// ************************************************************************** /** @class StateMachine @brief Class for a state machine implementation just on the console This class implements a StateMachine which is to be controlled from the console. It redirects all output posted via MessageImp to the console and, if the stream is a WindowLog, adds colors. When constructing the Dim network is started and while dstruction it is stopped. @todo Do we really need to create Event-objects? Shouldn't we add a ProcessEvent function which takes an event as argument instead? Or something else which easily allows to add data to the events? */ // ************************************************************************** #include "StateMachine.h" #include "WindowLog.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Time.h" #include "Shell.h" #include "tools.h" using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Overwrite StateMachineImp::AddTransition to create an Event object //! instead of an EventImp object. The event name propagated is name. //! //! For parameter description see StateMachineImp. //! EventImp *StateMachine::CreateEvent(int targetstate, const char *name, const char *fmt) { return new Event(targetstate, (GetName()+'/'+name).c_str(), fmt); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! This is (analog to StateMachineDim::commandHandler()) the function which //! is called if an event from the console is received. It then is //! supposed to send the event to the messge queue or handle it directly //! if the machine was not yet started. //! //! If fCurrentState is smaller than 0 or we are in kSM_FatalError state, //! all incoming commands are ignored. //! //! The commandHandler will go through the list of available commands //! (fListOfEventss). If the received command was recognized, it is added //! via PostCommand into the fifo. //! //! @todo //! - Fix the exit when cmd is not of type EventImp //! - Do we need a possibility to suppress a call to "HandleEvent" //! or is a state<0 enough? // bool StateMachine::ProcessCommand(const std::string &str, const char *ptr, size_t siz) { EventImp *evt = FindEvent(str); if (!evt) return false; PostEvent(*evt, ptr, siz); return true; }