1 | #include "MCosy.h"
2 | #include "MCosy.h"
3 |
4 | #include <iomanip.h>
5 | #include <fstream.h>
6 | #include <iostream.h>
7 |
8 | #include <TROOT.h>
9 | #include <TEnv.h>
10 | #include <TSystem.h>
11 | #include <TApplication.h>
12 | #include <TTimer.h>
13 |
14 | #include <TH2.h>
15 | #include <TH3.h>
16 | #include <TProfile.h>
17 | #include <TCanvas.h>
18 |
19 | #include "MGCosy.h"
20 | #include "SlaStars.h"
21 |
22 | #include "slalib/slalib.h" // FIXME: REMOVE
23 |
24 | #include "macs.h"
25 | #include "base/timer.h"
26 | #include "shaftencoder.h"
27 |
28 | //#include <sys/resource.h> // PRIO_PROCESS
29 |
30 | ClassImp(MCosy);
31 |
32 | typedef struct tm tm_t;
33 |
34 | /*
35 | #define GEAR_RATIO_ALT 2475.6 // [U_mot/U_tel(360deg)]
36 | #define GEAR_RATIO_AZ 5891.7 // [U_mot/U_tel(360deg)]
37 |
38 | #define RES_RE 500 // [re/U_mot]
39 | #define RES_SE 16384 // [se/U_tel(360deg)]
40 | */
41 | /*
42 | #define GEAR_RATIO_ALT (75.55*16384/1500) // 75.25 VERY IMPORTANT! unit=U_mot/U_tel
43 | #define GEAR_RATIO_AZ (179.8*16384/1500) // VERY IMPORTANT! unit=U_mot/U_tel
44 | */
45 |
46 | //const XY kGearRatio (GEAR_RATIO_ALT*RES_RE/RES_SE, GEAR_RATIO_AZ*RES_RE/RES_SE); //[re/se]
47 | //const XY kGearRatio2(GEAR_RATIO_ALT*RES_RE/360.0, GEAR_RATIO_AZ*RES_RE/360.0); //[re/deg]
48 |
49 | /* +===================================+
50 | FIXME: What if fMac3 (Sync) died?
51 | +===================================+
52 | */
53 |
54 | double MCosy::Rad2SE(double rad) const
55 | {
56 | return 16384.0/k2Pi*rad;
57 | }
58 |
59 | double MCosy::Rad2ZdRE(double rad) const
60 | {
61 | return 16384.0/k2Pi*rad*kGearRatio.X();
62 | }
63 |
64 | double MCosy::Rad2AzRE(double rad) const
65 | {
66 | return 16384.0/k2Pi*rad*kGearRatio.Y();
67 | }
68 |
69 | double MCosy::Deg2ZdRE(double rad) const
70 | {
71 | return rad*kGearRatio2.X();
72 | }
73 |
74 | double MCosy::Deg2AzRE(double rad) const
75 | {
76 | return rad*kGearRatio2.Y();
77 | }
78 |
79 | /*
80 | ZdAz MCosy::CorrectTarget(const ZdAz &src, const ZdAz &dst)
81 | {
82 | // CorrectTarget [se]
83 |
84 | // src [se]
85 | // dst [rad]
86 |
87 | // fAltMax = 70
88 | // fAltMin = -105/110
89 | // fAzMin = -355
90 | // fAzMax = 355
91 |
92 | ZdAz source = src * 360.0/16384.0;
93 | ZdAz dest = dst * kRad2Deg;
94 |
95 | if (dest.Zd()>-3 && dest.Zd()<3)
96 | dest.Zd(dest.Zd()<0?-3:3);
97 |
98 | if (dest.Zd()>-1e-6 && dest.Zd()<1e-6)
99 | return dst*(16384.0/k2Pi);
100 |
101 | const float fZdMin = -67;
102 | const float fZdMax = 67;
103 | const float fAzMin = -29;
104 | const float fAzMax = 423;
105 |
106 | //
107 | // This corrects to target for the shortest distance, not for the fastest move!
108 | //
109 | ZdAz s = source-dest;
110 |
111 | float min = s.Sqr();
112 |
113 | //
114 | // Is it enought to search inside one revolution?
115 | //
116 | ZdAz ret = dest;
117 |
118 | for (int i=-5; i<5+1; i++)
119 | {
120 | const ZdAz p(i%2 ? -dest.Zd() : dest.Zd(), dest.Az() - i*180);
121 |
122 | //
123 | // Range Check
124 | //
125 | if (p.Zd()<fZdMin || p.Zd()>fZdMax)
126 | continue;
127 |
128 | if (p.Az()<fAzMin || p.Az()>fAzMax)
129 | continue;
130 |
131 | //
132 | // Calculate distance
133 | //
134 | s = source-p;
135 |
136 | const float dist = s.Sqr();
137 |
138 | if (dist > min)
139 | continue;
140 |
141 | //
142 | // New shortest distance
143 | //
144 | ret = p;
145 | min = dist;
146 | }
147 | return ret*(16384.0/360.0);
148 | }
149 | */
150 |
151 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 | //
153 | // GetSePos, reads the Shaftencoder positions from the Can-drivers
154 | // for the shaftencoders. The two shaft encoders at the elevation axis
155 | // are avaraged. The values are returned as a ZdAz object.
156 | //
157 | // If one of the two shaftencoders on the elevation axis is missing
158 | // the other one's position is returned.
159 | //
160 | // The positions are alway up-to-date because the shaftencoders are
161 | // sending all changes immediatly.
162 | //
163 | ZdAz MCosy::GetSePos()
164 | {
165 | const int pa = fAz->GetPos();
166 | if (fZd1->IsZombieNode() && fZd2->IsZombieNode())
167 | return ZdAz(0, pa);
168 |
169 | //
170 | // Get the values
171 | //
172 | int p1 = (fZd1->GetPos()+8192)%16384;
173 | int p2 = -(fZd2->GetPos()+8192)%16384;
174 |
175 | if (fZd1->IsZombieNode())
176 | return ZdAz(p2, pa);
177 | if (fZd2->IsZombieNode())
178 | return ZdAz(p1, pa);
179 |
180 | //
181 | // interpolate shaft encoder positions
182 | //
183 | float p = (float)(p1+p2)/2;
184 |
185 | return ZdAz(p, pa);
186 | }
187 |
188 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 | //
190 | // request the current positions from the rotary encoders.
191 | // use GetRePos to get the psotions. If the request fails the function
192 | // returns kFALSE, otherwise kTRUE
193 | //
194 | Bool_t MCosy::RequestRePos()
195 | {
196 | //
197 | // Send request
198 | //
199 | fMac2->RequestSDO(0x6004);
200 | fMac1->RequestSDO(0x6004);
201 |
202 | //
203 | // Wait until the objects are received.
204 | //
205 | fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x6004);
206 | fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x6004);
207 |
208 | // FIXME, what when waiting times out (Zombie)
209 | // WaitForSdos();
210 |
211 | //
212 | // If waiting was not interrupted everything is ok. return.
213 | //
214 | if (!(Break() || HasError()) && !HasZombie())
215 | return kTRUE;
216 |
217 | //
218 | // If the waiting was interrupted due to a network error,
219 | // print some logging message.
220 | //
221 | if (HasError())
222 | lout << "Error while requesting re pos from Macs (SDO #6004)" << endl;
223 |
224 | return kFALSE;
225 | }
226 |
227 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 | //
229 | // reads the Rotary encoder positions from the last request of the Macs.
230 | //
231 | // The positions are returned as a ZdAz object. Use RequestRePos to request
232 | // the current positions first.
233 | //
234 | ZdAz MCosy::GetRePos()
235 | {
236 | return ZdAz(fMac2->GetPos(), fMac1->GetPos());
237 | }
238 |
239 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 | //
241 | // reads the Rotary encoder positions from the Macs.
242 | //
243 | // The positions are returned as a ZdAz object. The positions are the ones
244 | // which are send as PDOs to the computer. This is done at a given
245 | // frequency. Which means, that this positions are not ought to be
246 | // up-to-date.
247 | //
248 | ZdAz MCosy::GetRePosPdo()
249 | {
250 | return ZdAz(fMac2->GetPdoPos(), fMac1->GetPdoPos());
251 | }
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 | //
257 | // set the velocity and accelerations for position maneuvers.
258 | //
259 | // The acceleratin is set as given (in percent of maximum).
260 | // The velocity is given in percent, depending on the ratio (<1 or >1)
261 | // one of the axis becomes a slower velocity. This is used for maneuvers
262 | // in which both axis are moved synchromously and should reach their
263 | // target position at the same time.
264 | //
265 | void MCosy::SetPosVelocity(const Float_t ratio, Float_t vel)
266 | {
267 | //
268 | // Set velocities
269 | //
270 | const int vr = fMac1->GetVelRes();
271 |
272 | vel *= vr;
273 |
274 | if (ratio <1)
275 | {
276 | fMac1->SetVelocity(vel);
277 | fMac2->SetVelocity(vel*ratio);
278 | }
279 | else
280 | {
281 | fMac1->SetVelocity(vel/ratio);
282 | fMac2->SetVelocity(vel);
283 | }
284 | }
285 |
286 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 | //
288 | // Does a relative positioning.
289 | //
290 | // The steps to move are given in a ZdAz object relative to the current
291 | // position. The coordinates are given in Roteryencoder steps.
292 | // Axis 1 is moved only if axe1==kTRUE, Axis 2 is moved only
293 | // if Axis 2==kTRUE. The function waits for the movement to be finished.
294 | //
295 | void MCosy::DoRelPos(const ZdAz &rd, const Bool_t axe1, const Bool_t axe2)
296 | {
297 | if (HasZombie())
298 | return;
299 |
300 | SetStatus(MCosy::kMoving);
301 |
302 | if (axe1) fMac2->StartRelPos(rd.Zd());
303 | if (axe2) fMac1->StartRelPos(rd.Az());
304 |
305 | cout << "Waiting for positioning..." << flush;
306 |
307 | if (axe1) fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x6004, 1);
308 | if (axe2) fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x6004, 1);
309 |
310 | WaitForEndMovement();
311 |
312 | cout << "done." << endl;
313 | }
314 |
315 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 | //
317 | // check for a break-signal (from the msgqueue) and errors.
318 | //
319 | int MCosy::StopWaitingForSDO() const
320 | {
321 | return 0/*Break() || HasError()*/;
322 | }
323 |
324 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 | //
326 | // Waits for a movement to become finished.
327 | //
328 | // First waits for all peding Sdos, then waits until both motors are stopped
329 | // or waiting for SDOs was stopped (either by an error or by Break)
330 | //
331 | void MCosy::WaitForEndMovement()
332 | {
333 | // FIXME, what when waiting times out (Zombie)
334 |
335 | while ((fMac1->IsPositioning() || fMac2->IsPositioning()) &&
336 | !(Break() || HasError() || HasZombie()))
337 | usleep(1);
338 |
339 | if (Break() || HasError() || HasZombie())
340 | {
341 | lout << "WaitForEndMovement aborted... ";
342 | if (Break())
343 | lout << "Break signal." << endl;
344 | if (HasError())
345 | lout << "Network has error." << endl;
346 | if (HasZombie())
347 | lout << "Network has zombie." << endl;
348 | }
349 | }
350 |
351 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 | //
353 | // Check for an error...
354 | //
355 | // This is ment for usage after the Action: All Motors Stop.
356 | //
357 | void MCosy::CheckForError()
358 | {
359 | //
360 | // Check all Can-Nodes for an Error. If there is no error the motor
361 | // status is set to stopped.
362 | //
363 | if (!HasError())
364 | {
365 | SetStatus(MCosy::kStopped);
366 | return;
367 | }
368 |
369 | //
370 | // If there is an error, the error status is set to Error.
371 | //
372 | SetStatus(MCosy::kError);
373 |
374 | /*
376 |
377 | //
378 | // Now try to handle the error.
379 | //
380 | fMac1->HandleError();
381 | fMac2->HandleError();
382 |
383 | //
384 | // If the error couldn't get solved return
385 | //
386 | if (HasError())
387 | return;
388 |
389 | //
390 | // Set motor status to stopped
391 | //
392 | SetStatus(MCosy::kStopped);
393 | */
394 | }
395 |
396 | Bool_t MCosy::CheckRange(const ZdAz &d) const
397 | {
398 | // d [deg]
399 |
400 | if (d.Zd()<fMin.Zd() || d.Zd()>fMax.Zd())
401 | {
402 | lout << "ERROR: Requested Zenith Angle (" << d.Zd() << "deg) not ";
403 | lout << "inside allowed range." << endl;
404 | return kFALSE;
405 | }
406 |
407 | if (d.Az()<fMin.Az() || d.Az()>fMax.Az())
408 | {
409 | lout << "ERROR: Requested Azimuth Angle (" << d.Az() << "deg) not ";
410 | lout << "inside allowed range." << endl;
411 | return kFALSE;
412 | }
413 |
414 | return kTRUE;
415 | }
416 |
417 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
418 | //
419 | // Move the telescope to the given position. The position must be given in
420 | // a ZdAz object in rad.
421 | //
422 | // The first positioning is done absolutely. If we didn't reach the
423 | // correct psotion we try to correct for this by 10 relative position
424 | // maneuvers. If this doesn't help positioning failed.
425 | //
426 | // As a reference the shaftencoder values are used.
427 | //
428 | int MCosy::SetPosition(const ZdAz &dst, Bool_t track) // [rad]
429 | {
430 | // FIXME: Correct by fOffset ?
431 |
432 | const ZdAz d = dst*kRad2Deg;
433 |
434 | lout << "Target Position: " << d.Zd() << "deg, " << d.Az() << "deg (Zd/Az)" << endl;
435 |
436 | if (!CheckRange(d))
437 | return kFALSE;
438 |
439 | //
440 | // Calculate new target position (shortest distance to go)
441 | //
442 | const ZdAz src = GetSePos(); // [se]
443 |
444 | /*
445 | if (fMac1->IsZombieNode() || fMac2->IsZombieNode())
446 | {
447 | cout << "SetPosition: No connection to at least one of the MACS!" << endl;
448 | return TRUE;
449 | }
450 | */
451 |
452 | //
453 | // Make sure that the motors are in sync mode (necessary if the
454 | // MACS has been rebooted from a Zombie state.
455 | //
456 | //InitSync();
457 | //if (fMac3->IsZombieNode())
458 | // return false;
459 |
460 | // ====================================
461 | RequestRePos();
462 | ZdAz before = GetRePos();
463 | // ====================================
464 |
465 | //
466 | // Because we agreed on I don't search for the shortest move
467 | // anymore
468 | //
469 | // const ZdAz dest = CorrectTarget(src, dst);
470 | //
471 | const ZdAz dest = fBending(dst)*16384/2/TMath::Pi(); // [se]
472 | fZdAzSoll = dst;
473 |
474 | cout << "Source Zd: " << src.Zd() << "se Az:" << src.Az() << "se" << endl;
475 | cout << "Destination Zd: " << Rad2SE(dst.Zd()) << "se Az:" << Rad2SE(dst.Az()) << "se" << endl;
476 | cout << "Bend'd Dest Zd: " << Rad2SE(fZdAzSoll.Zd()) << "se Az:" << Rad2SE(fZdAzSoll.Az()) << "se" << endl;
477 | cout << "Shortest Dest Zd: " << dest.Zd() << "se Az:" << dest.Az() << "se" << endl;
478 |
479 | /*
480 | * re(se) = -28.1*cos(x*360/16384/se - 14.4) + 443.2*re/se
481 | *
482 | * int(re) = -1278.86*sin(0.021972656 *x/se - 14.4 )re + 443.2re x/se
483 | * int(re) = -73273.4*sin(0.000383495197*x/se - .2513274)re + 443.2re x/se
484 | *
485 | * int (-75deg..95deg) = 3.28343e7 re
486 | *
487 | */
488 |
489 | //
490 | // Set velocities
491 | //
492 | const int vr = fMac1->GetVelRes();
493 |
494 | int i;
495 | for (i=0; i<10 && !(Break() || HasError()) && !HasZombie(); i++)
496 | {
497 |
498 | lout << "Step #" << i << endl;
499 | //
500 | // Get Shaft Encoder Positions
501 | //
502 | const ZdAz p=GetSePos();
503 |
504 | //
505 | // calculate control deviation and rounded cd
506 | //
507 | ZdAz rd = dest-p; // [se]
508 | /*
509 | if (rd.Az()>0 && rd.Az()<0.5)
510 | rd.Az(1);
511 | if (rd.Az()<0 && rd.Az()>-0.5)
512 | rd.Az(-1);
513 | */
514 | cout << "Deviation: " << rd.Zd() << "se Az:" << rd.Az() << "se" << endl;
515 |
516 |
517 | // ===========================================
518 | Float_t k1 = dest.Zd()*360/16384 - 14.3979; //[deg]
519 | Float_t k0 = p.Zd()*360/16384 - 14.3979; //[deg]
520 |
521 | //
522 | // -28re/se*cos((x/deg-14.4)*pi/180) + 443.2re/se x
523 | // 28re/se*2*pi/360*sin((x/deg-14.4)*pi/180)*deg + 443.2re/se*x/deg
524 | //
525 |
526 | Float_t dk = 443.152*(dest.Zd()-p.Zd());
527 | Float_t dx = 28.0148/2/TMath::Pi()*(sin(k1/kRad2Deg)-sin(k0/kRad2Deg));
528 |
529 | cout << "Using: " << rd.Zd()*kGearRatio.X() << endl; // [re]
530 | cout << "Estimated1: " << 16384*dx + dk << endl;
531 | cout << "Estimated2: " << (16384*dx + dk)/1.085949688 << endl;
532 | cout << "Estimated3: " << rd.Zd()*432 << endl;
533 | // ===========================================
534 |
535 |
536 | ZdAz cd = rd; // [se]
537 | cd.Round();
538 | /*
539 | if (rd.Az()>0 && rd.Az()<0.5)
540 | rd.Az(0.5);
541 | if (rd.Az()<0 && rd.Az()>-0.5)
542 | rd.Az(-0.5);
543 | */
544 | //
545 | // Check if there is a control deviation on the axis
546 | //
547 | const Bool_t cdzd = (int)cd.Zd() ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
548 | const Bool_t cdaz = (int)cd.Az() ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
549 |
550 | //
551 | // check if we reached the correct position already
552 | //
553 | if (!cdzd && !cdaz)
554 | {
555 | lout << "Positioning done in " << i << (i==1?" step.":" steps.") << endl;
556 | SetStatus(MCosy::kStopped);
557 |
558 | // ====================================
559 | RequestRePos();
560 | ZdAz after = GetRePos();
561 | // ====================================
562 |
563 | after -= before;
564 |
565 | cout << "Drove: " << after.Zd() << " " << after.Az() << endl;
566 | return TRUE;
567 | }
568 |
569 | //
570 | // change units from se to re
571 | //
572 | rd *= kGearRatio; // [re]
573 |
574 | //
575 | // Initialize Velocities so that we reach both positions
576 | // at the same time
577 | //
578 | if (i)
579 | {
580 | fMac1->SetAcceleration(0.1*vr);
581 | fMac2->SetAcceleration(0.1*vr);
582 |
583 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.1*vr);
584 | fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.1*vr);
585 |
586 | SetPosVelocity(1.0, 0.05);
587 | }
588 | else
589 | {
590 | if (rd.Az()>-15*kGearRatio.Y() && rd.Az()<15*kGearRatio.Y())
591 | {
592 | cout << " -------------- LO ---------------- " << endl;
593 | fMac1->SetAcceleration(0.05*vr);
594 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.05*vr);
595 | }
596 | else
597 | {
598 | cout << " -------------- HI ---------------- " << endl;
599 | fMac1->SetAcceleration(0.2*vr);
600 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.1*vr);
601 | }
602 |
603 | fMac2->SetAcceleration(0.2*vr);
604 | fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.1*vr);
605 |
606 | // vel(0.6) acc(0.5)
607 | SetPosVelocity(fabs(rd.Ratio()), 0.175);
608 | // SetPosVelocity(fabs(rd.Ratio()), 0.1, 0.3);
609 | }
610 |
611 | rd.Round();
612 |
613 | // FIXME? Check for Error or Zombie?
614 |
615 | /*
616 | cout << " + " << (int)cdzd << " " << (int)cdaz << endl;
617 | cout << " + APOS: Zd=" << setw(6) << p.Zd() << "se Az=" << setw(6) << p.Az() << "se" << endl;
618 | cout << " + dZd=" << setw(6) << cd.Zd() << "se dAz=" << setw(6) << cd.Az() << "se" << endl;
619 | cout << " + dZd=" << setw(6) << rd.Zd() << "re dAz=" << setw(6) << rd.Az() << "re" << endl;
620 | cout << " + Ratio: Zd=" << setw(6) << kGearRatio.X() << "se Az=" << setw(6) << kGearRatio.Y() << "se" << endl;
621 | */
622 |
623 | //
624 | // repositioning (relative)
625 | //
626 | lout << "Do Relative Positioning Done" << endl;
627 | DoRelPos(rd, cdzd, cdaz);
628 |
629 | lout << "Relative Positioning Done" << endl;
630 | }
631 |
632 | if (i<10)
633 | StopMovement();
634 |
635 | lout << "Warning: Requested position not reached (i=" << i << ")" << endl;
636 | return FALSE;
637 | }
638 |
639 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
640 | //
641 | // Sets the tracking velocity
642 | //
643 | // The velocities are given in a ZdAz object in re/min. Return kTRUE
644 | // in case of success, kFALSE in case of failure.
645 | //
646 | Bool_t MCosy::SetVelocity(const ZdAz &v)
647 | {
648 | //
649 | // Send the new velocities for both axes.
650 | //
651 | fMac2->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)v.Zd()); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
652 | fMac1->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)v.Az()); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
653 |
654 | //
655 | // Wait for the objects to be OKed.
656 | //
657 |
658 | fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1);
659 | fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1);
660 |
661 | // FIXME, what when waiting times out (Zombie)
662 | // WaitForSdos();
663 |
664 | //
665 | // If the waiting for the objects wasn't interrupted return kTRUE
666 | //
667 | if (!(Break() || HasError()) && !HasZombie())
668 | return kTRUE;
669 |
670 | //
671 | // print a message if the interruption was due to a Can-node Error
672 | //
673 | if (HasError())
674 | lout << "Error while setting velocity (SDO #3006)" << endl;
675 |
676 | return kFALSE;
677 | }
678 |
679 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
680 | //
681 | // Initializes Tracking mode
682 | //
683 | // Initializes the accelerations of both axes with 90% of the maximum
684 | // acceleration. Set the status for moving and tracking and starts thr
685 | // revolution mode.
686 | //
687 | bool MCosy::InitTracking()
688 | {
689 | // FIXME? Handling of Zombie OK?
690 | if (fMac1->IsZombieNode() || fMac2->IsZombieNode())
691 | return false;
692 |
693 | //
694 | // Start revolution mode
695 | //
696 | fMac2->SetAcceleration(0.2*fMac2->GetVelRes());
697 | fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.2*fMac2->GetVelRes());
698 | if (fMac2->IsZombieNode())
699 | return false;
700 |
701 | fMac1->SetAcceleration(0.2*fMac1->GetVelRes());
702 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.2*fMac1->GetVelRes());
703 | if (fMac1->IsZombieNode())
704 | return false;
705 |
706 | SetStatus(MCosy::kMoving | MCosy::kTracking);
707 |
708 | fMac2->SetRpmMode(TRUE);
709 | if (fMac2->IsZombieNode())
710 | return false;
711 |
712 | fMac1->SetRpmMode(TRUE);
713 | if (fMac1->IsZombieNode())
714 | return false;
715 |
716 | return true;
717 | }
718 |
719 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
720 | //
721 | // Limits the speed.
722 | //
723 | // This function should work as a limiter. If a tracking error is too large
724 | // to be corrected fast enough we would get enormous velocities. These
725 | // velocities are limited to the maximum velocity.
726 | //
727 | void MCosy::LimitSpeed(ZdAz *vt, const ZdAz &vcalc) const
728 | {
729 | //
730 | // How to limit the speed. If the wind comes and blowes
731 | // we cannot forbid changing of the sign. But on the other hand
732 | // we don't want fast changes!
733 | //
734 |
735 | ULong_t vrzd = fMac1->GetVelRes();
736 | ULong_t vraz = fMac2->GetVelRes();
737 |
738 | #define sgn(x) (x<0?-1:1)
739 |
740 | const Float_t limit = 0.25;
741 | /*
742 | if (sgn(vt->Az()) != sgn(vcalc.Az()))
743 | vt->Az(0);
744 | // else
745 | {
746 | if (fabs(vt->Az()) < fabs(vcalc.Az()) *0.5)
747 | vt->Az(0.5*vcalc.Az());
748 |
749 | if (fabs(vt->Az()) > fabs(vcalc.Az()) *1.5)
750 | vt->Az(1.5*vcalc.Az());
751 | }
752 |
753 | if (sgn(vt->Zd()) != sgn(vcalc.Zd()))
754 | vt->Zd(0);
755 | // else
756 | {
757 | if (fabs(vt->Zd()) > fabs(vcalc.Az()) *1.5)
758 | vt->Zd(1.5*vcalc.Zd());
759 |
760 | if (fabs(vt->Zd()) < fabs(vcalc.Az()) *0.5)
761 | vt->Zd(0.5*vcalc.Zd());
762 | }
763 | */
764 |
765 | if (sgn(vt->Az()) != sgn(vcalc.Az())
766 | && fabs(vt->Az()) < limit*fabs(vcalc.Az())
767 | )
768 | vt->Az(0);
769 | else
770 | if (fabs(vt->Az()) > 0.9*vraz)
771 | {
772 | lout << "Warning: Azimuth speed limit exceeded. Limiting speed to 90% max." << endl;
773 | vt->Az(0.9*vraz*sgn(vt->Az()));
774 | }
775 |
776 | if (sgn(vt->Zd()) != sgn(vcalc.Zd())
777 | && fabs(vt->Zd()) < limit*fabs(vcalc.Zd())
778 | )
779 | vt->Zd(0);
780 | else
781 | if (fabs(vt->Zd()) > 0.9*vrzd)
782 | {
783 | lout << "Warning: Altitude speed limit exceeded. Limiting speed to 90% max." << endl;
784 | vt->Zd(0.9*vrzd*sgn(vt->Zd()));
785 | }
786 | }
787 |
788 | Bool_t MCosy::AlignTrackingPos(ZdAz pointing, ZdAz &za)
789 | {
790 | // pointing [deg]
791 |
792 | if (pointing.Zd()<0)
793 | {
794 | pointing.Zd(-pointing.Zd());
795 | pointing.Az(pointing.Az()+180);
796 | }
797 |
798 | const ZdAz se = GetSePos()*360/16384; // [deg]
799 | const ZdAz unbendedse = fBending.CorrectBack(se); // ist pointing
800 |
801 | do
802 | {
803 | const Double_t d = unbendedse.Az() - pointing.Az();
804 | if (d>-180 && d<=180)
805 | break;
806 |
807 | pointing.Az(pointing.Az()+TMath::Sign(360., -d));
808 | } while (1);
809 | /*
810 | while (pointing.Az()<fMin.Az())
811 | pointing.Az(pointing.Az() + 360);
812 |
813 | while (pointing.Az()>fMax.Az())
814 | pointing.Az(pointing.Az() - 360);
815 | */
816 | const Bool_t rc = CheckRange(pointing);
817 | za = fBending(pointing/kRad2Deg); // [rad]
818 |
819 | if (!rc)
820 | lout << "Error: Aligned position out of Range." << endl;
821 |
822 | return rc;
823 | }
824 |
825 | void MCosy::TrackPosition(const RaDec &dst) // ra, dec [rad]
826 | {
827 | lout << "Track Position: " << dst.Ra()*kRad2Deg/15 << "h, " << dst.Dec()*kRad2Deg << "deg (Ra/Dec)" << endl;
828 |
829 | SlaStars sla(fObservatory);
830 |
831 | //
832 | // Position to actual position
833 | //
834 | sla.Now();
835 | ZdAz dest = sla.CalcZdAz(dst);
836 |
837 | // FIXME: Determin tracking start point by star culmination
838 | if (dest.Az()<-TMath::Pi()/2)
839 | {
840 | lout << "Adding 360deg to Azimuth " << dest.Az()*kRad2Deg << endl;
841 | dest.Az(dest.Az() + TMath::Pi()*2);
842 | }
843 |
844 | if (dest.Az()>3*TMath::Pi()/2)
845 | {
846 | lout << "Substracting 360deg to Azimuth " << dest.Az()*kRad2Deg << endl;
847 | dest.Az(dest.Az() -TMath::Pi()*2);
848 | }
849 |
850 | if (!SetPosition(dest, kTRUE))
851 | {
852 | lout << "Error: Cannot start tracking, positioning failed." << endl;
853 | return;
854 | }
855 |
856 | //
857 | // calculate offset from present se position
858 | //
859 | const ZdAz sepos = GetSePos()*kGearRatio;
860 |
861 | if (!RequestRePos())
862 | return;
863 |
864 | //
865 | // Estimate Offset before starting to track
866 | //
867 | fOffset = sepos-GetRePos();
868 |
869 | /*
870 | cout << "Sepos: " << sepos.Zd() << "re, " << sepos.Az() << "re" << endl;
871 | cout << "Repos: " << repos.Zd() << "re, " << repos.Az() << "re" << endl;
872 | cout << "Offset: " << fOffset.Zd() << "re, " << fOffset.Az() << "re" << endl;
873 | */
874 |
875 | //
876 | // Init accelerations and Rpm Mode
877 | //
878 | if (!InitTracking())
879 | return;
880 |
881 | XY xy(Rad2Deg(dst.Ra())*24/360, Rad2Deg(dst.Dec()));
882 |
883 | lout << "Start tracking:";
884 | lout << " Ra: " << xy.X() << "h " << "Dec: " << xy.Y() << "\xb0" << endl;
885 |
886 | ofstream fout("coordinates.txt");
887 | fout << xy;
888 | fout.close();
889 |
890 | //
891 | // Initialize Tracker (slalib or starguider)
892 | //
893 | fRaDec = dst;
894 | fBackground = kBgdTracking;
895 |
896 | //--- ofstream fout("log/cosy.pos");
897 | //--- fout << "Tracking:";
898 | //--- fout << " Ra: " << Rad2Deg(dst.Ra()) << "\x9c ";
899 | //--- fout << "Dec: " << Rad2Deg(dst.Dec()) << "\x9c" << endl << endl;
900 | //--- fout << " Mjd/10ms V/re/min/4" << endl;
901 |
902 | //
903 | // We want to reach the theoretical position exactly in about 0.5s
904 | //
905 | // *OLD*const float dt = 1; // 1 second
906 | const float dt = 5;//3; // 2 second
907 | while (!(Break() || HasError() || HasZombie()))
908 | {
909 | //
910 | // Request Target position for this moment
911 | //
912 | sla.Now();
913 |
914 | //
915 | // Request theoretical Position for a time in the future (To+dt) from CPU
916 | //
917 | const Double_t mjd = sla.GetMjd()+dt/(60*60*24);
918 | const ZdAz pointing = sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec, mjd)*kRad2Deg; // soll pointing [deg]
919 |
920 | ZdAz dest;
921 | if (!AlignTrackingPos(pointing, dest))
922 | break;
923 |
924 | dest *= 16384/TMath::Pi()/2; // [se]
925 |
926 | /*
927 | ZdAz dummy1 = sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec);
928 |
929 | if (dummy1.Az()<-TMath::Pi()/2)
930 | dummy1.Az(dummy1.Az() + TMath::Pi()*2);
931 | if (dummy1.Az()>3*TMath::Pi()/2)
932 | dummy1.Az(dummy1.Az() -TMath::Pi()*2);
933 |
934 | if (!CheckRange(dummy1*kRad2Deg))
935 | {
936 | lout << "Error: Tracking position out of Range." << endl;
937 | break;
938 | }
939 |
940 | ZdAz dummy = fBending(dummy1);
941 | dest = CorrectTarget(GetSePos(), dummy); // [se]
942 | */
943 |
944 | //*LP* const ZdAz d = dest*360./16384; // [deg]
945 | dest *= kGearRatio; // [re]
946 |
947 | //*LP* ZdAz min = fBending(fMin/kRad2Deg)*kRad2Deg;
948 | //*LP* ZdAz max = fBending(fMax/kRad2Deg)*kRad2Deg;
949 |
950 | ZdAz vcalc = sla.GetApproxVel(fRaDec) * kGearRatio2*4./60.; // [re/min]
951 |
952 | //
953 | // Request absolute position of rotary encoder from Macs
954 | //
955 | if (!RequestRePos())
956 | break;
957 |
958 | //
959 | // distance between (To+dt) and To [re]
960 | // position time difference < 5usec
961 | // fOffset does the synchronization between the
962 | // Shaft- and the rotary encoders
963 | //
964 | dest -= GetRePos() + fOffset;
965 |
966 | //
967 | // Velocity to go [re/min] to reach the right position at time t+dt
968 | // correct for the duration of RaDec2AltAz
969 | //
970 | const ZdAz v = dest*60.0/(dt/*-(fMac2->GetTime()-sla)*/);
971 |
972 | //
973 | // calculate real velocity of future [re/min]
974 | // believing the Macs manual '/4' shouldn't be necessary, but it is.
975 | //
976 | ZdAz vt = v/4;
977 | LimitSpeed(&vt, vcalc);
978 | vt.Round();
979 |
980 | //
981 | // check if the drive is fast enough to follow the star
982 | //
983 | if (vt.Zd()>.9*fMac1->GetVelRes() || vt.Az()>.9*fMac2->GetVelRes())
984 | {
985 | lout << "Error: Tracking speed faster than 90% of possible maximum velocity." << endl;
986 | break;
987 | }
988 |
989 | //
990 | // Set theoretical velocity (as early after calculation as possible)
991 | // Maybe we should attenuate the changes
992 | //
993 | if (!SetVelocity(vt))
994 | break;
995 |
996 | //
997 | // Now do 'unnecessary' things
998 | //
999 | fVelocity = vt/kGearRatio2*4;
1000 |
1001 | //--- const double mjd = fMac2->GetMjd();
1002 | //--- fout << setprecision(15) << setw(17) << mjd*60.*60.*24. << " ";
1003 | //--- fout << setw(4) << vt.Zd() << " ";
1004 | //--- fout << setw(4) << vt.Az() << endl;
1005 | //
1006 | // FIXME? Calculate an accuracy for the tracking system?
1007 | // How good do we reach the calculated position in 'real'
1008 | // re valus?
1009 | //
1010 |
1011 |
1012 | //
1013 | // Update speed as often as possible.
1014 | // make sure, that dt is around 10 times larger than the
1015 | // update time
1016 | //
1017 | //
1018 | // The loop should not be executed faster than the ramp of
1019 | // a change in the velocity can be followed.
1020 | // (This is important on fast machines >500MHz)
1021 | //
1022 | usleep(1000000); // 1s
1023 | //usleep(50000); // 0.05s
1024 | }
1025 |
1026 | fBackground = kBgdNone;
1027 | StopMovement();
1028 | lout << "Tracking stopped." << endl;
1029 | }
1030 |
1031 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1032 | //
1033 | // Stops the movement of both motors.
1034 | //
1035 | // Sets the status to stopping. Sets the deceleration to 50% of the maximum.
1036 | // stops. Quits the revolution mode and wait for the end of the movement.
1037 | //
1038 | void MCosy::StopMovement()
1039 | {
1040 | //
1041 | // Set status to Stopping
1042 | //
1043 | SetStatus(MCosy::kStopping);
1044 |
1045 | //
1046 | // set deceleration to 50%
1047 | //
1048 | cout << "Stopping movement (dec=30%)..." << endl;
1049 |
1050 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.3*fMac1->GetVelRes());
1051 | fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.3*fMac2->GetVelRes());
1052 | fMac1->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
1053 | fMac2->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
1054 |
1055 | /*
1056 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.3*fMac1->GetVelRes());
1057 | fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.3*fMac2->GetVelRes());
1058 |
1059 | fMac2->SendSDO(0x3000, Macs::string('s','t','o','p'));
1060 | fMac1->SendSDO(0x3000, Macs::string('s','t','o','p'));
1061 | fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x3000, 0);
1062 | fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x3000, 0);
1063 | fMac1->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
1064 | fMac2->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
1065 | */
1066 |
1067 | //
1068 | // Wait for the movement to really be finished.
1069 | //
1070 | cout << "Waiting for end of movement..." << endl;
1071 | WaitForEndMovement();
1072 |
1073 | //
1074 | // Check whether everything works fine.
1075 | //
1076 | CheckForError();
1077 | cout << "Movement stopped." << endl;
1078 | }
1079 |
1080 | void MCosy::StopTracking()
1081 | {
1082 | //
1083 | // Set status to Stopping
1084 | //
1085 | SetStatus(MCosy::kStopping);
1086 |
1087 | //
1088 | // set deceleration to 50%
1089 | //
1090 | cout << "Stopping tracking (dec=20%)..." << endl;
1091 | fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.2*fMac1->GetVelRes());
1092 | fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.2*fMac2->GetVelRes());
1093 |
1094 | fMac2->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)0); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
1095 | fMac1->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)0); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
1096 | fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1);
1097 | fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1);
1098 |
1099 | cout << "Waiting for end of movement..." << endl;
1100 | WaitForEndMovement();
1101 |
1102 | //
1103 | // Wait for the objects to be OKed.
1104 | //
1105 | fMac1->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
1106 | fMac2->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
1107 |
1108 | //
1109 | // Wait for the movement to really be finished.
1110 | //
1111 | //cout << "Waiting for end of movement..." << endl;
1112 | //WaitForEndMovement();
1113 |
1114 | //
1115 | // Check whether everything works fine.
1116 | //
1117 | CheckForError();
1118 | cout << "Movement stopped." << endl;
1119 | }
1120 |
1121 | bool MCosy::CheckNetwork()
1122 | {
1123 | //return kTRUE;
1124 | //CheckConnections();
1125 |
1126 | if (HasZombie())
1127 | {
1128 | lout << "- Found Zombies in Network..." << endl;
1129 | if (!RebootZombies())
1130 | return false;
1131 | }
1132 |
1133 | /*
1135 | */
1136 | if (HasError())
1137 | {
1138 | fMac1->HandleError();
1139 | fMac2->HandleError();
1140 | fMac3->HandleError();
1141 | if (HasError() || HasZombie())
1142 | return false;
1143 | }
1144 |
1145 | return true;
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 | void *MCosy::Proc(int msg, void *mp)
1149 | {
1150 | switch (msg)
1151 | {
1152 | case WM_WAIT:
1153 | cout << "Wait for execution of Proc(WM_*, ): done." << endl;
1154 | return NULL;
1155 |
1156 | case WM_STOP:
1157 | cout << "MCosy::Proc: Stop." << endl;
1158 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1159 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1160 | StopMovement();
1161 | return NULL;
1162 | /*
1163 | case WM_PRESET:
1164 | cout << "WM_Preset: start." << endl;
1165 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1166 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1167 | fZd1->SetPreset();
1168 | fZd2->SetPreset();
1169 | fAz->SetPreset();
1170 | cout << "WM_Preset: done. (return 0xaffe)" << endl;
1171 | return (void*)0xaffe;
1172 | */
1173 | /*
1174 | case WM_CALIB:
1175 | {
1176 | cout << "WM_Calib: start." << endl;
1177 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1178 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1179 |
1180 | SlaStars sla(fObservatory);
1181 | sla.Now();
1182 |
1183 | RaDec rd = *((RaDec*)mp);
1184 |
1185 | //RaDec rd(37.94, 89.2644); // POLARIS
1186 | //RaDec rd(213.915417, 19.1825); // ARCTURUS
1187 |
1188 | cout << "Calibrating to: " << rd.Ra()*24/360 << "h " << rd.Dec() << "°" << endl;
1189 |
1190 | ZdAz za=sla.CalcZdAz(rd*kDeg2Rad)*16384.0/k2Pi;
1191 |
1192 | cout << "Calc Zd: " << za.Zd() << " Az: " << za.Az() << endl;
1193 |
1194 | ZdAz sepos = GetSePos();
1195 | cout << "Got Zd: " << sepos.Zd() << " Az: " << sepos.Az() << endl;
1196 |
1197 | fZd1->SetPreset(za.Zd());
1198 | fZd2->SetPreset(-za.Zd());
1199 | fAz->SetPreset(za.Az());
1200 |
1201 | cout << "WM_Calib: done. (return 0xaffe)" << endl;
1202 | }
1203 | return (void*)0xaffe;
1204 | */
1205 |
1206 | case WM_TPOINT:
1207 | {
1208 | cout << "WM_TPoint: start." << endl;
1209 | SlaStars sla(fObservatory);
1210 | sla.Now();
1211 |
1212 | RaDec rd = *((RaDec*)mp);
1213 | cout << "TPoint Star: " << rd.Ra()/15 << "h " << rd.Dec() << "°" << endl;
1214 |
1215 | AltAz za=sla.CalcAltAz(rd*kDeg2Rad)*kRad2Deg;
1216 |
1217 | cout << " Alt/Az: " << za.Alt() << "° " << za.Az() << "°" << endl;
1218 | *tpout << setprecision(7) << za.Az() << " " << za.Alt() << " ";
1219 |
1220 | ZdAz sepos = GetSePos()*TMath::Pi()*2/16384;;
1221 | za.Set(TMath::Pi()/2-sepos.Zd(), sepos.Az());
1222 | za *= kRad2Deg;
1223 |
1224 | cout << " SE-Pos: " << za.Alt() << "° " << za.Az() << "°" << endl;
1225 | *tpout << fmod(za.Az()+360, 360) << " " << za.Alt() << " ";
1226 | *tpout << rd.Ra()/15 << " " << rd.Dec() << " " << setprecision(11) << sla.GetMjd() << endl;
1227 |
1228 | cout << "WM_TPoint: done. (return 0xaffe)" << endl;
1229 | }
1230 | return (void*)0xca1b;
1231 |
1232 | case WM_TRACKPOS:
1233 | cout << "WM_TrackPosition: start." << endl;
1234 | {
1235 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1236 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1237 |
1238 | ZdAz dest = *((ZdAz*)mp) * kDeg2Rad;
1239 | //if (!SetPosition(dest))
1240 | // return (void*)0x1234;
1241 |
1242 | SlaStars sla(fObservatory);
1243 | sla.Now();
1244 |
1245 | RaDec rd = sla.CalcRaDec(dest);
1246 | cout << dest.Zd()*180/3.1415 << " " << dest.Az()*180/3.1415 << endl;
1247 | cout << rd.Ra()*12/3.1415 << " " << rd.Dec()*180/3.1415 << endl;
1248 | TrackPosition(rd);
1249 | }
1250 | cout << "WM_TrackPosition: done. (return 0xabcd)" << endl;
1251 | return (void*)0xabcd;
1252 |
1253 | case WM_POSITION:
1254 | cout << "WM_Position: start." << endl;
1255 | {
1256 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1257 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1258 |
1259 | ZdAz dest = *((ZdAz*)mp);
1260 | SetPosition(dest*kDeg2Rad);
1261 | }
1262 | cout << "WM_Position: done. (return 0x7777)" << endl;
1263 | return (void*)0x7777;
1264 |
1265 | case WM_TESTSE:
1266 | cout << "WM_TestSe: start." << endl;
1267 | fBackground = mp ? kBgdSeTest : kBgdNone;
1268 | cout << "WM_TestSe: done. (return 0x1e51)" << endl;
1269 | return (void*)0x1e51;
1270 |
1271 | case WM_GEAR:
1272 | cout << "WM_Gear: start." << endl;
1273 | fBackground = mp ? kBgdGear : kBgdNone;
1274 | cout << "WM_Gear: done. (return 0xfeaf)" << endl;
1275 | return (void*)0xfeaf;
1276 |
1277 | case WM_DISPLAY:
1278 | cout << "WM_Display: start." << endl;
1279 | fTriggerDisplay = kTRUE;
1280 | cout << "WM_Disply: done. (return 0xd1e1)" << endl;
1281 | return (void*)0xd1e1;
1282 |
1283 | case WM_TRACK:
1284 | cout << "WM_Track: START" << endl;
1285 | {
1286 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1287 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1288 |
1289 | RaDec dest = *((RaDec*)mp);
1290 | TrackPosition(dest*kDeg2Rad);
1291 | }
1292 | cout << "WM_Track: done. (return 0x8888)" << endl;
1293 | return (void*)0x8888;
1294 |
1295 | case WM_NEWTRACK:
1296 | cout << "WM_NewTrack: START" << endl;
1297 | fRaDec = *((RaDec*)mp);
1298 | cout << "WM_NewTrack: done. (return 0x9999)" << endl;
1299 | return (void*)0x9999;
1300 |
1301 | case WM_LOADBENDING:
1302 | cout << "WM_LoadBending: START" << endl;
1303 | fBending.Load("bending.txt");
1304 | cout << "WM_LoadBending: done. (return 0xbe0d)" << endl;
1305 | return (void*)0xbe0d;
1306 |
1307 | case WM_RESETBENDING:
1308 | cout << "WM_ResetBending: START" << endl;
1309 | fBending.Reset();
1310 | cout << "WM_ResetBending: done. (return 0xbe0e)" << endl;
1311 | return (void*)0xbe0e;
1312 |
1313 | case WM_HOME:
1314 | cout << "WM_Home: START" << endl;
1315 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1316 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1317 | else
1318 | {
1319 | cout << "HOME NOT ALLOWED... for Magic." << endl;
1320 | /*
1321 | cout << "Going Home..." << endl;
1322 | TEnv env(".cosyrc");
1323 |
1324 | SetStatus(MCosy::kMoving);
1325 |
1326 | fMac1->SetHome(250000, env.GetValue("Az_MaxTime2ReachHome[s]", 100));
1327 | fMac2->SetHome(250000, env.GetValue("Zd_MaxTime2ReachHome[s]", 100));
1328 |
1329 | lout << "SETHOME DONE" << endl;
1330 |
1331 | SetStatus(HasError() ? MCosy::kError : MCosy::kStopped);
1332 |
1333 | fAz->SetPreset();
1334 | fZd1->SetPreset();
1335 | fZd2->SetPreset();
1336 |
1337 | fMac1->ReqPos();
1338 | fMac2->ReqPos();
1339 | fMac3->StopMotor();
1340 | */
1341 | }
1342 | cout << "WM_Home: done. (return 0x403e)" << endl;
1343 | return (void*)0x403e;
1344 |
1345 | case WM_CALCALTAZ:
1346 | {
1347 | cout << endl;
1348 |
1349 | SlaStars sla(fObservatory);
1350 | sla.Now();
1351 |
1352 | XY xy = *((XY*)mp);
1353 | RaDec rd(xy.X()*15., xy.Y()); // [deg]
1354 |
1355 | const ZdAz a0 = sla.CalcZdAz(rd*kDeg2Rad);
1356 |
1357 | ZdAz a1;
1358 | AlignTrackingPos(a0, a1);
1359 | a1 *= 180/TMath::Pi();
1360 |
1361 | const ZdAz a2 = a1*16384/360;
1362 | const ZdAz se = a0*16384/360;
1363 |
1364 | cout << "Ra/Dec source: " << xy.X() << "h " << xy.Y() << "°" << endl;
1365 | cout << "Zd/Az target: " << a0.Zd() << "° " << a0.Az() << "°" << endl;
1366 | cout << "Zd/Az bended: " << a1.Zd() << "° " << a1.Az() << "°" << endl;
1367 | cout << "SE target: " << se.Zd() << " " << se.Az() << endl;
1368 | cout << "SE bended: " << a2.Zd() << " " << a2.Az() << endl;
1369 | }
1370 | return (void*)0xa17a;
1371 |
1372 | case WM_QUIT:
1373 | cout << "WM_Quit: now." << endl;
1374 | if (!CheckNetwork())
1375 | {
1376 | lout << "ERROR: Cannot shutdown CANbus network." << endl;
1377 | return (void*)0xebb0;
1378 | }
1379 | TerminateApp();
1380 | cout << "WM_Quit: done." << endl;
1381 | return (void*)0xaaaa;
1382 | }
1383 | cout << "MCosy::Proc: Unknown message 0x" << msg << endl;
1384 | return (void*)0xffffffff;
1385 | }
1386 |
1387 | void *MTTalk::Thread()
1388 | {
1389 | fCosy->TalkThread();
1390 | return NULL;
1391 | }
1392 |
1393 | void MCosy::ReadConfig()
1394 | {
1395 | cout << "Reading configuration file..." << flush;
1396 | TEnv env(".cosyrc");
1397 | cout << "done." << endl;
1398 |
1399 | cout << "Reading telescope range..." << flush;
1400 | const Double_t amin = env.GetValue("Az_Min[deg]", -90.0);
1401 | const Double_t zmin = env.GetValue("Zd_Min[deg]", -74.5);
1402 | fMin.Set(zmin, amin);
1403 |
1404 | cout << " Min: " << zmin << "deg " << amin << "deg" << endl;
1405 |
1406 | const Double_t amax = env.GetValue("Az_Max[deg]", 318.0);
1407 | const Double_t zmax = env.GetValue("Zd_Max[deg]", 100.5);
1408 | fMax.Set(zmax, amax);
1409 |
1410 | cout << " Max: " << zmax << "deg " << amax << "deg" << endl;
1411 |
1412 | cout << "Reading gear ratios..." << flush;
1413 | const Double_t gaz = env.GetValue("Az_GearRatio[U_mot/U_tel]", 1000.0);
1414 | const Double_t gzd = env.GetValue("Zd_GearRatio[U_mot/U_tel]", 1000.0);
1415 |
1416 | Double_t resreaz = 0;
1417 | if (fMac1 && !fMac1->IsZombieNode())
1418 | resreaz = fMac1->GetRes();
1419 | else
1420 | if (fMac3 && !fMac3->IsZombieNode())
1421 | resreaz = fMac3->GetRes();
1422 | else
1423 | resreaz = env.GetValue("Az_ResRE[re/U_mot]", 1500);
1424 |
1425 | Double_t resrezd = 0;
1426 | if (fMac2 && !fMac2->IsZombieNode())
1427 | resrezd = fMac2->GetRes();
1428 | else
1429 | resrezd = env.GetValue("Zd_ResRE[re/U_mot]", 1500);
1430 |
1431 | Double_t ressezd = 0;
1432 | if (fZd1 && !fZd1->IsZombieNode())
1433 | ressezd = fZd1->GetPhysRes();
1434 | else
1435 | if (fZd2 && !fZd2->IsZombieNode())
1436 | ressezd = fZd2->GetPhysRes();
1437 | else
1438 | ressezd = env.GetValue("Zd_ResSE[se/U_mot]", 16384);
1439 |
1440 | Double_t resseaz = 0;
1441 | if (fAz && !fAz->IsZombieNode())
1442 | resseaz = fAz->GetPhysRes();
1443 | else
1444 | resseaz = env.GetValue("Az_ResSE[se/U_mot]", 16384);
1445 |
1446 | kGearRatio.Set (gzd*resrezd*4/ressezd, gaz*resreaz*4/resseaz); //[re/se]
1447 | kGearRatio2.Set(gzd*resrezd*4/360.0, gaz*resreaz*4/360.0); //[re/deg]
1448 | cout << "done." << endl;
1449 |
1450 | cout << " * Setting Gear Ratios:" << endl;
1451 | cout << " --------------------" << endl;
1452 | cout << " * X: " << gzd << "*" << resrezd << "/" << ressezd << "=" << kGearRatio.X() << endl;
1453 | cout << " * Y: " << gaz << "*" << resreaz << "/" << resseaz << "=" << kGearRatio.Y() << endl;
1454 | }
1455 |
1456 | void MCosy::InitSync()
1457 | {
1458 | if (!fMac3)
1459 | {
1460 | lout << "Unable to Init Sync! Mac3 not available." << endl;
1461 | return;
1462 | }
1463 |
1464 | const int res = fMac3->GetVelRes();
1465 |
1466 | fMac3->SetVelocity(0.3*res);
1467 | fMac3->SetAcceleration(0.2*res);
1468 | fMac3->SetDeceleration(0.2*res);
1469 | fMac3->StartPosSync();
1470 | }
1471 |
1472 | void MCosy::TalkThreadTracking()
1473 | {
1474 | if (fZd1->IsZombieNode() && fZd2->IsZombieNode())
1475 | return;
1476 |
1477 | if (fAz->IsZombieNode())
1478 | return;
1479 |
1480 | if (!fMac1 || !fMac2)
1481 | return;
1482 |
1483 | lout << "Tracking Thread started..." << endl;
1484 |
1485 | SlaStars sla(fObservatory);
1486 | sla.Now();
1487 |
1488 | ZdAz old;
1489 | ZdAz ist = GetSePos(); // [se]
1490 |
1491 | // ZdAz istre = -fOffset; // [re]
1492 | ZdAz time;
1493 |
1494 | ZdAz sollzd = sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec); // [rad]
1495 | ZdAz sollaz = sollzd; // [rad]
1496 |
1497 | //
1498 | // only update fTrackingError while tracking
1499 | //
1500 | bool phca1=false;
1501 | bool phca2=false;
1502 | bool phcaz=false;
1503 |
1504 | while (fBackground==kBgdTracking)
1505 | {
1506 | //
1507 | // Make changes (eg wind) smoother - attenuation of control function
1508 | //
1509 | const float weight = 1.; //0.3;
1510 |
1511 | //
1512 | // This is the time constant which defines how fast
1513 | // you correct for external influences (like wind)
1514 | //
1515 | fZd1->ResetPosHasChanged();
1516 | fZd2->ResetPosHasChanged();
1517 | fAz->ResetPosHasChanged();
1518 | do
1519 | {
1520 | phca1 = fZd1->PosHasChanged();
1521 | phca2 = fZd2->PosHasChanged();
1522 | phcaz = fAz->PosHasChanged();
1523 | usleep(1);
1524 | } while (!phca1 && !phca2 && !phcaz && fBackground==kBgdTracking);
1525 |
1526 | //---usleep(100000); // 0.1s
1527 |
1528 | //
1529 | // get position, where we are
1530 | //
1531 | old = ist;
1532 | ist = GetSePos(); // [se]
1533 |
1534 | //
1535 | // if the position didn't change continue
1536 | //
1537 | /*---
1538 | if ((int)ist.Zd() == (int)old.Zd() &&
1539 | (int)ist.Az() == (int)old.Az())
1540 | continue;
1541 | */
1542 | ZdAz istre = GetRePosPdo();
1543 |
1544 | //
1545 | // Get time from last shaftencoder position change (position: ist)
1546 | // FIXME: I cannot take the avarage
1547 | //
1548 | // FIXME
1549 | //time.Zd(fZd1->GetMjd());
1550 | /* OLD* */
1551 | if (fZd1->GetMjd()>fZd2->GetMjd())
1552 | time.Zd(fZd1->GetMjd());
1553 | else
1554 | time.Zd(fZd2->GetMjd());
1555 |
1556 | //time.Zd((fZd1->GetMjd()+fZd2->GetMjd())/2.0);
1557 | time.Az(fAz->GetMjd());
1558 |
1559 | //
1560 | // if Shaftencoder changed position
1561 | // calculate were we should be
1562 | //
1563 | if (phca1 || phca2 /*(int)ist.Zd() != (int)old.Zd()*/)
1564 | {
1565 | sollzd = sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec, time.Zd()); // [rad]
1566 | /*
1567 | ZdAz dummy = fBending(sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec));
1568 | sollzd = CorrectTarget(ist, dummy); // [se]
1569 | */
1570 | fOffset.Zd(fOffset.Zd()*(1.-weight)+(ist.Zd()*kGearRatio.X()-istre.Zd())*weight);
1571 | }
1572 |
1573 | if (phcaz /*(int)ist.Az() != (int)old.Az()*/)
1574 | {
1575 | sollaz = sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec, time.Az()); // [rad]
1576 | /*
1577 | ZdAz dummy = fBending(sla.CalcZdAz(fRaDec));
1578 | sollaz = CorrectTarget(ist, dummy); // [se]
1579 | */
1580 | fOffset.Az(fOffset.Az()*(1.-weight)+(ist.Az()*kGearRatio.Y()-istre.Az())*weight);
1581 | }
1582 |
1583 | ZdAz soll(sollzd.Zd(), sollaz.Az()); // [rad]
1584 |
1585 | AlignTrackingPos(soll*360/16384, fZdAzSoll);
1586 | /*
1587 | fZdAzSoll = fBending.CorrectBack(soll*2*TMath::Pi()/16384);
1588 |
1589 | // FIXME?
1590 | if (fZdAzSoll.Az()<-TMath::Pi()/2)
1591 | fZdAzSoll.Az(fZdAzSoll.Az() + TMath::Pi()*2);
1592 | if (fZdAzSoll.Az()>3*TMath::Pi()/2)
1593 | fZdAzSoll.Az(fZdAzSoll.Az() -TMath::Pi()*2);
1594 |
1595 | // FIXME?
1596 | while (ist.Az()>3*16384/4/2)
1597 | ist.Az(ist.Az() - 16384);
1598 | while (soll.Az()>3*16384/4/2)
1599 | soll.Az(soll.Az() - 16384);
1600 | while (ist.Az()<-16384/4)
1601 | ist.Az(ist.Az() + 16384);
1602 | while (soll.Az()<-16384/4)
1603 | soll.Az(soll.Az() + 16384);
1604 | */
1605 | ist *= TMath::Pi()*2/16384;
1606 | fTrackingError.Set(ist.Zd()-fZdAzSoll.Zd(), ist.Az()-fZdAzSoll.Az());
1607 |
1608 | //--- fout << setprecision(15) << setw(17) << time.Zd()*60.*60.*24. << " ";
1609 | //--- fout << setprecision(5) << setw(7) << fTrackingError.Zd() << " ";
1610 | //--- fout << setprecision(15) << setw(17) << time.Az()*60.*60.*24. << " ";
1611 | //--- fout << setprecision(5) << setw(7) << fTrackingError.Az() << endl;
1612 | }
1613 |
1614 | lout << "Tracking Thread done." << endl;
1615 |
1616 | //--- fout << endl << endl;
1617 | }
1618 |
1619 | void MCosy::TalkThreadSeTest()
1620 | {
1621 | // if (fZd1->IsZombieNode() || fZd2->IsZombieNode())
1622 | // return;
1623 |
1624 | if (fHist)
1625 | {
1626 | lout << "You are much too fast... try again." << endl;
1627 | return;
1628 | }
1629 |
1630 | fHist = new TH2F("Diff", "Difference of SE values",
1631 | 201, fMin.Zd(), fMax.Zd(), 41, -10.5, 10.5);
1632 | fHist->SetXTitle("ZA [\\circ]");
1633 | fHist->SetYTitle("\\Delta SE");
1634 |
1635 | Double_t offset = 0;
1636 |
1637 | int cnt = 0;
1638 |
1639 | lout << "Starting Shaftencoder Test..." << endl;
1640 |
1641 | while (fBackground==kBgdSeTest)
1642 | {
1643 | fZd1->ResetPosHasChanged();
1644 | fZd2->ResetPosHasChanged();
1645 |
1646 | while (!fZd1->PosHasChanged() && !fZd2->PosHasChanged() &&
1647 | fBackground==kBgdSeTest)
1648 | usleep(1);
1649 |
1650 | const Double_t pos[3] = {
1651 | (fZd1->GetPos()+8192)%16384,
1652 | (fZd2->GetPos()+8192)%16384,
1653 | fAz->GetPos() };
1654 |
1655 | //
1656 | // Estimate Offset from the first ten positions
1657 | //
1658 | if (cnt++<10)
1659 | {
1660 | offset += pos[0]+pos[1];
1661 | continue;
1662 | }
1663 | if (cnt==11)
1664 | {
1665 | offset /= 10;
1666 | cnt++;
1667 | }
1668 |
1669 | Double_t apos = (pos[0]-pos[1])/2 * TMath::Pi()*2 / 16384;
1670 |
1671 | ZdAz bend = fBending.CorrectBack(ZdAz(apos, pos[2]))*kRad2Deg;
1672 | fHist->Fill(bend.Zd(), pos[0]+pos[1]-offset);
1673 | }
1674 |
1675 | lout << "Shaftencoder Test Stopped... displaying Histogram." << endl;
1676 |
1677 | fBackground=kBgdSeTestDispl;
1678 | }
1679 |
1680 | void MCosy::TalkThreadGear()
1681 | {
1682 | // if (fZd1->IsZombieNode() || fZd2->IsZombieNode())
1683 | // return;
1684 |
1685 | if (fHist)
1686 | {
1687 | lout << "You are much too fast... try again." << endl;
1688 | return;
1689 | }
1690 |
1691 | fHist = new TH3F("Gear", "Gear Ratio Re/Se",
1692 | (int)((fMax.Zd()-fMin.Zd())/2.5+1), fMin.Zd(), fMax.Zd(),
1693 | (int)((fMax.Az()-fMin.Az())/2.5+1), fMin.Az(), fMax.Az(),
1694 | 61, 349.5, 500.5);
1695 |
1696 | fHist->SetXTitle("Zd [\\circ]");
1697 | fHist->SetYTitle("Az [\\circ]");
1698 | fHist->SetZTitle("Re/Se");
1699 |
1700 | lout << "Starting Gear determination..." << endl;
1701 |
1702 | ZdAz se0 = GetSePos();
1703 | ZdAz re0 = GetRePosPdo();
1704 |
1705 | while (fBackground==kBgdGear)
1706 | {
1707 | fZd1->ResetPosHasChanged();
1708 | fZd2->ResetPosHasChanged();
1709 | fAz->ResetPosHasChanged();
1710 |
1711 | while (!fZd1->PosHasChanged() && !fZd2->PosHasChanged() &&
1712 | !fAz->PosHasChanged() && fBackground==kBgdGear)
1713 | usleep(1);
1714 |
1715 | ZdAz se = GetSePos();
1716 | ZdAz re = GetRePosPdo();
1717 |
1718 | ZdAz dse = se-se0;
1719 | ZdAz dre = re-re0;
1720 |
1721 | if (fabs(dse.Zd())*144>16384) // Each 2.5deg (144)
1722 | {
1723 | se0.Zd(se.Zd());
1724 | re0.Zd(re.Zd());
1725 |
1726 | ZdAz bend = fBending.CorrectBack(se*2*TMath::Pi()/16384)*kRad2Deg;
1727 | ((TH3*)fHist)->Fill(bend.Zd(), bend.Az(), dre.Zd()/dse.Zd());
1728 | }
1729 |
1730 | if (fabs(dse.Az())*144>16384) // Each 2.5deg (144)
1731 | {
1732 | se0.Az(se.Az());
1733 | re0.Az(re.Az());
1734 |
1735 | ZdAz bend = fBending.CorrectBack(se*2*TMath::Pi()/16384)*kRad2Deg;
1736 | ((TH3*)fHist)->Fill(bend.Az(), bend.Az(), dre.Az()/dse.Az());
1737 | }
1738 | }
1739 | lout << "Gear Test Stopped... displaying Histogram." << endl;
1740 |
1741 | fBackground=kBgdGearDispl;
1742 | }
1743 |
1744 | void MCosy::TalkThread()
1745 | {
1746 | /* ========== FIXME? =============
1747 | if (fMac1->IsZombieNode() || fMac2->IsZombieNode())
1748 | return;
1749 | */
1750 |
1751 | if (fMac1 && fMac2)
1752 | {
1753 | fMac1->ReqPos();
1754 | fMac2->ReqPos();
1755 | }
1756 |
1757 | InitSync();
1758 |
1759 | /*** FOR DEMO MODE ***/
1760 | if (!fZd1 || !fZd2 || !fAz)
1761 | return;
1762 | /*** FOR DEMO MODE ***/
1763 |
1764 | //
1765 | // Start the Network
1766 | //
1767 | while (1)
1768 | {
1769 | //
1770 | // wait until a tracking session is started
1771 | //
1772 | while (fBackground==kBgdNone)
1773 | usleep(1);
1774 |
1775 | switch (fBackground)
1776 | {
1777 | case kBgdNone:
1778 | continue;
1779 |
1780 | case kBgdTracking:
1781 | TalkThreadTracking();
1782 | continue;
1783 |
1784 | case kBgdSeTest:
1785 | TalkThreadSeTest();
1786 | continue;
1787 |
1788 | case kBgdGear:
1789 | TalkThreadGear();
1790 | continue;
1791 |
1792 | default:
1793 | continue;
1794 | }
1795 | }
1796 | }
1797 |
1798 | Bool_t MCosy::HandleTimer(TTimer *t)
1799 | {
1800 | //
1801 | // Update Gui, foremer MTGui.
1802 | //
1803 | if (fZd1)
1804 | fZd1->DisplayVal();
1805 | if (fZd2)
1806 | fZd2->DisplayVal();
1807 | if (fAz)
1808 | fAz->DisplayVal();
1809 |
1810 | ZdAz seist = GetSePos()*2*TMath::Pi()/16384; // [se]
1811 | ZdAz bendist = fBending.CorrectBack(seist);
1812 |
1813 | Byte_t avail = 0;
1814 |
1815 | avail |= (fMac1 && !fMac1->IsZombieNode()) ? 0x01 : 0;
1816 | avail |= (fMac2 && !fMac2->IsZombieNode()) ? 0x02 : 0;
1817 | avail |= (fMac3 && !fMac3->IsZombieNode()) ? 0x04 : 0;
1818 | avail |= (fZd1 && !fZd1->IsZombieNode()) ? 0x08 : 0;
1819 | avail |= (fZd2 && !fZd2->IsZombieNode()) ? 0x10 : 0;
1820 | avail |= (fAz && !fAz->IsZombieNode()) ? 0x20 : 0;
1821 |
1822 | if (HasError())
1823 | SetStatus(MCosy::kError);
1824 |
1825 | lout.UpdateGui();
1826 |
1827 | fWin->Update(bendist*(360.0/2/TMath::Pi()), fTrackingError,
1828 | fVelocity, fOffset, fRaDec, fZdAzSoll, fStatus, avail);
1829 |
1830 | const Bool_t trigger = fTriggerDisplay;
1831 | fTriggerDisplay = kFALSE;
1832 |
1833 | if (fBackground==kBgdSeTestDispl || (trigger&&fBackground==kBgdSeTest))
1834 | DisplayHistTestSe(!trigger);
1835 |
1836 | if (fBackground==kBgdGearDispl || (trigger&&fBackground==kBgdGear))
1837 | DisplayHistGear(!trigger);
1838 |
1839 | return kTRUE;
1840 | }
1841 |
1842 | void MCosy::DisplayHistTestSe(Bool_t del)
1843 | {
1844 | lout << "Displaying histogram..." << endl;
1845 |
1846 | TH2F &hist = *(TH2F*)fHist;
1847 |
1848 | if (del)
1849 | {
1850 | fHist = NULL;
1851 | fBackground = kBgdNone;
1852 | }
1853 |
1854 | TCanvas *c=new TCanvas("c1", "", 1000, 1000);
1855 | c->Divide(1,2);
1856 |
1857 | c->cd(1);
1858 | TH2 *h=(TH2*)hist.DrawCopy();
1859 |
1860 | TProfile *p = h->ProfileX("_pfx", -1, 9999, "s");
1861 | p->SetLineColor(kBlue);
1862 | p->Draw("same");
1863 | p->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1864 |
1865 | c->cd(2);
1866 |
1867 | TH1F p2("spread", "Spread of the differences", hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetBinLowEdge(1),
1868 | hist.GetBinLowEdge(hist.GetNbinsX()+1));
1869 | p2.SetXTitle("Zd [\\circ]");
1870 | for (int i=0; i<hist.GetNbinsX(); i++)
1871 | p2.SetBinError(i, p->GetBinError(i));
1872 | p2.SetLineColor(kRed);
1873 | p2.SetStats(0);
1874 | p2.DrawCopy();
1875 |
1876 | if (del)
1877 | delete &hist;
1878 | }
1879 |
1880 | void MCosy::DisplayHistGear(Bool_t del)
1881 | {
1882 | lout << "Displaying histogram..." << endl;
1883 |
1884 | TH3F &hist = *(TH3F*)fHist;
1885 |
1886 | if (del)
1887 | {
1888 | fHist = NULL;
1889 | fBackground = kBgdNone;
1890 | }
1891 |
1892 | TCanvas *c=new TCanvas("c1", "", 1000, 1000);
1893 | c->Divide(2,2);
1894 |
1895 | // ----------
1896 |
1897 | c->cd(1);
1898 | TH2D &h1=*(TH2D*)hist.Project3D("zx"); // Zd
1899 | h1.SetTitle(" Gear Ratio Zenith Distance [re/se] ");
1900 | h1.SetXTitle("Zd [\\circ]");
1901 | h1.Draw();
1902 | h1.SetBit(kCanDelete);
1903 |
1904 | TProfile *p1 = h1.ProfileX("_pfx", -1, 9999, "s");
1905 | p1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
1906 | p1->Draw("same");
1907 | p1->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1908 |
1909 | // ----------
1910 |
1911 | c->cd(2);
1912 | TH2D &h2=*(TH2D*)hist.Project3D("zy"); // Az
1913 | h2.SetTitle(" Gear Ratio Azimuth [re/se] ");
1914 | h2.SetXTitle("Zd [\\circ]");
1915 | h2.Draw();
1916 | h2.SetBit(kCanDelete);
1917 |
1918 | TProfile *p2 = h2.ProfileX("_pfx", -1, 9999, "s");
1919 | p2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
1920 | p2->Draw("same");
1921 | p2->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1922 |
1923 | // ----------
1924 |
1925 | c->cd(3);
1926 |
1927 | TAxis &axe1 = *h1.GetXaxis();
1928 |
1929 | TH1F f1("spreadzd", " Spread Zenith Distance ",
1930 | axe1.GetNbins(), axe1.GetXmin(), axe1.GetXmax());
1931 | f1.SetXTitle("Zd [\\circ]");
1932 | for (int i=0; i<axe1.GetNbins(); i++)
1933 | f1.SetBinError(i, p1->GetBinError(i));
1934 | f1.SetLineColor(kRed);
1935 | f1.SetStats(0);
1936 | f1.DrawCopy();
1937 |
1938 | c->cd(4);
1939 |
1940 | // ----------
1941 |
1942 | TAxis &axe2 = *h2.GetXaxis();
1943 |
1944 | TH1F f2("spreadaz", " Spread Azimuth ",
1945 | axe2.GetNbins(), axe2.GetXmin(), axe2.GetXmax());
1946 | f2.SetXTitle("Az [\\circ]");
1947 | for (int i=0; i<axe2.GetNbins(); i++)
1948 | f2.SetBinError(i, p2->GetBinError(i));
1949 | f2.SetLineColor(kRed);
1950 | f2.SetStats(0);
1951 | f2.DrawCopy();
1952 |
1953 | // ----------
1954 |
1955 | if (del)
1956 | delete &hist;
1957 | }
1958 |
1959 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1960 | //
1961 | // Start the work of the application:
1962 | //
1963 | // Start the Can-Network.
1964 | // Start the MCosy::TalkThread thread.
1965 | // turn on the gui update
1966 | //
1967 | void MCosy::Start()
1968 | {
1969 | // Don't call this function twice!
1970 | Network::Start();
1971 |
1972 | ReadConfig();
1973 |
1974 | lout << "- Starting TX Thread." << endl;
1975 | fTTalk = new MTTalk(this);
1976 |
1977 | lout << "- Starting GUI update." << endl;
1978 | fUpdateGui->TurnOn();
1979 | }
1980 |
1981 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1982 | //
1983 | // Start the work of the application:
1984 | //
1985 | // Turn of the gui update
1986 | // stop the MCosy::TalkThread thread.
1987 | // Stop the network
1988 | //
1989 | void MCosy::Stop()
1990 | {
1991 | lout << "- Stopping GUI update." << endl;
1992 | fUpdateGui->TurnOff();
1993 | lout << "- GUI Update stopped." << endl;
1994 |
1995 | delete fTTalk;
1996 | lout << "- TX Thread stopped." << endl;
1997 |
1998 | Network::Stop();
1999 | }
2000 |
2001 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2002 | //
2003 | // Disable the synchronization by using a negative CAN Id for id2.
2004 | //
2005 | void MCosy::Constructor(Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3,
2006 | Int_t id4, Int_t id5, Int_t id6)
2007 | {
2008 | //
2009 | // Create Nodes
2010 | //
2011 | lout << "- Setting up network." << endl;
2012 |
2013 | fMac1=new Macs(id1, "Mac/Az", lout);
2014 | fMac2=new Macs(id3, "Mac/Zd", lout);
2015 | if (id2>=0)
2016 | fMac3=new Macs(id2, "Mac/Az-Sync", lout);
2017 |
2018 | fZd1=new ShaftEncoder(id4, "SE/Zd1", lout);
2019 | fZd2=new ShaftEncoder(id5, "SE/Zd2", lout);
2020 | fAz =new ShaftEncoder(id6, "SE/Az", lout);
2021 |
2022 | lout << "- Connecting devices to network." << endl;
2023 |
2024 | //
2025 | // Connect the devices to the network
2026 | //
2027 | SetNode(fMac1);
2028 | SetNode(fMac2);
2029 | if (id2>=0)
2030 | SetNode(fMac3);
2031 | SetNode(fZd1);
2032 | SetNode(fZd2);
2033 | SetNode(fAz);
2034 |
2035 | //
2036 | // Create Gui Event timer and Gui
2037 | //
2038 | lout << "- Initializing GUI Timer." << endl;
2039 | fUpdateGui = new TTimer(this, 100); // 100ms
2040 |
2041 | lout << "- Starting GUI." << endl;
2042 | fWin=new MGCosy(fObservatory, this, gClient->GetRoot(), 1, 1);
2043 | }
2044 |
2045 | void MCosy::ConstructorSE(Int_t id4, Int_t id5, Int_t id6)
2046 | {
2047 | //
2048 | // Create Nodes
2049 | //
2050 | lout << "- Setting up network." << endl;
2051 |
2052 | fZd1=new ShaftEncoder(id4, "SE/Zd1", lout);
2053 | fZd2=new ShaftEncoder(id5, "SE/Zd2", lout);
2054 | fAz =new ShaftEncoder(id6, "SE/Az", lout);
2055 |
2056 | lout << "- Connecting devices to network." << endl;
2057 |
2058 | //
2059 | // Connect the devices to the network
2060 | //
2061 | SetNode(fZd1);
2062 | SetNode(fZd2);
2063 | SetNode(fAz);
2064 |
2065 | //
2066 | // Create Gui Event timer and Gui
2067 | //
2068 | lout << "- Initializing GUI Timer." << endl;
2069 | fUpdateGui = new TTimer(this, 100); // 100ms
2070 |
2071 | lout << "- Starting GUI." << endl;
2072 | fWin=new MGCosy(fObservatory, this, gClient->GetRoot(), 1, 1);
2073 | }
2074 |
2075 | void MCosy::ConstructorDemo()
2076 | {
2077 | //
2078 | // Create Nodes
2079 | //
2080 | lout << "- Setting up network." << endl;
2081 |
2082 | //
2083 | // Create Gui Event timer and Gui
2084 | //
2085 | lout << "- Initializing GUI Timer." << endl;
2086 | fUpdateGui = new TTimer(this, 100); // 100ms
2087 |
2088 | lout << "- Starting GUI." << endl;
2089 | fWin=new MGCosy(fObservatory, this, gClient->GetRoot(), 1, 1);
2090 | }
2091 |
2092 | MCosy::MCosy(int mode, const char *dev, const int baud, MLog &out)
2093 | : Network(dev, baud, out), fObservatory(MObservatory::kMagic1), fZd1(0), fZd2(0), fAz(0), fMac1(0), fMac2(0), fMac3(0), fBackground(kBgdNone)
2094 | {
2095 | TEnv env(".cosyrc");
2096 | const Int_t id1 = env.GetValue("Az_Id-MAC1", 1); //1
2097 | const Int_t id2 = env.GetValue("Az_Id-MAC2", 2); //2
2098 | const Int_t id3 = env.GetValue("Zd_Id-MAC", 3); //3
2099 | const Int_t id4 = env.GetValue("Zd_Id-SE1", 4); //4
2100 | const Int_t id5 = env.GetValue("Zd_Id-SE2", 5); //5
2101 | const Int_t id6 = env.GetValue("Az_Id-SE", 6); //6
2102 |
2103 | lout << "- Program in ";
2104 | switch (mode)
2105 | {
2106 | case 0:
2107 | lout << "<<Stanard mode>>" << endl;
2108 | fBending.Load("bending.txt");
2109 | Constructor(id1, id2, id3, id4, id5, id6);
2110 | break;
2111 | case 1:
2112 | lout << "<<SE mode>>" << endl;
2113 | fBending.Load("bending.txt");
2114 | ConstructorSE(id4, id5, id6);
2115 | break;
2116 | default:
2117 | lout << "<<Demo mode>>" << endl;
2118 | ConstructorDemo();
2119 | }
2120 |
2121 | lout.SetOutputGui(fWin->GetLog(), kTRUE);
2122 |
2123 | fZd1->SetDisplay(fWin->GetLabel2());
2124 | fZd2->SetDisplay(fWin->GetLabel3());
2125 | fAz->SetDisplay(fWin->GetLabel1());
2126 |
2127 | int i=0;
2128 | char name[100];
2129 | while (1)
2130 | {
2131 | sprintf(name, "tpoint/tpoint%03d.txt", i++);
2132 | if (gSystem->AccessPathName(name, kFileExists))
2133 | break;
2134 | }
2135 |
2136 | Timer time;
2137 | time.Now();
2138 |
2139 | cout << "TPoint File ********* " << name << " ********** " << endl;
2140 |
2141 | tpout = new ofstream(name);
2142 | *tpout << "Magic Model TPOINT data file" << endl;
2143 | *tpout << ": ALTAZ" << endl;
2144 | *tpout << "49 48 0 ";
2145 | *tpout << time.Year() << " " << time.Month() << " " << time.Day() << " ";
2146 | *tpout << /*"20 1013.25 300 0.5 0.55 0.0065" <<*/ endl;
2147 | // temp(°C) pressure(mB) height(m) humidity(1) wavelength(microm) troplapserate(K/m)
2148 | }
2149 |
2150 | void MCosy::TerminateApp()
2151 | {
2152 | cout << "MCosy::TerminateApp()" << endl;
2153 | /*
2154 | Int_t rc;
2155 | TGMessageBox msg(this, gClient->GetRoot(),
2156 | "Information",
2157 | "Cosy is shutting down the system - this may take wa while!",
2158 | kMBIconExclamation,
2159 | kMBOK, //kMBClose
2160 | &rc, 0);
2161 | */
2162 |
2163 | lout.DisableOutputDevice(MLog::eGui);
2165 | // lout.SetOutputGui(NULL, kFALSE);
2166 |
2167 | gApplication->Terminate(0);
2168 | }
2169 |
2170 | MCosy::~MCosy()
2171 | {
2172 | *tpout << "END" << endl;
2173 | delete tpout;
2174 |
2175 | cout << "Deleting GUI timer." << endl;
2176 |
2177 | delete fUpdateGui;
2178 |
2179 | cout << "Deleting Nodes." << endl;
2180 |
2181 | delete fAz;
2182 | delete fZd1;
2183 | delete fZd2;
2184 | delete fMac1;
2185 | delete fMac2;
2186 | if (fMac3)
2187 | delete fMac3;
2188 |
2189 | cout << "Deleting MGCosy." << endl;
2190 |
2191 | lout.DisableOutputDevice(MLog::eGui);
2192 |
2193 | delete fWin;
2194 |
2195 | cout << "MGCosy destructed." << endl;
2196 | }