#include #include "Dim.h" #include "EventImp.h" #include "WindowLog.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include "StateMachineDim.h" #include "ReadlineColor.h" using namespace std; void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { const string n = conf.GetName()+".log"; po::options_description config("Program options"); config.add_options() ("dns", var("localhost"), "Dim nameserver (overwites DIM_DNS_NODE environment variable)") ("host", var(""), "Address with which the Dim nameserver can connect to this host (overwites DIM_HOST_NODE environment variable)") ("log,l", var(n), "Write log-file") ; conf.AddEnv("dns", "DIM_DNS_NODE"); conf.AddEnv("host", "DIM_HOST_NODE"); conf.AddOptions(config); } /* Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS. Translators: "Usage" and "or" here are patterns (regular expressions) which are used to match the usage synopsis in program output. An example from cp (GNU coreutils) which contains both strings: Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST or: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY or: cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... */ void PrintUsage() { cout << "The chatserv is a Dim-based chat server.\n" "\n" "It is a non-interactive program which acts as a relay of messages " "sent via a Dim command CHAT/MSG and which are redirected to the " "logging service CHAT/MESSAGE.\n" "\n" "Usage: chatserv [OPTIONS]\n" " or: chatserv [OPTIONS]\n"; cout << endl; } void PrintHelp() { /* Additional help text which is printed after the configuration options goes here */ } class ChatServer : public StateMachineDim { private: int HandleMsg(const EventImp &evt) { Message(evt.GetString()); return GetCurrentState(); } public: ChatServer(ostream &lout) : StateMachineDim(lout, "CHAT") { AddEvent("MSG", "C") (bind(&ChatServer::HandleMsg, this, placeholders::_1)) ("|msg[string]:message to be distributed"); } }; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp)) return -1; Dim::Setup(conf.Get("dns"), conf.Get("host")); WindowLog log; ReadlineColor::PrintBootMsg(log, conf.GetName(), false); if (conf.Has("log")) if (!log.OpenLogFile(conf.Get("log"))) cerr << "ERROR - Couldn't open log-file " << conf.Get("log") << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl; ChatServer serv(log); serv.Run(true); return 0; } // ************************************************************************** /** @example chatserv.cc The program is stopped by CTRL-C */ // **************************************************************************