
The current drive status is displayed if the dim-network is online and the drivectrl has connection to cosy. The backround colors have the following meaning: If the drive is online, the current pointing position is displayed. Between sun-rise and sun-set a sun-symbol (☼) is displayed. If between sun-set and sun-rise the moon is above horizon, a moon-symbol (☾) is displayed. During tracking the current control deviation is displayed behin a plus-minus symbol (±). If the source name of the current tracking position is available it is displayed in []-parenthesis. If the drive is currently moving a moving-symbol (⟳) is displayed. If the drive is online and in error state this is also indicated by the extension [ERR]. This should make it easier to detect this state. If the drive is switched off and either the sun- or the moon-symbol is visible, it is extended with either the time until sun-set (indicated with a down-arrow ↓) or the moon disk visibility in percent. When the drive is switched on, this information is omitted due to space reasons. The ⊗-symbol means that the drive is locked. More detailed informations about the sun and moon can be found at the weather page. More detailed tracking and pointing information at the drive page. |