#include #include #include #include #include #include "Configuration.h" #include "fits.h" #include "huffman.h" #include "Time.h" using namespace std; void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf) { po::options_description control("zfits"); control.add_options() ("in", var()->required(), "") ("out", var(), "") ("decompress,d", po_switch(), "") ("force,f", var(), "Force overwrite of output file") ; po::positional_options_description p; p.add("in", 1); // The 1st positional options p.add("out", 2); // The 2nd positional options conf.AddOptions(control); conf.SetArgumentPositions(p); } void PrintUsage() { cout << "zfits - A fits compressor\n" "\n" "\n" "Usage: zfits [-d] input.fits[.gz] [output.zf]\n"; cout << endl; } string ReplaceEnd(const string &str, const string &expr, const string &repl) { string out(str); const size_t p = out.rfind(expr); if (p==out.size()-expr.length()) out.replace(p, expr.length(), repl); return out; } string ReplaceExt(const string &name, bool decomp) { if (decomp) return ReplaceEnd(name, ".zfits", ".fits"); string out = ReplaceEnd(name, ".fits", ".zfits"); return ReplaceEnd(out, ".fits.gz", ".zfits"); } int Compress(const string &ifile, const string &ofile) { // when to print some info on the screen (every f percent) float frac = 0.01; // open a fits file fits f(ifile); // open output file ofstream fout(ofile); // counters for total size and compressed size uint64_t tot = 0; uint64_t com = 0; // very simple timer double sec = 0; // Produce a lookup table with all informations about the // columns in the same order as they are in the file const fits::Table::Columns &cols= f.GetColumns(); struct col_t : fits::Table::Column { string name; void *ptr; }; map columns; size_t row_tot = 0; for (auto it=cols.begin(); it!=cols.end(); it++) { col_t c; c.offset = it->second.offset; c.size = it->second.size; c.num = it->second.num; c.name = it->first; c.ptr = f.SetPtrAddress(it->first); columns[c.offset] = c; row_tot += c.size*c.num; } // copy the header from the input to the output file // and prefix the output file as a compressed fits file string header; header.resize(f.tellg()); f.seekg(0); f.read((char*)header.c_str(), header.size()); char m[2]; m[0] = 'z'+128; m[1] = 'f'+128; const size_t hlen = 0; size_t hs = header.size(); fout.write(m, 2); // magic number fout.write((char*)&hlen, sizeof(size_t)); // length of possible header data (e.g. file version, compression algorithm) fout.write((char*)&hs, sizeof(size_t)); // size of FITS header fout.write(header.c_str(), header.size()); // uncompressed FITS header tot += header.size(); com += header.size()+2+2*sizeof(size_t); cout << fixed; Time start; // loop over all rows vector cache(row_tot); while (f.GetNextRow()) { // pointer to the start of the cache for the data of one row char *out = cache.data(); // mask stroing which column have been compressed and which not vector mask(cols.size()/8 + 1); // loop over all columns uint32_t icol = 0; for (auto it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); it++, icol++) { // size of cell in bytes const size_t len_col = it->second.size * it->second.num; // get pointer to data int16_t *ptr = (int16_t*)it->second.ptr; // If the column is the data, preprocess the data /* if (it->second.name=="Data") { int16_t *end = ptr+1440*300-4-(1440*300)%2; int16_t *beg = ptr; while (end>=beg) { const int16_t avg = (end[0] + end[1])/2; end[2] -= avg; end[3] -= avg; end -=2; } }*/ // do not try to compress less than 32bytes if (len_col>32 && it->second.size==2) { Time now; // perform 16bit hoffman (option for 8bit missing, skip 64bit) // (what to do with floats?) string buf; /*int len =*/ Huffman::Encode(buf, (uint16_t*)ptr, len_col/2); sec += Time().UnixTime()-now.UnixTime(); // check if data was really compressed if (buf.size()frac) { const double elep = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << "\r" << setprecision(0) << setw(3) << 100*proc << "% [" << setprecision(1) << setw(5) << 100.*com/tot << "%] cpu:" << sec << "s in:" << tot/1000000/elep << "MB/s" << flush; frac += 0.01; } } const double elep = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << setprecision(0) << "\r100% [" << setprecision(1) << setw(5) << 100.*com/tot << "%] cpu:" << sec << "s in:" << tot/1000000/elep << "MB/s" << endl; return 0; } template void revcpy(char *dest, const char *src, int num) { const char *pend = src + num*N; for (const char *ptr = src; ptr0) throw runtime_error("Only Version-zero files supported."); // get size of FITS header size_t hs = 0; fin.read((char*)&hs, sizeof(size_t)); if (!fin) throw runtime_error("Could not access header size."); // copy the header from the input to the output file // and prefix the output file as a compressed fits file string header; header.resize(hs); fin.read((char*)header.c_str(), header.size()); fout.write((char*)header.c_str(), header.size()); if (!fin) throw runtime_error("Could not read full header"); string templ("tmpXXXXXX"); int fd = mkstemp((char*)templ.c_str()); const ssize_t rc = write(fd, header.c_str(), header.size()); close(fd); if (rc<0) throw runtime_error("Could not write to temporary file: "+string(strerror(errno))); // open the output file to get the header parsed fits info(templ); remove(templ.c_str()); // get the maximum size of one row and a list // of all columns ordered by their offset size_t row_tot = 0; const fits::Table::Columns &cols = info.GetColumns(); map columns; for (auto it=cols.begin(); it!=cols.end(); it++) { columns[it->second.offset] = it->second; row_tot += it->second.num*it->second.size; } // very simple timer double sec = 0; double frac = 0; size_t com = 2+hs+2*sizeof(size_t); size_t tot = hs; const size_t masklen = cols.size()/8+1; // loop over all rows vector buf(row_tot+masklen); vector swap(row_tot); uint32_t offset = 0; const uint64_t nrows = info.GetUInt("NAXIS2"); Time start; cout << fixed; for (uint32_t irow=0; irow(buf.data()); offset = masklen; char *ptr = swap.data(); uint32_t icol = 0; for (auto it=columns.begin(); it!= columns.end(); it++, icol++) { const size_t &num = it->second.num; const size_t &size = it->second.size; if (mask[icol/8]&(1<<(icol%8))) { Time now; vector out(num*size/2); int len = Huffman::Decode((uint8_t*)buf.data()+offset, buf.size()-offset, out); if (len<0) throw runtime_error("Decoding failed."); sec += Time().UnixTime()-now.UnixTime(); offset += len; revcpy<2>(ptr, (char*)out.data(), num); } else { switch (size) { case 1: memcpy (ptr, buf.data()+offset, num*size); break; case 2: revcpy<2>(ptr, buf.data()+offset, num); break; case 4: revcpy<4>(ptr, buf.data()+offset, num); break; case 8: revcpy<8>(ptr, buf.data()+offset, num); break; } offset += num*size; } ptr += num*size; } com += offset+masklen; tot += row_tot; fout.write((char*)swap.data(), swap.size()); memmove(buf.data(), buf.data()+offset, buf.size()-offset); offset = buf.size()-offset; if (!fout) throw runtime_error("Error writing to output file"); const float proc = float(irow)/nrows; if (proc>frac) { const double elep = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << "\r" << setprecision(0) << setw(3) << 100*proc << "% [" << setprecision(1) << setw(5) << 100.*com/tot << "%] cpu:" << sec << "s out:" << tot/1000000/elep << "MB/s" << flush; frac += 0.01; } } const double elep = Time().UnixTime()-start.UnixTime(); cout << setprecision(0) << "\r100% [" << setprecision(1) << setw(5) << 100.*com/tot << "%] cpu:" << sec << "s out:" << tot/1000000/elep << "MB/s" << endl; return 0; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { Configuration conf(argv[0]); conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage); SetupConfiguration(conf); if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv)) return 127; const bool decomp = conf.Get("decompress"); const string ifile = conf.Get("in"); const string ofile = conf.Has("out") ? conf.Get("out") : ReplaceExt(ifile, decomp); return decomp ? Decompress(ifile, ofile) : Compress(ifile, ofile); /* // reading and writing files which just contain the binary data // For simplicity I assume ROI=300 ifstream finx( "20130117_082.fits.pu"); ofstream foutx("20130117_082.fits.puz"); while (1) { string str; str.resize(432000*2); finx.read((char*)str.c_str(), 432000*2); if (!finx) break; // Preprocess the data, e.g. subtract median pixelwise for (int i=0; i<1440; i++) { int16_t *chunk = (int16_t*)str.c_str()+i*300; sort(chunk, chunk+300); int16_t med = chunk[149]; for (int j=0; j<300; j++) chunk[j] -= med; } // do huffman encoding on shorts string buf; int len = huffmans_encode(buf, (uint16_t*)str.c_str(), 432000); // if the result is smaller than the original data write // the result, otherwise the original data if (buf.size()<432000*2) foutx.write(buf.c_str(), buf.size()); else foutx.write(str.c_str(), 432000); } return 0; */ }