#ifndef MCOSY_H #define MCOSY_H #include "coord.h" #include "msgqueue.h" #include "network.h" #include "MThread.h" #include "MBending.h" #ifndef MARS_Mobservatory #include "MObservatory.h" #endif #define kDEG ((char)0x9c) // Linux 'ø' #define WM_WAIT WM_NULL //#define WM_PRESET 0x1000 #define WM_POSITION 0x1001 #define WM_TRACK 0x1002 #define WM_STOP 0x1003 //#define WM_CALIB 0x1004 #define WM_TPOINT 0x1005 #define WM_NEWTRACK 0x1006 #define WM_LOADBENDING 0x1007 #define WM_RESETBENDING 0x1008 #define WM_CALCALTAZ 0x1009 #define WM_HOME 0x100a #define WM_TESTSE 0x100b #define WM_GEAR 0x100c #define WM_DISPLAY 0x100d #define WM_TRACKPOS 0x100e class ShaftEncoder; class Macs; class MGCosy; class MCosy; class TH1; class MTTalk : public MThread { private: MCosy *fCosy; void *Thread(); public: MTTalk(MCosy *cosy) : MThread(false), fCosy(cosy) { SetPriority(10); Detach(); Start(); } ~MTTalk() { cout << "~MTTalk::MTTalk" << endl; } }; class TTimer; class MCosy : public Network, public MsgQueue, public TObject { friend class MTTalk; private: enum { kError = 0x01, kMoving = 0x02, kTracking = 0x04, kStopping = 0x08, kStopped = 0x10 }; const MObservatory::LocationName_t fObservatory; ShaftEncoder *fZd1; ShaftEncoder *fZd2; ShaftEncoder *fAz; Macs *fMac1; Macs *fMac2; Macs *fMac3; MGCosy *fWin; TTimer *fUpdateGui; MTTalk *fTTalk; // should be outsourced, like the starguider. // with a generic interface to both... enum BackgroundAction_t { kBgdNone, kBgdTracking, kBgdSeTest, kBgdSeTestDispl, kBgdGear, kBgdGearDispl }; BackgroundAction_t fBackground; // Flag for present backgroundthread ZdAz fTrackingError; // [rad] Tracking Offset between SE and calc-pos ZdAz fOffset; // Offset between se and re coordinate system [re] ZdAz fZdAzSoll; // [rad] Soll position when moving RaDec fRaDec; // Position to track ZdAz fAccuracy; // Actual accuracy of Tracking ZdAz fVelocity; // Actual velocity of Tracking ZdAz fMin; ZdAz fMax; TH1 *fHist; Bool_t fTriggerDisplay; XY kGearRatio; // describing the gear of the system [re/se] XY kGearRatio2; // describing the gear of the system [re/deg] MBending fBending; UInt_t fStatus; ofstream *tpout; Bool_t AlignTrackingPos(ZdAz pointing, ZdAz &za); Bool_t CheckRange(const ZdAz &d) const; double Rad2SE(double rad) const; double Rad2ZdRE(double rad) const; double Rad2AzRE(double rad) const; double Deg2ZdRE(double rad) const; double Deg2AzRE(double rad) const; void SetStatus(UInt_t stat) { fStatus = stat; } UInt_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; } ZdAz GetRePos(); ZdAz GetRePosPdo(); ZdAz GetSePos(); // [se] Bool_t RequestRePos(); Bool_t SetVelocity(const ZdAz &v); void SetPosVelocity(const Float_t ratio, Float_t vel); void DoRelPos(const ZdAz &rd, const Bool_t axe1, const Bool_t axe2); void InitSync(); bool InitTracking(); void LimitSpeed(ZdAz *vt, const ZdAz &vcalc) const; void TalkThread(); void TalkThreadTracking(); void TalkThreadSeTest(); void TalkThreadGear(); void DisplayHistTestSe(Bool_t del=kTRUE); void DisplayHistGear(Bool_t del=kTRUE); int SetPosition(const ZdAz &dst, Bool_t track=kFALSE); void TerminateApp(); void TrackPosition(const RaDec &dst); // ra, dec [rad] int StopWaitingForSDO() const; void CheckForError(); void StopMovement(); void StopTracking(); void WaitForEndMovement(); void Constructor(Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3, Int_t id4, Int_t id5, Int_t id6); void ConstructorSE(Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3); void ConstructorDemo(); void ReadConfig(); bool CheckNetwork(); public: MCosy(int mode, const char *dev, const int baud, MLog &out=gLog); ~MCosy(); void Start(); void Stop(); void *Proc(int msg, void *mp); Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *t); // static ZdAz CorrectTarget(const ZdAz &src, const ZdAz &dst); // static ZdAz RaDec2ZdAz(const double mjd, const RaDec &pos, const RaDec &pm=RaDec(0,0)); ClassDef(MCosy, 0) }; #endif