1 | #include <functional>
2 | #include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
3 |
4 | #include "Dim.h"
5 | #include "Event.h"
6 | #include "Shell.h"
7 | #include "StateMachineDim.h"
8 | #include "StateMachineAsio.h"
9 | #include "Connection.h"
10 | #include "LocalControl.h"
11 | #include "Configuration.h"
12 | #include "Console.h"
13 | #include "Converter.h"
14 |
15 | #include "tools.h"
16 | #include "../externals/nova.h"
17 |
18 | #include "HeadersGCN.h"
19 | #include "HeadersToO.h"
20 |
21 | #include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
22 |
23 | namespace ba = boost::asio;
24 | namespace bs = boost::system;
25 | namespace dummy = ba::placeholders;
26 |
27 | using namespace std;
28 | using namespace GCN;
29 |
30 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 |
32 | class ConnectionGCN : public Connection
33 | {
34 | private:
35 | map<uint16_t, GCN::PaketType_t> fTypes;
36 |
37 | vector<string> fEndPoints;
38 | int fEndPoint;
39 |
40 | bool fIsVerbose;
41 | bool fDebugRx;
42 |
43 | uint32_t fRxSize;
44 | vector<char> fRxData;
45 |
46 | Time fLastKeepAlive;
47 |
48 | QString GetParamValue(const QDomElement &what, const string &name)
49 | {
50 | const QDomNodeList param = what.elementsByTagName("Param");
51 | for (int i=0; i<param.count(); i++)
52 | {
53 | const QDomElement elem = param.at(i).toElement();
54 | if (elem.attribute("name").toStdString()==name)
55 | return elem.attribute("value");
56 | }
57 |
58 | return "";
59 | }
60 |
61 | GCN::PaketPtr GetType(const QDomElement &what)
62 | {
63 | const auto value = GetParamValue(what, "Packet_Type");
64 | if (value.isEmpty())
65 | return GCN::PaketTypes.end();
66 |
67 | const uint16_t val = value.toUInt();
68 |
69 | const auto it = GCN::PaketTypes.find(val);
70 |
71 | if (it==GCN::PaketTypes.end())
72 | Warn("Unknown paket type "+to_string(val)+".");
73 |
74 | return it;
75 |
76 | }
77 |
78 | int ProcessXml(const QDomElement &root)
79 | {
80 | if (root.isNull())
81 | return -1;
82 |
83 | const string role = root.attribute("role", "").toStdString();
84 | const string trn = root.tagName().toStdString();
85 |
86 | // A full description can be found at http://voevent.dc3.com/schema/default.html
87 |
88 | if (trn=="trn:Transport")
89 | {
90 | if (role=="iamalive")
91 | {
92 | const QDomElement orig = root.firstChildElement("Origin");
93 | const QDomElement time = root.firstChildElement("TimeStamp");
94 | if (orig.isNull() || time.isNull())
95 | return -1;
96 |
97 | fLastKeepAlive = Time(time.text().toStdString());
98 |
99 | if (fIsVerbose)
100 | {
101 | Out() << Time().GetAsStr() << " ----- " << trn << " [" << role << "] -----" << endl;
102 | Out() << " " << time.tagName().toStdString() << " = " << fLastKeepAlive.GetAsStr() << '\n';
103 | Out() << " " << orig.tagName().toStdString() << " = " << orig.text().toStdString() << '\n';
104 | Out() << endl;
105 | }
106 |
107 | return true;
108 | }
109 |
110 | return false;
111 | }
112 |
113 | ofstream fout("gcn.stream", ios::app);
114 | fout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" << fRxData.data() << endl;
115 |
116 | if (trn=="voe:VOEvent")
117 | {
118 | // WHAT: http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/tech_describe.html
119 | const QDomElement who = root.firstChildElement("Who");
120 | const QDomElement what = root.firstChildElement("What");
121 | const QDomElement when = root.firstChildElement("WhereWhen");
122 | //const QDomElement how = root.firstChildElement("How");
123 | //const QDomElement why = root.firstChildElement("Why");
124 | //const QDomElement cite = root.firstChildElement("Citations");
125 | //const QDomElement desc = root.firstChildElement("Description");
126 | //const QDomElement ref = root.firstChildElement("Reference");
127 | if (who.isNull() || what.isNull() || when.isNull())
128 | return -1;
129 |
130 | const auto ptype = GetType(what);
131 |
132 | const QDomElement date = who.firstChildElement("Date");
133 | const QDomElement author = who.firstChildElement("Author");
134 | const QDomElement sname = author.firstChildElement("shortName");
135 | const QDomElement desc = what.firstChildElement("Description");
136 |
137 | const QDomElement obsdat = when.firstChildElement("ObsDataLocation");
138 | const QDomElement obsloc = obsdat.firstChildElement("ObservationLocation");
139 | const QDomElement coord = obsloc.firstChildElement("AstroCoords");
140 |
141 | const QDomElement time = coord.firstChildElement("Time").firstChildElement("TimeInstant").firstChildElement("ISOTime");
142 | const QDomElement pos2d = coord.firstChildElement("Position2D");
143 | const QDomElement name1 = pos2d.firstChildElement("Name1");
144 | const QDomElement name2 = pos2d.firstChildElement("Name2");
145 | const QDomElement val2 = pos2d.firstChildElement("Value2");
146 | const QDomElement c1 = val2.firstChildElement("C1");
147 | const QDomElement c2 = val2.firstChildElement("C2");
148 | const QDomElement errad = pos2d.firstChildElement("Error2Radius");
149 |
150 | const auto &id = ptype->first;
151 |
152 | // Gravitational wave event
153 | const bool is_gw = id==150 || id==151 || id==152 || id==153 || id==164;
154 |
155 | // Required keywords
156 | vector<string> missing;
157 | if (date.isNull())
158 | missing.emplace_back("Date");
159 | if (author.isNull())
160 | missing.emplace_back("Author");
161 | if (sname.isNull() && !is_gw)
162 | missing.emplace_back("shortName");
163 | if (obsdat.isNull())
164 | missing.emplace_back("ObsDataLocation");
165 | if (obsloc.isNull())
166 | missing.emplace_back("ObservationLocation");
167 | if (coord.isNull())
168 | missing.emplace_back("AstroCoords");
169 | if (time.isNull())
170 | missing.emplace_back("Time/TimeInstant/ISOTime");
171 | if (pos2d.isNull() && !is_gw)
172 | missing.emplace_back("Position2D");
173 | if (name1.isNull() && !is_gw)
174 | missing.emplace_back("Name1");
175 | if (name1.isNull() && !is_gw)
176 | missing.emplace_back("Name2");
177 | if (val2.isNull() && !is_gw)
178 | missing.emplace_back("Value2");
179 | if (c1.isNull() && !is_gw)
180 | missing.emplace_back("C1");
181 | if (c2.isNull() && !is_gw)
182 | missing.emplace_back("C2");
183 | if (errad.isNull() && !is_gw)
184 | missing.emplace_back("Error2Radius");
185 |
186 | if (!missing.empty())
187 | {
188 | Warn("Missing elements: "+boost::algorithm::join(missing, ", "));
189 | return -1;
190 | }
191 |
192 | // 59/31: Konus LC / IPN raw [observation]
193 | // 110: Fermi GBM (ART) [observation] (Initial) // Stop data taking
194 | // 111: Fermi GBM (FLT) [observation] (after ~2s) // Start pointing/run
195 | // 112: Fermi GBM (GND) [observation] (after 2-20s) // Refine pointing
196 | // 115: Fermi GBM position [observation] (final ~hours)
197 | //
198 | // 51: Intergal pointdir [utility]
199 | // 83: Swift pointdir [utility]
200 | // 129: Fermi pointdir [utility]
201 | //
202 | // 2: Test coord ( 1) [test]
203 | // 44: HETE test ( 41- 43) [test]
204 | // 52: Integral SPIACS [test]
205 | // 53: Integral Wakeup [test]
206 | // 54: Integral refined [test]
207 | // 55: Integral Offline [test]
208 | // 56: Integral Weak [test]
209 | // 82: BAT GRB pos test ( 61) [test]
210 | // 109: AGILE GRB pos test (100-103) [test]
211 | // 119: Fermi GRB pos test (111-113) [test]
212 | // 124: Fermi LAT pos upd test (120-122) [test]
213 | // 136: MAXI coord test ( 134) [test]
214 | //
215 | // Integral: RA=1.2343, Dec=2.3456
216 | //
217 |
218 | /*
219 | 54
220 | ==
221 | <Group name="Test_mpos" >
222 | <Param name="Test_Notice" value="true" />
223 | </Group>
224 |
225 |
226 | 82
227 | ==
228 | <Group name="Solution_Status" >
229 | <Param name="Test_Submission" value="false" />
230 | </Group>
231 |
232 |
233 | 115
234 | ===
235 | 2013-07-20 19:04:13: TIME = 2013-07-20 02:46:40
236 |
237 | <Group name="Trigger_ID" >
238 | <Param name="Test_Submission" value="false" />
239 | </Group>
240 | */
241 |
242 | // ----------------------------- Create Name ----------------------
243 |
244 | const auto &paket = ptype->second;
245 |
246 | string name;
247 | bool prefix = true;
248 |
249 | switch (id)
250 | {
251 | case 60:
252 | case 61:
253 | case 62:
254 |
255 | case 110:
256 | case 111:
257 | case 112:
258 | case 115:
259 | name = GetParamValue(what, "TRIGGER_NUM").toStdString();
260 | break;
261 |
262 | case 123:
263 | name = GetParamValue(what, "REF_NUM").toStdString();
264 | break;
265 |
266 | case 125:
267 | name = GetParamValue(what, "SourceName").toStdString();
268 | prefix = false;
269 | break;
270 |
271 | case 157:
272 | case 158:
273 | {
274 | const string event_id = GetParamValue(what, "event_id").toStdString();
275 | const string run_id = GetParamValue(what, "run_id").toStdString();
276 | name = event_id+"_"+run_id;
277 | break;
278 | }
279 |
280 | // Missing ID
281 | // case 51:
282 | // case 83:
283 | // case 119:
284 | // case 129:
285 | default:
286 | name = GetParamValue(what, "TrigID").toStdString();
287 | }
288 |
289 | if (name.empty() || name=="0")
290 | {
291 | Warn("Missing ID... cannot create default source name... using date instead.");
292 | name = Time().GetAsStr("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S");
293 | prefix = true;
294 | }
295 |
296 | if (prefix)
297 | name.insert(0, paket.instrument+"#");
298 |
299 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
300 |
301 | const string unit = pos2d.attribute("unit").toStdString();
302 |
303 | const double ra = c1.text().toDouble();
304 | const double dec = c2.text().toDouble();
305 | const double err = errad.text().toDouble();
306 |
307 | const string n1 = name1.text().toStdString();
308 | const string n2 = name2.text().toStdString();
309 |
310 | const bool has_coordinates = n1=="RA" && n2=="Dec" && unit=="deg";
311 |
312 | const std::set<int16_t> typelist =
313 | {
315 |
316 | 53, // INTEGRAL_WAKEUP
319 |
320 | // 56, // INTEGRAL_WEAK
321 | // 59, // KONUS_LC
322 |
323 | 60, // SWIFT_BAT_GRB_ALERT
324 | 61, // SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_ACK
326 |
327 | 83, // SWIFT_POINTDIR
328 |
329 | 97, // SWIFT_BAT_QL_POS
330 |
331 | 100, // AGILE_GRB_WAKEUP
332 | 101, // AGILE_GRB_GROUND
333 | 102, // AGILE_GRB_REFINED
334 |
335 | 110, // FERMI_GBM_FLT_POS
336 | 111, // FERMI_GBM_GND_POS
337 | 112, // FERMI_GBM_LC
338 | 115, // FERMI_GBM_TRANS
339 |
340 | 123, // FERMI_LAT_TRANS
341 | 125, // FERMI_LAT_MONITOR
342 |
343 | // 134, // MAXI_UNKNOWN
344 | // 135, // MAXI_KNOWN
345 | // 136, // MAXI_TEST
346 |
347 | 157, // AMON_ICECUBE_COINC
348 | 158, // AMON_ICECUBE_HESE
349 |
350 | 169, // AMON_ICECUBE_EHE
351 | 171, // HAWC_BURST_MONITOR
352 | 173, // ICECUBE_GOLD
353 | 174, // ICECUBE_BRONZE
354 | };
355 |
356 | const bool integral_test = role=="test" && id>=53 && id<=56;
357 |
358 | const bool valid_id = typelist.find(id)!=typelist.end();
359 |
360 | if (valid_id && has_coordinates && !integral_test)
361 | {
362 | const ToO::DataGRB data =
363 | {
364 | .type = id,
365 | .ra = ra,
366 | .dec = dec,
367 | .err = err,
368 | };
369 |
370 | vector<char> dim(sizeof(ToO::DataGRB) + name.size() + 1);
371 |
372 | memcpy(dim.data(), &data, sizeof(ToO::DataGRB));
373 | memcpy(dim.data()+sizeof(ToO::DataGRB), name.c_str(), name.size());
374 |
375 | Dim::SendCommandNB("SCHEDULER/GCN", dim);
376 | Info("Sent ToO '"+name+"' ["+role+"]");
377 | }
378 |
379 | Out() << Time(date.text().toStdString()).GetAsStr() << " ----- " << sname.text().toStdString() << " [" << role << "]\n";
380 | if (!desc.isNull())
381 | Out() << "[" << desc.text().toStdString() << "]\n";
382 | Out() << name << ": " << paket.name << "[" << id << "]: " << paket.description << endl;
383 | Out() << left;
384 | Out() << " " << setw(5) << "TIME" << "= " << Time(time.text().toStdString()).GetAsStr() << '\n';
385 | Out() << " " << setw(5) << n1 << "= " << ra << unit << '\n';
386 | Out() << " " << setw(5) << n2 << "= " << dec << unit << '\n';
387 | Out() << " " << setw(5) << "ERR" << "= " << err << unit << '\n';
388 | Out() << endl;
389 |
390 | if (role=="observation")
391 | {
392 | return true;
393 | }
394 |
395 | if (role=="test")
396 | {
397 | return true;
398 | }
399 |
400 | if (role=="retraction")
401 | {
402 | return true;
403 | }
404 |
405 | if (role=="utility")
406 | {
407 | return true;
408 | }
409 |
410 | return false;
411 | }
412 |
413 | Out() << Time().GetAsStr() << " ----- " << trn << " [" << role << "] -----" << endl;
414 |
415 | return false;
416 | }
417 |
418 | void HandleReceivedData(const bs::error_code& err, size_t bytes_received, int type)
419 | {
420 | // Do not schedule a new read if the connection failed.
421 | if (bytes_received==0 || err)
422 | {
423 | if (err==ba::error::eof)
424 | Warn("Connection closed by remote host (GCN).");
425 |
426 | // 107: Transport endpoint is not connected (bs::error_code(107, bs::system_category))
427 | // 125: Operation canceled
428 | if (err && err!=ba::error::eof && // Connection closed by remote host
429 | err!=ba::error::basic_errors::not_connected && // Connection closed by remote host
430 | err!=ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted) // Connection closed by us
431 | {
432 | ostringstream str;
433 | str << "Reading from " << URL() << ": " << err.message() << " (" << err << ")";// << endl;
434 | Error(str);
435 | }
436 | PostClose(err!=ba::error::basic_errors::operation_aborted);
437 | return;
438 | }
439 |
440 | if (type==0)
441 | {
442 | fRxSize = ntohl(fRxSize);
443 | fRxData.assign(fRxSize+1, 0);
444 | ba::async_read(*this, ba::buffer(fRxData, fRxSize),
445 | boost::bind(&ConnectionGCN::HandleReceivedData, this,
446 | dummy::error, dummy::bytes_transferred, 1));
447 | return;
448 | }
449 |
450 | if (fDebugRx)
451 | {
452 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------\n";
453 | Out() << fRxData.data() << '\n';
454 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
455 | }
456 |
457 | QDomDocument doc;
458 | if (!doc.setContent(QString(fRxData.data()), false))
459 | {
460 | Warn("Parsing of xml failed [0].");
461 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------\n";
462 | Out() << fRxData.data() << '\n';
463 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
464 | PostClose(false);
465 | return;
466 | }
467 |
468 | if (fDebugRx)
469 | Out() << "Parsed:\n-------\n" << doc.toString().toStdString() << endl;
470 |
471 | const int rc = ProcessXml(doc.documentElement());
472 | if (rc<0)
473 | {
474 | Warn("Parsing of xml failed [1].");
475 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------\n";
476 | Out() << fRxData.data() << '\n';
477 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
478 | PostClose(false);
479 | return;
480 | }
481 |
482 | if (!rc)
483 | {
484 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------\n";
485 | Out() << doc.toString().toStdString() << '\n';
486 | Out() << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
487 | }
488 |
489 | StartRead();
490 | }
491 |
492 | void StartRead()
493 | {
494 | ba::async_read(*this, ba::buffer(&fRxSize, 4),
495 | boost::bind(&ConnectionGCN::HandleReceivedData, this,
496 | dummy::error, dummy::bytes_transferred, 0));
497 | }
498 |
499 | // This is called when a connection was established
500 | void ConnectionEstablished()
501 | {
502 | StartRead();
503 | }
504 |
505 | public:
506 | ConnectionGCN(ba::io_service& ioservice, MessageImp &imp) : Connection(ioservice, imp()),
507 | fIsVerbose(false), fDebugRx(false), fLastKeepAlive(Time::none)
508 | {
509 | SetLogStream(&imp);
510 | }
511 |
512 | void SetVerbose(bool b)
513 | {
514 | fIsVerbose = b;
515 | }
516 |
517 | void SetDebugRx(bool b)
518 | {
519 | fDebugRx = b;
520 | Connection::SetVerbose(b);
521 | }
522 |
523 | void SetEndPoints(const vector<string> &v)
524 | {
525 | fEndPoints = v;
526 | fEndPoint = 0;
527 | }
528 |
529 | void StartConnect()
530 | {
531 | if (fEndPoints.size()>0)
532 | SetEndpoint(fEndPoints[fEndPoint++%fEndPoints.size()]);
533 | Connection::StartConnect();
534 | }
535 |
536 | bool IsValid()
537 | {
538 | return fLastKeepAlive.IsValid() ? Time()-fLastKeepAlive<boost::posix_time::minutes(2) : false;
539 | }
540 | };
541 |
542 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
543 |
544 | #include "DimDescriptionService.h"
545 |
546 | class ConnectionDimGCN : public ConnectionGCN
547 | {
548 | private:
549 |
550 | public:
551 | ConnectionDimGCN(ba::io_service& ioservice, MessageImp &imp) : ConnectionGCN(ioservice, imp)
552 | {
553 | }
554 | };
555 |
556 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
557 |
558 | template <class T, class S>
559 | class StateMachineGCN : public StateMachineAsio<T>
560 | {
561 | private:
562 | S fGCN;
563 |
564 | int Disconnect()
565 | {
566 | // Close all connections
567 | fGCN.PostClose(false);
568 |
569 | return T::GetCurrentState();
570 | }
571 |
572 | int Reconnect(const EventImp &evt)
573 | {
574 | // Close all connections to supress the warning in SetEndpoint
575 | fGCN.PostClose(false);
576 |
577 | // Now wait until all connection have been closed and
578 | // all pending handlers have been processed
579 | ba::io_service::poll();
580 |
581 | if (evt.GetBool())
582 | fGCN.SetEndpoint(evt.GetString());
583 |
584 | // Now we can reopen the connection
585 | fGCN.PostClose(true);
586 |
587 | return T::GetCurrentState();
588 | }
589 |
590 | int Execute()
591 | {
592 | if (!fGCN.IsConnected())
593 | return State::kDisconnected;
594 |
595 | return fGCN.IsValid() ? State::kValid : State::kConnected;
596 | }
597 |
598 | bool CheckEventSize(size_t has, const char *name, size_t size)
599 | {
600 | if (has==size)
601 | return true;
602 |
603 | ostringstream msg;
604 | msg << name << " - Received event has " << has << " bytes, but expected " << size << ".";
605 | T::Fatal(msg);
606 | return false;
607 | }
608 |
609 | int SetVerbosity(const EventImp &evt)
610 | {
611 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SetVerbosity", 1))
612 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
613 |
614 | fGCN.SetVerbose(evt.GetBool());
615 |
616 | return T::GetCurrentState();
617 | }
618 |
619 | int SetDebugRx(const EventImp &evt)
620 | {
621 | if (!CheckEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "SetDebugRx", 1))
622 | return T::kSM_FatalError;
623 |
624 | fGCN.SetDebugRx(evt.GetBool());
625 |
626 | return T::GetCurrentState();
627 | }
628 |
629 | public:
630 | StateMachineGCN(ostream &out=cout) :
631 | StateMachineAsio<T>(out, "GCN"), fGCN(*this, *this)
632 | {
633 | // State names
634 | T::AddStateName(State::kDisconnected, "Disconnected",
635 | "No connection to GCN.");
636 | T::AddStateName(State::kConnected, "Connected",
637 | "Connection to GCN established.");
638 | T::AddStateName(State::kValid, "Valid",
639 | "Connection valid (keep alive received within past 2min)");
640 |
641 | // Verbosity commands
642 | T::AddEvent("SET_VERBOSE", "B:1")
643 | (bind(&StateMachineGCN::SetVerbosity, this, placeholders::_1))
644 | ("set verbosity state"
645 | "|verbosity[bool]:disable or enable verbosity for received data (yes/no), except dynamic data");
646 | T::AddEvent("SET_DEBUG_RX", "B:1")
647 | (bind(&StateMachineGCN::SetDebugRx, this, placeholders::_1))
648 | ("Set debux-rx state"
649 | "|debug[bool]:dump received text and parsed text to console (yes/no)");
650 |
651 |
652 | // Conenction commands
653 | T::AddEvent("DISCONNECT", State::kConnected)
654 | (bind(&StateMachineGCN::Disconnect, this))
655 | ("disconnect from ethernet");
656 | T::AddEvent("RECONNECT", "O", State::kDisconnected, State::kConnected)
657 | (bind(&StateMachineGCN::Reconnect, this, placeholders::_1))
658 | ("(Re)connect ethernet connection to FTM, a new address can be given"
659 | "|[host][string]:new ethernet address in the form <host:port>");
660 |
661 | fGCN.StartConnect();
662 | }
663 |
664 | void SetEndpoint(const string &url)
665 | {
666 | vector<string> v;
667 | v.push_back(url);
668 | fGCN.SetEndPoints(v);
669 | }
670 |
671 | int EvalOptions(Configuration &conf)
672 | {
673 | fGCN.SetVerbose(!conf.Get<bool>("quiet"));
674 | fGCN.SetEndPoints(conf.Vec<string>("addr"));
675 |
676 | return -1;
677 | }
678 | };
679 |
680 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
681 |
682 | #include "Main.h"
683 |
684 | template<class T, class S, class R>
685 | int RunShell(Configuration &conf)
686 | {
687 | return Main::execute<T, StateMachineGCN<S, R>>(conf);
688 | }
689 |
690 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
691 | {
692 | po::options_description control("FTM control options");
693 | control.add_options()
694 | ("no-dim", po_bool(), "Disable dim services")
695 | ("addr,a", vars<string>(), "Network addresses of GCN server")
696 | ("quiet,q", po_bool(true), "Disable printing contents of all received messages (except dynamic data) in clear text.")
697 | ;
698 |
699 | conf.AddOptions(control);
700 | }
701 |
702 | /*
703 | Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS.
704 | Translators: "Usage" and "or" here are patterns (regular expressions) which
705 | are used to match the usage synopsis in program output. An example from cp
706 | (GNU coreutils) which contains both strings:
707 | Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST
708 | or: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY
709 | or: cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE...
710 | */
711 | void PrintUsage()
712 | {
713 | cout <<
714 | "The gcn reads and evaluates alerts from the GCN network.\n"
715 | "\n"
716 | "The default is that the program is started without user intercation. "
717 | "All actions are supposed to arrive as DimCommands. Using the -c "
718 | "option, a local shell can be initialized. With h or help a short "
719 | "help message about the usuage can be brought to the screen.\n"
720 | "\n"
721 | "Usage: gcn [-c type] [OPTIONS]\n"
722 | " or: gcn [OPTIONS]\n";
723 | cout << endl;
724 | }
725 |
726 | void PrintHelp()
727 | {
728 | Main::PrintHelp<StateMachineGCN<StateMachine, ConnectionGCN>>();
729 |
730 | /* Additional help text which is printed after the configuration
731 | options goes here */
732 |
733 | /*
734 | cout << "bla bla bla" << endl << endl;
735 | cout << endl;
736 | cout << "Environment:" << endl;
737 | cout << "environment" << endl;
738 | cout << endl;
739 | cout << "Examples:" << endl;
740 | cout << "test exam" << endl;
741 | cout << endl;
742 | cout << "Files:" << endl;
743 | cout << "files" << endl;
744 | cout << endl;
745 | */
746 | }
747 |
748 | int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
749 | {
750 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
751 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
752 | Main::SetupConfiguration(conf);
753 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
754 |
755 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp))
756 | return 127;
757 |
758 | //try
759 | {
760 | // No console access at all
761 | if (!conf.Has("console"))
762 | {
763 | if (conf.Get<bool>("no-dim"))
764 | return RunShell<LocalStream, StateMachine, ConnectionGCN>(conf);
765 | else
766 | return RunShell<LocalStream, StateMachineDim, ConnectionDimGCN>(conf);
767 | }
768 | // Cosole access w/ and w/o Dim
769 | if (conf.Get<bool>("no-dim"))
770 | {
771 | if (conf.Get<int>("console")==0)
772 | return RunShell<LocalShell, StateMachine, ConnectionGCN>(conf);
773 | else
774 | return RunShell<LocalConsole, StateMachine, ConnectionGCN>(conf);
775 | }
776 | else
777 | {
778 | if (conf.Get<int>("console")==0)
779 | return RunShell<LocalShell, StateMachineDim, ConnectionDimGCN>(conf);
780 | else
781 | return RunShell<LocalConsole, StateMachineDim, ConnectionDimGCN>(conf);
782 | }
783 | }
784 | /*catch (std::exception& e)
785 | {
786 | cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
787 | return -1;
788 | }*/
789 |
790 | return 0;
791 | }