1 | #include "Prediction.h"
2 |
3 | #include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
4 |
5 | #include "Database.h"
6 |
7 | #include "HeadersToO.h"
8 | #include "HeadersGCN.h"
9 |
10 | #include "EventImp.h"
11 | #include "LocalControl.h"
12 | #include "StateMachineDim.h"
13 |
14 | #include "Dim.h"
15 | #include "tools.h"
16 | #include "Time.h"
17 | #include "Configuration.h"
18 |
19 | using namespace std;
20 | using namespace Nova;
21 |
22 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
23 |
24 | /*
25 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf);
26 | {
27 | po::options_description control("Makeschedule");
28 | control.add_options()
29 | ("uri", var<string>(), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[?compress=0|1].")
30 | ;
31 |
32 | // po::positional_options_description p;
33 | // p.add("date", 1); // The first positional options
34 |
35 | conf.AddOptions(control);
36 | //conf.SetArgumentPositions(p);
37 | }
38 |
39 | void PrintUsage();
40 | {
41 | cout <<
42 | "makeschedule - Creates an automatic schedule\n"
43 | "\n"
44 | "Usage: makeschedule [yyyy-mm-dd]\n";
45 | cout << endl;
46 | }
47 |
48 | void PrintHelp();
49 | {
50 | cout << endl;
51 | }*/
52 |
53 | struct CheckVisibility
54 | {
55 | // Input
56 | float moon_min = 10;
57 | float moon_max = 170;
58 | float sun_max = -12;
59 | float zd_max = 75;
60 | float current_max = 110;
61 | float threshold_max = 10;
62 |
63 | // Output
64 | Nova::SolarObjects solarobj;
65 | Nova::ZdAzPosn position;
66 | Nova::RstTime vis_sun;
67 | Nova::RstTime vis_obj;
68 |
69 | double moon_dist = -1;
70 | double current = -1;
71 | double threshold = -1;
72 |
73 | bool valid_zd = false;
74 | bool valid_current = false;
75 | bool valid_sun = false;
76 | bool valid_moon = false;
77 | bool valid_threshold = false;
78 |
79 | bool visible = false; // And of all the above except valid_threshold
80 |
81 | void calc(const Nova::EquPosn &equ, const double &jd)
82 | {
83 | solarobj = Nova::SolarObjects(jd);
84 | position = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(equ, jd);
85 | moon_dist = Nova::GetAngularSeparation(equ, solarobj.fMoonEqu);
86 | vis_sun = Nova::GetSolarRst(jd, -12);
87 | vis_obj = Nova::GetObjectRst(equ, jd, zd_max);
88 |
89 | current = FACT::PredictI(solarobj, equ);
90 |
91 | const double ratio = pow(cos(position.zd*M_PI/180), -2.664);
92 |
93 | threshold = position.zd<90 ? ratio*pow(current/6.2, 0.394) : -1;
94 |
95 | valid_moon = moon_dist>moon_min && moon_dist<moon_max;
96 | valid_zd = position.zd<zd_max;
97 | valid_sun = solarobj.fSunHrz.alt<sun_max;
98 | valid_current = current<current_max;
99 | valid_threshold = threshold>0 && threshold<threshold_max;
100 |
101 | visible = valid_moon && valid_zd && valid_sun && valid_current;
102 | }
103 |
104 | CheckVisibility(const Nova::EquPosn &equ, const double &jd)
105 | {
106 | calc(equ, jd);
107 | }
108 |
109 | CheckVisibility(const Nova::EquPosn &equ)
110 | {
111 | calc(equ, Time().JD());
112 | }
113 |
114 | CheckVisibility(const double &ra, const double &dec, const double &jd)
115 | {
116 | Nova::EquPosn equ;
117 | equ.ra = ra;
118 | equ.dec = dec;
119 | calc(equ, jd);
120 | }
121 |
122 | CheckVisibility(const double &ra, const double &dec)
123 | {
124 | Nova::EquPosn equ;
125 | equ.ra = ra;
126 | equ.dec = dec;
127 | calc(equ, Time().JD());
128 | }
129 | };
130 |
131 | /*
132 |
133 | * Visibility check
134 | * Source eintragen
136 | * Schedule eintragen
137 | * Send 'RESCHEDULE' interrupt
138 |
139 | */
140 | /*
141 | int mainx(int argc, const char* argv[])
142 | {
143 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
144 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
145 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
146 |
147 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp))
148 | return 127;
149 |
150 | // ------------------ Eval config ---------------------
151 |
152 | const string uri = conf.Get<string>("schedule-database");
153 |
154 | const uint16_t verbose = 1;
155 | const bool dry_run = true;
156 |
157 | Time stopwatch;
158 |
159 | Database connection(uri); // Keep alive while fetching rows
160 |
161 | cout << Time()-stopwatch << endl;
162 |
163 | if (verbose>0)
164 | cout << "Server Version: " << connection.server_version() << endl;
165 |
166 | const int source_key = 999; // source_key of the source to be scheduled.
167 |
168 | const uint16_t contingency = 0; // The contingency to delete earlier entries from the Table
169 | const uint16_t duration = 300; // The target duration of the ToO
170 | const uint16_t required = 20; // If the ToO would be less than required, skip_it
171 | const uint16_t skip_time = 20; // If following observation would be less than skip_time, skip it
172 |
173 | if (duration<required)
174 | {
175 | cerr << "Requested duration is smaller than required time." << endl;
176 | return 0;
177 | }
178 |
179 | Time day(2019, 1, 24, 17, 0, 0);
180 | Time now(2019, 1, 24, 19, 59, 0);
181 | Time next = day+boost::posix_time::hours(14);
182 | Time restart = now+boost::posix_time::minutes(duration);
183 |
184 | // Safety margin
185 | now -= boost::posix_time::seconds(contingency);
186 |
187 | cout << '\n';
188 | cout << "Contingency: " << contingency << " s\n";
189 | cout << "Start of ToO: " << now.GetAsStr() << '\n';
190 | cout << "End of ToO: " << restart.GetAsStr() << '\n';
191 | cout << "Duration: " << duration << " min\n\n";
192 |
193 | cout << "Schedule:\n";
194 |
195 | const string queryS =
196 | "SELECT *,"
197 | " (fMeasurementTypeKey=4 AND fStart<='"+restart.GetAsStr()+"') AS `Reschedule`,"
198 | " (fStart>'"+restart.GetAsStr()+"') AS `Following`,"
199 | " (fMeasurementTypeKey=4 AND fStart BETWEEN '"+now.GetAsStr()+"' AND '"+restart.GetAsStr()+"') AS `Delete`"
200 | " FROM Schedule"
201 | " WHERE fStart BETWEEN '"+day.GetAsStr()+"' AND '"+next.GetAsStr()+"'"
202 | " AND fMeasurementID=0"
203 | " ORDER BY fStart ASC, fMeasurementID ASC";
204 |
205 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult resS =
206 | connection.query(queryS).store();
207 |
208 | vector<string> list;
209 |
210 | int32_t firstdata = -1;
211 | int32_t reschedule = -1;
212 | int32_t following = -1;
213 | for (size_t i=0; i<resS.num_rows(); i++)
214 | {
215 | const mysqlpp::Row &row = resS[i];
216 |
217 | cout << setw(2) << i << " | ";
218 | cout << row["Reschedule"] << " | ";
219 | cout << row["Following"] << " | ";
220 | cout << row["fScheduleID"] << " | ";
221 | cout << row["fStart"] << " | ";
222 | if (bool(row["Delete"]))
223 | {
224 | cout << " < delete > | ";
225 | list.push_back((string)row["fScheduleID"]);
226 | }
227 | else
228 | cout << row["fLastUpdate"] << " | ";
229 | cout << row["fMeasurementID"] << " | ";
230 | cout << row["fUser"] << " | ";
231 | cout << row["fData"] << " | " << setw(4);
232 | cout << row["fSourceKey"] << " | ";
233 | cout << row["fMeasurementTypeKey"] << '\n';
234 |
235 | if (bool(row["Reschedule"]))
236 | reschedule = i;
237 |
238 | if (following==-1 && bool(row["Following"]))
239 | following = i;
240 |
241 | uint16_t type = row["fMeasurementTypeKey"];
242 | if (firstdata==-1 && type==4)
243 | firstdata = i;
244 | }
245 |
246 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
247 |
248 | if (firstdata==-1)
249 | {
250 | cerr << "No data run found." << endl;
251 | return 0;
252 | }
253 |
254 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
255 |
256 | if (reschedule>=0)
257 | cout << "\nLast data run before restart at " << restart.GetAsStr() << ": idx=" << reschedule << " / ID=" << resS[reschedule]["fScheduleID"] << "\n";
258 |
259 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
260 |
261 | const Time first((string)resS[firstdata]["fStart"]); // First data run of the night
262 | const Time last( (string)resS[resS.num_rows()-1]["fStart"]); // Last scheduled observation of the night
263 |
264 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
265 |
266 | if (restart<=first)
267 | {
268 | cout << "ToO ends before first data taking... skipped." << endl;
269 | return 0;
270 | }
271 | if (now>=last)
272 | {
273 | cout << "ToO starts after data taking... skipped." << endl;
274 | return 0;
275 | }
276 |
277 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
278 |
279 | if (now<first)
280 | {
281 | cout << "ToO starts before first data taking... rescheduling start time." << endl;
282 | now = first;
283 | }
284 | if (restart>last)
285 | {
286 | cout << "ToO ends after data taking... rescheduling end time!" << endl;
287 | restart = last;
288 | }
289 |
290 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
291 |
292 | if (restart<now+boost::posix_time::minutes(required))
293 | {
294 | cout << "Can not schedule more than " << required << "minutes... skipped." << endl;
295 | return 0;
296 | }
297 |
298 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
299 |
300 | if (following>=0)
301 | {
302 | const Time follow((string)resS[following]["fStart"]);
303 | if (follow<restart+boost::posix_time::minutes(skip_time))
304 | {
305 | cout << "Following observation would be less than " << skip_time << " min... skipping rescheduled source." << endl;
306 | reschedule = -1;
307 | }
308 | }
309 |
310 | // ====================================================================
311 |
312 | if (!list.empty())
313 | {
314 | cout << "\nDelete entries:\n";
315 | for (const auto &l : list)
316 | cout << l << "\n";
317 | cout << endl;
318 | }
319 |
320 | // ====================================================================
321 |
322 | vector<string> insert;
323 |
324 | cout << "New entries:\n";
325 | cout << " | auto | " << now.GetAsStr() << " | < start > | 0 | ToO | NULL | | 4\n";
326 |
327 | insert.emplace_back("('"+now.GetAsStr()+"',0,'ToO',NULL,"+to_string(source_key)+",4)");
328 |
329 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
330 |
331 | if (reschedule>=0 && restart!=last)
332 | {
333 | cout << " | auto | " << restart.GetAsStr() << " | < end > | 0 | ToO | NULL | " << setw(4) << resS[reschedule]["fSourceKey"] << " | 4\n";
334 |
335 | const string fData = (string)resS[reschedule]["fData"];
336 | const string fKey = (string)resS[reschedule]["fSourceKey"];
337 |
338 | const string data = resS[reschedule]["fData"] ? "'"+fData+"'" : "NULL";
339 | insert.emplace_back("('"+restart.GetAsStr()+"',0,'ToO',"+data+","+fKey+",4)");
340 | }
341 |
342 | // ====================================================================
343 |
344 | cout << Time()-stopwatch << endl;
345 |
346 | // ====================================================================
347 |
348 | if (insert.empty())
349 | {
350 | cout << "No new schedule." << endl;
351 | return 0;
352 | }
353 |
354 | const string queryD = string("DELETE FROM Schedule WHERE fScheduleID IN (")+boost::algorithm::join(list, ",")+")";
355 |
356 | const string queryI =
357 | "INSERT (fStart, fMeasurementID, fUser, fData, fSoureKey, fMeasurementTypeKey) "
358 | "VALUES\n "+string(boost::algorithm::join(insert, ",\n "));
359 |
360 | if (dry_run)
361 | {
362 | cout << "\n";
363 | if (!list.empty())
364 | cout << queryD << "\n\n";
365 | if (!insert.empty())
366 | cout << queryI << "\n\n";
367 | cout << flush;
368 | return 0;
369 | }
370 |
371 | // Empty interrupt to stop data taking as early as possible
372 | Dim::SendCommandNB("DIM_CONTROL/INTERRUPT");
373 |
374 | // Reload sources as early as possible
376 |
377 | // Start pointing procedure as early as possible
378 | //Dim::SendCommand("DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK_WOBBLE", wobble, obs[sub].source);
379 |
380 | try
381 | {
382 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
383 |
384 | connection.query("LOCK TABLES Schedule WRITE");
385 |
386 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
387 |
388 | if (!list.empty())
389 | {
390 | const mysqlpp::SimpleResult res = connection.query(queryD).execute();
391 | cout << res.rows() << " row(s) deleted.\n" << endl;
392 | }
393 |
394 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
395 |
396 | if (!insert.empty())
397 | {
398 | auto q = connection.query(queryI);
399 | q.execute();
400 | cout << q.info() << '\n' << endl;
401 | }
402 |
403 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
404 |
405 | connection.query("UNLOCK TABLES");
406 |
407 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
408 | }
409 | catch (const exception &e)
410 | {
411 | cerr << "SQL query failed: " << e.what() << endl;
412 | return 7;
413 | }
414 |
415 | Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/INTERRUPT", "reschedule");
416 |
417 | return 0;
418 | }
419 | */
420 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
421 |
422 | class StateMachineToO : public StateMachineDim
423 | {
424 | private:
425 | string fUri;
426 | Database fConnection;
427 | uint16_t fVerbose;
428 |
429 | Time fKeepAliveDeadline;
430 | uint16_t fKeepAliveInterval;
431 |
432 | struct Source
433 | {
434 | int16_t key { -1 };
435 | bool isToO { false };
436 | };
437 |
438 | Source GetSourceKey(const string &name, const double &ra, const double &dec)
439 | {
440 | const double min_dist = 0.1;
441 | const double check_dist = 2.0;
442 |
443 | // ----------------------- Check if source with same name exists -----------------------
444 |
445 | const string query2 =
446 | "SELECT fSourceKey, fIsToO FROM Source WHERE fSourceName='"+name+"'";
447 |
448 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res2 = fConnection.query(query2).store();
449 |
450 | if (res2.num_rows())
451 | {
452 | Source source;
453 | source.key = res2[0]["fSourceKey"];
454 | source.isToO = res2[0]["fIsToO"];
455 |
456 | Info("A source with the same name (key="+to_string(source.key)+") was found in the Source table.");
457 |
458 | return source;
459 | }
460 |
461 | // ----------------- Check if source with similar coordinates exists -------------------
462 |
463 | const string query1 =
464 | "SELECT\n"
465 | " fSourceKey,\n"
466 | " fSourceName,\n"
467 | " ADIST(fDeclination, fRightAscension*15, "+to_string(dec)+", "+to_string(ra)+") AS Dist,\n"
468 | " fIsToO\n"
469 | "FROM Source\n"
470 | "WHERE fSourceTypeKEY=1\n"
471 | "HAVING Dist<"+to_string(check_dist)+"\n"
472 | "ORDER BY Dist ASC";
473 |
474 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res1 = fConnection.query(query1).store();
475 |
476 | if (res1.num_rows())
477 | {
478 | Info("Found "+to_string(res1.num_rows())+" sources with a distance less than "+Tools::Form("%.2f", check_dist)+"\u00b0");
479 |
480 | for (size_t i=0; i<res1.num_rows(); i++)
481 | {
482 | const mysqlpp::Row &row = res1[i];
483 | Info(" "+string(row["fSourceName"])+" ["+string(row["fSourceKey"])+"]: D="+Tools::Form("%.2f", double(row["Dist"]))+"\u00b0");
484 | }
485 |
486 | const mysqlpp::Row &row = res1[0];
487 | if (double(row["Dist"])<min_dist)
488 | {
489 | Source source;
490 | source.key = res1[0]["fSourceKey"];
491 | source.isToO = res1[0]["fIsToO"];
492 |
493 | Warn("Sources closer than "+Tools::Form("%.2f", check_dist)+"\u00b0 detected.");
494 | Warn("Overwriting source key with: "+string(row["fSourceName"])+" ["+to_string(source.key)+"]: D="+Tools::Form("%.2f", double(row["Dist"]))+"\u00b0");
495 |
496 | return source;
497 | }
498 | }
499 |
500 | return Source();
501 | }
502 |
503 | float GetWobbleAngle(const double &ra, const double &dec)
504 | {
505 | const double wobble_offset = 0.6;
506 | const double camera_radius = 2.3;
507 | const double magnitude_max = 4.5;
508 |
509 | /*
510 | Mag Cnt
511 | -2 1
512 | -1 3
513 | 0 11
514 | 1 33
515 | 2 121
516 | 3 321
517 | 4 871
518 | 5 1364
519 | 6 404
520 | 7 12
521 | */
522 |
523 | // The wobble position lay in the plane which is normal the to the plane source-center-star
524 | // and goes through
525 |
526 | double wobble_angle = 0;
527 |
528 | const string query0 =
529 | "SELECT fSourceKEY, fRightAscension, fDeclination, fMagnitude,\n"
530 | " ADIST(fDeclination, fRightAscension*15, "+to_string(dec)+", "+to_string(ra)+") AS Dist\n"
531 | " FROM Source\n"
532 | " WHERE (fSourceTypeKey=2 OR fSourceTypeKey=3) AND fMagnitude<"+to_string(magnitude_max)+"\n"
533 | " HAVING Dist<"+to_string(camera_radius+wobble_offset)+"\n"
534 | " ORDER BY fMagnitude ASC";
535 |
536 | // Out() << query0 << endl;
537 |
538 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res0 = fConnection.query(query0).store();
539 |
540 | Info("Found "+to_string(res0.num_rows())+" stars in the camera field-of-view with magnitude less than "+to_string(magnitude_max));
541 |
542 | for (size_t i=0; i<::min<size_t>(10, res0.num_rows()); i++)
543 | {
544 | const mysqlpp::Row &row = res0[i];
545 |
546 | // TVector3 souce, star;
547 | // source.SetMagThetaPhi(1, rad(90-dec), rad(ra));
548 | // star.SetMagThetaPhi( 1, rad(90-dec), rad(ra));
549 | //
550 | // star.RotateZ( -source.Phi());
551 | // source.RotateZ(-source.Phi());
552 | //
553 | // star.RotateY( 180-source.Theta());
554 | // source.RotateY(180-source.Theta());
555 | //
556 | // rho = star.Phi();
557 |
558 | const double rad = M_PI/180;
559 |
560 | const double dec0 = rad * dec;
561 | const double ra0 = rad * ra;
562 |
563 | const double dec1 = rad * row["fDeclination"];
564 | const double ra1 = rad * row["fRightAscension"] * 15;
565 |
566 | const double s2 = sin(ra0-ra1);
567 | const double c2 = cos(ra0-ra1);
568 |
569 | const double s0 = cos(dec0);
570 | const double c0 = sin(dec0);
571 |
572 | const double c1 = cos(dec1);
573 | const double s1 = sin(dec1);
574 |
575 | const double k0 = -s2*c1;
576 | const double k1 = s0*s1 - c0*c2*c1;
577 |
578 | const double rho = atan(k0/k1) / rad; // atan2(k0, k1)/rad
579 |
580 | if (i==0)
581 | wobble_angle = rho;
582 |
583 | Info(" "+Tools::Form("Mag=%5.2f Dist=%5.1f Phi=%6.1f", (double)row["fMagnitude"], (double)row["Dist"], rho));
584 | }
585 |
586 | if (res0.num_rows())
587 | {
588 | Info("The brightest star (M="+string(res0[0]["fMagnitude"])+") at distance is visible at a wobble angle of "+Tools::Form("%.2f", wobble_angle)+"\u00b0");
589 | Info("Wobble angles determined as "+Tools::Form("%.2f", wobble_angle-90)+"\u00b0 and "+Tools::Form("%.2f", wobble_angle+90)+"\u000b");
590 | }
591 | else
592 | {
593 | Info("Using default wobble angles.");
594 | }
595 |
596 | return wobble_angle;
597 | }
598 |
599 | uint32_t AddSource(const string &name, const double &ra, const double &dec, const bool fDryRun=false)
600 | {
601 | const double wobble_angle = GetWobbleAngle(ra, dec);
602 |
603 | const string query =
604 | "INSERT INTO Source\n"
605 | " (fSourceName, fRightAscension, fDeclination, fWobbleAngle0, fWobbleAngle1, fSourceTypeKey, fIsToO) VALUES\n"
606 | " ('"+name+"', "+to_string(ra/15.)+", "+to_string(dec)+", "+to_string(wobble_angle-90)+", "+to_string(wobble_angle+90)+", 1, 1)";
607 |
608 | if (fDryRun)
609 | {
610 | Out() << query << endl;
611 | return -1;
612 | }
613 |
614 | auto q = fConnection.query(query);
615 | q.execute();
616 | if (!q.info().empty())
617 | Info(q.info());
618 |
619 | const uint32_t source_key = q.insert_id();
620 |
621 | Info(string(fDryRun?"[dry-run] ":"")+"The new source got the key "+to_string(source_key));
622 |
623 | return source_key;
624 | }
625 |
626 | bool ScheduleImp(const string &name, const ToO::DataGRB &grb, const CheckVisibility &check, const bool &is_pointing)
627 | {
628 | const bool fDryRun = GetCurrentState()!=ToO::State::kArmed;
629 |
630 | if (fDryRun)
631 | Warn("Scheduler not armed!");
632 |
633 | Time stopwatch;
634 |
635 | // This is just a desperate try which will most likely fail
636 | if (!fConnection.connected())
637 | fConnection.reconnect();
638 |
639 | /*
640 | +-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
641 | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
642 | +-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
643 | | fSourceKEY | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
644 | | fSourceName | varchar(30) | NO | | NULL | |
645 | | fRightAscension | double(10,6) | NO | | NULL | |
646 | | fDeclination | double(10,6) | NO | | NULL | |
647 | | fEpochKEY | tinyint(4) | YES | | NULL | |
648 | | fFlux | float | YES | | NULL | |
649 | | fSlope | float | YES | | NULL | |
650 | | fSourceTypeKey | int(11) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
651 | | fWobbleOffset | float | NO | | 0.6 | |
652 | | fWobbleAngle0 | int(11) | NO | | 90 | |
653 | | fWobbleAngle1 | int(11) | NO | | -90 | |
654 | | fMagnitude | float(4,2) | YES | | NULL | |
655 | | fIsToO | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | | 0 | |
656 | +-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
657 | */
658 |
659 | Source source = GetSourceKey(name, grb.ra, grb.dec);
660 |
661 | Out() << Time()-stopwatch << endl;
662 |
663 | // This is not a real alert but a pointing information of a satellite
664 | if (is_pointing)
665 | {
666 | // We only observe known sources in paralell with satellites...
667 | if (source.key<0)
668 | {
669 | Warn("Observation of only known sources requested but no known source found.");
670 | return false;
671 | }
672 |
673 | // ... and only if they are 'standard' sources and not ToO sources.
674 | if (source.isToO)
675 | {
676 | Warn("Known source with ToO flag... skipping.");
677 | return false;
678 | }
679 |
680 | // For non prioritized sources we require a threshold <3
681 | // and for prioritized sources a threshold <10
682 | const set<uint16_t> prioritized_sources = { 1, 2, 7 };
683 |
684 | const bool prio = prioritized_sources.find(source.key)!=prioritized_sources.end();
685 |
686 | if ((check.threshold>3 && !prio) || check.threshold>10)
687 | {
688 | Warn("Relative threshold too high... skipping.");
689 | return false;
690 | }
691 | }
692 |
693 |
694 | /*
695 | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
696 | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
697 | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
698 | | fScheduleID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
699 | | fStart | datetime | NO | MUL | NULL | |
700 | | fLastUpdate | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
701 | | fMeasurementID | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
702 | | fUser | varchar(32) | NO | | NULL | |
703 | | fData | varchar(256) | YES | | NULL | |
704 | | fSourceKey | smallint(6) | YES | | NULL | |
705 | | fMeasurementTypeKey | tinyint(4) | NO | | NULL | |
706 | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
707 | */
708 |
709 | const uint16_t contingency = 1; // The contingency to delete earlier entries from the Table
710 | const uint16_t duration = 60; // The target duration of the ToO
711 | const uint16_t required = 20; // If the ToO would be less than required, skip_it
712 | const uint16_t skip_time = 20; // If following observation would be less than skip_time, skip it
713 |
714 | if (duration<required)
715 | {
716 | Error("Requested duration is smaller than required time.");
717 | return false;
718 | }
719 |
720 | const Time now;
721 |
722 | const Time sunset = now.GetPrevSunSet();
723 | const Time sunrise = now.GetNextSunRise();
724 |
725 | if (sunset>sunrise || sunrise>sunset+boost::posix_time::hours(24))
726 | {
727 | Error("Unable to schedule a ToO during daytime.");
728 | return false;
729 | }
730 |
731 | // Safety margin
732 | Time schedtime = now-boost::posix_time::seconds(contingency);
733 | Time restart = now+boost::posix_time::minutes(duration);
734 |
735 | Out() << '\n';
736 | Out() << "Contingency: " << contingency << " s\n";
737 | Out() << "Start of ToO: " << now.GetAsStr() << '\n';
738 | Out() << "End of ToO: " << restart.GetAsStr() << '\n';
739 | Out() << "Duration: " << duration << " min\n\n";
740 |
741 | Out() << "Schedule:\n";
742 |
743 | const string queryS =
744 | "SELECT *,\n"
745 | " (fMeasurementTypeKey=4 AND fStart<='"+restart.GetAsStr()+"') AS `Reschedule`,\n"
746 | " (fStart>'"+restart.GetAsStr()+"') AS `Following`,\n"
747 | " (fMeasurementTypeKey=4 AND fStart BETWEEN '"+schedtime.GetAsStr()+"' AND '"+restart.GetAsStr()+"') AS `Delete`\n"
748 | " FROM Schedule\n"
749 | " WHERE fStart BETWEEN '"+sunset.GetAsStr()+"' AND '"+sunrise.GetAsStr()+"'\n"
750 | " AND fMeasurementID=0\n"
751 | " ORDER BY fStart ASC, fMeasurementID ASC";
752 |
753 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult resS = fConnection.query(queryS).store();
754 |
755 | if (resS.num_rows()<2)
756 | {
757 | Error("Available schedule is too short to be evaluated.");
758 | return false;
759 | }
760 |
761 | vector<string> list;
762 |
763 | int32_t firstdata = -1;
764 | int32_t reschedule = -1;
765 | int32_t following = -1;
766 | int32_t last_resch = -1;
767 | for (size_t i=0; i<resS.num_rows(); i++)
768 | {
769 | const mysqlpp::Row &row = resS[i];
770 |
771 | Out() << setw(2) << i << " | ";
772 | Out() << row["Reschedule"] << " | ";
773 | Out() << row["Following"] << " | ";
774 | Out() << row["fScheduleID"] << " | ";
775 | Out() << row["fStart"] << " | ";
776 | if (bool(row["Delete"]))
777 | {
778 | Out() << " < delete > | ";
779 | list.push_back((string)row["fScheduleID"]);
780 | }
781 | else
782 | Out() << row["fLastUpdate"] << " | ";
783 | Out() << row["fMeasurementID"] << " | ";
784 | Out() << row["fUser"] << " | ";
785 | Out() << row["fData"] << " | " << setw(4);
786 | Out() << row["fSourceKey"] << " | ";
787 | Out() << row["fMeasurementTypeKey"] << '\n';
788 |
789 | if (bool(row["Reschedule"]))
790 | reschedule = i;
791 |
792 | if (bool(row["Reschedule"]) && !row["Delete"])
793 | last_resch = i;
794 |
795 | if (following==-1 && bool(row["Following"]))
796 | following = i;
797 |
798 | const uint16_t type = row["fMeasurementTypeKey"];
799 | if (firstdata==-1 && type==4)
800 | firstdata = i;
801 | }
802 |
803 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
804 |
805 | if (firstdata==-1)
806 | {
807 | Warn("No data run found.");
808 | return false;
809 | }
810 |
811 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
812 |
813 | if (reschedule>=0)
814 | Out() << "\nLast data run before restart at " << restart.GetAsStr() << ": idx=" << reschedule << " / ID=" << resS[reschedule]["fScheduleID"] << endl;
815 |
816 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
817 |
818 | const Time first((string)resS[firstdata]["fStart"]); // First data run of the night
819 | const Time last( (string)resS[resS.num_rows()-1]["fStart"]); // Last scheduled observation of the night
820 |
821 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
822 |
823 | if (restart<=first)
824 | {
825 | Warn("ToO ends before first data taking... skipped.");
826 | return false;
827 | }
828 | if (schedtime>=last)
829 | {
830 | Warn("ToO starts after data taking... skipped.");
831 | return false;
832 | }
833 |
834 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
835 |
836 | if (schedtime<first)
837 | {
838 | Info("ToO starts before first data taking... rescheduling start time.");
839 | schedtime = first;
840 | }
841 | if (restart>last)
842 | {
843 | Info("ToO ends after data taking... rescheduling end time!");
844 | restart = last;
845 | }
846 |
847 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
848 |
849 | if (restart<schedtime+boost::posix_time::minutes(required))
850 | {
851 | Warn("Could not schedule more than the required "+to_string(required)+" minutes... skipped.");
852 | return false;
853 | }
854 |
855 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
856 |
857 | if (following>=0)
858 | {
859 | const Time follow((string)resS[following]["fStart"]);
860 | if (follow<restart+boost::posix_time::minutes(skip_time))
861 | {
862 | Info("Following observation would be less than "+to_string(skip_time)+" min... skipping rescheduled source.");
863 | reschedule = -1;
864 | }
865 | }
866 |
867 | // ====================================================================
868 |
869 | if (!list.empty())
870 | {
871 | Out() << "\nDelete entries:\n";
872 | for (const auto &l : list)
873 | Out() << l << "\n";
874 | Out() << endl;
875 | }
876 |
877 | // ====================================================================
878 |
879 | if (source.key<0)
880 | source.key = AddSource(name, grb.ra, grb.dec, fDryRun);
881 |
882 | Out() << Time()-stopwatch << endl;
883 |
884 | // ====================================================================
885 |
886 | Info("Source will be scheduled.");
887 |
888 | Out() << "New entries:\n";
889 |
890 | vector<string> insert;
891 |
892 | const bool ongoing = last_resch>=0 && source.key==uint16_t(resS[last_resch]["fSourceKey"]);
893 |
894 | if (ongoing)
895 | Out() << " | | | < ongoing > | 0 | | | " << setw(4) << source.key << " | 4\n";
896 | else
897 | {
898 | Out() << " | auto | " << schedtime.GetAsStr() << " | < start > | 0 | ToO | " << (is_pointing?" nodrs ":"nodrs,grb") << " | " << setw(4) << source.key << " | 4\n";
899 | insert.emplace_back("('"+schedtime.GetAsStr()+"',0,'ToO','"+(is_pointing?"nodrs:true":"nodrs:true,grb:true")+"',"+to_string(source.key)+",4)");
900 | }
901 |
902 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
903 |
904 | if (reschedule>=0 && restart!=last)
905 | {
906 | Out() << " | auto | " << restart.GetAsStr() << " | < end > | 0 | ToO | NULL | " << setw(4) << resS[reschedule]["fSourceKey"] << " | 4\n";
907 |
908 | const string fData = (string)resS[reschedule]["fData"];
909 | const string fKey = (string)resS[reschedule]["fSourceKey"];
910 |
911 | const string data = resS[reschedule]["fData"] ? "'"+fData+"'" : "NULL";
912 | insert.emplace_back("('"+restart.GetAsStr()+"',0,'ToO',"+data+","+fKey+",4)");
913 | }
914 |
915 | // ====================================================================
916 |
917 | Out() << Time()-stopwatch << endl;
918 |
919 | // ====================================================================
920 |
921 | const string queryD = string("DELETE FROM Schedule WHERE fScheduleID IN (")+boost::algorithm::join(list, ",")+")";
922 |
923 | const string queryI =
924 | "INSERT INTO Schedule\n (fStart,fMeasurementID,fUser,fData,fSourceKey,fMeasurementTypeKey)\n"
925 | "VALUES\n "+string(boost::algorithm::join(insert, ",\n "));
926 |
927 | if (fDryRun)
928 | {
929 | Out() << "\n";
930 | if (!list.empty())
931 | Out() << queryD << "\n\n";
932 | if (!insert.empty())
933 | Out() << queryI << "\n\n";
934 | Out() << flush;
935 | return false;
936 | }
937 |
938 | // Empty interrupt to stop data taking as early as possible
939 | // Triggers also RELOAD_SOURCES
940 | if (!ongoing)
941 | Dim::SendCommandNB("DIM_CONTROL/INTERRUPT", "prepare");
942 |
943 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
944 |
945 | fConnection.query("LOCK TABLES Schedule WRITE");
946 |
947 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
948 | if (!list.empty())
949 | {
950 | const mysqlpp::SimpleResult res = fConnection.query(queryD).execute();
951 | Info(to_string(res.rows())+" row(s) deleted from Schedule.");
952 | }
953 |
954 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
955 |
956 | if (!insert.empty())
957 | {
958 | auto q = fConnection.query(queryI);
959 | q.execute();
960 | if (!q.info().empty())
961 | Info(q.info());
962 | }
963 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
964 |
965 | fConnection.query("UNLOCK TABLES");
966 |
967 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
968 |
969 | if (!ongoing)
970 | Dim::SendCommand("DIM_CONTROL/INTERRUPT", "reschedule");
971 |
972 | ostringstream out;
973 | out << Time()-stopwatch;
974 | Info(out);
975 |
976 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
977 |
978 | const string queryT =
979 | "INSERT INTO ToOs\n"
980 | " (fTypeID, fRightAscension, fDeclination, fSourceKEY) VALUES\n"
981 | " ('"+to_string(grb.type)+"', "+to_string(grb.ra/15)+", "+to_string(grb.dec)+", "+to_string(source.key)+")";
982 |
983 | if (!fDryRun)
984 | {
985 | auto q = fConnection.query(queryT);
986 | q.execute();
987 | if (!q.info().empty())
988 | Info(q.info());
989 | }
990 | else
991 | Out() << queryT << endl;
992 |
993 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
994 |
995 | return true;
996 | }
997 | /*
998 | bool Schedule(const string &name, const ToO::DataGRB &grb, const CheckVisibility &check, const bool &is_pointing)
999 | {
1000 | try
1001 | {
1002 | return ScheduleImp(name, grb, check, is_pointing);
1003 | }
1004 | catch (const exception &e)
1005 | {
1006 | Error(string("SQL query failed: ")+e.what());
1007 | fConnection.disconnect();
1008 | return false;
1009 | }
1010 | }
1011 | */
1012 | // ========================================================================
1013 |
1014 |
1015 | // ========================================================================
1016 |
1017 | bool CheckEventSize(size_t has, const char *name, size_t size)
1018 | {
1019 | if (has==size)
1020 | return true;
1021 |
1022 | ostringstream msg;
1023 | msg << name << " - Received event has " << has << " bytes, but expected " << size << ".";
1024 | Fatal(msg);
1025 | return false;
1026 | }
1027 |
1028 | bool CheckMinEventSize(size_t has, const char *name, size_t size)
1029 | {
1030 | if (has>size)
1031 | return true;
1032 |
1033 | ostringstream msg;
1034 | msg << name << " - Received event has " << has << " bytes, but expected more.";
1035 | Fatal(msg);
1036 | return false;
1037 | }
1038 |
1039 | void EnterIntoAlertDB(const ToO::DataGRB &grb, const CheckVisibility &check, const bool &is_pointing)
1040 | {
1041 | // Do not enter satellite pointing alerts (as there are too many)
1042 | if (is_pointing)
1043 | return;
1044 |
1045 | // Check for general visibility of the source during the night
1046 | // If required: For better performance, both (sun and object)
1047 | // RstTime could be calculated only here
1048 | const double sun_set = fmod(check.vis_sun.set, 1);
1049 | const double sun_rise = fmod(check.vis_sun.rise, 1);
1050 |
1051 | const double rise = fmod(check.vis_obj.rise, 1);
1052 | const double trans = fmod(check.vis_obj.transit, 1);
1053 | const double set = fmod(check.vis_obj.set, 1);
1054 |
1055 | if ((rise <sun_set || rise >sun_rise) &&
1056 | (trans<sun_set || trans>sun_rise) &&
1057 | (set <sun_set || set >sun_rise) )
1058 | return;
1059 |
1060 | Info("Source might be observable.");
1061 |
1062 | // Make an entry in the alter databse to issue a call
1063 | const string queryS =
1064 | "INSERT FlareAlerts.FlareTriggers SET\n"
1065 | " fTriggerInserted=Now(),\n"
1066 | " fNight="+to_string(Time().NightAsInt())+",\n"
1067 | " fRunID="+to_string(grb.type)+",\n"
1068 | " fTriggerType=7";
1069 |
1070 | const bool fDryRun = GetCurrentState()!=ToO::State::kArmed;
1071 |
1072 | if (!fDryRun)
1073 | {
1074 | auto q = fConnection.query(queryS);
1075 | q.execute();
1076 | if (!q.info().empty())
1077 | Info(q.info());
1078 | }
1079 | else
1080 | Out() << queryS << endl;
1081 | }
1082 |
1083 | int ScheduleGCN(const EventImp &evt)
1084 | {
1085 | if (!CheckMinEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "ScheduleGCN", sizeof(ToO::DataGRB)))
1086 | return kSM_FatalError;
1087 |
1088 | const ToO::DataGRB &grb = evt.Ref<ToO::DataGRB>();
1089 |
1090 | const auto it = GCN::PaketTypes.find(grb.type);
1091 | if (it==GCN::PaketTypes.end())
1092 | {
1093 | Warn("Unknown Packet Type: "+to_string(grb.type));
1094 | return GetCurrentState();
1095 | }
1096 |
1097 |
1098 | const string name = evt.Ptr<char>(sizeof(ToO::DataGRB));
1099 |
1100 | const auto &paket = it->second;
1101 |
1102 | ostringstream out;
1103 | out << name << " [" << paket.name << ":" << grb.type << "]: RA=" << grb.ra/15. << "h DEC=" << grb.dec << "\u00b0 ERR=" << grb.err;
1104 |
1105 | Info(out);
1106 | Info(paket.description);
1107 |
1108 | const CheckVisibility check(grb.ra, grb.dec);
1109 |
1110 | Info(string("Sun altitude: ")+(check.valid_sun ?"OK ":"failed")+" ["+Tools::Form("%5.1f", check.solarobj.fSunHrz.alt)+"\u00b0]");
1111 | if (check.valid_sun)
1112 | {
1113 | Info(string("Moon distance: ")+(check.valid_moon ?"OK ":"failed")+" ["+Tools::Form("%5.1f", check.moon_dist)+"\u00b0]");
1114 | Info(string("Zenith angle: ")+(check.valid_zd ?"OK ":"failed")+" ["+Tools::Form("%5.1f", check.position.zd)+"\u00b0]");
1115 | Info(string("Current: ")+(check.valid_current ?"OK ":"failed")+" ["+Tools::Form("%5.1f", check.current)+" \u00b5A]");
1116 | //Info(string("Rel. threshold: ")+(check.valid_threshold?"OK ":"failed")+" ["+Tools::Form("%5.1f", check.threshold)+"]");
1117 | }
1118 |
1119 | /*
1120 | * Swift: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/swift.html
1121 | relevante Paket-Typen:
1122 | 60 BAT_Alert
1123 | 97 BAT_QL_Pos
1124 | 61 BAT_Pos
1125 | 62 BAT_Pos_Nack
1126 | Es kann wohl vorkommen, dass ein Alert danach anders klassifiziert ist
1127 | -> BAT_Trans (84) und es steht dass dann in der GRB notice eine catalog
1128 | ID im comment steht. Da ist es mir noch nicht so ganz klar, woran man
1129 | echte Alerts erkennt.
1130 |
1131 | * Fermi: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/fermi.html
1132 | relevante Paket-Typen:
1133 | 110 GBM_Alert P B B B&A
1134 | 111 GBM_Flt_Pos P B B B&A
1135 | 112 GBM_Gnd_Pos P B B B&A
1136 | 115 GBM_Final_Pos P B B B&A
1137 | Bei GBM müssen wir usn überlegen wie wir es mit den Positionsupdates
1138 | machen - das können auch mal ein paar Grad sein. siehe zB
1139 | https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/other/568833894.fermi
1140 |
1141 | Wenn ich das richtig sehe, kommt bei GBM_Alert noch keine
1142 | Position, sndern erst mit GBM_Flt_Pos (in dem Bsp kommt das 3 Sek
1143 | später)
1144 |
1145 | * INTEGRAL: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/integral.html
1146 | wenn ich es richtig verstehe, sind die interessanten Alerts die WAKEUP
1147 | (tw kommt ein Positionsupdate via OFFLINE oder REFINED). Es gibt auch
1148 | noch WEAK, aber das sind scheinbar subthreshold alerts - würde ich
1149 | jetzt erst mal weglassen. Im letzten Jahr gab es 8 WAKEUP alerts. 2017
1150 | sogar nur 3, 2016 7, 2015 waren es einige mehr, aber das war V404_Cyg -
1151 | in dem Fall steht dann aber ein Object-Name dabei - ansonsten steht as
1152 | "Possbibly real GRB event" - zT steht auch, dass es coincident mit GBM
1153 | events ist
1154 |
1155 | * KONUS: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/konus.html
1156 | Ist mir noch etwas unklar, was das genau ist - die schicken Lichtkurven
1157 | von GRBs und Transients - muss man nochmal genauer schauen.
1158 |
1159 | * MAXI: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/maxi.html
1160 | wenn ich das richtig verstehe, sind das nicht nur GRBs -> müsste man
1161 | nochmal genauer schauen bevor man da was implementiert
1162 |
1163 | * AGILE: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/agile.html
1164 | Wahrscheinlich eher nicht relevant, da steht was von 30min nach dem
1165 | Burst kommt das 'Wakeup'. Die relevanten Paket-Typen wären 100
1166 | (Wakeup_Pos), 101 (Ground_Pos) und 102 (Refined_Pos)
1167 |
1168 | * AMON: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/amon.html
1169 | sind bisher nur neutrinos - da macht MAGIC glaub ich schon automatic
1170 | Follow-Up - müssen wir also kucken was Sinn macht
1171 |
1172 | * Ligo-Virgo GW: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/lvc.html
1173 | da ist natürlich die Error-Region groß - müsste man schauen, was man
1174 | da will
1175 |
1176 | Fazit: am relevantesten sind Fermi/GBM und Swift/BAT. Evtl könnte
1177 | INTEGRAL noch Sinn machen und über AMON und LVC sollte man nachdenken,
1178 | ob/was man haben will.
1179 | */
1180 |
1181 | const bool is_pointing = grb.type==51 || grb.type==83;
1182 |
1183 | try
1184 | {
1185 | if (!check.visible)
1186 | {
1187 | Info("Source not observable... skipped.");
1188 | EnterIntoAlertDB(grb, check, is_pointing);
1189 |
1190 | return fConnection.connected() ? GetCurrentState() : ToO::State::kDisconnected;
1191 | }
1192 |
1193 | Info("Source is visible... scheduling.");
1194 |
1195 | if (!ScheduleImp(name, grb, check, is_pointing))
1196 | EnterIntoAlertDB(grb, check, is_pointing);
1197 | }
1198 | catch (const exception &e)
1199 | {
1200 | Error(string("SQL query failed: ")+e.what());
1201 | fConnection.disconnect();
1202 | }
1203 |
1204 | return fConnection.connected() ? GetCurrentState() : ToO::State::kDisconnected;
1205 | }
1206 |
1207 | int AddNewSource(const EventImp &evt)
1208 | {
1209 | if (!CheckMinEventSize(evt.GetSize(), "AddNewSource", 2*sizeof(double)))
1210 | return kSM_FatalError;
1211 |
1212 | const double &ra = evt.Ptr<double>()[0];
1213 | const double &dec = evt.Ptr<double>()[1];
1214 | const string name = evt.Ptr<char>(sizeof(double)*2);
1215 |
1216 | ostringstream out;
1217 | out << "New Source: '" << name << "' RA=" << ra << "h DEC=" << dec << "\u00b0";
1218 |
1219 | Info(out);
1220 |
1221 | try
1222 | {
1223 | const Source source = GetSourceKey(name, ra*15, dec);
1224 |
1225 | if (source.key>=0) // Not a known source
1226 | Warn("Source already known with key="+to_string(source.key)+".");
1227 | else
1228 | /*source.key =*/ AddSource(name, ra*15, dec);
1229 |
1230 | }
1231 | catch (const exception &e)
1232 | {
1233 | Error(string("SQL query failed: ")+e.what());
1234 | fConnection.disconnect();
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | return fConnection.connected() ? GetCurrentState() : ToO::State::kDisconnected;
1238 | }
1239 |
1240 | int Enable()
1241 | {
1242 | return GetCurrentState()==ToO::State::kConnected ? ToO::State::kArmed : GetCurrentState();
1243 | }
1244 | int Disable()
1245 | {
1246 | return GetCurrentState()==ToO::State::kArmed ? ToO::State::kConnected : GetCurrentState();
1247 | }
1248 |
1249 | int Execute()
1250 | {
1251 | Time now;
1252 | if (now>fKeepAliveDeadline)
1253 | {
1254 | static int ernum = 0;
1255 | try
1256 | {
1257 | // Unfortunately, reconnecting [Takes about 1s] is
1258 | // the only non-blocking way to ensure an open
1259 | // connection. Ping would be nice but is blocking.
1260 | fConnection = Database(fUri);
1261 | ernum = 0;
1262 | }
1263 | catch (const mysqlpp::ConnectionFailed &e)
1264 | {
1265 | if (ernum!=e.errnum())
1266 | Error(e.what());
1267 | ernum = e.errnum();
1268 | }
1269 |
1270 | fKeepAliveDeadline += boost::posix_time::seconds(fKeepAliveInterval);
1271 | }
1272 |
1273 | if (!fConnection.connected())
1274 | return ToO::State::kDisconnected;
1275 |
1276 | if (fConnection.connected() && GetCurrentState()<=ToO::State::kDisconnected)
1277 | return ToO::State::kArmed;
1278 |
1279 | return GetCurrentState();
1280 | }
1281 |
1282 | public:
1283 | StateMachineToO(ostream &out=cout) : StateMachineDim(out, "SCHEDULER"),
1284 | fConnection(""), fKeepAliveDeadline(Time())
1285 | {
1286 | AddStateName(ToO::State::kDisconnected, "Disconnected",
1287 | "The Dim DNS is reachable, but the required subsystems are not available.");
1288 |
1289 | AddStateName(ToO::State::kConnected, "Connected",
1290 | "All needed subsystems are connected to their hardware, no action is performed.");
1291 |
1292 | AddStateName(ToO::State::kArmed, "Armed",
1293 | "All needed subsystems are connected to their hardware, scheduling in progress.");
1294 |
1295 | AddEvent("GCN", "S:1;D:1;D:1;D:1;C")
1296 | (bind(&StateMachineToO::ScheduleGCN, this, placeholders::_1))
1297 | ("Schedule a ToO"
1298 | "|type[int16]:Pakage or type ID (see HeadersToO.h)"
1299 | "|ra[deg]:Right ascension"
1300 | "|dec[deg]:Declination"
1301 | "|err[deg]:Error radius"
1302 | "|name[string]:Tentative or known source name");
1303 |
1304 | AddEvent("ADD_SOURCE", "D:1;D:1;C")
1305 | (bind(&StateMachineToO::AddNewSource, this, placeholders::_1))
1306 | ("Add a new source to the databse if not yet available"
1307 | "|ra[h]:Right ascension"
1308 | "|dec[deg]:Declination"
1309 | "|name[string]:Monitored source name");
1310 |
1311 | AddEvent("START", "")
1312 | (bind(&StateMachineToO::Enable, this/*, placeholders::_1*/))
1313 | ("");
1314 |
1315 | AddEvent("STOP", "")
1316 | (bind(&StateMachineToO::Disable, this/*, placeholders::_1*/))
1317 | ("");
1318 | }
1319 |
1320 | /*
1321 | bool GetConfig(Configuration &conf, const string &name, const string &sub, uint16_t &rc)
1322 | {
1323 | if (conf.HasDef(name, sub))
1324 | {
1325 | rc = conf.GetDef<uint16_t>(name, sub);
1326 | return true;
1327 | }
1328 |
1329 | Error("Neither "+name+"default nor "+name+sub+" found.");
1330 | return false;
1331 | }*/
1332 |
1333 | int EvalOptions(Configuration &conf)
1334 | {
1335 | fVerbose = !conf.Get<bool>("quiet");
1336 | fKeepAliveInterval = conf.Get<uint16_t>("keep-alive");
1337 | fUri = conf.Get<string>("schedule-database");
1338 | return -1;
1339 | }
1340 | };
1341 |
1342 |
1343 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1344 |
1345 | #include "Main.h"
1346 |
1347 | template<class T>
1348 | int RunShell(Configuration &conf)
1349 | {
1350 | return Main::execute<T, StateMachineToO>(conf);
1351 | }
1352 |
1353 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
1354 | {
1355 | po::options_description control("Scheduler");
1356 | control.add_options()
1357 | ("quiet,q", po_bool(), "")
1358 | ("keep-alive", var<uint16_t>(uint16_t(300)), "Interval in seconds to ping (reconnect) the database server")
1359 | ("schedule-database", var<string>(), "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[?compress=0|1].")
1360 | ;
1361 |
1362 | conf.AddOptions(control);
1363 | }
1364 |
1365 | void PrintUsage()
1366 | {
1367 | cout <<
1368 | "The scheduler program is able to schedule a new observation.\n"
1369 | "\n"
1370 | "Usage: scheduler [-c type] [OPTIONS]\n"
1371 | " or: scheduler [OPTIONS]\n";
1372 | cout << endl;
1373 | }
1374 |
1375 | void PrintHelp()
1376 | {
1377 | Main::PrintHelp<StateMachineToO>();
1378 | }
1379 |
1380 | int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
1381 | {
1382 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
1383 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
1384 | Main::SetupConfiguration(conf);
1385 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
1386 |
1387 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp))
1388 | return 127;
1389 |
1390 | if (!conf.Has("console"))
1391 | return RunShell<LocalStream>(conf);
1392 |
1393 | if (conf.Get<int>("console")==0)
1394 | return RunShell<LocalShell>(conf);
1395 | else
1396 | return RunShell<LocalConsole>(conf);
1397 |
1398 | return 0;
1399 | }
1400 |