1 | #include "Prediction.h"
2 |
3 | #include "Database.h"
4 |
5 | #include "Time.h"
6 | #include "Configuration.h"
7 |
8 | using namespace std;
9 | using namespace Nova;
10 |
11 | // ========================================================================
12 | // ========================================================================
13 | // ========================================================================
14 |
15 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
16 | {
17 | po::options_description control("Smart FACT");
18 | control.add_options()
19 | ("source-name", var<string>(), "Source name")
20 | ("date-time", var<string>(), "SQL time (UTC)")
21 | ("source-database", var<string>(""), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[/comp].")
22 | ("max-current", var<double>(75), "Maximum current to display in other plots.")
23 | ("max-zd", var<double>(75), "Maximum zenith distance to display in other plots")
24 | ("no-limits", po_switch(), "Switch off limits in plots")
25 | ;
26 |
27 | po::positional_options_description p;
28 | p.add("source-name", 1); // The 1st positional options
29 | p.add("date-time", 2); // The 2nd positional options
30 |
31 | conf.AddOptions(control);
32 | conf.SetArgumentPositions(p);
33 | }
34 |
35 | void PrintUsage()
36 | {
37 | cout <<
38 | "makedata - The astronomy data listing\n"
39 | "\n"
40 | // "Calculates several plots for the sources in the database\n"
41 | // "helpful or needed for scheduling. The Plot is always calculated\n"
42 | // "for the night which starts at the same so. So no matter if\n"
43 | // "you specify '1974-09-09 00:00:00' or '1974-09-09 21:56:00'\n"
44 | // "the plots will refer to the night 1974-09-09/1974-09-10.\n"
45 | // "The advantage is that specification of the date as in\n"
46 | // "1974-09-09 is enough. Time axis starts and ends at nautical\n"
47 | // "twilight which is 12deg below horizon.\n"
48 | // "\n"
49 | "Usage: makedata sql-datetime [--ra={ra} --dec={dec}]\n";
50 | cout << endl;
51 | }
52 |
53 | int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
54 | {
55 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
56 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
57 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
58 |
59 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv))
60 | return 127;
61 | /*
62 | if (!conf.Has("source-name"))
63 | {
64 | cout << "ERROR - --source-name missing." << endl;
65 | return 1;
66 | }
67 | */
68 | // ------------------ Eval config ---------------------
69 |
70 | Time time;
71 | if (conf.Has("date-time"))
72 | time.SetFromStr(conf.Get<string>("date-time"));
73 |
74 | const double max_current = conf.Get<double>("max-current");
75 | const double max_zd = conf.Get<double>("max-zd");
76 | const double no_limits = conf.Get<bool>("no-limits");
77 |
78 | // -12: nautical
79 | const RstTime sun_set = GetSolarRst(time.JD()-0.5, -12); // Sun set with the same date than th provided date
80 | const RstTime sun_rise = GetSolarRst(time.JD()+0.5, -12); // Sun rise on the following day
81 |
82 | const double jd = floor(time.Mjd())+2400001;
83 | const double mjd = floor(time.Mjd())+49718+0.5;
84 |
85 |
86 | const double jd0 = fmod(sun_set.set, 1); // ~0.3
87 | const double jd1 = fmod(sun_rise.rise, 1); // ~0.8
88 |
89 | cout << Time::iso << time << ", " << mjd-49718 << ", ";
90 | cout << jd0 << ", ";
91 | cout << jd1 << "\n";
92 |
93 | if (!conf.Has("source-name"))
94 | return 1;
95 |
96 | const string source_name = conf.Get<string>("source-name");
97 | const string fDatabase = conf.Get<string>("source-database");
98 |
99 | // ------------- Get Sources from databasse ---------------------
100 |
101 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =
102 | Database(fDatabase).query("SELECT fRightAscension, fDeclination FROM Source WHERE fSourceName='"+source_name+"'").store();
103 |
104 | // ------------- Create canvases and frames ---------------------
105 |
106 | vector<mysqlpp::Row>::const_iterator row=res.begin();
107 | if (row==res.end())
108 | return 1;
109 |
110 | EquPosn pos;
111 | pos.ra = double((*row)[0])*15;
112 | pos.dec = double((*row)[1]);
113 |
114 | // Loop over 24 hours
115 | for (int i=0; i<24*12; i++)
116 | {
117 | const double h = double(i)/(24*12);
118 |
119 | // check if it is betwene sun-rise and sun-set
120 | if (h<jd0 || h>jd1)
121 | continue;
122 |
123 | const SolarObjects so(jd+h);
124 |
125 | // get local position of source
126 | const HrzPosn hrz = GetHrzFromEqu(pos, jd+h);
127 |
128 | // get current prediction
129 | const double cur = FACT::PredictI(so, pos);
130 |
131 | // Relative energy threshold prediction
132 | const double ratio = pow(cos((90-hrz.alt)*M_PI/180), -2.664);
133 |
134 | // Add points to curve
135 | // const double axis = (mjd+h)*24*3600;
136 |
137 | Time t(mjd-49718);
138 | t += boost::posix_time::minutes(i*5);
139 |
140 | cout << t << ", " << h << ", ";
141 |
142 | if (no_limits || cur<max_current)
143 | cout << hrz.alt;
144 | cout << ", ";
145 |
146 | if (no_limits || 90-hrz.alt<max_zd)
147 | cout << cur;
148 | cout << ", ";
149 |
150 | if (no_limits || (cur<max_current && 90-hrz.alt<max_zd))
151 | cout << ratio*cur/6.2;
152 | cout << ", ";
153 |
154 | if (no_limits || (cur<max_current && 90-hrz.alt<max_zd))
155 | cout << GetAngularSeparation(so.fMoonEqu, pos);
156 | cout << "\n";
157 | }
158 |
159 | cout << flush;
160 |
161 | return 0;
162 | }