#include // std::accumulate #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SQL #include "Database.h" #endif #include "FACT.h" #include "Dim.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Shell.h" #include "StateMachineDim.h" #include "StateMachineAsio.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "LocalControl.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include "Timers.h" #include "Console.h" #include "HeadersDrive.h" #include "pal.h" #include "nova.h" namespace ba = boost::asio; namespace bs = boost::system; using namespace std; using namespace Drive; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Nova classes are in degree. This is to be used in rad struct RaDec { double ra; // [rad] double dec; // [rad] RaDec() : ra(0), dec(0) { } RaDec(double _ra, double _dec) : ra(_ra), dec(_dec) { } }; struct RaDecHa : RaDec { double ha; // [rad] RaDecHa() : ha(0) { } RaDecHa(double _ra, double _dec, double _ha) : RaDec(_ra, _dec), ha(_ha) { } }; struct Local { double zd; double az; Local(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : zd(_zd), az(_az) { } }; struct Velocity : Local { Velocity(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { } Velocity operator/(double f) const { return Velocity(zd/f, az/f); } Velocity operator*(double f) const { return Velocity(zd*f, az*f); } }; struct Encoder : Local // [units: revolutions] { Encoder(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { } Encoder &operator*=(double f) { zd*=f; az*=f; return *this; } Encoder &operator-=(const Encoder &enc) { zd-=enc.zd; az-=enc.az; return *this; } Encoder operator*(double f) const { return Encoder(zd*f, az*f); } Velocity operator/(double t) const { return Velocity(zd/t, az/t); } Encoder Abs() const { return Encoder(fabs(zd), fabs(az)); } }; struct ZdAz : Local // [units: rad] { ZdAz(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { } ZdAz operator*(const double &f) const { return ZdAz(zd*f, az*f); } }; struct Acceleration : Local { Acceleration(double _zd=0, double _az=0) : Local(_zd, _az) { } bool operator>(const Acceleration &a) const { return zd>a.zd || az>a.az; } }; Encoder operator-(const Encoder &a, const Encoder &b) { return Encoder(a.zd-b.zd, a.az-b.az); } Velocity operator-(const Encoder &a, const Velocity &b) { return Velocity(a.zd-b.zd, a.az-b.az); } Velocity operator-(const Velocity &a, const Velocity &b) { return Velocity(a.zd-b.zd, a.az-b.az); } Encoder operator/(const Encoder &a, const Encoder &b) { return Encoder(a.zd/b.zd, a.az/b.az); } struct Weather { float hum; float temp; float press; Time time; }; struct Source { Source() : ra(0), dec(0), mag(0), offset(0) { angles[0] = -90; angles[1] = 90; } string name; double ra; // [h] double dec; // [deg] double mag; double offset; array angles; }; enum Planets_t { kENone = -1, kESun = 0, kEMercury = 1, kEVenus = 2, kEMoon = 3, // earth moon barycentre kEMars = 4, kEJupiter = 5, kESaturn = 6, kEUranus = 7, kENeptune = 8, kEPluto = 9, }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct PointingSetup { Source source; // Informations about source to track [h/deg] Planets_t planet; // Id of the planet if tracking a planet double start; // Starting time of wobble observation [mjd] double orbit_period; // Time for one revolution (0:off) [day] double wobble_offset; // Distance of wobble position [rad] double wobble_angle; // Starting phi angle of wobble observation [rad] PointingSetup(Planets_t p=kENone) : planet(p), start(Time::none), orbit_period(0) { } }; struct PointingData { // Pointing direction of the opticl axis of the telescope RaDec source; // Informations about source to track [rad/rad] RaDec pointing; // Catalog coordinates (J2000, FK5) [rad/rad] pointing position RaDecHa apparent; // Apparent position on the sky [rad/rad] ZdAz sky; // Apparent position on the sky [rad/rad] Encoder mount; // Encoder position corresponding to 'sky' [deg/deg] double mjd; }; class PointingModel { private: double fIe; // [rad] Index Error in Elevation double fIa; // [rad] Index Error in Azimuth double fFlop; // [rad] Vertical Sag double fNpae; // [rad] Az-El Nonperpendicularity double fCa; // [rad] Left-Right Collimation Error double fAn; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 1st order) double fAw; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 1st order) double fAn2; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 2nd order) double fAw2; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 2nd order) double fTf; // [rad] Tube fluxture (sin) double fTx; // [rad] Tube fluxture (tan) double fNrx; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal double fNry; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical double fCrx; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S) double fCry; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W) double fEces; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (sin) double fAces; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (sin) double fEcec; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (cos) double fAcec; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (cos) public: void Load(const string &name) { /* ! MMT 1987 July 8 ! T 36 7.3622 41.448 -0.0481 ! IA -37.5465 20.80602 ! IE -13.9180 1.25217 ! NPAE +7.0751 26.44763 ! CA -6.9149 32.05358 ! AN +0.5053 1.40956 ! AW -2.2016 1.37480 ! END */ ifstream fin(name); if (!fin) throw runtime_error("Cannot open file "+name+": "+strerror(errno)); map coeff; string buf; while (getline(fin, buf)) { buf = Tools::Trim(buf); vector vec; boost::split(vec, buf, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on); if (vec.size()<2) continue; coeff[vec[0]] = atof(vec[1].c_str()) * M_PI/180; } fIe = coeff["IE"]; // [rad] Index Error in Elevation fIa = coeff["IA"]; // [rad] Index Error in Azimuth fFlop = coeff["FLOP"]; // [rad] Vertical Sag fNpae = coeff["NPAE"]; // [rad] Az-El Nonperpendicularity fCa = coeff["CA"]; // [rad] Left-Right Collimation Error fAn = coeff["AN"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 1st order) fAw = coeff["AW"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 1st order) fAn2 = coeff["AN2"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 2nd order) fAw2 = coeff["AW2"]; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 2nd order) fTf = coeff["TF"]; // [rad] Tube fluxture (sin) fTx = coeff["TX"]; // [rad] Tube fluxture (tan) fNrx = coeff["NRX"]; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal fNry = coeff["NRY"]; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical fCrx = coeff["CRX"]; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S) fCry = coeff["CRY"]; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W) fEces = coeff["ECES"]; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (sin) fAces = coeff["ACES"]; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (sin) fEcec = coeff["ECEC"]; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (cos) fAcec = coeff["ACEC"]; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (cos) } void print(ostream &out) { out << "IE " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fIe) << "\u00b0 # Index Error in Elevation\n"; out << "IA " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fIa) << "\u00b0 # Index Error in Azimuth\n"; out << "FLOP " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fFlop) << "\u00b0 # Vertical Sag\n"; out << "NPAE " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fNpae) << "\u00b0 # Az-El Nonperpendicularity\n"; out << "CA " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fCa) << "\u00b0 # Left-Right Collimation Error\n"; out << "AN " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAn) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 1st order)\n"; out << "AW " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAw) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 1st order)\n"; out << "AN2 " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAn2) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S, 2nd order)\n"; out << "AW2 " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAw2) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W, 2nd order)\n"; out << "TF " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fTf) << "\u00b0 # Tube fluxture (sin)\n"; out << "TX " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fTx) << "\u00b0 # Tube fluxture (tan)\n"; out << "NRX " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fNrx) << "\u00b0 # Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal\n"; out << "NRY " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fNry) << "\u00b0 # Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical\n"; out << "CRX " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fCrx) << "\u00b0 # Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S)\n"; out << "CRY " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fCry) << "\u00b0 # Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W)\n"; out << "ECES " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fEces) << "\u00b0 # Elevation Centering Error (sin)\n"; out << "ACES " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAces) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Centering Error (sin)\n"; out << "ECEC " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fEcec) << "\u00b0 # Elevation Centering Error (cos)\n"; out << "ACEC " << Tools::Form("%10.5f", 180/M_PI*fAcec) << "\u00b0 # Azimuth Centering Error (cos)" << endl; } struct AltAz { double alt; double az; AltAz(double _alt, double _az) : alt(_alt), az(_az) { } AltAz(const ZdAz &za) : alt(M_PI/2-za.zd), az(za.az) { } AltAz &operator+=(const AltAz &aa) { alt += aa.alt; az+=aa.az; return *this; } AltAz &operator-=(const AltAz &aa) { alt -= aa.alt; az-=aa.az; return *this; } }; double Sign(double val, double alt) const { // Some pointing corrections are defined as Delta ZA, which // is (P. Wallace) defined [0,90]deg while Alt is defined // [0,180]deg return (M_PI/2-alt < 0 ? -val : val); } Encoder SkyToMount(AltAz p) { const AltAz CRX(-fCrx*sin(p.az-p.alt), fCrx*cos(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt)); const AltAz CRY(-fCry*cos(p.az-p.alt), -fCry*sin(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt)); p += CRX; p += CRY; const AltAz NRX(fNrx*sin(p.alt), -fNrx); const AltAz NRY(fNry*cos(p.alt), -fNry*tan(p.alt)); p += NRX; p += NRY; const AltAz CES(-fEces*sin(p.alt), -fAces*sin(p.az)); const AltAz CEC(-fEcec*cos(p.alt), -fAcec*cos(p.az)); p += CES; p += CEC; const AltAz TX(Sign(fTx/tan(p.alt), p.alt), 0); const AltAz TF(Sign(fTf*cos(p.alt), p.alt), 0); //p += TX; p += TF; const AltAz CA(0, -fCa/cos(p.alt)); p += CA; const AltAz NPAE(0, -fNpae*tan(p.alt)); p += NPAE; const AltAz AW2( fAw2*sin(p.az*2), -fAw2*cos(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt)); const AltAz AN2(-fAn2*cos(p.az*2), -fAn2*sin(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt)); const AltAz AW1( fAw *sin(p.az), -fAw *cos(p.az) *tan(p.alt)); const AltAz AN1(-fAn *cos(p.az), -fAn *sin(p.az) *tan(p.alt)); p += AW2; p += AN2; p += AW1; p += AN1; const AltAz FLOP(Sign(fFlop, p.alt), 0); p += FLOP; const AltAz I(fIe, fIa); p += I; return Encoder(90 - p.alt*180/M_PI, p.az *180/M_PI); } ZdAz MountToSky(const Encoder &mnt) const { AltAz p(M_PI/2-mnt.zd*M_PI/180, mnt.az*M_PI/180); const AltAz I(fIe, fIa); p -= I; const AltAz FLOP(Sign(fFlop, p.alt), 0); p -= FLOP; const AltAz AW1( fAw *sin(p.az), -fAw *cos(p.az) *tan(p.alt)); const AltAz AN1(-fAn *cos(p.az), -fAn *sin(p.az) *tan(p.alt)); const AltAz AW2( fAw2*sin(p.az*2), -fAw2*cos(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt)); const AltAz AN2(-fAn2*cos(p.az*2), -fAn2*sin(p.az*2)*tan(p.alt)); p -= AW1; p -= AN1; p -= AW2; p -= AN2; const AltAz NPAE(0, -fNpae*tan(p.alt)); p -= NPAE; const AltAz CA(0, -fCa/cos(p.alt)); p -= CA; const AltAz TF(Sign(fTf*cos(p.alt), p.alt), 0); const AltAz TX(Sign(fTx/tan(p.alt), p.alt), 0); p -= TF; //p -= TX; const AltAz CEC(-fEcec*cos(p.alt), -fAcec*cos(p.az)); const AltAz CES(-fEces*sin(p.alt), -fAces*sin(p.az)); p -= CEC; p -= CES; const AltAz NRY(fNry*cos(p.alt), -fNry*tan(p.alt)); const AltAz NRX(fNrx*sin(p.alt), -fNrx); p -= NRY; p -= NRX; const AltAz CRY(-fCry*cos(p.az-p.alt), -fCry*sin(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt)); const AltAz CRX(-fCrx*sin(p.az-p.alt), fCrx*cos(p.az-p.alt)/cos(p.alt)); p -= CRY; p -= CRX; return ZdAz(M_PI/2-p.alt, p.az); } PointingData CalcPointingPos(const PointingSetup &setup, double _mjd, const Weather &weather, uint16_t timeout, bool tpoint=false) { PointingData out; out.mjd = _mjd; const double elong = Nova::kORM.lng * M_PI/180; const double lat = Nova::kORM.lat * M_PI/180; const double height = 2200; const bool valid = weather.time+boost::posix_time::seconds(timeout) > Time(); const double temp = valid ? weather.temp : 10; const double hum = valid ? weather.hum : 0.25; const double press = valid ? weather.press : 780; const double dtt = palDtt(_mjd); // 32.184 + 35 const double tdb = _mjd + dtt/3600/24; const double dut = 0; // prepare calculation: Mean Place to geocentric apperent // (UTC would also do, except for the moon?) double fAmprms[21]; palMappa(2000.0, tdb, fAmprms); // Epoche, TDB // prepare: Apperent to observed place double fAoprms[14]; palAoppa(_mjd, dut, // mjd, Delta UT=UT1-UTC elong, lat, height, // long, lat, height 0, 0, // polar motion x, y-coordinate (radians) 273.155+temp, press, hum, // temp, pressure, humidity 0.40, 0.0065, // wavelength, tropo lapse rate fAoprms); out.source.ra = setup.source.ra * M_PI/ 12; out.source.dec = setup.source.dec * M_PI/180; if (setup.planet!=kENone) { // coordinates of planet: topocentric, equatorial, J2000 // One can use TT instead of TDB for all planets (except the moon?) double ra, dec, diam; palRdplan(tdb, setup.planet, elong, lat, &ra, &dec, &diam); // ---- apparent to mean ---- palAmpqk(ra, dec, fAmprms, &out.source.ra, &out.source.dec); } if (setup.wobble_offset<=0 || tpoint) { out.pointing.dec = out.source.dec; out.pointing.ra = out.source.ra; } else { const double dphi = setup.orbit_period==0 ? 0 : 2*M_PI*(_mjd-setup.start)/setup.orbit_period; const double phi = setup.wobble_angle + dphi; const double cosdir = cos(phi); const double sindir = sin(phi); const double cosoff = cos(setup.wobble_offset); const double sinoff = sin(setup.wobble_offset); const double cosdec = cos(out.source.dec); const double sindec = sin(out.source.dec); const double sintheta = sindec*cosoff + cosdec*sinoff*cosdir; const double costheta = sintheta>1 ? 0 : sqrt(1 - sintheta*sintheta); const double cosdeltara = (cosoff - sindec*sintheta)/(cosdec*costheta); const double sindeltara = sindir*sinoff/costheta; out.pointing.dec = asin(sintheta); out.pointing.ra = atan2(sindeltara, cosdeltara) + out.source.ra; } // ---- Mean to apparent ---- double r=0, d=0; palMapqkz(out.pointing.ra, out.pointing.dec, fAmprms, &r, &d); // // Doesn't work - don't know why // // slaMapqk (radec.Ra(), radec.Dec(), rdpm.Ra(), rdpm.Dec(), // 0, 0, (double*)fAmprms, &r, &d); // // -- apparent to observed -- palAopqk(r, d, fAoprms, &out.sky.az, // observed azimuth (radians: N=0,E=90) [-pi, pi] &out.sky.zd, // observed zenith distance (radians) [-pi/2, pi/2] &out.apparent.ha, // observed hour angle (radians) &out.apparent.dec, // observed declination (radians) &out.apparent.ra); // observed right ascension (radians) // ----- fix ambiguity ----- if (out.sky.zd<0) { out.sky.zd = -out.sky.zd; out.sky.az += out.sky.az<0 ? M_PI : -M_PI; } // Star culminating behind zenith and Az between ~90 and ~180deg if (out.source.dec0) out.sky.az -= 2*M_PI; out.mount = SkyToMount(out.sky); return out; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ConnectionDrive : public Connection { uint16_t fVerbosity; public: virtual void UpdatePointing(const Time &, const array &) { } virtual void UpdateTracking(const Time &, const array &) { } virtual void UpdateStatus(const Time &, const array &) { } virtual void UpdateTPoint(const Time &, const DimTPoint &, const string &) { } virtual void UpdateSource(const Time &, const string &, bool) { } virtual void UpdateSource(const Time &,const array &, const string& = "") { } private: enum NodeId_t { kNodeAz = 1, kNodeZd = 3 }; enum { kRxNodeguard = 0xe, kRxPdo1 = 3, kRxPdo2 = 5, kRxPdo3 = 7, kRxPdo4 = 9, kRxSdo = 0xb, kRxSdo4 = 0x40|0x3, kRxSdo2 = 0x40|0xb, kRxSdo1 = 0x40|0xf, kRxSdoOk = 0x60, kRxSdoErr = 0x80, kTxSdo = 0x40, kTxSdo4 = 0x20|0x3, kTxSdo2 = 0x20|0xb, kTxSdo1 = 0x20|0xf, }; void SendCanFrame(uint16_t cobid, uint8_t m0=0, uint8_t m1=0, uint8_t m2=0, uint8_t m3=0, uint8_t m4=0, uint8_t m5=0, uint8_t m6=0, uint8_t m7=0) { const uint16_t desc = (cobid<<5) | 8; vector data(11); data[0] = 10; data[1] = desc>>8; data[2] = desc&0xff; const uint8_t msg[8] = { m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7 }; memcpy(data.data()+3, msg, 8); PostMessage(data); } enum Index_t { kReqArmed = 0x1000, kReqPDO = 0x1001, kReqErrStat = 0x1003, kReqSoftVer = 0x100a, kReqKeepAlive = 0x100b, kReqVel = 0x2002, kReqVelRes = 0x6002, kReqVelMax = 0x6003, kReqPos = 0x6004, kReqPosRes = 0x6501, kSetArmed = 0x1000, kSetPointVel = 0x2002, kSetAcc = 0x2003, kSetRpmMode = 0x3006, kSetTrackVel = 0x3007, kSetLedVoltage = 0x4000, kSetPosition = 0x6004, }; static uint32_t String(uint8_t b0=0, uint8_t b1=0, uint8_t b2=0, uint8_t b3=0) { return uint32_t(b0)<<24 | uint32_t(b1)<<16 | uint32_t(b2)<<8 | uint32_t(b3); } uint32_t fVelRes[2]; uint32_t fVelMax[2]; uint32_t fPosRes[2]; uint32_t fErrCode[2]; void HandleSdo(const uint8_t &node, const uint16_t &idx, const uint8_t &subidx, const uint32_t &val, const Time &tv) { if (fVerbosity>0) { ostringstream out; out << hex; out << "SDO[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << ": " << val << dec; Out() << out.str() << endl; } switch (idx) { case kReqArmed: //fArmed = val==1; return; case kReqErrStat: { fErrCode[node/2] = (val>>8); LogErrorCode(node); } return; case kReqSoftVer: //fSoftVersion = val; return; case kReqKeepAlive: // Do not display, this is used for CheckConnection fIsInitialized[node/2] = true; return; case kReqVel: //fVel = val; return; case kReqPos: switch (subidx) { case 0: fPdoPos1[node/2] = val; fPdoTime1[node/2] = tv; fHasChangedPos1[node/2] = true; return; case 1: fPdoPos2[node/2] = val; fPdoTime2[node/2] = tv; fHasChangedPos2[node/2] = true; return; } break; case kReqVelRes: fVelRes[node/2] = val; return; case kReqVelMax: fVelMax[node/2] = val; return; case kReqPosRes: fPosRes[node/2] = val; return; } ostringstream str; str << "HandleSDO: Idx=0x"<< hex << idx << "/" << (int)subidx; str << ", val=0x" << val; Warn(str); } void HandleSdoOk(const uint8_t &node, const uint16_t &idx, const uint8_t &subidx, const Time &) { ostringstream out; out << hex; out << "SDO-OK[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << dec << " "; switch (idx) { case kSetArmed: out << "(Armed state set)"; break; /* case 0x1001: Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": PDOs requested." << endl; return; */ case kSetPointVel: out << "(Pointing velocity set)"; break; case kSetAcc: out << "(Acceleration set)"; break; case kSetRpmMode: out << "(RPM mode set)"; break; case kSetLedVoltage: out << "(LED Voltage set)"; Info(out); return; /* case 0x3007: //Out() << inf2 << "- Velocity set (" << GetNodeName() << ")" << endl; return; case 0x4000: HandleNodeguard(tv); return; case 0x6000: Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Rotation direction set." << endl; return; case 0x6002: Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Velocity resolution set." << endl; return; */ case kSetPosition: out << "(Absolute positioning started)"; break; /* case 0x6005: Out() << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Relative positioning started." << endl; fPosActive = kTRUE; // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO return;*/ } /* Out() << warn << setfill('0') << "WARNING - Nodedrv::HandleSDOOK: "; Out() << "Node #" << dec << (int)fId << ": Sdo=" << hex << idx << "/" << (int)subidx << " set."; Out() << endl; */ if (fVerbosity>1) Out() << out.str() << endl; } void HandleSdoError(const uint8_t &node, const uint16_t &idx, const uint8_t &subidx, const Time &) { ostringstream out; out << hex; out << "SDO-ERR[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << dec; Out() << out.str() << endl; } int32_t fPdoPos1[2]; int32_t fPdoPos2[2]; Time fPdoTime1[2]; public: Time fPdoTime2[2]; private: bool fHasChangedPos1[2]; bool fHasChangedPos2[2]; void HandlePdo1(const uint8_t &node, const uint8_t *data, const Time &tv) { const uint32_t pos1 = (data[3]<<24) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[1]<<8) | data[0]; const uint32_t pos2 = (data[7]<<24) | (data[6]<<16) | (data[5]<<8) | data[4]; if (fVerbosity>2) Out() << Time().GetAsStr("%M:%S.%f") << " PDO1[" << (int)node << "] " << 360.*int32_t(pos1)/fPosRes[node/2] << " " << 360.*int32_t(pos2)/fPosRes[node/2] << endl; // Once every few milliseconds! fPdoPos1[node/2] = pos1; fPdoTime1[node/2] = tv; fHasChangedPos1[node/2] = true; fPdoPos2[node/2] = pos2; fPdoTime2[node/2] = tv; fHasChangedPos2[node/2] = true; } uint8_t fStatusAxis[2]; uint8_t fStatusSys; enum { kUpsAlarm = 0x01, // UPS Alarm (FACT only) kUpsBattery = 0x02, // UPS on battery (FACT only) kUpsCharging = 0x04, // UPS charging (FACT only) kEmergencyOk = 0x10, // Emergency button released kOvervoltOk = 0x20, // Overvoltage protection ok kManualMode = 0x40, // Manual mode button pressed kAxisBb = 0x01, // IndraDrive reports Bb (Regler betriebsbereit) kAxisMoving = 0x02, // SPS reports kAxisRpmMode = 0x04, // SPS reports kAxisRf = 0x20, // IndraDrive reports Rf (Regler freigegeben) kAxisHasPower = 0x80 // IndraDrive reports axis power on }; //std::function&)> fUpdateStatus; void HandlePdo3(const uint8_t &node, const uint8_t *data, const Time &tv) { /* TX1M_STATUS.0 := 1; TX1M_STATUS.1 := ((NOT X_in_Standstill OR NOT X_in_AntriebHalt) AND (NOT X_PC_VStart AND NOT X_in_Pos)) OR X_PC_AnnounceStartMovement; TX1M_STATUS.2 := X_PC_VStart; TX1M_STATUS.6 := NOT X_ist_freigegeben; TX3M_STATUS.0 := X_ist_betriebsbereit; TX3M_STATUS.1 := 1; TX3M_STATUS.2 := Not_Aus_IO; TX3M_STATUS.3 := UeberspannungsSchutz_OK; TX3M_STATUS.4 := FB_soll_drehen_links OR FB_soll_drehen_rechts OR FB_soll_schwenk_auf OR FB_soll_schwenk_ab; TX3M_STATUS.5 := X_ist_freigegeben; TX3M_STATUS.6 := 1; TX3M_STATUS.7 := LeistungEinAz; TX3M_STATUS.8 := NOT UPS_ALARM; TX3M_STATUS.9 := UPS_BattMode; TX3M_STATUS.10 := UPS_Charging; */ const uint8_t sys = ((data[0] & 0x1c)<<2) | (data[1]); if (fStatusSys!=sys) { fStatusSys = sys; const bool alarm = sys&kUpsAlarm; // 01 TX3M.8 100 const bool batt = sys&kUpsBattery; // 02 TX3M.9 200 const bool charge = sys&kUpsCharging; // 04 TX3M.10 400 const bool emcy = sys&kEmergencyOk; // 10 TX3M.2 04 const bool vltg = sys&kOvervoltOk; // 20 TX3M.3 08 const bool mode = sys&kManualMode; // 40 TX3M.4 10 ostringstream out; if (alarm) out << " UPS-PowerLoss"; if (batt) out << " UPS-OnBattery"; if (charge) out << " UPS-Charging"; if (emcy) out << " EmcyOk"; if (vltg) out << " OvervoltOk"; if (mode) out << " ManualMove"; Info("New system status["+string(node==kNodeAz?"Az":"Zd")+"]:"+out.str()); if (fVerbosity>1) Out() << "PDO3[" << (int)node << "] StatusSys=" << hex << (int)fStatusSys << dec << endl; } const uint8_t axis = (data[0]&0xa1) | (data[3]&0x06); if (fStatusAxis[node/2]!=axis) { fStatusAxis[node/2] = axis; const bool ready = axis&kAxisBb; // 01 const bool move = axis&kAxisMoving; // 02 const bool rpm = axis&kAxisRpmMode; // 04 const bool rf = axis&kAxisRf; // 20 const bool power = axis&kAxisHasPower; // 80 ostringstream out; if (ready) out << " DKC-Ready"; if (move) out << " Moving"; if (rpm) out << " RpmMode"; if (rf) out << " RF"; if (power) out << " PowerOn"; Info("New axis status["+string(node==kNodeAz?"Az":"Zd")+"]:"+out.str()); if (fVerbosity>1) Out() << "PDO3[" << (int)node << "] StatusAxis=" << hex << (int)fStatusAxis[node/2] << dec << endl; } array arr = {{ fStatusAxis[0], fStatusAxis[1], fStatusSys }}; UpdateStatus(tv, arr); } string ErrCodeToString(uint32_t code) const { switch (code) { case 0: return "offline"; case 0xa000: case 0xa0000: case 0xa001: case 0xa0001: case 0xa002: case 0xa0002: case 0xa003: case 0xa0003: return "Communication phase "+to_string(code&0xf); case 0xa010: case 0xa0010: return "Drive HALT"; case 0xa012: case 0xa0012: return "Control and power section ready for operation"; case 0xa013: case 0xa0013: return "Ready for power on"; case 0xa100: case 0xa0100: return "Drive in Torque mode"; case 0xa101: case 0xa0101: return "Drive in Velocity mode"; case 0xa102: case 0xa0102: return "Position control mode with encoder 1"; case 0xa103: case 0xa0103: return "Position control mode with encoder 2"; case 0xa104: case 0xa0104: return "Position control mode with encoder 1, lagless"; case 0xa105: case 0xa0105: return "Position control mode with encoder 2, lagless"; case 0xa106: case 0xa0106: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 1"; case 0xa107: case 0xa0107: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 2"; case 0xa108: case 0xa0108: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 1, lagless"; case 0xa109: case 0xa0109: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 2, lagless"; //case 0xa146: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning with encoder 1"; //case 0xa147: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning with encoder 2"; //case 0xa148: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning lagless with encoder 1"; //case 0xa149: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning lagless with encoder 2"; case 0xa150: case 0xa0150: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 1"; case 0xa151: case 0xa0151: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 1, lagless"; case 0xa152: case 0xa0152: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 2"; case 0xa153: case 0xa0153: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 2, lagless"; case 0xa208: return "Jog mode positive"; case 0xa218: return "Jog mode negative"; case 0xa400: case 0xa4000: return "Automatic drive check and adjustment"; case 0xa401: case 0xa4001: return "Drive decelerating to standstill"; case 0xa800: case 0xa0800: return "Unknown operation mode"; case 0xc217: return "Motor encoder reading error"; case 0xc218: return "Shaft encoder reading error"; case 0xc220: return "Motor encoder initialization error"; case 0xc221: return "Shaft encoder initialization error"; case 0xc300: return "Command: set absolute measure"; case 0xc400: case 0xc0400: return "Switching to parameter mode"; case 0xc401: case 0xc0401: return "Drive active, switching mode not allowed"; case 0xc500: case 0xc0500: return "Error reset"; case 0xc600: case 0xc0600: return "Drive controlled homing procedure"; case 0xe225: return "Motor overload"; case 0xe249: case 0xe2049: return "Positioning command velocity exceeds limit bipolar"; case 0xe250: return "Drive overtemp warning"; case 0xe251: return "Motor overtemp warning"; case 0xe252: return "Bleeder overtemp warning"; case 0xe257: return "Continous current limit active"; case 0xe2819: return "Main power failure"; case 0xe259: return "Command velocity limit active"; case 0xe8260: return "Torque limit active"; case 0xe264: return "Target position out of numerical range"; case 0xe829: case 0xe8029: return "Positive position limit exceeded"; case 0xe830: case 0xe8030: return "Negative position limit exceeded"; case 0xe831: return "Position limit reached during jog"; case 0xe834: return "Emergency-Stop"; case 0xe842: return "Both end-switches activated"; case 0xe843: return "Positive end-switch activated"; case 0xe844: return "Negative end-switch activated"; case 0xf218: case 0xf2018: return "Amplifier overtemp shutdown"; case 0xf219: case 0xf2019: return "Motor overtemp shutdown"; case 0xf220: return "Bleeder overload shutdown"; case 0xf221: case 0xf2021: return "Motor temperature surveillance defective"; case 0xf2022: return "Unit temperature surveillance defective"; case 0xf224: return "Maximum breaking time exceeded"; case 0xf2025: return "Drive not ready for power on"; case 0xf228: case 0xf2028: return "Excessive control deviation"; case 0xf250: return "Overflow of target position preset memory"; case 0xf257: case 0xf2057: return "Command position out of range"; case 0xf269: return "Error during release of the motor holding brake"; case 0xf276: return "Absolute encoder moved out of monitoring window"; case 0xf2074: return "Absolute encoder 1 moved out of monitoring window"; case 0xf2075: return "Absolute encoder 2 moved out of monitoring window"; case 0xf2174: return "Lost reference of motor encoder"; case 0xf409: case 0xf4009: return "Bus error on Profibus interface"; case 0xf434: return "Emergency-Stop"; case 0xf629: return "Positive position limit exceeded"; case 0xf630: return "Negative position limit exceeded"; case 0xf634: return "Emergency-Stop"; case 0xf643: return "Positive end-switch activated"; case 0xf644: return "Negative end-switch activated"; case 0xf8069: return "15V DC error"; case 0xf870: case 0xf8070: return "24V DC error"; case 0xf878: case 0xf8078: return "Velocity loop error"; case 0xf8079: return "Velocity limit exceeded"; case 0xf2026: return "Undervoltage in power section"; } return "unknown"; } void LogErrorCode(uint32_t node) { const uint8_t typ = fErrCode[node/2]>>16; ostringstream out; out << "IndraDrive "; out << (node==kNodeAz?"Az":"Zd"); out << " [" << hex << fErrCode[node/2]; out << "]: "; out << ErrCodeToString(fErrCode[node/2]); out << (typ==0xf || typ==0xe ? "!" : "."); switch (typ) { case 0xf: Error(out); break; case 0xe: Warn(out); break; case 0xa: Info(out); break; case 0x0: case 0xc: case 0xd: Message(out); break; default: Fatal(out); break; } } void HandlePdo2(const uint8_t &node, const uint8_t *data, const Time &) { fErrCode[node/2] = (data[4]<<24) | (data[5]<<16) | (data[6]<<8) | data[7]; if (fVerbosity>0) Out() << "PDO2[" << int(node) << "] err=" << hex << fErrCode[node/2] << endl; LogErrorCode(node); } struct SDO { uint8_t node; uint8_t req; uint16_t idx; uint8_t subidx; uint32_t val; SDO(uint8_t n, uint8_t r, uint16_t i, uint8_t s, uint32_t v=0) : node(n), req(r&0xf), idx(i), subidx(s), val(v) { } bool operator==(const SDO &s) const { return node==s.node && idx==s.idx && subidx==s.subidx; } }; struct Timeout_t : SDO, ba::deadline_timer { Timeout_t(ba::io_service& ioservice, uint8_t n, uint8_t r, uint16_t i, uint8_t s, uint32_t v, uint16_t millisec) : SDO(n, r, i, s, v), ba::deadline_timer(ioservice) { expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(millisec)); } // get_io_service() }; std::list fTimeouts; vector fData; void HandleReceivedData(const boost::system::error_code& err, size_t bytes_received, int) { // Do not schedule a new read if the connection failed. if (bytes_received!=11 || fData[0]!=10 || err) { if (err==ba::error::eof) Warn("Connection closed by remote host (cosy)."); // 107: Transport endpoint is not connected (bs::error_code(107, bs::system_category)) // 125: Operation canceled if (err && err!=ba::error::eof && // Connection closed by remote host err!=ba::error::basic_errors::not_connected && // Connection closed by remote host err!=ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted) // Connection closed by us { ostringstream str; str << "Reading from " << URL() << ": " << err.message() << " (" << err << ")";// << endl; Error(str); } PostClose(err!=ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted); return; } Time now; const uint16_t desc = fData[1]<<8 | fData[2]; const uint16_t cobid = desc>>5; const uint8_t *data = fData.data()+3; const uint16_t fcode = cobid >> 7; const uint8_t node = cobid & 0x1f; switch (fcode) { case kRxNodeguard: Out() << "Received nodeguard" << endl; //HandleNodeguard(node, now); break; case kRxSdo: { const uint8_t cmd = data[0]; const uint16_t idx = data[1] | (data[2]<<8); const uint8_t subidx = data[3]; const uint32_t dat = data[4] | (data[5]<<8) | (data[6]<<16) | (data[7]<<24); const auto it = find(fTimeouts.begin(), fTimeouts.end(), SDO(node, cmd, idx, subidx)); if (it!=fTimeouts.end()) { // This will call the handler and in turn remove the object from the list it->cancel(); } else { ostringstream str; str << hex; str << "Unexpected SDO ("; str << uint32_t(node) << ": "; str << ((cmd&0xf)==kTxSdo?"RX ":"TX "); str << idx << "/" << uint32_t(subidx) << ")"; Warn(str); } switch (cmd) { case kRxSdo4: // answer to 0x40 with 4 bytes of data HandleSdo(node, idx, subidx, dat, now); break; case kRxSdo2: // answer to 0x40 with 2 bytes of data HandleSdo(node, idx, subidx, dat&0xffff, now); break; case kRxSdo1: // answer to 0x40 with 1 byte of data HandleSdo(node, idx, subidx, dat&0xff, now); break; case kRxSdoOk: // answer to a SDO_TX message HandleSdoOk(node, idx, subidx, now); break; case kRxSdoErr: // error message HandleSdoError(node, idx, subidx, now); break; default: { ostringstream out; out << "Invalid SDO command code " << hex << cmd << " received."; Error(out); PostClose(false); return; } } } break; case kRxPdo1: HandlePdo1(node, data, now); break; case kRxPdo2: HandlePdo2(node, data, now); break; case kRxPdo3: HandlePdo3(node, data, now); break; default: { ostringstream out; out << "Invalid function code " << hex << fcode << " received."; Error(out); PostClose(false); return; } } StartReadReport(); } void StartReadReport() { ba::async_read(*this, ba::buffer(fData), boost::bind(&ConnectionDrive::HandleReceivedData, this, ba::placeholders::error, ba::placeholders::bytes_transferred, 0)); //AsyncWait(fInTimeout, 35000, &Connection::HandleReadTimeout); // 30s } bool fIsInitialized[2]; // This is called when a connection was established void ConnectionEstablished() { //Info("Connection to PLC established."); fIsInitialized[0] = false; fIsInitialized[1] = false; SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetArmed, 1); SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetArmed, 1); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqErrStat); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqErrStat); SetRpmMode(false); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqPosRes); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqPosRes); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqVelRes); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqVelRes); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqVelMax); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqVelMax); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqPos, 0); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqPos, 0); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqPos, 1); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqPos, 1); RequestSdo(kNodeZd, kReqKeepAlive); RequestSdo(kNodeAz, kReqKeepAlive); StartReadReport(); } void HandleTimeoutImp(const std::list::iterator &ref, const bs::error_code &error) { if (error==ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted) return; if (error) { ostringstream str; str << "SDO timeout of " << URL() << ": " << error.message() << " (" << error << ")";// << endl; Error(str); //PostClose(); return; } if (!is_open()) { // For example: Here we could schedule a new accept if we // would not want to allow two connections at the same time. return; } // Check whether the deadline has passed. We compare the deadline // against the current time since a new asynchronous operation // may have moved the deadline before this actor had a chance // to run. if (ref->expires_at() > ba::deadline_timer::traits_type::now()) return; ostringstream str; str << hex; str << "SDO timeout ("; str << uint32_t(ref->node) << ": "; str << (ref->req==kTxSdo?"RX ":"TX "); str << ref->idx << "/" << uint32_t(ref->subidx) << " [" << ref->val << "] "; str << to_simple_string(ref->expires_from_now()); str << ")"; Warn(str); //PostClose(); } void HandleTimeout(const std::list::iterator &ref, const bs::error_code &error) { HandleTimeoutImp(ref, error); fTimeouts.erase(ref); } void SendSdoRequest(uint8_t node, uint8_t req, uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, uint32_t val=0) { if (fVerbosity>1) Out() << "SDO-" << (req==kTxSdo?"REQ":"SET") << "[" << int(node) << "] " << idx << "/" << int(subidx) << " = " << val << endl; SendCanFrame(0x600|(node&0x1f), req, idx&0xff, idx>>8, subidx, val&0xff, (val>>8)&0xff, (val>>16)&0xff, (val>>24)&0xff); // - The boost::asio::basic_deadline_timer::expires_from_now() // function cancels any pending asynchronous waits, and returns // the number of asynchronous waits that were cancelled. If it // returns 0 then you were too late and the wait handler has // already been executed, or will soon be executed. If it // returns 1 then the wait handler was successfully cancelled. // - If a wait handler is cancelled, the bs::error_code passed to // it contains the value bs::error::operation_aborted. const uint32_t milliseconds = 3000; fTimeouts.emplace_front(get_io_service(), node, req, idx, subidx, val, milliseconds); const std::list::iterator &timeout = fTimeouts.begin(); timeout->async_wait(boost::bind(&ConnectionDrive::HandleTimeout, this, timeout, ba::placeholders::error)); } public: ConnectionDrive(ba::io_service& ioservice, MessageImp &imp) : Connection(ioservice, imp()), fVerbosity(0), fData(11) { SetLogStream(&imp); } void SetVerbosity(const uint16_t &v) { fVerbosity = v; } uint16_t GetVerbosity() const { return fVerbosity; } void RequestSdo(uint8_t node, uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx=0) { SendSdoRequest(node, kTxSdo, idx, subidx); } void SendSdo(uint8_t node, uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, uint32_t val) { SendSdoRequest(node, kTxSdo4, idx, subidx, val); } void SendSdo(uint8_t node, uint16_t idx, uint32_t val) { SendSdo(node, idx, 0, val); } bool IsMoving() const { return (fStatusAxis[0]&kAxisMoving) || (fStatusAxis[1]&kAxisMoving) || (fStatusAxis[0]&kAxisRpmMode) || (fStatusAxis[1]&kAxisRpmMode); } bool IsInitialized() const { // All important information has been successfully requested from the // SPS and the power control units are in RF (Regler freigegeben) return fIsInitialized[0] && fIsInitialized[1]; } bool HasWarning() const { const uint8_t typ0 = fErrCode[0]>>16; const uint8_t typ1 = fErrCode[1]>>16; return typ0==0xe || typ1==0xe; } bool HasError() const { const uint8_t typ0 = fErrCode[0]>>16; const uint8_t typ1 = fErrCode[1]>>16; return typ0==0xf || typ1==0xf; } bool IsOnline() const { return fErrCode[0]!=0 && fErrCode[1]!=0; } bool IsReady() const { return fStatusAxis[0]&kAxisRf && fStatusAxis[1]&kAxisRf; } bool IsBlocked() const { return (fStatusSys&kEmergencyOk)==0 || (fStatusSys&kManualMode); } Encoder GetSePos() const // [rev] { return Encoder(double(fPdoPos2[1])/fPosRes[1], double(fPdoPos2[0])/fPosRes[0]); } double GetSeTime() const // [rev] { // The maximum difference here should not be larger than 100ms. // So th error we make on both axes should not exceed 50ms; return (Time(fPdoTime2[0]).Mjd()+Time(fPdoTime2[1]).Mjd())/2; } Encoder GetVelUnit() const { return Encoder(fVelMax[1], fVelMax[0]); } void SetRpmMode(bool mode) { const uint32_t val = mode ? String('s','t','r','t') : String('s','t','o','p'); SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetRpmMode, val); SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetRpmMode, val); } void SetAcceleration(const Acceleration &acc) { SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetAcc, lrint(acc.az*1000000000+0.5)); SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetAcc, lrint(acc.zd*1000000000+0.5)); } void SetPointingVelocity(const Velocity &vel, double scale=1) { SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetPointVel, lrint(vel.az*fVelMax[0]*scale)); SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetPointVel, lrint(vel.zd*fVelMax[1]*scale)); } void SetTrackingVelocity(const Velocity &vel) { SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetTrackVel, lrint(vel.az*fVelRes[0])); SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetTrackVel, lrint(vel.zd*fVelRes[1])); } void StartAbsolutePositioning(const Encoder &enc, bool zd, bool az) { if (az) SendSdo(kNodeAz, kSetPosition, lrint(enc.az*fPosRes[0])); if (zd) SendSdo(kNodeZd, kSetPosition, lrint(enc.zd*fPosRes[1])); // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO if (az) fStatusAxis[0] |= 0x02; if (zd) fStatusAxis[1] |= 0x02; // FIXME: UpdateDim? } void SetLedVoltage(const uint32_t &v1, const uint32_t &v2) { SendSdo(kNodeAz, 0x4000, v1); SendSdo(kNodeZd, 0x4000, v2); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "DimDescriptionService.h" class ConnectionDimDrive : public ConnectionDrive { private: DimDescribedService fDimPointing; DimDescribedService fDimTracking; DimDescribedService fDimSource; DimDescribedService fDimTPoint; DimDescribedService fDimStatus; // Update dim from a different thread to ensure that these // updates cannot block the main eventloop which eventually // also checks the timeouts Queue>> fQueuePointing; Queue>> fQueueTracking; Queue,bool>> fQueueSource; Queue>> fQueueTPoint; Queue>> fQueueStatus; bool SendPointing(const pair> &p) { fDimPointing.setData(p.second); fDimPointing.Update(p.first); return true; } bool SendTracking(const pair> &p) { fDimTracking.setData(p.second); fDimTracking.Update(p.first); return true; } bool SendSource(const tuple,bool> &t) { const Time &time = get<0>(t); const vector &data = get<1>(t); const bool &tracking = get<2>(t); fDimSource.setQuality(tracking); fDimSource.setData(data); fDimSource.Update(time); return true; } bool SendStatus(const pair> &p) { fDimStatus.setData(p.second); fDimStatus.Update(p.first); return true; } bool SendTPoint(const pair> &p) { fDimTPoint.setData(p.second); fDimTPoint.Update(p.first); return true; } public: void UpdatePointing(const Time &t, const array &arr) { fQueuePointing.emplace(t, arr); } void UpdateTracking(const Time &t,const array &arr) { fQueueTracking.emplace(t, arr); } void UpdateStatus(const Time &t, const array &arr) { fQueueStatus.emplace(t, arr); } void UpdateTPoint(const Time &t, const DimTPoint &data, const string &name) { vector dim(sizeof(data)+name.length()+1); memcpy(dim.data(), &data, sizeof(data)); memcpy(dim.data()+sizeof(data), name.c_str(), name.length()+1); fQueueTPoint.emplace(t, dim); } void UpdateSource(const Time &t, const string &name, bool tracking) { vector dat(5*sizeof(double)+31, 0); strncpy(dat.data()+5*sizeof(double), name.c_str(), 30); fQueueSource.emplace(t, dat, tracking); } void UpdateSource(const Time &t, const array &arr, const string &name="") { vector dat(5*sizeof(double)+31, 0); memcpy(dat.data(), arr.data(), 5*sizeof(double)); strncpy(dat.data()+5*sizeof(double), name.c_str(), 30); fQueueSource.emplace(t, dat, true); } public: ConnectionDimDrive(ba::io_service& ioservice, MessageImp &imp) : ConnectionDrive(ioservice, imp), fDimPointing("DRIVE_CONTROL/POINTING_POSITION", "D:1;D:1", "|Zd[deg]:Zenith distance (derived from encoder readout)" "|Az[deg]:Azimuth angle (derived from encoder readout)"), fDimTracking("DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACKING_POSITION", "D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1", "|Ra[h]:Command right ascension pointing direction (J2000)" "|Dec[deg]:Command declination pointing direction (J2000)" "|Ha[h]:Hour angle pointing direction" "|SrcRa[h]:Right ascension source (J2000)" "|SrcDec[deg]:Declination source (J2000)" "|SrcHa[h]:Hour angle source" "|Zd[deg]:Nominal zenith distance" "|Az[deg]:Nominal azimuth angle" "|dZd[deg]:Control deviation Zd" "|dAz[deg]:Control deviation Az" "|dev[arcsec]:Absolute control deviation" "|avgdev[arcsec]:Average control deviation used to define OnTrack"), fDimSource("DRIVE_CONTROL/SOURCE_POSITION", "D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;C:31", "|Ra_src[h]:Source right ascension" "|Dec_src[deg]:Source declination" "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset" "|Angle[deg]:Wobble angle" "|Period[min]:Time for one orbit" "|Name[string]:Source name if available"), fDimTPoint("DRIVE_CONTROL/TPOINT_DATA", "D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;S:1;S:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;C", "|Ra[h]:Command right ascension" "|Dec[deg]:Command declination" "|Zd_nom[deg]:Nominal zenith distance" "|Az_nom[deg]:Nominal azimuth angle" "|Zd_cur[deg]:Current zenith distance (calculated from image)" "|Az_cur[deg]:Current azimuth angle (calculated from image)" "|Zd_enc[deg]:Feedback zenith axis (from encoder)" "|Az_enc[deg]:Feedback azimuth angle (from encoder)" "|N_leds[cnt]:Number of detected LEDs" "|N_rings[cnt]:Number of rings used to calculate the camera center" "|Xc[pix]:X position of center in CCD camera frame" "|Yc[pix]:Y position of center in CCD camera frame" "|Ic[au]:Average intensity (LED intensity weighted with their frequency of occurance in the calculation)" "|Xs[pix]:X position of start in CCD camera frame" "|Ys[pix]:Y position of star in CCD camera frame" "|Ms[mag]:Artifical magnitude of star (calculated from image)" "|Phi[deg]:Rotation angle of image derived from detected LEDs" "|Mc[mag]:Catalog magnitude of star" "|Dx[arcsec]:De-rotated dx" "|Dy[arcsec]:De-rotated dy" "|Name[string]:Name of star"), fDimStatus("DRIVE_CONTROL/STATUS", "C:2;C:1", ""), fQueuePointing(std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendPointing, this, placeholders::_1)), fQueueTracking(std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendTracking, this, placeholders::_1)), fQueueSource( std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendSource, this, placeholders::_1)), fQueueTPoint( std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendTPoint, this, placeholders::_1)), fQueueStatus( std::bind(&ConnectionDimDrive::SendStatus, this, placeholders::_1)) { } // A B [C] [D] E [F] G H [I] J K [L] M N O P Q R [S] T U V W [X] Y Z }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ template class StateMachineDrive : public StateMachineAsio { private: S fDrive; ba::deadline_timer fTrackingLoop; string fDatabase; typedef map sources; sources fSources; Weather fWeather; uint16_t fWeatherTimeout; ZdAz fParkingPos; PointingModel fPointingModel; PointingSetup fPointingSetup; Encoder fMovementTarget; Time fSunRise; Encoder fPointingMin; Encoder fPointingMax; uint16_t fDeviationLimit; uint16_t fDeviationCounter; uint16_t fDeviationMax; vector fDevBuffer; uint64_t fDevCount; uint64_t fTrackingCounter; // --------------------- DIM Sending ------------------ bool CheckEventSize(size_t has, const char *name, size_t size) { if (has==size) return true; ostringstream msg; msg << name << " - Received event has " << has << " bytes, but expected " << size << "."; T::Fatal(msg); return false; } // --------------------- DIM Receiving ------------------ int HandleWeatherData(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()==0) { T::Warn("MAGIC_WEATHER disconnected... using default weather values"); fWeather.time = Time(Time::none); return T::GetCurrentState(); } if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "HandleWeatherData", 7*4+2)) { fWeather.time = Time(Time::none); return T::GetCurrentState(); } const float *ptr = evt.Ptr(2); fWeather.temp = ptr[0]; fWeather.hum = ptr[2]; fWeather.press = ptr[3]; fWeather.time = evt.GetTime(); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int HandleTPoint(const EventImp &evt) { // Skip disconnect events if (evt.GetSize()==0) return T::GetCurrentState(); // skip invalid events if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "HandleTPoint", 11*8)) return T::GetCurrentState(); // skip event which are older than one minute if (Time().UnixTime()-evt.GetTime().UnixTime()>60) return T::GetCurrentState(); // Original code in slaTps2c: // // From the tangent plane coordinates of a star of known RA,Dec, // determine the RA,Dec of the tangent point. const double *ptr = evt.Ptr(); // Tangent plane rectangular coordinates const double dx = ptr[0] * M_PI/648000; // [arcsec -> rad] const double dy = ptr[1] * M_PI/648000; // [arcsec -> rad] const PointingData data = fPointingModel.CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup, evt.GetTime().Mjd(), fWeather, fWeatherTimeout, true); const double x2 = dx*dx; const double y2 = 1 + dy*dy; const double sd = cos(data.sky.zd);//sin(M_PI/2-sky.zd); const double cd = sin(data.sky.zd);//cos(M_PI/2-sky.zd); const double sdf = sd*sqrt(x2+y2); const double r2 = cd*cd*y2 - sd*sd*x2; // Case of no solution ("at the pole") or // two solutions ("over the pole solution") if (r2<0 || fabs(sdf)>=1) { T::Warn("Could not determine pointing direction from TPoint."); return T::GetCurrentState(); } const double r = sqrt(r2); const double s = sdf - dy * r; const double c = sdf * dy + r; const double phi = atan2(dx, r); // Spherical coordinates of tangent point const double az = fmod(data.sky.az-phi + 2*M_PI, 2*M_PI); const double zd = M_PI/2 - atan2(s, c); const Encoder dev = fDrive.GetSePos()*360 - data.mount; // --- Output TPoint --- const string fname = "tpoints-"+to_string(evt.GetTime().NightAsInt())+".txt"; //time.GetAsStr("/%Y/%m/%d"); const bool exist = boost::filesystem::exists(fname); ofstream fout(fname, ios::app); if (!exist) { fout << "FACT Model TPOINT data file" << endl; fout << ": ALTAZ" << endl; fout << "49 48 0 "; fout << evt.GetTime() << endl; } fout << setprecision(7); fout << fmod(az*180/M_PI+360, 360) << " "; fout << 90-zd*180/M_PI << " "; fout << fmod(data.mount.az+360, 360) << " "; fout << 90-data.mount.zd << " "; fout << dev.az << " "; // delta az fout << -dev.zd << " "; // delta el fout << 90-data.sky.zd * 180/M_PI << " "; fout << data.sky.az * 180/M_PI << " "; fout << setprecision(10); fout << data.mjd << " "; fout << setprecision(7); fout << ptr[6] << " "; // center.mag fout << ptr[9] << " "; // star.mag fout << ptr[4] << " "; // center.x fout << ptr[5] << " "; // center.y fout << ptr[7] << " "; // star.x fout << ptr[8] << " "; // star.y fout << ptr[2] << " "; // num leds fout << ptr[3] << " "; // num rings fout << ptr[0] << " "; // dx (de-rotated) fout << ptr[1] << " "; // dy (de-rotated) fout << ptr[10] << " "; // rotation angle fout << fPointingSetup.source.mag << " "; fout << fPointingSetup.source.name; fout << endl; DimTPoint dim; dim.fRa = data.pointing.ra * 12/M_PI; dim.fDec = data.pointing.dec * 180/M_PI; dim.fNominalZd = data.sky.zd * 180/M_PI; dim.fNominalAz = data.sky.az * 180/M_PI; dim.fPointingZd = zd * 180/M_PI; dim.fPointingAz = az * 180/M_PI; dim.fFeedbackZd = data.mount.zd; dim.fFeedbackAz = data.mount.az; dim.fNumLeds = uint16_t(ptr[2]); dim.fNumRings = uint16_t(ptr[3]); dim.fCenterX = ptr[4]; dim.fCenterY = ptr[5]; dim.fCenterMag = ptr[6]; dim.fStarX = ptr[7]; dim.fStarY = ptr[8]; dim.fStarMag = ptr[9]; dim.fRotation = ptr[10]; dim.fDx = ptr[0]; dim.fDy = ptr[1]; dim.fRealMag = fPointingSetup.source.mag; fDrive.UpdateTPoint(evt.GetTime(), dim, fPointingSetup.source.name); ostringstream txt; txt << "TPoint recorded [" << zd*180/M_PI << "/" << az*180/M_PI << " | " << data.sky.zd*180/M_PI << "/" << data.sky.az*180/M_PI << " | " << data.mount.zd << "/" << data.mount.az << " | " << dx*180/M_PI << "/" << dy*180/M_PI << "]"; T::Info(txt); return T::GetCurrentState(); } // -------------------------- Helpers ----------------------------------- double GetDevAbs(double nomzd, double meszd, double devaz) { nomzd *= M_PI/180; meszd *= M_PI/180; devaz *= M_PI/180; const double x = sin(meszd) * sin(nomzd) * cos(devaz); const double y = cos(meszd) * cos(nomzd); return acos(x + y) * 180/M_PI; } double ReadAngle(istream &in) { char sgn; uint16_t d, m; float s; in >> sgn >> d >> m >> s; const double ret = ((60.0 * (60.0 * (double)d + (double)m) + s))/3600.; return sgn=='-' ? -ret : ret; } bool CheckRange(ZdAz pos) { if (pos.zdfPointingMax.zd) { T::Error("Zenith distance "+to_string(pos.zd)+" exceeds limit "+to_string(fPointingMax.zd)); return false; } if (pos.azfPointingMax.az) { T::Error("Azimuth angle "+to_string(pos.az)+" exceeds limit "+to_string(fPointingMax.az)); return false; } return true; } PointingData CalcPointingPos(double mjd) { return fPointingModel.CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup, mjd, fWeather, fWeatherTimeout); } // ----------------------------- SDO Commands ------------------------------ int RequestSdo(const EventImp &evt) { // FIXME: STop telescope if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "RequestSdo", 6)) return T::kSM_FatalError; const uint16_t node = evt.Get(); const uint16_t index = evt.Get(2); const uint16_t subidx = evt.Get(4); if (node!=1 && node !=3) { T::Error("Node id must be 1 (az) or 3 (zd)."); return T::GetCurrentState(); } if (subidx>0xff) { T::Error("Subindex must not be larger than 255."); return T::GetCurrentState(); } fDrive.RequestSdo(node, index, subidx); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int SendSdo(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SendSdo", 6+8)) return T::kSM_FatalError; const uint16_t node = evt.Get(); const uint16_t index = evt.Get(2); const uint16_t subidx = evt.Get(4); const uint64_t value = evt.Get(6); if (node!=1 && node!=3) { T::Error("Node id must be 1 (az) or 3 (zd)."); return T::GetCurrentState(); } if (subidx>0xff) { T::Error("Subindex must not be larger than 255."); return T::GetCurrentState(); } fDrive.SendSdo(node, index, subidx, value); return T::GetCurrentState(); } // --------------------- Moving and tracking --------------------- uint16_t fStep; bool fIsTracking; Acceleration fAccPointing; Acceleration fAccTracking; Acceleration fAccMax; double fMaxPointingResidual; double fMaxParkingResidual; double fPointingVelocity; int InitMovement(const ZdAz &sky, bool tracking=false, const string &name="") { fMovementTarget = fPointingModel.SkyToMount(sky); // Check whether bending is valid! if (!CheckRange(sky*(180/M_PI))) return StopMovement(); fStep = 0; fIsTracking = tracking; fDrive.SetRpmMode(false); // *NEW* (Stop a previous tracking to avoid the pointing command to be ignored) fDrive.SetAcceleration(fAccPointing); if (!tracking) fDrive.UpdateSource(Time(), name, false); else { const array dim = {{ fPointingSetup.source.ra, fPointingSetup.source.dec, fPointingSetup.wobble_offset * 180/M_PI, fPointingSetup.wobble_angle * 180/M_PI, fPointingSetup.orbit_period * 24*60 }}; fDrive.UpdateSource(fPointingSetup.start, dim, fPointingSetup.source.name); } return State::kMoving; } int MoveTo(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "MoveTo", 16)) return T::kSM_FatalError; const double *dat = evt.Ptr(); ostringstream out; out << "Pointing telescope to Zd=" << dat[0] << "deg Az=" << dat[1] << "deg"; T::Message(out); return InitMovement(ZdAz(dat[0]*M_PI/180, dat[1]*M_PI/180)); } int InitTracking() { fPointingSetup.start = Time().Mjd(); const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup.start); ostringstream out; out << "Tracking position now at Zd=" << data.sky.zd*180/M_PI << "deg Az=" << data.sky.az*180/M_PI << "deg"; T::Info(out); return InitMovement(data.sky, true); } int StartTracking(const Source &src, double offset, double angle, double period=0) { if (src.ra<0 || src.ra>=24) { ostringstream out; out << "Right ascension out of range [0;24[: Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg"; if (!src.name.empty()) out << " [" << src.name << "]"; T::Error(out); return State::kInvalidCoordinates; } if (src.dec<-90 || src.dec>90) { ostringstream out; out << "Declination out of range [-90;90]: Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg"; if (!src.name.empty()) out << " [" << src.name << "]"; T::Error(out); return State::kInvalidCoordinates; } ostringstream out; out << "Tracking Ra=" << src.ra << "h Dec=" << src.dec << "deg"; if (!src.name.empty()) out << " [" << src.name << "]"; T::Info(out); fPointingSetup.planet = kENone; fPointingSetup.source = src; fPointingSetup.orbit_period = period / 1440; // [min->day] fPointingSetup.wobble_angle = angle * M_PI/180; // [deg->rad] fPointingSetup.wobble_offset = offset * M_PI/180; // [deg->rad] return InitTracking(); } int TrackCelest(const Planets_t &p) { switch (p) { case kEMoon: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Moon"; break; case kEVenus: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Venus"; break; case kEMars: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Mars"; break; case kEJupiter: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Jupiter"; break; case kESaturn: fPointingSetup.source.name = "Saturn"; break; default: T::Error("TrackCelest - Celestial object "+to_string(p)+" not yet supported."); return T::GetCurrentState(); } fPointingSetup.planet = p; fPointingSetup.wobble_offset = 0; fDrive.UpdateSource(Time(), fPointingSetup.source.name, true); return InitTracking(); } int Park() { ostringstream out; out << "Parking telescope at Zd=" << fParkingPos.zd << "deg Az=" << fParkingPos.az << "deg"; T::Message(out); const int rc = InitMovement(ZdAz(fParkingPos.zd*M_PI/180, fParkingPos.az*M_PI/180), false, "Park"); return rc==State::kMoving ? State::kParking : rc; } int Wobble(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "Wobble", 32)) return T::kSM_FatalError; const double *dat = evt.Ptr(); Source src; src.ra = dat[0]; src.dec = dat[1]; return StartTracking(src, dat[2], dat[3]); } int Orbit(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "Orbit", 40)) return T::kSM_FatalError; const double *dat = evt.Ptr(); Source src; src.ra = dat[0]; src.dec = dat[1]; return StartTracking(src, dat[2], dat[3], dat[4]); } const sources::const_iterator GetSourceFromDB(const char *ptr, const char *last) { if (find(ptr, last, '\0')==last) { T::Fatal("TrackWobble - The name transmitted by dim is not null-terminated."); throw uint32_t(T::kSM_FatalError); } const string name(ptr); const sources::const_iterator it = fSources.find(name); if (it==fSources.end()) { T::Error("Source '"+name+"' not found in list."); throw uint32_t(T::GetCurrentState()); } return it; } int TrackWobble(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()<2) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackWobble - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 3."; T::Fatal(msg); return T::kSM_FatalError; } if (evt.GetSize()==2) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackWobble - Source name missing."; T::Error(msg); return T::GetCurrentState(); } const uint16_t wobble = evt.GetUShort(); if (wobble!=1 && wobble!=2) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackWobble - Wobble id " << wobble << " undefined, only 1 and 2 allowed."; T::Error(msg); return T::GetCurrentState(); } const char *ptr = evt.Ptr(2); const char *last = ptr+evt.GetSize()-2; try { const sources::const_iterator it = GetSourceFromDB(ptr, last); const Source &src = it->second; return StartTracking(src, src.offset, src.angles[wobble-1]); } catch (const uint32_t &e) { return e; } } int StartTrackWobble(const char *ptr, size_t size, const double &offset=0, const double &angle=0, double time=0) { const char *last = ptr+size; try { const sources::const_iterator it = GetSourceFromDB(ptr, last); const Source &src = it->second; return StartTracking(src, offset<0?0.6/*src.offset*/:offset, angle, time); } catch (const uint32_t &e) { return e; } } int Track(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "Track", 16)) return T::kSM_FatalError; Source src; src.name = ""; src.ra = evt.Get(0); src.dec = evt.Get(8); return StartTracking(src, 0, 0); } int TrackSource(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()<16) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackOn - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 17."; T::Fatal(msg); return T::kSM_FatalError; } if (evt.GetSize()==16) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackOn - Source name missing."; T::Error(msg); return T::GetCurrentState(); } const double offset = evt.Get(0); const double angle = evt.Get(8); return StartTrackWobble(evt.Ptr(16), evt.GetSize()-16, offset, angle); } int TrackOn(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()==0) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackOn - Source name missing."; T::Error(msg); return T::GetCurrentState(); } return StartTrackWobble(evt.Ptr(), evt.GetSize()); } int TrackOrbit(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()<16) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackOrbit - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 17."; T::Fatal(msg); return T::kSM_FatalError; } if (evt.GetSize()==16) { ostringstream msg; msg << "TrackOrbit - Source name missing."; T::Error(msg); return T::GetCurrentState(); } const double angle = evt.Get(0); const double time = evt.Get(8); return StartTrackWobble(evt.Ptr(16), evt.GetSize()-16, -1, angle, time); } int StopMovement() { fDrive.SetAcceleration(fAccMax); fDrive.SetRpmMode(false); fTrackingLoop.cancel(); fDrive.UpdateSource(Time(), "", false); return State::kStopping; } int ResetError() { const int rc = CheckState(); return rc>0 ? rc : State::kInitialized; } // --------------------- Others --------------------- int TPoint() { T::Info("TPoint initiated."); Dim::SendCommandNB("TPOINT/EXECUTE"); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int Screenshot(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()<2) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Screenshot - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected at least 2."; T::Fatal(msg); return T::kSM_FatalError; } if (evt.GetSize()==2) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Screenshot - Filename missing."; T::Error(msg); return T::GetCurrentState(); } T::Info("Screenshot initiated."); Dim::SendCommandNB("TPOINT/SCREENSHOT", evt.GetData(), evt.GetSize()); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int SetLedBrightness(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SetLedBrightness", 8)) return T::kSM_FatalError; const uint32_t *led = evt.Ptr(); fDrive.SetLedVoltage(led[0], led[1]); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int SetLedsOff() { fDrive.SetLedVoltage(0, 0); return T::GetCurrentState(); } // --------------------- Internal --------------------- int SetVerbosity(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SetVerbosity", 2)) return T::kSM_FatalError; fDrive.SetVerbosity(evt.GetUShort()); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int Print() { for (auto it=fSources.begin(); it!=fSources.end(); it++) { const string &name = it->first; const Source &src = it->second; T::Out() << name << ","; T::Out() << src.ra << "," << src.dec << "," << src.offset << ","; T::Out() << src.angles[0] << "," << src.angles[1] << endl; } return T::GetCurrentState(); } int PrintPointingModel() { fPointingModel.print(T::Out()); return T::GetCurrentState(); } int Unlock() { const int rc = CheckState(); return rc<0 ? State::kInitialized : rc; } int ReloadSources() { try { ReadDatabase(); } catch (const exception &e) { T::Error("Reading sources from databse failed: "+string(e.what())); } return T::GetCurrentState(); } int Disconnect() { // Close all connections fDrive.PostClose(false); /* // Now wait until all connection have been closed and // all pending handlers have been processed poll(); */ return T::GetCurrentState(); } int Reconnect(const EventImp &evt) { // Close all connections to supress the warning in SetEndpoint fDrive.PostClose(false); // Now wait until all connection have been closed and // all pending handlers have been processed ba::io_service::poll(); if (evt.GetBool()) fDrive.SetEndpoint(evt.GetString()); // Now we can reopen the connection fDrive.PostClose(true); return T::GetCurrentState(); } // ========================= Tracking code ============================= int UpdateTrackingPosition() { // First calculate deviation between // command position and nominal position //fPointing.mount = sepos; // [deg] ref pos for alignment const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fDrive.GetSeTime()); // Get current position and calculate deviation const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos()*360; // [deg] const Encoder dev = sepos - data.mount; // Calculate absolut deviation on the sky const double absdev = GetDevAbs(data.mount.zd, sepos.zd, dev.az)*3600; // Smoothing fDevBuffer[fDevCount++%5] = absdev; // Calculate average const uint8_t cnt = fDevCount<5 ? fDevCount : 5; const double avgdev = accumulate(fDevBuffer.begin(), fDevBuffer.begin()+cnt, 0.)/cnt; // Count the consecutive number of avgdev below fDeviationLimit if (avgdev dim; dim[0] = data.pointing.ra * 12/M_PI; // Ra [h] optical axis dim[1] = data.pointing.dec * 180/M_PI; // Dec [deg] optical axis dim[2] = ha - data.pointing.ra; // Ha [h] optical axis dim[3] = data.source.ra * 12/M_PI; // SrcRa [h] source position dim[4] = data.source.dec * 180/M_PI; // SrcDec [deg] source position dim[5] = ha - data.source.ra; // SrcHa [h] source position dim[6] = data.sky.zd * 180/M_PI; // Zd [deg] optical axis dim[7] = data.sky.az * 180/M_PI; // Az [deg] optical axis dim[8] = dev.zd; // dZd [deg] control deviation dim[9] = dev.az; // dAz [deg] control deviation dim[10] = absdev; // dev [arcsec] absolute control deviation dim[11] = avgdev; // dev [arcsec] average control deviation fDrive.UpdateTracking(fDrive.GetSeTime(), dim); if (fDrive.GetVerbosity()) T::Out() << Time().GetAsStr(" %H:%M:%S.%f") << " - Deviation [deg] " << absdev << "\"|" << avgdev << "\"|" << fDevCount<< " dZd=" << dev.zd*3600 << "\" dAz=" << dev.az*3600 << "\"" << endl; // Maximum deviation execeeded -> fall back to Tracking state if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kOnTrack && avgdev>fDeviationMax) return State::kTracking; // Condition for OnTrack state achieved -> enhance to OnTrack state if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kTracking && fTrackingCounter>=fDeviationCounter) return State::kOnTrack; // No state change return T::GetCurrentState(); } void UpdatePointingPosition() { const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos()*360; // [deg] ref pos for alignment const ZdAz pos = fPointingModel.MountToSky(sepos); array data; data[0] = pos.zd*180/M_PI; // Zd [deg] data[1] = pos.az*180/M_PI; // Az [deg] fDrive.UpdatePointing(fDrive.GetSeTime(), data); if (fDrive.GetVerbosity()) T::Out() << Time().GetAsStr(" %H:%M:%S.%f") << " - Position [deg] " << pos.zd*180/M_PI << " " << pos.az*180/M_PI << endl; } void TrackingLoop(const boost::system::error_code &error=boost::system::error_code()) { if (error==ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted) return; if (error) { ostringstream str; str << "TrackingLoop: " << error.message() << " (" << error << ")";// << endl; T::Error(str); return; } if (T::GetCurrentState()!=State::kTracking && T::GetCurrentState()!=State::kOnTrack) return; // // Update speed as often as possible. // make sure, that dt is around 10 times larger than the // update time // // The loop should not be executed faster than the ramp of // a change in the velocity can be followed. // fTrackingLoop.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(250)); const double mjd = Time().Mjd(); // I assume that it takes about 50ms for the value to be // transmitted and the drive needs time to follow as well (maybe // more than 50ms), therefore the calculated speec is calculated // for a moment 50ms in the future const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fDrive.GetSeTime()); const PointingData data0 = CalcPointingPos(mjd-0.45/24/3600); const PointingData data1 = CalcPointingPos(mjd+0.55/24/3600); const Encoder dest = data.mount *(1./360); // [rev] const Encoder dest0 = data0.mount*(1./360); // [rev] const Encoder dest1 = data1.mount*(1./360); // [rev] if (!CheckRange(data1.sky)) { StopMovement(); T::HandleNewState(State::kAllowedRangeExceeded, 0, "by TrackingLoop"); return; } // Current position const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos(); // [rev] // Now calculate the current velocity const Encoder dist = dest1 - dest0; // [rev] Distance between t-1s and t+1s const Velocity vel = dist/(1./60); // [rev/min] Actual velocity of the pointing position const Encoder dev = sepos - dest; // [rev] Current control deviation const Velocity vt = vel - dev/(1./60); // [rev/min] Correct velocity by recent control deviation // correct control deviation with 5s if (fDrive.GetVerbosity()>1) { T::Out() << "Ideal position [deg] " << dest.zd *360 << " " << dest.az *360 << endl; T::Out() << "Encoder pos. [deg] " << sepos.zd*360 << " " << sepos.az*360 << endl; T::Out() << "Deviation [arcmin] " << dev.zd *360*60 << " " << dev.az *360*60 << endl; T::Out() << "Distance 1s [arcmin] " << dist.zd *360*60 << " " << dist.az *360*60 << endl; T::Out() << "Velocity 1s [rpm] " << vt.zd << " " << vt.az << endl; T::Out() << "Delta T (enc) [ms] " << fabs(mjd-fDrive.fPdoTime2[0].Mjd())*24*3600*1000 << endl; T::Out() << "Delta T (now) [ms] " << (Time().Mjd()-mjd)*24*3600*1000 << endl; } // Tracking loop every 250ms // Vorsteuerung 2s // Delta T (enc) 5ms, every 5th, 25ms // Delta T (now) equal dist 5ms-35 plus equal dist 25-55 (0.2%-2% of 2s) // // FIXME: check if the drive is fast enough to follow the star // // Velocity units (would be 100 for %) fDrive.SetTrackingVelocity(vt); fTrackingLoop.async_wait(boost::bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackingLoop, this, ba::placeholders::error)); } // ===================================================================== int CheckState() { if (!fDrive.IsConnected()) return State::kDisconnected; if (!fDrive.IsOnline()) return State::kUnavailable; // FIXME: This can prevent parking in case e.g. // of e8029 Position limit exceeded if (fDrive.HasWarning() || fDrive.HasError()) { if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kOnTrack || T::GetCurrentState()==State::kTracking || T::GetCurrentState()==State::kMoving || T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking) return StopMovement(); if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kStopping && fDrive.IsMoving()) return State::kStopping; if (fDrive.HasError()) return State::kHardwareError; if (fDrive.HasWarning()) return State::kHardwareWarning; return StateMachineImp::kSM_Error; } // This can happen if one of the drives is not in RF. // Usually this only happens when the drive is not yet in RF // or an error was just cleared. Usually there is no way that // a drive goes below the RF state during operation without // a warning or error message. if (fDrive.IsOnline() && fDrive.IsBlocked()) return State::kBlocked; if (fDrive.IsOnline() && !fDrive.IsReady()) return State::kAvailable; // This is the case as soon as the init commands were send // after a connection to the SPS was established if (fDrive.IsOnline() && fDrive.IsReady() && !fDrive.IsInitialized()) return State::kArmed; return -1; } int Execute() { const Time now; if (now>fSunRise && T::GetCurrentState()!=State::kParking) { fSunRise = now.GetNextSunRise(); ostringstream msg; msg << "Next sun-rise will be at " << fSunRise; T::Info(msg); if (T::GetCurrentState()>State::kArmed && T::GetCurrentState()!=StateMachineImp::kError) return Park(); } if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kLocked) return State::kLocked; // FIXME: Send STOP if IsPositioning or RpmActive but no // Moving or Tracking state const int rc = CheckState(); if (rc>0) return rc; // Once every second static time_t lastTime = 0; const time_t tm = time(NULL); if (lastTime!=tm && fDrive.IsInitialized()) { lastTime=tm; UpdatePointingPosition(); if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kTracking || T::GetCurrentState()==State::kOnTrack) return UpdateTrackingPosition(); } if (T::GetCurrentState()==State::kStopping && !fDrive.IsMoving()) return State::kArmed; if ((T::GetCurrentState()==State::kMoving || T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking) && !fDrive.IsMoving()) { if (fIsTracking && fStep==1) { // Init tracking fDrive.SetAcceleration(fAccTracking); fDrive.SetRpmMode(true); fDevCount = 0; fTrackingCounter = 0; fTrackingLoop.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1)); fTrackingLoop.async_wait(boost::bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackingLoop, this, ba::placeholders::error)); fPointingSetup.start = Time().Mjd(); const PointingData data = CalcPointingPos(fPointingSetup.start); ostringstream out; out << "Start tracking at Ra=" << data.pointing.ra*12/M_PI << "h Dec=" << data.pointing.dec*180/M_PI << "deg"; T::Info(out); return State::kTracking; } // Get feedback 2 const Encoder dest = fMovementTarget*(1./360); // [rev] const Encoder sepos = fDrive.GetSePos(); // [rev] // Calculate residual to move deviation const Encoder dist = dest - sepos; // [rev] // Check which axis should still be moved Encoder cd = dist; // [rev] cd *= T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking ? 1./fMaxParkingResidual : 1./fMaxPointingResidual; // Scale to units of the maximum residual cd = cd.Abs(); // Check if there is a control deviation on the axis const bool cdzd = cd.zd>1; const bool cdaz = cd.az>1; if (!fIsTracking) { // check if we reached the correct position already if (!cdzd && !cdaz) { T::Info("Target position reached in "+to_string(fStep)+" steps."); return T::GetCurrentState()==State::kParking ? State::kLocked : State::kArmed; } if (fStep==10) { T::Error("Target position not reached in "+to_string(fStep)+" steps."); return State::kPositioningFailed; } } const Encoder t = dist.Abs()/fDrive.GetVelUnit(); const Velocity vel = t.zd > t.az ? Velocity(1, t.zd==0?0:t.az/t.zd) : Velocity(t.az==0?0:t.zd/t.az, 1); if (fDrive.GetVerbosity()) { T::Out() << "Moving step " << fStep << endl; T::Out() << "Encoder [deg] " << sepos.zd*360 << " " << sepos.az*360 << endl; T::Out() << "Destination [deg] " << dest.zd *360 << " " << dest.az *360 << endl; T::Out() << "Residual [deg] " << dist.zd *360 << " " << dist.az *360 << endl; T::Out() << "Residual/max [1] " << cd.zd << " " << cd.az << endl; T::Out() << "Rel. time [1] " << t.zd << " " << t.az << endl; T::Out() << "Rel. velocity [1] " << vel.zd << " " << vel.az << endl; } fDrive.SetPointingVelocity(vel, fPointingVelocity); fDrive.StartAbsolutePositioning(dest, cdzd, cdaz); ostringstream out; if (fStep==0) out << "Moving to encoder Zd=" << dest.zd*360 << "deg Az=" << dest.az*360 << "deg"; else out << "Moving residual of dZd=" << dist.zd*360*60 << "' dAz=" << dist.az*360*60 << "'"; T::Info(out); fStep++; } return T::GetCurrentState()>=State::kInitialized ? T::GetCurrentState() : State::kInitialized; } public: StateMachineDrive(ostream &out=cout) : StateMachineAsio(out, "DRIVE_CONTROL"), fDrive(*this, *this), fTrackingLoop(*this), fSunRise(Time().GetNextSunRise()), fDevBuffer(5) { T::Subscribe("MAGIC_WEATHER/DATA") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::HandleWeatherData, this, placeholders::_1)); T::Subscribe("TPOINT/DATA") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::HandleTPoint, this, placeholders::_1)); // State names T::AddStateName(State::kDisconnected, "Disconnected", "No connection to SPS"); T::AddStateName(State::kConnected, "Connected", "Connection to SPS, no information received yet"); T::AddStateName(State::kLocked, "Locked", "Drive system is locked (will not accept commands)"); T::AddStateName(State::kUnavailable, "Unavailable", "Connected to SPS, no connection to at least one IndraDrives"); T::AddStateName(State::kAvailable, "Available", "Connected to SPS and to IndraDrives, but at least one drive not in RF"); T::AddStateName(State::kBlocked, "Blocked", "Drive system is blocked by manual operation or a pressed emergeny button"); T::AddStateName(State::kArmed, "Armed", "Connected to SPS and IndraDrives in RF, but not yet initialized"); T::AddStateName(State::kInitialized, "Initialized", "Connected to SPS and IndraDrives in RF and initialized"); T::AddStateName(State::kStopping, "Stopping", "Stop command sent, waiting for telescope to be still"); T::AddStateName(State::kParking, "Parking", "Telescope in parking operation, waiting for telescope to be still"); T::AddStateName(State::kMoving, "Moving", "Telescope moving"); T::AddStateName(State::kTracking, "Tracking", "Telescope in tracking mode"); T::AddStateName(State::kOnTrack, "OnTrack", "Telescope tracking stable"); T::AddStateName(State::kPositioningFailed, "PositioningFailed", "Target position was not reached within ten steps"); T::AddStateName(State::kAllowedRangeExceeded, "OutOfRange", "Telecope went out of range during tracking"); T::AddStateName(State::kInvalidCoordinates, "InvalidCoordinates", "Tracking coordinates out of range"); T::AddStateName(State::kHardwareWarning, "HardwareWarning", "At least one IndraDrive in a warning condition... check carefully!"); T::AddStateName(State::kHardwareError, "HardwareError", "At least one IndraDrive in an error condition... this is a serious incident!"); T::AddEvent("REQUEST_SDO", "S:3", State::kArmed) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::RequestSdo, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Request an SDO from the drive" "|node[uint32]:Node identifier (1:az, 3:zd)" "|index[uint32]:SDO index" "|subindex[uint32]:SDO subindex"); T::AddEvent("SET_SDO", "S:3;X:1", State::kArmed) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SendSdo, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Request an SDO from the drive" "|node[uint32]:Node identifier (1:az, 3:zd)" "|index[uint32]:SDO index" "|subindex[uint32]:SDO subindex" "|value[uint64]:Value"); // Drive Commands T::AddEvent("MOVE_TO", "D:2", State::kInitialized) // ->ZDAZ (bind(&StateMachineDrive::MoveTo, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope to the given local sky coordinates" "|Zd[deg]:Zenith distance" "|Az[deg]:Azimuth"); T::AddEvent("TRACK", "D:2", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Track, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope to the given sky coordinates and start tracking them" "|Ra[h]:Right ascension" "|Dec[deg]:Declination"); T::AddEvent("WOBBLE", "D:4", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Wobble, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope to the given wobble position around the given sky coordinates and start tracking them" "|Ra[h]:Right ascension" "|Dec[deg]:Declination" "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset" "|Angle[deg]:Wobble angle"); T::AddEvent("ORBIT", "D:5", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Orbit, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope in a circle around the source" "|Ra[h]:Right ascension" "|Dec[deg]:Declination" "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset" "|Angle[deg]:Starting angle" "|Period[min]:Time for one orbit"); T::AddEvent("TRACK_SOURCE", "D:2;C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackSource, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope to the given wobble position around the given source and start tracking" "|Offset[deg]:Wobble offset" "|Angle[deg]:Wobble angle" "|Name[string]:Source name"); T::AddEvent("TRACK_WOBBLE", "S:1;C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackWobble, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope to the given wobble position around the given source and start tracking" "|Id:Wobble angle id (1 or 2)" "|Name[string]:Source name"); T::AddEvent("TRACK_ORBIT", "D:2;C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackOrbit, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope in a circle around the source" "|Angle[deg]:Starting angle" "|Period[min]:Time for one orbit" "|Name[string]:Source name"); T::AddEvent("TRACK_ON", "C", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) // ->RADEC/GRB (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackOn, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Move the telescope to the given position and start tracking" "|Name[string]:Source name"); T::AddEvent("MOON", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEMoon)) ("Start tracking the moon"); T::AddEvent("VENUS", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEVenus)) ("Start tracking Venus"); T::AddEvent("MARS", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEMars)) ("Start tracking Mars"); T::AddEvent("JUPITER", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kEJupiter)) ("Start tracking Jupiter"); T::AddEvent("SATURN", State::kInitialized, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TrackCelest, this, kESaturn)) ("Start tracking Saturn"); // FIXME: What to do in error state? T::AddEvent("PARK", State::kInitialized, State::kMoving, State::kTracking, State::kOnTrack, State::kHardwareWarning) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Park, this)) ("Park the telescope"); T::AddEvent("STOP")(State::kUnavailable)(State::kAvailable)(State::kArmed)(State::kInitialized)(State::kStopping)(State::kParking)(State::kMoving)(State::kTracking)(State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::StopMovement, this)) ("Stop any kind of movement."); T::AddEvent("RESET", State::kPositioningFailed, State::kAllowedRangeExceeded, State::kInvalidCoordinates, State::kHardwareWarning) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::ResetError, this)) ("Acknowledge an internal drivectrl error (PositioningFailed, AllowedRangeExceeded, InvalidCoordinates)"); T::AddEvent("TPOINT", State::kOnTrack) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::TPoint, this)) ("Take a TPoint"); T::AddEvent("SCREENSHOT", "B:1;C") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Screenshot, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Take a screenshot" "|color[bool]:False if just the gray image should be saved." "|name[string]:Filename"); T::AddEvent("SET_LED_BRIGHTNESS", "I:2") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SetLedBrightness, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Set the LED brightness of the top and bottom leds" "|top[au]:Allowed range 0-32767 for top LEDs" "|bot[au]:Allowed range 0-32767 for bottom LEDs"); T::AddEvent("LEDS_OFF") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SetLedsOff, this)) ("Switch off TPoint LEDs"); T::AddEvent("UNLOCK", Drive::State::kLocked) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Unlock, this)) ("Unlock locked state."); // Verbosity commands T::AddEvent("SET_VERBOSITY", "S:1") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::SetVerbosity, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Set verbosity state" "|verbosity[uint16]:disable or enable verbosity for received data (yes/no), except dynamic data"); // Conenction commands T::AddEvent("DISCONNECT", State::kConnected) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Disconnect, this)) ("disconnect from ethernet"); T::AddEvent("RECONNECT", "O", State::kDisconnected, State::kConnected) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Reconnect, this, placeholders::_1)) ("(Re)connect Ethernet connection to SPS, a new address can be given" "|[host][string]:new ethernet address in the form "); T::AddEvent("PRINT_POINTING_MODEL") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::PrintPointingModel, this)) ("Print the ponting model."); T::AddEvent("PRINT") (bind(&StateMachineDrive::Print, this)) ("Print source list."); T::AddEvent("RELOAD_SOURCES", State::kDisconnected, State::kConnected, State::kArmed, State::kInitialized, State::kLocked) (bind(&StateMachineDrive::ReloadSources, this)) ("Reload sources from database after database has changed.."); //fDrive.SetUpdateStatus(std::bind(&StateMachineDrive::UpdateStatus, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2)); fDrive.StartConnect(); } void SetEndpoint(const string &url) { fDrive.SetEndpoint(url); } bool AddSource(const string &name, const Source &src) { const auto it = fSources.find(name); if (it!=fSources.end()) T::Warn("Source '"+name+"' already in list... overwriting."); fSources[name] = src; return it==fSources.end(); } void ReadDatabase(bool print=true) { #ifdef HAVE_SQL Database db(fDatabase); T::Message("Connected to '"+db.uri()+"'"); const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = db.query("SELECT fSourceName, fRightAscension, fDeclination, fWobbleOffset, fWobbleAngle0, fWobbleAngle1, fMagnitude FROM Source").store(); fSources.clear(); for (vector::const_iterator v=res.begin(); v("quiet")); fMaxPointingResidual = conf.Get("pointing.max.residual"); fPointingVelocity = conf.Get("pointing.velocity"); fPointingMin = Encoder(conf.Get("pointing.min.zd"), conf.Get("pointing.min.az")); fPointingMax = Encoder(conf.Get("pointing.max.zd"), conf.Get("pointing.max.az")); fParkingPos.zd = conf.Has("parking-pos.zd") ? conf.Get("parking-pos.zd") : 90; fParkingPos.az = conf.Has("parking-pos.az") ? conf.Get("parking-pos.az") : 0; fMaxParkingResidual = conf.Get("parking-pos.residual"); if (!CheckRange(fParkingPos)) return 2; fAccPointing = Acceleration(conf.Get("pointing.acceleration.zd"), conf.Get("pointing.acceleration.az")); fAccTracking = Acceleration(conf.Get("tracking.acceleration.zd"), conf.Get("tracking.acceleration.az")); fAccMax = Acceleration(conf.Get("acceleration.max.zd"), conf.Get("acceleration.max.az")); fWeatherTimeout = conf.Get("weather-timeout"); if (fAccPointing>fAccMax) { T::Error("Pointing acceleration exceeds maximum acceleration."); return 3; } if (fAccTracking>fAccMax) { T::Error("Tracking acceleration exceeds maximum acceleration."); return 4; } fDeviationLimit = conf.Get("deviation-limit"); fDeviationCounter = conf.Get("deviation-count"); fDeviationMax = conf.Get("deviation-max"); const string fname = conf.Get("pointing.model-file"); try { fPointingModel.Load(fname); } catch (const exception &e) { T::Error(e.what()); return 5; } const vector &vec = conf.Vec("source"); for (vector::const_iterator it=vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); it++) { istringstream stream(*it); string name; int i=0; Source src; string buffer; while (getline(stream, buffer, ',')) { istringstream is(buffer); switch (i++) { case 0: name = buffer; break; case 1: src.ra = ReadAngle(is); break; case 2: src.dec = ReadAngle(is); break; case 3: is >> src.offset; break; case 4: is >> src.angles[0]; break; case 5: is >> src.angles[1]; break; } if (is.fail()) break; } if (i==3 || i==6) { AddSource(name, src); continue; } T::Warn("Resource 'source' not correctly formatted: '"+*it+"'"); } //fAutoResume = conf.Get("auto-resume"); if (conf.Has("source-database")) { fDatabase = conf.Get("source-database"); ReadDatabase(); } if (fSunRise.IsValid()) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Next sun-rise will be at " << fSunRise; T::Message(msg); } // The possibility to connect should be last, so that // everything else is already initialized. SetEndpoint(conf.Get("addr")); return -1; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Main.h" template int RunShell(Configuration &conf) { return Main::execute>(conf); } void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { po::options_description control("Drive control options"); control.add_options() ("quiet,q", po_bool(), "Disable debug messages") ("no-dim,d", po_switch(), "Disable dim services") ("addr,a", var("sps:5357"), "Network address of cosy") ("verbosity,v", var(0), "Vervosity level (0=off; 1=major updates; 2=most updates; 3=frequent updates)") ("pointing.model-file", var()->required(), "Name of the file with the pointing model in use") ("pointing.max.zd", var( 104.9), "Maximum allowed zenith angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]") ("pointing.max.az", var( 85.0), "Maximum allowed azimuth angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]") ("pointing.min.zd", var(-104.9), "Minimum allowed zenith angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]") ("pointing.min.az", var(-295.0), "Minimum allowed azimuth angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]") ("pointing.max.residual", var(1./32768), "Maximum residual for a pointing operation [revolutions]") ("pointing.velocity", var(0.3), "Moving velocity when pointing [% max]") ("pointing.acceleration.az", var(0.01), "Acceleration for azimuth axis for pointing operations") ("pointing.acceleration.zd", var(0.03), "Acceleration for zenith axis for pointing operations") ("tracking.acceleration.az", var(0.01), "Acceleration for azimuth axis during tracking operations") ("tracking.acceleration.zd", var(0.01), "Acceleration for zenith axis during tracking operations") ("parking-pos.zd", var(101), "Parking position zenith angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]") ("parking-pos.az", var(0), "Parking position azimuth angle in sky pointing coordinates [deg]") ("parking-pos.residual", var(0.5/360), "Maximum residual for a parking position [revolutions]") ("acceleration.max.az", var(0.03), "Maximum allowed acceleration value for azimuth axis") ("acceleration.max.zd", var(0.09), "Maximum allowed acceleration value for zenith axis") ("weather-timeout", var(300), "Timeout [sec] for weather data (after timeout default values are used)") ("deviation-limit", var(90), "Deviation limit in arcsec to get 'OnTrack'") ("deviation-count", var(3), "Minimum number of reported deviation below deviation-limit to get 'OnTrack'") ("deviation-max", var(180), "Maximum deviation in arcsec allowed to keep status 'OnTrack'") ("source-database", var(), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[/comp].") ("source", vars(), "Additional source entry in the form \"name,hh:mm:ss,dd:mm:ss\"") ; conf.AddOptions(control); } /* Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS. Translators: "Usage" and "or" here are patterns (regular expressions) which are used to match the usage synopsis in program output. An example from cp (GNU coreutils) which contains both strings: Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST or: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY or: cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... */ void PrintUsage() { cout << "The drivectrl is an interface to the drive PLC.\n" "\n" "The default is that the program is started without user intercation. " "All actions are supposed to arrive as DimCommands. Using the -c " "option, a local shell can be initialized. With h or help a short " "help message about the usuage can be brought to the screen.\n" "\n" "Usage: drivectrl [-c type] [OPTIONS]\n" " or: drivectrl [OPTIONS]\n"; cout << endl; } void PrintHelp() { Main::PrintHelp>(); /* Additional help text which is printed after the configuration options goes here */ /* cout << "bla bla bla" << endl << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Environment:" << endl; cout << "environment" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Examples:" << endl; cout << "test exam" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Files:" << endl; cout << "files" << endl; cout << endl; */ } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); Main::SetupConfiguration(conf); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp)) return 127; //try { // No console access at all if (!conf.Has("console")) { if (conf.Get("no-dim")) return RunShell(conf); else return RunShell(conf); } // Cosole access w/ and w/o Dim if (conf.Get("no-dim")) { if (conf.Get("console")==0) return RunShell(conf); else return RunShell(conf); } else { if (conf.Get("console")==0) return RunShell(conf); else return RunShell(conf); } } /*catch (std::exception& e) { cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl; return -1; }*/ return 0; }