1 | #include <numeric> // std::accumulate
2 |
3 | #include <boost/regex.hpp>
4 | #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
5 |
6 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
7 | #include "Database.h"
8 | #endif
9 |
10 | #include "FACT.h"
11 | #include "Dim.h"
12 | #include "Event.h"
13 | #include "Shell.h"
14 | #include "StateMachineDim.h"
15 | #include "StateMachineAsio.h"
16 | #include "Connection.h"
17 | #include "LocalControl.h"
18 | #include "Configuration.h"
19 | #include "Timers.h"
20 | #include "Console.h"
21 |
22 | #include "HeadersDrive.h"
23 |
24 | #include "pal.h"
25 | #include "nova.h"
26 |
27 | namespace ba = boost::asio;
28 | namespace bs = boost::system;
29 |
30 | using namespace std;
31 | using namespace Drive;
32 |
33 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 |
35 | // The Nova classes are in degree. This is to be used in rad
36 | struct RaDec
37 | {
38 | double ra; // [rad]
39 | double dec; // [rad]
40 | RaDec() : ra(0), dec(0) { }
41 | RaDec(double _ra, double _dec) : ra(_ra), dec(_dec) { }
42 | };
43 |
44 | struct RaDecHa : RaDec
45 | {
46 | double ha; // [rad]
47 | RaDecHa() : ha(0) { }
48 | RaDecHa(double _ra, double _dec, double _ha) : RaDec(_ra, _dec), ha(_ha) { }
49 | };
50 |
51 | struct Local
52 | {
53 | double zd;
54 | double az;
55 |
56 | Local(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : zd(_zd), az(_az) { }
57 | };
58 |
59 | struct Velocity : Local
60 | {
61 | Velocity(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { }
62 | Velocity operator/(double f) const { return Velocity(zd/f, az/f); }
63 | Velocity operator*(double f) const { return Velocity(zd*f, az*f); }
64 | };
65 |
66 | struct Encoder : Local // [units: revolutions]
67 | {
68 | Encoder(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { }
69 |
70 | Encoder &operator*=(double f) { zd*=f; az*=f; return *this; }
71 | Encoder &operator-=(const Encoder &enc) { zd-=enc.zd; az-=enc.az; return *this; }
72 | Encoder operator*(double f) const { return Encoder(zd*f, az*f); }
73 | Velocity operator/(double t) const { return Velocity(zd/t, az/t); }
74 | Encoder Abs() const { return Encoder(fabs(zd), fabs(az)); }
75 | };
76 |
77 | struct ZdAz : Local // [units: rad]
78 | {
79 | ZdAz(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { }
80 | ZdAz operator*(const double &f) const { return ZdAz(zd*f, az*f); }
81 | };
82 |
83 | struct Acceleration : Local
84 | {
85 | Acceleration(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { }
86 | bool operator>(const Acceleration &a) const
87 | {
88 | return zd>a.zd || az>a.az;
89 | }
90 | };
91 |
92 | Encoder operator-(const Encoder &a, const Encoder &b)
93 | {
94 | return Encoder(a.zd-b.zd, a.az-b.az);
95 | }
96 | Velocity operator-(const Encoder &a, const Velocity &b)
97 | {
98 | return Velocity(a.zd-b.zd, a.az-b.az);
99 | }
100 | Velocity operator-(const Velocity &a, const Velocity &b)
101 | {
102 | return Velocity(a.zd-b.zd, a.az-b.az);
103 | }
104 | Encoder operator/(const Encoder &a, const Encoder &b)
105 | {
106 | return Encoder(a.zd/b.zd, a.az/b.az);
107 | }
108 |
109 | struct Weather
110 | {
111 | float hum;
112 | float temp;
113 | float press;
114 | Time time;
115 | };
116 |
117 | struct Source
118 | {
119 | Source() : ra(0), dec(0), mag(0), offset(0)
120 | {
121 | angles[0] = -90;
122 | angles[1] = 90;
123 | }
124 |
125 | string name;
126 | double ra; // [h]
127 | double dec; // [deg]
128 | double mag;
129 |
130 | double offset;
131 | array<double, 2> angles;
132 | };
133 |
134 | enum Planets_t
135 | {
136 | kENone = -1,
137 | kESun = 0,
138 | kEMercury = 1,
139 | kEVenus = 2,
140 | kEMoon = 3, // earth moon barycentre
141 | kEMars = 4,
142 | kEJupiter = 5,
143 | kESaturn = 6,
144 | kEUranus = 7,
145 | kENeptune = 8,
146 | kEPluto = 9,
147 | };
148 |
149 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 |
151 | struct PointingSetup
152 | {
153 | Source source; // Informations about source to track [h/deg]
154 | Planets_t planet; // Id of the planet if tracking a planet
155 | double start; // Starting time of wobble observation [mjd]
156 | double orbit_period; // Time for one revolution (0:off) [day]
157 | double wobble_offset; // Distance of wobble position [rad]
158 | double wobble_angle; // Starting phi angle of wobble observation [rad]
159 |
160 | PointingSetup(Planets_t p=kENone) : planet(p), start(Time::none), orbit_period(0) { }
161 | };
162 |
163 | struct PointingData
164 | {
165 | // Pointing direction of the opticl axis of the telescope
166 | RaDec source; // Informations about source to track [rad/rad]
167 | RaDec pointing; // Catalog coordinates (J2000, FK5) [rad/rad] pointing position
168 | RaDecHa apparent; // Apparent position on the sky [rad/rad]
169 | ZdAz sky; // Apparent position on the sky [rad/rad]
170 | Encoder mount; // Encoder position corresponding to 'sky' [deg/deg]
171 | double mjd;
172 | };
173 |
174 | class PointingModel
175 | {
176 | private:
177 | double fIe; // [rad] Index Error in Elevation
178 | double fIa; // [rad] Index Error in Azimuth
179 | double fFlop; // [rad] Vertical Sag
180 | double fNpae; // [rad] Az-El Nonperpendicularity
181 | double fCa; // [rad] Left-Right Collimation Error
182 | double fAn; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 1st order)
183 | double fAw; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 1st order)
184 | double fAn2; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 2nd order)
185 | double fAw2; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 2nd order)
186 | double fTf; // [rad] Tube fluxture (sin)
187 | double fTx; // [rad] Tube fluxture (tan)
188 | double fNrx; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal
189 | double fNry; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical
190 | double fCrx; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S)
191 | double fCry; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W)
192 | double fEces; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (sin)
193 | double fAces; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (sin)
194 | double fEcec; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (cos)
195 | double fAcec; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (cos)
196 |
197 | public:
198 |
199 | void Load(const string &name)
200 | {
201 | /*
202 | ! MMT 1987 July 8
203 | ! T 36 7.3622 41.448 -0.0481
204 | ! IA -37.5465 20.80602
205 | ! IE -13.9180 1.25217
206 | ! NPAE +7.0751 26.44763
207 | ! CA -6.9149 32.05358
208 | ! AN +0.5053 1.40956
209 | ! AW -2.2016 1.37480
210 | ! END
211 | */
212 |
213 | ifstream fin(name);
214 | if (!fin)
215 | throw runtime_error("Cannot open file "+name+": "+strerror(errno));
216 |
217 | map<string,double> coeff;
218 |
219 | string buf;
220 | while (getline(fin, buf))
221 | {
222 | buf = Tools::Trim(buf);
223 |
224 | vector<string> vec;
225 | boost::split(vec, buf, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on);
226 | if (vec.size()<2)
227 | continue;
228 |
229 | coeff[vec[0]] = atof(vec[1].c_str()) * M_PI/180;
230 | }
231 |
232 | fIe = coeff["IE"]; // [rad] Index Error in Elevation
233 | fIa = coeff["IA"]; // [rad] Index Error in Azimuth
234 | fFlop = coeff["FLOP"]; // [rad] Vertical Sag
235 | fNpae = coeff["NPAE"]; // [rad] Az-El Nonperpendicularity
236 | fCa = coeff["CA"]; // [rad] Left-Right Collimation Error
237 | fAn = coeff["AN"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 1st order)
238 | fAw = coeff["AW"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 1st order)
239 | fAn2 = coeff["AN2"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 2nd order)
240 | fAw2 = coeff["AW2"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 2nd order)
241 | fTf = coeff["TF"]; // [rad] Tube fluxture (sin)
242 | fTx = coeff["TX"]; // [rad] Tube fluxture (tan)
243 | fNrx = coeff["NRX"]; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal
244 | fNry = coeff["NRY"]; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical
245 | fCrx = coeff["CRX"]; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S)
246 | fCry = coeff["CRY"]; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W)
247 | fEces = coeff["ECES"]; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (sin)
248 | fAces = coeff["ACES"]; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (sin)
249 | fEcec = coeff["ECEC"]; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (cos)
250 | fAcec = coeff["ACEC"]; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (cos)
251 | }
252 |
253 | void print(ostream &out)
254 | {
255 | out << "IE " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fIe) << "\u00b0 # Index Error in Elevation\n";
256 | out << "IA " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fIa) << "\u00b0 # Index Error in Azimuth\n";
257 | out << "FLOP " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fFlop) << "\u00b0 # Vertical Sag\n";
258 | out << "NPAE " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fNpae) << "\u00b0 # Az-El Nonperpendicularity\n";
259 | out << "CA " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fCa) << "\u00b0 # Left-Right Collimation Error\n";
260 | out << "AN " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAn) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 1st order)\n";
261 | out << "AW " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAw) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 1st order)\n";
262 | out << "AN2 " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAn2) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 2nd order)\n";
263 | out << "AW2 " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAw2) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 2nd order)\n";
264 | out << "TF " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fTf) << "\u00b0 # Tube fluxture (sin)\n";
265 | out << "TX " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fTx) << "\u00b0 # Tube fluxture (tan)\n";
266 | out << "NRX " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fNrx) << "\u00b0 # Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal\n";
267 | out << "NRY " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fNry) << "\u00b0 # Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical\n";
268 | out << "CRX " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fCrx) << "\u00b0 # Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S)\n";
269 | out << "CRY " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fCry) << "\u00b0 # Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W)\n";
270 | out << "ECES " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fEces) << "\u00b0 # Elevation Centering Error (sin)\n";
271 | out << "ACES " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAces) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Centering Error (sin)\n";
272 | out << "ECEC " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fEcec) << "\u00b0 # Elevation Centering Error (cos)\n";
273 | out << "ACEC " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAcec) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Centering Error (cos)" << endl;
274 | }
275 |
276 | struct AltAz
277 | {
278 | double alt;
279 | double az;
280 |
281 | AltAz(double _alt, double _az) : alt(_alt), az(_az) { }
282 | AltAz(const ZdAz &za) : alt(M_PI/2-za.zd), az(za.az) { }
283 |
284 | AltAz &operator+=(const AltAz &aa) { alt += aa.alt; az+=aa.az; return *this; }
285 | AltAz &operator-=(const AltAz &aa) { alt -= aa.alt; az-=aa.az; return *this; }
286 | };
287 |
288 | double Sign(double val, double alt) const
289 | {
290 | // Some pointing corrections are defined as Delta ZA, which
291 | // is (P. Wallace) defined [0,90]deg while Alt is defined
292 | // [0,180]deg
293 | return (M_PI/2-alt < 0 ? -val : val);
294 | }
295 |
296 | Encoder SkyToMount(AltAz p)
297 | {
298 | const AltAz CRX(-fCrx*sin(p.az-p.alt), fCrx*cos(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt));
299 | const AltAz CRY(-fCry*cos(p.az-p.alt), -fCry*sin(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt));
300 | p += CRX;
301 | p += CRY;
302 |
303 | const AltAz NRX(fNrx*sin(p.alt), -fNrx);
304 | const AltAz NRY(fNry*cos(p.alt), -fNry*tan(p.alt));
305 | p += NRX;
306 | p += NRY;
307 |
308 | const AltAz CES(-fEces*sin(p.alt), -fAces*sin(p.az));
309 | const AltAz CEC(-fEcec*cos(p.alt), -fAcec*cos(p.az));
310 | p += CES;
311 | p += CEC;
312 |
313 | const AltAz TX(Sign(fTx/tan(p.alt), p.alt), 0);
314 | const AltAz TF(Sign(fTf*cos(p.alt), p.alt), 0);
315 | //p += TX;
316 | p += TF;
317 |
318 | const AltAz CA(0, -fCa/cos(p.alt));
319 | p += CA;
320 |
321 | const AltAz NPAE(0, -fNpae*tan(p.alt));
322 | p += NPAE;
323 |
324 | const AltAz AW2( fAw2*sin(p.az*2), -fAw2*cos(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt));
325 | const AltAz AN2(-fAn2*cos(p.az*2), -fAn2*sin(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt));
326 | const AltAz AW1( fAw *sin(p.az), -fAw *cos(p.az) *tan(p.alt));
327 | const AltAz AN1(-fAn *cos(p.az), -fAn *sin(p.az) *tan(p.alt));
328 | p += AW2;
329 | p += AN2;
330 | p += AW1;
331 | p += AN1;
332 |
333 | const AltAz FLOP(Sign(fFlop, p.alt), 0);
334 | p += FLOP;
335 |
336 | const AltAz I(fIe, fIa);
337 | p += I;
338 |
339 | return Encoder(90 - p.alt*180/M_PI, p.az *180/M_PI);
340 | }
341 |
342 | ZdAz MountToSky(const Encoder &mnt) const
343 | {
344 | AltAz p(M_PI/2-mnt.zd*M_PI/180, mnt.az*M_PI/180);
345 |
346 | const AltAz I(fIe, fIa);
347 | p -= I;
348 |
349 | const AltAz FLOP(Sign(fFlop, p.alt), 0);
350 | p -= FLOP;
351 |
352 | const AltAz AW1( fAw *sin(p.az), -fAw *cos(p.az) *tan(p.alt));
353 | const AltAz AN1(-fAn *cos(p.az), -fAn *sin(p.az) *tan(p.alt));
354 | const AltAz AW2( fAw2*sin(p.az*2), -fAw2*cos(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt));
355 | const AltAz AN2(-fAn2*cos(p.az*2), -fAn2*sin(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt));
356 | p -= AW1;
357 | p -= AN1;
358 | p -= AW2;
359 | p -= AN2;
360 |
361 | const AltAz NPAE(0, -fNpae*tan(p.alt));
362 | p -= NPAE;
363 |
364 | const AltAz CA(0, -fCa/cos(p.alt));
365 | p -= CA;
366 |
367 | const AltAz TF(Sign(fTf*cos(p.alt), p.alt), 0);
368 | const AltAz TX(Sign(fTx/tan(p.alt), p.alt), 0);
369 | p -= TF;
370 | //p -= TX;
371 |
372 | const AltAz CEC(-fEcec*cos(p.alt), -fAcec*cos(p.az));
373 | const AltAz CES(-fEces*sin(p.alt), -fAces*sin(p.az));
374 | p -= CEC;
375 | p -= CES;
376 |
377 | const AltAz NRY(fNry*cos(p.alt), -fNry*tan(p.alt));
378 | const AltAz NRX(fNrx*sin(p.alt), -fNrx);
379 | p -= NRY;
380 | p -= NRX;
381 |
382 | const AltAz CRY(-fCry*cos(p.az-p.alt), -fCry*sin(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt));
383 | const AltAz CRX(-fCrx*sin(p.az-p.alt), fCrx*cos(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt));
384 | p -= CRY;
385 | p -= CRX;
386 |
387 | return ZdAz(M_PI/2-p.alt, p.az);
388 | }
389 |
390 | PointingData CalcPointingPos(const PointingSetup &setup, double _mjd, const Weather &weather, uint16_t timeout, bool tpoint=false)
391 | {
392 | PointingData out;
393 | out.mjd = _mjd;
394 |
395 | const double elong = Nova::kORM.lng * M_PI/180;
396 | const double lat = Nova::kORM.lat * M_PI/180;
397 | const double height = 2200;
398 |
399 | const bool valid = weather.time+boost::posix_time::seconds(timeout) > Time();
400 |
401 | const double temp = valid ? weather.temp : 10;
402 | const double hum = valid ? weather.hum : 0.25;
403 | const double press = valid ? weather.press : 780;
404 |
405 | const double dtt = palDtt(_mjd); // 32.184 + 35
406 |
407 | const double tdb = _mjd + dtt/3600/24;
408 | const double dut = 0;
409 |
410 | // prepare calculation: Mean Place to geocentric apperent
411 | // (UTC would also do, except for the moon?)
412 | double fAmprms[21];
413 | palMappa(2000.0, tdb, fAmprms); // Epoche, TDB
414 |
415 | // prepare: Apperent to observed place
416 | double fAoprms[14];
417 | palAoppa(_mjd, dut, // mjd, Delta UT=UT1-UTC
418 | elong, lat, height, // long, lat, height
419 | 0, 0, // polar motion x, y-coordinate (radians)
420 | 273.155+temp, press, hum, // temp, pressure, humidity
421 | 0.40, 0.0065, // wavelength, tropo lapse rate
422 | fAoprms);
423 |
424 | out.source.ra = setup.source.ra * M_PI/ 12;
425 | out.source.dec = setup.source.dec * M_PI/180;
426 |
427 | if (setup.planet!=kENone)
428 | {
429 | // coordinates of planet: topocentric, equatorial, J2000
430 | // One can use TT instead of TDB for all planets (except the moon?)
431 | double ra, dec, diam;
432 | palRdplan(tdb, setup.planet, elong, lat, &ra, &dec, &diam);
433 |
434 | // ---- apparent to mean ----
435 | palAmpqk(ra, dec, fAmprms, &out.source.ra, &out.source.dec);
436 | }
437 |
438 | if (setup.wobble_offset<=0 || tpoint)
439 | {
440 | out.pointing.dec = out.source.dec;
441 | out.pointing.ra = out.source.ra;
442 | }
443 | else
444 | {
445 | const double dphi =
446 | setup.orbit_period==0 ? 0 : 2*M_PI*(_mjd-setup.start)/setup.orbit_period;
447 |
448 | const double phi = setup.wobble_angle + dphi;
449 |
450 | const double cosdir = cos(phi);
451 | const double sindir = sin(phi);
452 | const double cosoff = cos(setup.wobble_offset);
453 | const double sinoff = sin(setup.wobble_offset);
454 | const double cosdec = cos(out.source.dec);
455 | const double sindec = sin(out.source.dec);
456 |
457 | const double sintheta = sindec*cosoff + cosdec*sinoff*cosdir;
458 |
459 | const double costheta = sintheta>1 ? 0 : sqrt(1 - sintheta*sintheta);
460 |
461 | const double cosdeltara = (cosoff - sindec*sintheta)/(cosdec*costheta);
462 | const double sindeltara = sindir*sinoff/costheta;
463 |
464 | out.pointing.dec = asin(sintheta);
465 | out.pointing.ra = atan2(sindeltara, cosdeltara) + out.source.ra;
466 | }
467 |
468 | // ---- Mean to apparent ----
469 | double r=0, d=0;
470 | palMapqkz(out.pointing.ra, out.pointing.dec, fAmprms, &r, &d);
471 |
472 | //
473 | // Doesn't work - don't know why
474 | //
475 | // slaMapqk (radec.Ra(), radec.Dec(), rdpm.Ra(), rdpm.Dec(),
476 | // 0, 0, (double*)fAmprms, &r, &d);
477 | //
478 |
479 | // -- apparent to observed --
480 | palAopqk(r, d, fAoprms,
481 | &out.sky.az, // observed azimuth (radians: N=0,E=90) [-pi, pi]
482 | &out.sky.zd, // observed zenith distance (radians) [-pi/2, pi/2]
483 | &out.apparent.ha, // observed hour angle (radians)
484 | &out.apparent.dec, // observed declination (radians)
485 | &out.apparent.ra); // observed right ascension (radians)
486 |
487 | // ----- fix ambiguity -----
488 | if (out.sky.zd<0)
489 | {
490 | out.sky.zd = -out.sky.zd;
491 | out.sky.az += out.sky.az<0 ? M_PI : -M_PI;
492 | }
493 |
494 | // Star culminating behind zenith and Az between ~90 and ~180deg
495 | if (out.source.dec<lat && out.sky.az>0)
496 | out.sky.az -= 2*M_PI;
497 |
498 | out.mount = SkyToMount(out.sky);
499 |
500 | return out;
501 | }
502 | };
503 |
504 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
505 |
506 |
507 | class ConnectionDrive : public Connection
508 | {
509 | uint16_t fVerbosity;
510 |
511 | public:
512 | virtual void UpdatePointing(const Time &, const array<double, 2> &)
513 | {
514 | }
515 |
516 | virtual void UpdateTracking(const Time &, const array<double, 12> &)
517 | {
518 | }
519 |
520 | virtual void UpdateStatus(const Time &, const array<uint8_t, 3> &)
521 | {
522 | }
523 |
524 | virtual void UpdateTPoint(const Time &, const DimTPoint &, const string &)
525 | {
526 | }
527 |
528 | virtual void UpdateSource(const Time &, const string &, bool)
529 | {
530 | }
531 | virtual void UpdateSource(const Time &,const array<double, 5> &, const string& = "")
532 | {
533 | }
534 |
535 | private:
536 | enum NodeId_t
537 | {
538 | kNodeAz = 1,
539 | kNodeZd = 3
540 | };
541 |
542 | enum
543 | {
544 | kRxNodeguard = 0xe,
545 | kRxPdo1 = 3,
546 | kRxPdo2 = 5,
547 | kRxPdo3 = 7,
548 | kRxPdo4 = 9,
549 | kRxSdo = 0xb,
550 | kRxSdo4 = 0x40|0x3,
551 | kRxSdo2 = 0x40|0xb,
552 | kRxSdo1 = 0x40|0xf,
553 | kRxSdoOk = 0x60,
554 | kRxSdoErr = 0x80,
555 |
556 | kTxSdo = 0x40,
557 | kTxSdo4 = 0x20|0x3,
558 | kTxSdo2 = 0x20|0xb,
559 | kTxSdo1 = 0x20|0xf,
560 | };
561 |
562 | void SendCanFrame(uint16_t cobid,
563 | uint8_t m0=0, uint8_t m1=0, uint8_t m2=0, uint8_t m3=0,
564 | uint8_t m4=0, uint8_t m5=0, uint8_t m6=0, uint8_t m7=0)
565 | {
566 | const uint16_t desc = (cobid<<5) | 8;
567 |
568 | vector<uint8_t> data(11);
569 | data[0] = 10;
570 | data[1] = desc>>8;
571 | data[2] = desc&0xff;
572 |
573 | const uint8_t msg[8] = { m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7 };
574 | memcpy(data.data()+3, msg, 8);
575 |
576 | PostMessage(data);
577 | }
578 |
579 | enum Index_t
580 | {
581 | kReqArmed = 0x1000,
582 | kReqPDO = 0x1001,
583 | kReqErrStat = 0x1003,
584 | kReqSoftVer = 0x100a,
585 | kReqKeepAlive = 0x100b,
586 | kReqVel = 0x2002,
587 | kReqVelRes = 0x6002,
588 | kReqVelMax = 0x6003,
589 | kReqPos = 0x6004,
590 | kReqPosRes = 0x6501,
591 |
592 | kSetArmed = 0x1000,
593 | kSetPointVel = 0x2002,
594 | kSetAcc = 0x2003,
595 | kSetRpmMode = 0x3006,
596 | kSetTrackVel = 0x3007,
597 | kSetLedVoltage = 0x4000,
598 | kSetPosition = 0x6004,
599 | };
600 |
601 | static uint32_t String(uint8_t b0=0, uint8_t b1=0, uint8_t b2=0, uint8_t b3=0)
602 | {
603 | return uint32_t(b0)<<24 | uint32_t(b1)<<16 | uint32_t(b2)<<8 | uint32_t(b3);
604 | }
605 |
606 | uint32_t fVelRes[2];
607 | uint32_t fVelMax[2];
608 | uint32_t fPosRes[2];
609 |
610 | uint32_t fErrCode[2];
611 |
612 | void HandleSdo(const uint8_t &node, const uint16_t &idx, const uint8_t &subidx,
613 | const uint32_t &val, const Time &tv)
614 | {
615 | if (fVerbosity>0)
616 | {
617 | ostringstream out;
618 | out << hex;
619 | out << "SDO[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << ": " << val << dec;
620 | Out() << out.str() << endl;
621 | }
622 |
623 | switch (idx)
624 | {
625 | case kReqArmed:
626 | //fArmed = val==1;
627 | return;
628 |
629 | case kReqErrStat:
630 | {
631 | fErrCode[node/2] = (val>>8);
632 | LogErrorCode(node);
633 | }
634 | return;
635 |
636 | case kReqSoftVer:
637 | //fSoftVersion = val;
638 | return;
639 |
640 | case kReqKeepAlive:
641 | // Do not display, this is used for CheckConnection
642 | fIsInitialized[node/2] = true;
643 | return;
644 |
645 | case kReqVel:
646 | //fVel = val;
647 | return;
648 |
649 | case kReqPos:
650 | switch (subidx)
651 | {
652 | case 0:
653 | fPdoPos1[node/2] = val;
654 | fPdoTime1[node/2] = tv;
655 | fHasChangedPos1[node/2] = true;
656 | return;
657 | case 1:
658 | fPdoPos2[node/2] = val;
659 | fPdoTime2[node/2] = tv;
660 | fHasChangedPos2[node/2] = true;
661 | return;
662 | }
663 | break;
664 |
665 | case kReqVelRes:
666 | fVelRes[node/2] = val;
667 | return;
668 |
669 | case kReqVelMax:
670 | fVelMax[node/2] = val;
671 | return;
672 |
673 | case kReqPosRes:
674 | fPosRes[node/2] = val;
675 | return;
676 | }
677 |
678 | ostringstream str;
679 | str << "HandleSDO: Idx=0x"<< hex << idx << "/" << (int)subidx;
680 | str << ", val=0x" << val;
681 | Warn(str);
682 | }
683 |
684 | void HandleSdoOk(const uint8_t &node, const uint16_t &idx, const uint8_t &subidx,
685 | const Time &)
686 | {
687 | ostringstream out;
688 | out << hex;
689 | out << "SDO-OK[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << dec << " ";
690 |
691 | switch (idx)
692 | {
693 | case kSetArmed:
694 | out << "(Armed state set)";
695 | break;
696 | /*
697 | case 0x1001:
698 | Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": PDOs requested." << endl;
699 | return;
700 | */
701 | case kSetPointVel:
702 | out << "(Pointing velocity set)";
703 | break;
704 |
705 | case kSetAcc:
706 | out << "(Acceleration set)";
707 | break;
708 |
709 | case kSetRpmMode:
710 | out << "(RPM mode set)";
711 | break;
712 |
713 | case kSetLedVoltage:
714 | out << "(LED Voltage set)";
715 | Info(out);
716 | return;
717 | /*
718 | case 0x3007:
719 | //Out() << inf2 << "- Velocity set (" << GetNodeName() << ")" << endl;
720 | return;
721 |
722 | case 0x4000:
723 | HandleNodeguard(tv);
724 | return;
725 |
726 | case 0x6000:
727 | Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Rotation direction set." << endl;
728 | return;
729 |
730 | case 0x6002:
731 | Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Velocity resolution set." << endl;
732 | return;
733 | */
734 | case kSetPosition:
735 | out << "(Absolute positioning started)";
736 | break;
737 | /*
738 | case 0x6005:
739 | Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Relative positioning started." << endl;
740 | fPosActive = kTRUE; // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO
741 | return;*/
742 | }
743 | /*
744 | Out() << warn << setfill('0') << "WARNING - Nodedrv::HandleSDOOK: ";
745 | Out() << "Node #" << dec << (int)fId << ": Sdo=" << hex << idx << "/" << (int)subidx << " set.";
746 | Out() << endl;
747 | */
748 |
749 | if (fVerbosity>1)
750 | Out() << out.str() << endl;
751 | }
752 |
753 | void HandleSdoError(const uint8_t &node, const uint16_t &idx, const uint8_t &subidx,
754 | const Time &)
755 | {
756 | ostringstream out;
757 | out << hex;
758 | out << "SDO-ERR[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << dec;
759 | Out() << out.str() << endl;
760 | }
761 |
762 |
763 | int32_t fPdoPos1[2];
764 | int32_t fPdoPos2[2];
765 |
766 | Time fPdoTime1[2];
767 | public:
768 | Time fPdoTime2[2];
769 | private:
770 | bool fHasChangedPos1[2];
771 | bool fHasChangedPos2[2];
772 |
773 | void HandlePdo1(const uint8_t &node, const uint8_t *data, const Time &tv)
774 | {
775 | const uint32_t pos1 = (data[3]<<24) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[1]<<8) | data[0];
776 | const uint32_t pos2 = (data[7]<<24) | (data[6]<<16) | (data[5]<<8) | data[4];
777 |
778 | if (fVerbosity>2)
779 | Out() << Time().GetAsStr("%M:%S.%f") << " PDO1[" << (int)node << "] " << 360.*int32_t(pos1)/fPosRes[node/2] << " " << 360.*int32_t(pos2)/fPosRes[node/2] << endl;
780 |
781 | // Once every few milliseconds!
782 |
783 | fPdoPos1[node/2] = pos1;
784 | fPdoTime1[node/2] = tv;
785 | fHasChangedPos1[node/2] = true;
786 |
787 | fPdoPos2[node/2] = pos2;
788 | fPdoTime2[node/2] = tv;
789 | fHasChangedPos2[node/2] = true;
790 | }
791 |
792 | uint8_t fStatusAxis[2];
793 | uint8_t fStatusSys;
794 |
795 | enum {
796 | kUpsAlarm = 0x01, // UPS Alarm (FACT only)
797 | kUpsBattery = 0x02, // UPS on battery (FACT only)
798 | kUpsCharging = 0x04, // UPS charging (FACT only)
799 | kEmergencyOk = 0x10, // Emergency button released
800 | kOvervoltOk = 0x20, // Overvoltage protection ok
801 | kManualMode = 0x40, // Manual mode button pressed
802 |
803 | kAxisBb = 0x01, // IndraDrive reports Bb (Regler betriebsbereit)
804 | kAxisMoving = 0x02, // SPS reports
805 | kAxisRpmMode = 0x04, // SPS reports
806 | kAxisRf = 0x20, // IndraDrive reports Rf (Regler freigegeben)
807 | kAxisHasPower = 0x80 // IndraDrive reports axis power on
808 | };
809 |
810 | //std::function<void(const Time &, const array<uint8_t, 3>&)> fUpdateStatus;
811 |
812 | void HandlePdo3(const uint8_t &node, const uint8_t *data, const Time &tv)
813 | {
814 | /*
815 | TX1M_STATUS.0 := 1;
816 | TX1M_STATUS.1 := ((NOT X_in_Standstill OR NOT X_in_AntriebHalt) AND (NOT X_PC_VStart AND NOT X_in_Pos)) OR X_PC_AnnounceStartMovement;
817 | TX1M_STATUS.2 := X_PC_VStart;
818 | TX1M_STATUS.6 := NOT X_ist_freigegeben;
819 |
820 | TX3M_STATUS.0 := X_ist_betriebsbereit;
821 | TX3M_STATUS.1 := 1;
822 | TX3M_STATUS.2 := Not_Aus_IO;
823 | TX3M_STATUS.3 := UeberspannungsSchutz_OK;
824 | TX3M_STATUS.4 := FB_soll_drehen_links OR FB_soll_drehen_rechts OR FB_soll_schwenk_auf OR FB_soll_schwenk_ab;
825 | TX3M_STATUS.5 := X_ist_freigegeben;
826 | TX3M_STATUS.6 := 1;
827 | TX3M_STATUS.7 := LeistungEinAz;
828 |
830 | TX3M_STATUS.9 := UPS_BattMode;
831 | TX3M_STATUS.10 := UPS_Charging;
832 | */
833 |
834 | const uint8_t sys = ((data[0] & 0x1c)<<2) | (data[1]);
835 | if (fStatusSys!=sys)
836 | {
837 | fStatusSys = sys;
838 |
839 | const bool alarm = sys&kUpsAlarm; // 01 TX3M.8 100
840 | const bool batt = sys&kUpsBattery; // 02 TX3M.9 200
841 | const bool charge = sys&kUpsCharging; // 04 TX3M.10 400
842 | const bool emcy = sys&kEmergencyOk; // 10 TX3M.2 04
843 | const bool vltg = sys&kOvervoltOk; // 20 TX3M.3 08
844 | const bool mode = sys&kManualMode; // 40 TX3M.4 10
845 |
846 | ostringstream out;
847 | if (alarm) out << " UPS-PowerLoss";
848 | if (batt) out << " UPS-OnBattery";
849 | if (charge) out << " UPS-Charging";
850 | if (emcy) out << " EmcyOk";
851 | if (vltg) out << " OvervoltOk";
852 | if (mode) out << " ManualMove";
853 |
854 | Info("New system status["+string(node==kNodeAz?"Az":"Zd")+"]:"+out.str());
855 | if (fVerbosity>1)
856 | Out() << "PDO3[" << (int)node << "] StatusSys=" << hex << (int)fStatusSys << dec << endl;
857 | }
858 |
859 | const uint8_t axis = (data[0]&0xa1) | (data[3]&0x06);
860 | if (fStatusAxis[node/2]!=axis)
861 | {
862 | fStatusAxis[node/2] = axis;
863 |
864 | const bool ready = axis&kAxisBb; // 01
865 | const bool move = axis&kAxisMoving; // 02
866 | const bool rpm = axis&kAxisRpmMode; // 04
867 | const bool rf = axis&kAxisRf; // 20
868 | const bool power = axis&kAxisHasPower; // 80
869 |
870 | ostringstream out;
871 | if (ready) out << " DKC-Ready";
872 | if (move) out << " Moving";
873 | if (rpm) out << " RpmMode";
874 | if (rf) out << " RF";
875 | if (power) out << " PowerOn";
876 |
877 | Info("New axis status["+string(node==kNodeAz?"Az":"Zd")+"]:"+out.str());
878 | if (fVerbosity>1)
879 | Out() << "PDO3[" << (int)node << "] StatusAxis=" << hex << (int)fStatusAxis[node/2] << dec << endl;
880 | }
881 |
882 | array<uint8_t, 3> arr = {{ fStatusAxis[0], fStatusAxis[1], fStatusSys }};
883 | UpdateStatus(tv, arr);
884 | }
885 |
886 | string ErrCodeToString(uint32_t code) const
887 | {
888 | switch (code)
889 | {
890 | case 0: return "offline";
891 | case 0xa000: case 0xa0000:
892 | case 0xa001: case 0xa0001:
893 | case 0xa002: case 0xa0002:
894 | case 0xa003: case 0xa0003: return "Communication phase "+to_string(code&0xf);
895 | case 0xa010: case 0xa0010: return "Drive HALT";
896 | case 0xa012: case 0xa0012: return "Control and power section ready for operation";
897 | case 0xa013: case 0xa0013: return "Ready for power on";
898 | case 0xa100: case 0xa0100: return "Drive in Torque mode";
899 | case 0xa101: case 0xa0101: return "Drive in Velocity mode";
900 | case 0xa102: case 0xa0102: return "Position control mode with encoder 1";
901 | case 0xa103: case 0xa0103: return "Position control mode with encoder 2";
902 | case 0xa104: case 0xa0104: return "Position control mode with encoder 1, lagless";
903 | case 0xa105: case 0xa0105: return "Position control mode with encoder 2, lagless";
904 | case 0xa106: case 0xa0106: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 1";
905 | case 0xa107: case 0xa0107: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 2";
906 | case 0xa108: case 0xa0108: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 1, lagless";
907 | case 0xa109: case 0xa0109: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 2, lagless";
908 | //case 0xa146: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning with encoder 1";
909 | //case 0xa147: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning with encoder 2";
910 | //case 0xa148: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning lagless with encoder 1";
911 | //case 0xa149: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning lagless with encoder 2";
912 | case 0xa150: case 0xa0150: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 1";
913 | case 0xa151: case 0xa0151: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 1, lagless";
914 | case 0xa152: case 0xa0152: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 2";
915 | case 0xa153: case 0xa0153: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 2, lagless";
916 | case 0xa208: return "Jog mode positive";
917 | case 0xa218: return "Jog mode negative";
918 | case 0xa400: case 0xa4000: return "Automatic drive check and adjustment";
919 | case 0xa401: case 0xa4001: return "Drive decelerating to standstill";
920 | case 0xa800: case 0xa0800: return "Unknown operation mode";
921 | case 0xc217: return "Motor encoder reading error";
922 | case 0xc218: return "Shaft encoder reading error";
923 | case 0xc220: return "Motor encoder initialization error";
924 | case 0xc221: return "Shaft encoder initialization error";
925 | case 0xc300: return "Command: set absolute measure";
926 | case 0xc400: case 0xc0400: return "Switching to parameter mode";
927 | case 0xc401: case 0xc0401: return "Drive active, switching mode not allowed";
928 | case 0xc500: case 0xc0500: return "Error reset";
929 | case 0xc600: case 0xc0600: return "Drive controlled homing procedure";
930 | case 0xe225: return "Motor overload";
931 | case 0xe249: case 0xe2049: return "Positioning command velocity exceeds limit bipolar";
932 | case 0xe250: return "Drive overtemp warning";
933 | case 0xe251: return "Motor overtemp warning";
934 | case 0xe252: return "Bleeder overtemp warning";
935 | case 0xe257: return "Continous current limit active";
936 | case 0xe2819: return "Main power failure";
937 | case 0xe259: return "Command velocity limit active";
938 | case 0xe8260: return "Torque limit active";
939 | case 0xe264: return "Target position out of numerical range";
940 | case 0xe829: case 0xe8029: return "Positive position limit exceeded";
941 | case 0xe830: case 0xe8030: return "Negative position limit exceeded";
942 | case 0xe831: return "Position limit reached during jog";
943 | case 0xe834: return "Emergency-Stop";
944 | case 0xe842: return "Both end-switches activated";
945 | case 0xe843: return "Positive end-switch activated";
946 | case 0xe844: return "Negative end-switch activated";
947 | case 0xf218: case 0xf2018: return "Amplifier overtemp shutdown";
948 | case 0xf219: case 0xf2019: return "Motor overtemp shutdown";
949 | case 0xf220: return "Bleeder overload shutdown";
950 | case 0xf221: case 0xf2021: return "Motor temperature surveillance defective";
951 | case 0xf2022: return "Unit temperature surveillance defective";
952 | case 0xf224: return "Maximum breaking time exceeded";
953 | case 0xf2025: return "Drive not ready for power on";
954 | case 0xf228: case 0xf2028: return "Excessive control deviation";
955 | case 0xf250: return "Overflow of target position preset memory";
956 | case 0xf257: case 0xf2057: return "Command position out of range";
957 | case 0xf269: return "Error during release of the motor holding brake";
958 | case 0xf276: return "Absolute encoder moved out of monitoring window";
959 | case 0xf2074: return "Absolute encoder 1 moved out of monitoring window";
960 | case 0xf2075: return "Absolute encoder 2 moved out of monitoring window";
961 | case 0xf2174: return "Lost reference of motor encoder";
962 | case 0xf409: case 0xf4009: return "Bus error on Profibus interface";
963 | case 0xf434: return "Emergency-Stop";
964 | case 0xf629: return "Positive position limit exceeded";
965 | case 0xf630: return "Negative position limit exceeded";
966 | case 0xf634: return "Emergency-Stop";
967 | case 0xf643: return "Positive end-switch activated";
968 | case 0xf644: return "Negative end-switch activated";
969 | case 0xf8069: return "15V DC error";
970 | case 0xf870: case 0xf8070: return "24V DC error";
971 | case 0xf878: case 0xf8078: return "Velocity loop error";
972 | case 0xf8079: return "Velocity limit exceeded";
973 | case 0xf2026: return "Undervoltage in power section";
974 | }
975 | return "unknown";
976 | }
977 |
978 | void LogErrorCode(uint32_t node)
979 | {
980 | const uint8_t typ = fErrCode[node/2]>>16;
981 |
982 | ostringstream out;
983 | out << "IndraDrive ";
984 | out << (node==kNodeAz?"Az":"Zd");
985 | out << " [" << hex << fErrCode[node/2];
986 | out << "]: ";
987 | out << ErrCodeToString(fErrCode[node/2]);
988 | out << (typ==0xf || typ==0xe ? "!" : ".");
989 |
990 | switch (typ)
991 | {
992 | case 0xf: Error(out); break;
993 | case 0xe: Warn(out); break;
994 | case 0xa: Info(out); break;
995 | case 0x0:
996 | case 0xc:
997 | case 0xd: Message(out); break;
998 | default: Fatal(out); break;
999 | }
1000 | }
1001 |
1002 | void HandlePdo2(const uint8_t &node, const uint8_t *data, const Time &)
1003 | {
1004 | fErrCode[node/2] = (data[4]<<24) | (data[5]<<16) | (data[6]<<8) | data[7];
1005 |
1006 | if (fVerbosity>0)
1007 | Out() << "PDO2[" << int(node) << "] err=" << hex << fErrCode[node/2] << endl;
1008 |
1009 | LogErrorCode(node);
1010 | }
1011 |
1012 | struct SDO
1013 | {
1014 | uint8_t node;
1015 | uint8_t req;
1016 | uint16_t idx;
1017 | uint8_t subidx;
1018 | uint32_t val;
1019 |
1020 | SDO(uint8_t n, uint8_t r, uint16_t i, uint8_t s, uint32_t v=0)
1021 | : node(n), req(r&0xf), idx(i), subidx(s), val(v) { }
1022 |
1023 | bool operator==(const SDO &s) const
1024 | {
1025 | return node==s.node && idx==s.idx && subidx==s.subidx;
1026 | }
1027 | };
1028 |
1029 | struct Timeout_t : SDO, ba::deadline_timer
1030 | {
1031 |
1032 | Timeout_t(ba::io_service& ioservice,
1033 | uint8_t n, uint8_t r, uint16_t i, uint8_t s, uint32_t v, uint16_t millisec) : SDO(n, r, i, s, v),
1034 | ba::deadline_timer(ioservice)
1035 | {
1036 | expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(millisec));
1037 | }
1038 | // get_io_service()
1039 | };
1040 |
1041 | std::list<Timeout_t> fTimeouts;
1042 |
1043 | vector<uint8_t> fData;
1044 |
1045 | void HandleReceivedData(const boost::system::error_code& err, size_t bytes_received, int)
1046 | {
1047 | // Do not schedule a new read if the connection failed.
1048 | if (bytes_received!=11 || fData[0]!=10 || err)
1049 | {
1050 | if (err==ba::error::eof)
1051 | Warn("Connection closed by remote host (cosy).");
1052 |
1053 | // 107: Transport endpoint is not connected (bs::error_code(107, bs::system_category))
1054 | // 125: Operation canceled
1055 | if (err && err!=ba::error::eof && // Connection closed by remote host
1056 | err!=ba::error::basic_errors::not_connected && // Connection closed by remote host
1057 | err!=ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted) // Connection closed by us
1058 | {
1059 | ostringstream str;
1060 | str << "Reading from " << URL() << ": " << err.message() << " (" << err << ")";// << endl;
1061 | Error(str);
1062 | }
1063 | PostClose(err!=ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted);
1064 | return;
1065 | }
1066 |
1067 | Time now;
1068 |
1069 | const uint16_t desc = fData[1]<<8 | fData[2];
1070 | const uint16_t cobid = desc>>5;
1071 |
1072 | const uint8_t *data = fData.data()+3;
1073 |
1074 | const uint16_t fcode = cobid >> 7;
1075 | const uint8_t node = cobid & 0x1f;
1076 |
1077 | switch (fcode)
1078 | {
1079 | case kRxNodeguard:
1080 | Out() << "Received nodeguard" << endl;
1081 | //HandleNodeguard(node, now);
1082 | break;
1083 |
1084 | case kRxSdo:
1085 | {
1086 | const uint8_t cmd = data[0];
1087 | const uint16_t idx = data[1] | (data[2]<<8);
1088 | const uint8_t subidx = data[3];
1089 | const uint32_t dat = data[4] | (data[5]<<8) | (data[6]<<16) | (data[7]<<24);
1090 |
1091 | const auto it = find(fTimeouts.begin(), fTimeouts.end(), SDO(node, cmd, idx, subidx));
1092 | if (it!=fTimeouts.end())
1093 | {
1094 | // This will call the handler and in turn remove the object from the list
1095 | it->cancel();
1096 | }
1097 | else
1098 | {
1099 | ostringstream str;
1100 | str << hex;
1101 | str << "Unexpected SDO (";
1102 | str << uint32_t(node) << ": ";
1103 | str << ((cmd&0xf)==kTxSdo?"RX ":"TX ");
1104 | str << idx << "/" << uint32_t(subidx) << ")";
1105 |
1106 | Warn(str);
1107 | }
1108 |
1109 | switch (cmd)
1110 | {
1111 | case kRxSdo4: // answer to 0x40 with 4 bytes of data
1112 | HandleSdo(node, idx, subidx, dat, now);
1113 | break;
1114 |
1115 | case kRxSdo2: // answer to 0x40 with 2 bytes of data
1116 | HandleSdo(node, idx, subidx, dat&0xffff, now);
1117 | break;
1118 |
1119 | case kRxSdo1: // answer to 0x40 with 1 byte of data
1120 | HandleSdo(node, idx, subidx, dat&0xff, now);
1121 | break;
1122 |
1123 | case kRxSdoOk: // answer to a SDO_TX message
1124 | HandleSdoOk(node, idx, subidx, now);
1125 | break;
1126 |
1127 | case kRxSdoErr: // error message
1128 | HandleSdoError(node, idx, subidx, now);
1129 | break;
1130 |
1131 | default:
1132 | {
1133 | ostringstream out;
1134 | out << "Invalid SDO command code " << hex << cmd << " received.";
1135 | Error(out);
1136 | PostClose(false);
1137 | return;
1138 | }
1139 | }
1140 | }
1141 | break;
1142 |
1143 | case kRxPdo1:
1144 | HandlePdo1(node, data, now);
1145 | break;
1146 |
1147 | case kRxPdo2:
1148 | HandlePdo2(node, data, now);
1149 | break;
1150 |
1151 | case kRxPdo3:
1152 | HandlePdo3(node, data, now);
1153 | break;
1154 |
1155 | default:
1156 | {
1157 | ostringstream out;
1158 | out << "Invalid function code " << hex << fcode << " received.";
1159 | Error(out);
1160 | PostClose(false);
1161 | return;
1162 | }
1163 | }
1164 |
1165 | StartReadReport();
1166 | }
1167 |
1168 | void StartReadReport()
1169 | {
1170 | ba::async_read(*this, ba::buffer(fData),
1171 | boost::bind(&ConnectionDrive::HandleReceivedData, this,
1172 | ba::placeholders::error, ba::placeholders::bytes_transferred, 0));
1173 |
1174 | //AsyncWait(fInTimeout, 35000, &Connection::HandleReadTimeout); // 30s
1175 | }
1176 |
1177 | bool fIsInitialized[2];
1178 |
1179 | // This is called when a connection was established
1180 | void ConnectionEstablished()
1181 | {
1182 | //Info("Connection to PLC established.");
1183 |
1184 | fIsInitialized[0] = false;
1185 | fIsInitialized[1] = false;
1186 |
1187 | SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetArmed, 1);
1188 | SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetArmed, 1);
1189 |
1190 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqErrStat);
1191 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqErrStat);
1192 |
1193 | SetRpmMode(false);
1194 |
1195 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqPosRes);
1196 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqPosRes);
1197 |
1198 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqVelRes);
1199 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqVelRes);
1200 |
1201 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqVelMax);
1202 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqVelMax);
1203 |
1204 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqPos, 0);
1205 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqPos, 0);
1206 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqPos, 1);
1207 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqPos, 1);
1208 |
1209 | RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqKeepAlive);
1210 | RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqKeepAlive);
1211 |
1212 | StartReadReport();
1213 | }
1214 |
1215 | void HandleTimeoutImp(const std::list<Timeout_t>::iterator &ref, const bs::error_code &error)
1216 | {
1217 | if (error==ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted)
1218 | return;
1219 |
1220 | if (error)
1221 | {
1222 | ostringstream str;
1223 | str << "SDO timeout of " << URL() << ": " << error.message() << " (" << error << ")";// << endl;
1224 | Error(str);
1225 |
1226 | //PostClose();
1227 | return;
1228 | }
1229 |
1230 | if (!is_open())
1231 | {
1232 | // For example: Here we could schedule a new accept if we
1233 | // would not want to allow two connections at the same time.
1234 | return;
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | // Check whether the deadline has passed. We compare the deadline
1238 | // against the current time since a new asynchronous operation
1239 | // may have moved the deadline before this actor had a chance
1240 | // to run.
1241 | if (ref->expires_at() > ba::deadline_timer::traits_type::now())
1242 | return;
1243 |
1244 | ostringstream str;
1245 | str << hex;
1246 | str << "SDO timeout (";
1247 | str << uint32_t(ref->node) << ": ";
1248 | str << (ref->req==kTxSdo?"RX ":"TX ");
1249 | str << ref->idx << "/" << uint32_t(ref->subidx) << " [" << ref->val << "] ";
1250 | str << to_simple_string(ref->expires_from_now());
1251 | str << ")";
1252 |
1253 | Warn(str);
1254 |
1255 | //PostClose();
1256 | }
1257 |
1258 | void HandleTimeout(const std::list<Timeout_t>::iterator &ref, const bs::error_code &error)
1259 | {
1260 | HandleTimeoutImp(ref, error);
1261 | fTimeouts.erase(ref);
1262 | }
1263 |
1264 | void SendSdoRequest(uint8_t node, uint8_t req,
1265 | uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, uint32_t val=0)
1266 | {
1267 | if (fVerbosity>1)
1268 | Out() << "SDO-" << (req==kTxSdo?"REQ":"SET") << "[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << " = " << val << endl;
1269 |
1270 |
1271 | SendCanFrame(0x600|(node&0x1f), req, idx&0xff, idx>>8, subidx,
1272 | val&0xff, (val>>8)&0xff, (val>>16)&0xff, (val>>24)&0xff);
1273 |
1274 | // - The boost::asio::basic_deadline_timer::expires_from_now()
1275 | // function cancels any pending asynchronous waits, and returns
1276 | // the number of asynchronous waits that were cancelled. If it
1277 | // returns 0 then you were too late and the wait handler has
1278 | // already been executed, or will soon be executed. If it
1279 | // returns 1 then the wait handler was successfully cancelled.
1280 | // - If a wait handler is cancelled, the bs::error_code passed to
1281 | // it contains the value bs::error::operation_aborted.
1282 |
1283 | const uint32_t milliseconds = 3000;
1284 | fTimeouts.emplace_front(get_io_service(), node, req, idx, subidx, val, milliseconds);
1285 |
1286 | const std::list<Timeout_t>::iterator &timeout = fTimeouts.begin();
1287 |
1288 | timeout->async_wait(boost::bind(&ConnectionDrive::HandleTimeout, this, timeout, ba::placeholders::error));
1289 | }
1290 |
1291 | public:
1292 | ConnectionDrive(ba::io_service& ioservice, MessageImp &imp) : Connection(ioservice, imp()),
1293 | fVerbosity(0), fData(11)
1294 | {
1295 | SetLogStream(&imp);
1296 | }
1297 |
1298 | void SetVerbosity(const uint16_t &v)
1299 | {
1300 | fVerbosity = v;
1301 | }
1302 |
1303 | uint16_t GetVerbosity() const
1304 | {
1305 | return fVerbosity;
1306 | }
1307 |
1308 | void RequestSdo(uint8_t node, uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx=0)
1309 | {
1310 | SendSdoRequest(node, kTxSdo, idx, subidx);
1311 | }
1312 | void SendSdo(uint8_t node, uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, uint32_t val)
1313 | {
1314 | SendSdoRequest(node, kTxSdo4, idx, subidx, val);
1315 | }
1316 |
1317 | void SendSdo(uint8_t node, uint16_t idx, uint32_t val)
1318 | {
1319 | SendSdo(node, idx, 0, val);
1320 | }
1321 |
1322 | bool IsMoving() const
1323 | {
1324 | return (fStatusAxis[0]&kAxisMoving) || (fStatusAxis[1]&kAxisMoving)
1325 | || (fStatusAxis[0]&kAxisRpmMode) || (fStatusAxis[1]&kAxisRpmMode);
1326 | }
1327 |
1328 | bool IsInitialized() const
1329 | {
1330 | // All important information has been successfully requested from the
1331 | // SPS and the power control units are in RF (Regler freigegeben)
1332 | return fIsInitialized[0] && fIsInitialized[1];
1333 | }
1334 |
1335 | bool HasWarning() const
1336 | {
1337 | const uint8_t typ0 = fErrCode[0]>>16;
1338 | const uint8_t typ1 = fErrCode[1]>>16;
1339 | return typ0==0xe || typ1==0xe;
1340 | }
1341 |
1342 | bool HasError() const
1343 | {
1344 | const uint8_t typ0 = fErrCode[0]>>16;
1345 | const uint8_t typ1 = fErrCode[1]>>16;
1346 | return typ0==0xf || typ1==0xf;
1347 | }
1348 |
1349 | bool IsOnline() const
1350 | {
1351 | return fErrCode[0]!=0 && fErrCode[1]!=0;
1352 | }
1353 |
1354 | bool IsReady() const
1355 | {
1356 | return fStatusAxis[0]&kAxisRf && fStatusAxis[1]&kAxisRf;
1357 | }
1358 |
1359 | bool IsBlocked() const
1360 | {
1361 | return (fStatusSys&kEmergencyOk)==0 || (fStatusSys&kManualMode);
1362 | }
1363 |
1364 | Encoder GetSePos() const // [rev]
1365 | {
1366 | return Encoder(double(fPdoPos2[1])/fPosRes[1], double(fPdoPos2[0])/fPosRes[0]);
1367 | }
1368 |
1369 | double GetSeTime() const // [rev]
1370 | {
1371 | // The maximum difference here should not be larger than 100ms.
1372 | // So th error we make on both axes should not exceed 50ms;
1373 | return (Time(fPdoTime2[0]).Mjd()+Time(fPdoTime2[1]).Mjd())/2;
1374 | }
1375 |
1376 | Encoder GetVelUnit() const
1377 | {
1378 | return Encoder(fVelMax[1], fVelMax[0]);
1379 | }
1380 |
1381 | void SetRpmMode(bool mode)
1382 | {
1383 | const uint32_t val = mode ? String('s','t','r','t') : String('s','t','o','p');
1384 | SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetRpmMode, val);
1385 | SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetRpmMode, val);
1386 | }
1387 |
1388 | void SetAcceleration(const Acceleration &acc)
1389 | {
1390 | SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetAcc, lrint(acc.az*1000000000+0.5));
1391 | SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetAcc, lrint(acc.zd*1000000000+0.5));
1392 | }
1393 |
1394 | void SetPointingVelocity(const Velocity &vel, double scale=1)
1395 | {
1396 | SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetPointVel, lrint(vel.az*fVelMax[0]*scale));
1397 | SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetPointVel, lrint(vel.zd*fVelMax[1]*scale));
1398 | }
1399 | void SetTrackingVelocity(const Velocity &vel)
1400 | {
1401 | SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetTrackVel, lrint(vel.az*fVelRes[0]));
1402 | SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetTrackVel, lrint(vel.zd*fVelRes[1]));
1403 | }
1404 |
1405 | void StartAbsolutePositioning(const Encoder &enc, bool zd, bool az)
1406 | {
1407 | if (az) SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetPosition, lrint(enc.az*fPosRes[0]));
1408 | if (zd) SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetPosition, lrint(enc.zd*fPosRes[1]));
1409 |
1410 | // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO
1411 | if (az) fStatusAxis[0] |= 0x02;
1412 | if (zd) fStatusAxis[1] |= 0x02;
1413 |
1414 | // FIXME: UpdateDim?
1415 | }
1416 |
1417 | void SetLedVoltage(const uint32_t &v1, const uint32_t &v2)
1418 | {
1419 | SendSdo(kNodeAz, 0x4000, v1);
1420 | SendSdo(kNodeZd, 0x4000, v2);
1421 | }
1422 | };
1423 |
1424 |
1425 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1426 |
1427 | #include "DimDescriptionService.h"
1428 |
1429 | class ConnectionDimDrive : public ConnectionDrive
1430 | {
1431 | private:
1432 | DimDescribedService fDimPointing;
1433 | DimDescribedService fDimTracking;
1434 | DimDescribedService fDimSource;
1435 | DimDescribedService fDimTPoint;
1436 | DimDescribedService fDimStatus;
1437 |
1438 | // Update dim from a different thread to ensure that these
1439 | // updates cannot block the main eventloop which eventually
1440 | // also checks the timeouts
1441 | Queue<pair<Time,array<double, 2>>> fQueuePointing;
1442 | Queue<pair<Time,array<double, 12>>> fQueueTracking;
1443 | Queue<tuple<Time,vector<char>,bool>> fQueueSource;
1444 | Queue<pair<Time,vector<char>>> fQueueTPoint;
1445 | Queue<pair<Time,array<uint8_t, 3>>> fQueueStatus;
1446 |
1447 | bool SendPointing(const pair<Time,array<double,2>> &p)
1448 | {
1449 | fDimPointing.setData(p.second);
1450 | fDimPointing.Update(p.first);
1451 | return true;
1452 | }
1453 |
1454 | bool SendTracking(const pair<Time,array<double, 12>> &p)
1455 | {
1456 | fDimTracking.setData(p.second);
1457 | fDimTracking.Update(p.first);
1458 | return true;
1459 | }
1460 |
1461 | bool SendSource(const tuple<Time,vector<char>,bool> &t)
1462 | {
1463 | const Time &time = get<0>(t);
1464 | const vector<char> &data = get<1>(t);
1465 | const bool &tracking = get<2>(t);
1466 |
1467 | fDimSource.setQuality(tracking);
1468 | fDimSource.setData(data);
1469 | fDimSource.Update(time);
1470 | return true;
1471 | }
1472 |
1473 | bool SendStatus(const pair<Time,array<uint8_t, 3>> &p)
1474 | {
1475 | fDimStatus.setData(p.second);
1476 | fDimStatus.Update(p.first);
1477 | return true;
1478 | }
1479 |
1480 | bool SendTPoint(const pair<Time,vector<char>> &p)
1481 | {
1482 | fDimTPoint.setData(p.second);
1483 | fDimTPoint.Update(p.first);
1484 | return true;
1485 | }
1486 |
1487 | public:
1488 | void UpdatePointing(const Time &t, const array<double, 2> &arr)
1489 | {
1490 | fQueuePointing.emplace(t, arr);
1491 | }
1492 |
1493 | void UpdateTracking(const Time &t,const array<double, 12> &arr)
1494 | {
1495 | fQueueTracking.emplace(t, arr);
1496 | }
1497 |
1498 | void UpdateStatus(const Time &t, const array<uint8_t, 3> &arr)
1499 | {
1500 | fQueueStatus.emplace(t, arr);
1501 | }
1502 |
1503 | void UpdateTPoint(const Time &t, const DimTPoint &data,
1504 | const string &name)
1505 | {
1506 | vector<char> dim(sizeof(data)+name.length()+1);
1507 | memcpy(dim.data(), &data, sizeof(data));
1508 | memcpy(dim.data()+sizeof(data), name.c_str(), name.length()+1);
1509 |
1510 | fQueueTPoint.emplace(t, dim);
1511 | }
1512 |
1513 | void UpdateSource(const Time &t, const string &name, bool tracking)
1514 | {
1515 | vector<char> dat(5*sizeof(double)+31, 0);
1516 | strncpy(dat.data()+5*sizeof(double), name.c_str(), 30);
1517 |
1518 | fQueueSource.emplace(t, dat, tracking);
1519 | }
1520 |
1521 | void UpdateSource(const Time &t, const array<double, 5> &arr, const string &name="")
1522 | {
1523 | vector<char> dat(5*sizeof(double)+31, 0);
1524 | memcpy(dat.data(), arr.data(), 5*sizeof(double));
1525 | strncpy(dat.data()+5*sizeof(double), name.c_str(), 30);
1526 |
1527 | fQueueSource.emplace(t, dat, true);
1528 | }
1529 |
1530 | public:
1531 | ConnectionDimDrive(ba::io_service& ioservice, MessageImp &imp) :
1532 | ConnectionDrive(ioservice, imp),
1533 | fDimPointing("DRIVE_CONTROL/POINTING_POSITION", "D:1;D:1",
1534 | "|Zd[deg]:Zenith distance (derived from encoder readout)"
1535 | "|Az[deg]:Azimuth angle (derived from encoder readout)"),
1536 | fDimTracking("DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACKING_POSITION", "D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1",
1537 | "|Ra[h]:Command right ascension pointing direction (J2000)"
1538 | "|Dec[deg]:Command declination pointing direction (J2000)"
1539 | "|Ha[h]:Hour angle pointing direction"
1540 | "|SrcRa[h]:Right ascension source (J2000)"
1541 | "|SrcDec[deg]:Declination source (J2000)"
1542 | "|SrcHa[h]:Hour angle source"
1543 | "|Zd[deg]:Nominal zenith distance"
1544 | "|Az[deg]:Nominal azimuth angle"
1545 | "|dZd[deg]:Control deviation Zd"
1546 | "|dAz[deg]:Control deviation Az"
1547 | "|dev[arcsec]:Absolute control deviation"
1548 | "|avgdev[arcsec]:Average control deviation used to define OnTrack"),
1549 | fDimSource("DRIVE_CONTROL/SOURCE_POSITION", "D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;C:31",
1550 | "|Ra_src[h]:Source right ascension"
1551 | "|Dec_src[deg]:Source declination"
1552 | "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset"
1553 | "|Angle[deg]:Wobble angle"
1554 | "|Period[min]:Time for one orbit"
1555 | "|Name[string]:Source name if available"),
1556 | fDimTPoint("DRIVE_CONTROL/TPOINT_DATA", "D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;S:1;S:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;C",
1557 | "|Ra[h]:Command right ascension"
1558 | "|Dec[deg]:Command declination"
1559 | "|Zd_nom[deg]:Nominal zenith distance"
1560 | "|Az_nom[deg]:Nominal azimuth angle"
1561 | "|Zd_cur[deg]:Current zenith distance (calculated from image)"
1562 | "|Az_cur[deg]:Current azimuth angle (calculated from image)"
1563 | "|Zd_enc[deg]:Feedback zenith axis (from encoder)"
1564 | "|Az_enc[deg]:Feedback azimuth angle (from encoder)"
1565 | "|N_leds[cnt]:Number of detected LEDs"
1566 | "|N_rings[cnt]:Number of rings used to calculate the camera center"
1567 | "|Xc[pix]:X position of center in CCD camera frame"
1568 | "|Yc[pix]:Y position of center in CCD camera frame"
1569 | "|Ic[au]:Average intensity (LED intensity weighted with their frequency of occurance in the calculation)"
1570 | "|Xs[pix]:X position of start in CCD camera frame"
1571 | "|Ys[pix]:Y position of star in CCD camera frame"
1572 | "|Ms[mag]:Artifical magnitude of star (calculated from image)"
1573 | "|Phi[deg]:Rotation angle of image derived from detected LEDs"
1574 | "|Mc[mag]:Catalog magnitude of star"
1575 | "|Dx[arcsec]:De-rotated dx"
1576 | "|Dy[arcsec]:De-rotated dy"
1577 | "|Name[string]:Name of star"),
1578 | fDimStatus("DRIVE_CONTROL/STATUS", "C:2;C:1", ""),
1579 | fQueuePointing(std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendPointing, this, placeholders::_1)),
1580 | fQueueTracking(std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendTracking, this, placeholders::_1)),
1581 | fQueueSource( std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendSource, this, placeholders::_1)),
1582 | fQueueTPoint( std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendTPoint, this, placeholders::_1)),
1583 | fQueueStatus( std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendStatus, this, placeholders::_1))
1584 | {
1585 | }
1586 |
1587 | // A B [C] [D] E [F] G H [I] J K [L] M N O P Q R [S] T U V W [X] Y Z
1588 | };
1589 |
1590 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1591 |
1592 | template <class T, class S>
1593 | class StateMachineDrive : public StateMachineAsio<T>
1594 | {
1595 | private:
1596 | S fDrive;
1597 |
1598 | ba::deadline_timer fTrackingLoop;
1599 |
1600 | string fDatabase;
1601 |
1602 | typedef map<string, Source> sources;
1603 | sources fSources;
1604 |
1605 | Weather fWeather;
1606 | uint16_t fWeatherTimeout;
1607 |
1608 | ZdAz fParkingPos;
1609 |
1610 | PointingModel fPointingModel;
1611 | PointingSetup fPointingSetup;
1612 | Encoder fMovementTarget;
1613 |
1614 | Time fSunRise;
1615 |
1616 | Encoder fPointingMin;
1617 | Encoder fPointingMax;
1618 |
1619 | uint16_t fDeviationLimit;
1620 | uint16_t fDeviationCounter;
1621 | uint16_t fDeviationMax;
1622 |
1623 | vector<double> fDevBuffer;
1624 | uint64_t fDevCount;
1625 |
1626 | uint64_t fTrackingCounter;
1627 |
1628 |
1629 | // --------------------- DIM Sending ------------------
1630 |
1631 | bool CheckEventSize(size_t has, const char *name, size_t size)
1632 | {
1633 | if (has==size)
1634 | return true;
1635 |
1636 | ostringstream msg;
1637 | msg << name << " - Received event has " << has << " bytes, but expected " << size << ".";
1638 | T::Fatal(msg);
1639 | return false;
1640 | }
1641 |
1642 | // --------------------- DIM Receiving ------------------
1643 |
1644 | int HandleWeatherData(const EventImp &evt)
1645 | {
1646 | if (evt.GetSize()==0)
1647 | {
1648 | T::Warn("MAGIC_WEATHER disconnected... using default weather values");
1649 | fWeather.time = Time(Time::none);
1650 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1651 | }
1652 |
1653 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "HandleWeatherData", 7*4+2))
1654 | {
1655 | fWeather.time = Time(Time::none);
1656 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1657 | }
1658 |
1659 | const float *ptr = evt.Ptr<float>(2);
1660 |
1661 | fWeather.temp = ptr[0];
1662 | fWeather.hum = ptr[2];
1663 | fWeather.press = ptr[3];
1664 | fWeather.time = evt.GetTime();
1665 |
1666 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1667 | }
1668 |
1669 | int HandleTPoint(const EventImp &evt)
1670 | {
1671 | // Skip disconnect events
1672 | if (evt.GetSize()==0)
1673 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1674 |
1675 | // skip invalid events
1676 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "HandleTPoint", 11*8))
1677 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1678 |
1679 | // skip event which are older than one minute
1680 | if (Time().UnixTime()-evt.GetTime().UnixTime()>60)
1681 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1682 |
1683 | // Original code in slaTps2c:
1684 | //
1685 | // From the tangent plane coordinates of a star of known RA,Dec,
1686 | // determine the RA,Dec of the tangent point.
1687 |
1688 | const double *ptr = evt.Ptr<double>();
1689 |
1690 | // Tangent plane rectangular coordinates
1691 | const double dx = ptr[0] * M_PI/648000; // [arcsec -> rad]
1692 | const double dy = ptr[1] * M_PI/648000; // [arcsec -> rad]
1693 |
1694 | const PointingData data = fPointingModel.CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup, evt.GetTime().Mjd(), fWeather, fWeatherTimeout, true);
1695 |
1696 | const double x2 = dx*dx;
1697 | const double y2 = 1 + dy*dy;
1698 |
1699 | const double sd = cos(data.sky.zd);//sin(M_PI/2-sky.zd);
1700 | const double cd = sin(data.sky.zd);//cos(M_PI/2-sky.zd);
1701 | const double sdf = sd*sqrt(x2+y2);
1702 | const double r2 = cd*cd*y2 - sd*sd*x2;
1703 |
1704 | // Case of no solution ("at the pole") or
1705 | // two solutions ("over the pole solution")
1706 | if (r2<0 || fabs(sdf)>=1)
1707 | {
1708 | T::Warn("Could not determine pointing direction from TPoint.");
1709 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1710 | }
1711 |
1712 | const double r = sqrt(r2);
1713 | const double s = sdf - dy * r;
1714 | const double c = sdf * dy + r;
1715 | const double phi = atan2(dx, r);
1716 |
1717 | // Spherical coordinates of tangent point
1718 | const double az = fmod(data.sky.az-phi + 2*M_PI, 2*M_PI);
1719 | const double zd = M_PI/2 - atan2(s, c);
1720 |
1721 | const Encoder dev = fDrive.GetSePos()*360 - data.mount;
1722 |
1723 | // --- Output TPoint ---
1724 |
1725 | const string fname = "tpoints-"+to_string(evt.GetTime().NightAsInt())+".txt";
1726 | //time.GetAsStr("/%Y/%m/%d");
1727 |
1728 | const bool exist = boost::filesystem::exists(fname);
1729 |
1730 | ofstream fout(fname, ios::app);
1731 | if (!exist)
1732 | {
1733 | fout << "FACT Model TPOINT data file" << endl;
1734 | fout << ": ALTAZ" << endl;
1735 | fout << "49 48 0 ";
1736 | fout << evt.GetTime() << endl;
1737 | }
1738 | fout << setprecision(7);
1739 | fout << fmod(az*180/M_PI+360, 360) << " ";
1740 | fout << 90-zd*180/M_PI << " ";
1741 | fout << fmod(data.mount.az+360, 360) << " ";
1742 | fout << 90-data.mount.zd << " ";
1743 | fout << dev.az << " "; // delta az
1744 | fout << -dev.zd << " "; // delta el
1745 | fout << 90-data.sky.zd * 180/M_PI << " ";
1746 | fout << data.sky.az * 180/M_PI << " ";
1747 | fout << setprecision(10);
1748 | fout << data.mjd << " ";
1749 | fout << setprecision(7);
1750 | fout << ptr[6] << " "; // center.mag
1751 | fout << ptr[9] << " "; // star.mag
1752 | fout << ptr[4] << " "; // center.x
1753 | fout << ptr[5] << " "; // center.y
1754 | fout << ptr[7] << " "; // star.x
1755 | fout << ptr[8] << " "; // star.y
1756 | fout << ptr[2] << " "; // num leds
1757 | fout << ptr[3] << " "; // num rings
1758 | fout << ptr[0] << " "; // dx (de-rotated)
1759 | fout << ptr[1] << " "; // dy (de-rotated)
1760 | fout << ptr[10] << " "; // rotation angle
1761 | fout << fPointingSetup.source.mag << " ";
1762 | fout << fPointingSetup.source.name;
1763 | fout << endl;
1764 |
1765 | DimTPoint dim;
1766 | dim.fRa = data.pointing.ra * 12/M_PI;
1767 | dim.fDec = data.pointing.dec * 180/M_PI;
1768 | dim.fNominalZd = data.sky.zd * 180/M_PI;
1769 | dim.fNominalAz = data.sky.az * 180/M_PI;
1770 | dim.fPointingZd = zd * 180/M_PI;
1771 | dim.fPointingAz = az * 180/M_PI;
1772 | dim.fFeedbackZd = data.mount.zd;
1773 | dim.fFeedbackAz = data.mount.az;
1774 | dim.fNumLeds = uint16_t(ptr[2]);
1775 | dim.fNumRings = uint16_t(ptr[3]);
1776 | dim.fCenterX = ptr[4];
1777 | dim.fCenterY = ptr[5];
1778 | dim.fCenterMag = ptr[6];
1779 | dim.fStarX = ptr[7];
1780 | dim.fStarY = ptr[8];
1781 | dim.fStarMag = ptr[9];
1782 | dim.fRotation = ptr[10];
1783 | dim.fDx = ptr[0];
1784 | dim.fDy = ptr[1];
1785 | dim.fRealMag = fPointingSetup.source.mag;
1786 |
1787 | fDrive.UpdateTPoint(evt.GetTime(), dim, fPointingSetup.source.name);
1788 |
1789 | ostringstream txt;
1790 | txt << "TPoint recorded [" << zd*180/M_PI << "/" << az*180/M_PI << " | "
1791 | << data.sky.zd*180/M_PI << "/" << data.sky.az*180/M_PI << " | "
1792 | << data.mount.zd << "/" << data.mount.az << " | "
1793 | << dx*180/M_PI << "/" << dy*180/M_PI << "]";
1794 | T::Info(txt);
1795 |
1796 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1797 | }
1798 |
1799 | // -------------------------- Helpers -----------------------------------
1800 |
1801 | double GetDevAbs(double nomzd, double meszd, double devaz)
1802 | {
1803 | nomzd *= M_PI/180;
1804 | meszd *= M_PI/180;
1805 | devaz *= M_PI/180;
1806 |
1807 | const double x = sin(meszd) * sin(nomzd) * cos(devaz);
1808 | const double y = cos(meszd) * cos(nomzd);
1809 |
1810 | return acos(x + y) * 180/M_PI;
1811 | }
1812 |
1813 | double ReadAngle(istream &in)
1814 | {
1815 | char sgn;
1816 | uint16_t d, m;
1817 | float s;
1818 |
1819 | in >> sgn >> d >> m >> s;
1820 |
1821 | const double ret = ((60.0 * (60.0 * (double)d + (double)m) + s))/3600.;
1822 | return sgn=='-' ? -ret : ret;
1823 | }
1824 |
1825 | bool CheckRange(ZdAz pos)
1826 | {
1827 | if (pos.zd<fPointingMin.zd)
1828 | {
1829 | T::Error("Zenith distance "+to_string(pos.zd)+" below limit "+to_string(fPointingMin.zd));
1830 | return false;
1831 | }
1832 |
1833 | if (pos.zd>fPointingMax.zd)
1834 | {
1835 | T::Error("Zenith distance "+to_string(pos.zd)+" exceeds limit "+to_string(fPointingMax.zd));
1836 | return false;
1837 | }
1838 |
1839 | if (pos.az<fPointingMin.az)
1840 | {
1841 | T::Error("Azimuth angle "+to_string(pos.az)+" below limit "+to_string(fPointingMin.az));
1842 | return false;
1843 | }
1844 |
1845 | if (pos.az>fPointingMax.az)
1846 | {
1847 | T::Error("Azimuth angle "+to_string(pos.az)+" exceeds limit "+to_string(fPointingMax.az));
1848 | return false;
1849 | }
1850 |
1851 | return true;
1852 | }
1853 |
1854 | PointingData CalcPointingPos(double mjd)
1855 | {
1856 | return fPointingModel.CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup, mjd, fWeather, fWeatherTimeout);
1857 | }
1858 |
1859 | // ----------------------------- SDO Commands ------------------------------
1860 |
1861 | int RequestSdo(const EventImp &evt)
1862 | {
1863 | // FIXME: STop telescope
1864 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "RequestSdo", 6))
1865 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
1866 |
1867 | const uint16_t node = evt.Get<uint16_t>();
1868 | const uint16_t index = evt.Get<uint16_t>(2);
1869 | const uint16_t subidx = evt.Get<uint16_t>(4);
1870 |
1871 | if (node!=1 && node !=3)
1872 | {
1873 | T::Error("Node id must be 1 (az) or 3 (zd).");
1874 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1875 | }
1876 |
1877 | if (subidx>0xff)
1878 | {
1879 | T::Error("Subindex must not be larger than 255.");
1880 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1881 | }
1882 |
1883 | fDrive.RequestSdo(node, index, subidx);
1884 |
1885 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1886 | }
1887 |
1888 | int SendSdo(const EventImp &evt)
1889 | {
1890 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SendSdo", 6+8))
1891 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
1892 |
1893 | const uint16_t node = evt.Get<uint16_t>();
1894 | const uint16_t index = evt.Get<uint16_t>(2);
1895 | const uint16_t subidx = evt.Get<uint16_t>(4);
1896 | const uint64_t value = evt.Get<uint64_t>(6);
1897 |
1898 | if (node!=1 && node!=3)
1899 | {
1900 | T::Error("Node id must be 1 (az) or 3 (zd).");
1901 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1902 | }
1903 |
1904 | if (subidx>0xff)
1905 | {
1906 | T::Error("Subindex must not be larger than 255.");
1907 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1908 | }
1909 |
1910 | fDrive.SendSdo(node, index, subidx, value);
1911 |
1912 | return T::GetCurrentState();
1913 | }
1914 |
1915 | // --------------------- Moving and tracking ---------------------
1916 |
1917 | uint16_t fStep;
1918 | bool fIsTracking;
1919 | Acceleration fAccPointing;
1920 | Acceleration fAccTracking;
1921 | Acceleration fAccMax;
1922 | double fMaxPointingResidual;
1923 | double fMaxParkingResidual;
1924 | double fPointingVelocity;
1925 |
1926 | int InitMovement(const ZdAz &sky, bool tracking=false, const string &name="")
1927 | {
1928 | fMovementTarget = fPointingModel.SkyToMount(sky);
1929 |
1930 | // Check whether bending is valid!
1931 | if (!CheckRange(sky*(180/M_PI)))
1932 | return StopMovement();
1933 |
1934 | fStep = 0;
1935 | fIsTracking = tracking;
1936 |
1937 | fDrive.SetRpmMode(false); // *NEW* (Stop a previous tracking to avoid the pointing command to be ignored)
1938 | fDrive.SetAcceleration(fAccPointing);
1939 |
1940 | if (!tracking)
1941 | fDrive.UpdateSource(Time(), name, false);
1942 | else
1943 | {
1944 | const array<double, 5> dim =
1945 | {{
1946 | fPointingSetup.source.ra,
1947 | fPointingSetup.source.dec,
1948 | fPointingSetup.wobble_offset * 180/M_PI,
1949 | fPointingSetup.wobble_angle * 180/M_PI,
1950 | fPointingSetup.orbit_period * 24*60
1951 | }};
1952 | fDrive.UpdateSource(fPointingSetup.start, dim, fPointingSetup.source.name);
1953 | }
1954 |
1955 | return State::kMoving;
1956 | }
1957 |
1958 | int MoveTo(const EventImp &evt)
1959 | {
1960 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "MoveTo", 16))
1961 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
1962 |
1963 | const double *dat = evt.Ptr<double>();
1964 |
1965 | ostringstream out;
1966 | out << "Pointing telescope to Zd=" << dat[0] << "deg Az=" << dat[1] << "deg";
1967 | T::Message(out);
1968 |
1969 | return InitMovement(ZdAz(dat[0]*M_PI/180, dat[1]*M_PI/180));
1970 | }
1971 |
1972 | int InitTracking()
1973 | {
1974 | fPointingSetup.start = Time().Mjd();
1975 |
1976 | const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup.start);
1977 |
1978 | ostringstream out;
1979 | out << "Tracking position now at Zd=" << data.sky.zd*180/M_PI << "deg Az=" << data.sky.az*180/M_PI << "deg";
1980 | T::Info(out);
1981 |
1982 | return InitMovement(data.sky, true);
1983 | }
1984 |
1985 | int StartTracking(const Source &src, double offset, double angle, double period=0)
1986 | {
1987 | if (src.ra<0 || src.ra>=24)
1988 | {
1989 | ostringstream out;
1990 | out << "Right ascension out of range [0;24[: Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg";
1991 | if (!src.name.empty())
1992 | out << " [" << src.name << "]";
1993 | T::Error(out);
1994 | return State::kInvalidCoordinates;
1995 | }
1996 | if (src.dec<-90 || src.dec>90)
1997 | {
1998 | ostringstream out;
1999 | out << "Declination out of range [-90;90]: Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg";
2000 | if (!src.name.empty())
2001 | out << " [" << src.name << "]";
2002 | T::Error(out);
2003 | return State::kInvalidCoordinates;
2004 | }
2005 |
2006 | ostringstream out;
2007 | out << "Tracking Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg";
2008 | if (!src.name.empty())
2009 | out << " [" << src.name << "]";
2010 | T::Info(out);
2011 |
2012 | fPointingSetup.planet = kENone;
2013 | fPointingSetup.source = src;
2014 | fPointingSetup.orbit_period = period / 1440; // [min->day]
2015 | fPointingSetup.wobble_angle = angle * M_PI/180; // [deg->rad]
2016 | fPointingSetup.wobble_offset = offset * M_PI/180; // [deg->rad]
2017 |
2018 | return InitTracking();
2019 | }
2020 |
2021 | int TrackCelest(const Planets_t &p)
2022 | {
2023 | switch (p)
2024 | {
2025 | case kEMoon: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Moon"; break;
2026 | case kEVenus: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Venus"; break;
2027 | case kEMars: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Mars"; break;
2028 | case kEJupiter: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Jupiter"; break;
2029 | case kESaturn: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Saturn"; break;
2030 | default:
2031 | T::Error("TrackCelest - Celestial object "+to_string(p)+" not yet supported.");
2032 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2033 | }
2034 |
2035 | fPointingSetup.planet = p;
2036 | fPointingSetup.wobble_offset = 0;
2037 |
2038 | fDrive.UpdateSource(Time(), fPointingSetup.source.name, true);
2039 |
2040 | return InitTracking();
2041 | }
2042 |
2043 | int Park()
2044 | {
2045 | ostringstream out;
2046 | out << "Parking telescope at Zd=" << fParkingPos.zd << "deg Az=" << fParkingPos.az << "deg";
2047 | T::Message(out);
2048 |
2049 | const int rc = InitMovement(ZdAz(fParkingPos.zd*M_PI/180, fParkingPos.az*M_PI/180), false, "Park");
2050 | return rc==State::kMoving ? State::kParking : rc;
2051 | }
2052 |
2053 | int Wobble(const EventImp &evt)
2054 | {
2055 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "Wobble", 32))
2056 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2057 |
2058 | const double *dat = evt.Ptr<double>();
2059 |
2060 | Source src;
2061 | src.ra = dat[0];
2062 | src.dec = dat[1];
2063 | return StartTracking(src, dat[2], dat[3]);
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 | int Orbit(const EventImp &evt)
2067 | {
2068 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "Orbit", 40))
2069 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2070 |
2071 | const double *dat = evt.Ptr<double>();
2072 |
2073 | Source src;
2074 | src.ra = dat[0];
2075 | src.dec = dat[1];
2076 | return StartTracking(src, dat[2], dat[3], dat[4]);
2077 | }
2078 |
2079 | const sources::const_iterator GetSourceFromDB(const char *ptr, const char *last)
2080 | {
2081 | if (find(ptr, last, '\0')==last)
2082 | {
2083 | T::Fatal("TrackWobble - The name transmitted by dim is not null-terminated.");
2084 | throw uint32_t(T::kSM_FatalError);
2085 | }
2086 |
2087 | const string name(ptr);
2088 |
2089 | const sources::const_iterator it = fSources.find(name);
2090 | if (it==fSources.end())
2091 | {
2092 | T::Error("Source '"+name+"' not found in list.");
2093 | throw uint32_t(T::GetCurrentState());
2094 | }
2095 |
2096 | return it;
2097 | }
2098 |
2099 | int TrackWobble(const EventImp &evt)
2100 | {
2101 | if (evt.GetSize()<2)
2102 | {
2103 | ostringstream msg;
2104 | msg << "TrackWobble - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 3.";
2105 | T::Fatal(msg);
2106 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2107 | }
2108 |
2109 | if (evt.GetSize()==2)
2110 | {
2111 | ostringstream msg;
2112 | msg << "TrackWobble - Source name missing.";
2113 | T::Error(msg);
2114 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2115 | }
2116 |
2117 | const uint16_t wobble = evt.GetUShort();
2118 | if (wobble!=1 && wobble!=2)
2119 | {
2120 | ostringstream msg;
2121 | msg << "TrackWobble - Wobble id " << wobble << " undefined, only 1 and 2 allowed.";
2122 | T::Error(msg);
2123 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2124 | }
2125 |
2126 | const char *ptr = evt.Ptr<char>(2);
2127 | const char *last = ptr+evt.GetSize()-2;
2128 |
2129 | try
2130 | {
2131 | const sources::const_iterator it = GetSourceFromDB(ptr, last);
2132 |
2133 | const Source &src = it->second;
2134 | return StartTracking(src, src.offset, src.angles[wobble-1]);
2135 | }
2136 | catch (const uint32_t &e)
2137 | {
2138 | return e;
2139 | }
2140 | }
2141 |
2142 | int StartTrackWobble(const char *ptr, size_t size, const double &offset=0, const double &angle=0, double time=0)
2143 | {
2144 | const char *last = ptr+size;
2145 |
2146 | try
2147 | {
2148 | const sources::const_iterator it = GetSourceFromDB(ptr, last);
2149 |
2150 | const Source &src = it->second;
2151 | return StartTracking(src, offset<0?0.6/*src.offset*/:offset, angle, time);
2152 | }
2153 | catch (const uint32_t &e)
2154 | {
2155 | return e;
2156 | }
2157 | }
2158 |
2159 | int Track(const EventImp &evt)
2160 | {
2161 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "Track", 16))
2162 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2163 |
2164 | Source src;
2165 |
2166 | src.name = "";
2167 | src.ra = evt.Get<double>(0);
2168 | src.dec = evt.Get<double>(8);
2169 |
2170 | return StartTracking(src, 0, 0);
2171 | }
2172 |
2173 | int TrackSource(const EventImp &evt)
2174 | {
2175 | if (evt.GetSize()<16)
2176 | {
2177 | ostringstream msg;
2178 | msg << "TrackOn - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 17.";
2179 | T::Fatal(msg);
2180 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2181 | }
2182 |
2183 | if (evt.GetSize()==16)
2184 | {
2185 | ostringstream msg;
2186 | msg << "TrackOn - Source name missing.";
2187 | T::Error(msg);
2188 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2189 | }
2190 |
2191 | const double offset = evt.Get<double>(0);
2192 | const double angle = evt.Get<double>(8);
2193 |
2194 | return StartTrackWobble(evt.Ptr<char>(16), evt.GetSize()-16, offset, angle);
2195 | }
2196 |
2197 | int TrackOn(const EventImp &evt)
2198 | {
2199 | if (evt.GetSize()==0)
2200 | {
2201 | ostringstream msg;
2202 | msg << "TrackOn - Source name missing.";
2203 | T::Error(msg);
2204 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2205 | }
2206 |
2207 | return StartTrackWobble(evt.Ptr<char>(), evt.GetSize());
2208 | }
2209 |
2210 | int TrackOrbit(const EventImp &evt)
2211 | {
2212 | if (evt.GetSize()<16)
2213 | {
2214 | ostringstream msg;
2215 | msg << "TrackOrbit - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 17.";
2216 | T::Fatal(msg);
2217 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2218 | }
2219 | if (evt.GetSize()==16)
2220 | {
2221 | ostringstream msg;
2222 | msg << "TrackOrbit - Source name missing.";
2223 | T::Error(msg);
2224 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2225 | }
2226 |
2227 | const double angle = evt.Get<double>(0);
2228 | const double time = evt.Get<double>(8);
2229 |
2230 | return StartTrackWobble(evt.Ptr<char>(16), evt.GetSize()-16, -1, angle, time);
2231 | }
2232 |
2233 | int StopMovement()
2234 | {
2235 | fDrive.SetAcceleration(fAccMax);
2236 | fDrive.SetRpmMode(false);
2237 |
2238 | fTrackingLoop.cancel();
2239 |
2240 | fDrive.UpdateSource(Time(), "", false);
2241 |
2242 | return State::kStopping;
2243 | }
2244 |
2245 | int ResetError()
2246 | {
2247 | const int rc = CheckState();
2248 | return rc>0 ? rc : State::kInitialized;
2249 | }
2250 |
2251 | // --------------------- Others ---------------------
2252 |
2253 | int TPoint()
2254 | {
2255 | T::Info("TPoint initiated.");
2256 | Dim::SendCommandNB("TPOINT/EXECUTE");
2257 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2258 | }
2259 |
2260 | int Screenshot(const EventImp &evt)
2261 | {
2262 | if (evt.GetSize()<2)
2263 | {
2264 | ostringstream msg;
2265 | msg << "Screenshot - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 2.";
2266 | T::Fatal(msg);
2267 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2268 | }
2269 |
2270 | if (evt.GetSize()==2)
2271 | {
2272 | ostringstream msg;
2273 | msg << "Screenshot - Filename missing.";
2274 | T::Error(msg);
2275 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2276 | }
2277 |
2278 | T::Info("Screenshot initiated.");
2279 | Dim::SendCommandNB("TPOINT/SCREENSHOT", evt.GetData(), evt.GetSize());
2280 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2281 | }
2282 |
2283 | int SetLedBrightness(const EventImp &evt)
2284 | {
2285 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SetLedBrightness", 8))
2286 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2287 |
2288 | const uint32_t *led = evt.Ptr<uint32_t>();
2289 |
2290 | fDrive.SetLedVoltage(led[0], led[1]);
2291 |
2292 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2293 | }
2294 |
2295 | int SetLedsOff()
2296 | {
2297 | fDrive.SetLedVoltage(0, 0);
2298 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2299 | }
2300 |
2301 | // --------------------- Internal ---------------------
2302 |
2303 | int SetVerbosity(const EventImp &evt)
2304 | {
2305 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SetVerbosity", 2))
2306 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
2307 |
2308 | fDrive.SetVerbosity(evt.GetUShort());
2309 |
2310 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2311 | }
2312 |
2313 | int Print()
2314 | {
2315 | for (auto it=fSources.begin(); it!=fSources.end(); it++)
2316 | {
2317 | const string &name = it->first;
2318 | const Source &src = it->second;
2319 |
2320 | T::Out() << name << ",";
2321 | T::Out() << src.ra << "," << src.dec << "," << src.offset << ",";
2322 | T::Out() << src.angles[0] << "," << src.angles[1] << endl;
2323 | }
2324 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2325 | }
2326 |
2327 | int PrintPointingModel()
2328 | {
2329 | fPointingModel.print(T::Out());
2330 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2331 | }
2332 |
2333 | int Unlock()
2334 | {
2335 | const int rc = CheckState();
2336 | return rc<0 ? State::kInitialized : rc;
2337 | }
2338 |
2339 | int ReloadSources()
2340 | {
2341 | try
2342 | {
2343 | ReadDatabase();
2344 | }
2345 | catch (const exception &e)
2346 | {
2347 | T::Error("Reading sources from databse failed: "+string(e.what()));
2348 | }
2349 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2350 | }
2351 |
2352 | int Disconnect()
2353 | {
2354 | // Close all connections
2355 | fDrive.PostClose(false);
2356 |
2357 | /*
2358 | // Now wait until all connection have been closed and
2359 | // all pending handlers have been processed
2360 | poll();
2361 | */
2362 |
2363 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2364 | }
2365 |
2366 | int Reconnect(const EventImp &evt)
2367 | {
2368 | // Close all connections to supress the warning in SetEndpoint
2369 | fDrive.PostClose(false);
2370 |
2371 | // Now wait until all connection have been closed and
2372 | // all pending handlers have been processed
2373 | ba::io_service::poll();
2374 |
2375 | if (evt.GetBool())
2376 | fDrive.SetEndpoint(evt.GetString());
2377 |
2378 | // Now we can reopen the connection
2379 | fDrive.PostClose(true);
2380 |
2381 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2382 | }
2383 |
2384 | // ========================= Tracking code =============================
2385 |
2386 | int UpdateTrackingPosition()
2387 | {
2388 | // First calculate deviation between
2389 | // command position and nominal position
2390 | //fPointing.mount = sepos; // [deg] ref pos for alignment
2391 | const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fDrive.GetSeTime());
2392 |
2393 | // Get current position and calculate deviation
2394 | const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos()*360; // [deg]
2395 | const Encoder dev = sepos - data.mount;
2396 |
2397 | // Calculate absolut deviation on the sky
2398 | const double absdev = GetDevAbs(data.mount.zd, sepos.zd, dev.az)*3600;
2399 |
2400 | // Smoothing
2401 | fDevBuffer[fDevCount++%5] = absdev;
2402 |
2403 | // Calculate average
2404 | const uint8_t cnt = fDevCount<5 ? fDevCount : 5;
2405 | const double avgdev = accumulate(fDevBuffer.begin(), fDevBuffer.begin()+cnt, 0.)/cnt;
2406 |
2407 | // Count the consecutive number of avgdev below fDeviationLimit
2408 | if (avgdev<fDeviationLimit)
2409 | fTrackingCounter++;
2410 | else
2411 | fTrackingCounter = 0;
2412 |
2413 | const double ha = fmod(fDrive.GetSeTime(),1)*24 - Nova::kORM.lng/15;
2414 |
2415 | array<double, 12> dim;
2416 | dim[0] = data.pointing.ra * 12/M_PI; // Ra [h] optical axis
2417 | dim[1] = data.pointing.dec * 180/M_PI; // Dec [deg] optical axis
2418 | dim[2] = ha - data.pointing.ra; // Ha [h] optical axis
2419 | dim[3] = data.source.ra * 12/M_PI; // SrcRa [h] source position
2420 | dim[4] = data.source.dec * 180/M_PI; // SrcDec [deg] source position
2421 | dim[5] = ha - data.source.ra; // SrcHa [h] source position
2422 | dim[6] = data.sky.zd * 180/M_PI; // Zd [deg] optical axis
2423 | dim[7] = data.sky.az * 180/M_PI; // Az [deg] optical axis
2424 | dim[8] = dev.zd; // dZd [deg] control deviation
2425 | dim[9] = dev.az; // dAz [deg] control deviation
2426 | dim[10] = absdev; // dev [arcsec] absolute control deviation
2427 | dim[11] = avgdev; // dev [arcsec] average control deviation
2428 |
2429 | fDrive.UpdateTracking(fDrive.GetSeTime(), dim);
2430 |
2431 | if (fDrive.GetVerbosity())
2432 | T::Out() << Time().GetAsStr(" %H:%M:%S.%f") << " - Deviation [deg] " << absdev << "\"|" << avgdev << "\"|" << fDevCount<< " dZd=" << dev.zd*3600 << "\" dAz=" << dev.az*3600 << "\"" << endl;
2433 |
2434 | // Maximum deviation execeeded -> fall back to Tracking state
2435 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kOnTrack && avgdev>fDeviationMax)
2436 | return State::kTracking;
2437 |
2438 | // Condition for OnTrack state achieved -> enhance to OnTrack state
2439 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kTracking && fTrackingCounter>=fDeviationCounter)
2440 | return State::kOnTrack;
2441 |
2442 | // No state change
2443 | return T::GetCurrentState();
2444 | }
2445 |
2446 | void UpdatePointingPosition()
2447 | {
2448 | const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos()*360; // [deg] ref pos for alignment
2449 |
2450 | const ZdAz pos = fPointingModel.MountToSky(sepos);
2451 |
2452 | array<double, 2> data;
2453 | data[0] = pos.zd*180/M_PI; // Zd [deg]
2454 | data[1] = pos.az*180/M_PI; // Az [deg]
2455 | fDrive.UpdatePointing(fDrive.GetSeTime(), data);
2456 |
2457 | if (fDrive.GetVerbosity())
2458 | T::Out() << Time().GetAsStr(" %H:%M:%S.%f") << " - Position [deg] " << pos.zd*180/M_PI << " " << pos.az*180/M_PI << endl;
2459 | }
2460 |
2461 | void TrackingLoop(const boost::system::error_code &error=boost::system::error_code())
2462 | {
2463 | if (error==ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted)
2464 | return;
2465 |
2466 | if (error)
2467 | {
2468 | ostringstream str;
2469 | str << "TrackingLoop: " << error.message() << " (" << error << ")";// << endl;
2470 | T::Error(str);
2471 | return;
2472 | }
2473 |
2474 | if (T::GetCurrentState()!=State::kTracking &&
2475 | T::GetCurrentState()!=State::kOnTrack)
2476 | return;
2477 |
2478 | //
2479 | // Update speed as often as possible.
2480 | // make sure, that dt is around 10 times larger than the
2481 | // update time
2482 | //
2483 | // The loop should not be executed faster than the ramp of
2484 | // a change in the velocity can be followed.
2485 | //
2486 | fTrackingLoop.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(250));
2487 |
2488 | const double mjd = Time().Mjd();
2489 |
2490 | // I assume that it takes about 50ms for the value to be
2491 | // transmitted and the drive needs time to follow as well (maybe
2492 | // more than 50ms), therefore the calculated speec is calculated
2493 | // for a moment 50ms in the future
2494 | const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fDrive.GetSeTime());
2495 | const PointingData data0 = CalcPointingPos(mjd-0.45/24/3600);
2496 | const PointingData data1 = CalcPointingPos(mjd+0.55/24/3600);
2497 |
2498 | const Encoder dest = data.mount *(1./360); // [rev]
2499 | const Encoder dest0 = data0.mount*(1./360); // [rev]
2500 | const Encoder dest1 = data1.mount*(1./360); // [rev]
2501 |
2502 | if (!CheckRange(data1.sky))
2503 | {
2504 | StopMovement();
2505 | T::HandleNewState(State::kAllowedRangeExceeded, 0, "by TrackingLoop");
2506 | return;
2507 | }
2508 |
2509 | // Current position
2510 | const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos(); // [rev]
2511 |
2512 | // Now calculate the current velocity
2513 | const Encoder dist = dest1 - dest0; // [rev] Distance between t-1s and t+1s
2514 | const Velocity vel = dist/(1./60); // [rev/min] Actual velocity of the pointing position
2515 |
2516 | const Encoder dev = sepos - dest; // [rev] Current control deviation
2517 | const Velocity vt = vel - dev/(1./60); // [rev/min] Correct velocity by recent control deviation
2518 | // correct control deviation with 5s
2519 | if (fDrive.GetVerbosity()>1)
2520 | {
2521 | T::Out() << "Ideal position [deg] " << dest.zd *360 << " " << dest.az *360 << endl;
2522 | T::Out() << "Encoder pos. [deg] " << sepos.zd*360 << " " << sepos.az*360 << endl;
2523 | T::Out() << "Deviation [arcmin] " << dev.zd *360*60 << " " << dev.az *360*60 << endl;
2524 | T::Out() << "Distance 1s [arcmin] " << dist.zd *360*60 << " " << dist.az *360*60 << endl;
2525 | T::Out() << "Velocity 1s [rpm] " << vt.zd << " " << vt.az << endl;
2526 | T::Out() << "Delta T (enc) [ms] " << fabs(mjd-fDrive.fPdoTime2[0].Mjd())*24*3600*1000 << endl;
2527 | T::Out() << "Delta T (now) [ms] " << (Time().Mjd()-mjd)*24*3600*1000 << endl;
2528 | }
2529 |
2530 | // Tracking loop every 250ms
2531 | // Vorsteuerung 2s
2532 | // Delta T (enc) 5ms, every 5th, 25ms
2533 | // Delta T (now) equal dist 5ms-35 plus equal dist 25-55 (0.2%-2% of 2s)
2534 |
2535 | //
2536 | // FIXME: check if the drive is fast enough to follow the star
2537 | //
2538 | // Velocity units (would be 100 for %)
2539 |
2540 | fDrive.SetTrackingVelocity(vt);
2541 |
2542 | fTrackingLoop.async_wait(boost::bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackingLoop,
2543 | this, ba::placeholders::error));
2544 | }
2545 |
2546 | // =====================================================================
2547 |
2548 | int CheckState()
2549 | {
2550 | if (!fDrive.IsConnected())
2551 | return State::kDisconnected;
2552 |
2553 | if (!fDrive.IsOnline())
2554 | return State::kUnavailable;
2555 |
2556 | // FIXME: This can prevent parking in case e.g.
2557 | // of e8029 Position limit exceeded
2558 | if (fDrive.HasWarning() || fDrive.HasError())
2559 | {
2560 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kOnTrack ||
2561 | T::GetCurrentState()==State::kTracking ||
2562 | T::GetCurrentState()==State::kMoving ||
2563 | T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking)
2564 | return StopMovement();
2565 |
2566 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kStopping && fDrive.IsMoving())
2567 | return State::kStopping;
2568 |
2569 | if (fDrive.HasError())
2570 | return State::kHardwareError;
2571 |
2572 | if (fDrive.HasWarning())
2573 | return State::kHardwareWarning;
2574 |
2575 | return StateMachineImp::kSM_Error;
2576 | }
2577 |
2578 | // This can happen if one of the drives is not in RF.
2579 | // Usually this only happens when the drive is not yet in RF
2580 | // or an error was just cleared. Usually there is no way that
2581 | // a drive goes below the RF state during operation without
2582 | // a warning or error message.
2583 | if (fDrive.IsOnline() && fDrive.IsBlocked())
2584 | return State::kBlocked;
2585 |
2586 | if (fDrive.IsOnline() && !fDrive.IsReady())
2587 | return State::kAvailable;
2588 |
2589 | // This is the case as soon as the init commands were send
2590 | // after a connection to the SPS was established
2591 | if (fDrive.IsOnline() && fDrive.IsReady() && !fDrive.IsInitialized())
2592 | return State::kArmed;
2593 |
2594 | return -1;
2595 | }
2596 |
2597 | int Execute()
2598 | {
2599 | const Time now;
2600 | if (now>fSunRise && T::GetCurrentState()!=State::kParking)
2601 | {
2602 | fSunRise = now.GetNextSunRise();
2603 |
2604 | ostringstream msg;
2605 | msg << "Next sun-rise will be at " << fSunRise;
2606 | T::Info(msg);
2607 |
2608 | if (T::GetCurrentState()>State::kArmed && T::GetCurrentState()!=StateMachineImp::kError)
2609 | return Park();
2610 | }
2611 |
2612 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kLocked)
2613 | return State::kLocked;
2614 |
2615 | // FIXME: Send STOP if IsPositioning or RpmActive but no
2616 | // Moving or Tracking state
2617 |
2618 | const int rc = CheckState();
2619 | if (rc>0)
2620 | return rc;
2621 |
2622 | // Once every second
2623 | static time_t lastTime = 0;
2624 | const time_t tm = time(NULL);
2625 | if (lastTime!=tm && fDrive.IsInitialized())
2626 | {
2627 | lastTime=tm;
2628 |
2629 | UpdatePointingPosition();
2630 |
2631 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kTracking || T::GetCurrentState()==State::kOnTrack)
2632 | return UpdateTrackingPosition();
2633 | }
2634 |
2635 | if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kStopping && !fDrive.IsMoving())
2636 | return State::kArmed;
2637 |
2638 | if ((T::GetCurrentState()==State::kMoving ||
2639 | T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking) && !fDrive.IsMoving())
2640 | {
2641 | if (fIsTracking && fStep==1)
2642 | {
2643 | // Init tracking
2644 | fDrive.SetAcceleration(fAccTracking);
2645 | fDrive.SetRpmMode(true);
2646 |
2647 | fDevCount = 0;
2648 | fTrackingCounter = 0;
2649 |
2650 | fTrackingLoop.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1));
2651 | fTrackingLoop.async_wait(boost::bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackingLoop,
2652 | this, ba::placeholders::error));
2653 |
2654 | fPointingSetup.start = Time().Mjd();
2655 |
2656 | const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup.start);
2657 |
2658 | ostringstream out;
2659 | out << "Start tracking at Ra=" << data.pointing.ra*12/M_PI << "h Dec=" << data.pointing.dec*180/M_PI << "deg";
2660 | T::Info(out);
2661 |
2662 | return State::kTracking;
2663 | }
2664 |
2665 | // Get feedback 2
2666 | const Encoder dest = fMovementTarget*(1./360); // [rev]
2667 | const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos(); // [rev]
2668 |
2669 | // Calculate residual to move deviation
2670 | const Encoder dist = dest - sepos; // [rev]
2671 |
2672 | // Check which axis should still be moved
2673 | Encoder cd = dist; // [rev]
2674 | cd *= T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking ? 1./fMaxParkingResidual : 1./fMaxPointingResidual; // Scale to units of the maximum residual
2675 | cd = cd.Abs();
2676 |
2677 | // Check if there is a control deviation on the axis
2678 | const bool cdzd = cd.zd>1;
2679 | const bool cdaz = cd.az>1;
2680 |
2681 | if (!fIsTracking)
2682 | {
2683 | // check if we reached the correct position already
2684 | if (!cdzd && !cdaz)
2685 | {
2686 | T::Info("Target position reached in "+to_string(fStep)+" steps.");
2687 | return T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking ? State::kLocked : State::kArmed;
2688 | }
2689 |
2690 | if (fStep==10)
2691 | {
2692 | T::Error("Target position not reached in "+to_string(fStep)+" steps.");
2693 | return State::kPositioningFailed;
2694 | }
2695 | }
2696 |
2697 | const Encoder t = dist.Abs()/fDrive.GetVelUnit();
2698 |
2699 | const Velocity vel =
2700 | t.zd > t.az ?
2701 | Velocity(1, t.zd==0?0:t.az/t.zd) :
2702 | Velocity(t.az==0?0:t.zd/t.az, 1);
2703 |
2704 | if (fDrive.GetVerbosity())
2705 | {
2706 | T::Out() << "Moving step " << fStep << endl;
2707 | T::Out() << "Encoder [deg] " << sepos.zd*360 << " " << sepos.az*360 << endl;
2708 | T::Out() << "Destination [deg] " << dest.zd *360 << " " << dest.az *360 << endl;
2709 | T::Out() << "Residual [deg] " << dist.zd *360 << " " << dist.az *360 << endl;
2710 | T::Out() << "Residual/max [1] " << cd.zd << " " << cd.az << endl;
2711 | T::Out() << "Rel. time [1] " << t.zd << " " << t.az << endl;
2712 | T::Out() << "Rel. velocity [1] " << vel.zd << " " << vel.az << endl;
2713 | }
2714 |
2715 | fDrive.SetPointingVelocity(vel, fPointingVelocity);
2716 | fDrive.StartAbsolutePositioning(dest, cdzd, cdaz);
2717 |
2718 | ostringstream out;
2719 | if (fStep==0)
2720 | out << "Moving to encoder Zd=" << dest.zd*360 << "deg Az=" << dest.az*360 << "deg";
2721 | else
2722 | out << "Moving residual of dZd=" << dist.zd*360*60 << "' dAz=" << dist.az*360*60 << "'";
2723 | T::Info(out);
2724 |
2725 | fStep++;
2726 | }
2727 |
2728 | return T::GetCurrentState()>=State::kInitialized ?
2729 | T::GetCurrentState() : State::kInitialized;
2730 | }
2731 |
2732 | public:
2733 | StateMachineDrive(ostream &out=cout) :
2734 | StateMachineAsio<T>(out, "DRIVE_CONTROL"), fDrive(*this, *this),
2735 | fTrackingLoop(*this), fSunRise(Time().GetNextSunRise()), fDevBuffer(5)
2736 | {
2737 |
2738 | T::Subscribe("MAGIC_WEATHER/DATA")
2739 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::HandleWeatherData, this, placeholders::_1));
2740 |
2741 | T::Subscribe("TPOINT/DATA")
2742 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::HandleTPoint, this, placeholders::_1));
2743 |
2744 | // State names
2745 | T::AddStateName(State::kDisconnected, "Disconnected",
2746 | "No connection to SPS");
2747 | T::AddStateName(State::kConnected, "Connected",
2748 | "Connection to SPS, no information received yet");
2749 |
2750 | T::AddStateName(State::kLocked, "Locked",
2751 | "Drive system is locked (will not accept commands)");
2752 |
2753 | T::AddStateName(State::kUnavailable, "Unavailable",
2754 | "Connected to SPS, no connection to at least one IndraDrives");
2755 | T::AddStateName(State::kAvailable, "Available",
2756 | "Connected to SPS and to IndraDrives, but at least one drive not in RF");
2757 | T::AddStateName(State::kBlocked, "Blocked",
2758 | "Drive system is blocked by manual operation or a pressed emergeny button");
2759 | T::AddStateName(State::kArmed, "Armed",
2760 | "Connected to SPS and IndraDrives in RF, but not yet initialized");
2761 | T::AddStateName(State::kInitialized, "Initialized",
2762 | "Connected to SPS and IndraDrives in RF and initialized");
2763 |
2764 | T::AddStateName(State::kStopping, "Stopping",
2765 | "Stop command sent, waiting for telescope to be still");
2766 | T::AddStateName(State::kParking, "Parking",
2767 | "Telescope in parking operation, waiting for telescope to be still");
2768 | T::AddStateName(State::kMoving, "Moving",
2769 | "Telescope moving");
2770 | T::AddStateName(State::kTracking, "Tracking",
2771 | "Telescope in tracking mode");
2772 | T::AddStateName(State::kOnTrack, "OnTrack",
2773 | "Telescope tracking stable");
2774 |
2775 | T::AddStateName(State::kPositioningFailed, "PositioningFailed",
2776 | "Target position was not reached within ten steps");
2777 | T::AddStateName(State::kAllowedRangeExceeded, "OutOfRange",
2778 | "Telecope went out of range during tracking");
2779 | T::AddStateName(State::kInvalidCoordinates, "InvalidCoordinates",
2780 | "Tracking coordinates out of range");
2781 |
2782 | T::AddStateName(State::kHardwareWarning, "HardwareWarning",
2783 | "At least one IndraDrive in a warning condition... check carefully!");
2784 | T::AddStateName(State::kHardwareError, "HardwareError",
2785 | "At least one IndraDrive in an error condition... this is a serious incident!");
2786 |
2787 |
2788 | T::AddEvent("REQUEST_SDO", "S:3", State::kArmed)
2789 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::RequestSdo, this, placeholders::_1))
2790 | ("Request an SDO from the drive"
2791 | "|node[uint32]:Node identifier (1:az, 3:zd)"
2792 | "|index[uint32]:SDO index"
2793 | "|subindex[uint32]:SDO subindex");
2794 |
2795 | T::AddEvent("SET_SDO", "S:3;X:1", State::kArmed)
2796 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SendSdo, this, placeholders::_1))
2797 | ("Request an SDO from the drive"
2798 | "|node[uint32]:Node identifier (1:az, 3:zd)"
2799 | "|index[uint32]:SDO index"
2800 | "|subindex[uint32]:SDO subindex"
2801 | "|value[uint64]:Value");
2802 |
2803 | // Drive Commands
2804 | T::AddEvent("MOVE_TO", "D:2", State::kInitialized) // ->ZDAZ
2805 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::MoveTo, this, placeholders::_1))
2806 | ("Move the telescope to the given local sky coordinates"
2807 | "|Zd[deg]:Zenith distance"
2808 | "|Az[deg]:Azimuth");
2809 |
2810 | T::AddEvent("TRACK", "D:2", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2811 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Track, this, placeholders::_1))
2812 | ("Move the telescope to the given sky coordinates and start tracking them"
2813 | "|Ra[h]:Right ascension"
2814 | "|Dec[deg]:Declination");
2815 |
2816 | T::AddEvent("WOBBLE", "D:4", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2817 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Wobble, this, placeholders::_1))
2818 | ("Move the telescope to the given wobble position around the given sky coordinates and start tracking them"
2819 | "|Ra[h]:Right ascension"
2820 | "|Dec[deg]:Declination"
2821 | "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset"
2822 | "|Angle[deg]:Wobble angle");
2823 |
2824 | T::AddEvent("ORBIT", "D:5", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2825 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Orbit, this, placeholders::_1))
2826 | ("Move the telescope in a circle around the source"
2827 | "|Ra[h]:Right ascension"
2828 | "|Dec[deg]:Declination"
2829 | "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset"
2830 | "|Angle[deg]:Starting angle"
2831 | "|Period[min]:Time for one orbit");
2832 |
2833 | T::AddEvent("TRACK_SOURCE", "D:2;C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2834 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackSource, this, placeholders::_1))
2835 | ("Move the telescope to the given wobble position around the given source and start tracking"
2836 | "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset"
2837 | "|Angle[deg]:Wobble angle"
2838 | "|Name[string]:Source name");
2839 |
2840 | T::AddEvent("TRACK_WOBBLE", "S:1;C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2841 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackWobble, this, placeholders::_1))
2842 | ("Move the telescope to the given wobble position around the given source and start tracking"
2843 | "|Id:Wobble angle id (1 or 2)"
2844 | "|Name[string]:Source name");
2845 |
2846 | T::AddEvent("TRACK_ORBIT", "D:2;C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2847 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackOrbit, this, placeholders::_1))
2848 | ("Move the telescope in a circle around the source"
2849 | "|Angle[deg]:Starting angle"
2850 | "|Period[min]:Time for one orbit"
2851 | "|Name[string]:Source name");
2852 |
2853 | T::AddEvent("TRACK_ON", "C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB
2854 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackOn, this, placeholders::_1))
2855 | ("Move the telescope to the given position and start tracking"
2856 | "|Name[string]:Source name");
2857 |
2858 | T::AddEvent("MOON", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack)
2859 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEMoon))
2860 | ("Start tracking the moon");
2861 | T::AddEvent("VENUS", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack)
2862 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEVenus))
2863 | ("Start tracking Venus");
2864 | T::AddEvent("MARS", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack)
2865 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEMars))
2866 | ("Start tracking Mars");
2867 | T::AddEvent("JUPITER", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack)
2868 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEJupiter))
2869 | ("Start tracking Jupiter");
2870 | T::AddEvent("SATURN", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack)
2871 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kESaturn))
2872 | ("Start tracking Saturn");
2873 |
2874 | // FIXME: What to do in error state?
2875 | T::AddEvent("PARK", State::kInitialized, State::kMoving, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack, State::kHardwareWarning)
2876 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Park, this))
2877 | ("Park the telescope");
2878 |
2879 | T::AddEvent("STOP")(State::kUnavailable)(State::kAvailable)(State::kArmed)(State::kInitialized)(State::kStopping)(State::kParking)(State::kMoving)(State::kTracking)(State::kOnTrack)
2880 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::StopMovement, this))
2881 | ("Stop any kind of movement.");
2882 |
2883 | T::AddEvent("RESET", State::kPositioningFailed, State::kAllowedRangeExceeded, State::kInvalidCoordinates, State::kHardwareWarning)
2884 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::ResetError, this))
2885 | ("Acknowledge an internal drivectrl error (PositioningFailed, AllowedRangeExceeded, InvalidCoordinates)");
2886 |
2887 | T::AddEvent("TPOINT", State::kOnTrack)
2888 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TPoint, this))
2889 | ("Take a TPoint");
2890 |
2891 | T::AddEvent("SCREENSHOT", "B:1;C")
2892 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Screenshot, this, placeholders::_1))
2893 | ("Take a screenshot"
2894 | "|color[bool]:False if just the gray image should be saved."
2895 | "|name[string]:Filename");
2896 |
2897 | T::AddEvent("SET_LED_BRIGHTNESS", "I:2")
2898 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SetLedBrightness, this, placeholders::_1))
2899 | ("Set the LED brightness of the top and bottom leds"
2900 | "|top[au]:Allowed range 0-32767 for top LEDs"
2901 | "|bot[au]:Allowed range 0-32767 for bottom LEDs");
2902 |
2903 | T::AddEvent("LEDS_OFF")
2904 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SetLedsOff, this))
2905 | ("Switch off TPoint LEDs");
2906 |
2907 | T::AddEvent("UNLOCK", Drive::State::kLocked)
2908 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Unlock, this))
2909 | ("Unlock locked state.");
2910 |
2911 | // Verbosity commands
2912 | T::AddEvent("SET_VERBOSITY", "S:1")
2913 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SetVerbosity, this, placeholders::_1))
2914 | ("Set verbosity state"
2915 | "|verbosity[uint16]:disable or enable verbosity for received data (yes/no), except dynamic data");
2916 |
2917 | // Conenction commands
2918 | T::AddEvent("DISCONNECT", State::kConnected)
2919 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Disconnect, this))
2920 | ("disconnect from ethernet");
2921 |
2922 | T::AddEvent("RECONNECT", "O", State::kDisconnected, State::kConnected)
2923 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Reconnect, this, placeholders::_1))
2924 | ("(Re)connect Ethernet connection to SPS, a new address can be given"
2925 | "|[host][string]:new ethernet address in the form <host:port>");
2926 |
2927 |
2928 | T::AddEvent("PRINT_POINTING_MODEL")
2929 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::PrintPointingModel, this))
2930 | ("Print the ponting model.");
2931 |
2932 |
2933 | T::AddEvent("PRINT")
2934 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Print, this))
2935 | ("Print source list.");
2936 |
2937 | T::AddEvent("RELOAD_SOURCES", State::kDisconnected, State::kConnected, State::kArmed, State::kInitialized, State::kLocked)
2938 | (bind(&StateMachineDrive::ReloadSources, this))
2939 | ("Reload sources from database after database has changed..");
2940 |
2941 |
2942 | //fDrive.SetUpdateStatus(std::bind(&StateMachineDrive::UpdateStatus, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2));
2943 | fDrive.StartConnect();
2944 | }
2945 |
2946 | void SetEndpoint(const string &url)
2947 | {
2948 | fDrive.SetEndpoint(url);
2949 | }
2950 |
2951 | bool AddSource(const string &name, const Source &src)
2952 | {
2953 | const auto it = fSources.find(name);
2954 | if (it!=fSources.end())
2955 | T::Warn("Source '"+name+"' already in list... overwriting.");
2956 |
2957 | fSources[name] = src;
2958 | return it==fSources.end();
2959 | }
2960 |
2961 | void ReadDatabase(bool print=true)
2962 | {
2963 | #ifdef HAVE_SQL
2964 | Database db(fDatabase);
2965 |
2966 | T::Message("Connected to '"+db.uri()+"'");
2967 |
2968 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =
2969 | db.query("SELECT fSourceName, fRightAscension, fDeclination, fWobbleOffset, fWobbleAngle0, fWobbleAngle1, fMagnitude FROM Source").store();
2970 |
2971 | fSources.clear();
2972 | for (vector<mysqlpp::Row>::const_iterator v=res.begin(); v<res.end(); v++)
2973 | {
2974 | const string name = (*v)[0].c_str();
2975 |
2976 | Source src;
2977 | src.name = name;
2978 | src.ra = (*v)[1];
2979 | src.dec = (*v)[2];
2980 | src.offset = (*v)[3];
2981 | src.angles[0] = (*v)[4];
2982 | src.angles[1] = (*v)[5];
2983 | src.mag = (*v)[6] ? double((*v)[6]) : 0;
2984 | AddSource(name, src);
2985 |
2986 | if (!print)
2987 | continue;
2988 |
2989 | ostringstream msg;
2990 | msg << " " << name << setprecision(8) << ": Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg";
2991 | msg << " Wobble=[" << src.offset << "," << src.angles[0] << "," << src.angles[1] << "] Mag=" << src.mag;
2992 | T::Message(msg);
2993 | }
2994 | #else
2995 | T::Warn("MySQL support not compiled into the program.");
2996 | #endif
2997 | }
2998 |
2999 | int EvalOptions(Configuration &conf)
3000 | {
3001 | if (!fSunRise)
3002 | return 1;
3003 |
3004 | fDrive.SetVerbose(!conf.Get<bool>("quiet"));
3005 |
3006 | fMaxPointingResidual = conf.Get<double>("pointing.max.residual");
3007 | fPointingVelocity = conf.Get<double>("pointing.velocity");
3008 |
3009 | fPointingMin = Encoder(conf.Get<double>("pointing.min.zd"),
3010 | conf.Get<double>("pointing.min.az"));
3011 | fPointingMax = Encoder(conf.Get<double>("pointing.max.zd"),
3012 | conf.Get<double>("pointing.max.az"));
3013 |
3014 | fParkingPos.zd = conf.Has("parking-pos.zd") ? conf.Get<double>("parking-pos.zd") : 90;
3015 | fParkingPos.az = conf.Has("parking-pos.az") ? conf.Get<double>("parking-pos.az") : 0;
3016 | fMaxParkingResidual = conf.Get<double>("parking-pos.residual");
3017 |
3018 | if (!CheckRange(fParkingPos))
3019 | return 2;
3020 |
3021 | fAccPointing = Acceleration(conf.Get<double>("pointing.acceleration.zd"),
3022 | conf.Get<double>("pointing.acceleration.az"));
3023 | fAccTracking = Acceleration(conf.Get<double>("tracking.acceleration.zd"),
3024 | conf.Get<double>("tracking.acceleration.az"));
3025 | fAccMax = Acceleration(conf.Get<double>("acceleration.max.zd"),
3026 | conf.Get<double>("acceleration.max.az"));
3027 |
3028 | fWeatherTimeout = conf.Get<uint16_t>("weather-timeout");
3029 |
3030 | if (fAccPointing>fAccMax)
3031 | {
3032 | T::Error("Pointing acceleration exceeds maximum acceleration.");
3033 | return 3;
3034 | }
3035 |
3036 | if (fAccTracking>fAccMax)
3037 | {
3038 | T::Error("Tracking acceleration exceeds maximum acceleration.");
3039 | return 4;
3040 | }
3041 |
3042 | fDeviationLimit = conf.Get<uint16_t>("deviation-limit");
3043 | fDeviationCounter = conf.Get<uint16_t>("deviation-count");
3044 | fDeviationMax = conf.Get<uint16_t>("deviation-max");
3045 |
3046 | const string fname = conf.Get<string>("pointing.model-file");
3047 |
3048 | try
3049 | {
3050 | fPointingModel.Load(fname);
3051 | }
3052 | catch (const exception &e)
3053 | {
3054 | T::Error(e.what());
3055 | return 5;
3056 | }
3057 |
3058 | const vector<string> &vec = conf.Vec<string>("source");
3059 |
3060 | for (vector<string>::const_iterator it=vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); it++)
3061 | {
3062 | istringstream stream(*it);
3063 |
3064 | string name;
3065 |
3066 | int i=0;
3067 |
3068 | Source src;
3069 |
3070 | string buffer;
3071 | while (getline(stream, buffer, ','))
3072 | {
3073 | istringstream is(buffer);
3074 |
3075 | switch (i++)
3076 | {
3077 | case 0: name = buffer; break;
3078 | case 1: src.ra = ReadAngle(is); break;
3079 | case 2: src.dec = ReadAngle(is); break;
3080 | case 3: is >> src.offset; break;
3081 | case 4: is >> src.angles[0]; break;
3082 | case 5: is >> src.angles[1]; break;
3083 | }
3084 |
3085 | if (is.fail())
3086 | break;
3087 | }
3088 |
3089 | if (i==3 || i==6)
3090 | {
3091 | AddSource(name, src);
3092 | continue;
3093 | }
3094 |
3095 | T::Warn("Resource 'source' not correctly formatted: '"+*it+"'");
3096 | }
3097 |
3098 | //fAutoResume = conf.Get<bool>("auto-resume");
3099 |
3100 | if (conf.Has("source-database"))
3101 | {
3102 | fDatabase = conf.Get<string>("source-database");
3103 | ReadDatabase();
3104 | }
3105 |
3106 | if (fSunRise.IsValid())
3107 | {
3108 | ostringstream msg;
3109 | msg << "Next sun-rise will be at " << fSunRise;
3110 | T::Message(msg);
3111 | }
3112 |
3113 | // The possibility to connect should be last, so that
3114 | // everything else is already initialized.
3115 | SetEndpoint(conf.Get<string>("addr"));
3116 |
3117 | return -1;
3118 | }
3119 | };
3120 |
3121 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3122 |
3123 | #include "Main.h"
3124 |
3125 |
3126 | template<class T, class S, class R>
3127 | int RunShell(Configuration &conf)
3128 | {
3129 | return Main::execute<T, StateMachineDrive<S, R>>(conf);
3130 | }
3131 |
3132 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
3133 | {
3134 | po::options_description control("Drive control options");
3135 | control.add_options()
3136 | ("quiet,q", po_bool(), "Disable debug messages")
3137 | ("no-dim,d", po_switch(), "Disable dim services")
3138 | ("addr,a", var<string>("sps:5357"), "Network address of cosy")
3139 | ("verbosity,v", var<uint16_t>(0), "Vervosity level (0=off; 1=major updates; 2=most updates; 3=frequent updates)")
3140 | ("pointing.model-file", var<string>()->required(), "Name of the file with the pointing model in use")
3141 | ("pointing.max.zd", var<double>( 104.9), "Maximum allowed zenith angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]")
3142 | ("pointing.max.az", var<double>( 85.0), "Maximum allowed azimuth angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]")
3143 | ("pointing.min.zd", var<double>(-104.9), "Minimum allowed zenith angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]")
3144 | ("pointing.min.az", var<double>(-295.0), "Minimum allowed azimuth angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]")
3145 | ("pointing.max.residual", var<double>(1./32768), "Maximum residual for a pointing operation [revolutions]")
3146 | ("pointing.velocity", var<double>(0.3), "Moving velocity when pointing [% max]")
3147 | ("pointing.acceleration.az", var<double>(0.01), "Acceleration for azimuth axis for pointing operations")
3148 | ("pointing.acceleration.zd", var<double>(0.03), "Acceleration for zenith axis for pointing operations")
3149 | ("tracking.acceleration.az", var<double>(0.01), "Acceleration for azimuth axis during tracking operations")
3150 | ("tracking.acceleration.zd", var<double>(0.01), "Acceleration for zenith axis during tracking operations")
3151 | ("parking-pos.zd", var<double>(101), "Parking position zenith angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]")
3152 | ("parking-pos.az", var<double>(0), "Parking position azimuth angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]")
3153 | ("parking-pos.residual", var<double>(0.5/360), "Maximum residual for a parking position [revolutions]")
3154 | ("acceleration.max.az", var<double>(0.03), "Maximum allowed acceleration value for azimuth axis")
3155 | ("acceleration.max.zd", var<double>(0.09), "Maximum allowed acceleration value for zenith axis")
3156 | ("weather-timeout", var<uint16_t>(300), "Timeout [sec] for weather data (after timeout default values are used)")
3157 | ("deviation-limit", var<uint16_t>(90), "Deviation limit in arcsec to get 'OnTrack'")
3158 | ("deviation-count", var<uint16_t>(3), "Minimum number of reported deviation below deviation-limit to get 'OnTrack'")
3159 | ("deviation-max", var<uint16_t>(180), "Maximum deviation in arcsec allowed to keep status 'OnTrack'")
3160 | ("source-database", var<string>(), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[/comp].")
3161 | ("source", vars<string>(), "Additional source entry in the form \"name,hh:mm:ss,dd:mm:ss\"")
3162 | ;
3163 |
3164 | conf.AddOptions(control);
3165 | }
3166 |
3167 | /*
3168 | Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS.
3169 | Translators: "Usage" and "or" here are patterns (regular expressions) which
3170 | are used to match the usage synopsis in program output. An example from cp
3171 | (GNU coreutils) which contains both strings:
3172 | Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST
3173 | or: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY
3174 | or: cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE...
3175 | */
3176 | void PrintUsage()
3177 | {
3178 | cout <<
3179 | "The drivectrl is an interface to the drive PLC.\n"
3180 | "\n"
3181 | "The default is that the program is started without user intercation. "
3182 | "All actions are supposed to arrive as DimCommands. Using the -c "
3183 | "option, a local shell can be initialized. With h or help a short "
3184 | "help message about the usuage can be brought to the screen.\n"
3185 | "\n"
3186 | "Usage: drivectrl [-c type] [OPTIONS]\n"
3187 | " or: drivectrl [OPTIONS]\n";
3188 | cout << endl;
3189 | }
3190 |
3191 | void PrintHelp()
3192 | {
3193 | Main::PrintHelp<StateMachineDrive<StateMachine,ConnectionDrive>>();
3194 |
3195 | /* Additional help text which is printed after the configuration
3196 | options goes here */
3197 |
3198 | /*
3199 | cout << "bla bla bla" << endl << endl;
3200 | cout << endl;
3201 | cout << "Environment:" << endl;
3202 | cout << "environment" << endl;
3203 | cout << endl;
3204 | cout << "Examples:" << endl;
3205 | cout << "test exam" << endl;
3206 | cout << endl;
3207 | cout << "Files:" << endl;
3208 | cout << "files" << endl;
3209 | cout << endl;
3210 | */
3211 | }
3212 |
3213 | int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
3214 | {
3215 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
3216 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
3217 | Main::SetupConfiguration(conf);
3218 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
3219 |
3220 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp))
3221 | return 127;
3222 |
3223 | //try
3224 | {
3225 | // No console access at all
3226 | if (!conf.Has("console"))
3227 | {
3228 | if (conf.Get<bool>("no-dim"))
3229 | return RunShell<LocalStream, StateMachine, ConnectionDrive>(conf);
3230 | else
3231 | return RunShell<LocalStream, StateMachineDim, ConnectionDimDrive>(conf);
3232 | }
3233 | // Cosole access w/ and w/o Dim
3234 | if (conf.Get<bool>("no-dim"))
3235 | {
3236 | if (conf.Get<int>("console")==0)
3237 | return RunShell<LocalShell, StateMachine, ConnectionDrive>(conf);
3238 | else
3239 | return RunShell<LocalConsole, StateMachine, ConnectionDrive>(conf);
3240 | }
3241 | else
3242 | {
3243 | if (conf.Get<int>("console")==0)
3244 | return RunShell<LocalShell, StateMachineDim, ConnectionDimDrive>(conf);
3245 | else
3246 | return RunShell<LocalConsole, StateMachineDim, ConnectionDimDrive>(conf);
3247 | }
3248 | }
3249 | /*catch (std::exception& e)
3250 | {
3251 | cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
3252 | return -1;
3253 | }*/
3254 |
3255 | return 0;
3256 | }