################################################################## # # makefile # # for the MARS software # ################################################################## # @maintitle # @code # # ----->>> settings for compiler # CC = gcc CXX = g++ AR = ar -rc AS = as LD = ld RANLIB = ranlib # # ----->>> settings for compilation # PROGRAMS = cosy ROOTFLAGS = `root-config --cflags` ROOTGLIBS = `root-config --glibs` # # connect the include files defined in the config.mk file # # WARNING: the result (whether the linkage works or not) depends on the # order of the libraries # # LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lstdc++ -lpthread INCLUDES = -Iincl -I. WARNING = -Wall -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions OPTIM = -O2 DEBUG = -g DEFINES = -DCPU=486 -DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDEBUG=0 -DLINUX -DSHOW CFLAGS = $(OPTIM) $(DEBUG) $(WARNING) $(INCLUDES) $(ROOTFLAGS) $(DEFINES) CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) # # uncomment this for quiet compilation # include Makefile.conf.general # @endcode # @code CINT = M # # ----->>> mars libraries # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SILENT: .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .h .o SRCFILES = SRCS = $(SRCFILES) HEADERS = $(SRCFILES:.cc=.h) OBJS = $(SRCFILES:.cc=.o) ############################################################ all: rmlib $(PROGRAMS) #dox: # @echo " Creating html documentation:" # root -b -q dohtml.C include Makefile.rules clean: rmlib rmcint rmobjs rmcore rmbin mrproper: clean rmbak @rm -f macros/*~ @rm -rf htmldoc @echo "cd mbase" @cd mbase; make mrproper; cd .. @echo "cd .." @echo "cd mraw" @cd mraw; make mrproper; cd .. @echo "cd .." @echo "cd mgui" @cd mgui; make mrproper; cd .. @echo "cd .." @echo "cd mdatacheck" @cd mdatacheck; make mrproper; cd .. @echo "cd .." # @endcode