1 | #include <thread>
2 | #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
3 | #include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
4 |
5 | #include "Database.h"
6 | #include "tools.h"
7 | #include "Time.h"
8 | #include "Configuration.h"
9 |
10 | #ifdef HAVE_HIGHLIGHT
11 | #include "srchilite/sourcehighlight.h"
12 | #include "srchilite/langmap.h"
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
16 | #include "TFile.h"
17 | #include "TH1.h"
18 | #include "TH2.h"
19 | #include "TRolke.h"
20 | #include "TFeldmanCousins.h"
21 | #endif
22 |
23 | using namespace std;
24 | using boost::adaptors::transformed;
25 |
26 | namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
27 |
28 | // ------------------------------- Binning ----------------------------------
29 |
30 | struct Binning : std::set<double>
31 | {
32 | bool equidist { false };
33 |
34 | Binning() { }
35 | Binning(const Binning &m) : std::set<double>(m), equidist(m.equidist) { }
36 | Binning(size_t cnt, double mn, double mx) { set(cnt, mn, mx); }
37 | void set(size_t cnt, double mn, double mx)
38 | {
39 | if (cnt==0)
40 | return;
41 |
42 | if (empty())
43 | equidist = true;
44 |
45 | const double min = ::min(mn, mx);
46 | const double max = ::max(mn, mx);
47 |
48 | const double stp = (max-min)/cnt;
49 |
50 | for (size_t i=0; i<=cnt; i++)
51 | emplace(min+i*stp);
52 | }
53 |
54 | void add(double val)
55 | {
56 | emplace(val);
57 | equidist = false;
58 | }
59 |
60 | Binning &operator+=(const vector<double> &v)
61 | {
62 | if (!v.empty())
63 | {
64 | insert(v.cbegin(), v.cend());
65 | equidist = false;
66 | }
67 | return *this;
68 | }
69 |
70 | Binning operator+(const vector<double> &v)
71 | {
72 | return Binning(*this) += v;
73 | }
74 |
75 | void add(const double &val)
76 | {
77 | emplace(val);
78 | equidist = false;
79 | }
80 |
81 | string list() const
82 | {
83 | return boost::join(*this | transformed([](double d) { return std::to_string(d); }), ",");
84 | }
85 |
86 | string str() const
87 | {
88 | if (!equidist)
89 | return list();
90 |
91 | return to_string(size()-1)+":"+to_string(*begin())+","+to_string(*rbegin());
92 | }
93 |
94 | vector<double> vec() const { return vector<double>(begin(), end()); }
95 |
96 | //double operator[](size_t i) const { return vec().at(i); }
97 | };
98 |
99 | std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Binning &m)
100 | {
101 | const istreambuf_iterator<char> eos;
102 | string txt(istreambuf_iterator<char>(in), eos);
103 |
104 | const boost::regex expr(
105 | "([0-9]+)[ /,:;]+"
106 | "([-+]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)[ /,:;]+"
107 | "([-+]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)"
108 | );
109 | boost::smatch match;
110 | if (!boost::regex_match(txt, match, expr))
111 | throw runtime_error("Could not evaluate binning: "+txt);
112 |
113 | m = Binning(stoi(match[1].str()), stof(match[2].str()), stof(match[4].str()));
114 |
115 | return in;
116 | }
117 |
118 | std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Binning &m)
119 | {
120 | return out << m.str();
121 | }
122 |
123 | // ---------------------------- Configuration -------------------------------
124 |
125 | void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
126 | {
127 | po::options_description control("Calcsource options");
128 | control.add_options()
129 | ("uri,u", var<string>()
130 | #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200
131 | ->required()
132 | #endif
133 | , "Database link as in\n\tuser:password@server[:port]/database[?compress=0|1].")
134 | ("out,o", var<string>(conf.GetName()), "Defines the prefix (with path) of the output files.")
135 | ("force,f", po_bool(), "Force overwriting output files.");
136 |
137 | po::options_description debug("Debug options");
138 | debug.add_options()
139 | ("dry-run", po_bool(), "Only write the queries to the query.log file. Internally overwrites uri with an empty string.")
140 | ("print-uri", po_bool(), "Print the interpreted URI (warning: passwort is printed to the console)")
141 | ("print-connection", po_bool(), "Print database connection information")
142 | #ifdef HAVE_HIGHLIGHT
143 | ("print-queries", po_bool(), "Print all queries to the console. They are automatically highlighted.")
144 | #else
145 | ("print-queries", po_bool(), "Print all queries to the console. (For highlighting recompile with 'libsource-highlight-dev' installed)")
146 | #endif
147 | ("mc-only", po_bool(), "Do not run a data related queries (except observation times)")
148 | ("verbose,v", var<uint16_t>(1), "Verbosity (0: quiet, 1: default, 2: more, 3, ...)")
149 | ;
150 |
151 |
152 | po::options_description binnings("Binnings");
153 | binnings.add_options()
154 | ("theta", var<Binning>(Binning(90, 0, 90)), "Add equidistant bins in theta (degrees). Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)")
155 | ("theta-bin", vars<double>(), "Add a bin-edge to the theta binning (degree)")
156 | ("energy-dense", var<Binning>(Binning(30, 2, 5)), "Add equidistant bins in log10 simulated energy. Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)")
157 | ("energy-dense-bin", vars<double>(), "Add a bin-edge to the binnnig in log10 simulated enegry")
158 | ("energy-sparse", var<Binning>(Binning(15, 2, 5)), "Add equidistant bins in log10 estimated energy. Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)")
159 | ("energy-sparse-bin", vars<double>(), "Add a bin-edge to the binning in log10 estimated enegry")
160 | ("impact", var<Binning>(Binning(28, 0, 280)), "Add equidistant bins in impact in meter. Syntax: N,lo,hi (Number N of equidistant bins between lo and hi)")
161 | ("impact-bin", vars<double>(), "Add a bin-edge to the binning in impact in meter")
162 | ;
163 |
164 | po::options_description analysis("Analysis Setup");
165 | analysis.add_options()
166 | ("analysis", var<string>("analysis.sql"), "File with the analysis query. A default file is created automatically in the <prefix> directory it does not exist.")
167 | ("source-key", var<uint16_t>(5), "Source key to be used in data file selection (Default=Crab).")
168 | ("selector", vars<string>()->required(),"WHERE clause to be used in data file selection, selectors are concatenated by AND.")
169 | ("selsim", vars<string>(), "WHERE clause to be used in monte carlo file selection, selsims are concatenated by AND.")
170 | ("estimator", var<string>()->required(), "Energy estimator to be used (units must be consistent with energy binnings).")
171 | ("spectrum", var<string>()->required(), "Spectral shape for re-weighting of simulated 'Energy'")
172 | // ("env.*", var<string>(), "Define a variable that is replaced in all queries automatically.")
173 | ;
174 |
175 | po::options_description physics("Physics");
176 | physics.add_options()
177 | ("confidence-level,c", var<double>(0.99), "Confidence level for the calculation of the upper limits.")
178 | ("feldman-cousins", po_bool(), "Calculate Feldman-Cousins ULs (slow and only minor difference to Rolke).")
179 | ;
180 |
181 | //po::positional_options_description p;
182 | //p.add("file", 1); // The 1st positional options (n=1)
183 |
184 | conf.AddOptions(control);
185 | conf.AddOptions(debug);
186 | conf.AddOptions(binnings);
187 | conf.AddOptions(analysis);
188 | conf.AddOptions(physics);
189 | //conf.SetArgumentPositions(p);
190 | }
191 |
192 | void PrintUsage()
193 | {
194 | //78 .............................................................................
195 | cout <<
196 | "spectrum - Calculate a spectrum with classical algorithms\n"
197 | "\n\n"
198 | "Usage: spectrum [-u URI] [options]\n"
199 | "\n"
200 | "Note that default analysis query is built into the executable. If a changed "
201 | "query should be used, it is not enough to just change the file, but the "
202 | "--analysis command line option has to be explicitly specified.\n"
203 | ;
204 | cout << endl;
205 | }
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 | // ----------------------------- Indentation --------------------------------
210 |
211 | class sindent : public std::streambuf
212 | {
213 | std::streambuf *sbuf { nullptr };
214 | std::ostream *owner { nullptr };
215 | int lastch { 0 }; // start-of-line
216 | std::string str;
217 |
218 | protected:
219 | virtual int overflow(int ch)
220 | {
221 | if (lastch=='\n' && ch != '\n' )
222 | sbuf->sputn(str.data(), str.size());
223 |
224 | return sbuf->sputc(lastch = ch);
225 | }
226 |
227 | public:
228 | explicit sindent(std::streambuf *dest, uint16_t indent=0)
229 | : sbuf(dest), str(indent, ' ')
230 | {
231 | }
232 |
233 | explicit sindent(std::ostream& dest, uint16_t indent=0)
234 | : sbuf(dest.rdbuf()), owner(&dest), str(indent, ' ')
235 | {
236 | owner->rdbuf(this);
237 | }
238 |
239 | virtual ~sindent()
240 | {
241 | if (owner)
242 | owner->rdbuf(sbuf);
243 | }
244 |
245 | void set(uint16_t w) { str.assign(w, ' '); }
246 | };
247 |
248 | struct indent
249 | {
250 | uint16_t w;
251 | indent(uint16_t _w=0) : w(_w) { }
252 | };
253 |
254 | std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, indent m)
255 | {
256 | sindent *buf=dynamic_cast<sindent*>(out.rdbuf());
257 | if (buf)
258 | buf->set(m.w);
259 | return out;
260 | }
261 |
262 | struct separator
263 | {
264 | string s;
265 | uint16_t n { 0 };
266 | separator(string _s="") : s(_s) { };
267 | separator(char c='-', uint16_t _n=78) : s(_n, c), n(_n) { };
268 | };
269 |
270 | std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, separator m)
271 | {
272 | if (m.n)
273 | out << m.s;
274 | else
275 | {
276 | const uint8_t l = (78-m.s.size())/2-3;
277 | out << string(l<1?1:l, '-') << "={ " << m.s << " }=" << string(l<1?1:l, '-');
278 | if (m.s.size()%2)
279 | out << '-';
280 | }
281 | return out;
282 | }
283 |
284 | // ------------------------------- MySQL++ ----------------------------------
285 |
286 | bool ShowWarnings(Database &connection)
287 | {
288 | if (!connection.connected())
289 | return true;
290 |
291 | try
292 | {
293 | const auto resw =
294 | connection.query("SHOW WARNINGS").store();
295 |
296 | for (size_t i=0; i<resw.num_rows(); i++)
297 | {
298 | const mysqlpp::Row &roww = resw[i];
299 |
300 | cout << "\033[31m";
301 | cout << roww["Level"] << '[' << roww["Code"] << "]: ";
302 | cout << roww["Message"] << "\033[0m" << '\n';
303 | }
304 | cout << endl;
305 | return true;
306 |
307 | }
308 | catch (const exception &e)
309 | {
310 | cerr << "\nSHOW WARNINGS\n\n";
311 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << '\n' <<endl;
312 | return false;
313 | }
314 | }
315 |
316 | size_t Dump(ostream &out, Database &connection, const string &table)
317 | {
318 | if (!connection.connected())
319 | return 0;
320 |
321 | out << connection.query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `"+table+"`").store()[0][1] << ";\n\n";
322 |
323 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = connection.query("SELECT * FROM `"+table+"`").store();
324 |
325 | const string fields = boost::join(res.fields() | transformed([](const mysqlpp::Field &r) { return "`"+string(r.name())+"`"; }), ", ");
326 |
327 | out << "INSERT INTO `" << table << "` ( " << fields << " ) VALUES\n";
328 | out << boost::join(res | transformed([](const mysqlpp::Row &row) { return " ( "+boost::join(row | transformed([](const mysqlpp::String &s) { return string(s);}), ", ")+" )";}), ",\n") << ";";
329 | out << "\n" << endl;
330 |
331 | return res.num_rows();
332 | }
333 |
334 | void PrintQuery(const string &query)
335 | {
336 | #ifdef HAVE_HIGHLIGHT
337 | stringstream qstr(query);
338 | srchilite::SourceHighlight sourceHighlight("esc256.outlang");
339 | sourceHighlight.setStyleFile("esc256.style");
340 | sourceHighlight.setGenerateLineNumbers();
341 | sourceHighlight.setLineNumberDigits(3);
342 | //sourceHighlight.setLineNumberPad(' ')
343 | sourceHighlight.highlight(qstr, cout, "sql.lang");
344 | cout << endl;
345 | #else
346 | cout << query << endl;
347 | #endif
348 | }
349 |
350 | void CreateBinning(Database &connection, ostream &qlog, const Binning &bins, const string &name, const string &comment)
351 | {
352 | mysqlpp::Query query0(&connection);
353 | query0 <<
354 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Binning" << name << "\n"
355 | "(\n"
356 | " bin INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin index (" << name << ")',\n"
357 | " lo DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Lower bin edge (" << name << ")',\n"
358 | " hi DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Upper bin edge (" << name << ")',\n"
359 | " PRIMARY KEY (bin) USING HASH\n"
360 | ") COMMENT='" << comment << "'";
361 |
362 | qlog << query0 << ";\n" << endl;
363 | if (connection.connected())
364 | query0.execute();
365 |
366 | mysqlpp::Query query1(&connection);
367 | query1 <<
368 | "INSERT INTO Binning" << name << " ( bin, lo, hi ) VALUES\n";
369 |
370 | // FIXME: Case of 1 and 2 bins
371 |
372 | // Bin 0: is the underflow bin...
373 | // Bin N: is the overflow bin...
374 | // Bin -1: if argument is NULL
375 |
376 | const auto vec = bins.vec();
377 | for (size_t i=1; i<vec.size()-1; i++)
378 | query1 << " ( " << i << ", " << vec[i-1] << ", " << vec[i] << " ),\n";
379 | query1 << " ( " << vec.size()-1 << ", " << vec[vec.size()-2] << ", " << vec[vec.size()-1] << " )\n";
380 |
381 | qlog << query1 << ";\n" << endl;
382 |
383 | if (connection.connected())
384 | cout << query1.execute().info() << endl;
385 | ShowWarnings(connection);
386 | }
387 |
388 | // ----------------------------- ROOT Histogram -----------------------------
389 |
390 | /*
391 | A bit of hackery, so just sharing for fun.
392 |
393 | #define with(T, ...) ([&]{ T ${}; __VA_ARGS__; return $; }())
394 |
395 | And use it like:
396 |
397 | MyFunction(with(Params,
398 | $.Name = "Foo Bar",
399 | $.Age = 18
400 | ));
401 |
402 | which expands to:
403 |
404 | MyFunction(([&] {
405 | Params ${};
406 | $.Name = "Foo Bar", $.Age = 18;
407 | return $;
408 | }()));
409 | */
410 | struct Histogram
411 | {
412 | // A workaround to be able to set a default also in C++11
413 | /*
414 | template<typename T, T def>
415 | struct Value
416 | {
417 | T t { def };
418 | Value() = default;
419 | Value(const T &_t) : t(_t) { }
420 | operator T() const { return t; }
421 | };*/
422 |
423 | string name;
424 | string title;
425 | string dir;
426 | Binning binningx;
427 | Binning binningy;
428 | string table;
429 | string x;
430 | string y;
431 | string v;
432 | string err;
433 | string axisx;
434 | string axisy;
435 | string axisz;
436 | bool stats;
437 | //Value<bool,true> stats;
438 | };
439 |
440 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
441 |
442 | TH1 *CreateHistogram(const Histogram &hist)
443 | {
444 | const char *name = hist.name.empty() ? hist.v.c_str() : hist.name.c_str();
445 |
446 | cout << "Creating Histogram '" << hist.dir << "/" << name << "'" << endl;
447 |
448 | const auto vecx = hist.binningx.vec();
449 | const auto vecy = hist.binningy.vec();
450 |
451 | TH1 *h = 0;
452 |
453 | if (hist.y.empty())
454 | {
455 | h = hist.binningx.equidist ?
456 | new TH1D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.front(), vecx.back()) :
457 | new TH1D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.data());
458 | }
459 | else
460 | {
461 | if (hist.binningy.equidist)
462 | {
463 | h = hist.binningx.equidist ?
464 | new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.front(), vecx.back(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back()) :
465 | new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.data(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back());
466 | }
467 | else
468 | {
469 | h = hist.binningx.equidist ?
470 | new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.front(), vecx.back(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back()) :
471 | new TH2D(name, hist.title.c_str(), vecx.size()-1, vecx.data(), vecy.size()-1, vecy.front(), vecy.back());
472 | }
473 | }
474 |
475 | h->SetXTitle(hist.axisx.c_str());
476 | h->SetYTitle(hist.axisy.c_str());
477 | h->SetZTitle(hist.axisz.c_str());
478 |
479 | h->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium);
480 |
481 | h->SetStats(hist.stats);
482 |
483 | return h;
484 | }
485 |
486 | void WriteHistogram(TH1 *h, const string &directory)
487 | {
488 | gFile->cd();
489 | TDirectory *dir = gFile->GetDirectory(directory.c_str());
490 | if (dir)
491 | dir->cd();
492 | else
493 | {
494 | gFile->mkdir(directory.c_str());
495 | gFile->cd(directory.c_str());
496 | }
497 | h->Write();
498 | }
499 | #endif
500 |
501 | void WriteHistogram(Database &connection, const Histogram &hist)
502 | {
503 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
504 | if (!connection.connected())
505 | return;
506 |
507 | TH1 *h = CreateHistogram(hist);
508 |
509 | mysqlpp::Query query(&connection);
510 | query << "SELECT `%0:x` AS X,%1:y `%2:v` AS V%3:err FROM `%4:table`";
511 | query.parse();
512 |
513 | query.template_defaults["table"] = hist.table.c_str();
514 |
515 | query.template_defaults["x"] = hist.x.c_str();
516 | query.template_defaults["v"] = hist.v.c_str();
517 | if (!hist.y.empty())
518 | query.template_defaults["y"] = (" `"+hist.y+"` AS Y,").c_str();
519 | if (!hist.err.empty())
520 | query.template_defaults["err"] = (", `"+hist.err+"` AS E").c_str();
521 |
522 | // PrintQuery(query.str());
523 |
524 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = query.store();
525 |
526 | for (auto ir=res.cbegin(); ir!=res.cend(); ir++)
527 | {
528 | const auto &row = *ir;
529 |
530 | try
531 | {
532 | const uint32_t x = row["X"];
533 | const double v = row["V"];
534 | if (x>uint32_t(h->GetNbinsX()+1))
535 | continue;
536 |
537 | try
538 | {
539 | const uint32_t y = row["Y"];
540 | if (y>uint32_t(h->GetNbinsY()+1))
541 | continue;
542 |
543 | h->SetBinContent(x, y, v);
544 |
545 | }
546 | catch (const mysqlpp::BadFieldName &)
547 | {
548 | h->SetBinContent(x, v);
549 | try
550 | {
551 | h->SetBinError(x, double(row["E"]));
552 | }
553 | catch (const mysqlpp::BadFieldName &)
554 | {
555 | }
556 | }
557 | }
558 | catch (const mysqlpp::BadConversion &b)
559 | {
560 | cerr << "\033[31m" << b.what() << "\033[0m" << endl;
561 | }
562 | }
563 |
564 | WriteHistogram(h, hist.dir);
565 | delete h;
566 | #endif
567 | }
568 |
569 | void WriteHistogram(Database &connection, const Histogram &hist, const map<size_t, double> &data)
570 | {
571 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
572 | TH1 *h = CreateHistogram(hist);
573 |
574 | for (auto ir=data.cbegin(); ir!=data.cend(); ir++)
575 | h->SetBinContent(ir->first, ir->second);
576 |
577 | WriteHistogram(h, hist.dir);
578 | delete h;
579 | #endif
580 | }
581 |
582 | // -------------------------------- Resources -------------------------------
583 |
584 | #define RESOURCE(TYPE,RC) ([]() { \
585 | extern const char _binary_##RC##_start[]; \
586 | extern const char _binary_##RC##_end[]; \
587 | return TYPE(_binary_##RC##_start, _binary_##RC##_end); \
588 | })()
589 |
590 | string CreateResource(Configuration &conf, const string id, const string def, const string resource)
591 | {
592 | string file = conf.Get<string>(id);
593 |
594 | if (file!=def)
595 | {
596 | file = conf.GetPrefixedString(id);
597 | cout << "Using " << file << "." << endl;
598 | return file;
599 | }
600 |
601 | file = conf.GetPrefixedString(id);
602 |
603 | cout << "Searching " << file << "... ";
604 |
605 | if (fs::exists(file))
606 | {
607 | cout << "found." << endl;
608 | return file;
609 | }
610 |
611 | cout << "creating!" << endl;
612 |
613 | ofstream(file) << resource;
614 |
615 | return file;
616 | }
617 |
618 | // ================================== MAIN ==================================
619 |
620 |
621 | int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
622 | {
623 | Time start;
624 |
625 | Configuration conf(argv[0]);
626 | conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
627 | SetupConfiguration(conf);
628 |
629 | if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv))
630 | return 127;
631 |
632 | // ----------------------------- Evaluate options --------------------------
633 |
634 | const string uri = conf.Get<bool>("dry-run") ? "" : conf.Get<string>("uri");
635 | const string out = conf.Get<string>("out");
636 | const bool force = conf.Get<bool>("force");
637 | const uint16_t verbose = conf.Get<uint16_t>("verbose");
638 | const double confidence = conf.Get<double>("confidence-level");
639 | const bool feldman = conf.Get<bool>("feldman-cousins");
640 |
641 | const bool print_uri = conf.Get<bool>("print-uri");
642 | const bool print_connection = conf.Get<bool>("print-connection");
643 | const bool print_queries = conf.Get<bool>("print-queries");
644 | const bool mc_only = conf.Get<bool>("mc-only");
645 |
646 | Binning binning_theta = conf.Get<Binning>("theta")+conf.Vec<double>("theta-bin");
647 | Binning binning_dense = conf.Get<Binning>("energy-dense");
648 | Binning binning_sparse = conf.Get<Binning>("energy-sparse");
649 | Binning binning_impact = conf.Get<Binning>("impact");
650 |
651 | cout << "\nIt is " << start.Iso() << "\n\n";
652 |
653 | cout << "Binning 'theta': " << binning_theta.str() << endl;
654 | cout << "Binning 'dense': " << binning_dense.str() << endl;
655 | cout << "Binning 'sparse': " << binning_sparse.str() << endl;
656 | cout << "Binning 'impact': " << binning_impact.str() << endl;
657 |
658 | const uint16_t source_key = conf.Get<uint16_t>("source-key");
659 | const string where = boost::join(conf.Vec<string>("selector"), ") AND\n (");
660 | const string where_sim = boost::join(conf.Vec<string>("selsim"), ") AND\n (");
661 | const string estimator = conf.Get<string>("estimator");
662 | const string spectrum = conf.Get<string>("spectrum");
663 | // const auto env = conf.GetOptions<string>("env.");
664 |
665 | cout << "\n";
666 | const string analysis_sql = CreateResource(conf, "analysis", "analysis.sql", RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_analysis_sql));
667 | const string data_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_data_sql);
668 | const string simulation_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_simulation_sql);
669 | const string spectrum_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_spectrum_sql);
670 | const string summary_sim_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_summary_sim_sql);
671 | const string summary_est_sql = RESOURCE(std::string, spectrum_summary_est_sql);
672 | cout << endl;
673 |
674 | const string str_theta = binning_theta.list();
675 | const string str_dense = binning_dense.list();
676 | const string str_sparse = binning_sparse.list();
677 | const string str_impact = binning_impact.list();
678 |
679 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
680 | // Checking for database connection
681 |
682 | Database connection(uri, print_uri); // Keep alive while fetching rows
683 |
684 | if (!uri.empty())
685 | {
686 | if (verbose>0)
687 | {
688 | cout << "Connecting to database...\n";
689 | cout << "Client Version: " << mysqlpp::Connection().client_version() << endl;
690 | }
691 |
692 | try
693 | {
694 | connection.connected();
695 | }
696 | catch (const exception &e)
697 | {
698 | cerr << "SQL connection failed: " << e.what() << endl;
699 | return 1;
700 | }
701 |
702 | if (verbose>0)
703 | {
704 | cout << "Server Version: " << connection.server_version() << endl;
705 | cout << "Connected to " << connection.ipc_info() << endl;
706 | }
707 |
708 | if (print_connection)
709 | {
710 | try
711 | {
712 | const auto res1 = connection.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'").store();
713 | cout << "Compression of database connection is " << string(res1[0][1]) << endl;
714 |
715 | const auto res2 = connection.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'").store();
716 | cout << "Connection to databases is " << (string(res2[0][1]).empty()?"UNENCRYPTED":"ENCRYPTED ("+string(res2[0][1])+")") << endl;
717 | }
718 | catch (const exception &e)
719 | {
720 | cerr << "\nSHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'\n\n";
721 | cerr << "SQL query failed:\n" << e.what() << endl;
722 | return 9;
723 | }
724 | }
725 | }
726 |
727 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
728 | // Create log streams
729 |
730 | cout << "\n";
731 | cout << "Queries will be logged to " << out << ".query.sql\n";
732 | if (connection.connected())
733 | {
734 | cout << "Tables will be dumped to " << out << ".dump.sql\n";
735 | cout << "ROOT macro will be written to " << out << ".C\n";
736 | }
737 |
738 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
739 | TFile root(connection.connected() ? (out+".hist.root").c_str() : "", force ? "RECREATE" : "CREATE");
740 | if (connection.connected())
741 | {
742 | if (root.IsZombie())
743 | return 10;
744 | cout << "Histograms will be written to " << out << ".hist.root\n";
745 | }
746 | if (verbose>0)
747 | cout << "\nCalculating upper limits for a confidence interval of " << confidence << endl;
748 | #endif
749 |
750 | cout << endl;
751 |
752 | if (!force)
753 | {
754 | if (fs::exists(out+".query.sql"))
755 | {
756 | cerr << "File '" << out << ".query.sql' already exists!" << endl;
757 | return 11;
758 | }
759 | if (connection.connected())
760 | {
761 | if (fs::exists(out+".dump.sql"))
762 | {
763 | cerr << "File '" << out << ".dump.sql' already exists!" << endl;
764 | return 12;
765 | }
766 | if (fs::exists(out+".C"))
767 | {
768 | cerr << "File '" << out << ".C' already exists!" << endl;
769 | return 13;
770 | }
771 | }
772 | }
773 |
774 | ofstream qlog(out+".query.sql");
775 | ofstream flog(connection.connected() ? out+".dump.sql" : "");
776 | ofstream mlog(connection.connected() ? out+".C" : "");
777 |
778 | // FIMXE: Implement SYNTAX check on spectrum, estimator and selector
779 |
780 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
781 | // ---------------------------- Binnings -----------------------------
782 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
783 |
784 | cout << separator("Binnings") << '\n';
785 |
786 | CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_theta, "Theta", "Binning in zenith angle");
787 | CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_dense, "Energy_dense", "Dense binning in log10 Energy");
788 | CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_sparse, "Energy_sparse", "Sparse binning in log10 Energy");
789 | CreateBinning(connection, qlog, binning_impact, "Impact", "Binning in impact distance");
790 |
791 | Dump(flog, connection, "BinningTheta");
792 | Dump(flog, connection, "BinningEnergy_dense");
793 | Dump(flog, connection, "BinningEnergy_sparse");
794 | Dump(flog, connection, "BinningImpact");
795 |
796 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
797 | // ---------------------------- DataFiles ----------------------------
798 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
799 |
800 | cout << separator("DataFiles") << '\n';
801 |
802 | Time start1;
803 |
804 | /* 01:get-data-files.sql */
805 | mysqlpp::Query query1(&connection);
806 | query1 <<
808 | "(\n"
809 | // " FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
810 | " PRIMARY KEY (FileId) USING HASH\n"
811 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY\n"
812 | "AS\n"
813 | "(\n"
814 | " SELECT\n"
815 | " FileId\n"
816 | " FROM\n"
817 | " factdata.RunInfo\n"
818 | " WHERE\n"
819 | " fRunTypeKEY=1 AND fSourceKEY=%100:source AND\n"
820 | " (%101:where)\n"
821 | " ORDER BY\n"
822 | " FileId\n" // In order: faster
823 | ")";
824 |
825 | query1.parse();
826 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
827 | // query1.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
828 |
829 | query1.template_defaults["source"] = to_string(source_key).c_str();
830 | query1.template_defaults["where"] = where.c_str();
831 |
832 | if (print_queries)
833 | PrintQuery(query1.str());
834 |
835 | qlog << query1 << ";\n" << endl;
836 | if (connection.connected())
837 | {
838 | cout << query1.execute().info() << endl;
839 | ShowWarnings(connection);
840 | Dump(flog, connection, "DataFiles");
841 |
842 | const auto sec1 = Time().UnixTime()-start1.UnixTime();
843 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec1 << "s\n" << endl;
844 | }
845 |
846 | // FIXME: Setup Zd binning depending on Data
847 |
848 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
849 | // ------------------------- ObservationTime -------------------------
850 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
851 |
852 | cout << separator("ObservationTime") << '\n';
853 |
854 | Time start2;
855 |
856 | // For some reason, the comments do not appear in the "EXPLAIN CREATE TABLE" query
857 | mysqlpp::Query query2(&connection);
858 | query2 <<
859 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ObservationTime\n"
860 | "(\n"
861 | //" `.theta` INT COMMENT 'Zenith Angle bin index',\n"
862 | " OnTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"// COMMENT 'Effective on time in seconds per bin',\n"
863 | " PRIMARY KEY (`.theta`) USING HASH\n"
864 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Effective on time of selected data files binning in zenith angle'\n"
865 | "AS\n"
866 | "(\n"
867 | " SELECT\n"
868 | " INTERVAL(fZenithDistanceMean, %100:bins) AS `.theta`,\n"
869 | " SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn) AS OnTime\n"
870 | " FROM\n"
871 | " DataFiles\n"
872 | " LEFT JOIN \n"
873 | " factdata.RunInfo USING (FileId)\n"
874 | " GROUP BY\n"
875 | " `.theta`\n"
876 | " ORDER BY\n"
877 | " `.theta`\n"
878 | ")";
879 |
880 | query2.parse();
881 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
882 | // query2.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
883 |
884 | query2.template_defaults["bins"] = str_theta.c_str();
885 |
886 | if (print_queries)
887 | PrintQuery(query2.str());
888 |
889 | qlog << query2 << ";\n" << endl;
890 | if (connection.connected())
891 | {
892 | cout << query2.execute().info() << endl;
893 | ShowWarnings(connection);
894 | Dump(flog, connection, "ObservationTime");
895 |
896 | const auto sec2 = Time().UnixTime()-start2.UnixTime();
897 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec2 << "s\n\n";
898 | }
899 |
900 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
901 | // -------------------------- MonteCarloFiles ------------------------
902 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
903 |
904 | cout << separator("MonteCarloFiles") << '\n';
905 |
906 | Time start3;
907 |
908 | mysqlpp::Query query3(&connection);
909 | query3 <<
910 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MonteCarloFiles\n"
911 | "(\n"
912 | // " FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
913 | " PRIMARY KEY (FileId) USING HASH\n"
914 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Monte Carlo files selected by data Zenith Angle range'\n"
915 | "AS\n"
916 | "(\n"
917 | " SELECT\n"
918 | " FileId\n"
919 | " FROM\n"
920 | " ObservationTime\n"
921 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
922 | " BinningTheta ON `.theta`=bin\n"
923 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
924 | " factmc.RunInfoMC\n"
925 | " ON\n"
926 | " (ThetaMin>=lo AND ThetaMin<hi) OR (ThetaMax>lo AND ThetaMax<=hi)\n"
927 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
928 | " factmc.SetInfo USING (SetKEY, PartId)\n"
929 | " WHERE\n"
930 | " PartId=1 %101:where\n"
931 | " ORDER BY\n"
932 | " FileId\n" // In order: faster
933 | ")";
934 |
935 | query3.parse();
936 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
937 | // query3.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
938 |
939 | query3.template_defaults["where"] = where_sim.empty()? "" : ("AND\n ("+where_sim+")").c_str();
940 |
941 | if (print_queries)
942 | PrintQuery(query3.str());
943 |
944 | qlog << query3 << ";\n" << endl;
945 | if (connection.connected())
946 | {
947 | cout << query3.execute().info() << endl;
948 | ShowWarnings(connection);
949 | Dump(flog, connection, "MonteCarloFiles");
950 |
951 | const auto sec3 = Time().UnixTime()-start3.UnixTime();
952 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec3 << "s\n\n";
953 | }
954 |
955 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
956 | // ------------------------- Monte Carlo Area ------------------------
957 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
958 |
959 | cout << separator("MonteCarloArea") << '\n';
960 |
961 | Time start4;
962 |
963 | mysqlpp::Query query4(&connection);
964 | query4 <<
965 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MonteCarloArea ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Minimum and maximum impact radius of selected Monte Carlo files'"
966 | "AS\n"
967 | "(\n"
968 | " SELECT\n"
969 | " MIN(`CSCAT[1]`) AS MinImpactLo,\n"
970 | " MAX(`CSCAT[1]`) AS MaxImpactLo,\n"
971 | " MIN(`CSCAT[2]`) AS MinImpactHi,\n"
972 | " MAX(`CSCAT[2]`) AS MaxImpactHi\n"
973 | " FROM\n"
974 | " MonteCarloFiles\n"
975 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
976 | " factmc.CorsikaSetup ON FileId=RUNNR\n"
977 | // " GROUP BY\n"
978 | // " `CSCAT[1]`, `CSCAT[2]`\n"
979 | " ORDER BY\n"
980 | " MaxImpactHi\n"
981 | ")";
982 |
983 | query4.parse();
984 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
985 | // query4.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
986 |
987 | if (print_queries)
988 | PrintQuery(query4.str());
989 |
990 | qlog << query4 << ";\n" << endl;
991 | if (connection.connected())
992 | {
993 | cout << query4.execute().info() << endl;
994 | ShowWarnings(connection);
995 | if (Dump(flog, connection, "MonteCarloArea")!=1)
996 | {
997 | cerr << "Impact range inconsistent!" << endl;
998 | return 1;
999 | }
1000 |
1001 | const auto sec4 = Time().UnixTime()-start4.UnixTime();
1002 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec4 << "s\n\n";
1003 | }
1004 |
1005 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1006 | // ----------------------------- SummaryMC ---------------------------
1007 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1008 |
1009 | cout << separator("SummaryOriginalMC") << '\n';
1010 |
1011 | Time start5;
1012 |
1013 | // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy
1014 | mysqlpp::Query query5(&connection);
1015 | query5 <<
1016 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Summary%100:table\n"
1017 | "(\n"
1018 | // " `.theta` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Zenith Angle bin index',\n"
1019 | // " `.sparse_sim` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy bin index (sparse binning)',\n"
1020 | // " `.dense_sim` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy bin index (dense binning)',\n"
1021 | " CountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Event count per bin',\n"
1022 | " SumW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"// COMMENT 'Sum of spectral weights',\n"
1023 | " SumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"// COMMENT 'Sum of squared spectral weights',\n"
1024 | " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n"
1025 | " INDEX (`.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n"
1026 | " INDEX (`.dense_sim`) USING HASH\n"
1027 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Event counts and sums of (squared) spectral weights for selected Monte Carlo data binned in log10 energy'\n"
1028 | "AS\n"
1029 | "(\n"
1030 | " WITH BinnedData AS\n"
1031 | " (\n"
1032 | " SELECT\n"
1033 | " INTERVAL(%101:column, %102:theta) AS `.theta`,\n"
1034 | " INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %103:sparse) AS `.sparse_sim`,\n"
1035 | " INTERVAL(LOG10(Energy), %104:dense) AS `.dense_sim`,\n"
1036 | " (%105:spectrum)/pow(Energy, SpectralIndex) AS SpectralWeight\n"
1037 | " FROM\n"
1038 | " MonteCarloFiles\n"
1039 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
1040 | " factmc.RunInfoMC USING (FileId)\n"
1041 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
1042 | " factmc.%100:table USING (FileId)\n"
1043 | " )\n"
1044 | " SELECT\n"
1045 | " `.theta`,\n"
1046 | " `.sparse_sim`,\n"
1047 | " `.dense_sim`,\n"
1048 | " COUNT(*) AS CountN,\n"
1049 | " SUM( SpectralWeight ) AS SumW,\n"
1050 | " SUM(POW(SpectralWeight,2)) AS SumW2\n"
1051 | " FROM\n"
1052 | " BinnedData\n"
1053 | " GROUP BY\n"
1054 | " `.theta`, `.sparse_sim`, `.dense_sim`\n"
1055 | ")";
1056 |
1057 | query5.parse();
1058 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1059 | // query5.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1060 |
1061 | query5.template_defaults["table"] = "OriginalMC";
1062 | query5.template_defaults["column"] = "DEGREES(Theta)";
1063 | query5.template_defaults["sparse"] = str_sparse.c_str();
1064 | query5.template_defaults["dense"] = str_dense.c_str();
1065 | query5.template_defaults["theta"] = str_theta.c_str();
1066 | query5.template_defaults["spectrum"] = spectrum.c_str();
1067 |
1068 | if (print_queries)
1069 | PrintQuery(query5.str());
1070 |
1071 | qlog << query5 << ";\n" << endl;
1072 | if (connection.connected())
1073 | {
1074 | cout << query5.execute().info() << endl;
1075 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1076 | Dump(flog, connection, "SummaryOriginalMC");
1077 |
1078 | const auto sec5 = Time().UnixTime()-start5.UnixTime();
1079 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec5 << "s\n\n";
1080 | }
1081 |
1082 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1083 |
1084 | cout << separator("SummaryEventsMC") << '\n';
1085 |
1086 | Time start5b;
1087 |
1088 | query5.template_defaults["table"] = "EventsMC";
1089 | query5.template_defaults["column"] = "DEGREES(Theta)";
1090 |
1091 | if (print_queries)
1092 | PrintQuery(query5.str());
1093 |
1094 | qlog << query5 << ";\n" << endl;
1095 | if (connection.connected())
1096 | {
1097 | cout << query5.execute().info() << endl;
1098 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1099 | Dump(flog, connection, "SummaryEventsMC");
1100 |
1101 | const auto sec5b = Time().UnixTime()-start5b.UnixTime();
1102 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec5b << "s\n\n";
1103 | }
1104 |
1105 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1106 | // ---------------------------- ThetDist -----------------------------
1107 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1108 |
1109 | Time start6;
1110 |
1111 | // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy
1112 | mysqlpp::Query query6(&connection);
1113 | query6 <<
1115 | "(\n"
1116 | " CountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1117 | " ErrCountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1118 | " ZdWeight DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1119 | " ErrZdWeight DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1120 | " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH\n"
1121 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Event counts and sums of (squared) spectral weights for selected Monte Carlo data binned in theta'\n"
1122 | "AS\n"
1123 | "(\n"
1124 | " WITH ThetaCount AS\n"
1125 | " (\n"
1126 | " SELECT\n"
1127 | " `.theta`,\n"
1128 | " SUM(CountN) AS CountN\n"
1129 | " FROM\n"
1130 | " SummaryOriginalMC\n"
1131 | " GROUP BY\n"
1132 | " `.theta`\n"
1133 | " )\n"
1134 | " SELECT\n"
1135 | " `.theta`,\n"
1136 | " CountN,\n"
1137 | " SQRT(CountN) AS ErrCountN,\n"
1138 | " OnTime,\n"
1139 | " OnTime/CountN AS ZdWeight,\n"
1140 | /* 1s per 300s 1/CountN = [sqrt(CountN)/CountN]^2 */
1141 | " (OnTime/CountN)*SQRT(POW(1/300, 2) + 1/CountN) AS ErrZdWeight\n"
1142 | " FROM\n"
1143 | " ObservationTime\n"
1144 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
1145 | " ThetaCount USING (`.theta`)\n"
1146 | " LEFT JOIN\n"
1147 | " BinningTheta ON `.theta`=bin\n"
1148 | " ORDER BY\n"
1149 | " `.theta`\n"
1150 | ")";
1151 |
1152 | query6.parse();
1153 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1154 | // query6.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1155 |
1156 | if (print_queries)
1157 | PrintQuery(query6.str());
1158 |
1159 | qlog << query6 << ";\n" << endl;
1160 | if (connection.connected())
1161 | {
1162 | cout << query6.execute().info() << endl;
1163 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1164 | Dump(flog, connection, "ThetaDist");
1165 |
1166 | const auto sec6 = Time().UnixTime()-start6.UnixTime();
1167 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec6 << "s\n\n";
1168 | }
1169 |
1170 | WriteHistogram(connection, {
1171 | .name = "OnTime",
1172 | .title = "Effective on time per Zd bin",
1173 | .dir = "Zd",
1174 | .binningx = binning_theta,
1175 | .binningy = {},
1176 | .table = "ThetaDist",
1177 | .x = ".theta",
1178 | .y = "",
1179 | .v = "OnTime",
1180 | .err = "",
1181 | .axisx = "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]",
1182 | .axisy = "Eff. on time [s]",
1183 | .axisz = "",
1184 | .stats = true
1185 | });
1186 |
1187 | WriteHistogram(connection, {
1188 | .name = "CountN",
1189 | .title = "Simulated Number of Events in each Zd bin",
1190 | .dir = "Zd",
1191 | .binningx = binning_theta,
1192 | .binningy = {},
1193 | .table = "ThetaDist",
1194 | .x = ".theta",
1195 | .y = "",
1196 | .v = "CountN",
1197 | .err = "ErrCountN",
1198 | .axisx = "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]",
1199 | .axisy = "Counts",
1200 | .axisz = "",
1201 | .stats = true
1202 | });
1203 |
1204 | WriteHistogram(connection, {
1205 | .name = "ZdWeight",
1206 | .title = "Calculated Weight for each Zd bin",
1207 | .dir = "Zd",
1208 | .binningx = binning_theta,
1209 | .binningy = {},
1210 | .table = "ThetaDist",
1211 | .x = ".theta",
1212 | .y = "",
1213 | .v = "ZdWeight",
1214 | .err = "ErrZdWeight",
1215 | .axisx = "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]",
1216 | .axisy = "Weight [s]",
1217 | .axisz = "",
1218 | .stats = true
1219 | });
1220 |
1221 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1222 | // --------------------------- WeightedMC ----------------------------
1223 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1224 |
1225 | Time start7;
1226 |
1227 | // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy
1228 | mysqlpp::Query query7(&connection);
1229 | query7 <<
1230 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Weighted%100:table\n"
1231 | "(\n"
1232 | " SumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1233 | " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n"
1234 | " INDEX (`.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n"
1235 | " INDEX (`.dense_sim`) USING HASH\n"
1236 | ")\n"
1237 | "ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Table Summary%100:table but with theta-weights applied'\n"
1238 | "AS\n"
1239 | "(\n"
1240 | " SELECT\n"
1241 | " `.theta`,\n"
1242 | " `.sparse_sim`,\n"
1243 | " `.dense_sim`,\n"
1244 | " S.CountN,\n"
1245 | " S.SumW*ZdWeight AS SumW,\n"
1246 | " S.SumW2*POW(ErrZdWeight, 2) AS SumW2\n"
1247 | " FROM\n"
1248 | " Summary%100:table S\n"
1249 | " INNER JOIN\n"
1250 | " ThetaDist USING (`.theta`)\n"
1251 | ")";
1252 |
1253 | query7.parse();
1254 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1255 | // query7.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1256 |
1257 | query7.template_defaults["table"] = "OriginalMC";
1258 |
1259 | if (print_queries)
1260 | PrintQuery(query7.str());
1261 |
1262 | qlog << query7 << ";\n" << endl;
1263 | if (connection.connected())
1264 | {
1265 | cout << query7.execute().info() << endl;
1266 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1267 | Dump(flog, connection, "WeightedOriginalMC");
1268 |
1269 | const auto sec7 = Time().UnixTime()-start7.UnixTime();
1270 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec7 << "s\n\n";
1271 | }
1272 |
1273 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1274 |
1275 | Time start7b;
1276 |
1277 | query7.template_defaults["table"] = "EventsMC";
1278 |
1279 | if (print_queries)
1280 | PrintQuery(query7.str());
1281 |
1282 | qlog << query7 << ";\n" << endl;
1283 | if (connection.connected())
1284 | {
1285 | cout << query7.execute().info() << endl;
1286 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1287 | Dump(flog, connection, "WeightedEventsMC");
1288 |
1289 | const auto sec7b = Time().UnixTime()-start7b.UnixTime();
1290 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec7b << "s\n\n";
1291 | }
1292 |
1293 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1294 | // --------------------------- AnalysisMC ----------------------------
1295 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1296 |
1297 | cout << separator("AnalysisMC") << '\n';
1298 |
1299 | Time start8;
1300 |
1301 | // This table combines the analysis results vs. Binning in Estimated Energy and Simulated Energy
1302 | mysqlpp::Query query8(&connection);
1303 | sindent indent8(query8);
1304 | query8 <<
1305 | /*
1307 | "(\n"
1308 | " `.sparse` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1309 | " `.dense` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1310 | " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest (for spectral analysis)
1311 | " SignalN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1312 | " BackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1313 | " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1314 | " ExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1315 | " ExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1316 | " ErrExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1317 | " ErrExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1318 | " ThresholdW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Esim (for simulation analysis)
1319 | " ThresholdN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Esim
1320 | " BiasEst DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Eest
1321 | " BiasSim DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // vs Esim
1322 | " ResolutionEst DOUBLE,\n"
1323 | " ResolutionSim DOUBLE,\n"
1324 | " INDEX (`.sparse`) USING HASH,\n"
1325 | " INDEX (`.dense`) USING HASH\n"
1326 | ") ENGINE=Memory\n"
1327 | */
1329 | "(\n"
1330 | " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1331 | " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1332 | " SignalW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1333 | " BackgroundN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1334 | " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1335 | " BackgroundW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1336 | " ResidualW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1337 | " ResidualW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1338 | " SumEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1339 | " SumEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1340 | " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n"
1341 | " INDEX (`.sparse_est`) USING HASH,\n"
1342 | " INDEX (`.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n"
1343 | " INDEX (`.dense_est`) USING HASH,\n"
1344 | " INDEX (`.dense_sim`) USING HASH,\n"
1345 | " INDEX (`.sparse_est`, `.sparse_sim`) USING HASH,\n"
1346 | " INDEX (`.dense_est`, `.dense_sim`) USING HASH,\n"
1347 | " INDEX (`.impact`) USING HASH\n"
1348 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Sum of counts and (squared) weightes of Monte Carlo Data after analysis'\n"
1349 | "AS\n"
1350 | "(\n"
1351 | " WITH Excess AS\n"
1352 | " (\n" << indent(6)
1353 | << ifstream(analysis_sql).rdbuf() << indent(0) <<
1354 | " ),\n" <<
1355 | " Result AS\n"
1356 | " (\n" << indent(6)
1357 | << simulation_sql << indent(0) << // Must end with EOL and not in the middle of a comment
1358 | " )\n"
1359 | " SELECT * FROM Result\n"
1360 | ")";
1361 |
1362 | query8.parse();
1363 | // for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1364 | // query8.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1365 |
1366 | //query6.template_defaults["columns"] = "FileId, EvtNumber, CorsikaNumReuse,";
1367 | query8.template_defaults["columns"] = "Energy, SpectralIndex, Impact,";
1368 | query8.template_defaults["zenith"] = "DEGREES(Theta)";
1369 | query8.template_defaults["files"] = "MonteCarloFiles";
1370 | query8.template_defaults["runinfo"] = "factmc.RunInfoMC";
1371 | query8.template_defaults["events"] = "factmc.EventsMC";
1372 | query8.template_defaults["positions"] = "factmc.PositionMC";
1373 |
1374 | query8.template_defaults["sparse"] = str_sparse.c_str();
1375 | query8.template_defaults["dense"] = str_dense.c_str();
1376 | query8.template_defaults["theta"] = str_theta.c_str();
1377 | query8.template_defaults["impact"] = str_impact.c_str();
1378 | query8.template_defaults["spectrum"] = spectrum.c_str();
1379 | query8.template_defaults["estimator"] = estimator.c_str();
1380 |
1381 | if (print_queries)
1382 | PrintQuery(query8.str());
1383 |
1384 | qlog << query8 << ";\n" << endl;
1385 | if (connection.connected())
1386 | {
1387 | cout << query8.execute().info() << endl;
1388 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1389 | Dump(flog, connection, "AnalysisMC");
1390 |
1391 | const auto sec8 = Time().UnixTime()-start8.UnixTime();
1392 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec8 << "s\n\n";
1393 | }
1394 |
1395 |
1396 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1397 | // ------------------------- SimulatedSpectrum -----------------------
1398 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1399 |
1400 | const vector<string> binnings = { "dense", "sparse", "theta" };
1401 |
1402 | for (auto ib=binnings.cbegin(); ib!=binnings.cend(); ib++)
1403 | {
1404 | const string table = "Summary"+(*ib=="theta" ? "Theta" : "TrueEnergy_"+*ib);
1405 |
1406 | cout << separator(table) << '\n';
1407 |
1408 | // [lo^(1+gammaa) - hi^(1+gamma)] / (1+gamma)
1409 |
1410 | Time start9;
1411 |
1412 | /*
1413 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SummarySimulated\n"
1414 | "(\n"
1415 | " `.energy` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin Index [MC Energy]',\n"
1416 | " CountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // COMMENT 'Number of events',\n"
1417 | " CountW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // COMMENT 'Sum of weights, reweighted sum',\n"
1418 | " CountW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" // COMMENT 'Sum of square of weights'\n"
1419 | " PRIMARY KEY (`.energy`) USING HASH\n"
1420 | ") ENGINE=Memory\n"
1421 | */
1422 |
1423 | mysqlpp::Query query9(&connection);
1424 | sindent indent9(query9);
1425 | query9 <<
1426 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %100:table\n"
1427 | "(\n"
1428 | " SimCountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1429 | " TrigCountN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1430 | " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1431 | " BackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1432 | //
1433 | " ErrSimCountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1434 | " ErrTrigCountN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1435 | " ErrSignalN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1436 | " ErrBackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1437 | //
1438 | " SimSumW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1439 | " TrigSumW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1440 | " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1441 | " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1442 | " ExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1443 | //
1444 | " SimSumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1445 | " TrigSumW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1446 | " SignalW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1447 | " BackgroundW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1448 | " ExcessW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1449 | //
1450 | " SimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1451 | " TrigFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1452 | " SignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1453 | " BackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1454 | " ExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1455 | //
1456 | " ErrSimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1457 | " ErrTrigFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1458 | " ErrSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1459 | " ErrBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1460 | " ErrExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1461 | //
1462 | " ResidualW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1463 | " ResidualW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1464 | " BiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1465 | " ErrBiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1466 | " ResolutionW DOUBLE,\n"
1467 | //
1468 | " SumEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1469 | " SumEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1470 | //
1471 | " AvgEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1472 | " AvgEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1473 | //
1474 | " CutEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1475 | " CutEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1476 | " TriggerEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1477 | " TriggerEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1478 | " EffectiveAreaN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1479 | " EffectiveAreaW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1480 | //
1481 | " ErrCutEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1482 | " ErrCutEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1483 | " ErrEffectiveAreaN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1484 | " ErrEffectiveAreaW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1485 | " ErrTriggerEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1486 | " ErrTriggerEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1487 | //
1488 | " IntegralSimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1489 | " IntegralSimFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1490 | " IntegralSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1491 | " IntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1492 | " IntegralSignalFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1493 | " IntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1494 | " IntegralBackgroundFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1495 | " IntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1496 | //
1497 | " ErrIntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1498 | " ErrIntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1499 | " ErrIntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1500 | " ErrIntegralSimFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1501 | //
1502 | " IntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1503 | " IntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1504 | //
1505 | " AvgIntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1506 | " AvgIntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1507 | //
1508 | " ObsTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1509 | " Area DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1510 | " AreaTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1511 | " Width DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1512 | //
1513 | " INDEX (%102:bin) USING HASH\n"
1514 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Summary of all Monte Carlo quantities, binned in true energy or zenith angle'\n"
1515 | "AS\n"
1516 | "(\n"
1517 | << indent(3) << summary_sim_sql << indent(0) <<
1518 | ")";
1519 |
1520 | // [ Sa^2/a^2 + Sb^2/b^2 ] * a^2/b^2
1521 | // [ (sc^2)/c^2+(sb^2)/b^2+(sa^2)/a^2 ] * a^2*b^2/c^2
1522 |
1523 | // [ a/b - c^2/d^2] --> (4*Sc^2*c^2)/d^4 + (4*Sd^2*c^4)/d^6 + Sa^2/b^2 + (Sb^2*a^2)/b^4
1524 |
1525 | query9.parse();
1526 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1527 | // query9.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1528 |
1529 | query9.template_defaults["table"] = table.c_str();
1530 | query9.template_defaults["binning"] = *ib=="theta" ? "BinningTheta" : ("BinningEnergy_"+*ib).c_str();
1531 | query9.template_defaults["bin"] = *ib=="theta" ? "`.theta`" : ("`."+*ib+"_sim`").c_str();
1532 | query9.template_defaults["binwidth"] = *ib=="theta" ? "1" : "(POW(10,hi)-POW(10,lo))/1000";
1533 |
1534 | if (print_queries)
1535 | PrintQuery(query9.str());
1536 |
1537 | qlog << query9 << ";\n" << endl;
1538 | if (connection.connected())
1539 | {
1540 | cout << query9.execute().info() << endl;
1541 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1542 | Dump(flog, connection, table);
1543 |
1544 | const auto sec9 = Time().UnixTime()-start9.UnixTime();
1545 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec9 << "s\n";
1546 | }
1547 |
1548 | Histogram hist_sim;
1549 | hist_sim.table = table;
1550 | hist_sim.dir = *ib=="theta" ? "MC/theta" : "MC/"+*ib+"/TrueEnergy";
1551 | hist_sim.x = *ib=="theta" ? ".theta" : "."+*ib+"_sim";
1552 | hist_sim.axisx = *ib=="theta" ? "Zenith Angle #theta [#circ]" : "Energy lg(E_{sim}/GeV)";
1553 | hist_sim.stats = false;
1554 |
1555 | if (*ib=="theta")
1556 | hist_sim.binningx=binning_theta;
1557 | if (*ib=="dense")
1558 | hist_sim.binningx=binning_dense;
1559 | if (*ib=="sparse")
1560 | hist_sim.binningx=binning_sparse;
1561 |
1562 | hist_sim.axisy = "Counts";
1563 |
1564 | hist_sim.title = "Events simulated with Corsika";
1565 | hist_sim.v = "SimCountN";
1566 | hist_sim.err = "ErrSimCountN";
1567 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1568 |
1569 | hist_sim.title = "Events after cleaning";
1570 | hist_sim.v = "TrigCountN";
1571 | hist_sim.err = "ErrTrigCountN";
1572 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1573 |
1574 | hist_sim.title = "Events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)";
1575 | hist_sim.v = "SignalN";
1576 | hist_sim.err = "ErrSignalN";
1577 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1578 |
1579 | hist_sim.title = "Events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all Cuts";
1580 | hist_sim.v = "BackgroundN";
1581 | hist_sim.err = "ErrBackgroundN";
1582 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1583 |
1584 | hist_sim.title = "Excess events [true positive - false positive]";
1585 | hist_sim.v = "ExcessN";
1586 | hist_sim.err = "ErrExcessN";
1587 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1588 |
1589 |
1590 | hist_sim.axisy = *ib=="theta"?"dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]":"dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]";
1591 |
1592 | hist_sim.title = "Weighted simulated events (corsika) per simulated area and time";
1593 | hist_sim.v = "SimFluxW";
1594 | hist_sim.err = "ErrSimFluxW";
1595 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1596 |
1597 | hist_sim.title = "Weighted events after trigger (cered) per simulated area and time";
1598 | hist_sim.v = "TrigFluxW";
1599 | hist_sim.err = "ErrTrigFluxW";
1600 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1601 |
1602 | hist_sim.title = "Weighted excess events [true positive - false positive]";
1603 | hist_sim.v = "ExcessFluxW";
1604 | hist_sim.err = "ErrExcessFluxW";
1605 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1606 |
1607 | hist_sim.title = "Weighted events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)";
1608 | hist_sim.v = "SignalFluxW";
1609 | hist_sim.err = "ErrSignalFluxW";
1610 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1611 |
1612 | hist_sim.title = "Weighted events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all cuts per simulated area and time";
1613 | hist_sim.v = "BackgroundFluxW";
1614 | hist_sim.err = "ErrBackgroundFluxW";
1615 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1616 |
1617 |
1618 | hist_sim.title = "Average simulated energy for weighted events after cuts";
1619 | hist_sim.v = "AvgEnergySimW";
1620 | hist_sim.err = "";
1621 | hist_sim.axisy = "<E_{sim}>/GeV";
1622 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1623 |
1624 | hist_sim.title = "Average estimated energy for weighted events after cuts";
1625 | hist_sim.v = "AvgEnergyEstW";
1626 | hist_sim.err = "";
1627 | hist_sim.axisy = "<E_{est}>/GeV";
1628 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1629 |
1630 |
1631 | hist_sim.title = "Cut effiency times simulated area";
1632 | hist_sim.v = "EffectiveAreaN";
1633 | hist_sim.err = "ErrEffectiveAreaN";
1634 | hist_sim.axisy = "A_{eff} [cm^{2}]";
1635 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1636 |
1637 | hist_sim.title = "Cut efficiency for eighted spectrum times simulated area";
1638 | hist_sim.v = "EffectiveAreaW";
1639 | hist_sim.err = "ErrEffectiveAreaW";
1640 | hist_sim.axisy = "A_{eff} [cm^{2}]";
1641 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1642 |
1643 |
1644 | hist_sim.title = "Bias of energy estimation for weighted events";
1645 | hist_sim.v = "BiasW";
1646 | hist_sim.err = "ErrBiasW";
1647 | hist_sim.axisy = "<lg(E_{est}/E_{sim})>";
1648 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1649 |
1650 | hist_sim.title = "Resolution of energy estimation for weighted events";
1651 | hist_sim.v = "ResolutionW";
1652 | hist_sim.err = "";
1653 | hist_sim.axisy = "#sigma(lg(E_{est}/E_{sim}))";
1654 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1655 |
1656 | hist_sim.title = "Ratio of event after trigger (ceres) to simulated events (corsika)";
1657 | hist_sim.v = "TriggerEfficiencyN";
1658 | hist_sim.err = "ErrTriggerEfficiencyN";
1659 | hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency";
1660 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1661 |
1662 | hist_sim.title = "Ratio of weighted event after trigger (ceres) to weighted simulated events (corsika)";
1663 | hist_sim.v = "TriggerEfficiencyW";
1664 | hist_sim.err = "ErrTriggerEfficiencyW";
1665 | hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency";
1666 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1667 |
1668 | hist_sim.title = "Ratio of event after cuts to triggered events (ceres)";
1669 | hist_sim.v = "CutEfficiencyN";
1670 | hist_sim.err = "ErrCutEfficiencyN";
1671 | hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency";
1672 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1673 |
1674 | hist_sim.title = "Ratio of weighted event after cuts to weighted triggered events (ceres)";
1675 | hist_sim.v = "CutEfficiencyW";
1676 | hist_sim.err = "ErrCutEfficiencyW";
1677 | hist_sim.axisy = "Efficiency";
1678 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1679 |
1680 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1681 | // ------------------------ ImpactDistribution -----------------------
1682 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1683 |
1684 | cout << separator("ImpactDistribution_"+*ib) << '\n';
1685 |
1686 | Time start13;
1687 |
1688 | mysqlpp::Query query13(&connection);
1689 | query13 <<
1690 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ImpactDistribution_%100:binning\n"
1691 | "(\n"
1692 | " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL\n"
1693 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Impact Distribution of unweighted signal events after cuts'\n"
1694 | "AS\n"
1695 | "(\n"
1696 | " SELECT\n"
1697 | " %101:bin,\n"
1698 | " `.impact`,\n"
1699 | " SUM(SignalN) AS SignalN\n"
1700 | " FROM\n"
1701 | " AnalysisMC\n"
1702 | " GROUP BY\n"
1703 | " %101:bin, `.impact`\n"
1704 | " ORDER BY\n"
1705 | " %101:bin, `.impact`\n"
1706 | ")";
1707 |
1708 | query13.parse();
1709 |
1710 | query13.template_defaults["binning"] = ib->c_str();
1711 | query13.template_defaults["bin"] = *ib=="theta" ? "`.theta`" : ("`."+*ib+"_sim`").c_str();
1712 |
1713 | if (print_queries)
1714 | PrintQuery(query13.str());
1715 |
1716 | qlog << query13 << ";\n" << endl;
1717 | if (connection.connected())
1718 | {
1719 | cout << query13.execute().info() << endl;
1720 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1721 | Dump(flog, connection, "ImpactDistribution_"+*ib);
1722 |
1723 | const auto sec13 = Time().UnixTime()-start13.UnixTime();
1724 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec13 << "s\n";
1725 | }
1726 |
1727 | hist_sim.name = "Impact";
1728 | hist_sim.title = "Distribution of Impact Distance";
1729 | hist_sim.y = ".impact";
1730 | hist_sim.v = "SignalN";
1731 | hist_sim.err = "";
1732 | hist_sim.table = "ImpactDistribution_"+*ib;
1733 | hist_sim.binningy = binning_impact;
1734 | hist_sim.axisy = "Impact Distance [m]";
1735 | hist_sim.axisz = "Counts";
1736 |
1737 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim);
1738 |
1739 | // ===================================================================
1740 | // ===================================================================
1741 |
1742 | if (*ib=="theta")
1743 | continue;
1744 |
1745 | // ===================================================================
1746 | // ===================================================================
1747 |
1748 |
1749 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1750 | // ------------------------- SimulatedSpectrum -----------------------
1751 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1752 |
1753 | cout << separator("SummaryEstimatedEnergy_"+*ib) << '\n';
1754 |
1755 | // [lo^(1+gammaa) - hi^(1+gamma)] / (1+gamma)
1756 |
1757 | Time start10;
1758 |
1759 | mysqlpp::Query query10(&connection);
1760 | sindent indent10(query10);
1761 | query10 <<
1762 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SummaryEstimatedEnergy_%100:binning\n"
1763 | "(\n"
1764 | " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
1765 | " BackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1766 | " ExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1767 | //
1768 | " ErrSignalN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1769 | " ErrBackgroundN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1770 | " ErrExcessN DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1771 | //
1772 | " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1773 | " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1774 | " ExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1775 | //
1776 | " SignalW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1777 | " BackgroundW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1778 | //
1779 | " ErrSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1780 | " ErrBackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1781 | " ErrExcessW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1782 | //
1783 | " SignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1784 | " BackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1785 | " ExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1786 | //
1787 | " ErrSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1788 | " ErrBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1789 | " ErrExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1790 | //
1791 | " ResidualW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1792 | " ResidualW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1793 | " BiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1794 | " ErrBiasW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1795 | " ResolutionW DOUBLE,\n"
1796 | //
1797 | " SumEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1798 | " SumEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1799 | //
1800 | " AvgEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1801 | " AvgEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1802 | //
1803 | " IntegralSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1804 | " IntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1805 | " IntegralSignalFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1806 | " IntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1807 | " IntegralBackgroundFluxW2 DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1808 | " IntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1809 | //
1810 | " ErrIntegralExcessFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1811 | " ErrIntegralSignalFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1812 | " ErrIntegralBackgroundFluxW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1813 | //
1814 | " IntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1815 | " IntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1816 | //
1817 | " AvgIntegralEnergyEstW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1818 | " AvgIntegralEnergySimW DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1819 | //
1820 | " ObsTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1821 | " Area DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1822 | " AreaTime DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1823 | " Width DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
1824 | //
1825 | " INDEX (`.%100:binning:_est`) USING HASH\n"
1826 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Summary of all Monte Carlo quantities binned in estimated energy'\n"
1827 | "AS\n"
1828 | "(\n"
1829 | << indent(3) << summary_est_sql << indent(6) <<
1830 | ")";
1831 |
1832 | query10.parse();
1833 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1834 | // query10.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1835 |
1836 | query10.template_defaults["binning"] = ib->c_str();
1837 |
1838 | if (print_queries)
1839 | PrintQuery(query10.str());
1840 |
1841 | qlog << query10 << ";\n" << endl;
1842 | if (connection.connected())
1843 | {
1844 | cout << query10.execute().info() << endl;
1845 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1846 | Dump(flog, connection, "SummaryEstimatedEnergy_"+*ib);
1847 |
1848 | const auto sec10 = Time().UnixTime()-start10.UnixTime();
1849 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec10 << "s\n";
1850 | }
1851 |
1852 | Histogram hist_est;
1853 | hist_est.dir = "MC/"+*ib+"/EstimatedEnergy";
1854 | hist_est.binningx = *ib=="dense"?binning_dense:binning_sparse;
1855 | hist_est.table = "SummaryEstimatedEnergy_"+*ib;
1856 | hist_est.x = "."+*ib+"_est";
1857 | hist_est.axisx = "Energy lg(E_{est}/GeV)";
1858 | hist_est.stats = false;
1859 |
1860 | hist_est.axisy = "Counts";
1861 |
1862 | hist_est.title = "Events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)";
1863 | hist_est.v = "SignalN";
1864 | hist_est.err = "ErrSignalN";
1865 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1866 |
1867 | hist_est.title = "Events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all Cuts";
1868 | hist_est.v = "BackgroundN";
1869 | hist_est.err = "ErrBackgroundN";
1870 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1871 |
1872 | hist_est.title = "Excess events [true positive - false positive]";
1873 | hist_est.v = "ExcessN";
1874 | hist_est.err = "ErrExcessN";
1875 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1876 |
1877 |
1878 | hist_est.title = "Average simulated energy for weighted events after cuts";
1879 | hist_est.v = "AvgEnergySimW";
1880 | hist_est.err = "";
1881 | hist_est.axisy = "<E_{sim}>/GeV";
1882 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1883 |
1884 | hist_est.title = "Average estimated energy for weighted events after cuts";
1885 | hist_est.v = "AvgEnergyEstW";
1886 | hist_est.err = "";
1887 | hist_est.axisy = "<E_{est}>/GeV";
1888 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1889 |
1890 |
1891 | hist_est.axisy = "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]";
1892 |
1893 | hist_est.title = "Weighted events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)";
1894 | hist_est.v = "SignalFluxW";
1895 | hist_est.err = "ErrSignalFluxW";
1896 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1897 |
1898 | hist_est.title = "Weighted events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all cuts per simulated area and time";
1899 | hist_est.v = "BackgroundFluxW";
1900 | hist_est.err = "ErrBackgroundFluxW";
1901 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1902 |
1903 | hist_est.title = "Weighted excess events [true positive - false positive]";
1904 | hist_est.v = "ExcessFluxW";
1905 | hist_est.err = "ErrExcessFluxW";
1906 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1907 |
1908 |
1909 | hist_est.title = "Bias of energy estimation for weighted events";
1910 | hist_est.v = "BiasW";
1911 | hist_est.err = "ErrBiasW";
1912 | hist_est.axisy = "<lg(E_{est}/E_{sim})>";
1913 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1914 |
1915 | hist_est.title = "Resolution of energy estimation for weighted events";
1916 | hist_est.v = "ResolutionW";
1917 | hist_est.err = "";
1918 | hist_est.axisy = "#sigma(lg(E_{est}/E_{sim}))";
1919 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est);
1920 |
1921 |
1922 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1923 | // -------------------------- MigrationMatrix ------------------------
1924 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1925 |
1926 | cout << separator("EnergyMigration_"+*ib) << '\n';
1927 |
1928 | Time start11;
1929 |
1930 | mysqlpp::Query query11(&connection);
1931 | query11 <<
1932 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE EnergyMigration_%100:binning\n"
1933 | "(\n"
1934 | " SignalN INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL\n"
1935 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Energy Migration: Monte Carlo Event counts binned in true and estimated energy'\n"
1936 | "AS\n"
1937 | "(\n"
1938 | " SELECT\n"
1939 | " `.%100:binning:_est`,\n"
1940 | " `.%100:binning:_sim`,\n"
1941 | " SUM(SignalN) AS SignalN\n"
1942 | " FROM\n"
1943 | " AnalysisMC\n"
1944 | " GROUP BY\n"
1945 | " `.%100:binning:_est`, `.%100:binning:_sim`\n"
1946 | " ORDER BY\n"
1947 | " `.%100:binning:_est`, `.%100:binning:_sim`\n"
1948 | ")";
1949 |
1950 | query11.parse();
1951 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
1952 | // query11.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
1953 |
1954 | query11.template_defaults["binning"] = ib->c_str();
1955 |
1956 | if (print_queries)
1957 | PrintQuery(query11.str());
1958 |
1959 | qlog << query11 << ";\n" << endl;
1960 | if (connection.connected())
1961 | {
1962 | cout << query11.execute().info() << endl;
1963 | ShowWarnings(connection);
1964 | Dump(flog, connection, "EnergyMigration_"+*ib);
1965 |
1966 | const auto sec11 = Time().UnixTime()-start11.UnixTime();
1967 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec11 << "s\n";
1968 | }
1969 |
1970 | WriteHistogram(connection, {
1971 | .name = "Migration",
1972 | .title = "",
1973 | .dir = "MC/"+*ib,
1974 | .binningx = *ib=="dense"?binning_dense:binning_sparse,
1975 | .binningy = *ib=="dense"?binning_dense:binning_sparse,
1976 | .table = "EnergyMigration_"+*ib,
1977 | .x = "."+*ib+"_sim",
1978 | .y = "."+*ib+"_est",
1979 | .v = "SignalN",
1980 | .err = "",
1981 | .axisx = "Energy lg(E_{sim}/GeV)",
1982 | .axisy = "Energy lg(E_{est}/GeV)",
1983 | .axisz = "Counts",
1984 | .stats = false
1985 | });
1986 | }
1987 |
1988 | if (mc_only)
1989 | {
1990 | cout << separator("Summary") << '\n';
1991 | const auto sec = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime();
1992 | cout << "Total execution time: " << sec << "s\n" << endl;
1993 |
1994 | return 0;
1995 | }
1996 |
1997 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1998 | // --------------------------- AnalysisData --------------------------
1999 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
2000 |
2001 | cout << separator("AnalysisData") << '\n';
2002 |
2003 | Time start12;
2004 |
2005 | mysqlpp::Query query12(&connection);
2006 | sindent indent12(query12);
2007 | query12 <<
2008 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE AnalysisData\n"
2009 | "(\n"
2010 | " `Signal` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
2011 | " `Background` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n"
2012 | " `SumEnergyEst` DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
2013 | " `SumW` DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n"
2014 | " INDEX (`.theta`) USING HASH,\n"
2015 | " INDEX (`.sparse_est`) USING HASH\n"
2016 | ") ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Sum of counts and (squared) weightes of selected data after analysis'\n"
2017 | "AS\n"
2018 | "(\n"
2019 | " WITH Excess AS\n"
2020 | " (\n" << indent(6)
2021 | << ifstream(analysis_sql).rdbuf() << indent(0) <<
2022 | " ),\n" <<
2023 | " Result AS\n"
2024 | " (\n" << indent(6)
2025 | << data_sql << indent(0) << // Must end with EOL and not in the middle of a comment
2026 | " )\n"
2027 | " SELECT * FROM Result\n"
2028 | ")";
2029 |
2030 | query12.parse();
2031 | // for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
2032 | // query12.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
2033 |
2034 | //query5.template_defaults["columns"] = "FileId, EvtNumber,";
2035 | query12.template_defaults["columns"] = "";
2036 | query12.template_defaults["zenith"] = "fZenithDistanceMean";
2037 | query12.template_defaults["files"] = "DataFiles";
2038 | query12.template_defaults["runinfo"] = "factdata.RunInfo";
2039 | query12.template_defaults["events"] = "factdata.Images";
2040 | query12.template_defaults["positions"] = "factdata.Position";
2041 |
2042 | query12.template_defaults["sparse"] = str_sparse.c_str();
2043 | query12.template_defaults["theta"] = str_theta.c_str();
2044 | query12.template_defaults["estimator"] = estimator.c_str();
2045 |
2046 | if (print_queries)
2047 | PrintQuery(query12.str());
2048 |
2049 | qlog << query12 << ";\n" << endl;
2050 | if (connection.connected())
2051 | {
2052 | cout << query12.execute().info() << endl;
2053 | ShowWarnings(connection);
2054 | Dump(flog, connection, "AnalysisData");
2055 |
2056 | const auto sec12 = Time().UnixTime()-start12.UnixTime();
2057 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec12 << "s\n";
2058 | }
2059 |
2060 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
2061 | // --------------------------- Spectrum ------------------------------
2062 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
2063 |
2064 | sindent mindent(mlog);
2065 | mlog << "void spectrum()\n";
2066 | mlog << "{\n" << indent(4);
2067 | mlog <<
2068 | "TGraphErrors *g = new TGraphErrors;\n"
2069 | "g->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium);\n\n"
2070 | "TGraph *ul = new TGraph;\n"
2071 | "ul->SetMarkerStyle(23);\n\n";
2072 |
2073 | const vector<string> targets = { "Theta", "Energy" };
2074 |
2075 | for (auto ib=targets.cbegin(); ib!=targets.cend(); ib++)
2076 | {
2077 | const string table = "Spectrum"+*ib;
2078 |
2079 | cout << separator(table) << '\n';
2080 |
2081 | Time start13;
2082 | /*
2083 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Spectrum\n"
2084 | "(\n"
2085 | " `.energy` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bin Index [Energy]' PRIMARY KEY,\n"
2086 | " lo DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Lower edge of energy bin in lg(E/GeV)',\n"
2087 | " hi DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Upper edge of energy bin in lg(E/GeV)',\n"
2088 | " `Signal` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of signal events',\n"
2089 | " `Background` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Average number of background events',\n"
2090 | " `Excess` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of excess events',\n"
2091 | " ErrSignal DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Poisson error on number of signal events',\n"
2092 | " ErrBackground DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Poisson error on number of background events',\n"
2093 | " `ErrExcess` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of excess events',\n"
2094 | " `Significance` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Li/Ma sigficance',\n"
2095 | " `ExcessN` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of excess events in simulated data',\n"
2096 | " `ExcessW` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of excess events in simulated data',\n"
2097 | " `ErrExcessN` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error or number of excess events in simulated data',\n"
2098 | " `ErrExcessW` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of excess events in simulated data',\n"
2099 | " SignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of signal events in simulated data',\n"
2100 | " BackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Weighted number of background events in simulated data',\n"
2101 | " ErrSignalW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of signal events in simulated data',\n"
2102 | " ErrBackgroundW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of weighted number of background events in simulated data',\n"
2103 | " Flux DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Measured Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n"
2104 | " ErrFlux DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of measures Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n"
2105 | //" CountSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated Monte Carlo Events',\n"
2106 | //" ErrCountSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of Simulated Monte Carlo Events',\n"
2107 | //" FluxSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n"
2108 | //" ErrFluxSim DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of Simulated Monte Carlo Flux dN/dA/dt [cm^-2 s-^1 TeV^-1]',\n"
2109 | " Bias DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy Bias, average residual in lg(E)',\n"
2110 | " Resolution DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Energy resolution, standard divation of residual in lg(E)',\n"
2111 | //" EfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated cut efficiency (weighted)',\n"
2112 | //" EfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Simulated cut efficiency (unweighted)',\n"
2113 | //" ErrEfficiencyN DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of simulated cut efficiency (weighted)',\n"
2114 | //" ErrEfficiencyW DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Error of simulated cut efficiency (unweighted)'\n"
2115 | ") ENGINE=Memory\n"
2116 | */
2117 |
2118 | mysqlpp::Query query13(&connection);
2119 | sindent indent13(query13);
2120 | query13 <<
2121 | "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %100:table ENGINE=MEMORY COMMENT='Combined information from different sources into final spectrum' AS\n"
2122 | "(\n"
2123 | << indent(3) << spectrum_sql << indent(0) <<
2124 | ")";
2125 |
2126 | // [ Sa^2/a^2 + Sb^2/b^2 ] * a^2/b^2
2127 | // [ (sc^2)/c^2+(sb^2)/b^2+(sa^2)/a^2 ] * a^2*b^2/c^2
2128 |
2129 | query13.parse();
2130 | //for (auto it=env.cbegin(); it!=env.cend(); it++)
2131 | // query13.template_defaults[it->first.c_str()] = it->second.c_str();
2132 |
2133 | query13.template_defaults["table"] = table.c_str();
2134 | query13.template_defaults["bin"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "`.theta`" : "`.sparse_est`";
2135 | query13.template_defaults["id"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "Sim" : "Est";
2136 | query13.template_defaults["weight"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "ZdWeight" : "1";
2137 | query13.template_defaults["errweight"] = *ib=="Theta" ? "ErrZdWeight" : "1";
2138 | if (*ib=="Theta")
2139 | {
2140 | query13.template_defaults["join1"] = "SummaryTheta Sim USING (`.theta`)";
2141 | query13.template_defaults["join2"] = "ThetaDist USING (`.theta`)";
2142 | }
2143 | else
2144 | {
2145 | query13.template_defaults["join1"] = "SummaryEstimatedEnergy_sparse Est USING (`.sparse_est`)";
2146 | query13.template_defaults["join2"] = "SummaryTrueEnergy_sparse Sim ON Est.`.sparse_est`=Sim.`.sparse_sim`";
2147 | }
2148 |
2149 | if (print_queries)
2150 | PrintQuery(query13.str());
2151 |
2152 | qlog << query13 << ";\n" << endl;
2153 | if (connection.connected())
2154 | {
2155 | cout << query13.execute().info() << endl;
2156 | ShowWarnings(connection);
2157 | Dump(flog, connection, table);
2158 |
2159 | const auto sec13 = Time().UnixTime()-start13.UnixTime();
2160 | cout << "Execution time: " << sec13 << "s\n";
2161 |
2162 |
2163 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res13 = connection.query("SELECT * FROM "+table).store();
2164 |
2165 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2166 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
2167 | TFeldmanCousins fc;
2168 | fc.SetCL(confidence);
2169 | fc.SetMuStep(0.2);
2170 | // f.SetMuMax(10*(sig+bg)); //has to be higher than sig+bg!!
2171 | // Double_t ul=f.CalculateUpperLimit(x,y);
2172 | // x=Dat.Signal : number of observed events in the experiment
2173 | // y=Dat.Background/5 : average number of observed events in background region
2174 |
2175 | TRolke rolke(confidence);
2176 | // rolke.SetPoissonBkgBinomEff(x,y,z,tau,m)
2177 | // x=Dat.Signal : number of observed events in the experiment
2178 | // y=Dat.Background : number of observed events in background region
2179 | // tau=0.2 : the ratio between signal and background region
2180 | // m=Sim.SimFluxN : number of MC events generated
2181 | // z=Sim.AnaFluxN : number of MC events observed
2182 | #endif
2183 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2184 |
2185 | // Crab Nebula: 1 TeV: 3e-7 / m^2 / s / TeV
2186 | // Crab Nebula: 1 TeV: 3e-11 / cm^2 / s / TeV
2187 |
2188 | map<size_t, double> feldman_ul;
2189 | map<size_t, double> rolke_ul;
2190 | map<size_t, double> rolke_ll;
2191 | map<size_t, double> rolke_int;
2192 |
2193 | if (verbose>0)
2194 | cout << "Bin Excess Significance Flux ErrFlux" << endl;
2195 |
2196 | for (auto ir=res13.cbegin(); ir!=res13.cend(); ir++)
2197 | {
2198 | // This is not efficient but easier to read and safer
2199 | const mysqlpp::Row &row = *ir;
2200 |
2201 | const size_t bin = row[*ib=="Theta" ? ".theta" : ".sparse_est"];
2202 |
2203 | const double flux = row["Flux"];
2204 | const double error = row["ErrFlux"];
2205 | const double center = row["center"];
2206 | const double sigma = row["SigmaFlux"];
2207 |
2208 | if (*ib=="Energy" && flux>0)
2209 | {
2210 | mlog << "g->SetPoint(g->GetN(), pow(10, " << center << "), " << flux << ");\n";
2211 | mlog << "g->SetPointError(g->GetN()-1, 0, " << error << ");\n";
2212 | }
2213 |
2214 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
2215 | const double dat_sig = row["Signal"];
2216 | const double dat_bg = row["Background"];
2217 |
2218 | const double dat_isig = row["SignalI"];
2219 | const double dat_ibg = row["BackgroundI"];
2220 |
2221 | const double eff = row["Efficiency"];
2222 | const double ieff = row["EfficiencyI"];
2223 |
2224 | const double areatime = row["AreaTime"];
2225 | const double width = row["Width"];
2226 |
2227 | fc.SetMuMax(10*(dat_sig+dat_bg)); //has to be higher than sig+bg!!
2228 |
2229 | if (feldman)
2230 | feldman_ul[bin] = fc.CalculateUpperLimit(dat_sig, dat_bg)/width/areatime/eff;
2231 |
2232 | rolke.SetPoissonBkgKnownEff(dat_sig, dat_bg*5, 5, eff);
2233 | rolke_ll[bin] = rolke.GetLowerLimit()/width/areatime;
2234 | rolke_ul[bin] = rolke.GetUpperLimit()/width/areatime;
2235 |
2236 | rolke.SetPoissonBkgKnownEff(dat_isig, dat_ibg*5, 5, ieff);
2237 | rolke_int[bin] = rolke.GetUpperLimit()/areatime;
2238 |
2239 | if (*ib=="Energy" && (sigma<1 || dat_sig<10 || dat_bg<2))
2240 | mlog << "ul->SetPoint(ul->GetN(), pow(10, " << center << "), " << double(rolke_ul[bin]) << ");\n";
2241 | #endif
2242 |
2243 | if (verbose>0)
2244 | {
2245 | cout << setw(5) << center << ":";
2246 | cout << " " << setw(10) << row["Excess"];
2247 | cout << " " << setw(10) << row["Significance"];
2248 | cout << " " << setw(10) << flux;
2249 | cout << " " << setw(10) << error;
2250 | cout << endl;
2251 | }
2252 | }
2253 |
2254 | Histogram hist;
2255 | hist.table = table;
2256 | hist.binningx = *ib=="Theta" ? binning_theta : binning_sparse;
2257 | hist.x = *ib=="Theta" ? ".theta" : ".sparse_est";
2258 | hist.axisx = *ib=="Theta" ? "Zenith Distance #theta [#circ]" : "Energy lg(E/GeV)";
2259 | hist.stats = false;
2260 |
2261 | const vector<string> types = *ib=="Theta" ? vector<string>{ "" } : vector<string>{ "", "I" };
2262 | for (auto it=types.cbegin(); it!=types.cend(); it++)
2263 | {
2264 | const bool integral = *ib=="Energy" && !it->empty();
2265 |
2266 | hist.dir = *ib=="Theta" ? "Data/Theta" : (it->empty() ? "Data/Energy/Differential" : "Data/Energy/Integral");
2267 |
2268 | hist.axisy = "Counts";
2269 | if (integral)
2270 | hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})";
2271 |
2272 | hist.title = "Signal Events";
2273 | hist.v = "Signal"+*it;
2274 | hist.err = "ErrSignal"+*it;
2275 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2276 |
2277 | hist.title = "Background Events";
2278 | hist.v = "Background"+*it;
2279 | hist.err = "ErrBackground"+*it;
2280 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2281 |
2282 | hist.title = "Excess Events (signal - background)";
2283 | hist.v = "Excess"+*it;
2284 | hist.err = "ErrExcess"+*it;
2285 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2286 |
2287 | hist.title = "Significance (relative standard deviation)";
2288 | hist.v = "Significance"+*it;
2289 | hist.err = "";
2290 | hist.axisy = "#sigma";
2291 | if (integral)
2292 | hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})";
2293 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2294 |
2295 | hist.title = "Average estimated energy of signal events";
2296 | hist.v = "AvgEnergyEst"+*it;
2297 | hist.err = "";
2298 | hist.axisy = "<E_{est}>/GeV";
2299 | if (integral)
2300 | hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})";
2301 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2302 |
2303 | hist.title = "Ratio between measured and simulated excess (flux * simulated flux)";
2304 | hist.v = "ExcessRatio"+*it;
2305 | hist.err = "ErrExcessRatio"+*it;
2306 | hist.axisy = "Ratio";
2307 | if (integral)
2308 | hist.axisy += " (E>E_{lo})";
2309 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2310 | }
2311 |
2312 | hist.dir = *ib=="Theta" ? "Data/Theta" : "Data/Energy/Differential";
2313 | hist.axisy = *ib=="Theta" ? "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]" : "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]";
2314 |
2315 | hist.name = "Spectrum";
2316 | hist.v = "Flux";
2317 | hist.err = "ErrFlux";
2318 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2319 |
2320 | hist.name = "SigmaFlux";
2321 | hist.v = "SigmaFlux";
2322 | hist.err = "";
2323 | hist.axisy = "Relative standard deviation";
2324 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2325 |
2326 | if (*ib=="Energy")
2327 | {
2328 | hist.axisy = "dN/dE (E>E_{lo}) [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]";
2329 |
2330 | hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Integral";
2331 | hist.name = "Spectrum";
2332 | hist.v = "FluxI";
2333 | hist.err = "ErrFluxI";
2334 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2335 |
2336 | hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Differential";
2337 | hist.name = "IntegratedSpectrum";
2338 | hist.v = "IntegratedFlux";
2339 | hist.err = "ErrIntegratedFlux";
2340 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2341 |
2342 | hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Integral";
2343 | hist.name = "SigmaFlux";
2344 | hist.v = "SigmaFluxI";
2345 | hist.err = "";
2346 | hist.axisy = "Relative standard deviations (E>E_{lo})";
2347 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist);
2348 | }
2349 |
2350 | #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
2351 | hist.dir = *ib=="Theta" ? "Data/Theta" : "Data/Energy/Differential";
2352 | hist.axisy = *ib=="Theta" ? "UL [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]" : "UL [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]";
2353 |
2354 | if (feldman)
2355 | {
2356 | hist.name = "FeldmanCousins";
2357 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist, feldman_ul);
2358 | }
2359 |
2360 | hist.name = "RolkeUL";
2361 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist, rolke_ul);
2362 |
2363 | hist.name = "RolkeLL";
2364 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist, rolke_ll);
2365 |
2366 | if (*ib=="Energy")
2367 | {
2368 | hist.dir = "Data/Energy/Integral";
2369 | hist.name = "RolkeUL";
2370 | WriteHistogram(connection, hist, rolke_int);
2371 | }
2372 | #endif
2373 | }
2374 | }
2375 |
2376 | mlog << "\n"
2377 | //"g.DrawClone(\"AP\");\n"
2378 | //"ul.DrawClone(\"P\");\n\n"
2379 | "TMultiGraph mg;\n"
2380 | "mg.SetTitle(\"Differential Energy Spectrum;E [GeV];dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]\");\n"
2381 | "mg.Add(g, \"P\");\n"
2382 | "mg.Add(ul, \"P\");\n"
2383 | "mg.DrawClone(\"A\");\n\n"
2384 | "gPad->SetLogx();\n"
2385 | "gPad->SetLogy();\n"
2386 | "\n"
2387 | "TF1 f(\"Power Law\", \"[0]*(x/1000)^[1]\", g->GetX()[0], g->GetX()[g->GetN()-1]);\n"
2388 | "f.SetParameter(0, 1e-11);\n"
2389 | "f.SetParameter(1, -2.6);\n"
2390 | "g->Fit(&f, \"\", \"NOQ\");\n"
2391 | "f.SetLineColor(kBlue);\n"
2392 | "f.DrawCopy(\"same\");\n"
2393 | "\n"
2394 | "cout << \"\\nChi^2/NDF: \" << f.GetChisquare() << \" / \" << f.GetNDF() << '\\n';\n"
2395 | "cout << \"Probability: \" << f.GetProb() << '\\n' << endl;\n";
2396 |
2397 | mlog << indent(0) << "}" << endl;
2398 |
2399 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
2400 | // ----------------------------- Summary -----------------------------
2401 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
2402 |
2403 | cout << separator("Summary") << '\n';
2404 | const auto sec = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime();
2405 | cout << "Total execution time: " << sec << "s\n" << endl;
2406 |
2407 | return 0;
2408 | }