1 | <?php
2 |
3 | require_once("smartfact/config.php");
4 |
5 | function login()
6 | {
7 | global $ldaphost;
8 | global $baseDN;
9 | global $groupDN;
10 |
11 | $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
12 | $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
13 |
14 | $con = @ldap_connect($ldaphost);
15 | if (!$con)
16 | return "ldap_connect failed to ".$ldaphost;
17 |
18 | //------------------ Look for user common name
19 | $attributes = array('cn', 'mail');
20 | $dn = 'ou=People,'.$baseDN;
21 | $filter = '(uid='.$username.')';
22 |
23 | $sr = @ldap_search($con, $dn, $filter, $attributes);
24 | if (!$sr)
25 | return "ldap_search failed for dn=".$dn.": ".ldap_error($con);
26 |
27 | $srData = @ldap_get_entries($con, $sr);
28 | if ($srData["count"]==0)
29 | return "No results returned by ldap_get_entries for dn=".$dn.".";
30 |
31 | $email =$srData[0]['mail'][0];
32 | $userCommonName=$srData[0]['cn'][0];
33 | $userDN =$srData[0]['dn'];
34 |
35 | //------------------ Authenticate user
36 | if (!@ldap_bind($con, $userDN, $password))
37 | return "ldap_bind failed: ".ldap_error($con);
38 |
39 | //------------------ Check if the user is in FACT ldap group
40 | $attributes= array("member");
41 | $filter= '(objectClass=*)';
42 |
43 | // Get all members of the group.
44 | $sr = @ldap_read($con, $groupDN, $filter, $attributes);
45 | if (!$sr)
46 | return "ldap_read failed for dn=".$groupDN.": ".ldap_error($con);
47 |
48 | // retrieve the corresponding data
49 | $srData = @ldap_get_entries($con, $sr);
50 | if ($srData["count"]==0)
51 | return "No results returned by ldap_get_entries for dn=".$dn.".";
52 |
53 | @ldap_unbind($con);
54 |
55 | $found = false;
56 | foreach ($srData[0]['member'] as $member)
57 | if (strpos($member, "cn=".$userCommonName.",")===0)
58 | return "";
59 |
60 | return "Sorry, your credentials don't match!";
61 | }
62 |
63 | function ascii2entities($string)
64 | {
65 | for ($i=128; $i<256; $i++)
66 | {
67 | $entity = htmlentities(chr($i), ENT_QUOTES, 'cp1252');
68 | $temp = substr($entity, 0, 1);
69 | $temp .= substr($entity, -1, 1);
70 | $string = str_replace(chr($i), $temp!='&;'?'':$entity, $string);
71 | }
72 | return $string;
73 | }
74 |
75 | function ansi_decode($matches)
76 | {
77 | static $colors =
78 | array(
79 | 'black',
80 | 'maroon',
81 | 'green',
82 | 'olive',
83 | 'navy',
84 | 'purple',
85 | 'teal',
86 | 'silver',
87 | 'gray',
88 | 'red',
89 | 'lime',
90 | 'yellow',
91 | 'blue',
92 | 'fuchsia',
93 | 'aqua',
94 | 'white'
95 | );
96 |
97 | // Default styles.
98 | static $styles =
99 | array(
100 | 'background' => null, // Default is defined by the stylesheet.
101 | 'blink' => false,
102 | 'bold' => false,
103 | 'color' => null, // Default is defined by the stylesheet.
104 | //'inverse' => false, // Cannot be expressed in terms of CSS!
105 | 'italic' => false, // Not supported by DarkOwl's ANSI.
106 | 'line-through' => false, // Not supported by DarkOwl's ANSI.
107 | 'underline' => false,
108 | );
109 |
110 | static $css = '';
111 |
112 | // Copy the previous styles.
113 | $newstyles = $styles;
114 | // Extract the codes from the escape sequences.
115 | preg_match_all('/\d+/', $matches[0], $matches);
116 |
117 | // Walk through the codes.
118 | foreach ($matches[0] as $code)
119 | {
120 | switch ($code)
121 | {
122 | case '0':
123 | // Reset all styles.
124 | $newstyles['background'] = null;
125 | $newstyles['blink'] = false;
126 | $newstyles['bold'] = false;
127 | $newstyles['color'] = null;
128 | // $newstyles['inverse'] = false;
129 | $newstyles['italic'] = false;
130 | $newstyles['line-through'] = false;
131 | $newstyles['underline'] = false;
132 | break;
133 |
134 | case '1':
135 | // Set the bold style.
136 | $newstyles['bold'] = true;
137 | break;
138 |
139 | case '3':
140 | // Set the italic style.
141 | $newstyles['italic'] = true;
142 | break;
143 |
144 | case '4':
145 | case '21': // Actually double underline, but CSS doesn't support that yet.
146 | // Set the underline style.
147 | $newstyles['underline'] = true;
148 | break;
149 |
150 | case '5':
151 | case '6': // Actually rapid blinking, but CSS doesn't support that.
152 | // Set the blink style.
153 | $newstyles['blink'] = true;
154 | break;
155 |
156 | // case '7':
157 | // // Set the inverse style.
158 | // $newstyles['inverse'] = true;
159 | // break;
160 |
161 | case '9':
162 | // Set the line-through style.
163 | $newstyles['line-through'] = true;
164 | break;
165 |
166 | case '2': // Previously incorrectly interpreted by Pueblo/UE as cancel bold, now still supported for backward compatibility.
167 | case '22':
168 | // Reset the bold style.
169 | $newstyles['bold'] = false;
170 | break;
171 |
172 | case '23':
173 | // Reset the italic style.
174 | $newstyles['italic'] = false;
175 | break;
176 |
177 | case '24':
178 | // Reset the underline style.
179 | $newstyles['underline'] = false;
180 | break;
181 |
182 | case '25':
183 | // Reset the blink style.
184 | $newstyles['blink'] = false;
185 | break;
186 |
187 | // case '27':
188 | // // Reset the inverse style.
189 | // $newstyles['inverse'] = false;
190 | // break;
191 |
192 | case '29':
193 | // Reset the line-through style.
194 | $newstyles['line-through'] = false;
195 | break;
196 |
197 | case '30': case '31': case '32': case '33': case '34': case '35': case '36': case '37':
198 | // Set the foreground color.
199 | $newstyles['color'] = $code - 30;
200 | break;
201 |
202 | case '39':
203 | // Reset the foreground color.
204 | $newstyles['color'] = null;
205 | break;
206 |
207 | case '40': case '41': case '42': case '43': case '44': case '45': case '46': case '47':
208 | // Set the background color.
209 | $newstyles['background'] = $code - 40;
210 | break;
211 |
212 | case '49':
213 | // Reset the background color.
214 | $newstyles['background'] = null;
215 | break;
216 |
217 | default:
218 | // Unsupported code; simply ignore.
219 | break;
220 | }
221 | }
222 |
223 | // Styles are effectively unchanged; return nothing.
224 | if ($newstyles === $styles)
225 | return '';
226 |
227 | // Copy the new styles.
228 | $styles = $newstyles;
229 | // If there's a previous CSS in effect, close the <span>.
230 | $html = $css ? '</span>' : '';
231 | // Generate CSS.
232 | $css = '';
233 |
234 | // background-color property.
235 | if (!is_null($styles['background']))
236 | $css .= ($css ? ';' : '') . "background-color:{$colors[$styles['background']]}";
237 |
238 | // text-decoration property.
239 | if ($styles['blink'] || $styles['line-through'] || $styles['underline'])
240 | {
241 | $css .= ($css ? ';' : '') . 'text-decoration:';
242 |
243 | if ($styles['blink'])
244 | $css .= 'blink';
245 |
246 | if ($styles['line-through'])
247 | $css .= 'line-through';
248 |
249 | if ($styles['underline'])
250 | $css .= 'underline';
251 | }
252 |
253 | // font-weight property.
254 | if ($styles['bold'] && is_null($styles['color']))
255 | $css .= ($css ? ';' : '') . 'font-weight: bold';
256 |
257 | // color property.
258 | if (!is_null($styles['color']))
259 | $css .= ($css ? ';' : '') . "color:{$colors[$styles['color'] | $styles['bold'] << 3]}";
260 |
261 | // font-style property.
262 | if ($styles['italic'])
263 | $css .= ($css ? ';' : '') . 'font-style:italic';
264 |
265 | // Generate and return the HTML.
266 | if ($css)
267 | $html .= "<span style=\"$css\">";
268 |
269 | return $html;
270 | }
271 |
272 | function ansi2html($str)
273 | {
274 | // Replace database strings
275 | $str = preg_replace("/\ (([[:word:].-]+)(:[^ ]+)?(@))?([[:word:].-]+)(:([[:digit:]]+))?(\/([[:word:].-]+))/", " $2$4$5$8", $str);
276 | // Replace special characters to their corresponding HTML entities
277 | $str = ascii2entities($str);
278 | // Replace ANSI codes.
279 | $str = preg_replace_callback('/(?:\e\[\d+(?:;\d+)*m)+/', 'ansi_decode', "$str\033[0m");
280 | // Strip ASCII bell.
281 | $str = str_replace("\007", '', $str);
282 | // Replace \n
283 | // $str = str_replace("\n", "<br/>\n", $str);
284 | // Return the parsed string.
285 | return $str;
286 | }
287 |
288 | if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']))
289 | {
290 | header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="SmartFACT++"');
291 | header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
292 | return;
293 | }
294 |
295 | $rc = login();
296 | if ($rc!="")
297 | return header('HTTP/1.0 401 '.$rc);
298 |
299 | $refresh = isset($_GET['refresh']) ? $_GET['refresh'] : -1;
300 | if ($refresh>0 && $refresh<60)
301 | $refresh = 60;
302 |
303 | unset($_GET['refresh']);
304 |
305 | $name = empty($_GET['log']) ? "dimserver.log" : $_GET['log'].".log";
306 | $dir = empty($_GET['dir']) ? "FACT++" : $_GET['dir'];
307 |
308 | if (!strpos($name, "/")===false || !strpos($dir, "/")===false)
309 | return header('HTTP/1.0 403 Access forbidden.');
310 |
311 | $filename = "/users/fact/".$dir."/".$name;
312 |
313 | $size = filesize($filename);
314 | if ($size>30000000) // 30MB
315 | return header('HTTP/1.0 403 File too large.');
316 |
317 | // FIXME: Reading the file line by line avoids any danger that
318 | // something yields a problem if files grow too large
319 | $file = file($filename);
320 | if ($file===false)
321 | return header('HTTP/1.0 403 Access forbidden.');
322 |
323 | $max = 10000;
324 | $pos = 500;
325 | $n = count($file);
326 | if ($n>$max)
327 | {
328 | $file[$pos] = "\n<b>[...]</b>\n\n";
329 | array_splice($file, $pos+1, $n-$max);
330 | }
331 |
332 | ?>
334 | <html>
335 | <head>
336 | <?php
337 | if ($refresh>0)
338 | print("<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='".$refresh."'>\n");
339 | ?>
340 | <title><?php print($dir." - ".$name);?></title>
341 | </head>
342 |
343 | <script>
344 | function scroll(top)
345 | {
346 | document.getElementById(top?'top':'bottom').scrollIntoView(top);
347 | }
348 | </script>
349 | <body onload="setTimeout(function(){scroll(false);},1);">
350 | <span onclick="scroll(true);" style="cursor:pointer;padding:0 5px 4px 7px;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;text-decoration:underline;color:navy;background-color:#f0f0f0;">go to top ↑</span>
351 | <span onclick="scroll(false);" style="cursor:pointer;padding:0 5px 4px 7px;padding-top:0px;position:fixed;bottom:0;right:0;text-decoration:underline;color:navy;background-color:#f0f0f0;">go to bottom ↓</span>
352 | <H2 id="top"><?php printf("%s - %s (%dkB)", $dir, $name, $size/1000);?></H2>
353 |
354 | <pre style="font-size:small;font-family:'Lucida Console',Monaco,monospace">
355 | <?php
356 | foreach ($file as $line)
357 | print(ansi2html($line));
358 | ?>
359 | </pre><span id="bottom""/></body>
360 | </html>