1 | #include "Database.h"
2 |
3 | #include "pal.h"
4 | #include "nova.h"
5 | #include "Time.h"
6 | #include "Configuration.h"
7 |
8 | #include <TROOT.h>
9 | #include <TVector3.h>
10 | #include <TRotation.h>
11 |
12 | using namespace std;
13 |
14 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 |
16 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
17 | {
18 | po::options_description control("Calcsource options");
19 | control.add_options()
20 | ("uri,u", var<string>()
21 | #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200
22 | ->required()
23 | #endif
24 | , "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database.")
25 | //("source-key", var<uint32_t>(5), "")
26 | //("source-name", var<string>(""), "")
27 | ("file", var<uint32_t>(uint32_t(0)),"FileId (YYMMDDXXX), defined the events to be processed (if omitted (=0), a list of possible numbers is printed)")
28 | ("table.events", var<string>("Events"), "Name of the table where the events are stored")
29 | ("table.runinfo", var<string>("RunInfo"), "Name of the table where the run-info data is stored")
30 | ("table.source", var<string>("Source"), "Name of the table where the sources are stored")
31 | ("table.position", var<string>("Position"), "Name of the table where the calculated posiiton will be stored")
32 | ("force", po_switch(), "Force processing even if there is no database connection")
33 | ("drop", po_switch(), "Drop the table (implies create)")
34 | ("create", po_switch(), "Create the table if it does not yet exist")
35 | ("update", po_switch(), "Update the table.position instead of inserting it (disables drop, create and delete)")
36 | ("ra", var<double>(), "Right ascension of the source (use together with --dec)")
37 | ("dec", var<double>(), "Declination of the source (use together with --ra)")
38 | ("focal-dist", var<double>(4889.), "Focal distance of the camera in millimeter")
39 | ;
40 |
41 | po::options_description debug("Debug options");
42 | debug.add_options()
43 | ("no-insert", po_switch(), "Does not insert or update any data to any table")
44 | ("dry-run", po_switch(), "Skip any query which changes the databse (might result in consecutive failures)")
45 | ("print-meta", po_switch(), "Print meta-queries (DROP, CREATE, DELETE, SELECT)")
46 | ("print-insert", po_switch(), "Print the INSERT/UPDATE queries")
47 | ("verbose,v", var<uint16_t>(1), "Verbosity (0: quiet, 1: default, 2: more, 3, ...)")
48 | ;
49 |
50 | po::positional_options_description p;
51 | p.add("file", 1); // The 1st positional options (n=1)
52 |
53 | conf.AddOptions(control);
54 | conf.AddOptions(debug);
55 | conf.SetArgumentPositions(p);
56 | }
57 |
58 | void PrintUsage()
59 | {
60 | cout <<
61 | "calcsource - Fill a table with source positions\n"
62 | "\n"
63 | "This tool is to calculate the source position in the camera and fill "
64 | "it into a database table for all events which come from a single run. "
65 | "The run is idetified by its FileId (YYMMDDXXX), where YYMMDD is "
66 | "its date and XXX is the run-number. For this run the corresponding "
67 | "source key `fSourceKey` is obtained from the RunInfo table "
68 | "(--table.runinfo) and the corresponding fRightAscension and fDeclination "
69 | "from the Source table (--table.source). If --ra and --dec was specified "
70 | "by the user, this step is skipped and these two values are used instead."
71 | "\n\n"
72 | "Then for each event with the given FileId, its pointing position "
73 | "(`Ra`, `Dec`), its time (`MJD`, `MilliSec`) and its event number "
74 | "(`EvtNumber`) are requested from the table given by --table.events. "
75 | "Based on this information and the focal distance (--focal-distance) the "
76 | "`X` and `Y` coordinate of the source in the camera plane is calculated. "
77 | "The result can then be filled into a database."
78 | "\n\n"
79 | "The table to be filled or updated should contain the following columns:\n"
80 | " - FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL\n"
81 | " - EvtNumber INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL\n"
82 | " - X FLOAT NOT NULL\n"
83 | " - Y FLOAT NOT NULL\n"
84 | "\n"
85 | "If the table does not exist, it can be created automatically specifying "
86 | "the --crate option. If a table already exists and it should be dropped "
87 | "before creation, the --drop option can be used:\n"
88 | "\n"
89 | " calcsource 170909009 --create\n"
90 | "\n"
91 | "Process the data from the run 009 from 09/09/2017. If no table exists "
92 | "a table with the name given by --table.position is created.\n"
93 | "\n"
94 | " calcsource 170909009 --create --drop\n"
95 | "\n"
96 | "Same as before, but if a table with the name given by --table.position "
97 | "exists, it is dropped before.\n"
98 | "\n"
99 | "For each event, a new row is inserted. If existing rows should be updated, "
100 | "use:\n"
101 | "\n"
102 | " calcsource 170909009 --updated\n"
103 | "\n"
104 | "The --create option is compatible with that. The --drop option is ignored.\n"
105 | "\n"
106 | ""
107 | "\n"
108 | "For debugging purposes several print options and options to avoid irreversible "
109 | "changes to the database exist."
110 | "\n\n"
111 | "Usage: calcsource YYMMDDXXX [-u URI] [options]\n"
112 | "\n"
113 | ;
114 | cout << endl;
115 | }
116 |
117 | class MRotation : public TRotation
118 | {
119 | public:
120 | MRotation() : TRotation(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
121 | {
122 | }
123 | };
124 |
125 |
126 | int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
127 | {
128 | Time start;
129 |
130 | gROOT->SetBatch();
131 |
132 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
133 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
134 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
135 |
136 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv))
137 | return 127;
138 |
139 | // ----------------------------- Evaluate options --------------------------
140 | if (conf.Has("ra")^conf.Has("dec"))
141 | throw runtime_error("--ra and --dec can only be used together");
142 |
143 | const bool has_radec = conf.Has("ra") && conf.Has("dec");
144 |
145 | double source_ra = conf.Has("ra") ? conf.Get<double>("ra") : 0;
146 | double source_dec = conf.Has("dec") ? conf.Get<double>("dec") : 0;
147 |
148 | //string source_name = conf.Get<string>("source-name");
149 | //uint32_t source_key = conf.Has("source-key") ? conf.Get<uint32_t>("source-key") : 0;
150 |
151 | const string uri = conf.Get<string>("uri");
152 | const string tab_events = conf.Get<string>("table.events");
153 | const string tab_runinfo = conf.Get<string>("table.runinfo");
154 | const string tab_source = conf.Get<string>("table.source");
155 | const string tab_position = conf.Get<string>("table.position");
156 |
157 | const uint32_t file = conf.Get<uint32_t>("file");
158 |
159 | const double focal_dist = conf.Get<double>("focal-dist");
160 |
161 | const bool print_meta = conf.Get<bool>("print-meta");
162 | const bool print_insert = conf.Get<bool>("print-insert");
163 |
164 | const bool force = conf.Get<bool>("force");
165 | const bool drop = conf.Get<bool>("drop");
166 | const bool create = conf.Get<bool>("create") || drop;
167 | const bool update = conf.Get<bool>("update");
168 | const bool noinsert = conf.Get<bool>("no-insert");
169 | const bool dry_run = conf.Get<bool>("dry-run");
170 | const uint16_t verbose = conf.Get<uint16_t>("verbose");
171 |
172 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 | // Checking for database connection
174 |
175 | Database connection(uri); // Keep alive while fetching rows
176 |
177 | try
178 | {
179 | if (!force)
180 | connection.connected();
181 | }
182 | catch (const exception &e)
183 | {
184 | cerr << "SQL connection failed: " << e.what() << endl;
185 | return 1;
186 | }
187 |
188 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 | // list file-ids in the events table
190 |
191 | if (file==0)
192 | {
193 | const string query =
194 | "SELECT FileId FROM `"+tab_events+"` GROUP BY FileId";
195 |
196 | if (print_meta)
197 | cout << query << endl;
198 |
199 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =
200 | connection.query(query).store();
201 |
202 | for (size_t i=0; i<res.num_rows(); i++)
203 | cout << "calcsource " << res[i][0] << '\n';
204 | cout << endl;
205 |
206 | return 0;
207 | }
208 |
209 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 | // retrieve source from the database
211 |
212 | if (verbose>0)
213 | {
214 | cout << "\n------------------------- Evaluating source ------------------------" << endl;
215 | cout << "Requesting coordinates from " << tab_runinfo << "/" << tab_source << " table for 20" << file/1000 << "/" << file%1000 << endl;
216 | }
217 |
218 | if (!has_radec)
219 | {
220 | const string query =
221 | "SELECT "+tab_source+".fRightAscension, "+tab_source+".fDeclination, "+tab_source+".fSourceName"
222 | " FROM `"+tab_runinfo+"`"+
223 | " LEFT JOIN `"+tab_source+"`"+
224 | " USING (fSourceKey)"
225 | " WHERE fNight=20"+to_string(file/1000)+
226 | " AND fRunID="+to_string(file%1000);
227 |
228 | if (print_meta)
229 | cout << query << endl;
230 |
231 | try
232 | {
233 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =
234 | connection.query(query).store();
235 |
236 | if (res.num_rows()!=1)
237 | {
238 | cerr << "No coordinates from " << tab_runinfo << " for " << file << endl;
239 | return 2;
240 | }
241 |
242 | source_ra = res[0][0];
243 | source_dec = res[0][1];
244 |
245 | if (verbose>0)
246 | cout << "Using coordinates " << source_ra << "h / " << source_dec << " deg for '" << res[0][2] << "'" << endl;
247 | }
248 | catch (const exception &e)
249 | {
250 | cerr << query << "\n";
251 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
252 | return 3;
253 | }
254 | }
255 | else
256 | if (verbose>0)
257 | cout << "Using coordinates " << source_ra << "h / " << source_dec << " deg from resources." << endl;
258 |
259 | /*
260 | if (!source_name.empty())
261 | {
262 | cout << "Requesting coordinates for '" << source_name << "'" << endl;
263 |
264 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =
265 | connection.query("SELECT `Ra`, `Dec` WHERE fSourceName='"+source_name+"'").store();
266 |
267 | if (res.num_rows()!=1)
268 | {
269 | cerr << "No " << (res.num_rows()>1?"unique ":"") << "coordinates found for '" << source_name << "'" << endl;
270 | return 1;
271 | }
272 |
273 | source_ra = res[0][0];
274 | source_dec = res[0][1];
275 | }
276 | */
277 |
278 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
279 | // create INSERT/UPDATE query (calculate positions)
280 |
281 | if (verbose>0)
282 | {
283 | cout << "\n-------------------------- Evaluating file ------------------------";
284 | cout << "\nRequesting data from table `" << tab_events << "`" << endl;
285 | }
286 |
287 | const string query =
288 | "SELECT `Ra`, `Dec`, MJD, MilliSec, NanoSec, Zd, Az, EvtNumber"
289 | " FROM `"+tab_events+"`"
290 | " WHERE FileId="+to_string(file);
291 |
292 | if (print_meta)
293 | cout << query << endl;
294 |
295 | const mysqlpp::UseQueryResult res1 =
296 | connection.query(query).use();
297 |
298 | Nova::RaDecPosn source(source_ra, source_dec);
299 |
300 | source_ra *= M_PI/12;
301 | source_dec *= M_PI/180;
302 |
303 | auto obs = Nova::kORM;
304 |
305 | obs.lng *= M_PI/180;
306 | obs.lat *= M_PI/180;
307 |
308 | //const double mm2deg = 1.17193246260285378e-02;
309 |
310 | ostringstream ins;
311 | ins << setprecision(16);
312 |
313 | vector<string> upd;
314 |
315 | size_t count = 0;
316 | while (auto row=res1.fetch_row())
317 | {
318 | count++;
319 |
320 | double point_ra = row[0];
321 | double point_dec = row[1];
322 | uint32_t mjd = row[2];
323 | int64_t millisec = row[3];
324 | //uint32_t nanosec = row[4];
325 | //double zd = row[5];
326 | //double az = row[6];
327 | uint32_t event = row[7];
328 |
329 | Nova::RaDecPosn point(point_ra, point_dec);
330 |
331 | point_ra *= M_PI/12;
332 | point_dec *= M_PI/180;
333 |
334 | /*
335 | // ============================ Mars ================================
336 |
337 | TVector3 pos; // pos: source position
338 | TVector3 pos0; // pos: source position
339 |
340 | pos.SetMagThetaPhi(1, M_PI/2-source_dec, source_ra);
341 | pos0.SetMagThetaPhi(1, M_PI/2-point_dec, point_ra);
342 |
343 | const double ut = (nanosec/1e6+millisec)/(24*3600000);
344 |
345 | // Julian centuries since J2000.
346 | const double t = (ut -(51544.5-mjd)) / 36525.0;
347 |
348 | // GMST at this UT1
349 | const double r1 = 24110.54841+(8640184.812866+(0.093104-6.2e-6*t)*t)*t;
350 | const double r2 = 86400.0*ut;
351 |
352 | const double sum = (r1+r2)/(3600*24);
353 |
354 | double gmst = fmod(sum, 1) * 2*M_PI;
355 |
356 | MRotation conv;
357 | conv.RotateZ(gmst + obs.lng);
358 | conv.RotateY(obs.lat-M_PI/2);
359 | conv.RotateZ(M_PI);
360 |
361 | pos *= conv;
362 | pos0 *= conv;
363 |
364 | pos.RotateZ(-pos0.Phi());
365 | pos.RotateY(-pos0.Theta());
366 | pos.RotateZ(-M_PI/2); // exchange x and y
367 | pos *= -focal_dist/pos.Z();
368 |
369 | TVector2 v = pos.XYvector();
370 |
371 | //if (fDeviation)
372 | // v -= fDeviation->GetDevXY()/fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg();
373 |
374 | //cout << v.X() << " " << v.Y() << " " << v.Mod()*mm2deg << '\n';
375 | */
376 |
377 | // ================================= Nova ===============================
378 |
379 | Nova::ZdAzPosn ppos = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(source, 2400000.5+mjd+millisec/1000./3600/24);
380 | Nova::ZdAzPosn ppos0 = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(point, 2400000.5+mjd+millisec/1000./3600/24);
381 |
382 | TVector3 pos;
383 | TVector3 pos0;
384 | pos.SetMagThetaPhi( 1, ppos.zd *M_PI/180, ppos.az *M_PI/180);
385 | pos0.SetMagThetaPhi(1, ppos0.zd*M_PI/180, ppos0.az*M_PI/180);
386 |
387 | pos.RotateZ(-pos0.Phi());
388 | pos.RotateY(-pos0.Theta());
389 | pos.RotateZ(-M_PI/2); // exchange x and y
390 | pos *= -focal_dist/pos.Z();
391 |
392 | TVector2 v = pos.XYvector();
393 |
394 | //cout << v.X() << " " << v.Y() << " " << v.Mod()*mm2deg << '\n';
395 |
396 | /*
397 | // =============================== Slalib ==========================
398 | const double height = 2200;
399 | const double temp = 10;
400 | const double hum = 0.25;
401 | const double press = 780;
402 |
403 | const double _mjd = mjd+millisec/1000./3600/24;
404 |
405 | const double dtt = palDtt(_mjd); // 32.184 + 35
406 |
407 | const double tdb = _mjd + dtt/3600/24;
408 | const double dut = 0;
409 |
410 | // prepare calculation: Mean Place to geocentric apperent
411 | // (UTC would also do, except for the moon?)
412 | double fAmprms[21];
413 | palMappa(2000.0, tdb, fAmprms); // Epoche, TDB
414 |
415 | // prepare: Apperent to observed place
416 | double fAoprms[14];
417 | palAoppa(_mjd, dut, // mjd, Delta UT=UT1-UTC
418 | obs.lng, obs.lat, height, // long, lat, height
419 | 0, 0, // polar motion x, y-coordinate (radians)
420 | 273.155+temp, press, hum, // temp, pressure, humidity
421 | 0.40, 0.0065, // wavelength, tropo lapse rate
422 | fAoprms);
423 |
424 | // ---- Mean to apparent ----
425 | double r=0, d=0;
426 | palMapqkz(point_ra, point_dec, fAmprms, &r, &d);
427 |
428 | double _zd, _az, ha, ra, dec;
429 | // -- apparent to observed --
430 | palAopqk(r, d, fAoprms,
431 | &_az, // observed azimuth (radians: N=0,E=90) [-pi, pi]
432 | &_zd, // observed zenith distance (radians) [-pi/2, pi/2]
433 | &ha, // observed hour angle (radians)
434 | &dec, // observed declination (radians)
435 | &ra); // observed right ascension (radians)
436 |
437 | //cout << _zd*180/M_PI << " " << _az*180/M_PI << endl;
438 |
439 | pos0.SetMagThetaPhi(1, _zd, _az);
440 |
441 | r=0, d=0;
442 | palMapqkz(source_ra, source_dec, fAmprms, &r, &d);
443 |
444 | // -- apparent to observed --
445 | palAopqk(r, d, fAoprms,
446 | &_az, // observed azimuth (radians: N=0,E=90) [-pi, pi]
447 | &_zd, // observed zenith distance (radians) [-pi/2, pi/2]
448 | &ha, // observed hour angle (radians)
449 | &dec, // observed declination (radians)
450 | &ra); // observed right ascension (radians)
451 |
452 | pos.SetMagThetaPhi(1, _zd, _az);
453 |
454 | //cout << _zd*180/M_PI << " " << _az*180/M_PI << endl;
455 |
456 | pos.RotateZ(-pos0.Phi());
457 | pos.RotateY(-pos0.Theta());
458 | pos.RotateZ(-M_PI/2); // exchange x and y
459 | pos *= -focal_dist/pos.Z();
460 |
461 | v = pos.XYvector();
462 |
463 | //cout << v.X() << " " << v.Y() << " " << v.Mod()*mm2deg << '\n';
464 | */
465 |
466 | if (!update)
467 | ins << "( " << file << ", " << event << ", " << v.X() << ", " << v.Y() << " ),\n";
468 | else
469 | {
470 | ostringstream out;
471 | out << setprecision(16);
472 | out << "UPDATE `" << tab_position << "` SET X=" << v.X() << ", Y=" << v.Y() << " WHERE FileId=" << file << " AND EvtNumber=" << event;
473 | upd.emplace_back(out.str());
474 | }
475 | }
476 |
477 | if (connection.errnum())
478 | {
479 | cerr << "SQL error fetching row: " << connection.error() << endl;
480 | return 4;
481 | }
482 |
483 | if (verbose>0)
484 | cout << "Processed " << count << " events.\n" << endl;
485 |
486 | if (count==0)
487 | {
488 | if (verbose>0)
489 | cout << "Total execution time: " << Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime() << "s\n" << endl;
490 | return 0;
491 | }
492 |
493 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
494 | // drop table if requested
495 |
496 | if (drop && !update)
497 | {
498 | try
499 | {
500 | if (verbose>0)
501 | cout << "Dropping table `" << tab_position << "`" << endl;
502 |
503 | if (!dry_run)
504 | connection.query("DROP TABLE `"+tab_position+"`").execute();
505 |
506 | if (verbose>0)
507 | cout << "Table `" << tab_position << "` dropped.\n" << endl;
508 | }
509 | catch (const exception &e)
510 | {
511 | cerr << "DROP TABLE `" << tab_position << "`\n\n";
512 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
513 | return 5;
514 | }
515 | }
516 |
517 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 | // crate table if requested
519 |
520 | if (create && !update)
521 | {
522 | if (verbose>0)
523 | cout << "Creating table `" << tab_position << "`" << endl;
524 |
525 | const string query2 =
526 | "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `"+tab_position+"`\n"
527 | "(\n"
528 | " FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
529 | " EvtNumber INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
530 | " X FLOAT NOT NULL,\n"
531 | " Y FLOAT NOT NULL,\n"
532 | " PRIMARY KEY (FileId, EvtNumber)\n"
533 | ")\n"
534 | "DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci\n"
535 | "ENGINE=MyISAM\n"
536 | "COMMENT='created by "+conf.GetName()+"'\n";
537 |
538 | try
539 | {
540 | if (!dry_run)
541 | connection.query(query2).execute();
542 | }
543 | catch (const exception &e)
544 | {
545 | cerr << query2 << "\n\n";
546 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
547 | return 6;
548 | }
549 |
550 | if (print_meta)
551 | cout << query2 << endl;
552 |
553 | if (verbose>0)
554 | cout << "Table `" << tab_position << "` created.\n" << endl;
555 | }
556 |
557 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
558 | // delete old entries from table
559 |
560 | if (!drop && !update)
561 | {
562 | if (verbose>0)
563 | cout << "Deleting old entries from table `" << tab_position << "`" << endl;
564 |
565 | const string query2 =
566 | "DELETE FROM `"+tab_position+"` WHERE FileId="+to_string(file);
567 |
568 | try
569 | {
570 | if (!dry_run)
571 | {
572 | const mysqlpp::SimpleResult res =
573 | connection.query(query2).execute();
574 |
575 | if (verbose>0)
576 | cout << res.rows() << " row(s) affected.\n" << endl;
577 | }
578 | }
579 | catch (const exception &e)
580 | {
581 | cerr << query2 << "\n\n";
582 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
583 | return 7;
584 | }
585 |
586 | if (print_meta)
587 | cout << query2 << endl;
588 | }
589 |
590 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
591 | // insert data into table
592 |
593 | if (!update)
594 | {
595 | if (verbose>0)
596 | cout << "Inserting data into table " << tab_position << "." << endl;
597 |
598 | const string query2 =
599 | "INSERT `"+tab_position+"` (FileId, EvtNumber, X, Y) VALUES\n"+
600 | ins.str().substr(0, ins.str().size()-2)+
601 | "\n";
602 |
603 | try
604 | {
605 | if (!noinsert)
606 | {
607 | const mysqlpp::SimpleResult res =
608 | connection.query(query2).execute();
609 |
610 | if (verbose>0)
611 | cout << res.rows() << " row(s) affected.\n" << endl;
612 | }
613 | }
614 | catch (const exception &e)
615 | {
616 | cerr << query2 << "\n\n";
617 | cerr << "SQL query (" << query2.length() << " bytes) failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
618 | return 8;
619 | }
620 |
621 | if (print_insert)
622 | cout << query2 << endl;
623 | }
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 | // update data in table
629 |
630 | if (update)
631 | {
632 | if (verbose>0)
633 | cout << "Updating data in table " << tab_position << "." << endl;
634 |
635 | size_t cnt = 0;
636 | for (const auto &str : upd)
637 | {
638 | try
639 | {
640 | if (!noinsert && !dry_run)
641 | {
642 | const mysqlpp::SimpleResult res =
643 | connection.query(str).execute();
644 |
645 | cnt += res.rows();
646 | }
647 | }
648 | catch (const exception &e)
649 | {
650 | cerr << str << "\n\n";
651 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
652 | return 9;
653 | }
654 | }
655 |
656 | if (verbose>0)
657 | cout << cnt << " row(s) out of " << upd.size() << " affected.\n" << endl;
658 |
659 | if (print_insert)
660 | {
661 | for (const auto &str : upd)
662 | cout << str << '\n';
663 | cout << endl;
664 | }
665 | }
666 |
667 | if (verbose>0)
668 | cout << "Total execution time: " << Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime() << "s\n" << endl;
669 |
670 | return 0;
671 | }
672 |
673 | /*
674 | TRotation & TRotation::RotateX(Double_t a) {
675 | //rotate around x
676 | Double_t c = TMath::Cos(a);
677 | Double_t s = TMath::Sin(a);
678 | Double_t x = fyx, y = fyy, z = fyz;
679 | fyx = c*x - s*fzx;
680 | fyy = c*y - s*fzy;
681 | fyz = c*z - s*fzz;
682 | fzx = s*x + c*fzx;
683 | fzy = s*y + c*fzy;
684 | fzz = s*z + c*fzz;
685 | return *this;
686 | }
687 |
688 | TRotation & TRotation::RotateY(Double_t a){
689 | //rotate around y
690 | Double_t c = TMath::Cos(a);
691 | Double_t s = TMath::Sin(a);
692 | Double_t x = fzx, y = fzy, z = fzz;
693 | fzx = c*x - s*fxx;
694 | fzy = c*y - s*fxy;
695 | fzz = c*z - s*fxz;
696 | fxx = s*x + c*fxx;
697 | fxy = s*y + c*fxy;
698 | fxz = s*z + c*fxz;
699 | return *this;
700 | }
701 |
702 | TRotation & TRotation::RotateZ(Double_t a) {
703 | //rotate around z
704 | Double_t c = TMath::Cos(a);
705 | Double_t s = TMath::Sin(a);
706 | Double_t x = fxx, y = fxy, z = fxz;
707 | fxx = c*x - s*fyx;
708 | fxy = c*y - s*fyy;
709 | fxz = c*z - s*fyz;
710 | fyx = s*x + c*fyx;
711 | fyy = s*y + c*fyy;
712 | fyz = s*z + c*fyz;
713 | return *this;
714 | }
715 |
716 | */
717 |
718 |
719 | // Reuired:
720 | // pointing_ra[8]
721 | // pointing_dec[8]
722 | // fNanoSec[4], fTime[fMiliSec,8], fMjd[4]
723 | // source_ra -> rc
724 | // source_dec -> rc
725 | // fLong, fLat -> rc
726 | // fCameraDist -> rc
727 | // 32 byte per row, 1 Monat = 4mio rows => 120 MB
728 |
729 | /*
730 |
731 | void TVector3::SetThetaPhi(Double_t theta, Double_t phi)
732 | {
733 | //setter with mag, theta, phi
734 | fX = TMath::Sin(theta) * TMath::Cos(phi);
735 | fY = TMath::Sin(theta) * TMath::Sin(phi);
736 | fZ = TMath::Cos(theta);
737 | }
738 |
739 |
740 | // Set Sky coordinates of source, taken from container "MSourcePos"
741 | // of type MPointingPos. The sky coordinates must be J2000, as the
742 | // sky coordinates of the camera center that we get from the container
743 | // "MPointingPos" filled by the Drive.
744 | //MVector3 pos; // pos: source position
745 | //pos.SetRaDec(fSourcePos->GetRaRad(), fSourcePos->GetDecRad());
746 |
747 | TVector3 pos; // pos: source position
748 | pos.SetMagThetaPhi(1, TMath::Pi()/2-source_dec, source_ra);
749 |
750 | // Set sky coordinates of camera center in pos0 (for details see below)
751 | //MVector3 pos0; // pos0: camera center
752 | //pos0.SetRaDec(fPointPos->GetRaRad(), fPointPos->GetDecRad());
753 |
754 | TVector3 pos0; // pos: source position
755 | pos0.SetMagThetaPhi(1, TMath::Pi()/2-pointing_dec, pointing_ra);
756 |
757 | // Convert sky coordinates of source to local coordinates. Warning! These are not the "true" local
758 | // coordinates, since this transformation ignores precession and nutation effects.
759 |
760 | //const MAstroSky2Local conv(*fTime, *fObservatory);
761 | //pos *= conv;
762 |
763 | const Double_t ut = (Double_t)(fNanoSec/1e6+(Long_t)fTime)/kDay;
764 |
765 | // Julian centuries since J2000.
766 | const Double_t t = (ut -(51544.5-fMjd)) / 36525.0;
767 |
768 | // GMST at this UT1
769 | const Double_t r1 = 24110.54841+(8640184.812866+(0.093104-6.2e-6*t)*t)*t;
770 | const Double_t r2 = 86400.0*ut;
771 |
772 | const Double_t sum = (r1+r2)/kDaySec;
773 |
774 | double gmst = fmod(sum, 1)*TMath::TwoPi();
775 |
776 | // TRotation::TRotation(Double_t mxx, Double_t mxy, Double_t mxz,
777 | // Double_t myx, Double_t myy, Double_t myz,
778 | // Double_t mzx, Double_t mzy, Double_t mzz)
779 | // : fxx(mxx), fxy(mxy), fxz(mxz),
780 | // fyx(myx), fyy(myy), fyz(myz),
781 | // fzx(mzx), fzy(mzy), fzz(mzz) {}
782 |
783 | TRotation conv(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
784 | conv.RotateZ(gmst + obs.GetElong());
785 | conv.RotateY(obs.GetPhi()-TMath::Pi()/2);
786 | conv.RotateZ(TMath::Pi());
787 |
788 | // TVector3 & TVector3::operator *= (const TRotation & m){
789 | // return *this = m * (*this);
790 | // }
791 |
792 | // inline TVector3 TRotation::operator * (const TVector3 & p) const {
793 | // return TVector3(fxx*p.X() + fxy*p.Y() + fxz*p.Z(),
794 | // fyx*p.X() + fyy*p.Y() + fyz*p.Z(),
795 | // fzx*p.X() + fzy*p.Y() + fzz*p.Z());
796 | // }
797 |
798 | // Convert sky coordinates of camera center convert to local.
799 | // Same comment as above. These coordinates differ from the true
800 | // local coordinates of the camera center that one could get from
801 | // "MPointingPos", calculated by the Drive: the reason is that the Drive
802 | // takes into account precession and nutation corrections, while
803 | // MAstroSky2Local (as of Jan 27 2005 at least) does not. Since we just
804 | // want to get the source position on the camera from the local
805 | // coordinates of the center and the source, it does not matter that
806 | // the coordinates contained in pos and pos0 ignore precession and
807 | // nutation... since the shift would be the same in both cases. What
808 | // would be wrong is to set in pos0 directly the local coordinates
809 | // found in MPointingPos!
810 | pos0 *= conv;
811 |
812 | if (fDeviation)
813 | {
814 | // Position at which the starguider camera is pointing in real:
815 | // pointing position = nominal position - dev
816 | //
817 | //vx = CalcXYinCamera(pos0, pos)*fGeom->GetCameraDist()*1000;
818 | pos0.SetZdAz(pos0.Theta()-fDeviation->GetDevZdRad(),
819 | pos0.Phi() -fDeviation->GetDevAzRad());
820 | }
821 |
822 | // Calculate source position in camera, and convert to mm:
823 | TVector2 v = MAstro::GetDistOnPlain(pos0, pos, -fGeom->GetCameraDist()*1000);
824 |
825 | pos.RotateZ(-pos0.Phi());
826 | pos.RotateY(-pos0.Theta());
827 | pos.RotateZ(-TMath::Pi()/2); // exchange x and y
828 | pos *= -fGeom->GetCameraDist()*1000/pos.Z();
829 |
830 | TVector2 v = pos.XYvector();
831 |
832 | if (fDeviation)
833 | v -= fDeviation->GetDevXY()/fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg();
834 |
835 | SetSrcPos(v);
836 |
837 | // ================================================
838 |
839 | if (fMode==kWobble)
840 | {
841 | // The trick here is that the anti-source position in case
842 | // of the off-source regions is always the on-source positon
843 | // thus a proper anti-source cut is possible.
844 | fSrcPosAnti->SetXY(v);
845 | if (fCallback)
846 | v = Rotate(v, fCallback->GetNumPass(), fCallback->GetNumPasses());
847 | else
848 | v *= -1;
849 | fSrcPosCam->SetXY(v);
850 | }
851 | else
852 | {
853 | // Because we don't process this three times like in the
854 | // wobble case we have to find another way to determine which
855 | // off-source region is the right anti-source position
856 | // We do it randomly.
857 | fSrcPosCam->SetXY(v);
858 | if (fNumRandomOffPositions>1)
859 | v = Rotate(v, gRandom->Integer(fNumRandomOffPositions), fNumRandomOffPositions);
860 | else
861 | v *= -1;
862 | fSrcPosAnti->SetXY(v);
863 | }
864 |
865 |
866 |
867 | */
868 |
869 |
870 |
871 |
872 | /*
873 | PointingData CalcPointingPos(const PointingSetup &setup, double _mjd, const Weather &weather, uint16_t timeout, bool tpoint=false)
874 | {
875 | PointingData out;
876 | out.mjd = _mjd;
877 |
878 | const double elong = Nova::kORM.lng * M_PI/180;
879 | const double lat = Nova::kORM.lat * M_PI/180;
880 | const double height = 2200;
881 |
882 | const bool valid = weather.time+boost::posix_time::seconds(timeout) > Time();
883 |
884 | const double temp = valid ? weather.temp : 10;
885 | const double hum = valid ? weather.hum : 0.25;
886 | const double press = valid ? weather.press : 780;
887 |
888 | const double dtt = palDtt(_mjd); // 32.184 + 35
889 |
890 | const double tdb = _mjd + dtt/3600/24;
891 | const double dut = 0;
892 |
893 | // prepare calculation: Mean Place to geocentric apperent
894 | // (UTC would also do, except for the moon?)
895 | double fAmprms[21];
896 | palMappa(2000.0, tdb, fAmprms); // Epoche, TDB
897 |
898 | // prepare: Apperent to observed place
899 | double fAoprms[14];
900 | palAoppa(_mjd, dut, // mjd, Delta UT=UT1-UTC
901 | elong, lat, height, // long, lat, height
902 | 0, 0, // polar motion x, y-coordinate (radians)
903 | 273.155+temp, press, hum, // temp, pressure, humidity
904 | 0.40, 0.0065, // wavelength, tropo lapse rate
905 | fAoprms);
906 |
907 | out.source.ra = setup.source.ra * M_PI/ 12;
908 | out.source.dec = setup.source.dec * M_PI/180;
909 |
910 | if (setup.planet!=kENone)
911 | {
912 | // coordinates of planet: topocentric, equatorial, J2000
913 | // One can use TT instead of TDB for all planets (except the moon?)
914 | double ra, dec, diam;
915 | palRdplan(tdb, setup.planet, elong, lat, &ra, &dec, &diam);
916 |
917 | // ---- apparent to mean ----
918 | palAmpqk(ra, dec, fAmprms, &out.source.ra, &out.source.dec);
919 | }
920 |
921 | if (setup.wobble_offset<=0 || tpoint)
922 | {
923 | out.pointing.dec = out.source.dec;
924 | out.pointing.ra = out.source.ra;
925 | }
926 | else
927 | {
928 | const double dphi =
929 | setup.orbit_period==0 ? 0 : 2*M_PI*(_mjd-setup.start)/setup.orbit_period;
930 |
931 | const double phi = setup.wobble_angle + dphi;
932 |
933 | const double cosdir = cos(phi);
934 | const double sindir = sin(phi);
935 | const double cosoff = cos(setup.wobble_offset);
936 | const double sinoff = sin(setup.wobble_offset);
937 | const double cosdec = cos(out.source.dec);
938 | const double sindec = sin(out.source.dec);
939 |
940 | const double sintheta = sindec*cosoff + cosdec*sinoff*cosdir;
941 |
942 | const double costheta = sintheta>1 ? 0 : sqrt(1 - sintheta*sintheta);
943 |
944 | const double cosdeltara = (cosoff - sindec*sintheta)/(cosdec*costheta);
945 | const double sindeltara = sindir*sinoff/costheta;
946 |
947 | out.pointing.dec = asin(sintheta);
948 | out.pointing.ra = atan2(sindeltara, cosdeltara) + out.source.ra;
949 | }
950 |
951 | // ---- Mean to apparent ----
952 | double r=0, d=0;
953 | palMapqkz(out.pointing.ra, out.pointing.dec, fAmprms, &r, &d);
954 |
955 | //
956 | // Doesn't work - don't know why
957 | //
958 | // slaMapqk (radec.Ra(), radec.Dec(), rdpm.Ra(), rdpm.Dec(),
959 | // 0, 0, (double*)fAmprms, &r, &d);
960 | //
961 |
962 | // -- apparent to observed --
963 | palAopqk(r, d, fAoprms,
964 | &out.sky.az, // observed azimuth (radians: N=0,E=90) [-pi, pi]
965 | &out.sky.zd, // observed zenith distance (radians) [-pi/2, pi/2]
966 | &out.apparent.ha, // observed hour angle (radians)
967 | &out.apparent.dec, // observed declination (radians)
968 | &out.apparent.ra); // observed right ascension (radians)
969 |
970 | // ----- fix ambiguity -----
971 | if (out.sky.zd<0)
972 | {
973 | out.sky.zd = -out.sky.zd;
974 | out.sky.az += out.sky.az<0 ? M_PI : -M_PI;
975 | }
976 |
977 | // Star culminating behind zenith and Az between ~90 and ~180deg
978 | if (out.source.dec<lat && out.sky.az>0)
979 | out.sky.az -= 2*M_PI;
980 |
981 | out.mount = SkyToMount(out.sky);
982 |
983 | return out;
984 | }
985 | };
986 |
987 | */
988 |