Redisplay();
418 |
419 | // Redisplay the contents
420 | wout.Display();
421 |
422 | return true;
423 | }
424 |
425 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 | //
427 | //! This wrapt the given readline function into a redirection to a file,
428 | //! which contents is then displayed afterwards in the input panel.
429 | //!
430 | //! For convinience the given title is printed in bold before the list.
431 | //!
432 | //! This allows to show some readline output in the panel.
433 | //!
434 | //! @param function
435 | //! Takes a function of type bool(*)() as argument
436 | //!
437 | //! @param title
438 | //! A title streamed in bold before the output starts
439 | //!
440 | //! @returns
441 | //! The return value of the function
442 | //
443 | bool Shell::RedirectionWrapper(bool (*function)(), const char *title)
444 | {
445 | FILE *save = SetStreamOut(tmpfile());
446 | const bool rc = function();
447 | FILE *file = SetStreamOut(save);
448 |
449 | const bool empty = ftell(file)==0;
450 |
451 | rewind(file);
452 |
453 | win << endl;
454 | win << kBold << title << endl;
455 |
456 | if (empty)
457 | {
458 | win << " <empty>" << endl;
459 | fclose(file);
460 | return rc;
461 | }
462 |
463 | while (1)
464 | {
465 | const int c = getc(file);
466 | if (feof(file))
467 | break;
468 | win << (char)c;
469 | }
470 | win << endl;
471 |
472 | fclose(file);
473 |
474 | return rc;
475 | }
476 |
477 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
478 | //
479 | //! Can be overwritten to display user defined commands when the command
480 | //! c is issued.
481 | //!
482 | //! @returns
483 | //! always true
484 | //
485 | bool Shell::PrintCommands()
486 | {
487 | win << endl;
488 | win << " " << kUnderline << " Commands:" << endl;
489 | win << " No application specific commands defined." << endl;
490 | win << endl;
491 |
492 | return true;
493 | }
494 |
495 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 | //
497 | //! Displays the available ncurses attributes, like color.
498 | //!
499 | //! @returns
500 | //! always true
501 | //
502 | bool Shell::PrintAttributes()
503 | {
504 | //ostream &win = wout;
505 | win << endl;
506 | win << " Attributes:" << endl;
507 | win << " " << kReset << "kReset" << endl;
508 | win << " " << kNormal << "kNormal" << endl;
509 | win << " " << kHighlight << "kHighlight" << endl;
510 | win << " " << kReverse << "kReverse" << endl;
511 | win << " " << kUnderline << "kUnderline" << endl;
512 | win << " " << kBlink << "kBlink" << endl;
513 | win << " " << kDim << "kDim" << endl;
514 | win << " " << kBold << "kBold" << endl;
515 | win << " " << kProtect << "kProtect" << endl;
516 | win << " " << kInvisible << "kInvisible" << endl;
517 | win << " " << kAltCharset << "kAltCharset" << kReset << " (kAltCharset)" << endl;
518 | win << endl;
519 | win << " Colors:" << endl;
520 | win << " " << kDefault << "kDefault " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
521 | win << " " << kRed << "kRed " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
522 | win << " " << kGreen << "kGreen " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
523 | win << " " << kYellow << "kYellow " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
524 | win << " " << kBlue << "kBlue " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
525 | win << " " << kMagenta << "kMagenta " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
526 | win << " " << kCyan << "kCyan " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
527 | win << " " << kWhite << "kWhite " << kBold << "+ kBold" << endl;
528 | win << " " << endl;
529 |
530 | return true;
531 | }
532 |
533 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
534 | //
535 | //! Displays the keybindings available due to the Shell class
536 | //!
537 | //! @returns
538 | //! always true
539 | //!
540 | //! @todo
541 | //! Update output
542 | //
543 | bool Shell::PrintKeyBindings()
544 | {
545 | win << endl;
546 | win << " " << kUnderline << "Key bindings:" << endl;
547 | win << kBold << " Page-up " << kReset << "Search backward in history" << endl;
548 | win << kBold << " Page-dn " << kReset << "Search forward in history" << endl;
549 | win << kBold << " Ctrl-left " << kReset << "One word backward" << endl;
550 | win << kBold << " Ctrl-right " << kReset << "One word forward" << endl;
551 | win << kBold << " Ctrl-y " << kReset << "Delete line" << endl;
552 | win << kBold << " Alt-end/Ctrl-k " << kReset << "Delete until the end of the line" << endl;
553 | win << kBold << " F1 " << kReset << "Toggle visibility of upper panel" << endl;
554 | win << endl;
555 | win << " Default key-bindings are identical with your bash." << endl;
556 | win << endl;
557 |
558 | return true;
559 | }
560 |
561 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
562 | //
563 | //! Print a general help text which also includes the commands pre-defined
564 | //! by the Shell class.
565 | //!
566 | //! @returns
567 | //! always true
568 | //!
569 | //! @todo
570 | //! Get it up-to-date
571 | //
572 | bool Shell::PrintGeneralHelp()
573 | {
574 | win << endl;
575 | win << " " << kUnderline << "General help:" << endl;
576 | win << kBold << " h,help " << kReset << "Print this help message" << endl;
577 | win << kBold << " clear " << kReset << "Clear history buffer" << endl;
578 | win << kBold << " lh,history " << kReset << "Dump the history buffer to the screen" << endl;
579 | win << kBold << " v,variable " << kReset << "Dump readline variables" << endl;
580 | win << kBold << " f,function " << kReset << "Dump readline functions" << endl;
581 | win << kBold << " m,funmap " << kReset << "Dump readline funmap" << endl;
582 | win << kBold << " c,command " << kReset << "Dump available commands" << endl;
583 | win << kBold << " k,keylist " << kReset << "Dump key bindings" << endl;
584 | win << kBold << " a,attrs " << kReset << "Dump available stream attributes" << endl;
585 | win << kBold << " .q,quit " << kReset << "Quit" << endl;
586 | win << endl;
587 | win << " The command history is automatically loaded and saves to" << endl;
588 | win << " and from " << GetName() << endl;
589 | win << endl;
590 |
591 | return true;
592 | }
593 |
594 |
595 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
596 | //
597 | //! Processes the command provided by the Shell-class.
598 | //!
599 | //! @returns
600 | //! whether a command was successfully processed or could not be found
601 | //
602 | bool Shell::Process(const string &str)
603 | {
604 | // Implement readline commands:
605 | // rl set (rl_variable_bind(..))
606 | // rl_read_init_file(filename)
607 | // int rl_add_defun (const char *name, rl_command_func_t *function, int key)
608 |
609 | // ----------- Readline -----------
610 |
611 | if (str=="lh" || str=="history")
612 | return RedirectionWrapper(DumpHistory, "History:");
613 |
614 | if (str=="v" || str=="variable")
615 | return RedirectionWrapper(DumpVariables, "Variables:");
616 |
617 | if (str=="f" || str=="function")
618 | return RedirectionWrapper(DumpFunctions, "Functions:");
619 |
620 | if (str=="m" || str=="funmap")
621 | return RedirectionWrapper(DumpFunmap, "Funmap:");
622 |
623 | if (Readline::Process(str))
624 | return true;
625 |
626 | // ------------ ReadlineWindow -------------
627 |
628 | if (str=="a" || str=="attrs")
629 | return PrintAttributes();
630 |
631 | // ----------- ReadlineNcurses -----------
632 |
633 | if (string(str)=="hide")
634 | {
635 | ShowHide(0);
636 | return true;
637 | }
638 | if (string(str)=="show")
639 | {
640 | ShowHide(1);
641 | return true;
642 | }
643 |
644 | if (str.substr(0, 7)=="height ")
645 | {
646 | int h;
647 | sscanf(str.c_str()+7, "%d", &h);
648 | return Resize(h);
649 | }
650 |
651 | if (str=="d")
652 | {
653 | wout.Display();
654 | return true;
655 | }
656 |
657 | return false;
658 | }
659 |
660 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
661 | //
662 | //! Overwrites Shutdown. It's main purpose is to re-output
663 | //! the prompt and the buffer using the WindowLog stream so that it is
664 | //! buffered in its backlog.
665 | //!
666 | //! @param buf
667 | //! A pointer to the buffer returned by readline
668 | //!
669 | void Shell::Shutdown(const char *buf)
670 | {
671 | ReadlineWindow::Shutdown(buf);
672 |
673 | // Now move the cursor to the start of the prompt
674 | RewindCursor();
675 |
676 | // Output the text ourself to get it into the backlog
677 | // buffer of win. We cannot use GetBuffer() because rl_end
678 | // is not updated finally.
679 | win << kBlue << GetPrompt() << kReset << buf << endl;
680 | }