// // This File contains the definition of the MGCoordinates-class // // Author: Thomas Bretz // Version: V1.0 (1-8-2000) #include "MGVelocity.h" #include // cout #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(MGVelocity); void MGVelocity::DrawCoordinateSystem() { TWbox box; box.DrawWbox(-145, 145, -35, 120, 18, 2, 1); TText text; text.SetTextAlign(22); // centered, centered (s.TAttText) text.DrawText(-90., 132.5, fCanvas->GetName()); TLine line; line.DrawLine(-65*2, 0, 65*2, 0); line.DrawLine( 0, -65*2, 0, 65*2); // // Can be replaced by TGaxis axe; in a later root version // than 3.01/06. I talked to Rene // TGaxis *axe; axe = new TGaxis(-60*2, 0, 60*2, 0, -2, 2, 304, "+-N"); axe->SetTitle("Az"); // \xb0 axe->SetBit(kCanDelete); axe->Draw(); axe = new TGaxis(0, -60*2, 0, 60*2, -2, 2, 304, "+-N"); axe->SetTitle("Zd"); // \xb0 axe->SetLabelOffset(-0.02); axe->SetBit(kCanDelete); axe->Draw(); } void MGVelocity::InitVelocity() { fArrow = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01); fArrowX = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01); fArrowY = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01); fArrowAvg = new TArrow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01); fArrow->SetLineColor(10); // white fArrowX->SetLineColor(17); // light gray fArrowY->SetLineColor(17); // light gray fArrowAvg->SetLineColor(137); // light gray fArrow->Draw(); fArrowX->Draw(); fArrowY->Draw(); fArrowAvg->Draw(); fList->Add(fArrow); fList->Add(fArrowX); fList->Add(fArrowY); fList->Add(fArrowAvg); fText = new TText(70*2, -70*2, "x1"); fText->SetTextColor(10); fText->SetTextAlign(31); // right, bottom fText->Draw(); fList->Add(fText); } MGVelocity::MGVelocity(const TGWindow* p, const char *name, const UInt_t w) : MGEmbeddedCanvas(name, p, w, 75*2), fPos(-1), fScale(1) { fOld = new XY; fAvg = new XY[10]; DrawCoordinateSystem(); InitVelocity(); InitCanvas(); SetNoContextMenu(); } MGVelocity::~MGVelocity() { delete fOld; delete fAvg; // cout << "MGVelocity destroyed." << endl; } void MGVelocity::UpdateText() { char txt[10]; if (fScale>1) sprintf(txt, "/%.0f", fScale); else sprintf(txt, "x%.0f", 1./fScale); fText->SetText(fText->GetX(), fText->GetY(), txt); } Bool_t MGVelocity::UpdateAvg(const float x, const float y) { // // calculate scale factor from avarage over // speed, not pixels // // different scales for Az and Zd // // check for the number of the value // // const int num = 10; // static int pos = -1; // static XY avg[num]; if (fPos<0) for (int i=1; iSetX2(avgx); fArrowAvg->SetY2(avgy); if ((fabs(avgx)>/*40.*/110. || fabs(avgy)>/*40.*/110.)) { fScale /= 2; return kTRUE; } if ((fabs(avgx)< 5. && fabs(avgy)<20.) || (fabs(avgx)<20. && fabs(avgy)< 5.)) { fScale *= 2; return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } void MGVelocity::Update(ZdAz &zdaz) { // // calculate actual time for planet positions // float vx = zdaz.Az(); // [U_mot/min] float vy = zdaz.Zd(); // [U_mot/min] int pixx = (int)(vx*fScale/fPix); int pixy = (int)(vy*fScale/fPix); // // FIXME! Check for the right place! // Bool_t rc = kFALSE; if (pixx || pixy) rc = UpdateAvg(vx, vy); if (rc) UpdateText(); if (!rc && (int)fOld->X()==pixx && (int)fOld->Y()==pixy) return; vx *= fScale; vy *= fScale; fArrow->SetX2(vx); fArrow->SetY2(vy); fArrowX->SetX2(vx); fArrowY->SetY2(vy); fOld->Set(pixx, pixy); SetModified(); UpdateCanvas(); }