#include #include #include #include "Database.h" #include "tools.h" #include "Time.h" #include "Configuration.h" #ifdef HAVE_HIGHLIGHT #include "srchilite/sourcehighlight.h" #include "srchilite/langmap.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_ROOT #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TRolke.h" #include "TFeldmanCousins.h" #endif using namespace std; using boost::adaptors::transformed; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; // ------------------------------- Binning ---------------------------------- struct Binning : std::set { bool equidist { false }; Binning() { } Binning(const Binning &m) : std::set(m), equidist(m.equidist) { } Binning(size_t cnt, double mn, double mx) { set(cnt, mn, mx); } void set(size_t cnt, double mn, double mx) { if (cnt==0) return; if (empty()) equidist = true; const double min = ::min(mn, mx); const double max = ::max(mn, mx); const double stp = (max-min)/cnt; for (size_t i=0; i<=cnt; i++) emplace(min+i*stp); } void add(double val) { emplace(val); equidist = false; } Binning &operator+=(const vector &v) { if (!v.empty()) { insert(v.cbegin(), v.cend()); equidist = false; } return *this; } Binning operator+(const vector &v) { return Binning(*this) += v; } void add(const double &val) { emplace(val); equidist = false; } string list() const { return boost::join(*this | transformed([](double d) { return std::to_string(d); }), ","); } string str() const { if (!equidist) return list(); return to_string(size()-1)+":"+to_string(*begin())+","+to_string(*rbegin()); } vector vec() const { return vector(begin(), end()); } //double operator[](size_t i) const { return vec().at(i); } }; std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Binning &m) { const istreambuf_iterator eos; string txt(istreambuf_iterator(in), eos); const boost::regex expr( "([0-9]+)[ /,:;]+" "([-+]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)[ /,:;]+" "([-+]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)" ); boost::smatch match; if (!boost::regex_match(txt, match, expr)) throw runtime_error("Could not evaluate binning: "+txt); m = Binning(stoi(match[1].str()), stof(match[2].str()), stof(match[4].str())); return in; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Binning &m) { return out << m.str(); } // ---------------------------- Configuration ------------------------------- void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { po::options_description control("Calcsource options"); control.add_options() ("uri,u", var() #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200 ->required() #endif , "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[?compress=0|1].") ("out,o", var(conf.GetName()), "Defines the prefix (with path) of the output files.") ("force,f", po_bool(), "Force overwriting output files."); po::options_description debug("Debug options"); debug.add_options() ("dry-run", po_bool(), "Only write the queries to the query.log file. Internally overwrites uri with an empty string.") ("print-uri", po_bool(), "Print the interpreted URI (warning: passwort is printed to the console)") ("print-connection", po_bool(), "Print database connection information") #ifdef HAVE_HIGHLIGHT ("print-queries", po_bool(), "Print all queries to the console. They are automatically highlighted.") #else ("print-queries", po_bool(), "Print all queries to the console. (For highlighting recompile with 'libsource-highlight-dev' installed)") #endif ("mc-only", po_bool(), "Do not run a data related queries (except observation times)") ("verbose,v", var(1), "Verbosity (0: quiet, 1: default, 2: more, 3, ...)") ; po::options_description binnings("Binnings"); binnings.add_options() ("theta", var(Binning(90, 0, 90)), "Add equidistant bins in theta (degrees). Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)") ("theta-bin", vars(), "Add a bin-edge to the theta binning (degree)") ("energy-dense", var(Binning(30, 2, 5)), "Add equidistant bins in log10 simulated energy. Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)") ("energy-dense-bin", vars(), "Add a bin-edge to the binnnig in log10 simulated enegry") ("energy-sparse", var(Binning(15, 2, 5)), "Add equidistant bins in log10 estimated energy. Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)") ("energy-sparse-bin", vars(), "Add a bin-edge to the binning in log10 estimated enegry") ("impact", var(Binning(28, 0, 280)), "Add equidistant bins in impact in meter. Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)") ("impact-bin", vars(), "Add a bin-edge to the binning in impact in meter") ; po::options_description analysis("Analysis Setup"); analysis.add_options() ("analysis", var("analysis.sql"), "File with the analysis query. A default file is created automatically in the directory it does not exist.") ("source-key", var(5), "Source key to be used in data file selection (Default=Crab).") ("selector", vars()->required(),"WHERE clause to be used in data file selection, selectors are concatenated by AND.") ("selsim", vars(), "WHERE clause to be used in monte carlo file selection, selsims are concatenated by AND.") ("estimator", var()->required(), "Energy estimator to be used (units must be consistent with energy binnings).") ("spectrum", var()->required(), "Spectral shape for re-weighting of simulated 'Energy'") // ("env.*", var(), "Define a variable that is replaced in all queries automatically.") ; po::options_description physics("Physics"); physics.add_options() ("confidence-level,c", var(0.99), "Confidence level for the calculation of the upper limits.") ("feldman-cousins", po_bool(), "Calculate Feldman-Cousins ULs (slow and only minor difference to Rolke).") ; //po::positional_options_description p; //p.add("file", 1); // The 1st positional options (n=1) conf.AddOptions(control); conf.AddOptions(debug); conf.AddOptions(binnings); conf.AddOptions(analysis); conf.AddOptions(physics); //conf.SetArgumentPositions(p); } void PrintUsage() { //78 ............................................................................. cout << "spectrum - Calculate a spectrum with classical algorithms\n" "\n\n" "Usage: spectrum [-u URI] [options]\n" "\n" "Note that default analysis query is built into the executable. If a changed " "query should be used, it is not enough to just change the file, but the " "--analysis command line option has to be explicitly specified.\n" ; cout << endl; } // ----------------------------- Indentation -------------------------------- class sindent : public std::streambuf { std::streambuf *sbuf { nullptr }; std::ostream *owner { nullptr }; int lastch { 0 }; // start-of-line std::string str; protected: virtual int overflow(int ch) { if (lastch=='\n' && ch != '\n' ) sbuf->sputn(str.data(), str.size()); return sbuf->sputc(lastch = ch); } public: explicit sindent(std::streambuf *dest, uint16_t indent=0) : sbuf(dest), str(indent, ' ') { } explicit sindent(std::ostream& dest, uint16_t indent=0) : sbuf(dest.rdbuf()), owner(&dest), str(indent, ' ') { owner->rdbuf(this); } virtual ~sindent() { if (owner) owner->rdbuf(sbuf); } void set(uint16_t w) { str.assign(w, ' '); } }; struct indent { uint16_t w; indent(uint16_t _w=0) : w(_w) { } }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, indent m) { sindent *buf=dynamic_cast(out.rdbuf()); if (buf) buf->set(m.w); return out; } struct separator { string s; uint16_t n { 0 }; separator(string _s="") : s(_s) { }; separator(char c='-', uint16_t _n=78) : s(_n, c), n(_n) { }; }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, separator m) { if (m.n) out << m.s; else { const uint8_t l = (78-m.s.size())/2-3; out << string(l<1?1:l, '-') << "={ " << m.s << " }=" << string(l<1?1:l, '-'); if (m.s.size()%2) out << '-'; } return out; } // ------------------------------- MySQL++ ---------------------------------- bool ShowWarnings(Database &connection) { if (!connection.connected()) return true; try { const auto resw = connection.query("SHOW WARNINGS").store(); for (size_t i=0; i struct Value { T t { def }; Value() = default; Value(const T &_t) : t(_t) { } operator T() const { return t; } };*/ string name; string title; string dir; Binning binningx; Binning binningy; string table; string x; string y; string v; string err; string axisx; string axisy; string axisz; bool stats; //Value stats; }; #ifdef HAVE_ROOT TH1 *CreateHistogram(const Histogram &hist) { const char *name = hist.name.empty() ? hist.v.c_str() : hist.name.c_str(); cout << "Creating Histogram '" << hist.dir << "/" << name << "'" << endl; const auto vecx = hist.binningx.vec(); const auto vecy = hist.binningy.vec(); TH1 *h = 0; if (hist.y.empty()) { h = hist.binningx.equidist ? new TH1D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.front(), vecx.back()) : new TH1D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.data()); } else { if (hist.binningy.equidist) { h = hist.binningx.equidist ? new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.front(), vecx.back(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back()) : new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.data(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back()); } else { h = hist.binningx.equidist ? new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.front(), vecx.back(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back()) : new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.data(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back()); } } h->SetXTitle(hist.axisx.c_str()); h->SetYTitle(hist.axisy.c_str()); h->SetZTitle(hist.axisz.c_str()); h->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); h->SetStats(hist.stats); return h; } void WriteHistogram(TH1 *h, const string &directory) { gFile->cd(); TDirectory *dir = gFile->GetDirectory(directory.c_str()); if (dir) dir->cd(); else { gFile->mkdir(directory.c_str()); gFile->cd(directory.c_str()); } h->Write(); } #endif void WriteHistogram(Database &connection, const Histogram &hist) { #ifdef HAVE_ROOT if (!connection.connected()) return; TH1 *h = CreateHistogram(hist); mysqlpp::Query query(&connection); query << "SELECT `%0:x` AS X,%1:y `%2:v` AS V%3:err FROM `%4:table`"; query.parse(); query.template_defaults["table"] = hist.table.c_str(); query.template_defaults["x"] = hist.x.c_str(); query.template_defaults["v"] = hist.v.c_str(); if (!hist.y.empty()) query.template_defaults["y"] = (" `"+hist.y+"` AS Y,").c_str(); if (!hist.err.empty()) query.template_defaults["err"] = (", `"+hist.err+"` AS E").c_str(); // PrintQuery(query.str()); const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = query.store(); for (auto ir=res.cbegin(); ir!=res.cend(); ir++) { const auto &row = *ir; try { const uint32_t x = row["X"]; const double v = row["V"]; if (x>uint32_t(h->GetNbinsX()+1)) continue; try { const uint32_t y = row["Y"]; if (y>uint32_t(h->GetNbinsY()+1)) continue; h->SetBinContent(x, y, v); } catch (const mysqlpp::BadFieldName &) { h->SetBinContent(x, v); try { h->SetBinError(x, double(row["E"])); } catch (const mysqlpp::BadFieldName &) { } } } catch (const mysqlpp::BadConversion &b) { cerr << "\033[31m" << b.what() << "\033[0m" << endl; } } WriteHistogram(h, hist.dir); delete h; #endif } void WriteHistogram(Database &connection, const Histogram &hist, const map &data) { #ifdef HAVE_ROOT TH1 *h = CreateHistogram(hist); for (auto ir=data.cbegin(); ir!=data.cend(); ir++) h->SetBinContent(ir->first, ir->second); WriteHistogram(h, hist.dir); delete h; #endif } // -------------------------------- Resources ------------------------------- #define RESOURCE(TYPE,RC) ([]() { \ extern const char _binary_##RC##_start[]; \ extern const char _binary_##RC##_end[]; \ return TYPE(_binary_##RC##_start, _binary_##RC##_end); \ })() string CreateResource(Configuration &conf, const string id, const string def, const string resource) { string file = conf.Get(id); if (file!=def) { file = conf.GetPrefixedString(id); cout << "Using " << file << "." << endl; return file; } file = conf.GetPrefixedString(id); cout << "Searching " << file << "... "; if (fs::exists(file)) { cout << "found." << endl; return file; } cout << "creating!" << endl; ofstream(file) << resource; return file; } // ================================== MAIN ================================== int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { Time start; Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv)) return 127; // ----------------------------- Evaluate options -------------------------- const string uri = conf.Get("dry-run") ? "" : conf.Get("uri"); const string out = conf.Get("out"); const bool force = conf.Get("force"); const uint16_t verbose = conf.Get("verbose"); const double confidence = conf.Get("confidence-level"); const bool feldman = conf.Get("feldman-cousins"); const bool print_uri = conf.Get("print-uri"); const bool print_connection = conf.Get("print-connection"); const bool print_queries = conf.Get("print-queries"); const bool mc_only = conf.Get("mc-only"); Binning binning_theta = conf.Get("theta")+conf.Vec("theta-bin"); Binning binning_dense = conf.Get("energy-dense"); Binning binning_sparse = conf.Get("energy-sparse"); Binning binning_impact = conf.Get("impact"); cout << "\nIt is " << start.Iso() << "\n\n"; cout << "Binning 'theta': " << binning_theta.str() << endl; cout << "Binning 'dense': " << binning_dense.str() << endl; cout << "Binning 'sparse': " << binning_sparse.str() << endl; cout << "Binning 'impact': " << binning_impact.str() << endl; const uint16_t source_key = conf.Get("source-key"); const string where = boost::join(conf.Vec("selector"), ") AND\n ("); const string where_sim = boost::join(conf.Vec("selsim"), ") AND\n ("); const string estimator = conf.Get("estimator"); const string spectrum = conf.Get("spectrum"); // const auto env = conf.GetOptions("env."); cout << "\n"; const string analysis_sql = CreateResource(conf, "analysis", "analysis.sql", RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_analysis_sql)); const string data_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_data_sql); const string simulation_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_simulation_sql); const string spectrum_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_spectrum_sql); const string summary_sim_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_summary_sim_sql); const string summary_est_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_summary_est_sql); cout << endl; const string str_theta = binning_theta.list(); const string str_dense = binning_dense.list(); const string str_sparse = binning_sparse.list(); const string str_impact = binning_impact.list(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checking for database connection Database connection(uri, print_uri); // Keep alive while fetching rows if (!uri.empty()) { if (verbose>0) { cout << "Connecting to database...\n"; cout << "Client Version: " << mysqlpp::Connection().client_version() << endl; } try { connection.connected(); } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << "SQL connection failed: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } if (verbose>0) { cout << "Server Version: " << connection.server_version() << endl; cout << "Connected to " << connection.ipc_info() << endl; } if (print_connection) { try { const auto res1 = connection.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'").store(); cout << "Compression of database connection is " << string(res1[0][1]) << endl; const auto res2 = connection.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'").store(); cout << "Connection to databases is " << (string(res2[0][1]).empty()?"UNENCRYPTED":"ENCRYPTED ("+string(res2[0][1])+")") << endl; } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << "\nSHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'\n\n"; cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl; return 9; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create log streams cout << "\n"; cout << "Queries will be logged to " << out << ".query.sql\n"; if (connection.connected()) { cout << "Tables will be dumped to " << out << ".dump.sql\n"; cout << "ROOT macro will be written to " << out << ".C\n"; } #ifdef HAVE_ROOT TFile root(connection.connected() ? (out+".hist.root").c_str() : "", force ? "RECREATE" : "CREATE"); if (connection.connected()) { if (root.IsZombie()) return 10; cout << "Histograms will be written to " << out << ".hist.root\n"; } if (verbose>0) cout << "\nCalculating upper limits for a confidence interval of " << confidence << endl; #endif cout << endl; if (!force) { if (fs::exists(out+".query.sql")) { cerr << "File '" << out << ".query.sql' already exists!" << endl; return 11; } if (connection.connected()) { if (fs::exists(out+".dump.sql")) { cerr << "File '" << out << ".dump.sql' already exists!" << endl; return 12; } if (fs::exists(out+".C")) { cerr << "File '" << out << ".C' already exists!" << endl; return 13; } } } ofstream qlog(out+".query.sql"); ofstream flog(connection.connected() ? out+".dump.sql" : ""); ofstream mlog(connection.connected() ? out+".C" : ""); // FIMXE: Implement SYNTAX check on spectrum, estimator and selector // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- Binnings ----------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("Binnings") << '\n'; CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_theta, "Theta", "Binning in zenith angle"); CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_dense, "Energy_dense", "Dense binning in log10 Energy"); CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_sparse, "Energy_sparse", "Sparse binning in log10 Energy"); CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_impact, "Impact", "Binning in impact distance"); Dump(flog, connection, "BinningTheta"); Dump(flog, connection, "BinningEnergy_dense"); Dump(flog, connection, "BinningEnergy_sparse"); Dump(flog, connection, "BinningImpact"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- DataFiles ---------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("DataFiles") << '\n'; Time start1; /* 01:get-data-files.sql */ mysqlpp::Query query1(&connection); query1 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE DataFiles\n" "(\n" // " FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " PRIMARY KEY (FileId) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " FileId\n" " FROM\n" " factdata.RunInfo\n" " WHERE\n" " fRunTypeKEY=1 AND fSourceKEY=%100:source AND\n" " (%101:where)\n" " ORDER BY\n" " FileId\n" // In order: faster ")"; query1.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query1.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query1.template_defaults["source"] = to_string(source_key).c_str(); query1.template_defaults["where"] = where.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query1.str()); qlog << query1 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query1.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "DataFiles"); const auto sec1 = Time().UnixTime()-start1.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec1 << "s\n" << endl; } // FIXME: Setup Zd binning depending on Data // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------- ObservationTime ------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("ObservationTime") << '\n'; Time start2; // For some reason, the comments do not appear in the "EXPLAIN CREATE TABLE" query mysqlpp::Query query2(&connection); query2 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ObservationTime\n" "(\n" //" `.theta` INT COMMENT 'Zenith Angle bin index',\n" " OnTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"// COMMENT 'Effective on time in seconds per bin',\n" " PRIMARY KEY (`.theta`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Effective on time of selected data files binning in zenith angle'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " INTERVAL(fZenithDistanceMean, %100:bins) AS `.theta`,\n" " SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn) AS OnTime\n" " FROM\n" " DataFiles\n" " LEFT JOIN \n" " factdata.RunInfo USING (FileId)\n" " GROUP BY\n" " `.theta`\n" " ORDER BY\n" " `.theta`\n" ")"; query2.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query2.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query2.template_defaults["bins"] = str_theta.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query2.str()); qlog << query2 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query2.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "ObservationTime"); const auto sec2 = Time().UnixTime()-start2.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec2 << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- MonteCarloFiles ------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("MonteCarloFiles") << '\n'; Time start3; mysqlpp::Query query3(&connection); query3 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MonteCarloFiles\n" "(\n" // " FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " PRIMARY KEY (FileId) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Monte Carlo files selected by data Zenith Angle range'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " FileId\n" " FROM\n" " ObservationTime\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " BinningTheta ON `.theta`=bin\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " factmc.RunInfoMC\n" " ON\n" " (ThetaMin>=lo AND ThetaMinlo AND ThetaMax<=hi)\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " factmc.SetInfo USING (SetKEY, PartId)\n" " WHERE\n" " PartId=1 %101:where\n" " ORDER BY\n" " FileId\n" // In order: faster ")"; query3.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query3.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query3.template_defaults["where"] = where_sim.empty()? "" : ("AND\n ("+where_sim+")").c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query3.str()); qlog << query3 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query3.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "MonteCarloFiles"); const auto sec3 = Time().UnixTime()-start3.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec3 << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------- Monte Carlo Area ------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("MonteCarloArea") << '\n'; Time start4; mysqlpp::Query query4(&connection); query4 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MonteCarloArea ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Minimum and maximum impact radius of selected Monte Carlo files'" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " MIN(`CSCAT[1]`) AS MinImpactLo,\n" " MAX(`CSCAT[1]`) AS MaxImpactLo,\n" " MIN(`CSCAT[2]`) AS MinImpactHi,\n" " MAX(`CSCAT[2]`) AS MaxImpactHi\n" " FROM\n" " MonteCarloFiles\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " factmc.CorsikaSetup ON FileId=RUNNR\n" // " GROUP BY\n" // " `CSCAT[1]`, `CSCAT[2]`\n" " ORDER BY\n" " MaxImpactHi\n" ")"; query4.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query4.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query4.str()); qlog << query4 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query4.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); if (Dump(flog, connection, "MonteCarloArea")!=1) { cerr << "Impact range inconsistent!" << endl; return 1; } const auto sec4 = Time().UnixTime()-start4.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec4 << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- SummaryMC --------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("SummaryOriginalMC") << '\n'; Time start5; // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy mysqlpp::Query query5(&connection); query5 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Summary%100:table\n" "(\n" // " `.theta` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Zenith Angle bin index',\n" // " `.sparse_sim` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy bin index (sparse binning)',\n" // " `.dense_sim` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy bin index (dense binning)',\n" " CountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Event count per bin',\n" " SumW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"// COMMENT 'Sum of spectral weights',\n" " SumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"// COMMENT 'Sum of squared spectral weights',\n" " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.dense_sim`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Event counts and sums of (squared) spectral weights for selected Monte Carlo data binned in log10 energy'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " WITH BinnedData AS\n" " (\n" " SELECT\n" " INTERVAL(%101:column, %102:theta) AS `.theta`,\n" " INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %103:sparse) AS `.sparse_sim`,\n" " INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %104:dense) AS `.dense_sim`,\n" " (%105:spectrum)/pow(Energy, SpectralIndex) AS SpectralWeight\n" " FROM\n" " MonteCarloFiles\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " factmc.RunInfoMC USING (FileId)\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " factmc.%100:table USING (FileId)\n" " )\n" " SELECT\n" " `.theta`,\n" " `.sparse_sim`,\n" " `.dense_sim`,\n" " COUNT(*) AS CountN,\n" " SUM( SpectralWeight ) AS SumW,\n" " SUM(POW(SpectralWeight,2)) AS SumW2\n" " FROM\n" " BinnedData\n" " GROUP BY\n" " `.theta`, `.sparse_sim`, `.dense_sim`\n" ")"; query5.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query5.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query5.template_defaults["table"] = "OriginalMC"; query5.template_defaults["column"] = "DEGREES(Theta)"; query5.template_defaults["sparse"] = str_sparse.c_str(); query5.template_defaults["dense"] = str_dense.c_str(); query5.template_defaults["theta"] = str_theta.c_str(); query5.template_defaults["spectrum"] = spectrum.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query5.str()); qlog << query5 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query5.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "SummaryOriginalMC"); const auto sec5 = Time().UnixTime()-start5.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec5 << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("SummaryEventsMC") << '\n'; Time start5b; query5.template_defaults["table"] = "EventsMC"; query5.template_defaults["column"] = "DEGREES(Theta)"; if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query5.str()); qlog << query5 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query5.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "SummaryEventsMC"); const auto sec5b = Time().UnixTime()-start5b.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec5b << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- ThetDist ----------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time start6; // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy mysqlpp::Query query6(&connection); query6 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ThetaDist\n" "(\n" " CountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " ErrCountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ZdWeight DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrZdWeight DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Event counts and sums of (squared) spectral weights for selected Monte Carlo data binned in theta'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " WITH ThetaCount AS\n" " (\n" " SELECT\n" " `.theta`,\n" " SUM(CountN) AS CountN\n" " FROM\n" " SummaryOriginalMC\n" " GROUP BY\n" " `.theta`\n" " )\n" " SELECT\n" " `.theta`,\n" " CountN,\n" " SQRT(CountN) AS ErrCountN,\n" " OnTime,\n" " OnTime/CountN AS ZdWeight,\n" /* 1s per 300s 1/CountN = [sqrt(CountN)/CountN]^2 */ " (OnTime/CountN)*SQRT(POW(1/300, 2) + 1/CountN) AS ErrZdWeight\n" " FROM\n" " ObservationTime\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " ThetaCount USING (`.theta`)\n" " LEFT JOIN\n" " BinningTheta ON `.theta`=bin\n" " ORDER BY\n" " `.theta`\n" ")"; query6.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query6.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query6.str()); qlog << query6 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query6.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "ThetaDist"); const auto sec6 = Time().UnixTime()-start6.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec6 << "s\n\n"; } WriteHistogram(connection, { .name = "OnTime", .title = "Effective on time per Zd bin", .dir = "Zd", .binningx = binning_theta, .binningy = {}, .table = "ThetaDist", .x = ".theta", .y = "", .v = "OnTime", .err = "", .axisx = "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]", .axisy = "Eff. on time [s]", .axisz = "", .stats = true }); WriteHistogram(connection, { .name = "CountN", .title = "Simulated Number of Events in each Zd bin", .dir = "Zd", .binningx = binning_theta, .binningy = {}, .table = "ThetaDist", .x = ".theta", .y = "", .v = "CountN", .err = "ErrCountN", .axisx = "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]", .axisy = "Counts", .axisz = "", .stats = true }); WriteHistogram(connection, { .name = "ZdWeight", .title = "Calculated Weight for each Zd bin", .dir = "Zd", .binningx = binning_theta, .binningy = {}, .table = "ThetaDist", .x = ".theta", .y = "", .v = "ZdWeight", .err = "ErrZdWeight", .axisx = "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]", .axisy = "Weight [s]", .axisz = "", .stats = true }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- WeightedMC ---------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time start7; // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy mysqlpp::Query query7(&connection); query7 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Weighted%100:table\n" "(\n" " SumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.dense_sim`) USING HASH\n" ")\n" "ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Table Summary%100:table but with theta-weights applied'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " `.theta`,\n" " `.sparse_sim`,\n" " `.dense_sim`,\n" " S.CountN,\n" " S.SumW*ZdWeight AS SumW,\n" " S.SumW2*POW(ErrZdWeight, 2) AS SumW2\n" " FROM\n" " Summary%100:table S\n" " INNER JOIN\n" " ThetaDist USING (`.theta`)\n" ")"; query7.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query7.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query7.template_defaults["table"] = "OriginalMC"; if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query7.str()); qlog << query7 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query7.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "WeightedOriginalMC"); const auto sec7 = Time().UnixTime()-start7.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec7 << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time start7b; query7.template_defaults["table"] = "EventsMC"; if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query7.str()); qlog << query7 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query7.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "WeightedEventsMC"); const auto sec7b = Time().UnixTime()-start7b.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec7b << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- AnalysisMC ---------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("AnalysisMC") << '\n'; Time start8; // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy mysqlpp::Query query8(&connection); sindent indent8(query8); query8 << /* "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE AnalysisMC\n" "(\n" " `.sparse` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " `.dense` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest (for spectral analysis) " SignalN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " BackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " ExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " ExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " ErrExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " ErrExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " ThresholdW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Esim (for simulation analysis) " ThresholdN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Esim " BiasEst DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest " BiasSim DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Esim " ResolutionEst DOUBLE,\n" " ResolutionSim DOUBLE,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.dense`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=Memory\n" */ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE AnalysisMC\n" "(\n" " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SignalW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ResidualW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ResidualW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SumEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SumEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse_est`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.dense_est`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.dense_sim`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse_est`, `.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.dense_est`, `.dense_sim`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.impact`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Sum of counts and (squared) weightes of Monte Carlo Data after analysis'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " WITH Excess AS\n" " (\n" << indent(6) << ifstream(analysis_sql).rdbuf() << indent(0) << " ),\n" << " Result AS\n" " (\n" << indent(6) << simulation_sql << indent(0) << // Must end with EOL and not in the middle of a comment " )\n" " SELECT * FROM Result\n" ")"; query8.parse(); // for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query8.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); //query6.template_defaults["columns"] = "FileId, EvtNumber, CorsikaNumReuse,"; query8.template_defaults["columns"] = "Energy, SpectralIndex, Impact,"; query8.template_defaults["zenith"] = "DEGREES(Theta)"; query8.template_defaults["files"] = "MonteCarloFiles"; query8.template_defaults["runinfo"] = "factmc.RunInfoMC"; query8.template_defaults["events"] = "factmc.EventsMC"; query8.template_defaults["positions"] = "factmc.PositionMC"; query8.template_defaults["sparse"] = str_sparse.c_str(); query8.template_defaults["dense"] = str_dense.c_str(); query8.template_defaults["theta"] = str_theta.c_str(); query8.template_defaults["impact"] = str_impact.c_str(); query8.template_defaults["spectrum"] = spectrum.c_str(); query8.template_defaults["estimator"] = estimator.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query8.str()); qlog << query8 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query8.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "AnalysisMC"); const auto sec8 = Time().UnixTime()-start8.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec8 << "s\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------- SimulatedSpectrum ----------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- const vector binnings = { "dense", "sparse", "theta" }; for (auto ib=binnings.cbegin(); ib!=binnings.cend(); ib++) { const string table = "Summary"+(*ib=="theta" ? "Theta" : "TrueEnergy_"+*ib); cout << separator(table) << '\n'; // [lo^(1+gammaa) - hi^(1+gamma)] / (1+gamma) Time start9; /* "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SummarySimulated\n" "(\n" " `.energy` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin Index [MC Energy]',\n" " CountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // COMMENT 'Number of events',\n" " CountW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // COMMENT 'Sum of weights, reweighted sum',\n" " CountW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // COMMENT 'Sum of square of weights'\n" " PRIMARY KEY (`.energy`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=Memory\n" */ mysqlpp::Query query9(&connection); sindent indent9(query9); query9 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %100:table\n" "(\n" " SimCountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " TrigCountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrSimCountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrTrigCountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrSignalN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " SimSumW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " TrigSumW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " SimSumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " TrigSumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SignalW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ExcessW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " SimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " TrigFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrSimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrTrigFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ResidualW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ResidualW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ResolutionW DOUBLE,\n" // " SumEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SumEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " AvgEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " AvgEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " CutEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " CutEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " TriggerEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " TriggerEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " EffectiveAreaN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " EffectiveAreaW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrCutEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrCutEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrEffectiveAreaN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrEffectiveAreaW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrTriggerEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrTriggerEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " IntegralSimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralSimFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralSignalFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralBackgroundFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrIntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrIntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrIntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrIntegralSimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " IntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " AvgIntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " AvgIntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ObsTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " Area DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " AreaTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " Width DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " INDEX (%102:bin) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Summary of all Monte Carlo quantities, binned in true energy or zenith angle'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" << indent(3) << summary_sim_sql << indent(0) << ")"; // [ Sa^2/a^2 + Sb^2/b^2 ] * a^2/b^2 // [ (sc^2)/c^2+(sb^2)/b^2+(sa^2)/a^2 ] * a^2*b^2/c^2 // [ a/b - c^2/d^2] --> (4*Sc^2*c^2)/d^4 + (4*Sd^2*c^4)/d^6 + Sa^2/b^2 + (Sb^2*a^2)/b^4 query9.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query9.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query9.template_defaults["table"] = table.c_str(); query9.template_defaults["binning"] = *ib=="theta" ? "BinningTheta" : ("BinningEnergy_"+*ib).c_str(); query9.template_defaults["bin"] = *ib=="theta" ? "`.theta`" : ("`."+*ib+"_sim`").c_str(); query9.template_defaults["binwidth"] = *ib=="theta" ? "1" : "(POW(10,hi)-POW(10,lo))/1000"; if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query9.str()); qlog << query9 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query9.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, table); const auto sec9 = Time().UnixTime()-start9.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec9 << "s\n"; } Histogram hist_sim; hist_sim.table = table; hist_sim.dir = *ib=="theta" ? "MC/theta" : "MC/"+*ib+"/TrueEnergy"; hist_sim.x = *ib=="theta" ? ".theta" : "."+*ib+"_sim"; hist_sim.axisx = *ib=="theta" ? "Zenith Angle #theta [#circ]" : "Energy lg(E_{sim}/GeV)"; hist_sim.stats = false; if (*ib=="theta") hist_sim.binningx=binning_theta; if (*ib=="dense") hist_sim.binningx=binning_dense; if (*ib=="sparse") hist_sim.binningx=binning_sparse; hist_sim.axisy = "Counts"; hist_sim.title = "Events simulated with Corsika"; hist_sim.v = "SimCountN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrSimCountN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Events after cleaning"; hist_sim.v = "TrigCountN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrTrigCountN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; hist_sim.v = "SignalN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrSignalN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all Cuts"; hist_sim.v = "BackgroundN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrBackgroundN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Excess events [true positive - false positive]"; hist_sim.v = "ExcessN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrExcessN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.axisy = *ib=="theta"?"dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]":"dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]"; hist_sim.title = "Weighted simulated events (corsika) per simulated area and time"; hist_sim.v = "SimFluxW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrSimFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Weighted events after trigger (cered) per simulated area and time"; hist_sim.v = "TrigFluxW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrTrigFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Weighted excess events [true positive - false positive]"; hist_sim.v = "ExcessFluxW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrExcessFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Weighted events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; hist_sim.v = "SignalFluxW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrSignalFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Weighted events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all cuts per simulated area and time"; hist_sim.v = "BackgroundFluxW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrBackgroundFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Average simulated energy for weighted events after cuts"; hist_sim.v = "AvgEnergySimW"; hist_sim.err = ""; hist_sim.axisy = "/GeV"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Average estimated energy for weighted events after cuts"; hist_sim.v = "AvgEnergyEstW"; hist_sim.err = ""; hist_sim.axisy = "/GeV"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Cut effiency times simulated area"; hist_sim.v = "EffectiveAreaN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrEffectiveAreaN"; hist_sim.axisy = "A_{eff} [cm^{2}]"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Cut efficiency for eighted spectrum times simulated area"; hist_sim.v = "EffectiveAreaW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrEffectiveAreaW"; hist_sim.axisy = "A_{eff} [cm^{2}]"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Bias of energy estimation for weighted events"; hist_sim.v = "BiasW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrBiasW"; hist_sim.axisy = ""; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Resolution of energy estimation for weighted events"; hist_sim.v = "ResolutionW"; hist_sim.err = ""; hist_sim.axisy = "#sigma(lg(E_{est}/E_{sim}))"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Ratio of event after trigger (ceres) to simulated events (corsika)"; hist_sim.v = "TriggerEfficiencyN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrTriggerEfficiencyN"; hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Ratio of weighted event after trigger (ceres) to weighted simulated events (corsika)"; hist_sim.v = "TriggerEfficiencyW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrTriggerEfficiencyW"; hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Ratio of event after cuts to triggered events (ceres)"; hist_sim.v = "CutEfficiencyN"; hist_sim.err = "ErrCutEfficiencyN"; hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); hist_sim.title = "Ratio of weighted event after cuts to weighted triggered events (ceres)"; hist_sim.v = "CutEfficiencyW"; hist_sim.err = "ErrCutEfficiencyW"; hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------ ImpactDistribution ----------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("ImpactDistribution_"+*ib) << '\n'; Time start13; mysqlpp::Query query13(&connection); query13 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ImpactDistribution_%100:binning\n" "(\n" " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Impact Distribution of unweighted signal events after cuts'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " %101:bin,\n" " `.impact`,\n" " SUM(SignalN) AS SignalN\n" " FROM\n" " AnalysisMC\n" " GROUP BY\n" " %101:bin, `.impact`\n" " ORDER BY\n" " %101:bin, `.impact`\n" ")"; query13.parse(); query13.template_defaults["binning"] = ib->c_str(); query13.template_defaults["bin"] = *ib=="theta" ? "`.theta`" : ("`."+*ib+"_sim`").c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query13.str()); qlog << query13 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query13.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "ImpactDistribution_"+*ib); const auto sec13 = Time().UnixTime()-start13.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec13 << "s\n"; } hist_sim.name = "Impact"; hist_sim.title = "Distribution of Impact Distance"; hist_sim.y = ".impact"; hist_sim.v = "SignalN"; hist_sim.err = ""; hist_sim.table = "ImpactDistribution_"+*ib; hist_sim.binningy = binning_impact; hist_sim.axisy = "Impact Distance [m]"; hist_sim.axisz = "Counts"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); // =================================================================== // =================================================================== if (*ib=="theta") continue; // =================================================================== // =================================================================== // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------- SimulatedSpectrum ----------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("SummaryEstimatedEnergy_"+*ib) << '\n'; // [lo^(1+gammaa) - hi^(1+gamma)] / (1+gamma) Time start10; mysqlpp::Query query10(&connection); sindent indent10(query10); query10 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SummaryEstimatedEnergy_%100:binning\n" "(\n" " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrSignalN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " SignalW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " SignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ResidualW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ResidualW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " BiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrBiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ResolutionW DOUBLE,\n" // " SumEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " SumEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " AvgEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " AvgEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " IntegralSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralSignalFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralBackgroundFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ErrIntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrIntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " ErrIntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " IntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " IntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " AvgIntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " AvgIntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " ObsTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " Area DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " AreaTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " Width DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // " INDEX (`.%100:binning:_est`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Summary of all Monte Carlo quantities binned in estimated energy'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" << indent(3) << summary_est_sql << indent(6) << ")"; query10.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query10.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query10.template_defaults["binning"] = ib->c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query10.str()); qlog << query10 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query10.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "SummaryEstimatedEnergy_"+*ib); const auto sec10 = Time().UnixTime()-start10.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec10 << "s\n"; } Histogram hist_est; hist_est.dir = "MC/"+*ib+"/EstimatedEnergy"; hist_est.binningx = *ib=="dense"?binning_dense:binning_sparse; hist_est.table = "SummaryEstimatedEnergy_"+*ib; hist_est.x = "."+*ib+"_est"; hist_est.axisx = "Energy lg(E_{est}/GeV)"; hist_est.stats = false; hist_est.axisy = "Counts"; hist_est.title = "Events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; hist_est.v = "SignalN"; hist_est.err = "ErrSignalN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all Cuts"; hist_est.v = "BackgroundN"; hist_est.err = "ErrBackgroundN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Excess events [true positive - false positive]"; hist_est.v = "ExcessN"; hist_est.err = "ErrExcessN"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Average simulated energy for weighted events after cuts"; hist_est.v = "AvgEnergySimW"; hist_est.err = ""; hist_est.axisy = "/GeV"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Average estimated energy for weighted events after cuts"; hist_est.v = "AvgEnergyEstW"; hist_est.err = ""; hist_est.axisy = "/GeV"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.axisy = "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]"; hist_est.title = "Weighted events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; hist_est.v = "SignalFluxW"; hist_est.err = "ErrSignalFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Weighted events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all cuts per simulated area and time"; hist_est.v = "BackgroundFluxW"; hist_est.err = "ErrBackgroundFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Weighted excess events [true positive - false positive]"; hist_est.v = "ExcessFluxW"; hist_est.err = "ErrExcessFluxW"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Bias of energy estimation for weighted events"; hist_est.v = "BiasW"; hist_est.err = "ErrBiasW"; hist_est.axisy = ""; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); hist_est.title = "Resolution of energy estimation for weighted events"; hist_est.v = "ResolutionW"; hist_est.err = ""; hist_est.axisy = "#sigma(lg(E_{est}/E_{sim}))"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- MigrationMatrix ------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("EnergyMigration_"+*ib) << '\n'; Time start11; mysqlpp::Query query11(&connection); query11 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE EnergyMigration_%100:binning\n" "(\n" " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Energy Migration: Monte Carlo Event counts binned in true and estimated energy'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " SELECT\n" " `.%100:binning:_est`,\n" " `.%100:binning:_sim`,\n" " SUM(SignalN) AS SignalN\n" " FROM\n" " AnalysisMC\n" " GROUP BY\n" " `.%100:binning:_est`, `.%100:binning:_sim`\n" " ORDER BY\n" " `.%100:binning:_est`, `.%100:binning:_sim`\n" ")"; query11.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query11.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query11.template_defaults["binning"] = ib->c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query11.str()); qlog << query11 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query11.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "EnergyMigration_"+*ib); const auto sec11 = Time().UnixTime()-start11.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec11 << "s\n"; } WriteHistogram(connection, { .name = "Migration", .title = "", .dir = "MC/"+*ib, .binningx = *ib=="dense"?binning_dense:binning_sparse, .binningy = *ib=="dense"?binning_dense:binning_sparse, .table = "EnergyMigration_"+*ib, .x = "."+*ib+"_sim", .y = "."+*ib+"_est", .v = "SignalN", .err = "", .axisx = "Energy lg(E_{sim}/GeV)", .axisy = "Energy lg(E_{est}/GeV)", .axisz = "Counts", .stats = false }); } if (mc_only) { cout << separator("Summary") << '\n'; const auto sec = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << "Total execution time: " << sec << "s\n" << endl; return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- AnalysisData -------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("AnalysisData") << '\n'; Time start12; mysqlpp::Query query12(&connection); sindent indent12(query12); query12 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE AnalysisData\n" "(\n" " `Signal` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " `Background` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n" " `SumEnergyEst` DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " `SumW` DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n" " INDEX (`.sparse_est`) USING HASH\n" ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Sum of counts and (squared) weightes of selected data after analysis'\n" "AS\n" "(\n" " WITH Excess AS\n" " (\n" << indent(6) << ifstream(analysis_sql).rdbuf() << indent(0) << " ),\n" << " Result AS\n" " (\n" << indent(6) << data_sql << indent(0) << // Must end with EOL and not in the middle of a comment " )\n" " SELECT * FROM Result\n" ")"; query12.parse(); // for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query12.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); //query5.template_defaults["columns"] = "FileId, EvtNumber,"; query12.template_defaults["columns"] = ""; query12.template_defaults["zenith"] = "fZenithDistanceMean"; query12.template_defaults["files"] = "DataFiles"; query12.template_defaults["runinfo"] = "factdata.RunInfo"; query12.template_defaults["events"] = "factdata.Images"; query12.template_defaults["positions"] = "factdata.Position"; query12.template_defaults["sparse"] = str_sparse.c_str(); query12.template_defaults["theta"] = str_theta.c_str(); query12.template_defaults["estimator"] = estimator.c_str(); if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query12.str()); qlog << query12 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query12.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, "AnalysisData"); const auto sec12 = Time().UnixTime()-start12.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec12 << "s\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- Spectrum ------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- sindent mindent(mlog); mlog << "void spectrum()\n"; mlog << "{\n" << indent(4); mlog << "TGraphErrors *g = new TGraphErrors;\n" "g->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium);\n\n" "TGraph *ul = new TGraph;\n" "ul->SetMarkerStyle(23);\n\n"; const vector targets = { "Theta", "Energy" }; for (auto ib=targets.cbegin(); ib!=targets.cend(); ib++) { const string table = "Spectrum"+*ib; cout << separator(table) << '\n'; Time start13; /* "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Spectrum\n" "(\n" " `.energy` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin Index [Energy]' PRIMARY KEY,\n" " lo DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Lower edge of energy bin in lg(E/GeV)',\n" " hi DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Upper edge of energy bin in lg(E/GeV)',\n" " `Signal` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of signal events',\n" " `Background` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Average number of background events',\n" " `Excess` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of excess events',\n" " ErrSignal DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Poisson error on number of signal events',\n" " ErrBackground DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Poisson error on number of background events',\n" " `ErrExcess` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of excess events',\n" " `Significance` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Li/Ma sigficance',\n" " `ExcessN` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of excess events in simulated data',\n" " `ExcessW` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of excess events in simulated data',\n" " `ErrExcessN` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error or number of excess events in simulated data',\n" " `ErrExcessW` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of excess events in simulated data',\n" " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of signal events in simulated data',\n" " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of background events in simulated data',\n" " ErrSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of signal events in simulated data',\n" " ErrBackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of background events in simulated data',\n" " Flux DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Measured Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n" " ErrFlux DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of measures Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n" //" CountSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated Monte Carlo Events',\n" //" ErrCountSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of Simulated Monte Carlo Events',\n" //" FluxSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n" //" ErrFluxSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of Simulated Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n" " Bias DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy Bias, average residual in lg(E)',\n" " Resolution DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy resolution, standard divation of residual in lg(E)',\n" //" EfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated cut efficiency (weighted)',\n" //" EfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated cut efficiency (unweighted)',\n" //" ErrEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of simulated cut efficiency (weighted)',\n" //" ErrEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of simulated cut efficiency (unweighted)'\n" ") ENGINE=Memory\n" */ mysqlpp::Query query13(&connection); sindent indent13(query13); query13 << "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %100:table ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Combined information from different sources into final spectrum' AS\n" "(\n" << indent(3) << spectrum_sql << indent(0) << ")"; // [ Sa^2/a^2 + Sb^2/b^2 ] * a^2/b^2 // [ (sc^2)/c^2+(sb^2)/b^2+(sa^2)/a^2 ] * a^2*b^2/c^2 query13.parse(); //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++) // query13.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str(); query13.template_defaults["table"] = table.c_str(); query13.template_defaults["bin"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "`.theta`" : "`.sparse_est`"; query13.template_defaults["id"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "Sim" : "Est"; query13.template_defaults["weight"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "ZdWeight" : "1"; query13.template_defaults["errweight"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "ErrZdWeight" : "1"; if (*ib=="Theta") { query13.template_defaults["join1"] = "SummaryTheta Sim USING (`.theta`)"; query13.template_defaults["join2"] = "ThetaDist USING (`.theta`)"; } else { query13.template_defaults["join1"] = "SummaryEstimatedEnergy_sparse Est USING (`.sparse_est`)"; query13.template_defaults["join2"] = "SummaryTrueEnergy_sparse Sim ON Est.`.sparse_est`=Sim.`.sparse_sim`"; } if (print_queries) PrintQuery(query13.str()); qlog << query13 << ";\n" << endl; if (connection.connected()) { cout << query13.execute().info() << endl; ShowWarnings(connection); Dump(flog, connection, table); const auto sec13 = Time().UnixTime()-start13.UnixTime(); cout << "Execution time: " << sec13 << "s\n"; const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res13 = connection.query("SELECT * FROM "+table).store(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_ROOT TFeldmanCousins fc; fc.SetCL(confidence); fc.SetMuStep(0.2); // f.SetMuMax(10*(sig+bg)); //has to be higher than sig+bg!! // Double_t ul=f.CalculateUpperLimit(x,y); // x=Dat.Signal : number of observed events in the experiment // y=Dat.Background/5 : average number of observed events in background region TRolke rolke(confidence); // rolke.SetPoissonBkgBinomEff(x,y,z,tau,m) // x=Dat.Signal : number of observed events in the experiment // y=Dat.Background : number of observed events in background region // tau=0.2 : the ratio between signal and background region // m=Sim.SimFluxN : number of MC events generated // z=Sim.AnaFluxN : number of MC events observed #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Crab Nebula: 1 TeV: 3e-7 / m^2 / s / TeV // Crab Nebula: 1 TeV: 3e-11 / cm^2 / s / TeV map feldman_ul; map rolke_ul; map rolke_ll; map rolke_int; if (verbose>0) cout << "Bin Excess Significance Flux ErrFlux" << endl; for (auto ir=res13.cbegin(); ir!=res13.cend(); ir++) { // This is not efficient but easier to read and safer const mysqlpp::Row &row = *ir; const size_t bin = row[*ib=="Theta" ? ".theta" : ".sparse_est"]; const double flux = row["Flux"]; const double error = row["ErrFlux"]; const double center = row["center"]; const double sigma = row["SigmaFlux"]; if (*ib=="Energy" && flux>0) { mlog << "g->SetPoint(g->GetN(), pow(10, " << center << "), " << flux << ");\n"; mlog << "g->SetPointError(g->GetN()-1, 0, " << error << ");\n"; } #ifdef HAVE_ROOT const double dat_sig = row["Signal"]; const double dat_bg = row["Background"]; const double dat_isig = row["SignalI"]; const double dat_ibg = row["BackgroundI"]; const double eff = row["Efficiency"]; const double ieff = row["EfficiencyI"]; const double areatime = row["AreaTime"]; const double width = row["Width"]; fc.SetMuMax(10*(dat_sig+dat_bg)); //has to be higher than sig+bg!! if (feldman) feldman_ul[bin] = fc.CalculateUpperLimit(dat_sig, dat_bg)/width/areatime/eff; rolke.SetPoissonBkgKnownEff(dat_sig, dat_bg*5, 5, eff); rolke_ll[bin] = rolke.GetLowerLimit()/width/areatime; rolke_ul[bin] = rolke.GetUpperLimit()/width/areatime; rolke.SetPoissonBkgKnownEff(dat_isig, dat_ibg*5, 5, ieff); rolke_int[bin] = rolke.GetUpperLimit()/areatime; if (*ib=="Energy" && (sigma<1 || dat_sig<10 || dat_bg<2)) mlog << "ul->SetPoint(ul->GetN(), pow(10, " << center << "), " << double(rolke_ul[bin]) << ");\n"; #endif if (verbose>0) { cout << setw(5) << center << ":"; cout << " " << setw(10) << row["Excess"]; cout << " " << setw(10) << row["Significance"]; cout << " " << setw(10) << flux; cout << " " << setw(10) << error; cout << endl; } } Histogram hist; hist.table = table; hist.binningx = *ib=="Theta" ? binning_theta : binning_sparse; hist.x = *ib=="Theta" ? ".theta" : ".sparse_est"; hist.axisx = *ib=="Theta" ? "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]" : "Energy lg(E/GeV)"; hist.stats = false; const vector types = *ib=="Theta" ? vector{ "" } : vector{ "", "I" }; for (auto it=types.cbegin(); it!=types.cend(); it++) { const bool integral = *ib=="Energy" && !it->empty(); hist.dir = *ib=="Theta" ? "Data/Theta" : (it->empty() ? "Data/Energy/Differential" : "Data/Energy/Integral"); hist.axisy = "Counts"; if (integral) hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})"; hist.title = "Signal Events"; hist.v = "Signal"+*it; hist.err = "ErrSignal"+*it; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.title = "Background Events"; hist.v = "Background"+*it; hist.err = "ErrBackground"+*it; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.title = "Excess Events (signal - background)"; hist.v = "Excess"+*it; hist.err = "ErrExcess"+*it; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.title = "Significance (relative standard deviation)"; hist.v = "Significance"+*it; hist.err = ""; hist.axisy = "#sigma"; if (integral) hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.title = "Average estimated energy of signal events"; hist.v = "AvgEnergyEst"+*it; hist.err = ""; hist.axisy = "/GeV"; if (integral) hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.title = "Ratio between measured and simulated excess (flux * simulated flux)"; hist.v = "ExcessRatio"+*it; hist.err = "ErrExcessRatio"+*it; hist.axisy = "Ratio"; if (integral) hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); } hist.dir = *ib=="Theta" ? "Data/Theta" : "Data/Energy/Differential"; hist.axisy = *ib=="Theta" ? "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]" : "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]"; hist.name = "Spectrum"; hist.v = "Flux"; hist.err = "ErrFlux"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.name = "SigmaFlux"; hist.v = "SigmaFlux"; hist.err = ""; hist.axisy = "Relative standard deviation"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); if (*ib=="Energy") { hist.axisy = "dN/dE (E>E_{lo}) [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]"; hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Integral"; hist.name = "Spectrum"; hist.v = "FluxI"; hist.err = "ErrFluxI"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Differential"; hist.name = "IntegratedSpectrum"; hist.v = "IntegratedFlux"; hist.err = "ErrIntegratedFlux"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Integral"; hist.name = "SigmaFlux"; hist.v = "SigmaFluxI"; hist.err = ""; hist.axisy = "Relative standard deviations (E>E_{lo})"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist); } #ifdef HAVE_ROOT hist.dir = *ib=="Theta" ? "Data/Theta" : "Data/Energy/Differential"; hist.axisy = *ib=="Theta" ? "UL [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]" : "UL [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]"; if (feldman) { hist.name = "FeldmanCousins"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist, feldman_ul); } hist.name = "RolkeUL"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist, rolke_ul); hist.name = "RolkeLL"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist, rolke_ll); if (*ib=="Energy") { hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Integral"; hist.name = "RolkeUL"; WriteHistogram(connection, hist, rolke_int); } #endif } } mlog << "\n" //"g.DrawClone(\"AP\");\n" //"ul.DrawClone(\"P\");\n\n" "TMultiGraph mg;\n" "mg.SetTitle(\"Differential Energy Spectrum;E [GeV];dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]\");\n" "mg.Add(g, \"P\");\n" "mg.Add(ul, \"P\");\n" "mg.DrawClone(\"A\");\n\n" "gPad->SetLogx();\n" "gPad->SetLogy();\n" "\n" "TF1 f(\"Power Law\", \"[0]*(x/1000)^[1]\", g->GetX()[0], g->GetX()[g->GetN()-1]);\n" "f.SetParameter(0, 1e-11);\n" "f.SetParameter(1, -2.6);\n" "g->Fit(&f, \"\", \"NOQ\");\n" "f.SetLineColor(kBlue);\n" "f.DrawCopy(\"same\");\n" "\n" "cout << \"\\nChi^2/NDF: \" << f.GetChisquare() << \" / \" << f.GetNDF() << '\\n';\n" "cout << \"Probability: \" << f.GetProb() << '\\n' << endl;\n"; mlog << indent(0) << "}" << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- Summary ----------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << separator("Summary") << '\n'; const auto sec = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << "Total execution time: " << sec << "s\n" << endl; return 0; }