"use strict"; var debug = false; var codedMap = "966676:6:A;68656364626Y?\\?;A=AA@A?AJAIAFACAM4J4H4f5d5e5l5m5n516X?[?^?N?P?AA1ABAVAUAKAHAEAO4L4I4G4E4c5a5b5M6j5k5V6Y6\\6_6G?J?O?Q?S?2A4A3AYAXAWAbA_AnAkAhA3404F4D4B4`5^5_5J6K6L6S6T6W6Z6]6E?H?K?M?R?T?V?5A7A6A\\A[AZAeAdAaA^AmAjAgA24o3m3C4A4?4]5[5\\5G6H6I6P6Q6R6U6X6[6^6F?I?L??U?;@=@8Ah@9AMALA]ABCACfAcA`AoAlAiA4414n3l3<4@4>425Z5X5Y5D6E6F698N6O608E8H8K8H>K>N>?>B>=???A?<@>@@@i@k@j@PAOANAECDCCCI>L>=>@>C>E>@?B?D??@A@C@l@n@m@SARAQAHCGCFC?C>C;C8CYCVCSC<393633303n2:4846405n4l4T5R5S5>6?6@6384858j7k7l7o7D8G8J8G>J>M>>>A>D>4>6>C?3?5?B@2@4@o@_@0ALBKBTA0CoBIC8D7D@C=C:C[CXCUC>3;3835323o2m2k27454j3m4k4i4Q5O5P5C7<6=6g71828o8h7i7S9<8?8B8Q>T>W>@=C=F=e7>9>4?6?8?3@5@7@`@b@a@OBNBMB3C2C1C;D:D9D_D\\DQCNCKCF3C3@3>2;282Z1W1l2j2h2k3i3g3j4h4f4N5L5M5@7A7B7d7e7f7l8m8n8P9Q9:8=8@8O>R>U>>=A=D=c:><>7?9?;?6@8@:@c@e@d@RBQBPB6C5C4C>D=D7?7a7b7c7i8j8k8M9N9O9R9;8>8A8P>S>V>?=B=E=dk=m=:?j>l>9@i?k?f@V@g@CBBBSBgBfB7CoCnC?DSDRDcD`D]DRCOCLCG3D3A3?2<292[1X1U1S1Q1f2d2b2e3c3a3d4b4`4H5F5G5:7;7<7^7_7`7f8g8h8J9K9L97:::=:@:C:F:I:I=L=O=7=:===n<1=[<]<_k>m>o>j?l?n?W@Y@X@FBEBDBjBiBhB2D1D0DVDUDTDCE@EOELEIEXEUERE5222o1l1i1f1c1`1R1P1N1c2a2_2b3`3^3a4_4]4<5:5;5778797[7\\7]7c8d8e8G9H9I94:5:8:;:>:A:D:G:G=J=M=5=8=;=l3>n>0?2?m?o?1@Z@\\@[@IBHBGBmBlBkB5D4D3DYDXDWDFEEEBE?ENEKEHEWETEQE4212n1k1h1e1b1_1]1O1M1K1`2^2\\2_3]3[3^4\\4Z4957585475767X7Y7Z7`8a8b8D9E9F91:2:3:6:9:<:?:B:E:H:H=K=N=6=9=<=m<0=3=d;f;ab=d=1?a>c>0@`?b?]@D@^@:B9BJB^B]BnBfCeC6DJDIDZDnDmDGEDEAEPEMEJEYEVESE623202m1j1g1d1a1^1\\1[0L1J1?1]2[2Y2\\3Z3X3[4Y4W4654555172737U7V7W7]8^8_8A9B9C9e9o90:n9g:j:m:L:O:R:U:X:[:];`;c;T;W;Z;7<9d>f>a?c?e?E@G@F@=B1<1Z2X2V2Y3W3U3X4V4T4E5C5D5n6o607R7S7T7Z8[8\\8>9?9@9b9c9d9l9m9e:h:k:J:M:P:S:V:Y:[;^;a;R;U;X;6<8<:<;g>i>d?f?h?N@Q@H@@B?B>BdBcBbBlCkCjCPDODND4E3E2E;E:E8E6E;F8F5F`E]EZEiEfEcEQ0N0K0H0E0B0m0k0j0Y0W0U0=1;191W2U2S2V3T3R3U4S4Q4B5@5A5k6l6m6O7P7Q7W8X8Y8;9<9=9_9`9a9j9k9\\:_:f:i:l:K:N:Q:T:W:Z:\\;_;b;S;V;Y;CX>Z>g?M@O@R@U@S@J@I@AB1B0BeBTB\\CmCAD@DQDiDhD5EdD5c6i6j6h6M7N7L7U8V8T899:9W9]9^9\\9g9h9i9]:`:c:5;2;o:>;;;8;P;M;J;G;D;A;?[>\\>^>P@T@L@K@5B4B3B2BVBUB^C]CCDBDkDjDfDeD>E=E3F1FnElE@FCFFFIFLFOF;0>0A0205080513101i0f0d0c0b0_0I1H1D1P2O2G2F2D2O3N3M3J3H3a6b6e6f6g6I7J7K7R8S8397989V9Y9Z9[9f9^:a:d:4;1;n:=;:;7;O;L;I;F;C;@;@_>`>8B7B6BZBXBWB_CaC`CFDEDDDlDgDoEmE>FAFDFGFJFMF90<0?0003060714121a0^0]0G1C1B1N2L2E2C2B2@2L3I3`6d6E7F7G7H7O8Q8192969T9U9X96;3;0;?;<;9;Q;N;K;H;E;B;W16) col = 31-col; var hex = col.toString(16); el.style.color = "#"+hex+"0"+hex+"0"+hex+"f"; } function onload() { try { var dummy = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { // FIXME: Add a message to the body. alert("Your browser doesn't support dynamic reload."); return; } var name = location.hash.length==0 ? "fact" : location.hash.substr(1); var args = location.search.substr(1).split('&'); for (var i=0; i1) alert(xmlCmd.responseText); }; xmlCmd.send(null); } function submit(script) { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); var args = "start="+script+".dim"; for (var i=0; i=3) break; lines[i-1] += lines[i].length==0 ? '

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W : H - h + parseInt(img.style.height, 10); // This might create the scroll bar img.style.height = ih+"px"; canv.height = ih; // now we can evaluate the correct view-port // (-2 is the border size of the parent element 'container') //var sW = (fixedw ? fixedw : $("table"+z).scrollWidth)-2; var sW = fixedw ? fixedw : canv.parentNode.clientWidth; img.style.width = sW+"px"; canv.width = sW; // ------ debug ----- if (debug == true) { $('debug'+z).innerHTML = ""; $('debug'+z).innerHTML += "|W="+W +"/"+H; $('debug'+z).innerHTML += "|H="+h+"/"+$("table"+z).offsetHeight+"/"+img.offsetHeight; $('debug'+z).innerHTML += "|I="+img.style.height+"+"+H+"-"+h; } } var intervalSlide = null; function changePage(oldz, newz) { // No page displayed yet if (oldz==newz) { $("table"+newz).style.left="0px"; $("body").visiblePage = newz; //.setAttribute("data-visible", newz); doresize(0); //setInterval(refresh_text, 1000); //setInterval(refresh_graphics, 5000); refresh_text(); // first: decode the pixel mapping! var sum = 1036080; for (var i=0; i<1440; i++) { var d0 = codedMap.charCodeAt(i*2) -48; var d1 = codedMap.charCodeAt(i*2+1)-48; map[i] = d0 | (d1<<6); sum -= map[i]; } if (sum!=0) alert("Pixel mapping table corrupted!"); refresh_graphics(); return; } var W = window.innerWidth; if (W==0 || $("body").displayNoslide)//$("body").getAttribute("data-noslide")=="yes") { $("body").visiblePage = newz;//setAttribute("data-visible", newz); $("body").removeChild($("table"+oldz)); $("table"+newz).style.left="0px"; return; } if (newz>oldz) $("table"+newz).style.left = W+"px"; else $("table"+newz).style.left = (-W-1)+"px"; $("body").visiblePage = newz;//setAttribute("data-visible", newz); // This is needed on my mobile to ensure that te browser // doesn't try to zoom during shifting $("table"+newz).style.position="fixed"; $("table"+oldz).style.position="fixed"; intervalSlide = setInterval(function (){doShift(oldz,newz);}, 75); } function doShift(oldz, newz) { var t0 = $("table"+oldz); var t1 = $("table"+newz); if (t0.style.display=="none") { clearInterval(intervalSlide); $("body").removeChild(t0); t1.style.position="absolute"; // Now the scroll bar might have to appear or disappear doresize(newz); return; } var x0 = t0.offsetLeft; var x1 = t1.offsetLeft; var W = window.innerWidth; if (newzoldz) { x0 -= W/5; x1 -= W/5; } if ((newz=0) || (newz>oldz && x1<=0)) { t0.style.display="none"; x1 = 0; } t0.style.left = x0+"px"; t1.style.left = x1+"px"; } var timeoutText = null; var timeoutGraphics = null; function refresh_text() { var z=$("body").visiblePage;//getAttribute("data-visible"); var fname = $("table"+z).pageName;//getAttribute("data-file"); var is_help = fname.substr(0,5)=="help-"; // Is sliding, no file defined or just help text? if (isSliding() || !valid(fname) || is_help) { if (is_help) { setUTC($("localtime"+z), new Date()); $("reporttime"+z).innerHTML=""; } // invalidate? timeoutText = setTimeout(refresh_text, 1000); return; } var xmlText = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlText.open('POST', "data/"+fname+'.data', true); xmlText.onload = function () { if (xmlText.status!=200) { alert("ERROR[1] - HTTP request '"+fname+".data': "+xmlText.statusText+" ["+xmlText.status+"]"); timeoutText = setTimeout(refresh_text, 10000); return; } if (!isSliding()) { cycleCol($("ldot"+z)); update_text(fname, xmlText.responseText); } timeoutText = setTimeout(refresh_text, 3000); }; xmlText.send(null); } var date0 = null; var test = 0; function update_text(fname, result) { var z=$("body").visiblePage;//getAttribute("data-visible"); var table = $("table"+z); if (table.pageName/*getAttribute("data-file")*/ != fname) return; var tokens = result.split('\n'); // ---------------------------------------------------- var rtime = $("reporttime"+z); var ltime = $("localtime"+z); var now = new Date(); var header = tokens[0].split('\t'); // File corrupted / should we remove the date?) if ((header.length>5 || header.length==2 || header.length==0) && header[0].length!=13) { // we ignore corrupted files for one minute if (date0==null || date0.getTime()+60000=4 && header[3]=='1' ? "" : "none"; if (header.length>=5) $("cmd"+z).style.backgroundColor = header[4]=='1' ? "darkgreen" : "darkred"; if (header.length>=3 && $("body").sound) { $("speaker"+z).style.display ="none"; var audio = $("audio"); var audio_date = new Date(); audio_date.setTime(header[1]); // Time stamp of audio file must be newer than page load // or last audio play respecitvely if (audio_date>audio.date) { audio.date = audio_date; var name_ogg = "audio/"+header[2]+".ogg"; var name_mp3 = "audio/"+header[2]+".mp3"; var ogg = $new("SOURCE"); var mp3 = $new("SOURCE"); ogg.type = "audio/ogg"; mp3.type = "audio/mp3"; ogg.src = name_ogg; mp3.src = name_mp3; if (audio.firstChild.src!=ogg.src) { audio.replaceChild(ogg, audio.firstChild); audio.replaceChild(mp3, audio.lastChild); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------- //var p = table.tBodies.length==3 ? 1 : 0; //var tbody = table.tBodies[p]; for (var line=1; line/g, ""); form = form.replace(/<([\+-])>/g, ""); form = form.replace(/<\/([#\+-])>/g, ""); form = form.replace(/([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])/g, "

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"" : canvas.fileName;//getAttribute("data-file"); if (isSliding() || !valid(fname)) { // invalidate? timeoutGraphics = setTimeout(refresh_graphics, 3000); return; } var xmlGfx = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlGfx.open('POST', "data/"+fname, true); xmlGfx.onload = function () { if (xmlGfx.status!=200) { alert("ERROR[2] - Request '"+fname+"': "+xmlGfx.statusText+" ["+xmlGfx.status+"]"); timeoutGraphics = setTimeout(refresh_graphics, 10000); //****** invalidate ****** return; } if (!isSliding()) { cycleCol($("rdot"+z)); process_eventdata(xmlGfx.responseText); } timeoutGraphics = setTimeout(refresh_graphics, 5000) }; xmlGfx.send(null); } function hueToRGB(hue) { hue /= 3; hue %= 6; if (hue<1) return parseInt(255*hue, 10); if (hue<3) return parseInt(255, 10); if (hue<4) return parseInt(255*(4-hue), 10); return 0. } function hueToHex(flt) { var s = hueToRGB(flt).toString(16); return s.length==2 ? s : "0"+s; } function HLStoRGB(hue) { hue *= 14; var sr = hueToHex(20-hue); var sg = hueToHex(14-hue); var sb = hueToHex(26-hue); return sr+sg+sb; } function color(col) { if (col==65533) col = 0; var hue = col/128; return HLStoRGB(hue); } function toHex(str, idx) { var ch = str[idx].toString(16); return ch.length==2 ? ch : "0"+ch; } function drawHex(ctx, x, y, col) { ctx.fillStyle = "#"+color(col); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(x, y); ctx.scale(1/2, 1/3); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo( 1, 1); ctx.lineTo( 0, 2); ctx.lineTo(-1, 1); ctx.lineTo(-1, -1); ctx.lineTo( 0, -2); ctx.lineTo( 1, -1); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } function drawDisc(ctx, x, y, r, col) { ctx.fillStyle = "#"+color(col); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(x, y); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, r, 0, Math.PI*2, true); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } function beginDrawCam(scale) { var z = $("body").visiblePage;//getAttribute("data-visible"); var canv = $("canvas"+z); var w = Math.min(canv.width/scale, canv.height/scale); var ctx = canv.getContext("2d"); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(canv.width/2, canv.height/2); ctx.scale(w*2, w*2); return ctx; } /** * @constructor */ function Position(s, ring, i) { switch (s) { case 1: this.x = ring - i*0.5; this.y = + i; break; case 2: this.x = ring*0.5 - i; this.y = ring ; break; case 3: this.x = -ring*0.5 - i*0.5; this.y = ring - i; break; case 4: this.x = -ring + i*0.5; this.y = - i; break; case 5: this.x = -ring*0.5 + i; this.y = -ring ; break; case 0: this.x = ring*0.5 + i*0.5; this.y = -ring + i; break; } this.d = (function () { return this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y*3/4; }); } function drawFullCam(data) { if (data.length!=40 && data.length!=160 && data.length!=320 && data.length!=1440) { alert("Camera - Received data has invalid size ("+data.length+"b)"); return; } var div = map.length/data.length; var off = data.length==320 ? 0.2 : 0; var ctx = beginDrawCam(83); // ctx.rotate(Math.PI/3); ctx.scale(1, Math.sqrt(3)/2); ctx.translate(-0.5, 0); drawHex(ctx, 0, 0, data.charCodeAt(parseInt(map[0]/div+off, 10))); var cnt = 1; for (var ring=1; ring<24; ring++) { for (var s=0; s<6; s++) { for (var i=1; i<=ring; i++) { var pos = new Position(s, ring, i); if (pos.d() - pos.x > 395.75) continue; var p = parseInt(map[cnt]/div+off, 10); drawHex(ctx, pos.x, pos.y, data.charCodeAt(p)); cnt++; } } } drawHex(ctx, 7, -22, data.charCodeAt(parseInt(map[1438]/div+off, 10))); drawHex(ctx, 7, 22, data.charCodeAt(parseInt(map[1439]/div+off, 10))); ctx.restore(); } function drawCam(data) { var ctx = beginDrawCam(27); ctx.rotate(Math.PI/6); ctx.scale(1, Math.sqrt(3)/2); drawHex(ctx, 0, 0, data.charCodeAt(0)); var cnt = 1; for (var ring=1; ring<=7; ring++) { for (var s=0; s<6; s++) { for (var i=1; i<=ring; i++) { var pos = new Position(s, ring, i); if (pos.d() > 44) continue; if (ring==7) { if (i==6 && (s==0 || s==3)) continue; if (i==1 && (s==1 || s==4)) continue; } drawHex(ctx, pos.x, pos.y, data.charCodeAt(cnt++)); } } } ctx.restore(); } function drawCamLegend(canv, data) { var unit = canv.dataUnit;//htmlDecode(canv.getAttribute("data-data")); var umin = data[1]; var umax = data[2]; var min = data[3]+unit var med = data[4]+unit; var max = data[5]+unit; var v0 = parseFloat(umin); var v1 = parseFloat(umax); var diff = v1-v0; var cw = canv.width; //var ch = canv.height; var ctx = canv.getContext("2d"); ctx.font = "8pt Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "right"; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; for (var i=0; i<11; i++) { ctx.strokeStyle = "#"+color(16*i); ctx.strokeText((v0+diff*i/10).toPrecision(3)+unit, cw-5, 125-i*12); } var mw = Math.max(ctx.measureText(min).width, ctx.measureText(med).width, ctx.measureText(max).width); ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; ctx.strokeText(min, 5+mw, 5+24); ctx.strokeText(med, 5+mw, 5+12); ctx.strokeText(max, 5+mw, 5); } function drawGraph(canv, vals, data) { var unit = canv.dataUnit;//htmlDecode(canv.getAttribute("data-data"));//.split("/"); var umin = vals[1]+unit; var umax = vals[2]+unit; var stat = vals[3]+unit+" / "+vals[4]+unit+" / "+vals[5]+unit; var cw = canv.width; var ch = canv.height; var ctx = canv.getContext("2d"); var dw = 3; // tick width var fs = 8; // font size ctx.font = fs+"pt Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "right"; var dim0 = ctx.measureText(umin); var dim1 = ctx.measureText(umax); var tw = Math.max(dim0.width, dim1.width)+dw+2; var ml = 5+tw; // margin left var mr = 10; // margin right var mt = 5+2*fs+4; // margin top var mb = fs/2+4; // margin bottom var nx = 20; var ny = 10; var w = cw-ml-mr; var h = ch-mt-mb; ctx.strokeStyle = "#666"; // --- data --- if (data.length>1) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(ml, ch-mb-data.charCodeAt(0)/128*h); for (var i=1; ifs/2 ? "middle" : "top"; ctx.strokeText(umax, ml-dw-2, mt); ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.strokeText(stat, ml+w/2, 5); } function process_eventdata(result) { if (result.length==0) return; var z = $("body").visiblePage;//getAttribute("data-visible"); var canv = $("canvas"+z); if (!canv) return; var type = canv.dataType;//getAttribute("data-type"); var ctx = canv.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canv.width, canv.height); var data = result.split('\n'); if (result.length<4) return; var len = 0; for (var i=0; i<6; i++) len += data[i].length+1; switch (type) { //case "camera": drawCam(result); break; case "hist": drawGraph(canv, data, result.substr(len)); break; case "camera": drawFullCam(result.substr(len)); drawCamLegend(canv, data); break; } var now = new Date(); var tm = new Date(); tm.setTime(data[0]); if (tm.getTime()+60000