// // This File contains the definition of the MGCoordinates-class // // Author: Thomas Bretz // Version: V1.0 (1-8-2000) #include "MGCoordinates.h" #include // cout #include "MGCoordinate.h" MGCoordinates::MGCoordinates(const TGWindow* p, const Bool_t flag, const char *txt1, const char *txt2, const UInt_t deg1, const UInt_t min1, const UInt_t sec1, const UInt_t deg2, const UInt_t min2, const UInt_t sec2) : TGFrame(p, 234, 76, kFixedSize) { // p = pointer to MainFrame (not owner) fX = new MGCoordinate(this, flag, txt1, deg1, min1, sec1); fX->Move(0, 0); fY = new MGCoordinate(this, flag, txt2, deg2, min2, sec2); fY->Move(120, 0); MapWindow(); } MGCoordinates::~MGCoordinates() { delete fY; delete fX; cout << "MGCoordinates destroyed." << endl; } XY MGCoordinates::GetCoordinates() const { return XY(fX->GetVal(), fY->GetVal()); } void MGCoordinates::SetCoordinates(const XY &xy) { fX->SetVal(xy.X()); fY->SetVal(xy.Y()); } void MGCoordinates::Print() { fX->Print(); fY->Print(); }