1 | //
2 | // This File contains the definition of the MGCoordinates-class
3 | //
4 | // Author: Thomas Bretz
5 | // Version: V1.0 (1-8-2000)
6 |
7 | #include "MGVelocity.h"
8 |
9 | #include <iostream.h> // cout
10 |
11 | #include <TArc.h>
12 | #include <TWbox.h>
13 | #include <TLine.h>
14 | #include <TText.h>
15 | #include <TList.h>
16 | #include <TGaxis.h>
17 | #include <TArrow.h>
18 | #include <TCanvas.h>
19 |
20 | #include "coord.h"
21 |
22 | ClassImp(MGVelocity);
23 |
24 | void MGVelocity::DrawCoordinateSystem()
25 | {
26 | /*
27 | TArc arc;
28 | arc.SetFillStyle(4000); // transparent
29 | arc.SetFillColor(39);
30 | arc.SetLineColor(3); // green
31 | arc.SetLineStyle(2); // dashed (s. TAttLine)
32 | arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 20);
33 |
34 | arc.SetLineColor(5); // yellow
35 | arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 40);
36 |
37 | arc.SetLineColor(2); // red
38 | arc.DrawArc(0, 0, 60);
39 | */
40 | //
41 | // FIXME? Use TAxis?
42 | //
43 | /*
44 | TLine line;
45 | line.SetLineColor(13);
46 | line.SetLineStyle(3); // dotted (s. TAttLine)
47 | line.DrawLine(-30., -65., -30., 65.);
48 | line.DrawLine(-65., -30., 65., -30.);
49 | line.DrawLine( 30., -65., 30., 65.);
50 | line.DrawLine( -6., 30., 65., 30.);
51 |
52 | line.DrawLine(-15., -65., -15., 65.);
53 | line.DrawLine(-65., -15., 65., -15.);
54 | line.DrawLine( 15., -65., 15., 65.);
55 | line.DrawLine(-65., 15., 65., 15.);
56 |
57 | line.DrawLine(-45., -65., -45., 65.);
58 | line.DrawLine(-65., -45., 65., -45.);
59 | line.DrawLine( 45., -65., 45., 65.);
60 | line.DrawLine(-65., 45., 65., 45.);
61 |
62 | line.SetLineColor(12);
63 | line.SetLineStyle(2); // dashed (s. TAttLine)
64 | line.DrawLine(-60., -65., -60., 65.);
65 | line.DrawLine(-65., -60., 65., -60.);
66 | line.DrawLine( 60., -65., 60., 65.);
67 | line.DrawLine(-65., 60., 65., 60.);
68 |
69 | line.SetLineColor(1); // black
70 | line.SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine)
71 | line.DrawLine(-65., 0, 65., 0);
72 | line.DrawLine( 0, -65., 0, 65.);
73 |
74 | line.DrawLine(-1., 60., 1., 60.);
75 | line.DrawLine(-1., -60., 1., -60.);
76 | line.DrawLine(-1., 30., 1., 30.);
77 | line.DrawLine(-1., -30., 1., -30.);
78 |
79 | line.DrawLine( 60., -1., 60., 1.);
80 | line.DrawLine(-60., -1., -60., 1.);
81 | line.DrawLine( 30., -1., 30., 1.);
82 | line.DrawLine(-30., -1., -30., 1.);
83 |
84 | TText text;
85 | text.SetTextAlign(22); // centered, centered (s.TAttText)
86 | text.DrawText(60., 5., "vAz['/min]");
87 | text.DrawText(0, 70., "vZd['/min]");
88 |
89 | text.SetTextAlign(23); // centered, centered (s.TAttText)
90 | text.DrawText(-60., -2., "-1'");
91 | text.DrawText( 60., -2., "1'");
92 | text.DrawText(-30., -2., "-.5'");
93 | text.DrawText( 30., -2., ".5'");
94 |
95 | text.SetTextAlign(32); // centered, centered (s.TAttText)
96 | text.DrawText(-2., -60., "-1'");
97 | text.DrawText(-2., 60., "1'");
98 | text.DrawText(-2., -30., "-.5'");
99 | text.DrawText(-2., 30., ".5'");
100 | */
101 | TWbox box;
102 | box.DrawWbox(-145, 145, -35, 120, 18, 2, 1);
103 |
104 | TText text;
105 | text.SetTextAlign(22); // centered, centered (s.TAttText)
106 | text.DrawText(-90., 132.5, fCanvas->GetName());
107 |
108 |
109 | TLine line;
110 | line.DrawLine(-65*2, 0, 65*2, 0);
111 | line.DrawLine( 0, -65*2, 0, 65*2);
112 |
113 | //
114 | // Can be replaced by TGaxis axe; in a later root version
115 | // than 3.01/06. I talked to Rene
116 | //
117 | TGaxis *axe;
118 | axe = new TGaxis(-60*2, 0, 60*2, 0, -2, 2, 304, "+-N");
119 | axe->SetTitle("Az"); // \xb0
120 | axe->SetBit(kCanDelete);
121 | axe->Draw();
122 |
123 | axe = new TGaxis(0, -60*2, 0, 60*2, -2, 2, 304, "+-N");
124 | axe->SetTitle("Zd"); // \xb0
125 | axe->SetLabelOffset(-0.02);
126 | axe->SetBit(kCanDelete);
127 | axe->Draw();
128 | }
129 |
130 | void MGVelocity::InitVelocity()
131 | {
132 | /*
133 | fLin1 = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0);
134 | fLin2 = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0);
135 |
136 | fLin1->SetLineColor(10); // white (s. TAttFill)
137 | fLin2->SetLineColor(10); // white
138 | fLin1->SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine)
139 | fLin2->SetLineStyle(1);
140 |
141 | fLin1->Draw();
142 | fLin2->Draw();
143 |
144 | fList->Add(fLin1);
145 | fList->Add(fLin2);
146 | */
147 | fArrow = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01);
148 | fArrowX = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01);
149 | fArrowY = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01);
150 | fArrowAvg = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01);
151 |
152 | fArrow->SetLineColor(10); // white
153 | fArrowX->SetLineColor(17); // light gray
154 | fArrowY->SetLineColor(17); // light gray
155 | fArrowAvg->SetLineColor(137); // light gray
156 |
157 | fArrow->Draw();
158 | fArrowX->Draw();
159 | fArrowY->Draw();
160 | fArrowAvg->Draw();
161 |
162 | fList->Add(fArrow);
163 | fList->Add(fArrowX);
164 | fList->Add(fArrowY);
165 | fList->Add(fArrowAvg);
166 |
167 | fText = new TText(70*2, -70*2, "x1");
168 | fText->SetTextColor(10);
169 | fText->SetTextAlign(31); // right, bottom
170 | fText->Draw();
171 | fList->Add(fText);
172 |
173 | fTextVel = new TText(2*70, 2*70, "");
174 | fTextVel->SetTextAlign(33); // right, top
175 | fTextVel->SetTextColor(10); // white
176 | fTextVel->Draw();
177 | fList->Add(fTextVel);
178 | }
179 |
180 | MGVelocity::MGVelocity(const TGWindow* p, const char *name, const UInt_t w)
181 | : MGEmbeddedCanvas(name, p, w, 75*2), fPos(-1), fScale(1)
182 | {
183 | fOld = new XY;
184 | fAvg = new XY[10];
185 |
186 | DrawCoordinateSystem();
187 | InitVelocity();
188 |
189 | InitCanvas();
190 |
191 | SetNoContextMenu();
192 | }
193 |
194 | MGVelocity::~MGVelocity()
195 | {
196 | delete fOld;
197 | delete fAvg;
198 |
199 | // cout << "MGVelocity destroyed." << endl;
200 | }
201 |
202 | void MGVelocity::UpdateText()
203 | {
204 | char txt[10];
205 |
206 | if (fScale>1)
207 | sprintf(txt, "/%.0f", fScale);
208 | else
209 | sprintf(txt, "x%.0f", 1./fScale);
210 |
211 | fText->SetText(fText->GetX(), fText->GetY(), txt);
212 | }
213 |
214 | Bool_t MGVelocity::UpdateAvg(const float x, const float y)
215 | {
216 |
217 | //
218 | // calculate scale factor from avarage over
219 | // speed, not pixels
220 | //
221 | // different scales for Az and Zd
222 | //
223 | // check for the number of the value
224 | //
225 | //
226 | const int num = 10;
227 |
228 | // static int pos = -1;
229 | // static XY avg[num];
230 |
231 | if (fPos<0)
232 | for (int i=1; i<num; i++)
233 | fAvg[i].Set(x, y);
234 |
235 | fPos++;
236 | fPos %= num;
237 |
238 | fAvg[fPos].Set(x, y);
239 |
240 | Float_t avgx = 0;
241 | Float_t avgy = 0;
242 |
243 | for (int i=0; i<num; i++)
244 | {
245 | avgx += fAvg[i].X();
246 | avgy += fAvg[i].Y();
247 | }
248 |
249 | avgx /= 10.;
250 | avgy /= 10.;
251 |
252 | avgx *= fScale;
253 | avgy *= fScale;
254 |
255 | fArrowAvg->SetX2(avgx);
256 | fArrowAvg->SetY2(avgy);
257 |
258 | // cout << avgx << " " << avgy << endl;
259 |
260 | if ((fabs(avgx)>/*40.*/110. || fabs(avgy)>/*40.*/110.))
261 | {
262 | fScale /= 2;
263 | return kTRUE;
264 | }
265 |
266 | if ((fabs(avgx)< 5. && fabs(avgy)<20.) ||
267 | (fabs(avgx)<20. && fabs(avgy)< 5.))
268 | {
269 | fScale *= 2;
270 | return kTRUE;
271 | }
272 |
273 | return kFALSE;
274 | }
275 |
276 | void MGVelocity::UpdateVelText(Float_t vx, Float_t vy)
277 | {
278 | static int X = ~0;
279 | static int Y = ~0;
280 |
281 | vx /= 60.; //['/min]
282 | vy /= 60.; //['/min]
283 |
284 | int fx = (int)/*floor*/(vx*10.);
285 | int fy = (int)/*floor*/(vy*10.);
286 |
287 | if (X==fx && Y==fy)
288 | return;
289 |
290 | X = fx;
291 | Y = fy;
292 |
293 | char txt[100];
294 | sprintf(txt, "Zd=%.1f'\nAz=%.1f'",
295 | vy, vx);
296 |
297 | fTextVel->SetText(fTextVel->GetX(), fTextVel->GetY(), txt);
298 | }
299 |
300 | void MGVelocity::Update(ZdAz &zdaz)
301 | {
302 | //
303 | // calculate actual time for planet positions
304 | //
305 | // static int X = 0xaffe;
306 | // static int Y = 0xaffe;
307 |
308 | float vx = zdaz.Az()*3600.; // ["/min]
309 | float vy = zdaz.Zd()*3600.; // ["/min]
310 |
311 | UpdateVelText(vx, vy);
312 |
313 | int pixx = (int)(vx*fScale/fPix);
314 | int pixy = (int)(vy*fScale/fPix);
315 |
316 | //
317 | // FIXME! Check for the right place!
318 | //
319 | Bool_t rc = kFALSE;
320 |
321 | if (pixx || pixy)
322 | rc = UpdateAvg(vx, vy);
323 |
324 | if (rc)
325 | UpdateText();
326 |
327 | if (!rc && (int)fOld->X()==pixx && (int)fOld->Y()==pixy)
328 | return;
329 |
330 | // cout << fScale << ": " << pixx << " " << pixy;
331 | // cout << fScale << ": " << (int)rc << (int)((int)fOld->X()==pixx) << (int)((int)fOld->Y()==pixy) << " ";
332 | // cout << zdaz.Az()*3600. << " " << zdaz.Zd()*3600. << endl;
333 |
334 | vx *= fScale;
335 | vy *= fScale;
336 |
337 | fArrow->SetX2(vx);
338 | fArrow->SetY2(vy);
339 |
340 | fArrowX->SetX2(vx);
341 | fArrowY->SetY2(vy);
342 |
343 | fOld->Set(pixx, pixy);
344 |
345 | SetModified();
346 | UpdateCanvas();
347 | }