#include #include "Dim.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Shell.h" #include "StateMachineDim.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include "Console.h" #include "externals/PixelMap.h" #include "tools.h" #include "LocalControl.h" #include "HeadersFTM.h" #include "HeadersDrive.h" #include "HeadersRateScan.h" #include "HeadersRateControl.h" namespace ba = boost::asio; namespace bs = boost::system; namespace dummy = ba::placeholders; using namespace std; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "DimDescriptionService.h" #include "DimState.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class StateMachineRateControl : public StateMachineDim//, public DimInfoHandler { private: struct config { uint16_t fCalibrationType; uint16_t fTargetRate; uint16_t fMinThreshold; uint16_t fAverageTime; uint16_t fRequiredEvents; }; map fRunTypes; PixelMap fMap; bool fPhysTriggerEnabled; bool fTriggerOn; vector fBlock; DimVersion fDim; DimDescribedState fDimFTM; DimDescribedState fDimRS; DimDescribedState fDimDrive; DimDescribedService fDimThreshold; float fTargetRate; float fTriggerRate; uint16_t fThresholdMin; uint16_t fThresholdReference; uint16_t fAverageTime; uint16_t fRequiredEvents; list> fCurrentsMed; list> fCurrentsDev; list>> fCurrentsVec; bool fVerbose; bool fCalibrateByCurrent; uint64_t fCounter; Time fCalibrationTimeStart; bool CheckEventSize(const EventImp &evt, size_t size) { if (size_t(evt.GetSize())==size) return true; if (evt.GetSize()==0) return false; ostringstream msg; msg << evt.GetName() << " - Received event has " << evt.GetSize() << " bytes, but expected " << size << "."; Fatal(msg); return false; } vector fThresholds; void PrintThresholds(const FTM::DimStaticData &sdata) { if (!fVerbose) return; if (fThresholds.empty()) return; if (GetCurrentState()<=RateControl::State::kConnected) return; Out() << "Min. DAC=" << fThresholdMin << endl; for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { const int p = i + k*4 + j*16; if (fThresholds[p]!=fThresholdMin) Out() << setw(3) << fThresholds[p]; else Out() << " - "; if (fThresholds[p]!=sdata.fThreshold[p]) Out() << "!"; else Out() << " "; } Out() << " "; } Out() << endl; } Out() << endl; } // RETUNR VALUE bool Step(int idx, float step) { uint32_t diff = fThresholds[idx]+int16_t(truncf(step)); if (diff0xffff) diff = 0xffff; if (diff==fThresholds[idx]) return false; if (fVerbose) { Out() << "Apply: Patch " << setw(3) << idx << " [" << idx/40 << "|" << (idx/4)%10 << "|" << idx%4 << "]"; Out() << (step>0 ? " += " : " -= "); Out() << fabs(step) << " (old=" << fThresholds[idx] << ", new=" << diff << ")" << endl; } fThresholds[idx] = diff; fBlock[idx/4] = true; return true; } void ProcessPatches(const FTM::DimTriggerRates &sdata) { // Caluclate Median and deviation vector medb(sdata.fBoardRate, sdata.fBoardRate+40); vector medp(sdata.fPatchRate, sdata.fPatchRate+160); sort(medb.begin(), medb.end()); sort(medp.begin(), medp.end()); vector devb(40); for (int i=0; i<40; i++) devb[i] = fabs(sdata.fBoardRate[i]-medb[i]); vector devp(160); for (int i=0; i<160; i++) devp[i] = fabs(sdata.fPatchRate[i]-medp[i]); sort(devb.begin(), devb.end()); sort(devp.begin(), devp.end()); const double mb = (medb[19]+medb[20])/2; const double mp = (medp[79]+medp[80])/2; const double db = devb[27]; const double dp = devp[109]; // If any is zero there is something wrong if (mb==0 || mp==0 || db==0 || dp==0) return; if (fVerbose) Out() << Tools::Form("Boards: Med=%3.1f +- %3.1f Hz Patches: Med=%3.1f +- %3.1f Hz", mb, db, mp, dp) << endl; bool changed = false; for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { if (fBlock[i]) { fBlock[i] = false; continue; } int maxi = -1; const float dif = fabs(sdata.fBoardRate[i]-mb)/db; if (dif>3) { if (fVerbose) Out() << "Board " << setw(3) << i << ": " << dif << " dev away from med" << endl; float max = sdata.fPatchRate[i*4]; maxi = 0; for (int j=1; j<4; j++) if (sdata.fPatchRate[i*4+j]>max) { max = sdata.fPatchRate[i*4+j]; maxi = j; } } for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { // For the noise pixel correct down to median+3*deviation if (maxi==j) { // This is the step which has to be performed to go from // a NSB rate of sdata.fPatchRate[i*4+j] const float step = (log10(sdata.fPatchRate[i*4+j])-log10(mp+3.5*dp))/0.039; // * (dif-5)/dif changed |= Step(i*4+j, step); continue; } // For pixels below the median correct also back to median+3*deviation if (sdata.fPatchRate[i*4+j] medb(sdata.fBoardRate, sdata.fBoardRate+40); sort(medb.begin(), medb.end()); vector devb(40); for (int i=0; i<40; i++) devb[i] = fabs(sdata.fBoardRate[i]-medb[i]); sort(devb.begin(), devb.end()); double mb = (medb[19]+medb[20])/2; double db = devb[27]; // If any is zero there is something wrong if (mb==0 || db==0) { Warn("The median or the deviation of all board rates is zero... cannot calibrate."); return GetCurrentState(); } double avg = 0; int num = 0; for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { if ( fabs(sdata.fBoardRate[i]-mb)<2.5*db) { avg += sdata.fBoardRate[i]; num++; } } fTriggerRate = avg/num * 40; if (fVerbose) { Out() << "Board: Median=" << mb << " Dev=" << db << endl; Out() << "Camera: " << fTriggerRate << " (" << sdata.fTriggerRate << ", n=" << num << ")" << endl; Out() << "Target: " << fTargetRate << endl; } if (sdata.fTriggerRate0 && avg0 && fTriggerRate0 ? " += " : " -= "); Out() << step << " (" << diff << ")" << endl; } const uint32_t val[2] = { uint32_t(-1), diff }; Dim::SendCommandNB("FTM_CONTROL/SET_THRESHOLD", val); fThresholdMin = diff; return GetCurrentState(); } int HandleStaticData(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt, sizeof(FTM::DimStaticData))) return GetCurrentState(); const FTM::DimStaticData &sdata = *static_cast(evt.GetData()); fPhysTriggerEnabled = sdata.HasTrigger(); fTriggerOn = (evt.GetQoS()&FTM::kFtmStates)==FTM::kFtmRunning; Out() << "\n" << evt.GetTime() << ": " << (bool)fTriggerOn << " " << (bool)fPhysTriggerEnabled << endl; PrintThresholds(sdata); if (GetCurrentState()==RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold && fCalibrateByCurrent) { if (fThresholds.empty()) return RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold; if (!std::equal(sdata.fThreshold, sdata.fThreshold+160, fThresholds.begin())) return RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold; return RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet; } fThresholds.assign(sdata.fThreshold, sdata.fThreshold+160); return GetCurrentState(); } int HandleTriggerRates(const EventImp &evt) { fTriggerOn = (evt.GetQoS()&FTM::kFtmStates)==FTM::kFtmRunning; if (fThresholds.empty()) return GetCurrentState(); if (GetCurrentState()<=RateControl::State::kConnected || GetCurrentState()==RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet) return GetCurrentState(); if (!CheckEventSize(evt, sizeof(FTM::DimTriggerRates))) return GetCurrentState(); const FTM::DimTriggerRates &sdata = *static_cast(evt.GetData()); if (GetCurrentState()==RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold && !fCalibrateByCurrent) return ProcessCamera(sdata); if (GetCurrentState()==RateControl::State::kInProgress) ProcessPatches(sdata); return GetCurrentState(); } int HandleCalibratedCurrents(const EventImp &evt) { // Check if received event is valid if (!CheckEventSize(evt, (2*416+8)*4)) return GetCurrentState(); // Record only currents when the drive is tracking to avoid // bias from the movement if (fDimDrive.state()(416*4+4+4); const float dev = evt.Get(416*4+4+4+4); const float *cur = evt.Ptr(); // Keep all median currents of the past 10 seconds fCurrentsMed.emplace_back(time, med); fCurrentsDev.emplace_back(time, dev); fCurrentsVec.emplace_back(time, vector(cur, cur+320)); while (!fCurrentsMed.empty()) { if (time-fCurrentsMed.front().firstsecond; rms += it->second*it->second; } avg /= fCurrentsMed.size(); rms /= fCurrentsMed.size(); rms -= avg*avg; rms = rms<0 ? 0 : sqrt(rms); double avg_dev = 0; for (auto it=fCurrentsDev.begin(); it!=fCurrentsDev.end(); it++) avg_dev += it->second; avg_dev /= fCurrentsMed.size(); // One could recalculate the median of all pixels including the // correction for the three crazy pixels, but that is three out // of 320. The effect on the median should be negligible anyhow. vector vec(160); for (auto it=fCurrentsVec.begin(); it!=fCurrentsVec.end(); it++) for (int i=0; i<320; i++) { const PixelMapEntry &hv = fMap.hv(i); if (hv) vec[hv.hw()/9] += it->second[i]*hv.count(); } //fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(36.0833*pow(avg, 0.638393)+184.037), fThresholdReference); //fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(42.4*pow(avg, 0.642)+182), fThresholdReference); //fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(41.6*pow(avg+1, 0.642)+175), fThresholdReference); //fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(42.3*pow(avg, 0.655)+190), fThresholdReference); //fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(46.6*pow(avg, 0.627)+187), fThresholdReference); fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(156.3*pow(avg, 0.3925)+1), fThresholdReference); //fThresholdMin = max(uint16_t(41.6*pow(avg, 0.642)+175), fThresholdReference); fThresholds.assign(160, fThresholdMin); int counter = 1; double avg2 = 0; for (int i=0; i<160; i++) { vec[i] /= fCurrentsVec.size()*9; avg2 += vec[i]; if (vec[i]>avg+3.5*avg_dev) { fThresholds[i] = max(uint16_t(40.5*pow(vec[i], 0.642)+164), fThresholdMin); counter++; } } avg2 /= 160; Dim::SendCommandNB("FTM_CONTROL/SET_ALL_THRESHOLDS", fThresholds); const RateControl::DimThreshold data = { fThresholdMin, fCalibrationTimeStart.Mjd(), Time().Mjd() }; fDimThreshold.setQuality(2); fDimThreshold.Update(data); //Info("Sent a total of "+to_string(counter)+" commands for threshold setting"); ostringstream out; out << setprecision(3); out << "Measured average current " << avg << "uA +- " << rms << "uA [N=" << fCurrentsMed.size() << "]... mininum threshold set to " << fThresholdMin; Info(out); Info("Set "+to_string(counter)+" individual thresholds."); fTriggerOn = false; fPhysTriggerEnabled = false; return RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold; } int Calibrate() { if (!fPhysTriggerEnabled) { Info("Physics trigger not enabled... CALIBRATE command ignored."); fTriggerOn = false; fPhysTriggerEnabled = false; return RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet; } const int32_t val[2] = { -1, fThresholdReference }; Dim::SendCommandNB("FTM_CONTROL/SET_THRESHOLD", val); fThresholds.assign(160, fThresholdReference); fThresholdMin = fThresholdReference; fTriggerRate = -1; fCounter = 0; fBlock.assign(160, false); fCalibrateByCurrent = false; fCalibrationTimeStart = Time(); ostringstream out; out << "Rate calibration started at a threshold of " << fThresholdReference << " with a target rate of " << fTargetRate << " Hz"; Info(out); return RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold; } int CalibrateByCurrent() { if (!fPhysTriggerEnabled) { Info("Physics trigger not enabled... CALIBRATE command ignored."); fTriggerOn = false; fPhysTriggerEnabled = false; return RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet; } if (fDimDrive.state()second; switch (conf.fCalibrationType) { case 0: Info("No calibration requested."); fTriggerOn = false; fPhysTriggerEnabled = false; return RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet; break; case 1: fThresholdReference = conf.fMinThreshold; fTargetRate = conf.fTargetRate; return Calibrate(); case 2: fThresholdReference = conf.fMinThreshold; fAverageTime = conf.fAverageTime; fRequiredEvents = conf.fRequiredEvents; return CalibrateByCurrent(); } Error("CalibrateRun - Calibration type "+to_string(conf.fCalibrationType)+" unknown."); return GetCurrentState(); } int StopRC() { Info("Stop received."); return RateControl::State::kConnected; } int SetMinThreshold(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt, 4)) return kSM_FatalError; // FIXME: Check missing fThresholdReference = evt.GetUShort(); return GetCurrentState(); } int SetTargetRate(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt, 4)) return kSM_FatalError; fTargetRate = evt.GetFloat(); return GetCurrentState(); } int Print() const { Out() << fDim << endl; Out() << fDimFTM << endl; Out() << fDimRS << endl; Out() << fDimDrive << endl; return GetCurrentState(); } int SetVerbosity(const EventImp &evt) { if (!CheckEventSize(evt, 1)) return kSM_FatalError; fVerbose = evt.GetBool(); return GetCurrentState(); } int Execute() { if (!fDim.online()) return RateControl::State::kDimNetworkNA; // All subsystems are not connected if (fDimFTM.state()=RateScan::State::kConfiguring) return RateControl::State::kConnected; switch (GetCurrentState()) { case RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold: return RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold; case RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet: // Wait for the trigger to get switched on before starting control loop if (fTriggerOn && fPhysTriggerEnabled) return RateControl::State::kInProgress; return RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet; case RateControl::State::kInProgress: // Go back to connected when the trigger has been switched off if (!fTriggerOn || !fPhysTriggerEnabled) return RateControl::State::kConnected; return RateControl::State::kInProgress; } return RateControl::State::kConnected; } public: StateMachineRateControl(ostream &out=cout) : StateMachineDim(out, "RATE_CONTROL"), fPhysTriggerEnabled(false), fTriggerOn(false), fBlock(40), fDimFTM("FTM_CONTROL"), fDimRS("RATE_SCAN"), fDimDrive("DRIVE_CONTROL"), fDimThreshold("RATE_CONTROL/THRESHOLD", "S:1;D:1;D:1", "Resulting threshold after calibration" "|threshold[dac]:Resulting threshold from calibration" "|begin[mjd]:Start time of calibration" "|end[mjd]:End time of calibration") { // ba::io_service::work is a kind of keep_alive for the loop. // It prevents the io_service to go to stopped state, which // would prevent any consecutive calls to run() // or poll() to do nothing. reset() could also revoke to the // previous state but this might introduce some overhead of // deletion and creation of threads and more. fDim.Subscribe(*this); fDimFTM.Subscribe(*this); fDimRS.Subscribe(*this); fDimDrive.Subscribe(*this); Subscribe("FTM_CONTROL/TRIGGER_RATES") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::HandleTriggerRates, this, placeholders::_1)); Subscribe("FTM_CONTROL/STATIC_DATA") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::HandleStaticData, this, placeholders::_1)); Subscribe("FEEDBACK/CALIBRATED_CURRENTS") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::HandleCalibratedCurrents, this, placeholders::_1)); // State names AddStateName(RateControl::State::kDimNetworkNA, "DimNetworkNotAvailable", "The Dim DNS is not reachable."); AddStateName(RateControl::State::kDisconnected, "Disconnected", "The Dim DNS is reachable, but the required subsystems are not available."); AddStateName(RateControl::State::kConnected, "Connected", "All needed subsystems are connected to their hardware, no action is performed."); AddStateName(RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold, "Calibrating", "A global minimum thrshold is currently determined."); AddStateName(RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet, "GlobalThresholdSet", "A global threshold has ben set, waiting for the trigger to be switched on."); AddStateName(RateControl::State::kInProgress, "InProgress", "Rate control in progress."); AddEvent("CALIBRATE") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::Calibrate, this)) ("Start a search for a reasonable minimum global threshold"); AddEvent("CALIBRATE_BY_CURRENT") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::CalibrateByCurrent, this)) ("Set the global threshold from the median current"); AddEvent("CALIBRATE_RUN", "C") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::CalibrateRun, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Start a threshold calibration as defined in the setup for this run-type, state change to InProgress is delayed until trigger enabled"); AddEvent("STOP", RateControl::State::kSettingGlobalThreshold, RateControl::State::kGlobalThresholdSet, RateControl::State::kInProgress) (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::StopRC, this)) ("Stop a calibration or ratescan in progress"); AddEvent("SET_MIN_THRESHOLD", "I:1") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::SetMinThreshold, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Set a minimum threshold at which th rate control starts calibrating"); AddEvent("SET_TARGET_RATE", "F:1") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::SetTargetRate, this, placeholders::_1)) ("Set a target trigger rate for the calibration"); AddEvent("PRINT") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::Print, this)) ("Print current status"); AddEvent("SET_VERBOSE", "B") (bind(&StateMachineRateControl::SetVerbosity, this, placeholders::_1)) ("set verbosity state" "|verbosity[bool]:disable or enable verbosity for received data (yes/no), except dynamic data"); } bool GetConfig(Configuration &conf, const string &name, const string &sub, uint16_t &rc) { if (conf.HasDef(name, sub)) { rc = conf.GetDef(name, sub); return true; } Error("Neither "+name+"default nor "+name+sub+" found."); return false; } int EvalOptions(Configuration &conf) { fVerbose = !conf.Get("quiet"); if (!fMap.Read(conf.Get("pixel-map-file"))) { Error("Reading mapping table from "+conf.Get("pixel-map-file")+" failed."); return 1; } fThresholdReference = 300; fThresholdMin = 300; fTargetRate = 75; fAverageTime = 10; fRequiredEvents = 8; // ---------- Setup run types --------- const vector types = conf.Vec("run-type"); if (types.empty()) Warn("No run-types defined."); else Message("Defining run-types"); for (auto it=types.begin(); it!=types.end(); it++) { Message(" -> "+ *it); if (fRunTypes.count(*it)>0) { Error("Run-type "+*it+" defined twice."); return 1; } config &c = fRunTypes[*it]; if (!GetConfig(conf, "calibration-type.", *it, c.fCalibrationType) || !GetConfig(conf, "target-rate.", *it, c.fTargetRate) || !GetConfig(conf, "min-threshold.", *it, c.fMinThreshold) || !GetConfig(conf, "average-time.", *it, c.fAverageTime) || !GetConfig(conf, "required-events.", *it, c.fRequiredEvents)) return 2; } return -1; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Main.h" template int RunShell(Configuration &conf) { return Main::execute(conf); } void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { po::options_description control("Rate control options"); control.add_options() ("quiet,q", po_bool(), "Disable printing more informations during rate control.") ("pixel-map-file", var()->required(), "Pixel mapping file. Used here to get the default reference voltage.") //("max-wait", var(150), "The maximum number of seconds to wait to get the anticipated resolution for a point.") // ("resolution", var(0.05) , "The minimum resolution required for a single data point.") ; conf.AddOptions(control); po::options_description runtype("Run type configuration"); runtype.add_options() ("run-type", vars(), "Name of run-types (replace the * in the following configuration by the case-sensitive names defined here)") ("calibration-type.*", var(), "Calibration type (0: none, 1: by rate, 2: by current)") ("target-rate.*", var(), "Target rate for calibration by rate") ("min-threshold.*", var(), "Minimum threshold which can be applied in a calibration") ("average-time.*", var(), "Time in seconds to average the currents for a calibration by current.") ("required-events.*", var(), "Number of required current events to start a calibration by current."); ; conf.AddOptions(runtype); } /* Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS. Translators: "Usage" and "or" here are patterns (regular expressions) which are used to match the usage synopsis in program output. An example from cp (GNU coreutils) which contains both strings: Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST or: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY or: cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... */ void PrintUsage() { cout << "The ratecontrol program is a keep the rate reasonable low.\n" "\n" "Usage: ratecontrol [-c type] [OPTIONS]\n" " or: ratecontrol [OPTIONS]\n"; cout << endl; } void PrintHelp() { Main::PrintHelp(); /* Additional help text which is printed after the configuration options goes here */ /* cout << "bla bla bla" << endl << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Environment:" << endl; cout << "environment" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Examples:" << endl; cout << "test exam" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Files:" << endl; cout << "files" << endl; cout << endl; */ } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); Main::SetupConfiguration(conf); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp)) return 127; if (!conf.Has("console")) return RunShell(conf); if (conf.Get("console")==0) return RunShell(conf); else return RunShell(conf); return 0; }