1 | #include "StateMachineDimControl.h"
2 |
3 | #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
4 |
5 | #include "Dim.h"
6 | #include "Event.h"
7 | #include "RemoteControl.h"
8 | #include "Configuration.h"
9 | #include "Converter.h"
10 |
11 | using namespace std;
12 |
13 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 |
15 | bool StateMachineDimControl::fIsServer = false;
16 |
17 | string StateMachineDimControl::Line(const string &txt, char fill)
18 | {
19 | const int n = (55-txt.length())/2;
20 |
21 | ostringstream out;
22 | out << setfill(fill);
23 | out << setw(n) << fill << ' ';
24 | out << txt;
25 | out << ' ' << setw(n) << fill;
26 |
27 | if (2*n+txt.length()+2 != 57)
28 | out << fill;
29 |
30 | return out.str();
31 | }
32 |
33 | int StateMachineDimControl::ChangeState(int qos, const Time &, int scriptdepth, string scriptfile, string user)
34 | {
35 | string msg;
36 | /*
37 | switch (qos)
38 | {
39 | case -4: msg = "End"; break;
40 | case -3: msg = "Loading"; break;
41 | case -2: msg = "Compiling"; break;
42 | case -1: msg = "Running"; break;
43 | default:
44 | {
45 | ostringstream out;
46 | out << "Label " << qos;
47 | msg = out.str();
48 | }
49 | }
50 | */
51 |
52 | //if (qos<0)
53 | msg += to_string(scriptdepth);
54 |
55 | msg += ":"+scriptfile+"["+user+":"+to_string(getpid())+"]";
56 |
57 | //if (fDebug)
58 | //Write(time, Line(msg, qos<-1 ? '=' :'-'), MessageImp::kInternal);
59 |
60 | if (qos==-4)
61 | fScriptUser = fUser;
62 |
63 | SetCurrentState(qos+4, msg.c_str());
64 | //SetCurrentState(qos+4, Line(msg, qos<-1 ? '=' :'-').c_str());
65 | return GetCurrentState();
66 |
67 | //return qos+4;
68 | }
69 |
70 | int StateMachineDimControl::ChangeState(int state)
71 | {
72 | return ChangeState(state, Time(), Readline::GetScriptDepth(), Readline::GetScript(), fScriptUser);
73 | /*
74 | === This might be necessary for thread safety,
75 | === but it break that the signal for the start of a new
76 | === script arrives synchronously before the first output
77 | === from the script
78 |
79 | // Post an anonymous event to the event loop
80 | Event evt("");
81 | evt.AssignFunction(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::ChangeState, this,
82 | qos, time, Readline::GetScriptDepth(),
83 | Readline::GetScript(), fScriptUser));
84 | return PostEvent(evt);
85 | */
86 | }
87 |
88 | int StateMachineDimControl::StartScript(const EventImp &imp, const string &cmd)
89 | {
90 | string opt(imp.GetString());
91 |
92 | const map<string,string> data = Tools::Split(opt, true);
93 | if (imp.GetSize()==0 || opt.size()==0 || opt[0]==0)
94 | {
95 | Error("File name missing in DIM_CONTROL/START");
96 | return GetCurrentState();
97 | }
98 |
99 | if (fDebug)
100 | Debug("Start '"+opt+"' received.");
101 |
102 | if (fDebug)
103 | Debug("Received data: "+imp.GetString());
104 |
105 | const auto user = data.find("user");
106 | fScriptUser = user==data.end() ? fUser : user->second;
107 |
108 | if (fDebug)
109 | {
110 | for (auto it=data.begin(); it!=data.end(); it++)
111 | Debug(" Arg: "+it->first+" = "+it->second);
112 | }
113 |
114 | string emit = cmd+imp.GetString();
115 | if (cmd==".js ")
116 | emit += fArgumentsJS;
117 |
118 | Readline::SetExternalInput(emit);
119 | return GetCurrentState();
120 | }
121 |
122 | int StateMachineDimControl::StopScript()
123 | {
124 | Info("Stop received.");
125 |
126 | Readline::StopScript();
127 | InterpreterV8::JsStop();
128 | return GetCurrentState();
129 | }
130 |
131 | bool StateMachineDimControl::SendDimCommand(const string &server, string str, ostream &lout)
132 | {
133 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
134 |
135 | if (fServerList.find(server)==fServerList.end())
136 | throw runtime_error("SendDimCommand - Server '"+server+"' not online.");
137 |
138 | str = Tools::Trim(str);
139 |
140 | // Find the delimiter between the command name and the data
141 | size_t p0 = str.find_first_of(' ');
142 | if (p0==string::npos)
143 | p0 = str.length();
144 |
145 | // Get just the command name separated from the data
146 | const string name = str.substr(0, p0);
147 |
148 | // Compile the command which will be sent to the state-machine
149 | for (auto is=fServiceList.begin(); is!=fServiceList.end(); is++)
150 | {
151 | if (str.empty() && is->server==server)
152 | return true;
153 |
154 | if (is->server!=server || is->service!=name)
155 | continue;
156 |
157 | if (!is->iscmd)
158 | throw runtime_error("'"+server+"/"+name+" not a command.");
159 |
160 | // Avoid compiler warning of unused parameter
161 | lout << flush;
162 |
163 | // Convert the user entered data according to the format string
164 | // into a data block which will be attached to the event
165 | #ifndef DEBUG
166 | ostringstream sout;
167 | const Converter conv(sout, is->format, false);
168 | #else
169 | const Converter conv(lout, is->format, false);
170 | #endif
171 | if (!conv)
172 | throw runtime_error("Couldn't properly parse the format... ignored.");
173 |
174 | #ifdef DEBUG
175 | lout << kBlue << server << '/' << name;
176 | #endif
177 | const vector<char> v = conv.GetVector(str.substr(p0));
178 | #ifdef DEBUG
179 | lout << kBlue << " [" << v.size() << "]" << endl;
180 | #endif
181 | const string cmd = server + '/' + name;
182 | const int rc = DimClient::sendCommand(cmd.c_str(), (void*)v.data(), v.size());
183 | if (!rc)
184 | throw runtime_error("ERROR - Sending command "+cmd+" failed.");
185 |
186 | return true;
187 | }
188 |
189 | if (!str.empty())
190 | throw runtime_error("SendDimCommand - Format information for "+server+"/"+name+" not yet available.");
191 |
192 | return false;
193 | }
194 |
195 | int StateMachineDimControl::PrintStates(std::ostream &out, const std::string &serv)
196 | {
197 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
198 |
199 | int rc = 0;
200 | for (auto it=fServerList.begin(); it!=fServerList.end(); it++)
201 | {
202 | if (!serv.empty() && *it!=serv)
203 | continue;
204 |
205 | out << kRed << "----- " << *it << " -----" << endl;
206 |
207 | int cnt = 0;
208 | for (auto is=fStateDescriptionList.begin(); is!=fStateDescriptionList.end(); is++)
209 | {
210 | const string &server = is->first.first;
211 |
212 | if (server!=*it)
213 | continue;
214 |
215 | const int32_t &state = is->first.second;
216 | const string &name = is->second.first;
217 | const string &comment = is->second.second;
218 |
219 | out << kBold << setw(5) << state << kReset << ": ";
220 | out << kYellow << name;
221 | if (!comment.empty())
222 | out << kBlue << " (" << comment << ")";
223 | out << endl;
224 |
225 | cnt++;
226 | }
227 |
228 | if (cnt==0)
229 | out << " <no states>" << endl;
230 | else
231 | rc++;
232 |
233 | out << endl;
234 | }
235 |
236 | return rc;
237 | }
238 |
239 | int StateMachineDimControl::PrintDescription(std::ostream &out, bool iscmd, const std::string &serv, const std::string &service)
240 | {
241 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
242 |
243 | int rc = 0;
244 | for (auto it=fServerList.begin(); it!=fServerList.end(); it++)
245 | {
246 | if (!serv.empty() && *it!=serv)
247 | continue;
248 |
249 | out << kRed << "----- " << *it << " -----" << endl << endl;
250 |
251 | for (auto is=fServiceList.begin(); is!=fServiceList.end(); is++)
252 | {
253 | if (is->server!=*it)
254 | continue;
255 |
256 | if (!service.empty() && is->service!=service)
257 | continue;
258 |
259 | if (is->iscmd!=iscmd)
260 | continue;
261 |
262 | rc++;
263 |
264 | out << " " << is->service;
265 | if (!is->format.empty())
266 | out << '[' << is->format << ']';
267 |
268 | const auto id = fServiceDescriptionList.find(*it+"/"+is->service);
269 | if (id!=fServiceDescriptionList.end())
270 | {
271 | const vector<Description> &v = id->second;
272 |
273 | for (auto j=v.begin()+1; j!=v.end(); j++)
274 | out << " <" << j->name << ">";
275 | out << endl;
276 |
277 | if (!v[0].comment.empty())
278 | out << " " << v[0].comment << endl;
279 |
280 | for (auto j=v.begin()+1; j!=v.end(); j++)
281 | {
282 | out << " " << kGreen << j->name;
283 | if (!j->comment.empty())
284 | out << kReset << ": " << kBlue << j->comment;
285 | if (!j->unit.empty())
286 | out << kYellow << " [" << j->unit << "]";
287 | out << endl;
288 | }
289 | }
290 | out << endl;
291 | }
292 | out << endl;
293 | }
294 |
295 | return rc;
296 | }
297 |
298 | int StateMachineDimControl::HandleStateChange(const string &server, DimDescriptions *dim)
299 | {
300 | fMutex.lock();
301 | const State descr = dim->description();
302 | const State state = State(dim->state(), descr.index==DimState::kNotAvailable?"":descr.name, descr.comment, dim->cur.first);
303 | fCurrentStateList[server] = state;
304 | fMutex.unlock();
305 |
306 | fStateCallback(server, state);
307 |
308 | return GetCurrentState();
309 | }
310 |
311 | State StateMachineDimControl::GetServerState(const std::string &server)
312 | {
313 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
314 |
315 | const auto it = fCurrentStateList.find(server);
316 | return it==fCurrentStateList.end() ? State() : it->second;
317 | }
318 |
319 | int StateMachineDimControl::HandleStates(const string &server, DimDescriptions *dim)
320 | {
321 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
322 |
323 | const auto is = fCurrentStateList.find(server);
324 | for (auto it=dim->states.begin(); it!=dim->states.end(); it++)
325 | {
326 | fStateDescriptionList[make_pair(server, it->index)] = make_pair(it->name, it->comment);
327 | if (is==fCurrentStateList.end())
328 | continue;
329 |
330 | State &s = is->second;
331 | if (s.index==it->index)
332 | {
333 | s.name = it->name;
334 | s.comment = it->comment;
335 | }
336 | }
337 |
338 | return GetCurrentState();
339 | }
340 |
341 | int StateMachineDimControl::HandleDescriptions(DimDescriptions *dim)
342 | {
343 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
344 |
345 | for (auto it=dim->descriptions.begin(); it!=dim->descriptions.end(); it++)
346 | fServiceDescriptionList[it->front().name].assign(it->begin(), it->end());
347 |
348 | return GetCurrentState();
349 | }
350 |
351 | std::vector<Description> StateMachineDimControl::GetDescription(const std::string &service)
352 | {
353 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
354 |
355 | const auto it = fServiceDescriptionList.find(service);
356 | return it==fServiceDescriptionList.end() ? vector<Description>() : it->second;
357 | }
358 |
359 | int StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerAdd(const string &server)
360 | {
361 | if (server!="DIS_DNS")
362 | {
363 | struct Find : string
364 | {
365 | Find(const string &ref) : string(ref) { }
366 | bool operator()(const DimDescriptions *dim) { return *this==dim->server; }
367 | };
368 |
369 | if (find_if(fDimDescriptionsList.begin(), fDimDescriptionsList.end(),
370 | Find(server))==fDimDescriptionsList.end())
371 | {
372 | DimDescriptions *d = new DimDescriptions(server);
373 |
374 | fDimDescriptionsList.push_back(d);
375 | d->SetCallback(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleStateChange, this, server, d));
376 | d->SetCallbackStates(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleStates, this, server, d));
377 | d->SetCallbackDescriptions(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleDescriptions, this, d));
378 | d->Subscribe(*this);
379 | }
380 | }
381 |
382 | // Make a copy of the list to be able to
383 | // lock the access to the list
384 |
385 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
386 | fServerList.insert(server);
387 |
388 | return GetCurrentState();
389 | }
390 |
391 | int StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerRemove(const string &server)
392 | {
393 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
394 | fServerList.erase(server);
395 |
396 | return GetCurrentState();
397 | }
398 |
399 | vector<string> StateMachineDimControl::GetServerList()
400 | {
401 | vector<string> rc;
402 |
403 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
404 |
405 | rc.reserve(fServerList.size());
406 | for (auto it=fServerList.begin(); it!=fServerList.end(); it++)
407 | rc.push_back(*it);
408 |
409 | return rc;
410 | }
411 |
412 | vector<string> StateMachineDimControl::GetCommandList(const string &server)
413 | {
414 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
415 |
416 | const string s = server.substr(0, server.length()-1);
417 |
418 | if (fServerList.find(s)==fServerList.end())
419 | return vector<string>();
420 |
421 | vector<string> rc;
422 |
423 | for (auto it=fServiceList.begin(); it!=fServiceList.end(); it++)
424 | if (it->iscmd && it->server==s)
425 | rc.push_back(server+it->service);
426 |
427 | return rc;
428 | }
429 |
430 | vector<string> StateMachineDimControl::GetCommandList()
431 | {
432 | vector<string> rc;
433 |
434 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
435 |
436 | for (auto it=fServiceList.begin(); it!=fServiceList.end(); it++)
437 | if (it->iscmd)
438 | rc.push_back(it->server+"/"+it->service);
439 |
440 | return rc;
441 | }
442 |
443 | set<Service> StateMachineDimControl::GetServiceList()
444 | {
445 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
446 | return fServiceList;
447 | }
448 |
449 | vector<State> StateMachineDimControl::GetStates(const string &server)
450 | {
451 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
452 |
453 | vector<State> rc;
454 |
455 | for (auto it=fStateDescriptionList.begin(); it!=fStateDescriptionList.end(); it++)
456 | {
457 | if (it->first.first!=server)
458 | continue;
459 |
460 | rc.push_back(State(it->first.second, it->second.first, it->second.second));
461 | }
462 |
463 | return rc;
464 | }
465 |
466 |
467 | int StateMachineDimControl::HandleAddService(const Service &svc)
468 | {
469 | // Make a copy of the list to be able to
470 | // lock the access to the list
471 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
472 | fServiceList.insert(svc);
473 |
474 | return GetCurrentState();
475 | }
476 |
477 | bool StateMachineDimControl::HasServer(const std::string &server)
478 | {
479 | const lock_guard<mutex> guard(fMutex);
480 | return fServerList.find(server)!=fServerList.end();
481 | }
482 |
483 | StateMachineDimControl::StateMachineDimControl(ostream &out) : StateMachineDim(out, fIsServer?"DIM_CONTROL":"")
484 | {
485 | fDim.Subscribe(*this);
486 | fDimList.Subscribe(*this);
487 |
488 | fDimList.SetCallbackServerAdd (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerAdd, this, placeholders::_1));
489 | fDimList.SetCallbackServerRemove(bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleServerRemove, this, placeholders::_1));
490 | fDimList.SetCallbackServiceAdd (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::HandleAddService, this, placeholders::_1));
491 |
492 | // State names
493 | AddStateName(0, "Idle", "No script currently in processing.");
494 | AddStateName(1, "Loading", "Script is loading.");
495 | AddStateName(2, "Compiling", "JavaScript is compiling.");
496 | AddStateName(3, "Running", "Script is running.");
497 |
498 | AddEvent("START", "C", 0)
499 | (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::StartScript, this, placeholders::_1, ".js "))
500 | ("Start a JavaScript");
501 |
502 | AddEvent("EXECUTE", "C", 0)
503 | (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::StartScript, this, placeholders::_1, ".x "))
504 | ("Execute a batch script");
505 |
506 | AddEvent("STOP", "C")
507 | (bind(&StateMachineDimControl::StopScript, this))
508 | ("Stop a runnning batch script or JavaScript");
509 | }
510 |
511 | StateMachineDimControl::~StateMachineDimControl()
512 | {
513 | for (auto it=fDimDescriptionsList.begin(); it!=fDimDescriptionsList.end(); it++)
514 | delete *it;
515 | }
516 |
517 | int StateMachineDimControl::EvalOptions(Configuration &conf)
518 | {
519 | fDebug = conf.Get<bool>("debug");
520 | fUser = conf.Get<string>("user");
521 | fScriptUser = fUser;
522 |
523 | // FIXME: Check fUser for quotes!
524 |
525 | const map<string, string> &js = conf.GetOptions<string>("JavaScript.");
526 | for (auto it=js.begin(); it!=js.end(); it++)
527 | {
528 | string key = it->first;
529 | string val = it->second;
530 |
531 | // Escape key
532 | boost::replace_all(key, "\\", "\\\\");
533 | boost::replace_all(key, "'", "\\'");
534 | boost::replace_all(key, "\"", "\\\"");
535 |
536 | // Escape value
537 | boost::replace_all(val, "\\", "\\\\");
538 | boost::replace_all(val, "'", "\\'");
539 | boost::replace_all(val, "\"", "\\\"");
540 |
541 | fArgumentsJS += " '"+key +"'='"+val+"'";
542 | }
543 |
544 | // fVerbosity = 40;
545 |
546 | // if (conf.Has("verbosity"))
547 | // fVerbosity = conf.Get<uint32_t>("verbosity");
548 |
549 | // if (conf.Get<bool>("quiet"))
550 | // fVerbosity = 90;
551 |
552 | const boost::filesystem::path path(conf.GetName());
553 | const string fname = path.filename().string();
554 |
555 | if (fname=="dimserver")
556 | return -1;
557 |
558 | if (conf.Get<bool>("stop"))
559 | return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/STOP", fUser);
560 |
561 | if (conf.Has("start"))
562 | return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/START", conf.Get<string>("start")+" user='"+fUser+"'"+fArgumentsJS);
563 |
564 | if (conf.Has("batch"))
565 | return !Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/EXECUTE", conf.Get<string>("batch")+" user='"+fUser+"'");
566 |
567 | if (conf.Has("msg"))
568 | return !Dim::SendCommand("CHAT/MSG", fUser+": "+conf.Get<string>("msg"));
569 |
570 | if (conf.Has("restart"))
571 | return !Dim::SendCommand(conf.Get<string>("restart")+"/EXIT", uint32_t(126));
572 |
573 | return -1;
574 | }