1 | -*-*- END -*-*-
2 |
3 | 2007/03/14 Thomas Bretz
4 |
5 | * bend.cc, cosy.cc, starg.cc, testse.cc, base/MStarList.cc,
6 | base/MThread.cc, base/log.h, base/msgqueue.cc, candrv/nodedrv.cc,
7 | candrv/sdolist.cc, catalog/SlaPlanets.cc, catalog/Slalib.cc,
8 | catalog/StarCatalog.cc, gui/MGAccuracy.cc, gui/MGCoordinate.cc,
9 | gui/MGCoordinates.cc, gui/MGCosy.cc, gui/MGNumStars.cc,
10 | gui/MGSkyPosition.cc, main/MBending.cc, main/MStargHistograms.cc,
11 | base/coord.h, main/MCaos.cc, main/MCosy.cc, main/MPointing.cc,
12 | main/MStarguider.cc, main/MTracking.cc, videodev/FilterLed.cc,
13 | videodev/PixClient.cc, videodev/PngReader.cc, videodev/Writer.cc:
14 | - replaced obsolete .h by C++ headers
15 | - added namespace std
16 |
17 | * base/MStarList.h:
18 | - fixed warnings about overwriting of Delete
19 |
20 | * base/MStopwatch.h, gui/MGCoordinate.h, gui/MGCoordinates.h,
21 | main/MStarguider.h:
22 | - fixed warning about overwriting of Print()
23 |
24 | * base/MTimeout.cc, candrv/nodedrv.cc, devdrv/macs.cc,
25 | tcpip/MCeCoCom.cc:
26 | - fixed default argument in declaration
27 |
28 | * catalog/StarCatalog.cc, gui/MGAccuracy.cc, main/MCaos.[h,cc],
29 | main/MCosy.cc, main/MPointing.cc, main/MStarguider.cc,
30 | main/MTracking.cc:
31 | - fixed a type problem (int instead of double)
32 |
33 | * gui/MGCoordinate.cc, gui/MGCosy.cc:
34 | - fixed a warning about double declaration
35 |
36 | * tcpip/MCeCoCom.h:
37 | - renamed Send to SendRep
38 |
39 | * tcpip/MDriveCom.cc:
40 | - replaced Send by SendRep
41 |
42 | * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.cc:
43 | - added missing return
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 | 2006/11/01 Thomas Bretz
48 |
49 | * tpoint/gui.C:
50 | - added the horizon
51 | - got rid of a warning about a TGraph with 0 points in case
52 | the tpoint-file didn't contain magnitudes.
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 | 2006/07/18 Thomas Bretz
57 |
58 | * base/MStar.h:
59 | - fixed a really stupid bug in the constructor, which automatically
60 | converted the magnitudes into ints.
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 | 2006/07/16 Thomas Bretz
65 |
66 | * leds.txt:
67 | - new values
68 |
69 | * gui/MGCoordinate.cc:
70 | - increased size of output text to display sign
71 |
72 | * gui/MGCosy.cc:
73 | - named MACS correctly MACS
74 |
75 | * gui/MGNumStars.cc:
76 | - changed color for correlated stars from magenta to cyan
77 |
78 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
79 | - changed starguider angle to -0.2
80 | - changed pixsize to 48.9
81 | - update num stars only if starguider is switched on
82 | - removed bug which caused the rotation angle in fact to
83 | be always 0
84 | - reimplemented the algorithm which only takes the n-th brightest
85 | stars from the catalog if n is the number of detected stars
86 | (otherwise the catalog might be so crowded with stars that
87 | one spot is correlated with many catalog stars)
88 | - decreased the search region for the LEDs
89 | - some things are not done anymore if not necesarry
90 |
91 | * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc]:
92 | - cleaned up
93 | - changed the interface of the ClusterFinder slightly to
94 | allow it beeing used for the TPoint spot of the star
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 | 2006/07/16 Daniela Dorner
99 |
100 | * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:
101 | - improvement in showing/hiding of parts of the display in the starguider
102 | window
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
107 | - fixed bug in setting menu entry for limiting magnitude
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 | 2006/07/14 Thomas Bretz (La Palma)
112 |
113 | * stargleds.txt:
114 | - changed positions slightly
115 |
116 | * gui/GuiLinkDef.h, gui/Makefile:
117 | - added MGNumStars
118 |
119 | * gui/MGStars.[h,cc]:
120 | - addde
121 |
122 | * gui/MGAccuracy.[h,cc], gui/MGStarg.[h,cc]:
123 | - unified
124 | - slight changes to layout
125 |
126 | * gui/MGCoordinate.[h,cc], MGCoordinated.[h,cc]:
127 | - added a new mode which allows to suppress the title
128 |
129 | * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]:
130 | - added new status box (armed) currently switched on by default
131 | - adapted to changes in MGAccuracy
132 | - disallow changing the size of the window
133 |
134 | * main/MCaos.cc:
135 | - removed an obsolete Print()
136 |
137 | * main/MCosy.cc:
138 | - fixed the name of the log-files (2006 instead of 06)
139 |
140 | * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:
141 | - implemented new socket to send triggers to Amc (port 7307)
142 | - changed standard limiting magnitude from 7.0 to 9.0
143 | - changed layout of display to implement new canvas
144 | displaying the number of detected and correlated stars
145 | - adapted to changes in MGStarg
146 | - added box to change cleaning level of starguider window
147 | - set default rotation angle to -0.4deg
148 | - disallow changing of window size
149 | - CalcTrackingError: check first the number of detected spots
150 | and afterwards the number of found catalog stars
151 | - CalcTrackingError: just try to correlate all spots with all stars
152 | - decreased box size of LED box in starguider mode
153 | - replaced circles around starguider pointing position by
154 | camara size hexagons
155 | - do not show the starguider pointing position if less than three
156 | stars could be correlated
157 |
158 | * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.cc:
159 | - fixed a comparison between "signed and unsigned"
160 |
161 | * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc]:
162 | - implemented DrawHexagon based on MGMap::DrawHexagon
163 | - renamed *Circle to *Box
164 | - replaced old algorithm to find stars in starguider mode (and
165 | LEDs) by a new ClusterFinder class
166 | - needs more maintanance!
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 | 2006/07/11 Thomas Bretz (La Palma)
171 |
172 | * Makefile:
173 | - changed to support linking with the libmars.so instead
174 | of compiling a lot of stuff itself
175 |
176 | * Makefile.conf.general:
177 | - added -DMARSVER
178 |
179 | * base/BaseLinkDef.h:
180 | - removed the now obsolete pragma
181 |
182 | * base/Makefile
183 | - removed the now obsolete files
184 |
185 | * candrv/Makefile, caos/Makefile, catalog/Makefile,
186 | videodev/Makefile, devdrv/Makefile, gui/Makefile,
187 | main/Makefile, tcpip/Makefile:
188 | - added the new mars include directory
189 |
190 | * caos/Leds.h, caos/Rings.h:
191 | - added an overwrite for Print to make the compiler happy
192 |
193 | * catalog/StarCatalog.cc:
194 | - small improvements to determination of image border
195 | by using min- and max-functions
196 |
197 | * gui/MGCoordinate.cc:
198 | - small improvement to layout
199 |
200 | * gui/MGImage.cc:
201 | - fixed 16bit-color mode. The encoding was just wrong
202 |
203 | * videodev/Camera.cc:
204 | - unlock the tread after the broadcast. The reason why it
205 | is neccessary in root 4.04/02g to make cosy work is
206 | unknown. Anyhow it makes switching the cameras more robust
207 |
208 | * cosy.cc:
209 | - updated writing log-files
210 | - implemented sanity check for batch mode
211 |
212 | * gui/MGAccuracy.cc, gui/MGStarg.cc:
213 | - use GetabsDev from MAstro
214 | - scale azimuth deviation to real distance on the sky
215 |
216 | * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:
217 | - updated writing log-files
218 | - do no perfect position in case of move'n'track
219 | - implemented WM_PREPS for predefined positions
220 | - unified WM_TRACK and WM_GRB
221 | - updated GetFileName
222 |
223 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
224 | - undef EXPERT
225 | - some layout changes
226 | - set rotation angle of starguider camera to -0.4deg
227 | - unified FindStar and FindStarCircle
228 | - updated writing log-files
229 | - to calc skycenter the X-offset must be subtracted
230 |
231 | * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:
232 | - implemented CommandPREPS
233 | - implemented CommandARM
234 |
235 | * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc]:
236 | - unified FindStar and FindStarCircle
237 | - fixed algorithm FindStarCircle (it was not working for
238 | bright stars and didn't take care of the edge of the
239 | image!)
240 | - fixed a long outstanding bug which accessed some memory
241 | outside the image due to a wrong logical condition
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 | 2006/07/11 Daniela Dorner
246 |
247 | * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:
248 | - implemented function to disable and uncheck an entry in the menu
249 |
250 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
251 | - fixed bugs in (un)checking and en/disabeling items
252 | - removed not needed if-clauses
253 | - rearranged menu
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 | 2006/07/10 Thomas Bretz (La Palma)
258 |
259 | * slalib/dat.c:
260 | - added leap second from 1st January 2006
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 | 2006/06/29 Thomas Bretz
265 |
266 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
267 | - fixed a bug which gave a starguider mispointing which was wrong
268 | by the pointing position.
269 | - fixed also the position of the displayed rings wrt to the catalog
270 | sky
271 |
272 | * catalog/StarCatalog.cc:
273 | - replaced some Float_t by Int_t
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | 2006/06/28 Thomas Bretz
278 |
279 | * main/MStargHistograms.[h,cc]:
280 | - removed Center in units of Zd, Az
281 |
282 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
283 | - removed obsolete and dangerous sgcenterzdaz
284 | - do not display the sky-centered rings if sky-center is invalid
285 | (LEDs not detected)
286 | - rais error in this case and send error state to CC
287 | - added lower brighness limit of 30
288 | - do not write pointingpos.txt and tracking_error.txt anymore
289 |
290 | * caos/Ring.h:
291 | - added Setter SetXY
292 |
293 | * catalog/StarCatalog.cc:
294 | - fixed that when checking for the region in which stars will
295 | be searched only the y- but not the x-offset has been taken into
296 | account
297 | - added a small region around the region of interest because
298 | the catalog position of visible stars might be out of the
299 | search region
300 | - commented out an obsolete function
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 | 2006/05/10 Thomas Bretz
305 |
306 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
307 | - fixed an error returning the correct value in CalcTrackingError
308 | - added new value to Starguider report
309 |
310 | * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:
311 | - added new value to starguider report
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 | 2006/03/23 - Daniela Dorner, Thomas Bretz
316 |
317 | * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:
318 | - changed starguider algorithm
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 | 2006/03/19 - Daniela Dorner
323 |
324 | * main/MStargHistograms.cc:
325 | - changed name of tree from CaOs to Starg
326 |
327 | * leds.txt, stargleds.txt:
328 | - added new leds
329 |
330 | * main/MCosy.cc:
331 | - changed name of tpoint-files, which are written from Cosy, from
332 | tpoint*.txt to old-tpoint*.txt
333 |
334 | * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]:
335 | - added StarguiderTpoint Button
336 | - included 2 new variables to allow for the implementation of
337 | StarguiderTpoints
338 | - added writing of StarguiderTpoints to the function CalcTrackingError
339 | - StarguiderTpoints are written to tpoint/starg_*.txt
340 | - Tpoints are wriiten to tpoint/tpoint_*.txt
341 | - added pulldown Mode to Menu
342 | - cleaned Menu (removed not needed items, rearanged place of items
343 | - removed expertmode
344 | - implemented Tpoint- and Starguider-Mode (switches all needed item)
345 | put some code into functions therefor
346 | - implemented releasing of button, if no tpoint can be taken
347 | - fixed small bugs in (un)checking items
348 | - removed starguider analyis (writing root-files) from starguider mode to
349 | stabilize the code
350 | - added 'fGetter->ExitLoop()' before each 'delete fGetter'
351 | - added SetDirectory(0) for histogram in starguider
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 | 2006/03/11 - Daniela Dorner
356 |
357 | * tpoint/bending051124.txt:
358 | - added
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 | 2005/08/29 - Daniela Dorner
363 |
364 | * main/MStarguider.cc, tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:
365 | - added to variables to the Starguider report
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 | 2005/08/22 - Thomas Bretz
370 |
371 | * candrv/nodedrv.cc, main/MTracking.cc:
372 | - fixed usage of MTime (MTime(-1) instead of MTime())
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 | 2005/08/22 - Thomas Bretz
377 |
378 | * caos/Ring.[h,cc]:
379 | - added a sanity check for the case a led entry == NULL
380 |
381 | * caos/Rings.[h,cc]:
382 | - code cleanup
383 | - added a sanity check to CalcRings
384 |
385 | * devdrv/shaftencoder.h:
386 | - added new member function GetPosDirCorrected
387 | - added new member function GetOffsetDirCorrected
388 |
389 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
390 | - set number of minimum required LEDs for the ring calculation
391 | to 3. With two LEDs you can NEVER calculate a ring!
392 | - added another sanity check in FindStars
393 |
394 | * main/MTracking.cc:
395 | - replaced ?:-operators by new functions Get*DirCorrected
396 | - made sure that if both directions have changed the reset
397 | really causes the correct values to be used immediatly!
398 | - added some code for future use
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 | 2005/07/28 - Florian Goebel
403 |
404 | * videodev/FilterLed.[cc,h]
405 | - add GetMeanPositionCircle and FindStarCircle
406 |
407 | * devdrv/shaftencoder.[cc,h]
408 | - add: fDirHasChanged, fDirChangedPos, fDirChangedOffset,
409 | fDirection, fHysteresisPos, fHysteresisNeg
410 |
411 | * main/MCosy.cc
412 | - set faster acceleration and Velocity parameters in TrackPositionGRB
413 |
414 | * main/MPointing.cc
415 | - correct bug which always set speed to LO-SPEED
416 |
417 | * main/MStarguider.[cc,h]
418 | - add new Popup "Operation" (functionality is not ready yet)
419 | - add new procedure: FindRoqueLamp
420 | - in MStarguider::FindStar now use Leds::FindStarCircle
421 | (instead of Leds::FindStar)
422 |
423 | * main/MTracking.cc
424 | - calculate DirHasChanged etc.
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 | 2005/04/11 - Thomas Bretz
429 |
430 | * main/MTracking.cc:
431 | - allow to send velocity and request position twice
432 | - enhanced some debugging output
433 |
434 | * candrv/network.[h,cc]:
435 | - implemented PrintError
436 |
437 | * candrv/nodedrv.[h,cc]:
438 | - implemented new argument (zombie) to WaitForSdo which allows
439 | to mark a missing CANbus message as non-critical
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 | 2005/03/21 - Thomas Bretz
444 |
445 | * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:
446 | - added a missing white space behind the brightness and
447 | fixed the wrong units of Zd/Az in the starguider report
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 | 2005/03/17 - Thomas Bretz
452 |
453 | * main/MCosy.[h,cc]:
454 | - implemented WM_GRB and TrackPositionGRB for GRB mode
455 |
456 | * main/MStarguider.cc:
457 | - added 'status' to FINDSTAR-REPORT
458 | - send STARG-REPORT only if Starguider is switched on
459 | - enhanced output in starguider report
460 |
461 | * tcpip/MCeCoCom.cc:
462 | - tried to backengineer the CC-REPORT because it is not documented
463 | in the CC TDAS
464 | - changed critical values for windspeed from 10/20/30 to 30/40/50
465 |
466 | * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]:
467 | - implemented handling of GRB command
468 | - enhanced SendStargReport. Starguider Report now:
469 | misszd[%05.3f] missaz[%05.3f]
470 | nomzd[%c %03d %02d %03d] nomaz[%c %03d %02d %03d]
471 | centerx[%05.1f] centery[%05.1f] n[%04d]
472 | bright[%03.1f] mjd[%12.6f]