#include "Database.h" #include #include #include #include #include "tools.h" #include "Time.h" #include "Splitting.h" #include "FileEntry.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { po::options_description control("Database options"); control.add_options() ("uri,u", var()->required(), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[?compress=0|1].") ("query,q", var(""), "MySQL query (overwrites --file)") ("file", var("rootify.sql"), "An ASCII file with the MySQL query (overwrites --query)") ("ignore-null,i", po_switch(), "Do not skip rows containing any NULL field") ("display,d", po_switch(), "Displays contents on the screen (most usefull in combination with mysql statements as SHOW or EXPLAIN)") ("explain", po_switch(), "Requests an EXPLAIN from the server (shows the server optimized query)\nsee also https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/explain-output.html") ("profiling", po_switch(), "Turn on profiling and print profile") ("var.*", var(), "Predefined SQL user variables (@VAR)") ("env.*", vars(), "Predefined environment for substitutions in the query ($ENV)") ("list.*", var(), "Predefined environment for substitutions in the query ($ENV). The list is read from the given file (one list entry per line)") ("print-connection", po_switch(), "Print database connection information") ("verbose,v", var(1), "Verbosity (0: quiet, 1: default, 2: more, 3, ...)") ; po::options_description ascii("ASCII output"); ascii.add_options() ("write,w", var(""), "Write output to an ascii file") ("delimiter", var(), "The delimiter used if contents are displayed with --display (default=\\t)") ("copy-shabang", po_switch(), "Copy the sha-bang line if exists to the output file") ("copy-header", po_switch(), "Copy the header (all line starting with '#' up to the first non-comment line to the output file") ("copy-query", po_switch(), "Copy the query to the ascii output file") ("copy-comments", po_switch(), "Copy all lines starting with '#' to the output file which are not part of header") ("copy-all", po_switch(), "An alias for --copy-header --copy-query --copy-comments") ; po::options_description root("Root file options"); root.add_options() ("out,o", var("rootify.root"), "Output root file name") ("force,f", po_switch(), "Force overwriting an existing root file ('RECREATE')") ("update", po_switch(), "Update an existing root file with the new tree ('UPDATE')") ("compression,c", var(1), "zlib compression level for the root file") ("tree,t", var("Result"), "Name of the root tree") ("accurate", po_switch(), "Accurate type conversion, otherwise all branches are creates as double which is often more convenient.") ("ignore", vars(), "Ignore the given columns") ("null,n", po_switch(), "Redirect the root output file to /dev/null (mainly for debugging purposes, e.g. performance studies)") ("no-fill", po_switch(), "Do not fill events into the root file (mainly for debugging purposes, e.g. performance studies)") ; po::positional_options_description p; p.add("file", 1); // The 1st positional options (n=1) p.add("out", 1); // The 2nd positional options (n=1) conf.AddOptions(control); conf.AddOptions(ascii); conf.AddOptions(root); conf.AddOptions(Tools::Splitting::options()); conf.SetArgumentPositions(p); } void PrintUsage() { cout << "rootifysql - Converts the result of a mysql query into a root file\n" "\n" "For convenience, this documentation uses the extended version of the options, " "refer to the output below to get the abbreviations.\n" "\n" "Writes the result of a mysql query into a root file. For each column, a branch is " "created of type double with the field name as name. This is usually the column name " "if not specified otherwise by the AS mysql directive.\n" "\n" "Columns with CHAR or VARCHAR as field type are ignored. DATETIME, DATE and TIME " "columns are converted to unix time (time_t). Rows containing any file which is " "NULL are skipped if not suppressed by the --ignore-null option. Ideally, the query " "is compiled in a way that no NULL field is returned. With the --display option the " "result of the request is printed on the screen (NULL skipping still in action). " "This can be useful to create an ascii file or to show results as 'SHOW DATABASES' " "or 'EXPLAIN table'. To redirect the contents into an ascii file, the option -v0 " "is useful. To suppress writing to an output file --null can be used.\n" "\n" "The default is to read the query from a file called rootify.sql. Except if a different " "filename is specified by the --file option or a query is given with --query.\n" "\n" "As a trick, the rootify.sql file can be made excutable (chmod u+x rootify.sql). " "If the first line contains '#!rootifysql', the script can be executed directly.\n" "\n" "Columns whose name start with @ are skipped. If you want them in your output file " "give them a name using AS, e.g. 'SELECT @A:=5 AS A'.\n" "\n" "You can use variables in your sql query like @MyVar and define them on the " "command line. In this example with --var.MyVar=5\n" "\n" "You can use environment definitions for substitutions in your SQL query. " "For example --env.TEST=5 would replace $TEST or ${TEST} in your query by 5." "If you specify one environment variable more than once, a list is created. " "For example --env.TEST=1 --env.TEST=2 --env.TEST=3 would substitute " "$TEST or ${TEST} by '1, 2, 3'. This is useful for the SQL `IN` keyword. " "You can also read the values for an enviroment substitution from a file " "(one element per line), e.g. --env.TEST=file.txt. Empty lines and lines " "starting with a # are skipped.\n" "\n" "Comments in the query-file can be placed according to the SQL standard inline " "/*comment*/ or introduced with # (shell script style) or -- (SQL style).\n" "\n" << Tools::Splitting::usage() << "\n" "In case of success, 0 is returned, a value>0 otherwise.\n" "\n" "Usage: rootifysql [rootify.sql [rootify.root]] [-u URI] [-q query|-f file] [-i] [-o out] [-f] [-cN] [-t tree] [-vN]\n" "\n" ; cout << endl; } struct ExplainParser { string sql; vector vec; string substitute(string _str, const boost::regex &expr) { boost::smatch match; while (boost::regex_search(_str, match, expr, boost::regex_constants::format_first_only)) { const auto &len = match.length(); const auto &pos = match.position(); const auto &str = match.str(); const auto it = find(vec.cbegin(), vec.cend(), str); const size_t id = it==vec.cend() ? vec.size() : it-vec.cbegin(); _str.replace(pos, len, "{"+to_string(id)+"}"); if (it==vec.cend()) vec.push_back(str);//.substr(1, str.size()-2)); } return _str; } string substitute(const string &str, const string &expr) { return substitute(str, boost::regex(expr)); } vector queries; string resub(string str) { // search for "KEYWORD expression" boost::regex reg("\\{[0-9]+\\}"); boost::smatch match; while (boost::regex_search(str, match, reg, boost::regex_constants::format_first_only)) { const auto &len = match.length(); const auto &pos = match.position(); const auto &arg = match.str(); // Argument const auto idx = atoi(arg.c_str()+1); str.replace(pos, len, resub(vec[idx])); } return str; } void expression(string expr, size_t indent=0) { if (expr[0]=='{') { const auto idx = atoi(expr.c_str()+1); // This is a subquery if (vec[idx].substr(0,3)=="(/*") { cout << setw(indent) << ' ' << "(\n"; find_tokens(vec[idx], indent+4); cout << setw(indent) << ' ' << ") "; } else // This is just something to substitute back if (vec[idx].substr(0,2)=="({") { cout << setw(indent) << ' ' << "(" << resub(vec[idx]) << ") "; } else { if (indent>0) cout << setw(indent) << ' '; cout << resub(vec[idx]); } } else { if (indent>0) cout << setw(indent) << ' '; cout << resub(expr); } } void find_tokens(string str, size_t indent=0) { // ( COMMENT )?( TOKEN )?(( {NNN} | NNN )( AS|ON ( {NNN}) ))?(,)?) //regex reg("(\\/\\*\\ select\\#[0-9]+\\ \\*\\/\\ *)?([a-zA-Z ]+)?((\\{[0-9]+\\}|[0-9]+)(\\ ?([Aa][Ss]|[Oo][Nn])\\ ?(\\{[0-9]+\\}))?(,)?)"); const string _com = "\\/\\*\\ select\\#[0-9]+\\ \\*\\/\\ *"; const string _tok = "[a-zA-Z_ ]+"; const string _nnn = "\\{[0-9]+\\}|[0-9]+"; const string _as = "\\ ?([Aa][Ss])\\ ?"; // ( _nnn ) ( _as ( _nnn ))?(,)? // can also match noting in between two {NNN} const string _exp = "("+_nnn+")" + "("+_as+"("+_nnn+"))?(,)?"; // Matche: ( _com )? ( ( _tok )? ( _exp ) | ( _tok ) ) boost::regex reg("("+_com+")?" + "(" + "("+_tok+")?"+"("+_exp+")" + "|" + "("+_tok+")" + ")"); boost::smatch match; while (boost::regex_search(str, match, reg, boost::regex_constants::format_first_only)) { const auto &com = match.str(1); // comment const auto &tok1 = Tools::Trim(match.str(3)); // token with expression const auto &arg1 = match.str(5); // argument 1 const auto &as = match.str(7); // as const auto &arg2 = match.str(8); // argument 2 const auto &comma = match.str(9); // comma const auto &tok2 = Tools::Trim(match.str(10)); // token without expression if (!com.empty()) cout << setw(indent) << ' ' << "\033[34m" << com << "\033[0m" << '\n'; if (!tok1.empty()) cout << setw(indent) << ' ' << "\033[32m" << tok1 << "\033[0m" << '\n'; if (!tok2.empty()) cout << setw(indent) << ' ' << "\033[32m" << tok2 << "\033[0m" << '\n'; if (!arg1.empty()) { expression(arg1, indent+4); if (!as.empty()) cout << " \033[33m" << as << "\033[0m "; if (!arg2.empty()) expression(arg2); if (!comma.empty()) cout << ','; cout << '\n'; } str = str.substr(match.position()+match.length()); } } ExplainParser(const string &_sql) : sql(_sql) { // substitute all strings sql = substitute(sql, "'[^']*'"); // substitute all escaped sequences (`something`.`something-else`) sql = substitute(sql, "`[^`]*`(\\.`[^`]*`)*"); // substitute all paranthesis sql = substitute(sql, "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\([^\\(\\)]*\\)"); //cout << sql << "\n\n"; find_tokens(sql); cout << endl; } }; // Remove queries... void format(string sql) { ExplainParser p(sql); /* SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW ] [HIGH_PRIORITY] [STRAIGHT_JOIN] [SQL_SMALL_RESULT] [SQL_BIG_RESULT] [SQL_BUFFER_RESULT] [SQL_CACHE | SQL_NO_CACHE] [SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS] select_expr [, select_expr ...] [FROM table_references [PARTITION partition_list] [WHERE where_condition] [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}, ... [WITH ROLLUP]] [HAVING where_condition] [WINDOW window_name AS (window_spec) [, window_name AS (window_spec)] ...] [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position} [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]] [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}] [INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' [CHARACTER SET charset_name] export_options | INTO DUMPFILE 'file_name' | INTO var_name [, var_name]] [FOR {UPDATE | SHARE} [OF tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...] [NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED] | LOCK IN SHARE MODE]] */ /* table_references: escaped_table_reference [, escaped_table_reference] ... escaped_table_reference: table_reference | { OJ table_reference } table_reference: table_factor | join_table table_factor: tbl_name [PARTITION (partition_names)] [[AS] alias] [index_hint_list] | table_subquery [AS] alias [(col_list)] | ( table_references ) join_table: table_reference [INNER | CROSS] JOIN table_factor [join_condition] | table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_factor | table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_factor ON conditional_expr | table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT} [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition | table_reference NATURAL [INNER | {LEFT|RIGHT} [OUTER]] JOIN table_factor join_condition: ON conditional_expr | USING (column_list) index_hint_list: index_hint [, index_hint] ... index_hint: USE {INDEX|KEY} [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] ([index_list]) | IGNORE {INDEX|KEY} [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] (index_list) | FORCE {INDEX|KEY} [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] (index_list) index_list: index_name [, index_name] ... */ } int finish(Database &connection, const uint16_t &verbose, const bool &profiling, const bool &print_connection) { if (verbose>0) { try { const auto resw = connection.query("SHOW WARNINGS").store(); if (resw.num_rows()>0) cout << "\n" << resw.num_rows() << " Warning(s) issued:\n\n"; for (size_t i=0; i0) cout << "Success!\n" << endl; return 0; } template void Convert(FileEntry::Container &container, const mysqlpp::String &col) { *reinterpret_cast(container.ptr) = static_cast(col); } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { Time start; gROOT->SetBatch(); Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv)) return 127; // ----------------------------- Evaluate options -------------------------- const string uri = conf.Get("uri"); const string out = conf.Get("out"); const string file = conf.Get("file"); const string tree = conf.Get("tree"); const bool force = conf.Get("force"); const bool ignorenull = conf.Get("ignore-null"); const bool update = conf.Get("update"); const bool display = conf.Get("display"); const string write = conf.Get("write"); const bool noout = conf.Get("null"); const bool nofill = conf.Get("no-fill"); const bool explain = conf.Get("explain"); const bool profiling = conf.Get("profiling"); const bool accurate = conf.Get("accurate"); const uint16_t verbose = conf.Get("verbose"); const uint16_t compression = conf.Get("compression"); const string delimiter = conf.Has("delimiter") ? conf.Get("delimiter") : "\t"; const bool copy_all = conf.Get("copy-all"); const bool copy_shabang = conf.Get("copy-shabang"); const bool copy_header = copy_all || conf.Get("copy-header"); const bool copy_query = copy_all || conf.Get("copy-query"); const bool copy_comments = copy_all || conf.Get("copy-comments"); const vector _ignore = conf.Vec("ignore"); const bool print_connection = conf.Get("print-connection"); //const vector mymap = conf.Vec("map"); // ----------------------- Setup splitting --------------------------------- const auto vars = conf.GetWildcardOptions("var.*"); vector variables; for (auto var=vars.cbegin(); var!=vars.cend(); var++) variables.emplace_back('@'+var->substr(4)+":="+Tools::Trim(conf.Get(*var))); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*const*/ Tools::Splitting split(conf); if (verbose>0) { cout << "\n------------------------ Rootify SQL -------------------------" << endl; cout << "Start Time: " << Time::sql << Time(Time::local) << endl; } string query = conf.Get("query"); if (query.empty()) { if (verbose>0) cout << "Reading query from file '" << file << "'." << endl; ifstream fin(file); if (!fin) { cerr << "Could not open query in '" << file << "': " << strerror(errno) << endl; return 4; } getline(fin, query, (char)fin.eof()); } if (query.empty()) { cerr << "No query specified." << endl; return 5; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- map> envs; const auto &envs1 = conf.GetWildcardOptions("env.*"); for (auto env=envs1.cbegin(); env!=envs1.cend(); env++) envs[env->substr(4)] = conf.Vec(*env); const auto &envs2 = conf.GetWildcardOptions("list.*"); for (auto env=envs2.cbegin(); env!=envs2.cend(); env++) { const string fname = conf.Get(*env); const string &ident = env->substr(5); ifstream fin(fname); if (!fin) { cerr << "Could not open environment in '" << fname << "' for ${" << ident << "}: " << strerror(errno) << endl; return 6; } for (string line; getline(fin, line); ) { const auto &l = Tools::Trim(line); if (!l.empty() && l[0]!='#') envs[ident].push_back(line); } if (verbose>0) cout << "Found " << envs[ident].size() << " list element(s) for ${" << ident << "}" << endl; } for (auto env=envs.cbegin(); env!=envs.cend(); env++) { boost::regex rexpr("\\$(\\{"+env->first+"\\}|"+env->first+"\\b)"); query = boost::regex_replace(query, rexpr, boost::join(env->second, ", ")); } // -------------------------- Check for file permssion --------------------- // Strictly speaking, checking for write permission and existance is not necessary, // but it is convenient that the user does not find out that it failed after // waiting long for the query result // // I am using root here instead of boost to be // consistent with the access pattern by TFile TString path(noout?"/dev/null":out.c_str()); gSystem->ExpandPathName(path); if (!noout) { FileStat_t stat; const Int_t exist = !gSystem->GetPathInfo(path, stat); const Bool_t _write = !gSystem->AccessPathName(path, kWritePermission) && R_ISREG(stat.fMode); if ((update && !exist) || (update && exist && !_write) || (force && exist && !_write)) { cerr << "File '" << path << "' is not writable." << endl; return 7; } if (!update && !force && exist) { cerr << "File '" << path << "' already exists." << endl; return 8; } } Time start2; // --------------------------- Connect to database ------------------------------------------------- if (*query.rbegin()!='\n') query += '\n'; if (verbose>0) { cout << "Connecting to database...\n"; cout << "Client Version: " << mysqlpp::Connection().client_version() << endl; } Database connection(uri); // Keep alive while fetching rows if (verbose>0) cout << "Server Version: " << connection.server_version() << endl; if (print_connection) { try { const auto &res1 = connection.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'").store(); cout << "Compression of database connection is " << string(res1[0][1]) << endl; const auto &res2 = connection.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'").store(); cout << "Connection to databases is " << (string(res2[0][1]).empty()?"UNENCRYPTED":"ENCRYPTED ("+string(res2[0][1])+")") << endl; } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << "\nSHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'\n\n"; cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl; return 9; } } try { if (profiling) connection.query("SET PROFILING=1").execute(); } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << "\nSET profiling=1\n\n"; cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl; return 10; } // -------------------------- Set user defined variables ------------------- if (variables.size()>0) { if (verbose>0) cout << "Setting user defined variables..." << endl; const string varset = "SET\n "+boost::algorithm::join(variables, ",\n "); try { connection.query(varset).execute(); } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << '\n' << varset << "\n\n"; cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl; return 11; } if (verbose>2) cout << '\n' << varset << '\n' << endl; } // ------------------------- Explain query if requested -------------------- if (explain) { try { const auto res0 = connection.query("EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON "+query).store(); cout << res0[0][0] << endl; cout << endl; const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res1 = connection.query("EXPLAIN "+query).store(); for (size_t i=0; i0) cout << "Requesting data... please be patient!" << endl; if (verbose>2) cout << '\n' << query << endl; const mysqlpp::UseQueryResult res = connection.query(query).use(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (verbose>0) { cout << "Opening file '" << path << "' [compression=" << compression << "]...\n"; cout << "Writing data to tree '" << tree << "'" << (nofill?" (--skipped--)":"") << endl; split.print(); } // ----------------------------- Open output file -------------------------- TFile tfile(path, update?"UPDATE":(force?"RECREATE":"CREATE"), "Rootify SQL", compression); if (tfile.IsZombie()) return 13; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the first row to get the field description mysqlpp::Row row = res.fetch_row(); if (!row) { cerr << "Empty set returned... nothing to write." << endl; return finish(connection, verbose, profiling, print_connection)+20; } if (verbose>0) cout << "Trying to setup " << row.size() << " branches..." << endl; if (verbose>1) cout << endl; const mysqlpp::FieldNames &l = *row.field_list().list; vector container; UInt_t cols = 0; // IMPLEMENT FILE SPLITTING! // OpenFile(tree, query) // SetupColumns // WriteRow // CloseFile // Ratio[3]: 50%, 20%, 30% // File[x3]: root, cout, fout // -------------------- Configure branches of TTree ------------------------ vector ttree; if (split.empty()) ttree.emplace_back(new TTree(tree.c_str(), query.c_str())); else for (size_t i=0; itype==FileEntry::kVarchar || it->type==FileEntry::kChar)) { skip = true; skipch++; } // Check if there is any user request for skipping a column if (!skip) { for (auto pattern=_ignore.cbegin(); pattern!=_ignore.cend(); pattern++) { if (boost::regex_match(l[i], boost::regex(*pattern))) { skip = true; skipreg++; break; } } } // Skip all columns that start with an @ (variable names) if (!skip && l[i][0]=='@') { skip = true; skipat++; } // Create the 'leaflist'. If no accurate conversion is requested, create doubles for all leaves const string leaflist = l[i] + "/" + (accurate ? it->branch : 'D'); if (verbose>1) cout << (skip?" - ":" + ") << leaflist.c_str() << " [" << t << "] {" << (it==FileEntry::LUT.end()?'-':it->branch) << "}\n"; // Create the container entry (must be emplace_back due to the std::string) if (accurate) container.emplace_back(leaflist, "", it->type); else container.emplace_back(leaflist, it->type); if (skip) continue; // Create corresponding branches in all trees for (auto itree=ttree.begin(); itree!=ttree.end(); itree++) itree[0]->Branch(l[i].c_str(), container[i].ptr, leaflist.c_str()); cols++; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (verbose>1) cout << endl; if (verbose>0) { if (skipno) cout << skipno << " branches skipped because no suitable type available." << endl; if (skipch) cout << skipch << " branches skipped because type is a character string." << endl; if (skipreg) cout << skipreg << " branches skipped due to ignore list." << endl; if (skipat) cout << skipat << " branches skipped due to name starting with @." << endl; cout << "Configured " << cols << " branches.\nFilling branches..." << endl; } // ------------------------- Open the ascii files -------------------------- vector> fout; if (!write.empty()) { vector names; if (split.empty()) names.emplace_back(write); else for (size_t i=0; iis_null()) { skip++; break; } if (accurate) { // Do an accurate type conversion and assign to the memory allocated as branch-address switch (container[idx].type) { case FileEntry::kBool: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kFloat: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kDecimal: case FileEntry::kNumeric: case FileEntry::kDouble: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kUInt64: Convert(container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kInt64: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kUInt32: Convert(container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kInt32: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kUInt16: Convert(container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kInt16: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kUInt8: Convert (container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kInt8: case FileEntry::kDate: *reinterpret_cast(container[idx].ptr) = static_cast(mysqlpp::Date(*col)); break; case FileEntry::kDateTime: *reinterpret_cast(container[idx].ptr) = static_cast(mysqlpp::DateTime(*col)); break; case FileEntry::kTime: *reinterpret_cast(container[idx].ptr) = static_cast(mysqlpp::Time(*col)); break; default: break; } } else { // Convert everything to double, no matter what... and assign to the memory allocated as branch-address switch (container[idx].type) { case FileEntry::kBool: case FileEntry::kFloat: case FileEntry::kDecimal: case FileEntry::kNumeric: case FileEntry::kDouble: case FileEntry::kUInt64: case FileEntry::kInt64: case FileEntry::kUInt32: case FileEntry::kInt32: case FileEntry::kUInt16: case FileEntry::kInt16: case FileEntry::kUInt8: case FileEntry::kInt8: Convert(container[idx], *col); break; case FileEntry::kDate: *reinterpret_cast(container[idx].ptr) = static_cast(mysqlpp::Date(*col)); break; case FileEntry::kDateTime: *reinterpret_cast(container[idx].ptr) = static_cast(mysqlpp::DateTime(*col)); break; case FileEntry::kTime: *reinterpret_cast(container[idx].ptr) = static_cast(mysqlpp::Time(*col)); break; default: break; } } } if (idx==row.size() && !nofill) ttree[index]->Fill(); row = res.fetch_row(); } while (row); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (display) cout << '\n' << endl; if (verbose>0) { cout << count << " rows fetched." << endl; if (skip>0) cout << skip << " rows skipped due to NULL field." << endl; for (size_t i=0; iGetEntries() << " rows filled into tree #" << i << "." << endl; } for (auto it=ttree.begin(); it!=ttree.end(); it++) (*it)->Write(); tfile.Close(); if (verbose>0) { const auto sec = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << Tools::Scientific(tfile.GetSize()) << "B written to disk.\n"; cout << "File closed.\n"; cout << "Execution time: " << sec << "s "; cout << "(" << Tools::Fractional(sec/count) << "s/row)\n"; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; } return finish(connection, verbose, profiling, print_connection); }