source: trunk/FACT++/src/

Last change on this file was 10827, checked in by lyard, 14 years ago
Fixed ushort and short
File size: 9.6 KB
1#include <map>
2#include <vector>
3#include <iostream>
4#include <fstream>
6#include <CCfits/CCfits>
8using namespace std;
10void writeValuesFromFits(vector<int>& offsets,ofstream& targetFile, unsigned char* fitsBuffer, vector<string> dumpList, map<string, CCfits::Column*>& colMap)
12 targetFile.precision(20);
13 map<string, CCfits::Column*>::iterator it;
14 for (it=colMap.begin(); it != colMap.end(); it++)
15 {
16 bool found = false;
17 for (vector<string>::iterator jt=dumpList.begin(); jt != dumpList.end(); jt++)
18 {
19 if (it->first == *jt)
20 {
21 found = true;
22 break;
23 }
24 }
25 if (!found)
26 continue;
27 int offset = offsets[it->second->index()-1];
28 const char* charSrc = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fitsBuffer[offset]);
29 unsigned char copyBuffer[30];//max size of a single variable
30 for (int width = 0; width<it->second->width(); width++)
31 {
32 switch (it->second->type())
33 {
34 case CCfits::Tbyte:
35 targetFile << *charSrc;
36 charSrc += sizeof(char);
37 break;
38 case CCfits::Tushort:
39 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(unsigned short), copyBuffer);
40 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(copyBuffer);
41 charSrc += sizeof(char);
42 break;
43 case CCfits::Tshort:
44 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(short), copyBuffer);
45 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<const short*>(copyBuffer);
46 charSrc += sizeof(char);
47 break;
48 case CCfits::Tuint:
49 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(unsigned int), copyBuffer);
50 //warning suppressed in gcc4.0.2
51 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(copyBuffer);
52 charSrc += sizeof(int);
53 break;
54 case CCfits::Tint:
55 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(int), copyBuffer);
56 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<int*>(copyBuffer);
57 charSrc += sizeof(int);
58 break;
59 case CCfits::Tulong:
60 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(unsigned long), copyBuffer);
61 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(copyBuffer);
62 charSrc += sizeof(int);
63 break;
64 case CCfits::Tlong:
65 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(long), copyBuffer);
66 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<long*>(copyBuffer);
67 charSrc += sizeof(int);
68 break;
69 case CCfits::Tlonglong:
70 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(long long), copyBuffer);
71 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<long long*>(copyBuffer);
72 charSrc += sizeof(long long);
73 break;
74 case CCfits::Tfloat:
75 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(float), copyBuffer);
76 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<float*>(copyBuffer);
77 charSrc += sizeof(float);
78 break;
79 case CCfits::Tdouble:
80 reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+sizeof(double), copyBuffer);
81 targetFile << *reinterpret_cast<double*>(copyBuffer);
82 charSrc += sizeof(double);
83 break;
84 case CCfits::Tnull:
85 case CCfits::Tbit:
86 case CCfits::Tlogical:
87 case CCfits::Tstring:
88 case CCfits::Tcomplex:
89 case CCfits::Tdblcomplex:
90 case CCfits::VTbit:
91 case CCfits::VTbyte:
92 case CCfits::VTlogical:
93 case CCfits::VTushort:
94 case CCfits::VTshort:
95 case CCfits::VTuint:
96 case CCfits::VTint:
97 case CCfits::VTulong:
98 case CCfits::VTlong:
99 case CCfits::VTlonglong:
100 case CCfits::VTfloat:
101 case CCfits::VTdouble:
102 case CCfits::VTcomplex:
103 case CCfits::VTdblcomplex:
104 cout << "Data type not implemented yet." << endl;
105 return;
106 break;
107 default:
108 cout << "THIS SHOULD NEVER BE REACHED" << endl;
109 return;
110 }//switch
111 targetFile << " ";
112 }//width loop
113 }//iterator over the columns
114 targetFile << endl;
117// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
119//! Calculates the required buffer size for reading one row of the current table.
120//! Also calculates the offsets to all the columns
122vector<int> CalculateBufferSize(map<string, CCfits::Column*>& colMap)
124 vector<int> result;
125 map<int,int> sizes;
126 int size = 0;
128 for (map<string, CCfits::Column*>::iterator it=colMap.begin(); it != colMap.end(); it++)
129 {
130 int width = it->second->width();
131 switch (it->second->type())
132 {
133 case CCfits::Tbyte:
134 case CCfits::Tushort:
135 case CCfits::Tshort:
136 sizes[it->second->index()] = sizeof(char)*width;
137 break;
138 case CCfits::Tuint:
139 case CCfits::Tint:
140 sizes[it->second->index()] = sizeof(int)*width;
141 break;
142 case CCfits::Tulong:
143 case CCfits::Tlong:
144 sizes[it->second->index()] = sizeof(int)*width;
145 break;
146 case CCfits::Tlonglong:
147 sizes[it->second->index()] = sizeof(long long)*width;
148 break;
149 case CCfits::Tfloat:
150 sizes[it->second->index()] = sizeof(float)*width;
151 break;
152 case CCfits::Tdouble:
153 sizes[it->second->index()] = sizeof(double)*width;
154 break;
155 case CCfits::Tnull:
156 case CCfits::Tbit:
157 case CCfits::Tlogical:
158 case CCfits::Tstring:
159 case CCfits::Tcomplex:
160 case CCfits::Tdblcomplex:
161 case CCfits::VTbit:
162 case CCfits::VTbyte:
163 case CCfits::VTlogical:
164 case CCfits::VTushort:
165 case CCfits::VTshort:
166 case CCfits::VTuint:
167 case CCfits::VTint:
168 case CCfits::VTulong:
169 case CCfits::VTlong:
170 case CCfits::VTlonglong:
171 case CCfits::VTfloat:
172 case CCfits::VTdouble:
173 case CCfits::VTcomplex:
174 case CCfits::VTdblcomplex:
175 cout << "Data type not implemented yet." << endl;
176 return vector<int>();
177 break;
178 default:
179 cout << "THIS SHOULD NEVER BE REACHED" << endl;
180 return vector<int>();
181 }
182 }
183 //calculate the offsets in the vector.
184 int checkIndex = 1;
185 for (map<int,int>::iterator it=sizes.begin(); it != sizes.end(); it++)
186 {
187 result.push_back(size);
188 size += it->second;
189 if (it->first != checkIndex)
190 {
191 cout << "Expected index " << checkIndex << " found " << it->first << endl;
192 }
193 checkIndex++;
194 }
195 result.push_back(size);
196 return result;
199int main(int argc, const char** argv)
201 //set the names of the file and table to be loaded
202 string fileNameToLoad = "test.fits";
203 string tableNameToLoad = "FACT-TIME_ETIENNE";
204 //set the vector of columns to be dumped
205 vector<string> columnsToDump;
206 columnsToDump.push_back("Data0");
207 columnsToDump.push_back("Data1");
208 //set the name of the output text file
209 string outputFile = "output.txt";
211 //load the fits file
212 CCfits::FITS* file = NULL;
213 try
214 {
215 file = new CCfits::FITS(fileNameToLoad);
216 }
217 catch (CCfits::FitsException e)
218 {
219 cout << "Could not open FITS file " << fileNameToLoad << " reason: " << e.message() << endl;
220 return -1;
221 }
222 //check if the selected table indeed exists in the loaded file. If so, load it. Otherwise display the existing tables
223 CCfits::Table* table;
224 const multimap< string, CCfits::ExtHDU * > extMap = file->extension();
225 if (extMap.find(tableNameToLoad) == extMap.end())
226 {
227 cout << "Could not open table " << tableNameToLoad << ". Tables in file are: " << endl;
228 for (std::multimap<string, CCfits::ExtHDU*>::const_iterator it=extMap.begin(); it != extMap.end(); it++)
229 cout << it->first << " ";
230 cout << endl;
231 delete file;
232 return -1;
233 }
234 else
235 table = dynamic_cast<CCfits::Table*>(extMap.find(tableNameToLoad)->second);
236 int numRows = table->rows();
237 //check that the given column names are indeed part of that table
238 map<string, CCfits::Column*> colMap = table->column();
239 if (columnsToDump.size() != 0)
240 {
241 for (vector<string>::iterator it=columnsToDump.begin(); it!= columnsToDump.end(); it++)
242 {
243 if (colMap.find(*it) == colMap.end())
244 {
245 cout << "Config-given dump list contains invalid entry " << *it << endl;
246 delete file;
247 return -1;
248 }
249 }
250 }
251 //dump the requested columns
252 table->makeThisCurrent();
253 vector<int> offsets = CalculateBufferSize(colMap);
254 int size = offsets[offsets.size()-1];
255 offsets.pop_back();
256 unsigned char* fitsBuffer = new unsigned char[size];
258 ofstream targetFile(outputFile.c_str());
259 int status = 0;
261 for (int i=1;i<=table->rows(); i++)
262 {
263 fits_read_tblbytes(file->fitsPointer(), i, 1, size, fitsBuffer, &status);
264 if (status)
265 {
266 cout << "An error occurred while reading fits row #" << i << " error code: " << status << endl;
267 for (unsigned int j=0;j<offsets.size(); j++)
268 cout << offsets[j] << " ";
269 cout << endl;
270 }
271 writeValuesFromFits(offsets, targetFile, fitsBuffer, columnsToDump, colMap);
272 }
273 delete file;
274 return 0;
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