1 | #ifndef COSY_MCosy
2 | #define COSY_MCosy
3 |
4 | //#include "coord.h"
5 | #include "msgqueue.h"
6 | #include "MPointing.h"
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MThread
9 | #define COSY_MThread
10 | #include "MThread.h"
11 | #endif
12 |
13 | #ifndef COSY_Network
14 | #include "network.h"
15 | #endif
16 | #ifndef MARS_MObservatory
17 | #include "MObservatory.h"
18 | #endif
19 | #ifndef ROOT_TMutex
20 | #include <TMutex.h>
21 | #endif
22 |
23 | #define kDEG ((char)0x9c) // Linux 'ø'
24 |
25 | #define WM_WAIT WM_NULL
26 | //#define WM_PRESET 0x1000
27 | #define WM_POSITION 0x1001
28 | #define WM_TRACK 0x1002
29 | #define WM_STOP 0x1003
30 | //#define WM_CALIB 0x1004
31 | #define WM_TPOINT 0x1005
32 | #define WM_NEWTRACK 0x1006
33 | #define WM_LOADBENDING 0x1007
34 | #define WM_RESETBENDING 0x1008
35 | #define WM_CALCALTAZ 0x1009
36 | #define WM_HOME 0x100a
37 | #define WM_TESTSE 0x100b
38 | #define WM_GEAR 0x100c
39 | #define WM_DISPLAY 0x100d
40 | #define WM_TRACKPOS 0x100e
41 | #define WM_POSITION1 0x100f
42 | #define WM_ENDSWITCH 0x1010
43 | #define WM_GRB 0x1011
44 | #define WM_PREPS 0x1012
45 | #define WM_ARM 0x1013
46 |
47 | class ShaftEncoder;
48 | class Macs;
49 | class MGCosy;
50 | class MCosy;
51 | class TH1;
52 | class MStarguider;
53 | class MDriveCom;
54 | class MEnv;
55 |
56 | class MTTalk : public MThread
57 | {
58 | private:
59 | MCosy *fCosy;
60 |
61 | Int_t Thread();
62 |
63 | public:
64 | MTTalk(MCosy *cosy) : MThread("MTTalk"), fCosy(cosy)
65 | {
66 | RunThread();
67 | }
68 | ~MTTalk();
69 | };
70 |
71 | class TTimer;
72 | class MCosy : public Network, public MsgQueue, public TObject
73 | {
74 | friend class MTTalk;
75 | friend class MSlewing;
76 | friend class MTracking;
77 |
78 | private:
79 | const MObservatory::LocationName_t fObservatory;
80 |
81 | MStarguider *fStarguider;
82 |
83 | ShaftEncoder *fZd1;
84 | ShaftEncoder *fZd2;
85 | ShaftEncoder *fAz;
86 |
87 | Macs *fMac1;
88 | Macs *fMac2;
89 | //Macs *fMac3;
90 |
91 | MGCosy *fWin;
92 | MDriveCom *fCom;
93 |
94 | TTimer *fUpdateGui;
95 | MTTalk *fTTalk; // should be outsourced, like the starguider.
96 | // with a generic interface to both...
97 | ZdAz fTrackingPos; // [deg] Current tracking position
98 | ZdAz fTrackingPosRaw; // [deg] Raw tracking position
99 |
100 | TMutex fMutexGui;
101 |
102 | enum BackgroundAction_t
103 | {
104 | kBgdNone,
105 | //kBgdTracking,
106 | kBgdSeTest,
107 | kBgdSeTestDispl,
108 | kBgdGear,
109 | kBgdGearDispl
110 | };
111 |
112 | BackgroundAction_t fBackground; // Flag for present backgroundthread
113 |
114 | ZdAz fTrackingError; // [rad] Tracking Offset between SE and calc-pos
115 | ZdAz fZdAzSoll; // [rad] Soll position when moving
116 | RaDec fRaDec; // Position to track
117 | ZdAz fAccuracy; // Actual accuracy of Tracking
118 | ZdAz fVelocity; // Actual velocity of Tracking
119 | ZdAz fMin;
120 | ZdAz fMax;
121 |
122 | TH1 *fHist;
123 | Bool_t fTriggerDisplay;
124 |
125 | XY kResSE; // describing the resolution of the system [se/U_tel]
126 | XY kResRE; // describing the resolution of the system [re/U_mot]
127 | XY kGear; // describing the resolution of the system [U_mot/U_tel]
128 | XY kGearTot; // describing the resolution of the system [re/U_tel]
129 |
130 | MPointing fBending;
131 |
132 | UInt_t fStatus;
133 |
134 | ofstream *fOutTp;
135 | MLog *fOutRep;
136 |
137 | ZdAz AlignTrackingPos(ZdAz pointing) const;
138 | Bool_t CheckRange(const ZdAz &d) const;
139 | Double_t Starguider(Double_t mjd, ZdAz &dest) const;
140 |
141 | void SetStatus(UInt_t stat) { fStatus = stat; }
142 | UInt_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; }
143 |
144 | ZdAz GetRePos();
145 | ZdAz GetRePosPdo();
146 | ZdAz GetSePos() const; // [se]
147 | // FIXME: Must depend on the Shaftencoder mounted
148 | ZdAz GetSePosRad() const { return GetSePos()*TMath::TwoPi()/16384; } // [rad]
149 |
150 | void InitSync();
151 |
152 | void TalkThread();
153 | void TalkThreadSeTest();
154 | void TalkThreadGear();
155 |
156 | void DisplayHistTestSe(Bool_t del=kTRUE);
157 | void DisplayHistGear(Bool_t del=kTRUE);
158 |
159 | int SetPosition(const ZdAz &dst, Bool_t track=kFALSE);
160 | void TrackPosition(const RaDec &dst); // ra, dec [rad]
161 | void TrackPositionGRB(const RaDec &dst); // ra, dec [rad]
162 |
163 | void TerminateApp();
164 |
165 | int StopWaitingForSDO() const;
166 | void CheckForError();
167 |
168 | void StopMovement();
169 |
170 | void WaitForEndMovement();
171 |
172 | void Constructor(Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3, Int_t id4, Int_t id5, Int_t id6);
173 | //void ConstructorSE(Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3);
174 | //void ConstructorDemo();
175 |
176 | void ReadConfig(MEnv &env);
177 |
178 | bool CheckNetwork();
179 |
180 | void Start() { }
181 |
182 | public:
183 | MCosy(MEnv &env, MDriveCom *com, const char *pointing);
184 | ~MCosy();
185 |
186 | void Start(MEnv &env);
187 | void Stop();
188 |
189 | Int_t Proc(int msg, void *mp);
190 |
191 | Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *t);
192 |
193 | ZdAz GetPointingPos(void) const;
194 | void SetStarguider(MStarguider *s) { fStarguider = s; }
195 |
196 | static TString GetFileName(const char *path, const char *name, const char *ext);
197 |
198 | MGCosy *GetWin() { return fWin; }
199 |
200 | ZdAz GetTrackingPosDeg() const { return fTrackingPos; };
201 | ZdAz GetTrackingPosRaw() const { return fTrackingPosRaw; };
202 | void SetTrackingPosRE(ZdAz za);
203 |
204 | AltAz GetAltAzDeg() const
205 | {
206 | ZdAz sepos = GetSePos()*TMath::TwoPi()/kResSE;
207 | AltAz za1(TMath::Pi()/2-sepos.Zd(), sepos.Az());
208 | za1 *= kRad2Deg;
209 | return za1;
210 | }
211 |
212 | MLog *GetOutRep() { return fOutRep; }
213 |
214 | MDriveCom *GetDriveCom() { return fCom; }
215 |
216 | // static ZdAz CorrectTarget(const ZdAz &src, const ZdAz &dst);
217 | // static ZdAz RaDec2ZdAz(const double mjd, const RaDec &pos, const RaDec &pm=RaDec(0,0));
218 |
219 | ClassDef(MCosy, 0)
220 | };
221 |
222 | #endif