#include "StateMachineDimControl.h" #include #include "Dim.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Readline.h" #include "InterpreterV8.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include "Converter.h" #include "tools.h" using namespace std; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool StateMachineDimControl::fIsServer = false; string StateMachineDimControl::Line(const string &txt, char fill) { const int n = (55-txt.length())/2; ostringstream out; out << setfill(fill); out << setw(n) << fill << ' '; out << txt; out << ' ' << setw(n) << fill; if (2*n+txt.length()+2 != 57) out << fill; return out.str(); } int StateMachineDimControl::ChangeState(int qos, const Time &, int scriptdepth, string scriptfile, string user) { string msg; /* switch (qos) { case -4: msg = "End"; break; case -3: msg = "Loading"; break; case -2: msg = "Compiling"; break; case -1: msg = "Running"; break; default: { ostringstream out; out << "Label " << qos; msg = out.str(); } } */ //if (qos<0) msg += to_string(scriptdepth); msg += ":"+scriptfile+"["+user+":"+to_string(getpid())+"]"; //if (fDebug) //Write(time, Line(msg, qos<-1 ? '=' :'-'), MessageImp::kInternal); if (qos==-4) fScriptUser = fUser; SetCurrentState(qos+4, msg.c_str()); //SetCurrentState(qos+4, Line(msg, qos<-1 ? '=' :'-').c_str()); return GetCurrentState(); //return qos+4; } int StateMachineDimControl::ChangeState(int state) { return ChangeState(state, Time(), Readline::GetScriptDepth(), Readline::GetScript(), fScriptUser); /* === This might be necessary for thread safety, === but it break that the signal for the start of a new === script arrives synchronously before the first output === from the script // Post an anonymous event to the event loop Event evt(""); evt.AssignFunction(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::ChangeState, this, qos, time, Readline::GetScriptDepth(), Readline::GetScript(), fScriptUser)); return PostEvent(evt); */ } int StateMachineDimControl::StartScript(const EventImp &imp, const string &cmd) { string opt(imp.GetString()); map data; try { data = Tools::Split(opt, true); } catch (const exception &e) { Warn("DIM_CONTROL/START: Parsing failed: "+opt+" ["+string(e.what())+"]"); return GetCurrentState(); } if (imp.GetSize()==0 || opt.size()==0 || opt[0]==0) { Error("DIM_CONTROL/START: File name missing."); return GetCurrentState(); } if (fDebug) Debug("Start '"+opt+"' received."); if (fDebug) Debug("Received data: "+imp.GetString()); const auto user = data.find("user"); fScriptUser = user==data.end() ? fUser : user->second; if (fDebug) { for (auto it=data.begin(); it!=data.end(); it++) Debug(" Arg: "+it->first+" = "+it->second); } string emit = cmd+imp.GetString(); if (cmd==".js ") emit += fArgumentsJS; Readline::SetExternalInput(emit); return GetCurrentState(); } int StateMachineDimControl::StopScript(const EventImp &imp) { const string str(imp.GetString()); string msg("Stop received"); msg += str.empty() ? "." : " ["+str+"]"; Info(msg); Readline::StopScript(); InterpreterV8::JsStop(); return GetCurrentState(); } void StateMachineDimControl::Stop(int code) { InterpreterV8::JsStop(); StateMachineDim::Stop(code); } int StateMachineDimControl::InterruptScript(const EventImp &evt) { if (!fInterruptHandler) return GetCurrentState(); string str = evt.GetString(); const size_t p = str.find_last_of('\n'); if (p!=string::npos) str[p] = ':'; if (GetCurrentState()<3) { Warn("Interrupt request received ["+str+"]... but no running script."); return GetCurrentState(); } Info("Interrupt request received ["+str+"]"); return fInterruptHandler(evt); } bool StateMachineDimControl::SendDimCommand(const string &server, string str, ostream &lout) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); if (fServerList.find(server)==fServerList.end()) throw runtime_error("SendDimCommand - Server '"+server+"' not online."); str = Tools::Trim(str); // Find the delimiter between the command name and the data size_t p0 = str.find_first_of(' '); if (p0==string::npos) p0 = str.length(); // Get just the command name separated from the data const string name = str.substr(0, p0); // Compile the command which will be sent to the state-machine for (auto is=fServiceList.begin(); is!=fServiceList.end(); is++) { if (str.empty() && is->server==server) return true; if (is->server!=server || is->service!=name) continue; if (!is->iscmd) throw runtime_error("'"+server+"/"+name+" not a command."); // Avoid compiler warning of unused parameter lout << flush; // Convert the user entered data according to the format string // into a data block which will be attached to the event #ifndef DEBUG ostringstream sout; const Converter conv(sout, is->format, false); #else const Converter conv(lout, is->format, false); #endif if (!conv) throw runtime_error("Couldn't properly parse the format... ignored."); #ifdef DEBUG lout << kBlue << server << '/' << name; #endif const vector v = conv.GetVector(str.substr(p0)); #ifdef DEBUG lout << kBlue << " [" << v.size() << "]" << endl; #endif const string cmd = server + '/' + name; const int rc = DimClient::sendCommand(cmd.c_str(), (void*)v.data(), v.size()); if (!rc) throw runtime_error("ERROR - Sending command "+cmd+" failed."); return true; } if (!str.empty()) throw runtime_error("SendDimCommand - Format information for "+server+"/"+name+" not yet available."); return false; } int StateMachineDimControl::PrintStates(std::ostream &out, const std::string &serv) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); int rc = 0; for (auto it=fServerList.begin(); it!=fServerList.end(); it++) { if (!serv.empty() && *it!=serv) continue; out << kRed << "----- " << *it << " -----" << endl; int cnt = 0; for (auto is=fStateDescriptionList.begin(); is!=fStateDescriptionList.end(); is++) { const string &server = is->first.first; if (server!=*it) continue; const int32_t &state = is->first.second; const string &name = is->second.first; const string &comment = is->second.second; out << kBold << setw(5) << state << kReset << ": "; out << kYellow << name; if (!comment.empty()) out << kBlue << " (" << comment << ")"; out << endl; cnt++; } if (cnt==0) out << " " << endl; else rc++; out << endl; } return rc; } int StateMachineDimControl::PrintDescription(std::ostream &out, bool iscmd, const std::string &serv, const std::string &service) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); int rc = 0; for (auto it=fServerList.begin(); it!=fServerList.end(); it++) { if (!serv.empty() && *it!=serv) continue; out << kRed << "----- " << *it << " -----" << endl << endl; for (auto is=fServiceList.begin(); is!=fServiceList.end(); is++) { if (is->server!=*it) continue; if (!service.empty() && is->service!=service) continue; if (is->iscmd!=iscmd) continue; rc++; out << " " << is->service; if (!is->format.empty()) out << '[' << is->format << ']'; const auto id = fServiceDescriptionList.find(*it+"/"+is->service); if (id!=fServiceDescriptionList.end()) { const vector &v = id->second; for (auto j=v.begin()+1; j!=v.end(); j++) out << " <" << j->name << ">"; out << endl; if (!v[0].comment.empty()) out << " " << v[0].comment << endl; for (auto j=v.begin()+1; j!=v.end(); j++) { out << " " << kGreen << j->name; if (!j->comment.empty()) out << kReset << ": " << kBlue << j->comment; if (!j->unit.empty()) out << kYellow << " [" << j->unit << "]"; out << endl; } } out << endl; } out << endl; } return rc; } int StateMachineDimControl::HandleStateChange(const string &server, DimDescriptions *dim) { fMutex.lock(); const State descr = dim->description(); const State state = State(dim->state(), descr.index==DimState::kNotAvailable?"":descr.name, descr.comment, dim->cur.first); fCurrentStateList[server] = state; fMutex.unlock(); fStateCallback(server, state); return GetCurrentState(); } State StateMachineDimControl::GetServerState(const std::string &server) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); const auto it = fCurrentStateList.find(server); return it==fCurrentStateList.end() ? State() : it->second; } int StateMachineDimControl::HandleStates(const string &server, DimDescriptions *dim) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); const auto is = fCurrentStateList.find(server); for (auto it=dim->states.begin(); it!=dim->states.end(); it++) { fStateDescriptionList[make_pair(server, it->index)] = make_pair(it->name, it->comment); if (is==fCurrentStateList.end()) continue; State &s = is->second; if (s.index==it->index) { s.name = it->name; s.comment = it->comment; } } return GetCurrentState(); } int StateMachineDimControl::HandleDescriptions(DimDescriptions *dim) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); for (auto it=dim->descriptions.begin(); it!=dim->descriptions.end(); it++) fServiceDescriptionList[it->front().name].assign(it->begin(), it->end()); return GetCurrentState(); } std::vector StateMachineDimControl::GetDescription(const std::string &service) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); const auto it = fServiceDescriptionList.find(service); return it==fServiceDescriptionList.end() ? vector() : it->second; } int StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerAdd(const string &server) { if (fIsServer && server=="DIM_CONTROL") return GetCurrentState(); if (server!="DIS_DNS") { struct Find : string { Find(const string &ref) : string(ref) { } bool operator()(const DimDescriptions *dim) { return *this==dim->server; } }; if (find_if(fDimDescriptionsList.begin(), fDimDescriptionsList.end(), Find(server))==fDimDescriptionsList.end()) { DimDescriptions *d = new DimDescriptions(server); fDimDescriptionsList.push_back(d); d->SetCallback(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleStateChange, this, server, d)); d->SetCallbackStates(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleStates, this, server, d)); d->SetCallbackDescriptions(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleDescriptions, this, d)); d->Subscribe(*this); } } // Make a copy of the list to be able to // lock the access to the list const lock_guard guard(fMutex); fServerList.insert(server); return GetCurrentState(); } int StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerRemove(const string &server) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); fServerList.erase(server); return GetCurrentState(); } vector StateMachineDimControl::GetServerList() { vector rc; const lock_guard guard(fMutex); rc.reserve(fServerList.size()); for (auto it=fServerList.begin(); it!=fServerList.end(); it++) rc.push_back(*it); return rc; } vector StateMachineDimControl::GetCommandList(const string &server) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); const string s = server.substr(0, server.length()-1); if (fServerList.find(s)==fServerList.end()) return vector(); vector rc; for (auto it=fServiceList.begin(); it!=fServiceList.end(); it++) if (it->iscmd && it->server==s) rc.push_back(server+it->service); return rc; } vector StateMachineDimControl::GetCommandList() { vector rc; const lock_guard guard(fMutex); for (auto it=fServiceList.begin(); it!=fServiceList.end(); it++) if (it->iscmd) rc.push_back(it->server+"/"+it->service); return rc; } set StateMachineDimControl::GetServiceList() { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); return fServiceList; } vector StateMachineDimControl::GetStates(const string &server) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); vector rc; for (auto it=fStateDescriptionList.begin(); it!=fStateDescriptionList.end(); it++) { if (it->first.first!=server) continue; rc.emplace_back(it->first.second, it->second.first, it->second.second); } return rc; } int StateMachineDimControl::HandleAddService(const Service &svc) { // Make a copy of the list to be able to // lock the access to the list const lock_guard guard(fMutex); fServiceList.insert(svc); return GetCurrentState(); } bool StateMachineDimControl::HasServer(const std::string &server) { const lock_guard guard(fMutex); return fServerList.find(server)!=fServerList.end(); } StateMachineDimControl::StateMachineDimControl(ostream &out) : StateMachineDim(out, fIsServer?"DIM_CONTROL":"") { fDim.Subscribe(*this); fDimList.Subscribe(*this); fDimList.SetCallbackServerAdd (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerAdd, this, placeholders::_1)); fDimList.SetCallbackServerRemove(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerRemove, this, placeholders::_1)); fDimList.SetCallbackServiceAdd (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleAddService, this, placeholders::_1)); // State names AddStateName(0, "Idle", "No script currently in processing."); AddStateName(1, "Loading", "Script is loading."); AddStateName(2, "Compiling", "JavaScript is compiling."); AddStateName(3, "Running", "Script is running."); AddEvent("START", "C", 0) (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::StartScript, this, placeholders::_1, ".js ")) ("Start a JavaScript"); AddEvent("EXECUTE", "C", 0) (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::StartScript, this, placeholders::_1, ".x ")) ("Execute a batch script"); AddEvent("STOP", "C") (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::StopScript, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Stop a runnning batch script or JavaScript"); AddEvent("INTERRUPT", "C") (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::InterruptScript, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Send an interrupt request (IRQ) to a running JavaScript"); } StateMachineDimControl::~StateMachineDimControl() { for (auto it=fDimDescriptionsList.begin(); it!=fDimDescriptionsList.end(); it++) delete *it; } int StateMachineDimControl::EvalOptions(Configuration &conf) { fDebug = conf.Get("debug"); fUser = conf.Get("user"); fScriptUser = fUser; // FIXME: Check fUser for quotes! const map &js = conf.GetOptions("JavaScript."); for (auto it=js.begin(); it!=js.end(); it++) { string key = it->first; string val = it->second; // Escape key boost::replace_all(key, "\\", "\\\\"); boost::replace_all(key, "'", "\\'"); boost::replace_all(key, "\"", "\\\""); // Escape value boost::replace_all(val, "\\", "\\\\"); boost::replace_all(val, "'", "\\'"); boost::replace_all(val, "\"", "\\\""); fArgumentsJS += " '"+key +"'='"+val+"'"; } // fVerbosity = 40; // if (conf.Has("verbosity")) // fVerbosity = conf.Get("verbosity"); // if (conf.Get("quiet")) // fVerbosity = 90; #if BOOST_VERSION < 104600 const string fname = boost::filesystem::path(conf.GetName()).filename(); #else const string fname = boost::filesystem::path(conf.GetName()).filename().string(); #endif if (fname=="dimserver") return -1; if (conf.Get("stop")) return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/STOP", fUser); if (conf.Has("interrupt")) return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/INTERRUPT", conf.Get("interrupt")+"\n"+fUser); if (conf.Has("start")) return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/START", conf.Get("start")+" user='"+fUser+"'"+fArgumentsJS); if (conf.Has("batch")) return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/EXECUTE", conf.Get("batch")+" user='"+fUser+"'"); if (conf.Has("msg")) return !Dim::SendCommand("CHAT/MSG", fUser+": "+conf.Get("msg")); if (conf.Has("restart")) return !Dim::SendCommand(conf.Get("restart")+"/EXIT", uint32_t(126)); return -1; }