// // This File contains the definition of the MGCoordinates-class // // Author: Thomas Bretz // Version: V1.0 (1-8-2000) #include "MGSkyPosition.h" #include // cout #include #include #include #include #include #include "coord.h" #include "MAstro.h" #include "SlaStars.h" #include "SlaPlanets.h" ClassImp(MGSkyPosition); using namespace std; void MGSkyPosition::InitArc(TArc *arc, Int_t fillstyle, Int_t fillcolor, Int_t linecolor) { arc->SetFillStyle(fillstyle); // (s. TAttFill) arc->SetFillColor(fillcolor); // (s. TAttFill) arc->SetLineColor(linecolor); arc->Draw(); } void MGSkyPosition::InitPlanets() { // // Magnitudes: // ----------- // Moon -12.8 // Jupiter -4.6 // Venus -4.0 // Mars -2.0 // Merkur 0.0 // Saturn 0.7 // Uranus 5.5 // Neptun 7.8 // fSlaPlanet = new SlaPlanets(fObservatory); fSlaStar = new SlaStars(fObservatory); fSlaStar->Print(); // // Colors: black .. white: // // 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 10 // fMars = new TArc(0, 0, 1); fVenus = new TArc(0, 0, 2); fJupiter = new TArc(0, 0, 2); fMoon = new TArc(0, 0, 3, 290, 70); fSun = new TArc(0, 0, 2); fSaturn = new TArc(0, 0, 1); fSaturnRing = new TArc(0, 0, 2); fSaturnRing->SetFillStyle(4000); // (s. TAttFill) fSaturnRing->SetLineColor(kRed); fSaturnRing->Draw(); InitArc(fMars, 1001, kRed/*13*/, kRed/*12*/); InitArc(fVenus, 1001, 15, 14); InitArc(fJupiter, 1001, 17, 16); InitArc(fMoon, 1001, 19, 15); InitArc(fSaturn, 1001, kYellow/*17*/, 16); for (int i=0; i<14; i++) { fStars[i] = new TArc(0, 0, 1); InitArc(fStars[i], 1001, 17, 15); fList->Add(fStars[i]); } for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { fSunL[i] = new TLine(0,0,0,0); fSunL[i]->SetLineColor(10); // white gray fSunL[i]->SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine) fSunL[i]->Draw(); fList->Add(fSunL[i]); } InitArc(fSun, 1001, kYellow/*10*/, kYellow/*19*/); fList->Add(fMars); fList->Add(fVenus); fList->Add(fJupiter); fList->Add(fMoon); fList->Add(fSun); fList->Add(fSaturn); // // Reset 'static' positions of planets // /* for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { fPlanetX[i] = ~0; fPlanetY[i] = ~0; } for (int i=0; i<13; i++) { fStarX[i] = ~0; fStarY[i] = ~0; }*/ } static const RaDec stars[14] = { // 32349 Sirius -1.44 1.45 2.64 0.009 A0m (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 6, 45, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad(-16, 42, 0))), // 30438 Canopus -0.62 -5.53 95.88 0.164 F0Ib (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 6, 23, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad(-52, 41, 0))), // 69673 Arcturus -0.05 -0.31 11.25 1.239 K2IIIp (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 14, 15, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 19, 10, 0))), // Vega 0.03 (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 18, 37, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 38, 47, 0))), // Altair 0.77 (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 19, 50, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 8, 52, 6))), // Antares 0.96 (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 16, 29, 25), MAstro::Dms2Rad(-26, 25, 55))), // Spica 0.98 (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 13, 25, 13), MAstro::Dms2Rad(-11, 9, 41))), // Deneb 1.25 (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 20, 41, 26), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 45, 16, 49))), (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 1, 37, 6), MAstro::Dms2Rad(-57, 14, 0))), (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 12, 26, 6), MAstro::Dms2Rad(-63, 06, 0))), (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 5, 14, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad(- 8, 12, 5))), (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 5, 16, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 46, 00, 0))), (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 7, 39, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 5, 14, 0))), (RaDec(MAstro::Hms2Rad( 5, 55, 0), MAstro::Dms2Rad( 7, 24, 0))) }; void MGSkyPosition::UpdateStars() { for (int i=0; i<14; i++) SetDot(fStars[i], stars[i], 0); } void MGSkyPosition::InitText() { fText1 = new TText(-105, 105, ""); fText2 = new TText(105, 105, ""); fText1->SetTextAlign(13); // left, top fText2->SetTextAlign(33); // right, top fText1->SetTextColor(10); // white fText2->SetTextColor(10); // white fText1->Draw(); fText2->Draw(); fList->Add(fText1); fList->Add(fText2); } void MGSkyPosition::DrawCoordinateSystem() { TArc arc; arc.SetFillStyle(4000); // transparent arc.SetLineColor(13); // dark gray arc.SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine) arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 90); arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 67.5); arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 45); arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 22.5); // // FIXME? Use TAxis? // TLine line; line.SetLineColor(1); // black line.SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine) line.DrawLine(-95, 0, 95, 0); line.DrawLine( 0, -95, 0, 95); TText text; text.SetTextAlign(22); // centered, centered (s.TAttText) text.SetTextColor(13); // dark gray text.DrawText(0.71*22.5, 0.71*22.5, "22.5\xb0"); text.DrawText(0.71*45.0, 0.71*45.0, "45\xb0"); text.DrawText(0.71*67.5, 0.71*67.5, "67.5\xb0"); text.DrawText(0.71*90.0, 0.71*90.0, "90\xb0"); text.SetTextAlign(22); // centered, centered (s.TAttText) text.SetTextColor(1); // black text.DrawText(0, 102, "N (0\xb0)"); text.DrawText(0, -102, "S (180\xb0)"); text.SetTextAngle(270); text.DrawText( 102, 0, "E (90\xb0)"); text.SetTextAngle(90); text.DrawText(-102, 0, "W (270\xb0)"); } void MGSkyPosition::InitPosition() { fLin1a = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0); fLin1b = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0); fLin2 = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0); fLin1a->SetLineColor(5); // yellow (s. TAttFill) fLin1b->SetLineColor(5); // yellow fLin2 ->SetLineColor(10); // white fLin1a->SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine) fLin1b->SetLineStyle(2); // dashed fLin1a->Draw(); fLin1b->Draw(); fLin2->Draw(); fList->Add(fLin1a); fList->Add(fLin1b); fList->Add(fLin2); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { fDot[i] = new TArc(0, 0, 1); InitArc(fDot[i], 1001, 10, 19); fList->Add(fDot[i]); } } MGSkyPosition::MGSkyPosition(MObservatory::LocationName_t key, const TGWindow* p, const UInt_t w) : MGEmbeddedCanvas("SkyPosition", p, w, 110), fObservatory(key) { DrawCoordinateSystem(); InitPlanets(); InitPosition(); InitText(); InitCanvas(); SetNoContextMenu(); } MGSkyPosition::~MGSkyPosition() { delete fSlaPlanet; delete fSlaStar; cout << "MGSkyPosition destroyed." << endl; } void MGSkyPosition::SetLin1(Float_t x, Float_t y) { fLin1a->SetX2(x); fLin1a->SetY2(y); fLin1b->SetX2(-x); fLin1b->SetY2(-y); } void MGSkyPosition::SetLin2(Float_t x1, Float_t y1, Float_t x2, Float_t y2) { fLin2->SetX1(x1); fLin2->SetX2(x2); fLin2->SetY1(y1); fLin2->SetY2(y2); } void MGSkyPosition::SetDot(TArc *arc, const RaDec &radec, Int_t off) { RaDec rd(radec.Ra()+off*360/24*kDeg2Rad, radec.Dec()); ZdAz zdaz = fSlaStar->CalcZdAzFast(rd); const float s = sin(zdaz.Az()); const float c = cos(zdaz.Az()); float x = s*zdaz.Zd()*kRad2Deg; // [deg] float y = c*zdaz.Zd()*kRad2Deg; // [deg] SetDotRange(arc, x, y); } void MGSkyPosition::UpdatePosition(RaDec &radec, Float_t zd, Float_t az) { // // zd [deg] // az [deg] // static int X =~0; static int Y =~0; static int Rx=~0; static int Ry=~0; const float rad = az*kDeg2Rad; // [rad] const float s = sin(rad); const float c = cos(rad); const float x = s*zd; // [deg] const float y = c*zd; // [deg] const int pixx = (int)(x/fPix); const int pixy = (int)(y/fPix); const int rx = (int)(s*fWidth/2.); const int ry = (int)(c*fWidth/2.); if (X==pixx && Y==pixy && Rx==rx && Ry==ry) return; X = pixx; Y = pixy; Rx = rx; Ry = ry; const float dx = s*4.; const float dy = c*4.; SetLin1(s*95., c*95.); SetLin2(x+dy, y-dx, x-dy, y+dx); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) SetDot(fDot[i], radec, i-3); for(int i=3; i<6; i++) SetDot(fDot[i], radec, i-2); SetModified(); } void MGSkyPosition::UpdateText(Float_t x, Float_t y) { static int X = ~0; static int Y = ~0; UShort_t xd, yd; Char_t sx, sy; Double_t xm, ym; MAstro::Deg2Dm(x, sx, xd, xm); MAstro::Deg2Dm(y, sy, yd, ym); const int fx = (int)(x*600); const int fy = (int)(y*600); if (X==fx && Y==fy) return; X = fx; Y = fy; char txt[100]; sprintf(txt, "Zd=%s%d\xb0%02.1f'", sx=='-'?"-":"", xd, xm); fText1->SetText(fText1->GetX(), fText1->GetY(), txt); sprintf(txt, "Az=%s%d\xb0%02.1f'", sy=='-'?"-":"", yd, ym); fText2->SetText(fText2->GetX(), fText2->GetY(), txt); SetModified(); } void MGSkyPosition::Update(ZdAz &pos, double mjd) { // // calculate actual time for planet positions // fSlaPlanet->SetMjd(mjd); fSlaStar->SetMjd(mjd); UpdatePlanet(kESun, fSun); UpdatePlanet(kEMoon, fMoon); UpdatePlanet(kEJupiter, fJupiter); UpdatePlanet(kEVenus, fVenus); UpdatePlanet(kEMars, fMars); UpdatePlanet(kESaturn, fSaturn); UpdateStars(); RaDec radec = fSlaStar->CalcRaDecFast(pos*kDeg2Rad); UpdatePosition(radec, pos.Zd(), pos.Az()); UpdateText(pos.Zd(), pos.Az()); UpdateCanvas(); } bool MGSkyPosition::SetDotRange(TArc *arc, float &x, float &y) { if (!(x>-95 && x<95 && y>-95 && y<95)) { if (arc->GetX1()==-100 && arc->GetY1()==100) return false; x= 100; y=-100; } const int pixx = (int)(x/fPix); const int pixy = (int)(y/fPix); const int oldx = (int)(arc->GetX1()/fPix); const int oldy = (int)(arc->GetY1()/fPix); if (pixx==oldx && pixy==oldy) return false; arc->SetX1(x); arc->SetY1(y); SetModified(); return true; } void MGSkyPosition::UpdatePlanet(Int_t planet, TArc *arc) { // // calculate actual position of planet // fSlaPlanet->UpdatePlanetPos((ePlanets_t)planet); const ZdAz zdaz = fSlaPlanet->GetPlanetPos((ePlanets_t)planet); // // check whether we have to change the position where it is drawn // const float s = sin(zdaz.Az()); const float c = cos(zdaz.Az()); const float deg = zdaz.Zd()*kRad2Deg; float x = s*deg; float y = c*deg; if (!SetDotRange(arc, x, y)) return; if (planet==kESaturn) { fSaturnRing->SetX1(x); fSaturnRing->SetY1(y); } if (planet==kESun) { fSunL[0]->SetX1(x-3.5); fSunL[0]->SetX2(x+3.5); fSunL[1]->SetX1(x-2.5); fSunL[1]->SetX2(x+2.5); fSunL[2]->SetX1(x-2.5); fSunL[2]->SetX2(x+2.5); fSunL[3]->SetX1(x); fSunL[3]->SetX2(x); fSunL[0]->SetY1(y); fSunL[0]->SetY2(y); fSunL[1]->SetY1(y-2.5); fSunL[1]->SetY2(y+2.5); fSunL[2]->SetY1(y+2.5); fSunL[2]->SetY2(y-2.5); fSunL[3]->SetY1(y-3.5); fSunL[3]->SetY2(y+3.5); } }