-*-*- END -*-*- 2003/10/20 - Thomas Bretz * base/File.cc: - only close file if f!=NULL * base/MThread.cc: - added debug output (depending on DEBUG macro) * candrv/vmodican.cc: - do not call exit in case the module couldn't be opened - changes some comments * catalog/StarCatalog.cc: - do not exit in case the catalog was not found - initialize fSao and fSrt with NULL - only delete fSao and fSrt if != NULL - only calculate stars if catalog was loaded successfully * main/MBending.[h,cc]: - added file header - added class decription - added FLOP, TF and TX - changed such that adding new stuff is easier - changed order in correction - replaced all switch statement by simple loops * tpoint/gui.C: - full support for fitting a pointing correction 2003/10/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma) * Makefile: - added tcpip directory * cosy.cc: - undefine EXPERT - implemented HAVE_CAMERA * base/log.h: - changed LOG_H to COSY_Log * base/timer.h: - changed order of members - added a new Set-function used for the CC communication - added new Getter functions * gui/MGCosy.cc: - undef EXPERT - added HAS_DEMO (undefined) - added demo for inauguration - changed bits for status to MDriveCom:: * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]: - fixed the color depth problem (still doesn't work with other color depth than 32 bit, but doesn't crash anymore) * gui/Makefile: - added tcpip * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - changed bits to MDriveCom:: - added a 'single-positioning' while tracking for inauguration (WM_POSITION1) - added fCom and sending reports * main/Makefile: - added tcpip * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]: - fixed output to current status - added status bits * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.[h,cc]: - added some dbg output in the destructor - added Clear - set members to NULL if deleted - added Log as a base class * tcpip/Makefile: - added catalog 2003/10/03 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma) * tcpip/* - added communication classes 2003/09/03 - Thomas Bretz * aposs/Magic.m: - updated to V0.69 2003/07/16 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma) * bending_magic.txt: - new bending correction. Calculated from new stars and recalculated old ones (old positions where wrong due to a bug in the observatory coordinates) * catalog/Slalib.[h,cc]: - fixed a bug in the Hms2Deg and Dms2Deg (negative hours, degs where treated incorrect!) - added many new conversion functions * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]: - commented SetHome * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - implemented button to write prepos - implemented star list * gui/MGSkyPosition.cc: - changed calculation of h,m,s etc to new Slalib functions * main/MCaos.cc: - changed detection limit from 4.0 to 3.0 2003/07/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma) * leds.txt: - new configuration file * main/MCaos.[h,cc]: - added * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]: - added * videodev/PixGetter.[h,cc]: - added * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc]: - added - highly optimized for speed! * Makefile.conf.linux: - added -O5 optimization option * bending_magic.txt: - changed to newly determined bending correction * cosy.cc: - included starguider - do not overwrite log file - added EXPERT mode * starg.cc: - changed from MGStarguider to MStarguider - simplified by use of PixGetter * aposs/Manual.m: - removed a wrong character * base/coord.h: - changed operator<< * base/timer.[h,cc]: - const argument for copy constructor - added operator<< * candrv/network.[h,cc], candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]: - added data argument to HandleSDOOK * candrv/vmodican.cc: - return from constructor if Module not found * caos/Led.[h,cc]: - included TROOT - formated Print-output - Initialize fDx, fDy and fDphi - added AddOffset * caos/Leds.[h,cc]: - added Add * caos/Ring.[h,cc]: - added constructor - use hypot - devide by n instead of n-1 - formated Print-output * caos/Rings.[h,cc]: - Do not calculated Center for less than 5 rings - included Radius filter * catalog/StarCatalog.cc: - Do not output Alt/Az, fAzCnt, fAltMin, etc. * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]: - added data argument to HandleSDOOK - implemented StartNode() and check for initialization - changed minimum MACS software version to 0.69 - moved SetNoWait to the MACS software - removed StopMotor * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - initialize all values to 0 * gui/GuiLinkDef.h: - removed MGStarguider * gui/MGAccuracy.cc: - small change * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - added moving in Zd/Az by buttons while tracking (Experts only) - some changes to the menu bar - removed displaying offsets - changed EXPERT mode * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.[h,cc]: - changed range argument in constructor to double (problems with the optimization - strange!) * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]: - switched from my own code completely to tVirtualX code + requires root 3.05./05! - highly optimized for speed! - at the moment only 32 bit screen depth is supported! * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]: - fixed position of vega - added new bright star - cut displaying position into two. \n not supported by root 3.05/05 * gui/MGVelocity.[h,cc]: - removed displaying numbers * gui/Makefile: - removed MGStarguider * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - added output of time when tracking is started or stopped - added output of time when slewing is started or stopped - removed sign changing limits in LimitSpeed - changed EXPERT mode - added MStarguider support - fixed Calc-Alt/Az - added GetPointingPos - removed fOffset from Update * main/MainLinkDef.h, main/Makefile: - added MStarguider * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]: - added * tpoint/tpointfit.C: - fixed reading of data - removed absolute path * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]: - small simplification - derived from new PixGetter * videodev/CaosFilter.[h,cc], videodev/Filter.[h,cc]: - optimized, but not used anymore, will be removed soon * videodev/Makefile, videodev/VideodevLinkDef.h: - added PixGetter to Makefile - removed Filter - removed Filter2 - removed CaosFilter - added FilterLed * videodev/PngReader.h: - derived from PixGetter 2003/05/05 - Thomas Bretz * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - exchanged TGListBox for logging by TGTextView 2003/04/28 - Thomas Bretz * .cosyrc_magic: - removed Time2ReachHome - changed Gear Ratio * bending_magic.txt: - added bening model calculated in March * cosy.cc: - added disable output to screen * prepos_magic.txt: - made positions fit the present bending model * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]: - added posibility to implement fake guarding (eg. check a PDO frequence) * devdrv/macs.cc: - added HandleNodeguard to handling of PDO * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - GetSePos declared const - AlignTrackingPos declared const - define EXPERT - implemented EXPERT mode - implemented Gear while positioning for Elevation axes - fixed some bugs in LimitSpeed - to be chacked again! - implemented preliminary version of starguider - some small changes to the tracking - changed default end positions - fixed display of fZdAzSoll and fTrackingError * videodev/Filter.cc: fixed dealing with values above max and below min when stretching 2003/04/13 - Thomas Bretz * base/timer.cc: - added cast to _suseconds_t * candrv/nodedrv.cc: - set starting timeout * devdrv/macs.cc: - after requsting error[0] check Zombie-status - Software version 0.66 --> 0.68 - added all known MACS error messages * gui/MGStarguider.cc, videodev/Filter.[h,cc]: - added stretching of the picture 2003/04/12 - Thomas Bretz * prepos_magic.txt: - added * bend.cc: - added * Makefile: - bend added * bending_magic.txt: - new bending * cosy.cc: - fixed typo - disable console output * testse.cc: - accept commandline options * base/MThread.cc, base/msgqueue.cc: - added DEBUG-stuff * candrv/network.cc: - fixed wrong handling of SDO messages with less than 4 bytes * candrv/nodedrv.cc: - do not switch timer off if it isn't switched on * candrv/vmodican.cc: - added EXPERT mode * catalog/SlaStars.h: - added CalcAltAz/ZdAz with mjd * catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc]: - included rotation angle * devdrv/macs.cc: - added request for present error code - added #71 error message * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - fixes to support multiturn encoders correctly - removed velocity and acceleration from gui * gui/MGAccuracy.cc: - mega mini change * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - added EXPERT mode - added TrackPos - removed shaftencoder label for velocity and acceleration - commented out MAC3 - fixed reading of predefined positions - commented out everything related to the demo mode - changed some displayed text * gui/MGStarguider.[h,cc]: - added support for rotation angle * main/MBending.h: - added constructor with filename * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - for gear display both axis - some more output in WaitForEndMovement - added CheckRange - added AlignTrackingPos - changed timing in tracking procedure from 3s/50ms to 5s/1s - added TrackPos - replaced some code by AlignTrackingPos - commented out CALIB and PRESET * slalib/oapqk.c: - fixed a bug checking validity of arguments for atan2 * videodev/Writer.cc: - fixed names 2003/03/31 - Daniela Dorner: * caos/Ring.cc: - fixed a small bug 2003/03/12 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz: * MStarguider.[h,cc], Starguider.[h,cc]: - removed * gui/MGPngReader.[h,cc]: - moved code to MGStarguider.[h,cc] - removed * gui/Makefile, gui/GuiLinkDef.h: - updated * gui/MGPngReader.cc, gui/MGStarguider.cc, videodev/Writer.[h,cc]: - changed output file names to contain mjd - fixed a cast warning * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - Do not change acceleration and deceleration for positioning (SetPosVelocity) - some output if WintForEnDMovement aborted - some output to correct for the elevation gear asymmetry - changed handling of acceleration and velocity - changed velocities - call StopMovement only if positioning failed - changed acceleration/deceleration from 0.9 to 0.2 in InitTracking - added some workarounds to be able to reach 290deg - changed control time in tracking from 1 to 3 sec - added a flag to SetPosition indicating tracking mode (not yet used) - added some workarounds to be able to track 290deg - changed deceleration from 0.5 to 0.3 in StopMovement - added StopTracking (not yet used) - changed tpoint output (+mjd, +ra/dec) 2003/03/11 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz: * .cosyrc_magic, .cosyrc_model: - added * caos/Leds.h, caos/Rings.h: - changed from operator[] to At() * caos/Ring.cc: - changed Floats to Doubles * caos/Rings.cc: - replaced Expand by Clear * base/MStar.h: - added Compare * base/MStarList.cc: - some small bugfixes * base/MStarList.h: - added Sort - added Expand * base/timer.[h,cc]: - Added GetTimeval * gui/MGAccuracy.cc: - Exchanged zd/az in calculation of Residual!!! * gui/MGPngReader.[h,cc]: - set default lim mag to 7.0 - added new ouput for the pointing position fPZdAz - added/fixed TrackingError/CalcTrackingError - changed Filter2 to CaosFilter - reordered starguider stuff in Execute - changed color of circles * main/MBending.[h,cc]: - removed MAGIC1 and MAGIC2 - removed '-' from writing - fixed some bugs in the enumerations of the coefficients - added some formating option for output * tpoint/tpointfit.C: - removed usage of MyAdjust - fixed the Calculation of the residuals - fixed reading - added some correction in case of an overflow (360deg/0deg) - fixed drawing - added second Migrad turn... - changed the screen and graphical output * videodev/CaosFilter.[h,cc]: - changed RemoveTwins to accept a radius 2003/03/02 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz (LaPalma): * tpoint/tpointfit.C: - added * main/MBending.[h,cc]: - adapted to Magic bending model * candrv/nodedrv.cc: - some changes to the output * candrv/vmodican.cc: - minor changes * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]: - implemented - removed guarding - removed motor off * devdrv/shaftencoder.cc: - removed Gaurding * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.[h,cc]: - added overloads for Resize * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]: - added SetDotRange * gui/MGStarguider.cc: - write interpolated pictures * videodev/PngReader.cc: - removed unused variable * videodev/Writer.cc: - added warning if file couldn't be opened * videodev/CaosFilter.[h,cc], videodev/PngReader.[h,cc]: - added * catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc]: - added GetPixSize * main/MCosy.cc: - some minor change sto the output * Makefile: - removed dummy - exchnged caos, candrv - removed MCint.o - added cosy.so * starg.cc: - echanged to use png reading mode * caos/Led.[h,cc], caos/Leds.[h,cc], caos/Ring.[h,cc], caos/Ring.[h,cc]: - added Print * caos/Led.h: - added compare - added issortable * caos/Ring.cc: - changed output * caos/Rings.cc: - fixed some minor bugs * gui/GuiLinkDef.h, gui/Makefile; - added MGPngReader.[h,cc] * gui/MGPngReader.[h,cc]: - added * gui/MGStarguider.cc: - release grabbed mouse - removed ExitLoop * gui/MGStarguider.h: - changed derivement from Camera to PixClient * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]: - changed to use PixClient * videodev/Makefile, videodev/VideodevLinkDef.h: - added PixClient * videodev/PixClient.[h,cc] - added 2003/02/27 - Thomas Bretz (LaPalma): * caos, caos/Makefile, caos/CaosLinKDef.h, caos/CaosIncl.h, caos/Led.[h,cc], caos/Leds.[h,cc], caos/Ring.[h,cc], caos/Rings.[h,cc], gui/MGMenu.[h,cc]: - added 2003/02/25 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma): * Makefile - changed order of binaries - added make links - added make magic - added make model * base/timer.cc: - corrected calculation of fMs (/1000 missing) * gui/MGCosy.cc: - added new tab Gear * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]: - fixed memory leak by not changing positions or having object outside - removed fake-statics * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - adapted GetSePos to present shaftencoders - changed speed to 0.15 and acc to 0.4 in positioning - changed tracking cycle from 0.05s to 0.25s - added WM_GEAR - added WM_DISPLAY - fixed displaying the SE offsets - added TalkThreadGear - changed DisplayHistTestSe - added DisplayHistGear - added check for second Zd-SE - removed lout.SetOutputGui(NULL, kFALSE) because it crashes when closing the spplication while tracking 2003/02/21 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma): * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]: - some changes trying to get rid of a strange memory leak * candrv/nodedrv.cc: - changed output * catalog/Slalib.h: - added Hms2DegRad and Dms2Rad 2003/02/16 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma): * base/MStarList.h: - added default for mag to Add * base/coord.h: - replaced kRadDeg by including MAGIC.h * base/timer.[h,cc]: - changed Now to call virtual function SetMjd * gui/MGAccuracy.cc: - fixed a bug causing the display to display error%60 * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - added combo box for predifed positions - update display of time only when time changed * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]: - added bright stars * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - some changes to output - replaced HasZombie by a preliminary one - changed dT to 3s - removed time correction factor in Tracking algorithm - PRELIMINARY TalkThreadTracking 2003/02/14 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma): * .cosyrc: - added prototypes for the telescope allowed range * Makefile: - changed test to testse * candrv/vmodican.cc: - added the possibility to start cosy without the CANbus card installed * catalog/SlaPlanets.cc: - fixed the ephemeris configuration * catalog/SlaStars.cc: - added some more comments * catalog/Slalib.[h,cc]: - changed Wuerzburg location to LaPalma location - added Height to the data members * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - added range checks in positioning and tracking * slalib/Makefile: - added rdplan - added pvobs - added dtt - added dat - added rcc * starg.cc, catalog/SlaStars.[h,cc], catalog/Slalib.[h,cc], catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc], devdrv/macs.cc, devdrv/shaftencoder.cc, gui/MGCosy.[h,cc], gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc], gui/MGStarguider.[h,cc]: - changed to use MObservatory - changed usage of timer to new style * catalog/SlaPlanets.[h,cc]: - removed old style calculation - added fTt * gui/MGCosy.cc: - added new tab for SE Test * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - don't use second SE when only one is attached - added SE Test stuff * base/BaseLinkDef.h, base/Makefile: - added MParContainer - added MObservatory * base/timer.[h,cc]: - changed the calculation of the date according to slalib 2003/01/23 - Thomas Bretz: * .cosyrc: - changed maximum time to reach home from 100 to 150 * Makefile: - added devdrv * Makefile.rules, candrv/Makefile, devdrv/Makefile: - changed some ordering * devdrv/shaftencoder.cc: - changed Guarding from 2x125 to 2x175 * main/MCosy.cc: - fixed StopWaitingForSDO bug (if this was raised once the 'shutdown' never waited correctly for an SDo anymore) - fixed the usage of the bending correction in some places * testse.cc: - added 2003/01/23 - Thomas Bretz: * cosy.cc: - changed baudrate to 125kbps * base/msgqueue.cc: - changed output - ignore pending messages * candrv/canopen.[h,cc]: - added Emergency Message - added EnableNodeguard - added SendNodeguard * candrv/network.[h,cc]: - call handles only if Fnodes[node]!=NULL - added time to HandleSDOOK - changed output - added HandleNodeguard - added HandleEmergency * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]: - added fTimeout for Nodeguarding - Enable Nodeguard and Emergency messages - added time to HandleSDOOK - added SendNodeguard - added StartGuarding - added StopGuarding - added HandleTimer - added HandleNodeguard - added SetZombie * candrv/vmodican.[h,cc]: - fixed a typo - added rtr to SendCanFrame * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]: - removed guarding stuff (moved to nodedrv) - changed 0x4000 handling to 0.63 style - added check for software version - added time to HandleSDOOk - set node to Zombie in case of error - don't do any error handling for the moment - removed ReqTimeoutTime - overload SendNodeguard - removed EnableTimeout - removed HandleTimer - removed ResetTimeout - added Start/StopHostGuarding * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - added 0x100c, 0x100d, 0x100e - added Start/StopGuarding to Init * gui/MGCosy.cc: - enhanced labels for Offset - changed 'soll' to 'nominal' - changed the demo mode for tests * gui/MGSkyPosition.[h,cc]: - added saturn - changed the colors a bit 2003/01/20 - Thomas Bretz: * aposs/Manual.m - added support for the elevation axis brake - enabled check for operation mode (remote control/pc) - added 'reset' label - moved syncv/cstart to setting rf 2003/01/14 - Thomas Bretz: * cosy.cc: - added output * candrv/network.[cc,h]: - small change to Start - added CheckConnections * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]: - new Init - new CheckConnections - replaced virtual InitDevice by a common function - replaced virtual Reboot by a common function - Don't send anything to a Zombie node - Delete SDO from list in case of Zombie status instead of waiting * candrv/vmodican.cc: - Don't terminate when having a noisy network * devdrv/macs.[h,cc], devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - added fSoftVersion - added SDO 0x100b - moved init stuff from InitDevice to Init - removed InitDevice and Reboot - added CheckConnection * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - Don't display something when having Zombie status * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - reworked all Zombie-stuff - implemented checking of network 2003/01/13 - Thomas Bretz: * bending.txt: - changed to fit the parameters of the model * cosy.cc: - made the 'standard mode' the default * base/MTimeout.h: - fixed the change of the base member function name of Notify * candrv/network.[h,cc]: - don't set fNodes[i] to NULL if Node is Zombie - implemented HasZombie and RebootZomies * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]: - implemented a base function Reboot - set node to Zombie status if waitforsdo timed out * candrv/vmodican.cc: - added more precise output for CTXcon * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]: - if first waitforsdo fails set don't go on - implemented fStatus - implemented enum for fStatus * gui/MGAccuracy.cc, gui/MGSkyPosition.cc, gui/MGVelocity.cc: - call SetNoContextMenu in constructor * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - some new labels - implemented SetLabelColor * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.[h,cc]: - implemented SetNoContextMenu * main/MCosy.cc: - exchanged all conditionals for the pointers to the nodes by IsZombieNode - implemented check for zombies in Proc 2003/01/10 - Thomas Bretz: * candrv/network.cc, devdrv/macs.cc, devdrv/shaftencoder.cc: - changed output * devdrv/macs.[h,cc]: - request encoder resolution when starting * devdrv/shaftencoder.cc: - some fixed in HandleSDO output - fixed a missing return in HandleSDO * gui/MGAccuracy.cc, gui/MGVelocity.cc: - set label offset * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - added some new gui elements and its handling * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - impemented fZdAzSoll - slight changes to the output - implemented WM_HOME - fixed workaround for the encoder resolutions of the MACS * base/MGLIst.h - removed (use the one from Mars) 2003/01/08 - Thomas Bretz: * bending.txt: - added (preliminary) * .cosyrc: - added > Az_GearRatio[U_mot/U_tel]: 5891.7 > Zd_GearRatio[U_mot/U_tel]: 2475.6 > Az_ResRE[re/U_mot]: 500 > Zd_ResRE[re/U_mot]: 500 > Az_Id-MAC1: 1 > Az_Id-MAC2: 3 > Zd_Id-MAC: 2 > Zd_Id-MAC1: 4 > Zd_Id-MAC2: 5 > Az_Id-MAC: 6 * Makefile: - removed cosy.so * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - removed optimization (causes problems) --> TO BE FIXED * candrv/canopen.h: - added return value to WaitForSDO * devdrv/macs.cc: - fixed a typo * gui/MGCosy.cc: - added 'Reset Bending' * main/MBending.[h,cc] - added Reset - fixed a problem with the units in the correction - added CorrectBack functions * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - changed the bahaviour in case no MAC3 is found - fixed that the MAC3 didn't synchronize anymore - added the bending correction to the displayed position - added a workaround for the wrong (0) Gear Ratios --> TO BE FIXED - added Reset Bending - changed the MAC and SE Id to be a resource value (from .cosyrc)