1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of Stesy, the MAGIC Steering System
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz <mailto:tbretz@uni-sw.gwdg.de>, 2001
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2001
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // VmodIcan
28 | //
29 | // Class describing the interface to the Janz card in RawCan mode.
30 | //
31 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 | #include "vmodican.h"
33 |
34 | #include <iostream.h> // cout
35 | #include <iomanip.h> // setw, setfill
36 |
37 | #include <fcntl.h> // O_RDONLY
38 | #include <errno.h> // errno
39 | #include <unistd.h> // read
40 | #include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday
41 | #include <sys/ioctl.h> // ioctl
42 |
43 | ClassImp(VmodIcan);
44 |
45 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 | //
47 | // Prints a CAN Message.
48 | //
49 | void VmodIcan::PrintMsg(Message *m)
50 | {
51 | cout << "Cmd=0x" << hex << (int)m->cmd << dec << " " << flush;
52 | cout << "len=" << (int)m->len << ":" << flush;
53 |
54 | cout << hex << flush;
55 | for (int i=0; i<m->len; i++)
56 | cout << " " << (int)m->data[i] << flush;
57 | cout << dec << endl;
58 | }
59 |
60 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 | //
62 | // Embedded ioctl-function from C-lib
63 | //
64 | int VmodIcan::Ioctl(int msg, void *arg)
65 | {
66 | return fd<0 ? 1 : ioctl(fd, msg, (int)arg) >= 0;
67 | }
68 |
69 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 | //
71 | // Enables/Disables the termination.
72 | //
73 | void VmodIcan::SetTermination(int state) /* 0 = off, 1 = on */
74 | {
75 | /* -*-Func-*-
76 | *
77 | * SwitchCanTermination - Switch the CANbus termination resistor
78 | *
79 | * The VMOD-ICAN3 module allows the user to change the state of the CANbus
80 | * termination via software. This is done with this service.
81 | *
82 | * SERVICE: HwConf
83 | */
84 |
85 | Message msg;
86 |
87 | msg.cmd = M_HW_CONF;
88 |
89 | msg.len = 2;
90 | msg.data[0] = 0x00;
91 | msg.data[1] = (BYTE_t)state;
92 |
93 | while (!Send(&msg));
94 |
95 | lout << "- CAN Bus Termination set to " << (state?"on":"off") << endl;
96 | }
97 |
98 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 | //
100 | // Receiver Thread. Listener. Listens for incomming messages and processes
101 | // these messages through the standard interface:
102 | // - therefor overload HandleCanMessge
103 | //
104 | void *VmodIcan::Thread()
105 | {
106 | if (fd<0)
107 | return NULL;
108 |
109 | lout << "- Starting Receiver Loop." << endl;
110 |
111 | while (1)
112 | {
113 | //
114 | // Sleeps until a message arrives
115 | //
116 | unsigned char c;
117 | const int n = read(fd, &c, 1);
118 |
119 | if (n<0)
120 | {
121 | cerr << "Vmodican: read(" << dec << (int)fd << "," << (void*)&c;
122 | cerr << ",1) returned c=" << (int)c << " '" << strerror(errno);
123 | cerr << "' (errno = " << errno << ")" << endl;
124 | continue;
125 | //return (void *)1;
126 | }
127 |
128 | //
129 | // read the time for the message as soon as possible
130 | //
131 | timeval_t tv;
132 | gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
133 |
134 | //
135 | // if n==0 something strange happened. Stop receiver(?)
136 | //
137 | if (n == 0)
138 | {
139 | cerr << "Vmodican: Panic read '" << strerror(errno) << "' ";
140 | cerr << "(errno=" << errno << ")" << endl;
141 | return (void *)1;
142 | }
143 |
144 | //
145 | // Check for what we received
146 | //
147 | switch (c)
148 | {
149 | //
150 | // Fast message (not used/working)
151 | //
152 | case FAST_QUEUE:
153 | cout << "--> Fast Queue: " << flush;
154 |
155 | FastMessage fmsg;
156 |
157 | if (ReceiveFast(&fmsg) < 0)
158 | return (void *)1;
159 |
160 | cout << "Fast msg ID " <<
161 | (fmsg.data[0] << 3) + ((fmsg.data[1] >> 5) & 7) << ": " << flush;
162 |
163 | for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
164 | cout << (int)*(((unsigned char *)(&fmsg))+i) << " " << flush;
165 |
166 | cout << endl;
167 | continue;
168 |
169 | //
170 | // Plain Can Message to be processed
171 | //
172 | case PLAIN_QUEUE:
173 |
174 | Message msg;
175 |
176 | //
177 | // Read the message from the card and process it
178 | //
179 | if (Receive(&msg) < 0)
180 | return (void *)1;
181 |
182 | HandleMessage(&msg, &tv);
183 | continue;
184 | }
185 |
186 | cout << "Vmodican: read, Message c=" << (int)c << " unknown." << endl;
187 | }
188 | return NULL;
189 | }
190 |
191 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 | //
193 | // Does a basic message processing and hadles the so called command (cmd)
194 | // stamp of the message. This is some kind of message type which is send
195 | // by the can interface
196 | //
197 | void VmodIcan::HandleMessage(Message *msg, timeval_t *tv)
198 | {
199 | //
200 | // Decode message
201 | //
202 | const WORD_t desc = msg->data[2]<<8 | msg->data[3];
203 | const BYTE_t rtr = (desc>>4)&1;
204 | const BYTE_t len = desc&0xf;
205 | const WORD_t cobid = desc>>5;
206 |
207 | switch (msg->cmd) // FROM mican.h
208 | {
209 | case M_MSG_LOST:
210 | cout << "VmodIcan reports: " << dec << (int)msg->data[0] << " msg(s) lost!" << endl;
211 | return;
212 |
213 | case M_BCAN_TX_con: /* confirm (+/-) transmission */
214 | cout << "VmodIcan reports: CTXcon=0x35" << endl;
215 | cout << "This normally means, that the transmission of the following CAN frame failed:" << hex << endl;
216 | cout << "Descr: 0x" << cobid << dec;
217 | cout << " Rtr: " << (rtr?"Yes":"No");
218 | cout << " Len: " << (int)len << endl;
219 | return;
220 |
221 | case M_BCAN_EVENT_ind:
222 | cout << "VmodIcan reports: CEVTind=0x37: " << hex;
223 | switch (msg->data[0]) // error indicator
224 | {
225 | case 0x01:
226 | cout << "Error interrup occured" << endl;
227 | cout << "This means noisy network normally. Please check the bus termination." << endl;
228 | switch (msg->data[1]) // msg type (board depending)
229 | {
230 | case 2: // SJA1000
231 | cout << dec;
232 | cout << "ModeReg=" << (int)msg->data[2] << ", ";
233 | cout << "StatReg=" << (int)msg->data[3] << ", ";
234 | cout << "RxErrCnt=" << (int)msg->data[4] << ", ";
235 | cout << "TxErrCnt=" << (int)msg->data[5] << endl;
236 | }
237 | //FIXME? TerminateApp();
238 | return;
239 | case 0x02:
240 | cout << "Overrun interrup occured" << endl;
241 | return;
242 | case 0x04:
243 | cout << "Interrupts lost" << endl;
244 | return;
245 | case 0x08:
246 | cout << "Send queue full" << endl;
247 | return;
248 | case 0x10:
249 | cout << "CANbus bus-error" << endl;
250 | return;
251 | }
252 | return;
253 | case M_BCAN_RX_ind:
254 | //
255 | // Message is a message from the Can bus
256 | //
257 | HandleCanMessage(cobid, &msg->data[4], tv);
258 | return;
259 | }
260 |
261 | //
262 | // Nothing of the above happened
263 | //
264 | cout << hex;
265 | cout << "Cmd=0x" << (int)msg->cmd << ": ";
266 | cout << "Descr: 0x" << cobid << dec;
267 | cout << " Rtr: " << (rtr?"Yes":"No");
268 | cout << " Len: " << (int)len << endl;
269 |
270 | cout << "As Raw Data:" << hex << setfill('0');
271 | for (int i=0; i<msg->len; i++)
272 | cout << " " << setw(2) << (int)(msg->data[i]) << flush;
273 | cout << endl;
274 | }
275 |
276 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
277 | //
278 | // This is can_recv from the Janz software.
279 | //
280 | // /* can_recv - receive a message from standard interface
281 | // *
282 | // * This function reads a whole message from the standard host interface of
283 | // * a VMOD-ICAN.
284 | // * The module is selected by the module number <fd>.
285 | // *
286 | // * The structure <pm> is filled with the received message.
287 | // *
288 | // * RETURNS:
289 | // * The function returns the number of message received, or -1 when the
290 | // * system call failed.
291 | // * The return value therefore 0 determines, that no message was available to
292 | // * be read: can_recv() does not block in such a case and therefore
293 | // * can be used to poll a module for incoming messages.
294 | // */
295 | //
296 | int VmodIcan::Receive(Message *pm) /* receive buffer */
297 | {
298 |
299 | struct dpm_rw_can_desc arg;
300 |
301 | arg.pm = pm;
302 |
303 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_READ_MBOX, &arg))
304 | return -1;
305 |
306 | return arg.rval;
307 | }
308 |
309 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 | //
311 | // This is can_recv_fast from the Janz software
312 | //
313 | // /* can_recv_fast - receive a message from layer2 interface
314 | // *
315 | // * This function reads a FastMessage from the layer2 fast message
316 | // * interface of a VMOD-ICAN.
317 | // * The module is selected by the file descriptor <fd>.
318 | // *
319 | // * The structure <pm> is filled with the received message.
320 | // *
321 | // * RETURNS:
322 | // * The function returns -1 when the * system call failed.
323 | // * The return value therefore 0 determines, that no message was available to
324 | // * be read: can_recv_fast() does not block in such a case and therefore
325 | // * can be used to poll a module for incoming messages.
326 | // */
327 | //
328 | int VmodIcan::ReceiveFast(FastMessage *pm)
329 | {
330 | struct dpm_write_fast_can_desc arg;
331 |
332 | arg.pm = pm;
333 |
334 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_READ_FAST_MBOX, &arg))
335 | return -1;
336 |
337 | return arg.rval;
338 | }
339 |
340 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 | //
342 | // This is IcWriteBtrBCAN from the Janz software
343 | //
344 | // /* IcWriteBtrBCAN - Set bit timing parameters
345 | // *
346 | // * Set bit timing parameters in CAN controller. May only be used if
347 | // * CAN controller is in bus-off state. <btr> stores the bus-timing
348 | // * parameters as required by the 82C200 controller. See the description
349 | // * of the CBTRreq-service for possible values.
350 | // *
351 | // * BTR1 is stored in the upper byte of <btr> and BTR0 in the lower. Examples
352 | // * are:
353 | // * .CS
354 | // * Baudrate btr Macro
355 | // * 1Mbit 0x2300 BTR_1MB
356 | // * 500kBit 0x1c00 BTR_500KB
357 | // * 250kBit 0x1c01 BTR_250KB
358 | // * 125kBit 0x1c03 BTR_125KB
359 | // * 100kBit 0x34c7 BTR_100KB
360 | // * 50kBit 0x34cf BTR_50KB
361 | // * 20kBit 0x7fcf BTR_20KB
362 | // * .CE
363 | // *
364 | // * SERVICE: CBTRreq
365 | // *
366 | // * NOTE:
367 | // * Raw ICANOS version of the firmware only.
368 | // */
369 | //
370 | void VmodIcan::SetBaudRate(int rate)
371 | {
372 | Message msg; /* buffer for module messages */
373 |
374 | int rateid;
375 |
376 | switch (rate)
377 | {
378 | case 1000:
379 | rateid=BTR_1MB;
380 | break;
381 | case 500:
382 | rateid=BTR_500KB;
383 | break;
384 | case 250:
385 | rateid=BTR_250KB;
386 | break;
387 | case 125:
388 | rateid=BTR_125KB;
389 | break;
390 | case 100:
391 | rateid=BTR_100KB;
392 | break;
393 | case 50:
394 | rateid=BTR_50KB;
395 | break;
396 | case 20:
397 | rateid=BTR_20KB;
398 | break;
399 |
400 | default:
401 | cout << "Error: Wrong bit rate specified" << endl;
402 | return;
403 | }
404 |
405 | msg.cmd = M_BCAN_SET_BTR_req;
406 |
407 | msg.len = 4;
408 |
409 | msg.data[2] = word_to_lsb(rateid);
410 | msg.data[3] = word_to_msb(rateid);
411 |
412 | while (!Send(&msg)); /* transmitt to module */
413 |
414 | lout << "- Baudrate set to " << rate << "kbps" << endl;
415 | }
416 |
417 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
418 | //
419 | // This is IcBusOnBCAN from the Janz software
420 | //
421 | // /* IcBusOnBCAN - switch CANbus controller to bus-on state
422 | // *
423 | // * Switch CAN controller bus-on. You will need to use this
424 | // * function explicitly after you have connected yourself
425 | // * to the module with can_open() (or ican_open() under DOS/WINDOWS).
426 | // * This is because the module comes up in the bus-off state.
427 | // *
428 | // * SERVICE: CONreq
429 | // *
430 | // * NOTE:
431 | // * Raw ICANOS version of the firmware only.
432 | // */
433 | //
434 | void VmodIcan::EnableCanBusConnection()
435 | {
436 | Message msg; /* buffer for module messages */
437 |
438 | msg.cmd = M_BCAN_BUSON_req;
439 | msg.len = 0;
440 |
441 | while (!Send(&msg));
442 |
443 | lout << "- Controller connected to bus" << endl;
444 | }
445 |
446 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
447 | //
448 | // This is ican2_init_fast_canfrom the Janz software
449 | //
450 | // /* ican2_init_fast_can - initialize fast can access for VMOD-ICAN
451 | // *
452 | // * By this function, the user may initialize and enable the fast
453 | // * host interface (layer2 access) for a VMOD-ICAN module.
454 | // *
455 | // * The calling application can request <rbuffers> buffer elements in the queue
456 | // * that sends data to the host and <wbuffers> buffer elements for the queue
457 | // * that transports data to the module.
458 | // *
459 | // * NOTE:
460 | // * Notice that the message filtering on the VMOD-ICAN has to be
461 | // * set correctly, so that messages can be received through the fast
462 | // * interface.
463 | // *
464 | // * CAVE AT:
465 | // * The <rbuffers> and wbuffers> have no special limit, but the general
466 | // * resources of the DPM must not be exceeded.
467 | // * For the calculation you need to assume, that 16 buffers in one of the fast
468 | // * interface queues take the same DPM space as 1 buffer in the standard
469 | // * host interface.
470 | // *
471 | // * The user must use only one of the functions, either
472 | // * ican2_init_fast_can or ican2_init_fast_can_prio
473 | // *
474 | // * RETURNS:
475 | // * Zero if the operation performed successfully, or less than zero on error.
476 | // */
477 | //
478 | int VmodIcan::EnableFastCan(int rbuffers, int wbuffers)
479 | {
480 | struct dpm_fast_can_desc hdp;
481 |
482 | hdp.tohost_len = rbuffers;
483 | hdp.fromhost_len = wbuffers;
484 |
485 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_INIT_FAST_CAN, &hdp))
486 | return -1;
487 |
488 | lout << "- Fast Host Interface Enabled" << endl;
489 |
490 | return 0;
491 | }
492 |
493 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
494 | //
495 | // This is IcWriteEwlBCAN from the Janz software
496 | //
497 | // /* IcWriteEwlBCAN - Set error warning limit
498 | // *
499 | // * Set error warning limit in CAN controller. If this limit is passed, the
500 | // * user will get a CEVTind message stating an error interrupt. This type
501 | // * of message will also occur if the both error counter again fall below
502 | // * this limit.
503 | // *
504 | // * RESTRICTIONS:
505 | // * Will only take effect if CAN controller is in bus-off state. Requires
506 | // * an SJA1000 CANbus controller, and will be no-op for 82C200.
507 | // *
508 | // * SERVICE: CBCONFreq
509 | // *
510 | // * NOTE:
511 | // * Raw ICANOS version of the firmware only.
512 | // */
513 | //
514 | void VmodIcan::DisableCanBusConnection()
515 | {
516 | lout << "- Disconnect VmodIcan module from Bus!" << endl;
517 |
518 | Message msg; /* buffer for module messages */
519 |
520 | msg.cmd = M_BCAN_BUSOFF_req;
521 | msg.len = 0;
522 |
523 | while (!Send(&msg));
524 |
525 | lout << "- VmodIcan disconnected." << endl;
526 | }
527 |
528 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 | //
530 | // This is can_close from the Janz software
531 | //
532 | // /* can_close - close connection to a VMOD-ICAN module
533 | // *
534 | // * The function can be used to close a connection to a VMOD-ICAN
535 | // * that has been established by a can_open() call.
536 | // * The module has to be selected by the file descriptor <fd> which was
537 | // * obtained when you did the can_open() call.
538 | // *
539 | // * When you call can_close, all the resources that were used by the driver
540 | // * for communication are freed.
541 | // *
542 | // * The VMOD-ICAN module under question will be reseted, to make sure that
543 | // * the communication with the host will stop. That means especially that
544 | // * no further interrupt will occur and that the module will not longer be
545 | // * active on the CANbus.
546 | // *
547 | // * RETURNS: N/A
548 | // */
549 | //
550 | void VmodIcan::Close()
551 | {
552 | lout << "- Closing device VmodIcan #" << (int)fd << endl;
553 |
554 | Message msg; /* disconnect message */
555 |
556 | msg.cmd = M_DISCONNECT;
557 | msg.len = 0;
558 |
559 | while (!Send(&msg));
560 |
561 | close(fd);
562 |
563 | lout << "- Device closed." << endl;
564 | }
565 |
566 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 | //
568 | // Enable the fifo of the Janz card
569 | // Allow VMOD to send messages through the fifo
570 | //
571 | int VmodIcan::EnableFifo()
572 | {
573 | Message msg; /* connect message */
574 |
575 | msg.cmd = M_CONNECT_INTR;
576 | msg.len = 0;
577 |
578 | while (!Send(&msg));
579 |
580 | lout << "- Fifo enabled" << endl;
581 |
582 | return TRUE;
583 | }
584 |
585 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
586 | //
587 | // Reset the module
588 | //
589 | int VmodIcan::Reset()
590 | {
591 | const int rc = Ioctl(DPM_RESET, 0);
592 |
593 | lout << "- Reset done." << endl;
594 |
595 | return rc;
596 | }
597 |
598 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 | //
600 | // This is can_open from the Janz software
601 | //
602 | // /* can_open - open VMOD-ICAN device
603 | // *
604 | // * With this function call you open a VMOD-ICAN plugged
605 | // * into a MODULbus carrier board for use. The module is
606 | // * reseted and then initialized for communication to the host.
607 | // *
608 | // * A specific module is selected by it's device name (e.g. "/dev/dpm_01").
609 | // */
610 | //
611 | int VmodIcan::Open(const char *devname) /* pathname of device */
612 | {
613 | fd = open(devname, O_RDONLY, 0);
614 |
615 | if (fd < 0)
616 | {
617 | lout << "Error: Opening device '" << devname << "' (rc=" << fd << ")" << endl;
618 | lout << strerror(errno) << endl;
619 | return FALSE;
620 | }
621 |
622 | lout << "- Device " << devname << " #" << fd << " open." << endl;
623 |
624 | return TRUE;
625 | }
626 |
627 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 | //
629 | // This is ican2_select_hostif from the Janz software
630 | //
631 | // /* ican2_select_hostif - switch standard host interface to new style mode
632 | // *
633 | // * The routine ican2_select_hostif() can be used to switch a module from
634 | // * the standard host interface to the new style mode. The module is selected
635 | // * by the module number <fd>.
636 | // *
637 | // * The calling application can request <rbuffers> buffer for the communication
638 | // * queue that sends data to the host and <wbuffers> buffer for the reverse
639 | // * communication direction (normal priority queue). By this function the hi- and
640 | // * low-prioritized message-queues which sends data to the module are initialized
641 | // * to a length of 1.
642 | // *
643 | // * NOTE:
644 | // * To notify the module of the new situation, the driver sends
645 | // * a M_NEWHOSTIF message to the module. This is the last message to be
646 | // * transfered through the old style host interface. Immediately after
647 | // * sending this message, the library is switched to the new style mode.
648 | // * Any messages that are sent by the module in this time gap, may be lost.
649 | // * It is therefore not recommended to use this function when you wait
650 | // * for messages from the module.
651 | // *
652 | // * The selection of the new host interface is not reversible. It will stay
653 | // * until the next reset for the module occurs. This will probably occur
654 | // * when you use can_close().
655 | // *
656 | // * HINTS:
657 | // * When the new style mode is active, no more internal message buffering
658 | // * on the module exists. That is whenever the module tries to send something
659 | // * and cannot because the queue is full, this message will be dropped.
660 | // * Thereby, when enabling the new style host interface you should create
661 | // * enough buffers for the queue that sends to the host, to prevent the
662 | // * loss of messages. If you loose messages, however you will be indicated
663 | // * of that event by a MSGLOST messages (which will not be lost!).
664 | // *
665 | // * CAVE AT:
666 | // * The parameters <rbuffers>, <wbuffers>, <wbuffers_hi> and <wbuffers_low>
667 | // * must be greater than 0, less than 128, and the total sum must not
668 | // * exceed 236. These parameters aren't checked by the driver!
669 | // */
670 | //
671 | int VmodIcan::StdHost2NewStyle(int rbuffers, int wbuffers,
672 | int wbuffers_hi, int wbuffers_low)
673 | {
674 | struct dpm_new_hostif_desc_prio hdp;
675 |
676 | hdp.tohost_len = rbuffers;
677 | hdp.fromhost_len = wbuffers;
678 | hdp.fromhost_hi_len = wbuffers_hi;
679 | hdp.fromhost_low_len = wbuffers_low;
680 |
681 | Ioctl(DPM_INIT_NEW_HOSTIF_PRIO, &hdp);
682 |
683 | lout << "- New style host interface enabled" << endl;
684 |
685 | return 0;
686 | }
687 |
688 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
689 | //
690 | // This is can_send_hi from the Janz software
691 | //
692 | // /* can_send_hi - send message to standard host interface (high priority)
693 | // *
694 | // * This function performs the same action as can_send(), except it will
695 | // * append message <pm> to the highest priority queue of the standard
696 | // * host interface.
697 | // *
698 | // * NOTE:
699 | // * Notice that the prioritized issue of the message take effect on the new style
700 | // * mode of the standard host interface only.
701 | // *
702 | // * RETURNS:
703 | // * The function returns the number of message send, or -1 when the system
704 | // * call failed.
705 | // * The return value 0 determines that no message could be send,
706 | // * probably because there was no space in the targeted queue. can_send_hi()
707 | // * does not block or retry in such a case, so you need to loop explicitly
708 | // * until the message is send.
709 | // */
710 | //
711 | int VmodIcan::SendHi(Message *pm)
712 | {
713 | struct dpm_rw_can_desc arg;
714 |
715 | arg.pm = pm;
716 |
717 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_WRITE_MBOX_HI, &arg))
718 | return FALSE;
719 |
720 | return arg.rval;
721 | }
722 |
723 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
724 | //
725 | // This is can_send_low from the Janz software
726 | //
727 | // /* can_send_low - send message to standard host interface (low priority)
728 | // *
729 | // * This function performs the same action as can_send(), except it will
730 | // * append message <pm> to the lowest priority queue of the standard
731 | // * host interface.
732 | // *
733 | // * NOTE:
734 | // * Notice that the prioritized issue of the message take effect on the new
735 | // * style mode of the standard host interface only.
736 | // *
737 | // * RETURNS:
738 | // * The function returns the number of message send, or -1 when the system
739 | // * call failed.
740 | // * The return value 0 determines that no message could be send,
741 | // * probably because there was no space in the targeted queue. can_send_low()
742 | // * does not block or retry in such a case, so you need to loop explicitly
743 | // * until the message is send.
744 | // *
745 | // */
746 | int VmodIcan::SendLo(Message *pm)
747 | {
748 | struct dpm_rw_can_desc arg;
749 |
750 | arg.pm = pm;
751 |
752 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_WRITE_MBOX_LOW, &arg))
753 | return FALSE;
754 |
755 | return arg.rval;
756 | }
757 |
758 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
759 | //
760 | // This is can_send from the Janz software
761 | //
762 | // /* can_send - send message to standard host interface (mid priority)
763 | // *
764 | // * This function sends a complete message to the standard host interface
765 | // * of a VMOD-ICAN.
766 | // *
767 | // * The message <pm> will be queued to the middle prioritized of the three
768 | // * queues.
769 | // *
770 | // * RETURNS:
771 | // * The function returns the number of message send, or -1 when the system
772 | // * call failed.
773 | // * The return value 0 determines that no message could be send,
774 | // * probably because there was no space in the targeted queue. can_send()
775 | // * does not block or retry in such a case, so you need to loop explicitly
776 | // * until the message is send.
777 | // */
778 | //
779 | int VmodIcan::Send(Message *pm) /* file descriptor, message to send */
780 | {
781 | struct dpm_rw_can_desc arg;
782 |
783 | arg.pm = pm;
784 |
785 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_WRITE_MBOX, &arg))
786 | return FALSE;
787 |
788 | return arg.rval;
789 | }
790 |
791 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
792 | //
793 | // This is can_fast_send from the Janz software
794 | //
795 | // /* can_fast_send - send message to fast interface
796 | // *
797 | // * This function sends a message to the fast host interface (layer-2
798 | // * interface) of a VMOD-ICAN. The module is selected by the module number
799 | // * <fd>.
800 | // * The message to be send will be given in the structure <pm>.
801 | // *
802 | // * The fast host interface needs to be established before can_fast_send()
803 | // * can be used successfully.
804 | // *
805 | // * RETURNS:
806 | // * The function returns 1 if can_fast_send() completed successful.
807 | // * Otherwise the return value 0 determines that the message could not be send,
808 | // * probably because there was no space in the DPM. The function
809 | // * does not block or retry in such a case, so you need to loop explicitly
810 | // * until the message is send.
811 | // * The function returns -1 when the system-call itself failed.
812 | // */
813 | //
814 | int VmodIcan::Send(FastMessage *pm) /* file descriptor, message to send */
815 | {
816 | struct dpm_write_fast_can_desc arg;
817 |
818 | arg.pm = pm;
819 |
820 | if (!Ioctl(DPM_WRITE_FAST_CAN, &arg))
821 | return FALSE;
822 |
823 | lout << "done." << endl;
824 |
825 | return arg.rval;
826 | }
827 |
828 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
829 | //
830 | // This is IcSetAfil from the Janz software
831 | //
832 | // /*
833 | // * IcSetAfil - Set software acceptance filter mask
834 | // *
835 | // * Set software acceptance filtering.
836 | // *
837 | // * SERVICE: SetAfilMask
838 | // */
839 | //
840 | void VmodIcan::DisableAllCobIds()
841 | {
842 | Message msg;
843 |
844 | msg.cmd = M_SET_AFIL;
845 | msg.len = 5;
846 |
847 | msg.data[0] = word_to_lsb(0);
848 | msg.data[1] = word_to_msb(0);
849 | msg.data[2] = word_to_lsb(0x7ff); // 11 bit Cob-Ids
850 | msg.data[3] = word_to_msb(0x7ff); // 11 bit Cob-Ids
851 | msg.data[4] = 0;
852 |
853 | while (!Send(&msg));
854 |
855 | lout << "- All CobIds disabled." << endl;
856 | }
857 |
858 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
859 | //
860 | // This is IcSetAfil from the Janz software
861 | //
862 | // /*
863 | // * IcSetAfil - Set software acceptance filter mask
864 | // *
865 | // * Set software acceptance filtering.
866 | // *
867 | // * SERVICE: SetAfilMask
868 | // */
869 | //
870 | void VmodIcan::EnableCobId(WORD_t cobid, int flag)
871 | {
872 | Message msg;
873 |
874 | msg.cmd = M_SET_AFIL;
875 | msg.len = 3;
876 |
877 | msg.data[0] = word_to_lsb(cobid);
878 | msg.data[1] = word_to_msb(cobid);
879 | msg.data[2] = (BYTE_t)(flag?3:0);
880 |
881 | while (!Send(&msg));
882 | #ifdef EXPERT
883 | lout << "- CobId 0x" << hex << setfill('0') << setw(3) << cobid << " enabled." << endl;
884 | #endif
885 | }
886 |
887 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
888 | //
889 | // This is IcSendReqBCAN from the Janz software
890 | //
891 | // /*
892 | // * IcSendReqBCAN - Send a CANbus message
893 | // *
894 | // * Issue request to send a CAN message. <Spec> controls whether to send with
895 | // * or without spec/confirmation.
896 | // * .CS
897 | // * spec action
898 | // * 0 send only
899 | // * 1 send with confirmation to the host.
900 | // * 2 send and echo message to the host.
901 | // * 3 send and generate both echo and confirmation.
902 | // * .CE
903 | // *
904 | // * SERVICE: CTXreq, CTXCreq, CTXEreq, CTXCEreq
905 | // *
906 | // * NOTE:
907 | // * Raw ICANOS version of the firmware only.
908 | // */
909 | //
910 | void VmodIcan::SendCanFrame(WORD_t cobid, BYTE_t m[8], BYTE_t rtr)
911 | {
912 | const WORD_t desc = MsgDescr(cobid, 8, rtr);
913 |
914 | Message msg;
915 |
916 | msg.cmd = M_BCAN_TX_req;
917 |
918 | msg.len = 12;
919 | msg.data[0] = 0;
920 | msg.data[1] = 0;
921 | msg.data[2] = word_to_msb(desc);
922 | msg.data[3] = word_to_lsb(desc);
923 |
924 | memcpy(&msg.data[4], m, 8);
925 |
926 | while (!Send(&msg));
927 | }
928 |
929 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
930 | //
931 | // Constructor. Sets logging.
932 | // Set the receiving thread to priority -10 and detached.
933 | //
934 | // Open the device.
935 | // reset the device
936 | // Enable the fifo buffers
937 | // Set the baud rate to the given rate
938 | // Disable passthrough of all cobids (all canbus messages)
939 | // and switch the can bus communication on
940 | //
941 | VmodIcan::VmodIcan(const char *dev, const int baud, MLog &out) : Log(out), MThread(false, -10)//: CanDriver(dev, baud)
942 | {
943 | //
944 | // Set priority of receiving thread and detach the receiving thread
945 | //
946 | Detach();
947 |
948 | if (!Open(dev))
949 | {
950 | cout << "Cannot open device '" << dev << "'... exit." << endl;
951 | cout << strerror(errno) << endl;
952 | return;
953 | }
954 |
955 | Reset();
956 | EnableFifo(); // connect to host (in interrupt mode)
957 | SetBaudRate(baud); // set baud rate
958 | DisableAllCobIds();
959 | EnableCanBusConnection(); // connect to bus
960 | /*
961 | StdHost2NewStyle(50, 50, 50, 50); // set host style
962 | EnableFastCan(50, 50);
963 | SetTermination(0);
964 | */
965 |
966 | lout << "- VmodIcan initialized." << endl;
967 |
968 | }
969 |
970 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
971 | //
972 | // Destructor. Stopt the receiver, disables the bus connection and
973 | // close the device
974 | //
975 | VmodIcan::~VmodIcan()
976 | {
977 | lout << "- Stopping VmodIcan module." << endl;
978 | Stop();
979 | DisableCanBusConnection();
980 | Close();
981 | lout << "- VmodIcan stopped." << endl;
982 | }
983 |
984 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
985 | //
986 | // Sends a can frame with the given cobid and the given eight bytes
987 | // through the can network
988 | //
989 | void VmodIcan::SendCanFrame(WORD_t cobid,
990 | BYTE_t m0, BYTE_t m1, BYTE_t m2, BYTE_t m3,
991 | BYTE_t m4, BYTE_t m5, BYTE_t m6, BYTE_t m7)
992 | {
993 | BYTE_t msg[8] = { m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7 };
994 | SendCanFrame(cobid, msg);
995 | }