1 | <?php
2 |
3 | if (!extension_loaded('v8js'))
4 | die("V8Js missing");
5 |
6 | if (isset($_POST['editor1']) || isset($_POST['editor2']))
7 | {
8 | $isOne = isset($_POST['editor1']);
9 |
10 | $source = $isOne ? $_POST['editor1'] : $_POST['editor2'];
11 | if (!isset($_POST['files']))
12 | $name = $isOne ? "proc.js" : "main.js";
13 | else
14 | $name = $_POST['files'][0];
15 |
16 | header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 200 OK");
17 | header("Cache-Control: public"); // needed for i.e.
18 | header("Content-Type: text/plain");
19 | header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Text");
20 | header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$name."\"");
21 | print($source);
22 | return;
23 | }
24 |
25 | if (!isset($_POST['file']) || !isset($_POST['event']) || !isset($_POST['pixel']))
26 | {
27 | /*
28 | function getList($path)
29 | {
30 | $hasdir = false;
31 |
32 | $list = array();
33 | foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path) as $file)
34 | {
35 | if ($file->isDot())
36 | continue;
37 |
38 | $name = $file->getFilename();
39 |
40 |
41 | if ($file->isDir())
42 | {
43 | $list[$name] = getList($path."/".$name);
44 | $hasdir = true;
45 | }
46 |
47 | if ($file->isFile() && $file->isReadable())
48 | {
49 | if (substr($name, 12)!=".fits.fz")
50 | continue;
51 |
52 | array_push($list, substr($name, 9, 3));
53 | }
54 | }
55 |
56 | if (!$hasdir)
57 | sort($list);
58 | return $list;
59 | }
60 | */
61 |
62 | function getList($path, $sub)
63 | {
64 | $hasdir = false;
65 |
66 | $list = array();
67 | foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path."/".$sub) as $file)
68 | {
69 | if ($file->isDot())
70 | continue;
71 |
72 | $name = $file->getFilename();
73 |
74 | if ($file->isDir())
75 | $list = array_merge($list, getList($path, $sub."/".$name));
76 |
77 | if ($file->isFile() && $file->isReadable())
78 | {
79 | if (substr($name, 12)!=".fits.fz")
80 | continue;
81 |
82 | $rc = substr($name, 0, 4)."/".substr($name, 4, 2)."/".substr($name, 6, 2)."-".substr($name, 9, 3);
83 |
84 | array_push($list, $rc);
85 | }
86 | }
87 |
88 | return $list;
89 | }
90 |
91 | try
92 | {
93 | $list = getList("/daq/raw", "");
94 | sort($list);
95 | }
96 | catch (Exception $e)
97 | {
98 | return header('HTTP/1.0 400 '.$e->getMessage());
99 | }
100 |
101 | print(json_encode($list));
102 | return;
103 | }
104 |
105 | $event = intval($_POST['event']);
106 | $pixel = intval($_POST['pixel']);
107 |
108 | function get($handle, $format, $count = 1)
109 | {
110 | $size = 0;
111 | switch ($format)
112 | {
113 | case 'L': $size = 4; break;
114 | case 'S': $size = 2; break;
115 | case 's': $size = 2; break;
116 | }
117 |
118 | if ($size==0)
119 | return;
120 |
121 | $data = fread($handle, $size*$count);
122 | $data = unpack($format.$count, $data);
123 |
124 | return $count==1 ? $data[1] : $data;
125 | }
126 |
127 | // This is to allow for events of ROI=1024
128 | ini_set("memory_limit", "384M");
129 |
132 |
133 | $rc = array();
134 | $rc['startPhp'] = microtime(true);
135 |
136 | // ============================ Read data from file ==========================
137 | $file = $_POST['file'];
138 |
139 | $y = substr($file, 0, 4);
140 | $m = substr($file, 5, 2);
141 | $d = substr($file, 8, 2);
142 | $r = substr($file, 11, 3);
143 |
144 | $filename = "/daq/raw/".$y."/".$m."/".$d."/".$y.$m.$d."_".$r.".fits.fz";
145 |
146 | $file = popen("/home/fact/FACT++/getevent ".$filename." ".$event." 2> /dev/null", "r");
147 | if (!$file)
148 | return header('HTTP/1.0 400 Could not open file.');
149 |
150 | $evt = array();
151 |
152 | $evt['numEvents'] = get($file, "L");
153 | $evt['numRoi'] = get($file, "L");
154 | $evt['numPix'] = get($file, "L");
155 | $evt['eventNumber'] = get($file, "L");
156 | $evt['triggerNumber'] = get($file, "L");
157 | $evt['triggerType'] = get($file, "S");
158 | $evt['unixTime'] = get($file, "L", 2);
159 |
160 | if (isset($_POST['source1']))
161 | {
162 | // Read the data and copy it from an associative array to an Array
163 | // (this is just nicer and seems more logical)
164 | $data = array();
165 | for ($i=0; $i<$evt['numPix']; $i++)
166 | {
167 | //$data[$i] = get($file, "s", $evt['numRoi']);
168 | $var = get($file, "s", $evt['numRoi']);
169 |
170 | $data[$i] = array();
171 | for ($j=0; $j<$evt['numRoi']; $j++)
172 | $data[$i][$j] = $var[$j+1]*0.48828125; // dac -> mV
173 | }
174 | }
175 |
176 | //if (feof($file))
177 | // return;
178 |
179 | pclose($file);
180 |
181 | if ($evt['numEvents']==0)
182 | return header('HTTP/1.0 400 Could not read event.');
183 |
184 | // =============================== Copy waveform =============================
185 |
186 | $rc['event'] = $evt;
187 | $rc['event']['index'] = $event;
188 | $rc['event']['pixel'] = $pixel;
189 | //$rc['waveform'] = $data[$pixel];
190 |
191 | // Get execution times
192 | $now = microtime(true);
193 |
194 | if (isset($_POST['source1']))
195 | {
196 | // =============================== Run Javascript ============================
197 |
198 | /*
199 | $JS = <<< EOT
200 | require("path/to/module1");
201 | EOT;
202 |
203 | $v8 = new V8Js();
204 | $v8->setModuleLoader(function($module) {
205 | switch ($module) {
206 | case 'path/to/module1':
207 | return 'print(' . json_encode($module . PHP_EOL) . ');require("./module2");';
208 |
209 | case 'path/to/module2':
210 | return 'print(' . json_encode($module . PHP_EOL) . ');require("../../module3");';
211 |
212 | default:
213 | return 'print(' . json_encode($module . PHP_EOL) . ');';
214 | }
215 | });
216 | */
217 |
218 | // V8Js global methods: exit, print, sleep, var_dump, require
219 | //$v8 = new V8Js("$", array("data"=>"data"), extensions, flags, millisecond, bytes);
220 | $v8 = new V8Js("$"/*, array("data"=>"data")*/);
221 |
222 | //$v8 = new V8Js("$", array("data"=>"data"));
223 |
224 | //V8Js::registerExtension("exit", "1");
225 | //$v8 = new V8Js("$", array(), array("exit"));
226 |
227 | //$v8->func = function($a) { echo "Closure with param $a\n"; };
228 | //$v8->greeting = "From PHP with love!";
229 |
230 | // This is much faster than the variables option in the constructor
231 | $v8->data = $data;
232 | $v8->event = $evt;
233 | $v8->clone = function($data) { return $data; };
234 |
235 | $rc['startJs'] = microtime(true);
236 |
237 | // Buffer output from javascript
238 | ob_start();
239 |
240 | try
241 | {
242 | $JS = "function proc(pixel){\n".$_POST['source1']."\n};proc(".$pixel.");";
243 | $rc['waveform'] = $v8->executeString($JS, 'proc');
244 |
245 | if (isset($_POST['source2']))
246 | {
247 | $JS = "(function main(){\n".$_POST['source2']."\n})();";
248 | $rc['ret'] = $v8->executeString($JS, 'main');
249 | }
250 |
251 | // This is supposed to work, but it seems it does not...
252 | //$v8->proc = $rc['ret']->proc;
253 | //$rc['ret'] = $v8->executeString('PHP.proc();', 'proc');
254 | }
255 | catch (V8JsException $e)
256 | {
257 | $rc['err'] = array();
258 | $rc['err']['message'] = $e->getMessage();
259 | $rc['err']['file'] = $e->getJsFileName();
260 | $rc['err']['sourceLine'] = $e->getJsSourceLine();
261 | $rc['err']['lineNumber'] = $e->getJsLineNumber()-1;
262 | $rc['err']['trace'] = $e->getJsTrace();
263 | }
264 |
265 | // Copy output buffer and clean it
266 | $rc['debug'] = ob_get_contents();
267 | ob_end_clean();
268 |
269 | // Get execution times
270 | $now = microtime(true);
271 |
272 | $rc['timeJs'] = ($now - $rc['startJs']);
273 | }
274 |
275 | $rc['timePhp'] = ($now - $rc['startPhp']);
276 |
277 | // Output result as JSON object
278 | print(json_encode($rc));
279 |
280 | ?>