1 | // **************************************************************************
2 | /** @file tools.cc
3 |
4 | @todo
5 | - Resolve the dependancies with dim
6 | - Move code to a more appropriate place
7 | - put stuff in namespaces
8 | */
9 | // **************************************************************************
10 | #include "tools.h"
11 |
12 | #include <stdarg.h>
13 | #include <iomanip>
14 | #include <sstream>
15 |
16 | #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
17 | #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
18 |
19 | using namespace std;
20 |
21 | string Tools::Format(const char *fmt, va_list &ap)
22 | {
23 | int n=256;
24 |
25 | char *ret=0;
26 | while (1)
27 | {
28 | ret = new char[n+1];
29 |
30 | const int sz = vsnprintf(ret, n, fmt, ap);
31 | if (sz<=n)
32 | break;
33 |
34 | n *= 2;
35 | delete [] ret;
36 | };
37 |
38 | string str(ret);
39 |
40 | delete [] ret;
41 |
42 | return str;
43 | }
44 |
45 | string Tools::Form(const char *fmt, ...)
46 | {
47 | va_list ap;
48 | va_start(ap, fmt);
49 |
50 | string str = Format(fmt, ap);
51 |
52 | va_end(ap);
53 |
54 | return str;
55 | }
56 |
57 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 | //
59 | //! This is a static helper to remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
60 | //!
61 | //! @param buf
62 | //! a pointer to the char array from which the whitespaces should be
63 | //! removed
64 | //!
65 | //! @returns
66 | //! a std::string with the whitespaces removed from buf
67 | //
68 | string Tools::Trim(const string &str)
69 | {
70 | // Trim Both leading and trailing spaces
71 | const size_t start = str.find_first_not_of(' '); // Find the first character position after excluding leading blank spaces
72 | const size_t end = str.find_last_not_of(' '); // Find the first character position from reverse af
73 |
74 | // if all spaces or empty return an empty string
75 | if (string::npos==start || string::npos==end)
76 | return string();
77 |
78 | return str.substr(start, end-start+1);
79 | }
80 |
81 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 | //
83 | //! This is a static helper to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and
84 | //! if available leading and trailing quotes, can be either ' or "
85 | //!
86 | //! @param buf
87 | //! a pointer to the char array to be trimmed
88 | //!
89 | //! @returns
90 | //! a std::string with the content trimmed
91 | //
92 | string Tools::TrimQuotes(const string &str)
93 | {
94 | string rc = Trim(str);
95 | if (rc.length()<2)
96 | return rc;
97 |
98 | const char b = rc[0];
99 | const char e = rc[rc.length()-1];
100 |
101 | if ((b=='\"' && e=='\"') || (b=='\'' && e=='\''))
102 | return rc.substr(1, rc.length()-2);
103 |
104 | return rc;
105 | }
106 |
107 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 | //
109 | //! This is a static helper to remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
110 | //!
111 | //! Usage example:
112 | //!
113 | //! \code
114 | //! string str = " Dies ist ein test fuer einen ganz langen Satz "
115 | //! "und ob er korrekt umgebrochen und formatiert wird. Alles "
116 | //! "nur ein simpler test aber trotzdem ganz wichtig.";
117 | //!
118 | //! cout << setfill('-') << setw(40) << "+" << endl;
119 | //! while (1)
120 | //! {
121 | //! const string rc = Tools::Wrap(str, 40);
122 | //! if (rc.empty())
123 | //! break;
124 | //! cout << rc << endl;
125 | //! }
126 | //! \endcode
127 | //!
128 | string Tools::Wrap(string &str, size_t width)
129 | {
130 | const size_t pos = str.length()<width ? string::npos : str.find_last_of(' ', width);
131 | if (pos==string::npos)
132 | {
133 | const string rc = str;
134 | str = "";
135 | return rc;
136 | }
137 |
138 | const size_t indent = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
139 |
140 | const string rc = str.substr(0, pos);
141 | const size_t p2 = str.find_first_not_of(' ', pos+1);
142 |
143 | str = str.substr(0, indent) + str.substr(p2==string::npos ? pos+1 : p2);
144 |
145 | return rc;
146 | }
147 |
148 | string Tools::Scientific(uint64_t val)
149 | {
150 | ostringstream rc;
151 | rc << setprecision(1) << fixed;
152 |
153 | if (val<1000)
154 | {
155 | rc << val << " ";
156 | return rc.str();
157 | }
158 |
159 | if (val<3000)
160 | {
161 | rc << val/1000. << " k";
162 | return rc.str();
163 | }
164 |
165 | if (val<1000000)
166 | {
167 | rc << val/1000 << " k";
168 | return rc.str();
169 | }
170 |
171 | if (val<3000000)
172 | {
173 | rc << val/1000000. << " M";
174 | return rc.str();
175 | }
176 |
177 | if (val<1000000000)
178 | {
179 | rc << val/1000000 << " M";
180 | return rc.str();
181 | }
182 |
183 | if (val<3000000000)
184 | {
185 | rc << val/1000000000. << " G";
186 | return rc.str();
187 | }
188 |
189 | if (val<1000000000000)
190 | {
191 | rc << val/1000000000 << " G";
192 | return rc.str();
193 | }
194 |
195 | if (val<3000000000000)
196 | {
197 | rc << val/1000000000000. << " T";
198 | return rc.str();
199 | }
200 |
201 | if (val<1000000000000000)
202 | {
203 | rc << val/1000000000000 << " T";
204 | return rc.str();
205 | }
206 |
207 | if (val<3000000000000000)
208 | {
209 | rc << val/1000000000000000. << " P";
210 | return rc.str();
211 | }
212 |
213 | rc << val/1000000000000000. << " P";
214 | return rc.str();
215 | }
216 |
217 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 | //
219 | //! Splits a string into a filename and command line arguments, like:
220 | //!
221 | //! file.txt arg1=argument1 arg2="argument 2" arg3="argument \"3\""
222 | //!
223 | //! 'file.txt' will be returned on opt, the arguments will be returned in
224 | //! the returned map.
225 | //!
226 | //! If the returned file name is empty, an error has occured:
227 | //! If the map is also empty the file name was empty, if the map has
228 | //! one entry then for this entry the equal sign was missing.
229 | //
230 | //! allow==true allows for positional (empty) arguments, like in
231 | //! file.txt arg1 arg2="argument 2" arg3
232 | //!
233 | map<string,string> Tools::Split(string &opt, bool allow)
234 | {
235 | using namespace boost;
236 | typedef escaped_list_separator<char> separator;
237 |
238 | const string data(opt);
239 |
240 | const tokenizer<separator> tok(data, separator("\\", " ", "\"'"));
241 |
242 | auto it=tok.begin();
243 | if (it==tok.end())
244 | {
245 | opt = "";
246 | return map<string,string>();
247 | }
248 |
249 | opt = string(*it).find_first_of('=')==string::npos ? *it++ : "";
250 |
251 | map<string,string> rc;
252 |
253 | int cnt=0;
254 |
255 | for (; it!=tok.end(); it++)
256 | {
257 | if (it->empty())
258 | continue;
259 |
260 | const size_t pos = it->find_first_of('=');
261 | if (pos==string::npos)
262 | {
263 | if (allow)
264 | {
265 | rc[to_string(cnt++)] = *it;
266 | continue;
267 | }
268 |
269 | opt = "";
270 | rc.clear();
271 | rc[*it] = "";
272 | return rc;
273 | }
274 |
275 | rc[it->substr(0, pos)] = it->substr(pos+1);
276 | }
277 |
278 | return rc;
279 | }
280 |
281 | vector<string> Tools::Split(const string &str, const string &delim)
282 | {
283 | vector<string> rc;
284 | boost::split(rc, str, boost::is_any_of(delim));
285 | return rc;
286 | }
287 |
288 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 | //
290 | //! Returns the string with a comment (introduced by a #) stripped. The
291 | //! comment mark can be escaped by either \# or "#"
292 | //!
293 | string Tools::Uncomment(const string &opt)
294 | {
295 | using namespace boost;
296 | typedef escaped_list_separator<char> separator;
297 |
298 | const auto it = tokenizer<separator>(opt, separator("\\", "#", "\"'")).begin();
299 |
300 | const int charPos = it.base() - opt.begin();
301 |
302 | return charPos<1 ? "" : opt.substr(0, opt[charPos-1]=='#' ? charPos-1 : charPos);
303 | }