#include "externals/nova.h" #include "Database.h" #include "Time.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Nova; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CheckForGap(TCanvas &c, TGraph &g, double axis) { if (g.GetN()==0 || axis-g.GetX()[g.GetN()-1]<450) return; c.cd(); ((TGraph*)g.DrawClone("C"))->SetBit(kCanDelete); while (g.GetN()) g.RemovePoint(0); } void DrawClone(TCanvas &c, TGraph &g) { if (g.GetN()==0) return; c.cd(); ((TGraph*)g.DrawClone("C"))->SetBit(kCanDelete); } // ======================================================================== // ======================================================================== // ======================================================================== void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { po::options_description control("Smart FACT"); control.add_options() ("ra", var(), "Source right ascension") ("dec", var(), "Source declination") ("date-time", var(), "SQL time (UTC)") ("source-database", var(""), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database.") ("max-current", var(75), "Maximum current to display in other plots.") ("max-zd", var(75), "Maximum zenith distance to display in other plots") ("no-limits", po_switch(), "Switch off limits in plots") ; po::positional_options_description p; p.add("date-time", 1); // The first positional options conf.AddOptions(control); conf.SetArgumentPositions(p); } void PrintUsage() { cout << "makeplots - The astronomy plotter\n" "\n" "Calculates several plots for the sources in the database\n" "helpful or needed for scheduling. The Plot is always calculated\n" "for the night which starts at the same so. So no matter if\n" "you specify '1974-09-09 00:00:00' or '1974-09-09 21:56:00'\n" "the plots will refer to the night 1974-09-09/1974-09-10.\n" "The advantage is that specification of the date as in\n" "1974-09-09 is enough. Time axis starts and ends at nautical\n" "twilight which is 12deg below horizon.\n" "\n" "Usage: makeplots sql-datetime [--ra={ra} --dec={dec}]\n"; cout << endl; } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { gROOT->SetBatch(); Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv)) return 127; if (conf.Has("ra")^conf.Has("dec")) { cout << "ERROR - Either --ra or --dec missing." << endl; return 1; } // ------------------ Eval config --------------------- Time time; if (conf.Has("date-time")) time.SetFromStr(conf.Get("date-time")); const double max_current = conf.Get("max-current"); const double max_zd = conf.Get("max-zd"); const double no_limits = conf.Get("no-limits"); // -12: nautical // Sun set with the same date than th provided date // Sun rise on the following day const RstTime sun_set = GetSolarRst(time.JD()-0.5, -12); const RstTime sun_rise = GetSolarRst(time.JD()+0.5, -12); const double jd = floor(time.Mjd())+2400001; const double mjd = floor(time.Mjd())+49718+0.5; // root time cout << "Time: " << time << endl; cout << "Base: " << Time(jd-0.5) << endl; cout << "Set: " << Time(sun_set.set) << endl; cout << "Rise: " << Time(sun_rise.rise) << endl; const double jd0 = fmod(sun_set.set, 1); // ~0.3 const double jd1 = fmod(sun_rise.rise, 1); // ~0.8 const string fDatabase = conf.Get("source-database"); // ------------------ Precalc moon coord --------------------- vector> fMoonCoords; for (double h=0; h<1; h+=1./(24*12)) { const EquPosn moon = GetLunarEquCoords(jd+h, 0.01); const double disk = GetLunarDisk(jd+h); fMoonCoords.emplace_back(moon, disk); } // ------------- Get Sources from databasse --------------------- const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = Database(fDatabase).query("SELECT fSourceName, fRightAscension, fDeclination FROM Source").store(); // ------------- Create canvases and frames --------------------- // It is important to use an offset which is larger than // 1970-01-01 00:00:00. This one will not work if your // local time zone is positive! TH1S hframe("", "", 1, (mjd+jd0)*24*3600, (mjd+jd1)*24*3600); hframe.SetStats(kFALSE); hframe.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%Hh%M%F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); hframe.GetXaxis()->SetTitle((Time(jd).GetAsStr("%d/%m/%Y")+" - "+Time(jd+1).GetAsStr("%d/%m/%Y")+" [UTC]").c_str()); hframe.GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hframe.GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hframe.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); hframe.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.040); hframe.GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.040); hframe.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hframe.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.040); hframe.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.040); TCanvas c1; c1.SetFillColor(kWhite); c1.SetBorderMode(0); c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0); c1.SetLeftMargin(0.085); c1.SetRightMargin(0.01); c1.SetTopMargin(0.03); c1.SetGrid(); hframe.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Altitude [deg]"); hframe.SetMinimum(15); hframe.SetMaximum(90); hframe.DrawCopy(); TCanvas c2; c2.SetFillColor(kWhite); c2.SetBorderMode(0); c2.SetFrameBorderMode(0); c2.SetLeftMargin(0.085); c2.SetRightMargin(0.01); c2.SetTopMargin(0.03); c2.SetGrid(); hframe.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Predicted Current [\\muA]"); hframe.SetMinimum(0); hframe.SetMaximum(100); hframe.DrawCopy(); TCanvas c3; c3.SetFillColor(kWhite); c3.SetBorderMode(0); c3.SetFrameBorderMode(0); c3.SetLeftMargin(0.085); c3.SetRightMargin(0.01); c3.SetTopMargin(0.03); c3.SetGrid(); c3.SetLogy(); hframe.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Estimated relative threshold"); hframe.SetMinimum(0.9); hframe.SetMaximum(180); hframe.DrawCopy(); TCanvas c4; c4.SetFillColor(kWhite); c4.SetBorderMode(0); c4.SetFrameBorderMode(0); c4.SetLeftMargin(0.085); c4.SetRightMargin(0.01); c4.SetTopMargin(0.03); c4.SetGrid(); hframe.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Distance to moon [deg]"); hframe.SetMinimum(0); hframe.SetMaximum(180); hframe.DrawCopy(); Int_t color[] = { kBlack, kRed, kBlue, kGreen, kCyan, kMagenta }; Int_t style[] = { kSolid, kDashed, kDotted }; TLegend leg(0, 0, 1, 1); // ------------- Loop over sources --------------------- Int_t cnt=0; for (vector::const_iterator v=res.begin(); vjd1) continue; // get local position of source const HrzPosn hrz = GetHrzFromEqu(pos, jd+h); // Get moon properties and const EquPosn moon = fMoonCoords[i].first; const double disk = fMoonCoords[i].second; const HrzPosn hrzm = GetHrzFromEqu(moon, jd+h); if (v==res.begin()) cout << Time(jd+h) <<" " << 90-hrzm.alt << endl; // Distance between source and moon const double angle = GetAngularSeparation(moon, pos); // Distance between earth and moon relative to major semi-axis const double dist = GetLunarEarthDist(jd+h)/384400; // Current prediction const double calt = sin(hrzm.alt*M_PI/180); const double cang = 1-sin(angle*M_PI/180); //const double lc = cang==0 ? -1 : calt*pow(disk, 2.2)*pow(dist, -2); //const double cur = lc>0 ? 4+103*lc : 4; const double lc = sqrt(calt)*pow(disk, 2.3)*pow(cang+1, 1)*pow(dist, -2); const double cur = lc>0 ? 7.2 + 69*lc : 7.2; // Relative energy threshold prediction //const double cs = cos((90+hrz.alt)*M_PI/180); //const double ratio = (10.*sqrt(409600.*cs*cs+9009.) + 6400.*cs - 60.)/10.; const double ratio = pow(cos((90-hrz.alt)*M_PI/180), -2.664); // Add points to curve const double axis = (mjd+h)*24*3600; // If there is a gap of more than one bin, start a new curve CheckForGap(c1, g1, axis); CheckForGap(c1, gm, axis); CheckForGap(c2, g2, axis); CheckForGap(c3, g3, axis); CheckForGap(c4, g4, axis); // Add data if (no_limits || cur