1 | #include "StarCatalog.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iomanip.h> // cout
4 | #include <iostream.h> // cout
5 |
6 | #include <TSystem.h>
7 | #include <TRotation.h>
8 |
9 | #include "slalib.h"
10 | #include "slamac.h"
11 | #include "File.h"
12 |
13 | #include "MStarList.h"
14 | #include "MAstroCatalog.h"
15 |
16 | ClassImp(StarCatalog);
17 |
18 | StarCatalog::StarCatalog(MObservatory::LocationName_t key) : SlaStars(key), fW(768), fH(576), fAstro(0), /*fSao(NULL), fSrt(NULL), fEntries(0),*/ fSinAngle(0), fCosAngle(1), fBox(768)
19 | {
20 | fAstro = new MAstroCatalog;
21 | fAstro->SetObservatory(*this);
22 | fAstro->SetPlainScreen();
23 | }
24 |
25 | StarCatalog::~StarCatalog()
26 | {
27 | delete fAstro;
28 | }
29 |
30 | void StarCatalog::SetPixSize(const double pixsize)
31 | {
32 | // pixsize [arcsec/pixel]
33 | fPixSize = D2PI/360.0*pixsize/3600; // [rad / (deg*pixel)]
34 | fAstro->SetRadiusFOV(pixsize, 768, 576);
35 | }
36 |
37 | double StarCatalog::GetPixSize() const
38 | {
39 | return fPixSize*3600*360.0/D2PI;
40 | }
41 |
42 | void StarCatalog::SetLimitMag(const float mag)
43 | {
44 | fLimitMag = mag;
45 | fAstro->SetLimMag(mag);
46 | }
47 |
48 | void StarCatalog::SetMjd(double mjd)
49 | {
50 | SlaStars::SetMjd(mjd);
51 | fAstro->SetTime(MTime(mjd));
52 | }
53 |
54 | void StarCatalog::SetAltAz(const AltAz &altaz)
55 | {
56 | fAltAz = altaz * D2PI/360.0;
57 | fRaDec = CalcRaDec(fAltAz);
58 |
59 | fAstro->SetRaDec(fRaDec.Ra(), fRaDec.Dec());
60 | }
61 |
62 | void StarCatalog::Reload()
63 | {
64 | fAstro->SetLimMag(99);
65 | //fAstro->ReadBSC("bsc5.dat");
66 | //fAstro->ReadHeasarcPPM("heasarc_ppm.tdat");
67 | fAstro->ReadCompressed("ppm9.bin");
68 | fAstro->SetLimMag(fLimitMag);
69 | }
70 |
71 | void StarCatalog::SetRaDec(const RaDec &radec)
72 | {
73 | const RaDec rd = fRaDec*360.0/D2PI;;
74 |
75 | const Bool_t same =
76 | rd.Ra() >radec.Ra() -1e-5 && rd.Ra() <radec.Ra() +1e-5 &&
77 | rd.Dec()>radec.Dec()-1e-5 && rd.Dec()<radec.Dec()+1e-5;
78 |
79 | fRaDec = radec * D2PI/360.0;
80 | fAltAz = CalcAltAz(fRaDec);
81 |
82 | fAstro->SetRaDec(fRaDec.Ra(), fRaDec.Dec());
83 | if (!same)
84 | Reload();
85 | }
86 |
87 | void StarCatalog::DrawCross(byte *img, const int x, const int y)
88 | {
89 | for (int dx=-4; dx<5; dx++)
90 | if (dx) img[y*768+x+dx] = 0xff;
91 |
92 | for (int dy=-4; dy<5; dy++)
93 | if (dy) img[(y+dy)*768+x] = 0xff;
94 | }
95 |
96 | void StarCatalog::GetImg(byte *img, byte *cimg, MStarList &list) const
97 | {
98 | memset(cimg, 0, 768*576);
99 |
100 | DrawStars(list, cimg);
101 | DrawCross(img, 768/2, 576/2);
102 | }
103 |
104 | void StarCatalog::DrawCircle(int color, byte *img, int xx, int yy, int size)
105 | {
106 | for (int x=xx-size; x<xx+size+1; x++)
107 | {
108 | if (x<0 || x>767)
109 | continue;
110 |
111 | const float p = xx+size-x;
112 | const float q = 2*size - p;
113 | const int h = (int)sqrt(p*q);
114 |
115 | const int y1 = yy-h;
116 | if (y1>=0 && y1<576)
117 | img[y1*768+x] = color;
118 |
119 | const int y2 = yy+h;
120 | if (y2>=0 && y2<576)
121 | img[y2*768+x] = color;
122 | }
123 | }
124 |
125 | void StarCatalog::PaintImg(unsigned char *buf, int w, int h)
126 | {
127 | fAstro->PaintImg(buf, w, h);
128 | }
129 |
130 | void StarCatalog::DrawStars(MStarList &list, byte *img)
131 | {
132 | MStarListIter Next(&list);
133 |
134 | MStar *star;
135 | while ((star=Next()))
136 | {
137 | const int mag = (10 - (star->GetMag()>1 ? (int)star->GetMag() : 1))/2;
138 | Double_t color = 0xf0; //0x0f;
139 | // DrawStars flips the picture in X defaultwise now
140 | DrawCircle(color, img, 768-(int)star->GetX(), (int)star->GetY(), mag);
141 | }
142 | }
143 |
144 | /*
145 | void StarCatalog::CalcStars(MStarList &list)
146 | {
147 | // full FOV
148 | fBox=768/2;
149 | CalcStars(list, 768/2, 576/2, 0, 0);
150 | }
151 | */
152 |
153 | void StarCatalog::CalcStars(MStarList &list, int xc, int yc,
154 | int xo, int yo) const
155 | {
156 | // For an apropriate unit conversion to pixels [pix/rad]
157 | const Double_t scale = TMath::RadToDeg()*sqrt(768*768 + 576*576)/(fAstro->GetRadiusFOV()*2);
158 |
159 | // Offsets to shift [-n/2;n/2] to [0;n] and to
160 | // move the stars in the counterdirection of the LEDs
161 | const Int_t offx = 768/2 + xo;
162 | const Int_t offy = 576/2 + yo;
163 |
164 | // Allow catalog stars to be a bit outside [0.2deg] of the
165 | // monitored window. To get the std behaviour set offset=0
166 | const Int_t offset = TMath::Nint(0.2*TMath::DegToRad()*scale);
167 | const Int_t box = fBox+offset;
168 |
169 | // CalcStars flips the picture in X defaultwise now
170 | // This defined the box in which stars are really returned
171 | const int x0 = TMath::Max((768-xc)-box, -offset);
172 | const int y0 = TMath::Max(yc-box, -offset);
173 | const int x1 = TMath::Min((768-xc)+box, fW+offset);
174 | const int y1 = TMath::Min(yc+box, fH+offset);
175 |
176 | // Align stars into telescope system
177 | // (Move the telescope to pointing position)
178 | TRotation align;
179 | align.RotateZ(-fAltAz.Az());
180 | align.RotateY(-(TMath::Pi()/2-fAltAz.Alt()));
181 | align.RotateZ(TMath::Pi()/2);
182 |
183 | // Get List of stars from catalog
184 | TIter Next(fAstro->GetList());
185 | TVector3 *star=0;
186 |
187 | const Double_t limmag = pow(10, -fLimitMag/2.5);
188 |
189 | while ((star=(TVector3*)Next()))
190 | {
191 | // Check for limiting magnitude
192 | const Double_t mag = star->Mag();
193 | if (mag < limmag)
194 | continue;
195 |
196 | // Get star position and do an apropiate
197 | // conversion to local coordinates
198 | const RaDec rd(star->Phi(), TMath::Pi()/2-star->Theta());
199 | const ZdAz za(CalcZdAz(rd));
200 |
201 | // Virtually move telescope to pointing position
202 | TVector3 loc;
203 | loc.SetMagThetaPhi(1, za.Zd(), za.Az());
204 | loc *= align;
205 |
206 | // Sanity check
207 | if (loc(2)<0)
208 | continue;
209 |
210 | // Stretch such, that the Z-component is alwas the same. Now
211 | // X and Y contains the intersection point between the star-light
212 | // and the plain of a virtual plain screen (ccd...)
213 | loc *= 1./loc(2);
214 |
215 | // Do an apropriate unit conversion to pixels
216 | loc *= scale;
217 |
218 | // if (loc.Mod2()>fRadiusFOV*fRadiusFOV)
219 | // continue;
220 |
221 | // Rotate by the rotation angle of the video camera
222 | // and add the offsets on both axis
223 | Float_t xx = loc.X()*fCosAngle - loc.Y()*fSinAngle + offx;
224 | Float_t yy = loc.X()*fSinAngle + loc.Y()*fCosAngle + offy;
225 |
226 | // Check if the resulting star is in the
227 | // search box for the real stars
228 | if (xx<x0 || xx>=x1 || yy<y0 || yy>=y1)
229 | continue;
230 |
231 | // Store pixel coordinates of star in list
232 | list.Add(xx, yy, -2.5*log10(mag));
233 | }
234 | }
235 |
236 | AltAz StarCatalog::CalcAltAzFromPix(Double_t pixx, Double_t pixy) const
237 | {
238 | double dx = (pixx-576/2)*fCosAngle + (pixy-768/2)*fSinAngle;
239 | double dy = -(pixx-576/2)*fSinAngle + (pixy-768/2)*fCosAngle;
240 |
241 | dx *= fPixSize;
242 | dy *= fPixSize;
243 |
244 | //const double dx = (pixx-768.0)*fPixSize + fWidth+DPI;
245 | //const double dy = pixy*fPixSize - fHeight;
246 |
247 | double ha, dec;
248 | slaDh2e(dx, dy, DPI/2-fAltAz.Alt(), &ha, &dec);
249 |
250 | return AltAz(-dec, ha+fAltAz.Az());
251 | }