//**************************************************************** /** */ //**************************************************************** #include "Configuration.h" #include "fits.h" using namespace std; void PrintUsage() { cout << "fitscheck is a tool to verify the checksums in a fits file.\n" "\n" "Usage: fitscheck [OPTIONS] fitsfile\n" //" or: fitscheck [OPTIONS]\n" "\n" "Return values:\n" " 0: in case of success\n" " 1: if the file could not be opened\n" " 2: if the header checksum could not be varified and\n" " 3: if the header checksum is ok but the data checksum could not be verified.\n" "\n"; cout << endl; } void PrintHelp() { } void SetupConfiguration(Configuration& conf) { po::options_description configs("Fitscheck options"); configs.add_options() ("fitsfile,f", var() #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200 ->required() #endif , "Name of FITS file") ; po::positional_options_description p; p.add("fitsfile", 1); // The first positional options conf.AddOptions(configs); conf.SetArgumentPositions(p); } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp)) return -1; if (!conf.Has("fitsfile")) { cerr << "Filename required." << endl; return -1; } const string fname = conf.Get("fitsfile"); cout << "Reading '" << fname << "'.." << flush; fits file(fname.c_str()); if (!file) { cout << "fits::open() failed: " << strerror(errno) << " [errno=" << errno << "]"; return 1; } if (!file.IsHeaderOk()) { cout << " header checksum could not be verified." << endl; return 2; } const size_t n = file.GetNumRows()/10; while (file.GetNextRow()) if (file.GetRow()