1 | #ifndef STARCATALOG_H
2 | #define STARCATALOG_H
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TROOT
5 | #include <TROOT.h>
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef SAOFILE_H
8 | #include "SaoFile.h"
9 | #endif
10 | #ifndef SLASTARS_H
11 | #include "SlaStars.h"
12 | #endif
13 |
14 | #include "coord.h"
15 |
16 | typedef unsigned char byte;
17 |
18 | class MStarList;
19 |
20 | class StarCatalog : public SlaStars
21 | {
22 | private:
23 | SaoFile *fSao;
24 | sort_t *fSrt;
25 | int fEntries;
26 |
27 | double fPixSize; // [rad/pix] size of one pixel
28 | double fWidth; // size of display
29 | double fHeight; //
30 |
31 | float fLimitMag; // [M] limiting magnitude for display
32 |
33 | AltAz fAltAz; // [rad]
34 | byte fAz0[360];
35 | int fAltMin;
36 | int fAltMax;
37 | int fAzCnt;
38 |
39 | RaDec fRaDec; // [rad]
40 | byte fRa0[360];
41 | int fRaCnt;
42 | int fDecMin;
43 | int fDecMax;
44 |
45 | static void DrawCross(byte *img, const int x, const int y);
46 | static void DrawCircle(int color, byte *img, int xx, int yy, int size);
47 |
48 | Bool_t DrawAltAz(const int color, byte *img, double alt, double az, int size=0) const;
49 | Bool_t DrawRaDec(const int color, byte *img, double ra, double dec, int size=0) const;
50 |
51 | Bool_t Draw(const int color, byte *img, const AltAz &altaz);
52 | Bool_t Draw(const int color, byte *img, const RaDec &radec);
53 |
54 | //Bool_t Draw(const int color, byte *img, const SaoFile *sao);
55 | //void CalcImg(byte *);
56 |
57 | void CalcStars(MStarList &list) const;
58 |
59 | static void DrawStars(MStarList &list, byte *img);
60 |
61 | void SetRaDec(const RaDec &radec);
62 | void SetAltAz(const AltAz &altaz);
63 | void DrawSCAltAz(byte *img, const int color) const;
64 | void DrawSCRaDec(byte *img, const int color) const;
65 |
66 | void CalcRaDecRange();
67 | void CalcAltAzRange();
68 |
69 | // RaDec AltAz2RaDec(const AltAz &altaz) const;
70 | // AltAz RaDec2AltAz(const RaDec &radec, const RaDec &rdpm) const;
71 |
72 | public:
73 | StarCatalog(MObservatory::LocationName_t key);
74 | virtual ~StarCatalog();
75 |
76 | void GetImg(byte *img, byte *cimg, MStarList &list) const;
77 | void GetImg(byte *img, byte *cimg, const double utc, const RaDec &radec);
78 | void GetImg(byte *img, byte *cimg, const double utc, const AltAz &altaz);
79 |
80 | void GetStars(MStarList &list, const double utc, const RaDec &radec);
81 | void GetStars(MStarList &list, const double utc, const AltAz &altaz);
82 |
83 | const AltAz GetAltAz() const { return fAltAz*kRad2Deg; }
84 | const ZdAz GetZdAz() const { return ZdAz(kPiDiv2-fAltAz.Alt(), fAltAz.Az())*kRad2Deg; }
85 | const RaDec GetRaDec() const { return fRaDec*kRad2Deg; }
86 |
87 | void SetPixSize(const double pixsize);
88 | void SetLimitMag(const float mag) { fLimitMag = mag; }
89 |
90 | double GetPixSize() const;
91 |
92 | AltAz CalcAltAzFromPix(Double_t pixx, Double_t pixy) const;
93 |
94 | ClassDef(StarCatalog, 0)
95 | };
96 |
97 | #endif