* @author Vítor Brandão * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Jonathan Stoppani * @version 1.0 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License * @link https://github.com/GaretJax/phpbrowscap/ */ class Browscap { /** * Current version of the class. */ const VERSION = '1.0'; /** * Different ways to access remote and local files. * * UPDATE_FOPEN: Uses the fopen url wrapper (use file_get_contents). * UPDATE_FSOCKOPEN: Uses the socket functions (fsockopen). * UPDATE_CURL: Uses the cURL extension. * UPDATE_LOCAL: Updates from a local file (file_get_contents). */ const UPDATE_FOPEN = 'URL-wrapper'; const UPDATE_FSOCKOPEN = 'socket'; const UPDATE_CURL = 'cURL'; const UPDATE_LOCAL = 'local'; /** * Options for regex patterns. * * REGEX_DELIMITER: Delimiter of all the regex patterns in the whole class. * REGEX_MODIFIERS: Regex modifiers. */ const REGEX_DELIMITER = '@'; const REGEX_MODIFIERS = 'i'; /** * The values to quote in the ini file */ const VALUES_TO_QUOTE = 'Browser|Parent'; /** * Definitions of the function used by the uasort() function to order the * userAgents array. * * ORDER_FUNC_ARGS: Arguments that the function will take. * ORDER_FUNC_LOGIC: Internal logic of the function. */ const ORDER_FUNC_ARGS = '$a, $b'; const ORDER_FUNC_LOGIC = '$a=strlen($a);$b=strlen($b);return$a==$b?0:($a<$b?1:-1);'; /** * The headers to be sent for checking the version and requesting the file. */ const REQUEST_HEADERS = "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: %s\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; /** * Options for auto update capabilities * * $remoteVerUrl: The location to use to check out if a new version of the * browscap.ini file is available. * $remoteIniUrl: The location from which download the ini file. * The placeholder for the file should be represented by a %s. * $timeout: The timeout for the requests. * $updateInterval: The update interval in seconds. * $errorInterval: The next update interval in seconds in case of an error. * $doAutoUpdate: Flag to disable the automatic interval based update. * $updateMethod: The method to use to update the file, has to be a value of * an UPDATE_* constant, null or false. */ public $remoteIniUrl = 'http://browsers.garykeith.com/stream.asp?BrowsCapINI'; public $remoteVerUrl = 'http://browsers.garykeith.com/versions/version-date.asp'; public $timeout = 5; public $updateInterval = 432000; // 5 days public $errorInterval = 7200; // 2 hours public $doAutoUpdate = true; public $updateMethod = null; /** * The path of the local version of the browscap.ini file from which to * update (to be set only if used). * * @var string */ public $localFile = null; /** * The useragent to include in the requests made by the class during the * update process. * * @var string */ public $userAgent = 'Browser Capabilities Project - PHP Browscap/%v %m'; /** * Flag to enable only lowercase indexes in the result. * The cache has to be rebuilt in order to apply this option. * * @var bool */ public $lowercase = false; /** * Flag to enable/disable silent error management. * In case of an error during the update process the class returns an empty * array/object if the update process can't take place and the browscap.ini * file does not exist. * * @var bool */ public $silent = false; /** * Where to store the cached PHP arrays. * * @var string */ public $cacheFilename = 'cache.php'; /** * Where to store the downloaded ini file. * * @var string */ public $iniFilename = 'browscap.ini'; /** * Path to the cache directory * * @var string */ public $cacheDir = null; /** * Flag to be set to true after loading the cache * * @var bool */ protected $_cacheLoaded = false; /** * Where to store the value of the included PHP cache file * * @var array */ protected $_userAgents = array(); protected $_browsers = array(); protected $_patterns = array(); protected $_properties = array(); /** * An associative array of associative arrays in the format * `$arr['wrapper']['option'] = $value` passed to stream_context_create() * when building a stream resource. * * Proxy settings are stored in this variable. * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php * * @var array */ protected $_streamContextOptions = array(); /** * A valid context resource created with stream_context_create(). * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php * * @var resource */ protected $_streamContext = null; /** * Constructor class, checks for the existence of (and loads) the cache and * if needed updated the definitions * * @param string $cache_dir */ public function __construct($cache_dir) { // has to be set to reach E_STRICT compatibility, does not affect system/app settings date_default_timezone_set(date_default_timezone_get()); if (!isset($cache_dir)) { throw new Exception( 'You have to provide a path to read/store the browscap cache file' ); } $old_cache_dir = $cache_dir; $cache_dir = realpath($cache_dir); if (false === $cache_dir) { throw new Exception( sprintf('The cache path %s is invalid. Are you sure that it exists and that you have permission to access it?', $old_cache_dir) ); } // Is the cache dir really the directory or is it directly the file? if (substr($cache_dir, -4) === '.php') { $this->cacheFilename = basename($cache_dir); $this->cacheDir = dirname($cache_dir); } else { $this->cacheDir = $cache_dir; } $this->cacheDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Gets the information about the browser by User Agent * * @param string $user_agent the user agent string * @param bool $return_array whether return an array or an object * @throws Exception * @return stdObject the object containing the browsers details. Array if * $return_array is set to true. */ public function getBrowser($user_agent = null, $return_array = false) { // Load the cache at the first request if (!$this->_cacheLoaded) { $cache_file = $this->cacheDir . $this->cacheFilename; $ini_file = $this->cacheDir . $this->iniFilename; // Set the interval only if needed if ($this->doAutoUpdate && file_exists($ini_file)) { $interval = time() - filemtime($ini_file); } else { $interval = 0; } // Find out if the cache needs to be updated if (!file_exists($cache_file) || !file_exists($ini_file) || ($interval > $this->updateInterval)) { try { $this->updateCache(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (file_exists($ini_file)) { // Adjust the filemtime to the $errorInterval touch($ini_file, time() - $this->updateInterval + $this->errorInterval); } elseif ($this->silent) { // Return an array if silent mode is active and the ini db doesn't exsist return array(); } if (!$this->silent) { throw $e; } } } $this->_loadCache($cache_file); } // Automatically detect the useragent if (!isset($user_agent)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { $user_agent = ''; } } $browser = array(); foreach ($this->_patterns as $key => $pattern) { if (preg_match($pattern . 'i', $user_agent)) { $browser = array( $user_agent, // Original useragent trim(strtolower($pattern), self::REGEX_DELIMITER), $this->_userAgents[$key] ); $browser = $value = $browser + $this->_browsers[$key]; while (array_key_exists(3, $value) && $value[3]) { $value = $this->_browsers[$value[3]]; $browser += $value; } if (!empty($browser[3])) { $browser[3] = $this->_userAgents[$browser[3]]; } break; } } // Add the keys for each property $array = array(); foreach ($browser as $key => $value) { if ($value === 'true') { $value = true; } elseif ($value === 'false') { $value = false; } $array[$this->_properties[$key]] = $value; } return $return_array ? $array : (object) $array; } /** * Load (auto-set) proxy settings from environment variables. */ public function autodetectProxySettings() { $wrappers = array('http', 'https', 'ftp'); foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper) { $url = getenv($wrapper.'_proxy'); if (!empty($url)) { $params = array_merge(array( 'port' => null, 'user' => null, 'pass' => null, ), parse_url($url)); $this->addProxySettings($params['host'], $params['port'], $wrapper, $params['user'], $params['pass']); } } } /** * Add proxy settings to the stream context array. * * @param string $server Proxy server/host * @param int $port Port * @param string $wrapper Wrapper: "http", "https", "ftp", others... * @param string $username Username (when requiring authentication) * @param string $password Password (when requiring authentication) * * @return Browscap */ public function addProxySettings($server, $port = 3128, $wrapper = 'http', $username = null, $password = null) { $settings = array($wrapper => array( 'proxy' => sprintf('tcp://%s:%d', $server, $port), 'request_fulluri' => true, )); // Proxy authentication (optional) if (isset($username) && isset($password)) { $settings[$wrapper]['header'] = 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($username.':'.$password); } // Add these new settings to the stream context options array $this->_streamContextOptions = array_merge( $this->_streamContextOptions, $settings ); /* Return $this so we can chain addProxySettings() calls like this: * $browscap-> * addProxySettings('http')-> * addProxySettings('https')-> * addProxySettings('ftp'); */ return $this; } /** * Clear proxy settings from the stream context options array. * * @param string $wrapper Remove settings from this wrapper only * * @return array Wrappers cleared */ public function clearProxySettings($wrapper = null) { $wrappers = isset($wrapper) ? array($wrappers) : array_keys($this->_streamContextOptions); $affectedProtocols = array(); $options = array('proxy', 'request_fulluri', 'header'); foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper) { // remove wrapper options related to proxy settings if (isset($this->_streamContextOptions[$wrapper]['proxy'])) { foreach ($options as $option){ unset($this->_streamContextOptions[$wrapper][$option]); } // remove wrapper entry if there are no other options left if (empty($this->_streamContextOptions[$wrapper])) { unset($this->_streamContextOptions[$wrapper]); } $clearedWrappers[] = $wrapper; } } return $clearedWrappers; } /** * Returns the array of stream context options. * * @return array */ public function getStreamContextOptions() { return $this->_streamContextOptions; } /** * Parses the ini file and updates the cache files * * @return bool whether the file was correctly written to the disk */ public function updateCache() { $ini_path = $this->cacheDir . $this->iniFilename; $cache_path = $this->cacheDir . $this->cacheFilename; // Choose the right url if ($this->_getUpdateMethod() == self::UPDATE_LOCAL) { $url = $this->localFile; } else { $url = $this->remoteIniUrl; } $this->_getRemoteIniFile($url, $ini_path); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { $browsers = parse_ini_file($ini_path, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW); } else { $browsers = parse_ini_file($ini_path, true); } array_shift($browsers); $this->_properties = array_keys($browsers['DefaultProperties']); array_unshift( $this->_properties, 'browser_name', 'browser_name_regex', 'browser_name_pattern', 'Parent' ); $this->_userAgents = array_keys($browsers); usort( $this->_userAgents, create_function(self::ORDER_FUNC_ARGS, self::ORDER_FUNC_LOGIC) ); $user_agents_keys = array_flip($this->_userAgents); $properties_keys = array_flip($this->_properties); $search = array('\*', '\?'); $replace = array('.*', '.'); foreach ($this->_userAgents as $user_agent) { $pattern = preg_quote($user_agent, self::REGEX_DELIMITER); $this->_patterns[] = self::REGEX_DELIMITER . '^' . str_replace($search, $replace, $pattern) . '$' . self::REGEX_DELIMITER; if (!empty($browsers[$user_agent]['Parent'])) { $parent = $browsers[$user_agent]['Parent']; $browsers[$user_agent]['Parent'] = $user_agents_keys[$parent]; } foreach ($browsers[$user_agent] as $key => $value) { $key = $properties_keys[$key] . ".0"; $browser[$key] = $value; } $this->_browsers[] = $browser; unset($browser); } unset($user_agents_keys, $properties_keys, $browsers); // Save the keys lowercased if needed if ($this->lowercase) { $this->_properties = array_map('strtolower', $this->_properties); } // Get the whole PHP code $cache = $this->_buildCache(); // Save and return return (bool) file_put_contents($cache_path, $cache, LOCK_EX); } /** * Loads the cache into object's properties * * @return void */ protected function _loadCache($cache_file) { require $cache_file; $this->_browsers = $browsers; $this->_userAgents = $userAgents; $this->_patterns = $patterns; $this->_properties = $properties; $this->_cacheLoaded = true; } /** * Parses the array to cache and creates the PHP string to write to disk * * @return string the PHP string to save into the cache file */ protected function _buildCache() { $cacheTpl = "_array2string($this->_properties); $patternsArray = $this->_array2string($this->_patterns); $userAgentsArray = $this->_array2string($this->_userAgents); $browsersArray = $this->_array2string($this->_browsers); return sprintf( $cacheTpl, $propertiesArray, $browsersArray, $userAgentsArray, $patternsArray ); } /** * Lazy getter for the stream context resource. * * @return resource */ protected function _getStreamContext($recreate = false) { if (!isset($this->_streamContext) || true === $recreate) { $this->_streamContext = stream_context_create($this->_streamContextOptions); } return $this->_streamContext; } /** * Updates the local copy of the ini file (by version checking) and adapts * his syntax to the PHP ini parser * * @param string $url the url of the remote server * @param string $path the path of the ini file to update * @throws Exception * @return bool if the ini file was updated */ protected function _getRemoteIniFile($url, $path) { // Check version if (file_exists($path) && filesize($path)) { $local_tmstp = filemtime($path); if ($this->_getUpdateMethod() == self::UPDATE_LOCAL) { $remote_tmstp = $this->_getLocalMTime(); } else { $remote_tmstp = $this->_getRemoteMTime(); } if ($remote_tmstp < $local_tmstp) { // No update needed, return touch($path); return false; } } // Get updated .ini file $browscap = $this->_getRemoteData($url); $browscap = explode("\n", $browscap); $pattern = self::REGEX_DELIMITER . '(' . self::VALUES_TO_QUOTE . ')="?([^"]*)"?$' . self::REGEX_DELIMITER; // Ok, lets read the file $content = ''; foreach ($browscap as $subject) { $subject = trim($subject); $content .= preg_replace($pattern, '$1="$2"', $subject) . "\n"; } if ($url != $path) { if (!file_put_contents($path, $content)) { throw new Exception("Could not write .ini content to $path"); } } return true; } /** * Gets the remote ini file update timestamp * * @throws Exception * @return int the remote modification timestamp */ protected function _getRemoteMTime() { $remote_datetime = $this->_getRemoteData($this->remoteVerUrl); $remote_tmstp = strtotime($remote_datetime); if (!$remote_tmstp) { throw new Exception("Bad datetime format from {$this->remoteVerUrl}"); } return $remote_tmstp; } /** * Gets the local ini file update timestamp * * @throws Exception * @return int the local modification timestamp */ protected function _getLocalMTime() { if (!is_readable($this->localFile) || !is_file($this->localFile)) { throw new Exception("Local file is not readable"); } return filemtime($this->localFile); } /** * Converts the given array to the PHP string which represent it. * This method optimizes the PHP code and the output differs form the * var_export one as the internal PHP function does not strip whitespace or * convert strings to numbers. * * @param array $array the array to parse and convert * @return string the array parsed into a PHP string */ protected function _array2string($array) { $strings = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key)) { $key = ''; } elseif (ctype_digit((string) $key) || strpos($key, '.0')) { $key = intval($key) . '=>' ; } else { $key = "'" . str_replace("'", "\'", $key) . "'=>" ; } if (is_array($value)) { $value = $this->_array2string($value); } elseif (ctype_digit((string) $value)) { $value = intval($value); } else { $value = "'" . str_replace("'", "\'", $value) . "'"; } $strings[] = $key . $value; } return 'array(' . implode(',', $strings) . ')'; } /** * Checks for the various possibilities offered by the current configuration * of PHP to retrieve external HTTP data * * @return string the name of function to use to retrieve the file */ protected function _getUpdateMethod() { // Caches the result if ($this->updateMethod === null) { if ($this->localFile !== null) { $this->updateMethod = self::UPDATE_LOCAL; } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && function_exists('file_get_contents')) { $this->updateMethod = self::UPDATE_FOPEN; } elseif (function_exists('fsockopen')) { $this->updateMethod = self::UPDATE_FSOCKOPEN; } elseif (extension_loaded('curl')) { $this->updateMethod = self::UPDATE_CURL; } else { $this->updateMethod = false; } } return $this->updateMethod; } /** * Retrieve the data identified by the URL * * @param string $url the url of the data * @throws Exception * @return string the retrieved data */ protected function _getRemoteData($url) { ini_set('user_agent', $this->_getUserAgent()); switch ($this->_getUpdateMethod()) { case self::UPDATE_LOCAL: $file = file_get_contents($url); if ($file !== false) { return $file; } else { throw new Exception('Cannot open the local file'); } case self::UPDATE_FOPEN: // include proxy settings in the file_get_contents() call $context = $this->_getStreamContext(); $file = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if ($file !== false) { return $file; } // else try with the next possibility (break omitted) case self::UPDATE_FSOCKOPEN: $remote_url = parse_url($url); $remote_handler = fsockopen($remote_url['host'], 80, $c, $e, $this->timeout); if ($remote_handler) { stream_set_timeout($remote_handler, $this->timeout); if (isset($remote_url['query'])) { $remote_url['path'] .= '?' . $remote_url['query']; } $out = sprintf( self::REQUEST_HEADERS, $remote_url['path'], $remote_url['host'], $this->_getUserAgent() ); fwrite($remote_handler, $out); $response = fgets($remote_handler); if (strpos($response, '200 OK') !== false) { $file = ''; while (!feof($remote_handler)) { $file .= fgets($remote_handler); } $file = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $file); $file = explode("\n\n", $file); array_shift($file); $file = implode("\n\n", $file); fclose($remote_handler); return $file; } } // else try with the next possibility case self::UPDATE_CURL: $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->_getUserAgent()); $file = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($file !== false) { return $file; } // else try with the next possibility case false: throw new Exception('Your server can\'t connect to external resources. Please update the file manually.'); } } /** * Format the useragent string to be used in the remote requests made by the * class during the update process. * * @return string the formatted user agent */ protected function _getUserAgent() { $ua = str_replace('%v', self::VERSION, $this->userAgent); $ua = str_replace('%m', $this->_getUpdateMethod(), $ua); return $ua; } } /** * Browscap.ini parsing class exception * * @package Browscap * @author Jonathan Stoppani * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Jonathan Stoppani * @version 1.0 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License * @link https://github.com/GaretJax/phpbrowscap/*/ class Exception extends BaseException {}