1 | #define EXPERT
2 |
3 | #include "MStarguider.h"
4 |
5 | #include <fstream.h> // ifstream
6 | #include <iostream.h> // cout
7 | #include <iomanip.h> // cout
8 |
9 | #include <TH2F.h>
10 | #include <TGraph.h>
11 | #include <TTimer.h>
12 | #include <TSystem.h>
13 | #include <TFile.h> // temp writeout of histos
14 | #include "MAstro.h"
15 | #include "MString.h"
16 |
17 | #include <TGMenu.h>
18 | #include <TGLabel.h>
19 | #include <TGButton.h>
20 | #include <TGSplitter.h> // TGHorizontal3DLine
21 | #include <TGTextEntry.h>
22 | #include <TGLayout.h>
23 | #include "MString.h"
24 |
25 | #include "MCosy.h"
26 | #include "MCaos.h"
27 | // #include "MStargLeds.h"
28 | #include "MStargHistograms.h"
29 | #include "MDriveCom.h"
30 |
31 | #include "MGStarg.h"
32 | #include "TGFrame.h"
33 |
34 | #include "MGImage.h"
35 | #include "MGCoordinates.h"
36 |
37 | #include "coord.h"
38 |
39 | #include "Camera.h"
40 | #include "PngReader.h"
41 |
42 | #include "Led.h"
43 | #include "Writer.h"
44 | #include "FilterLed.h"
45 | #include "MStarList.h"
46 | #include "CaosFilter.h"
47 | #include "StarCatalog.h"
48 | #include "MGeomCamMagic.h"
49 | #include "MAstroCamera.h"
50 |
51 | #include "MGMenu.h"
52 | #include "MGCosy.h"
53 |
54 | ClassImp(MStarguider);
55 |
56 | enum {
57 | IDM_kFilter,
58 | IDM_kFindStar,
59 | IDM_kCaosFilter,
60 | IDM_kCatalog,
61 | IDM_kStarguider,
62 | IDM_kStart,
63 | IDM_kStop,
64 | IDM_kFileType,
65 | IDM_kPPM,
66 | IDM_kPNG,
67 | IDM_kOnce,
68 | IDM_kStretch,
69 | IDM_kInput,
70 | IDM_kChannel1,
71 | IDM_kChannel2,
72 | IDM_kChannel3,
73 | IDM_kContinous,
74 | IDM_kRate25ps,
75 | IDM_kRate5ps,
76 | IDM_kRate1s,
77 | IDM_kRate5s,
78 | IDM_kRate30s,
79 | IDM_kRate1m,
80 | IDM_kRate5m,
81 | IDM_kSetup,
82 | IDM_kLimMag3,
83 | IDM_kLimMag4,
84 | IDM_kLimMag5,
85 | IDM_kLimMag6,
86 | IDM_kLimMag7,
87 | IDM_kLimMag8,
88 | IDM_kLimMag9,
89 | IDM_kPixSize,
90 | IDM_kAngle,
91 | IDM_kInterpol250,
92 | IDM_kInterpol125,
93 | IDM_kInterpol50,
94 | IDM_kInterpol25,
95 | IDM_kInterpol10,
96 | IDM_kInterpol5,
97 | IDM_kInterpol2,
98 | IDM_kInterpol1,
99 | IDM_kCaosPrintRings,
100 | IDM_kCaosPrintLeds,
101 | IDM_kCaosAnalStart,
102 | IDM_kCaosAnalStop,
103 | IDM_kCaosWriteStart,
104 | IDM_kCaosWriteStop,
105 | IDM_kResetHistograms,
106 | IDM_kStargHistograms,
107 | IDM_kStargAnalysis,
108 | IDM_kStargCaosFilter,
109 | IDM_kStargLEDFilter,
110 | IDM_kStargFindStar,
111 | IDM_kTPointAna,
112 | IDM_kRoqueLampAna
113 |
114 | };
115 |
116 | Bool_t MStarguider::HandleTimer(TTimer *t)
117 | {
118 | if (IsMapped())
119 | {
120 | fImage->DoRedraw();
121 | fZoomImage->DoRedraw();
122 | }
123 |
124 | if (fCosy && fCosy->GetWin()->IsMapped())
125 | fCosy->GetWin()->GetImage()->DoRedraw();
126 |
127 | fGStarg->Update(fPos, fD);
128 |
129 | return kTRUE;
130 | }
131 |
132 | #define kZOOM 96
133 |
134 | XY MStarguider::GetCoordinates() const
135 | {
136 | return fPZdAz->GetCoordinates();
137 | }
138 |
139 | void MStarguider::InitGui(Int_t channel)
140 | {
141 | fList = new MGList;
142 |
143 | const TGWindow *p=gClient->GetRoot();
144 |
145 | fChannel = new MGPopupMenu(p);
146 | fChannel->AddEntry("Starfield Camera", IDM_kChannel1);
147 | fChannel->AddEntry("TPoint Camera", IDM_kChannel2);
148 | fChannel->AddEntry("Read from File", IDM_kChannel3);
149 | if (channel<0) {
150 | fChannel->CheckEntry(IDM_kChannel3);
151 | } else {
152 | fChannel->CheckEntry(channel==0?IDM_kChannel1:IDM_kChannel2);
153 | }
154 | fChannel->Associate(this);
155 | fList->Add(fChannel);
156 |
157 | //
158 | // Create Menu for MStarguider Display
159 | //
160 | fDisplay = new MGPopupMenu(p);
161 | fDisplay->AddEntry("&Filter", IDM_kFilter);
162 | fDisplay->AddEntry("Find &Star", IDM_kFindStar);
163 | fDisplay->AddEntry("C&aos Filter", IDM_kCaosFilter);
164 | fDisplay->AddEntry("SAO &Catalog", IDM_kCatalog);
165 | fDisplay->AddEntry("Stretch", IDM_kStretch);
166 | fDisplay->AddSeparator();
167 | fDisplay->AddEntry("Starguider", IDM_kStarguider);
168 | fDisplay->AddEntry("Starguider LED Filter", IDM_kStargCaosFilter);
169 | fDisplay->AddEntry("Starguider Find Star", IDM_kStargFindStar);
170 | fDisplay->AddEntry("Starguider Analysis", IDM_kStargAnalysis);
171 | fDisplay->AddSeparator();
172 | if (channel>=0)
173 | fDisplay->AddPopup("&Input", fChannel);
174 | fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStargAnalysis);
175 | fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStargFindStar);
176 | fDisplay->CheckEntry(IDM_kStretch);
177 | fDisplay->Associate(this);
178 | fList->Add(fDisplay);
179 |
180 |
181 | fOperations = new MGPopupMenu(p);
182 | fOperations->AddEntry("TPoint Analysis", IDM_kTPointAna);
183 | fOperations->AddEntry("Roque Lamp Analysis", IDM_kRoqueLampAna);
184 | fOperations->Associate(this);
185 | fList->Add(fOperations);
186 |
187 |
188 | fFileType = new MGPopupMenu(p);
189 | fFileType->AddEntry("PP&M", IDM_kPPM);
190 | fFileType->AddEntry("&PNG", IDM_kPNG);
191 | fFileType->CheckEntry(IDM_kPNG);
192 | fFileType->Associate(this);
193 | fList->Add(fFileType);
194 |
195 | fWriteType = new MGPopupMenu(p);
196 | fWriteType->AddEntry("&Once", IDM_kOnce);
197 | fWriteType->AddEntry("&Continous", IDM_kContinous);
198 | fWriteType->CheckEntry(IDM_kOnce);
199 | fWriteType->Associate(this);
200 | fList->Add(fWriteType);
201 |
202 | fWriteRate = new MGPopupMenu(p);
203 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("25/s", IDM_kRate25ps);
204 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("5/s", IDM_kRate5ps);
205 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("1s", IDM_kRate1s);
206 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("5s", IDM_kRate5s);
207 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("30s", IDM_kRate30s);
208 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("1min", IDM_kRate1m);
209 | fWriteRate->AddEntry("5min", IDM_kRate5m);
210 | fWriteRate->CheckEntry(IDM_kRate1m);
211 | fWriteRate->Associate(this);
212 | fList->Add(fWriteRate);
213 |
214 | fWrtRate = 25*60;
215 |
216 | fWritePictures = new MGPopupMenu(p);
217 | fWritePictures->AddEntry("&Start", IDM_kStart);
218 | fWritePictures->AddEntry("Sto&p", IDM_kStop);
219 | fWritePictures->AddSeparator();
220 | fWritePictures->AddPopup("File &Type", fFileType);
221 | fWritePictures->AddPopup("&Write Type", fWriteType);
222 | fWritePictures->AddPopup("Write &Rate", fWriteRate);
223 | fWritePictures->DisableEntry(IDM_kStop);
224 | fWritePictures->Associate(this);
225 | fList->Add(fWritePictures);
226 |
227 | fLimMag = new MGPopupMenu(p);
228 | fLimMag->AddEntry("3", IDM_kLimMag3);
229 | fLimMag->AddEntry("4", IDM_kLimMag4);
230 | fLimMag->AddEntry("5", IDM_kLimMag5);
231 | fLimMag->AddEntry("6", IDM_kLimMag6);
232 | fLimMag->AddEntry("7", IDM_kLimMag7);
233 | fLimMag->AddEntry("8", IDM_kLimMag8);
234 | fLimMag->AddEntry("9", IDM_kLimMag9);
235 | fLimMag->CheckEntry(IDM_kLimMag8);
236 | fLimMag->Associate(this);
237 | fList->Add(fLimMag);
238 |
239 | fSao->SetLimitMag(7.0);
240 |
241 | fInterpol = new MGPopupMenu(p);
242 | fInterpol->AddEntry("250", IDM_kInterpol250);
243 | fInterpol->AddEntry("125", IDM_kInterpol125);
244 | fInterpol->AddEntry("50", IDM_kInterpol50);
245 | fInterpol->AddEntry("25", IDM_kInterpol25);
246 | fInterpol->AddEntry("10", IDM_kInterpol10);
247 | fInterpol->AddEntry("5", IDM_kInterpol5);
248 | fInterpol->AddEntry("2", IDM_kInterpol2);
249 | fInterpol->AddEntry("Off", IDM_kInterpol1);
250 | fInterpol->Associate(this);
251 | fList->Add(fInterpol);
252 |
253 | TString disp=gVirtualX->DisplayName();
254 | cout << "Display: " << disp << endl;
255 | if (disp.First(':')>=0)
256 | disp=disp(0, disp.First(':'));
257 |
258 | if (disp.IsNull() || disp==(TString)"localhost")
259 | {
260 | fInterpol->CheckEntry(IDM_kInterpol5);
261 | fIntRate = 50;
262 | }
263 | else
264 | {
265 | fInterpol->CheckEntry(IDM_kInterpol125);
266 | fIntRate = 125;
267 | }
268 |
269 | fSetup = new MGPopupMenu(p);
270 | fSetup->AddPopup("Lim. &Magnitude", fLimMag);
271 | fSetup->AddPopup("Disp. &Interpolation", fInterpol);
272 | //fSetup->AddEntry("Use Ra/Dec from file", IDM_kUseFileRaDec);
273 | fSetup->Associate(this);
274 | fList->Add(fSetup);
275 |
276 | fCaosPrint = new MGPopupMenu(p);
277 | fCaosPrint->AddEntry("&Leds", IDM_kCaosPrintLeds);
278 | fCaosPrint->AddEntry("&Rings", IDM_kCaosPrintRings);
279 | fCaosPrint->Associate(this);
280 | fList->Add(fCaosPrint);
281 |
282 | fCaosWrite = new MGPopupMenu(p);
283 | fCaosWrite->AddEntry("&Start", IDM_kCaosWriteStart);
284 | fCaosWrite->AddEntry("Sto&p", IDM_kCaosWriteStop);
285 | fCaosWrite->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStop);
286 | fCaosWrite->Associate(this);
287 | fList->Add(fCaosWrite);
288 |
289 | fCaosAnalyse = new MGPopupMenu(p);
290 | fCaosAnalyse->AddEntry("S&tart Analysis", IDM_kCaosAnalStart);
291 | fCaosAnalyse->AddEntry("St&op Analysis", IDM_kCaosAnalStop);
292 | fCaosAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStop);
293 | // fCaosAnalyse->AddEntry("&Reset Histograms", IDM_kResetHistograms);
294 | // fCaosAnalyse->AddEntry("Reset &Graph", IDM_kResetGraph);
295 | fCaosAnalyse->Associate(this);
296 | fList->Add(fCaosAnalyse);
297 |
298 | fMenu = new MGMenuBar(this, 0, 0, kHorizontalFrame);
299 | fMenu->AddPopup("&Display", fDisplay, NULL);
300 | fMenu->AddPopup("&WritePics", fWritePictures, NULL);
301 | fMenu->AddPopup("&Setup", fSetup, NULL);
302 |
303 | fMenu->AddPopup("&Operations", fOperations, NULL);
304 |
305 | fMenu->Resize(fMenu->GetDefaultSize());
306 | fMenu->BindKeys(this);
307 | AddFrame(fMenu);
308 | fList->Add(fMenu);
309 |
310 | fCaOs = new MGPopupMenu(p);
311 | fCaOs->AddPopup("&Write", fCaosWrite);
312 | fCaOs->AddPopup("&Print", fCaosPrint);
313 | fCaOs->AddPopup("&Analyse", fCaosAnalyse);
314 | fCaOs->Associate(this);
315 | fCaOs->BindKeys(fMenu, this);
316 | fList->Add(fCaOs);
317 |
318 | TGLayoutHints *hints2a =
319 | new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX|kLHintsCenterY|
320 | kLHintsExpandX|kLHintsExpandY,1,1);
321 | fList->Add(hints2a);
322 |
323 | fGStarg = new MGStarg(this, 235);
324 | fGStarg->Move(530,596+5);
325 | fList->Add(fGStarg);
326 |
327 | fCRaDec = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeRaDec);
328 | fCRaDec->Move(4, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+584);
329 | AddFrame(fCRaDec);
330 | fList->Add(fCRaDec);
331 |
332 | fCZdAz = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeZdAz, kFALSE);
333 | fCZdAz->Move(240+12+28, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+581+12);
334 | AddFrame(fCZdAz);
335 | fList->Add(fCZdAz);
336 |
337 | fPZdAz = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeZdAz, kFALSE);
338 | fPZdAz->Move(240+12+28, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+627+2*12);
339 | AddFrame(fPZdAz);
340 | fList->Add(fPZdAz);
341 |
342 | fDZdAz = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeZdAz, kFALSE);
343 | fDZdAz->Move(240+12+28, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+673+3*12);
344 | AddFrame(fDZdAz);
345 | fList->Add(fDZdAz);
346 |
347 | fSZdAz = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeZdAz, kFALSE);
348 | fSZdAz->Move(240+12+28, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+719+4*12);
349 | AddFrame(fSZdAz);
350 | fList->Add(fSZdAz);
351 |
352 | fTPoint = new TGTextButton(this, "TPoint");
353 | fTPoint->Move(4, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+722+3*12+25);
354 | fTPoint->AllowStayDown(kTRUE);
355 | AddFrame(fTPoint);
356 | fList->Add(fTPoint);
357 |
358 | fFps = new TGLabel(this, "---fps");
359 | fFps->SetTextJustify(kTextRight);
360 | fFps->Move(650-440, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+619+13+60+20);
361 | AddFrame(fFps);
362 | fList->Add(fFps);
363 |
364 | fPosZoom = new TGLabel(this, "----.--d/----.--d (----, ----)");
365 | fPosZoom->SetTextJustify(kTextRight);
366 | fPosZoom->Move(4, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+765);
367 | AddFrame(fPosZoom);
368 | fList->Add(fPosZoom);
369 |
370 | fSkyBright = new TGLabel(this, "Sky Brightness: --- ");
371 | fSkyBright->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
372 | fSkyBright->Move(4, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+785);
373 | AddFrame(fSkyBright);
374 | fList->Add(fSkyBright);
375 |
376 | TGLabel *l = new TGLabel(this, "arcsec/pix");
377 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
378 | l->Move(605-400, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+619+13+60);
379 | AddFrame(l);
380 | fList->Add(l);
381 |
382 | l = new TGLabel(this, "deg");
383 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
384 | l->Move(605-410, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+619-10+60);
385 | AddFrame(l);
386 | fList->Add(l);
387 |
388 | l = new TGLabel(this, "Telescope pointing at");
389 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
390 | l->Move(240+12+20, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+584-5);
391 | AddFrame(l);
392 | fList->Add(l);
393 |
394 | l = new TGLabel(this, "Starguider position");
395 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
396 | l->Move(240+12+20, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+630+12-5);
397 | AddFrame(l);
398 | fList->Add(l);
399 |
400 | l = new TGLabel(this, "Misspointing");
401 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
402 | l->Move(240+12+20, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+676+2*12-5);
403 | AddFrame(l);
404 | fList->Add(l);
405 |
406 | #ifdef EXPERT
407 | l = new TGLabel(this, "Misspointing/FindStar (Experts Only!)");
408 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
409 | l->Move(240+12+20, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+722+3*12-5);
410 | AddFrame(l);
411 | fList->Add(l);
412 | #endif
413 |
414 | const Double_t pixsize = 48.8; // used to be 23.4
415 |
416 | fSao->SetPixSize(pixsize);
417 | fSao->SetRotationAngle(0);
418 |
419 | TString txt;
420 | txt += pixsize;
421 |
422 | fPixSize = new TGTextEntry(this, txt, IDM_kPixSize);
423 | fPixSize->SetAlignment(kTextCenterX);
424 | fPixSize->Move(547-410, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+617+13+60);
425 | AddFrame(fPixSize);
426 | fList->Add(fPixSize);
427 |
428 | fAngle = new TGTextEntry(this, " 0", IDM_kAngle);
429 | fAngle->SetAlignment(kTextCenterX);
430 | fAngle->Move(547-410, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+617-10+60);
431 | AddFrame(fAngle);
432 | fList->Add(fAngle);
433 |
434 | // TGHorizontal3DLine *fLineSep = new TGHorizontal3DLine(this);
435 | // AddFrame(fLineSep, new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX));
436 | // fList->Add(fLineSep);
437 |
438 | //
439 | // Create Image Display
440 | //
441 | fZoomImage = new MGImage(this, kZOOM, kZOOM);
442 | // fZoomImage->Move(768-kZOOM-2, 700-kZOOM-2);
443 | fZoomImage->Move(4, 700-kZOOM-2+85);
444 | AddFrame(fZoomImage);
445 | fList->Add(fZoomImage);
446 |
447 | fImage = new MGImage(this, 768, 576);
448 | fImage->Move(0, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight());
449 | AddFrame(fImage);
450 | fList->Add(fImage);
451 |
452 | //
453 | // Make everything visible
454 | //
455 | SetWindowName("MStarguider Main Window");
456 | SetIconName("MStarguider");
457 |
458 | MapSubwindows();
459 | fTPoint->UnmapWindow();
460 | fGStarg->UnmapWindow();
461 | fPZdAz->UnmapWindow();
462 | fDZdAz->UnmapWindow();
463 | fSZdAz->UnmapWindow();
464 | fSkyBright->UnmapWindow();
465 | MapWindow();
466 |
467 |
468 | //IconifyWindow();
469 |
470 | //------------------------------------------------------------
471 | // XY xy(3.819444, 24.05333);
472 | // fCRaDec->SetCoordinates(xy);
473 | // fRaDec->Set(xy.X()*360/24, xy.Y());
474 | //------------------------------------------------------------
475 | }
476 |
477 | MStarguider::MStarguider(MObservatory::LocationName_t obs, Int_t channel)
478 | : TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 768, 840),
479 | fCosy(NULL),
480 | fOutTp(0),
481 | fOutRq(0),
482 | fDx((768-kZOOM)/2),
483 | fDy((512-kZOOM)/2),
484 | fStatus(MDriveCom::kStandby)
485 | {
486 |
487 | cout << " #### FIXME: Make MCaos Thread safe!" << endl;
488 |
489 | fSao = new StarCatalog(obs);
490 | fRaDec = new RaDec(180, 40);
491 |
492 | // fStargLeds = new MStargLeds;
493 | // fStargLeds->ReadResources();
494 |
495 | fCaos = new MCaos;
496 | fCaos->ReadResources();
497 |
498 | fStargCaos = new MCaos;
499 | fStargCaos->ReadResources("stargleds.txt");
500 | fStargCaos->SetMinNumberRings(3);
501 | fStargCaos->SetRadii(158,164);
502 |
503 | fStargHistograms = new MStargHistograms();
504 |
505 | InitGui(channel);
506 |
507 | fTimer=new TTimer(this, 1000/25); // 40ms
508 | fTimer->TurnOn();
509 |
510 | fTime.Now();
511 |
512 | gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton2, 0, 0, 0, 0, kTRUE);
513 |
514 | if (channel<0)
515 | fGetter=new PngReader(*this);
516 | else
517 | {
518 | fGetter = new Camera(*this, channel);
519 | ((Camera*)fGetter)->Loop(0);
520 | }
521 | }
522 |
523 | MStarguider::~MStarguider()
524 | {
525 | fGetter->ExitLoop();
526 | delete fGetter;
527 |
528 | gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton2, 0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);
529 |
530 | fTimer->TurnOff();
531 | delete fTimer;
532 |
533 | delete fList;
534 |
535 | delete fCaos;
536 | delete fStargCaos;
537 | // delete fStargLeds;
538 | delete fStargHistograms;
539 | delete fSao;
540 | delete fRaDec;
541 |
542 | if (fOutTp)
543 | delete fOutTp;
544 |
545 | if (fOutRq)
546 | delete fOutRq;
547 |
548 | cout << "Camera Display destroyed." << endl;
549 | }
550 |
551 | void MStarguider::Layout()
552 | {
553 | // Resize(GetDefaultSize());
554 | }
555 |
556 | void MStarguider::CloseWindow()
557 | {
558 | cout << "EventDisplay::CloseWindow: Exit Application Loop." << endl;
559 |
560 | //fClient.ExitLoop();
561 | // cout << "FIXME: ExitLoop not called!!!!!!" << endl;
562 | gSystem->ExitLoop();
563 | }
564 |
565 | void MStarguider::Toggle(MGPopupMenu *p, UInt_t id)
566 | {
567 | if (p->IsEntryChecked(id))
568 | p->UnCheckEntry(id);
569 | else
570 | p->CheckEntry(id);
571 | }
572 |
573 | Bool_t MStarguider::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t mp1, Long_t mp2)
574 | {
575 | switch (GET_MSG(msg))
576 | {
577 | case kC_TEXTENTRY:
578 | if (GET_SUBMSG(msg)==kTE_ENTER)
579 | switch (mp1)
580 | {
581 | case IDM_kPixSize:
582 | {
583 | const Float_t pixsize = atof(fPixSize->GetText());
584 | cout << "Pixel Size changed to " << pixsize << "\"/pix" << endl;
585 | fSao->SetPixSize(pixsize);
586 | return kTRUE;
587 | }
588 | case IDM_kAngle:
589 | {
590 | const Float_t angle = atof(fAngle->GetText());
591 | cout << "Rotation Angle changed to " << angle << "deg" << endl;
592 | fSao->SetRotationAngle(angle);
593 | return kTRUE;
594 | }
595 | }
596 | return kTRUE;
597 |
598 | case kC_COMMAND:
599 | switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg))
600 | {
601 | case kCM_MENU:
602 | switch (mp1)
603 | {
604 | case IDM_kCatalog:
605 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kCatalog);
606 | // if (!fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog))
607 | // {
608 | // fDisplay->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kStarguider);
609 | // fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStarguider);
610 | // } else {
611 | // fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kStarguider);
612 | // }
613 | return kTRUE;
614 |
615 | case IDM_kRoqueLampAna:
616 | Toggle(fOperations, IDM_kRoqueLampAna);
617 | // if (!fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog))
618 | if (fOperations->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kRoqueLampAna)) {
619 | fDisplay->CheckEntry(IDM_kStargCaosFilter);
620 | }
621 | else {
622 | fDisplay->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kStargCaosFilter);
623 | }
624 |
625 | return kTRUE;
626 |
627 |
628 | case IDM_kStargFindStar:
629 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStargFindStar);
630 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargFindStar)) {
631 | fSZdAz->MapWindow();
632 | } else {
633 | fSZdAz->UnmapWindow();
634 | }
635 | return kTRUE;
636 |
637 | case IDM_kStarguider:
638 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStarguider);
639 |
640 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStarguider)) {
641 |
642 | fLastBright = 0xff;
643 |
644 | fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kFindStar);
645 | fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kStargAnalysis);
646 |
647 | fPZdAz->MapWindow();
648 | fDZdAz->MapWindow();
649 | fSkyBright->MapWindow();
650 |
651 | fSao->SetLimitMag(8.3);
652 | fIntRate = 125;
653 |
654 | fDisplay->CheckEntry(IDM_kCatalog);
655 | fGStarg->MapWindow();
656 |
657 | const Int_t ch0 =
658 | fChannel->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kChannel1) ? 0 : 1;
659 | const Int_t ch1 = 0;
660 |
661 | if (ch0!=ch1)
662 | {
663 | delete fGetter;
664 | usleep(150000); // FIX: Device or resource busy.
665 | if (fChannel->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kChannel3)) {
666 | fGetter=new PngReader(*this);
667 | } else {
668 | fGetter = new Camera(*this, ch1);
669 | ((Camera*)fGetter)->Loop(0);
670 | }
671 | }
672 |
673 | fChannel->CheckEntry(IDM_kChannel1);
674 | fChannel->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kChannel2);
675 | fChannel->DisableEntry(IDM_kChannel2);
676 |
677 | } else {
678 |
679 | fStatus = MDriveCom::kStandby;
680 |
681 | fPZdAz->UnmapWindow();
682 | fDZdAz->UnmapWindow();
683 | fSkyBright->UnmapWindow();
684 | fGStarg->UnmapWindow();
685 | fChannel->EnableEntry(IDM_kChannel2);
686 | fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kFindStar);
687 | fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStargAnalysis);
688 | }
689 |
690 | gSystem->Unlink("tracking_error.txt");
691 |
692 | return kTRUE;
693 |
694 | case IDM_kStargAnalysis:
695 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStargAnalysis);
696 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargAnalysis)) {
697 | fStargHistograms->OpenFile();
698 | } else {
699 | fStargHistograms->CloseFile();
700 | }
701 |
702 | return kTRUE;
703 |
704 | case IDM_kStargHistograms:
705 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStargHistograms);
706 | return kTRUE;
707 |
708 | case IDM_kStargLEDFilter:
709 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStargLEDFilter);
710 | return kTRUE;
711 |
712 | case IDM_kFilter:
713 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kFilter);
714 | return kTRUE;
715 |
716 | // case IDM_kFilterStarg:
717 | // Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kFilterStarg);
718 | // if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFilterStarg))
719 | // fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kStarguider);
720 | // else
721 | // {
722 | // fDisplay->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kStarguider);
723 | // fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStarguider);
724 | // }
725 | // return kTRUE;
726 |
727 | case IDM_kFindStar:
728 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kFindStar);
729 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFindStar) && fCosy)
730 | fTPoint->MapWindow();
731 | else
732 | {
733 | fTPoint->UnmapWindow();
734 | fTPoint->SetDown(kFALSE);
735 | }
736 | return kTRUE;
737 |
738 | case IDM_kStretch:
739 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStretch);
740 | return kTRUE;
741 |
742 | case IDM_kCaosFilter:
743 | //if (!fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter))
744 | // fCaos->OpenFile();
745 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kCaosFilter);
746 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter)) {
747 | fMenu->AddPopup("&CaOs", fCaOs, NULL);
748 | }
749 | else
750 | {
751 | if(fCaosWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosPrintLeds))
752 | fCaosWrite->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kCaosPrintLeds);
753 | if(fCaosWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosPrintRings))
754 | fCaosWrite->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kCaosPrintRings);
755 | if(fCaosAnalyse->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kCaosAnalStop))
756 | {
757 | fCaosAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStop);
758 | fCaosAnalyse->EnableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStart);
759 | fCaos->DeleteHistograms();
760 | }
761 | if(fCaosWrite->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kCaosWriteStop))
762 | {
763 | fCaosWrite->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStop);
764 | fCaosWrite->EnableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStart);
765 | fCaos->CloseFile();
766 | }
767 | fMenu->RemovePopup("CaOs");
768 | }
769 | fMenu->Resize(fMenu->GetDefaultSize());
770 | MapSubwindows(); // maps everything, but we don't want that
771 | fTPoint->UnmapWindow();
772 | fGStarg->UnmapWindow();
773 | fPZdAz->UnmapWindow();
774 | fDZdAz->UnmapWindow();
775 | fSZdAz->UnmapWindow();
776 | fSkyBright->UnmapWindow();
777 | MapWindow();
778 | return kTRUE;
779 |
780 | case IDM_kStargCaosFilter:
781 | Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStargCaosFilter);
782 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kStargCaosFilter)) {
783 | fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kStargFindStar);
784 | } else {
785 | fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStargFindStar);
786 | }
787 | return kTRUE;
788 |
789 | case IDM_kCaosPrintLeds:
790 | case IDM_kCaosPrintRings:
791 | Toggle(fCaosPrint, mp1);
792 | return kTRUE;
793 |
794 | case IDM_kCaosAnalStart:
795 | fCaosAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStart);
796 | fCaosAnalyse->EnableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStop);
797 | fCaos->InitHistograms();
798 | return kTRUE;
799 |
800 | case IDM_kCaosAnalStop:
801 | fCaosAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStop);
802 | fCaosAnalyse->EnableEntry(IDM_kCaosAnalStart);
803 | fCaos->ShowHistograms();
804 | fCaos->DeleteHistograms();
805 | return kTRUE;
806 |
807 | case IDM_kCaosWriteStart:
808 | fCaosWrite->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStart);
809 | fCaosWrite->EnableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStop);
810 | fCaos->OpenFile();
811 | return kTRUE;
812 |
813 | case IDM_kCaosWriteStop:
814 | fCaosWrite->DisableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStop);
815 | fCaosWrite->EnableEntry(IDM_kCaosWriteStart);
816 | fCaos->CloseFile();
817 | return kTRUE;
818 |
819 | case IDM_kStart:
820 | fWritePictures->DisableEntry(IDM_kStart);
821 | fWritePictures->EnableEntry(IDM_kStop);
822 | return kTRUE;
823 |
824 | case IDM_kStop:
825 | fWritePictures->DisableEntry(IDM_kStop);
826 | fWritePictures->EnableEntry(IDM_kStart);
827 | return kTRUE;
828 |
829 | case IDM_kPNG:
830 | fFileType->CheckEntry(IDM_kPNG);
831 | fFileType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kPPM);
832 | return kTRUE;
833 |
834 | case IDM_kPPM:
835 | fFileType->CheckEntry(IDM_kPPM);
836 | fFileType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kPNG);
837 | return kTRUE;
838 |
839 | case IDM_kOnce:
840 | fWriteType->CheckEntry(IDM_kOnce);
841 | fWriteType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kContinous);
842 | return kTRUE;
843 |
844 | case IDM_kContinous:
845 | fWriteType->CheckEntry(IDM_kContinous);
846 | fWriteType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kOnce);
847 | return kTRUE;
848 |
849 | case IDM_kRate25ps:
850 | case IDM_kRate5ps:
851 | case IDM_kRate1s:
852 | case IDM_kRate5s:
853 | case IDM_kRate30s:
854 | case IDM_kRate1m:
855 | case IDM_kRate5m:
856 | for (int i=IDM_kRate25ps; i<=IDM_kRate5m; i++)
857 | if (mp1==i)
858 | fWriteRate->CheckEntry(i);
859 | else
860 | fWriteRate->UnCheckEntry(i);
861 | switch (mp1)
862 | {
863 | case IDM_kRate25ps:
864 | fWrtRate = 1;
865 | return kTRUE;
866 | case IDM_kRate5ps:
867 | fWrtRate = 5;
868 | return kTRUE;
869 | case IDM_kRate1s:
870 | fWrtRate = 25;
871 | return kTRUE;
872 | case IDM_kRate5s:
873 | fWrtRate = 5*25;
874 | return kTRUE;
875 | case IDM_kRate30s:
876 | fWrtRate = 30*25;
877 | return kTRUE;
878 | case IDM_kRate1m:
879 | fWrtRate = 60*25;
880 | return kTRUE;
881 | case IDM_kRate5m:
882 | fWrtRate = 5*60*25;
883 | return kTRUE;
884 | }
885 | return kTRUE;
886 |
887 | case IDM_kChannel1:
888 | case IDM_kChannel2:
889 | {
890 | const Int_t ch0 = fChannel->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kChannel1) ? 0 : 1;
891 | const Int_t ch1 = mp1==IDM_kChannel1 ? 0 : 1;
892 |
893 | if (ch0==ch1)
894 | return kTRUE;
895 |
896 | fChannel->CheckEntry (ch1==0?IDM_kChannel1:IDM_kChannel2);
897 | fChannel->UnCheckEntry(ch1==1?IDM_kChannel1:IDM_kChannel2);
898 | delete fGetter;
899 | usleep(150000); // FIX: Device or resource busy.
900 | if (fChannel->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kChannel3))
901 | fGetter=new PngReader(*this);
902 | else
903 | {
904 | fGetter = new Camera(*this, ch1);
905 | ((Camera*)fGetter)->Loop(0);
906 | }
907 | }
908 | return kTRUE;
909 |
910 | case IDM_kInterpol250:
911 | case IDM_kInterpol125:
912 | case IDM_kInterpol50:
913 | case IDM_kInterpol25:
914 | case IDM_kInterpol10:
915 | case IDM_kInterpol5:
916 | case IDM_kInterpol2:
917 | case IDM_kInterpol1:
918 | for (int i=IDM_kInterpol250; i<=IDM_kInterpol1; i++)
919 | if (mp1==i)
920 | fInterpol->CheckEntry(i);
921 | else
922 | fInterpol->UnCheckEntry(i);
923 | switch (mp1)
924 | {
925 | case IDM_kInterpol1:
926 | fIntRate = 1;
927 | return kTRUE;
928 | case IDM_kInterpol2:
929 | fIntRate = 2;
930 | return kTRUE;
931 | case IDM_kInterpol5:
932 | fIntRate = 5;
933 | return kTRUE;
934 | case IDM_kInterpol10:
935 | fIntRate = 10;
936 | return kTRUE;
937 | case IDM_kInterpol25:
938 | fIntRate = 25;
939 | return kTRUE;
940 | case IDM_kInterpol50:
941 | fIntRate = 50;
942 | return kTRUE;
943 | case IDM_kInterpol125:
944 | fIntRate = 125;
945 | return kTRUE;
946 | case IDM_kInterpol250:
947 | fIntRate = 250;
948 | return kTRUE;
949 | }
950 | return kTRUE;
951 |
952 | case IDM_kLimMag3:
953 | case IDM_kLimMag4:
954 | case IDM_kLimMag5:
955 | case IDM_kLimMag6:
956 | case IDM_kLimMag7:
957 | case IDM_kLimMag8:
958 | case IDM_kLimMag9:
959 | for (int i=IDM_kLimMag3; i<=IDM_kLimMag9; i++)
960 | if (mp1==i)
961 | fLimMag->CheckEntry(i);
962 | else
963 | fLimMag->UnCheckEntry(i);
964 |
965 | fSao->SetLimitMag(mp1-IDM_kLimMag3+3);
966 | return kTRUE;
967 | }
968 | break;
969 | }
970 | break;
971 | }
972 |
973 | return kTRUE;
974 | }
975 |
976 | void MStarguider::SetPointingPosition(RaDec rd)
977 | {
978 | rd.Ra(rd.Ra()*24/360);
979 | fCRaDec->SetCoordinates(rd);
980 | }
981 |
982 | ZdAz MStarguider::TrackingError(TArrayF &x, TArrayF &y, TArrayF &mag) const
983 | {
984 | //
985 | // Viewable area (FIXME: AZ)
986 | //
987 | // TH2F h("Hist", "dX/dY", 77, -768/2-.5, 768/2+.5, 58, -576/2-.5, 576/2+.5); // 3
988 | // chose a bit coarser binning to enhance excess
989 | // important: chose binning symmetrical around (0|0)!
990 | TH2F h("Hist", "dX/dY", 49, -768/2-8, 768/2+8, 37, -576/2-8, 576/2+8); // 3
991 |
992 | // TH1F hmag("HistMag", "Mag", 19, 0, 100);
993 | // for (int i=0; i<mag.GetSize(); i++)
994 | // hmag.Fill(mag[i]);
995 |
996 | //
997 | // Search for matching Magnitudes
998 | //
999 | for (int i=0; i<mag.GetSize(); i++)
1000 | {
1001 | if (mag[i]>48-15 && mag[i]<48+15)
1002 | h.Fill(x[i], y[i]);
1003 | }
1004 |
1005 | //
1006 | // Search for an excess in the histogram
1007 | //
1008 | Int_t mx, my, dummy;
1009 | h.GetMaximumBin(mx, my, dummy);
1010 |
1011 | const double xmax = h.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(mx);
1012 | const double dx = h.GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(mx);
1013 |
1014 | const double ymax = h.GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(my);
1015 | const double dy = h.GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(my);
1016 |
1017 | #ifdef EXPERT
1018 | cout << setprecision(3);
1019 | cout << "Cut-XY: " << xmax << " +- " << dx << " / " << ymax << " +- " << dy << endl;
1020 | #endif
1021 |
1022 | TGraph g;
1023 | for (int i=0; i<mag.GetSize(); i++)
1024 | {
1025 | if (!(x[i]>xmax-dx && x[i]<xmax+dx &&
1026 | y[i]>ymax-dy && y[i]<ymax+dy /*&&
1027 | mag[i]>48-15 && mag[i]<48+15*/))
1028 | continue;
1029 |
1030 | g.SetPoint(g.GetN(), x[i], y[i]);
1031 | }
1032 |
1033 | #ifdef EXPERT
1034 | cout << "Offset-XY: " << g.GetMean(1) << " +- " << g.GetRMS(1) << " / ";
1035 | cout << g.GetMean(2) << " +- " << g.GetRMS(2) << endl;
1036 | #endif
1037 |
1038 | AltAz pos0 = fSao->CalcAltAzFromPix(768/2, 576/2)*kRad2Deg;
1039 | AltAz pos1 = fSao->CalcAltAzFromPix(768/2+g.GetMean(1), 576/2+g.GetMean(2))*kRad2Deg;
1040 |
1041 | ofstream fout1("pointingpos.txt");
1042 | fout1 << setprecision(10) << fSao->GetMjd()-52000 << " ";
1043 | if (fCosy)
1044 | fout1 << fCosy->GetPointingPos() << " ";
1045 | fout1 << -pos1.Alt() << " " << pos1.Az() << endl;
1046 |
1047 | pos1 -= pos0;
1048 |
1049 | ofstream fout2("tracking_error.txt", ios::app);
1050 | fout2 << setprecision(10) << fSao->GetMjd()-52000 << " ";
1051 | if (fCosy)
1052 | fout2 << fCosy->GetPointingPos() << " ";
1053 | fout2 << -pos1.Alt() << " " << pos1.Az() << endl;
1054 |
1055 | // if (g.GetMean(1)>9 || g.GetMean(2)>9) {
1056 | // TFile f1("sguider-highoffset.root","UPDATE");
1057 | // h.Write();
1058 | // hmag.Write();
1059 | // g.Write();
1060 | // f1.Close();
1061 | // } else {
1062 | // TFile f1("sguider-niceoffset.root","UPDATE");
1063 | // h.Write();
1064 | // hmag.Write();
1065 | // g.Write();
1066 | // f1.Close();
1067 |
1068 |
1069 | // }
1070 |
1071 | return ZdAz(-pos1.Alt(), pos1.Az());
1072 | }
1073 |
1074 | bool MStarguider::CalcTrackingError(Leds &leds, MStarList &stars, ZdAz &d, MTime &t)
1075 | {
1076 | const Int_t max = leds.GetEntries();
1077 | if (stars.GetRealEntries() < 3)
1078 | {
1079 | cout << "Sorry, less than 3 stars in FOV!" << endl;
1080 | return kFALSE;
1081 | }
1082 | if (max < 3) //was 1
1083 | {
1084 | cout << "Sorry, less than 3 detected spot in FOV!" << endl;
1085 | return kFALSE;
1086 | }
1087 |
1088 | stars.Sort(); // Sort by magnitude
1089 |
1090 | #ifdef EXPERT
1091 | TString str = "data/tracking_";
1092 | str += fSao->GetMjd();
1093 | str += ".txt";
1094 |
1095 | ofstream fout(str);
1096 | #endif
1097 |
1098 | TArrayF x, y, mag;
1099 |
1100 | Int_t num = 0;
1101 |
1102 | // FIXME: Is predefined value 3 a good idea?
1103 |
1104 | MStar *star;
1105 | MStarListIter NextStar(&stars);
1106 | while ((star=NextStar()) && num++<max+3)
1107 | {
1108 | TIter NextSp(&leds);
1109 | Led *spot=NULL;
1110 | while ((spot=(Led*)NextSp()))
1111 | {
1112 | const XY dpos(spot->GetX()-(768-star->GetX()), spot->GetY()-star->GetY());
1113 |
1114 | const Int_t idx = x.GetSize();
1115 |
1116 | x.Set(idx+1);
1117 | y.Set(idx+1);
1118 | mag.Set(idx+1);
1119 |
1120 | x.AddAt(dpos.X(), idx);
1121 | y.AddAt(dpos.Y(), idx);
1122 | mag.AddAt(spot->GetMag()/star->GetMag(), idx);
1123 | #ifdef EXPERT
1124 | if (fout) {
1125 | fout << spot->GetX() << " "
1126 | << spot->GetY() << " "
1127 | << spot->GetMag() << " "
1128 | << star->GetX() << " "
1129 | << star->GetY() << " "
1130 | << star->GetMag() << " ";
1131 | fout << x[idx] << " " << y[idx] << " " << mag[idx] << endl;
1132 | }
1133 | #endif
1134 | }
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 | d = TrackingError(x, y, mag);
1138 | fDZdAz->SetCoordinates(d);
1139 |
1140 | //
1141 | // Calculated offsets
1142 | //
1143 |
1144 | #ifdef EXPERT
1145 | // round= floor(x+.5)
1146 | cout << "Offset-ZdAz: " << d.Zd()*60 << "' / " << d.Az()*60 << "'" << endl;
1147 | cout << "Offset-ZdAz: " << d.Zd()/360*16384 << " / " << d.Az()/360*16384 << " (SE) " << endl;
1148 | #endif
1149 |
1150 | //
1151 | // Current Pointing position
1152 | //
1153 | ZdAz cpos = fSao->GetZdAz()-d;
1154 | fPZdAz->SetCoordinates(cpos);
1155 |
1156 | return kTRUE;
1157 |
1158 | }
1159 |
1160 | XY MStarguider::FindRoqueLamp(FilterLed &f, FilterLed &f2, Ring &CameraCenter, MTime &t, Double_t cut, Double_t box, XY SearchCenter)
1161 | {
1162 | // Set search Paremeters (FIXME: Get them from user input!)
1163 | f.SetCut(cut); // 3.5
1164 | f.SetBox(box); // 70
1165 |
1166 | // Try to find Led in this area
1167 | Leds leds;
1168 | f.FindStarCircle(leds, (Int_t)SearchCenter.X(), (Int_t)SearchCenter.Y());
1169 |
1170 | // Check whether star found
1171 | Led *star = (Led*)leds.At(0);
1172 | if (!star || leds.GetEntries()<1)
1173 | return XY(.0,.0);
1174 |
1175 | // cout << "Found Roque Lamp @ " << flush;
1176 | star->Print();
1177 | f.MarkPoint(star->GetX(), star->GetY(), 500);
1178 |
1179 | // cout << "RoquePos: " << star->GetX() << "," << star->GetY() << endl;
1180 |
1181 | XY roquepos(star->GetX(), star->GetY());
1182 | XY relroquepos(roquepos.X()-CameraCenter.GetX(), roquepos.Y()-CameraCenter.GetY());
1183 |
1184 | // If no file open: open new Roque Lamp file
1185 | if (!fOutRq)
1186 | {
1187 | const TString name = MCosy::GetFileName("tpoint/starg_roquelamp_%s.txt");
1188 | cout << "Starg_RoqueLamp File ********* " << name << " ********** " << endl;
1189 | fOutRq = new ofstream(name);
1190 | *fOutRq << "# Magic Roque Lamp file " << t << endl;
1191 | }
1192 |
1193 |
1194 | return relroquepos;
1195 | }
1196 |
1197 |
1198 | ZdAz MStarguider::FindStar(FilterLed &f, FilterLed &f2, Ring ¢er, MTime &t, Double_t cut, Double_t box, Double_t scalefactor = 1.0)
1199 | {
1200 | // Set search Paremeters (FIXME: Get them from user input!)
1201 | f.SetCut(cut); // 3.5
1202 | f.SetBox(box); // 70
1203 |
1204 | // Try to find Led in this area
1205 | Leds leds;
1206 | f.FindStarCircle(leds, (Int_t)center.GetX(), (Int_t)center.GetY());
1207 |
1208 | if (leds.GetEntries()<0)
1209 | return ZdAz(0, 0);
1210 |
1211 | // Check whether star found
1212 | Led *star = (Led*)leds.At(0);
1213 | if (!star)
1214 | return ZdAz(.0,.0);
1215 |
1216 | cout << "Found star @ " << flush;
1217 | star->Print();
1218 | f2.MarkPoint(star->GetX(), star->GetY(), 2<<2);
1219 |
1220 | // Initialize Star Catalog on th camera plane
1221 | MGeomCamMagic geom;
1222 | MAstroCamera ac;
1223 | ac.SetGeom(geom);
1224 | ac.SetRadiusFOV(3);
1225 | ac.SetObservatory(*fSao);
1226 | ac.SetTime(t);
1227 |
1228 | // Get tracking coordinates
1229 | const XY xy = fCRaDec->GetCoordinates();
1230 | const RaDec rd(xy.X()*TMath::DegToRad()*15, xy.Y()*TMath::DegToRad());
1231 |
1232 | ac.SetRaDec(rd.Ra(), rd.Dec());
1233 |
1234 | // Adapt coordinate system (GUIs and humans are counting Y in different directions)
1235 | Double_t x = star->GetX()-center.GetX();
1236 | Double_t y = center.GetY()-star->GetY();
1237 |
1238 | cout << "STAR-Offset: " << MTime(-1) << " dx=" << x << "pix dy=" << y << "pix" << endl;
1239 |
1240 | // Convert from Pixel to millimeter (1pix=2.9mm)
1241 | x *= (2.58427 * scalefactor);
1242 | y *= (2.58427 * scalefactor);
1243 |
1244 | // Correct for abberation.
1245 | x /= 1.0713;
1246 | y /= 1.0713;
1247 |
1248 | // Calculate Offset
1249 | Double_t dzd, daz;
1250 | ac.GetDiffZdAz(x, y, dzd, daz);
1251 |
1252 | cout << "STAR-Offset: " << MTime(-1) << " dZd=" << dzd << "d dAz=" << daz << "d" << endl;
1253 |
1254 | ZdAz zdaz(dzd,daz);
1255 |
1256 | // Check TPoint data set request
1257 | if (!fTPoint->IsDown())
1258 | return zdaz;
1259 | fTPoint->SetDown(kFALSE);
1260 |
1261 | // If no file open: open new file
1262 | if (!fOutTp)
1263 | {
1264 | //
1265 | // open tpoint file
1266 | //
1267 | const TString name = MCosy::GetFileName("tpoint/starg_%s.txt");
1268 | cout << "TPoint-Starg File ********* " << name << " ********** " << endl;
1269 |
1270 | fOutTp = new ofstream(name);
1271 | *fOutTp << "Magic Model TPOINT data file" << endl;
1272 | *fOutTp << ": ALTAZ" << endl;
1273 | *fOutTp << "49 48 0 ";
1274 | *fOutTp << t << endl;
1275 | // temp(°C) pressure(mB) height(m) humidity(1) wavelength(microm) troplapserate(K/m)
1276 | }
1277 |
1278 | // Output Ra/Dec the drive system thinks that it is currently tracking
1279 | cout << "TPoint Star: " << xy.X() << "h " << xy.Y() << "°" << endl;
1280 |
1281 | // From the star position in the camera we calculate the Alt/Az
1282 | // position we are currently tracking (real pointing position)
1283 | fSao->SetMjd(t.GetMjd());
1284 | AltAz za0 = fSao->CalcAltAz(rd)*kRad2Deg;
1285 |
1286 | //ZdAz za0 = fSao->GetZdAz();
1287 | za0 -= AltAz(-dzd, daz);
1288 |
1289 | // From the Shaftencoders we get the current 'pointing' position
1290 | // as it is seen by the drive system (system pointing position)
1291 | const ZdAz za1 = fCosy->GetTrackingPosRaw();
1292 |
1293 | // Write real pointing position
1294 | cout << " Alt/Az: " << za0.Alt() << "° " << za0.Az() << "°" << endl;
1295 | *fOutTp << setprecision(7) << za0.Az() << " " << za0.Alt() << " ";
1296 |
1297 | // Write system pointing position
1298 | cout << " SE-Pos: " << 90-za1.Zd() << "° " << za1.Az() << "°" << endl;
1299 | *fOutTp << fmod(za1.Az()+360, 360) << " " << 90-za1.Zd();
1300 |
1301 | *fOutTp << " " << xy.X() << " " << xy.Y();
1302 | *fOutTp << " " << -dzd << " " << -daz;
1303 | *fOutTp << " " << setprecision(11) << t.GetMjd();
1304 | *fOutTp << " " << setprecision(4) << center.GetMag();
1305 | *fOutTp << " " << star->GetMag();
1306 | *fOutTp << endl;
1307 |
1308 | MLog &outrep = *fCosy->GetOutRep();
1309 | if (outrep.Lock("MStarguider::FindStar"))
1310 | {
1311 | outrep << "FINDSTAR-REPORT 00 " << MTime(-1) << " " << setprecision(7);
1312 | outrep << 90-za0.Alt() << " " << za0.Az() << " ";
1313 | outrep << za1.Zd() << " " << za1.Az() << " ";
1314 | outrep << xy.X() << " " << xy.Y() << " ";
1315 | outrep << -dzd << " " << -daz << " ";
1316 | outrep << star->GetX() << " " << star->GetY() << " ";
1317 | outrep << center.GetX() << " " << center.GetY() << " ";
1318 | outrep << x*1.0713/2.58427 << " " << y*1.0713/2.58427 << " " << star->GetMag();
1319 | outrep << setprecision(11) << t.GetMjd() << endl;
1320 | outrep.UnLock("MStarguider::FindStar");
1321 | }
1322 |
1323 | return zdaz;
1324 | }
1325 |
1326 | bool MStarguider::Interpolate(const unsigned long n, byte *img) const
1327 | {
1328 | if (fIntRate<=1)
1329 | return true;
1330 |
1331 | static unsigned short myimg[768*576];
1332 |
1333 | unsigned short *f = myimg;
1334 | byte *i = img;
1335 | byte *e = img+768*576;
1336 |
1337 | while (i<e)
1338 | *f++ += *i++;
1339 |
1340 | if (n%fIntRate)
1341 | return false;
1342 |
1343 | f = myimg;
1344 | i = img;
1345 | e = img+768*576;
1346 |
1347 | while (i<e)
1348 | *i++ = (byte)(*f++/fIntRate);
1349 |
1350 | memset(myimg, 0, sizeof(myimg));
1351 |
1352 | return true;
1353 | }
1354 |
1355 | void MStarguider::ProcessFrame(const unsigned long n, byte *img,
1356 | struct timeval *tm)
1357 | {
1358 | static unsigned long n0 = n;
1359 |
1360 | MTime t(*tm);
1361 |
1362 | const Double_t d = t-fTime;
1363 | if (d>1)
1364 | {
1365 | MString txt;
1366 | txt.Print("%dfps", (int)((n-n0)/d+.5));
1367 | fFps->SetText(txt);
1368 | fTime = t;
1369 | n0 = n;
1370 | }
1371 |
1372 | if (!Interpolate(n, img))
1373 | return;
1374 |
1375 | byte cimg[768*576];
1376 | memset(cimg, 0, 768*576);
1377 |
1378 | FilterLed f(img, 768, 576, 2.5); // 2.5
1379 | FilterLed f2(cimg, 768, 576); // former color 0xb0
1380 |
1381 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStretch))
1382 | f.Stretch();
1383 |
1384 | if (!fWritePictures->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kStart) &&
1385 | (!(n%fWrtRate) || fWriteType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kOnce)))
1386 | {
1387 |
1388 | if (fFileType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kPNG))
1389 | Writer::Png("pix/file", img, tm, fCRaDec->GetCoordinates());
1390 |
1391 | if (fFileType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kPPM))
1392 | Writer::Ppm("pix/file", img, tm, fCRaDec->GetCoordinates());
1393 |
1394 | if (fWriteType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kOnce))
1395 | ProcessMessage(MK_MSG(kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENU), IDM_kStop, 0);
1396 | }
1397 |
1398 | // Visual Filter, whole FOV
1399 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFilter))
1400 | f.Execute();
1401 |
1402 | /* ----------------------------------
1403 | // Visual StarFilter for Starguider
1404 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFilterStarg) && !fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStarguider)) {
1405 | f.SetBox(230);
1406 | f.AddIgnoreRegion(295,112,384,204);
1407 | f.Execute(530, 292);
1408 | }
1409 | ------------------------------------- */
1410 |
1411 | // Find Center of Camera for Caos and Tpoints
1412 | Ring center(768/2, 576/2);
1413 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter))
1414 | {
1415 | const bool printl = fCaosPrint->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosPrintLeds);
1416 | const bool printr = fCaosPrint->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosPrintRings);
1417 | ZdAz pos;
1418 | if (fCosy)
1419 | pos = fCosy->GetPointingPos();
1420 | center = fCaos->Run(img, printl, printr, pos, t, 50, 3.0);
1421 |
1422 | cout << "Caos Filter Camera center position: " << center.GetX() << " " << center.GetY() << endl;
1423 |
1424 | }
1425 |
1426 | // Find Star at Center---for Tpoint Procedure
1427 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFindStar))
1428 | ZdAz zdaz = FindStar(f, f2, center, t, 3.5, 70);
1429 |
1430 | byte zimg[kZOOM*kZOOM];
1431 | for (int y=0; y<kZOOM; y++)
1432 | for (int x=0; x<kZOOM; x++)
1433 | zimg[x+y*kZOOM] = img[(fDx+(x-kZOOM/2)/2)+(fDy+(y-kZOOM/2)/2)*768];
1434 |
1435 | fZoomImage->DrawImg(zimg);
1436 |
1437 | if (fCosy)
1438 | {
1439 | byte simg[(768/2-1)*(576/2-1)];
1440 | for (int y=0; y<576/2-1; y++)
1441 | for (int x=0; x<768/2-1; x++)
1442 | simg[x+y*(768/2-1)] = ((unsigned int)img[2*x+2*y*768]+img[2*x+2*y*768+1]+img[2*x+2*(y+1)*768]+img[2*x+2*(y+1)*768+1])/4;
1443 |
1444 | fCosy->GetWin()->GetImage()->DrawImg(simg);
1445 | }
1446 |
1447 | // Find Center of Camera in Starfield Camera picture
1448 |
1449 | Ring sgcenter(53.2, 293.6); // Center of camera in SG picture [px]
1450 | ZdAz sgcenterzdaz(0, 0); // Center of camera in SG picture [deg]
1451 | // (0,0)_deg is at (53.2, 293.6)_px
1452 | ZdAz star(0, 0); // Star on curtain in [deg]
1453 |
1454 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargCaosFilter))
1455 | {
1456 | ZdAz pos;
1457 | if (fCosy)
1458 | pos = fCosy->GetPointingPos();
1459 | sgcenter =
1460 | fStargCaos->Run(img, kFALSE, kFALSE, pos, t, 30, 3.0); // [px]
1461 | const Float_t pixsize = atof(fPixSize->GetText()); // [arcsec/px]
1462 |
1463 | // BE CAREFULL: This transformation is WRONG. It is just
1464 | // a transformation of units, but this implies, that the
1465 | // coordiante axis in both units look the same. This is
1466 | // wrong exspecially near the zenith were az-lines are highly
1467 | // curved around the zenith!
1468 | sgcenterzdaz.Zd((sgcenter.GetY()-293.6) * pixsize /3600 );
1469 | sgcenterzdaz.Az((sgcenter.GetX()-53.2) * pixsize /3600 );
1470 | #ifdef EXPERT
1471 | cout << "- LEDs imply offset of Zd="
1472 | << sgcenter.GetX()-53.2 << "pix Az="
1473 | << sgcenter.GetY()-293.6<< "pix" << endl;
1474 | #endif
1475 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargFindStar)) {
1476 | star = FindStar(f, f2, sgcenter, t, 4.5, 30, 267/161.9); // [deg]
1477 | #ifdef EXPERT
1478 | cout << "- Star is found to be off Zd=" << star.Zd()*60 << "' Az="
1479 | << star.Az()*60 << "'" << endl;
1480 | #endif
1481 | fSZdAz->SetCoordinates(star); // Misspointing found from Camera
1482 | }
1483 | }
1484 |
1485 | // Find Roque Lamp
1486 |
1487 | if (fOperations->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kRoqueLampAna)) {
1488 |
1489 | XY roquelamp(0,0);
1490 |
1491 | Double_t imageclean = 1.5;
1492 | Double_t boxradius = 60;
1493 | Double_t scalefactor = 1;
1494 | XY searchcenter(768/2-1,576/2+25);
1495 |
1496 | roquelamp = FindRoqueLamp(f, f2, sgcenter, t, imageclean, boxradius, searchcenter);
1497 |
1498 | if (fOutRq) {
1499 | ZdAz pos = fCosy->GetPointingPos();
1500 |
1501 | *fOutRq << "RoqueLampDirect: " << MTime(-1) << " "
1502 | << pos.Zd() << " " << pos.Az() << " "
1503 | << roquelamp.X() << " " << roquelamp.Y() << endl;
1504 | }
1505 |
1506 | cout << "Starguider Camera Center: " << sgcenter.GetX() << "," << sgcenter.GetY() << endl;
1507 | cout << ">=>=>=> Roque Lamp found at: >=>=>=> (" << roquelamp.X() << ","
1508 | << roquelamp.Y() << ") <=<=<=<" << endl;
1509 |
1510 | }
1511 |
1512 | // Find Spot on Camera Center in Starguider camera
1513 |
1514 | if (fOperations->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kRoqueLampAna)) {
1515 |
1516 | XY cameraspot(0,0);
1517 |
1518 | Double_t imageclean = 5;
1519 | Double_t boxradius = 60;
1520 | Double_t scalefactor = 1;
1521 | // XY searchcenter(sgcenter.GetX(),sgcenter.GetY());
1522 | XY searchcenter(60.,290.);
1523 |
1524 | cameraspot = FindRoqueLamp(f, f2, sgcenter, t, imageclean, boxradius, searchcenter);
1525 |
1526 | if (fOutRq) {
1527 | ZdAz pos = fCosy->GetPointingPos();
1528 |
1529 | *fOutRq << "RoqueLampReflected: " << MTime(-1) << " "
1530 | << pos.Zd() << " " << pos.Az() << " "
1531 | << cameraspot.X() << " " << cameraspot.Y() << endl;
1532 | }
1533 |
1534 | cout << ">>>>> Spot on Magic camera found at: >>>>> (" << cameraspot.X() << ","
1535 | << cameraspot.Y() << ") <<<<<" << endl;
1536 |
1537 | f2.DrawCircle(sgcenter, 5.0, 0x0fa);
1538 | f2.DrawCircle(sgcenter, 115.0, 0x0fa);
1539 |
1540 | }
1541 |
1542 |
1543 |
1544 | // we calculate the offset given by the three ETH Leds visible to
1545 | // the guide camera
1546 | // This is an (inferior, obsolete) alternative to the StarCaosFilter
1547 | // Led offset;
1548 | // if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargLEDFilter))
1549 | // fStargLeds->Run(img,offset);
1550 |
1551 | // Position corresponding to the camera center (53.2, 293.6)
1552 | Ring skycenter(392, 318);
1553 | // MStarList spots;
1554 |
1555 | // we obtain a list of stars in the FOV from the SAO catalog
1556 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog))
1557 | {
1558 | MTime time(*tm);
1559 |
1560 | XY xy = fCRaDec->GetCoordinates();
1561 | fRaDec->Set(xy.X()*360/24, xy.Y());
1562 |
1563 | UpdatePosZoom();
1564 |
1565 | // Always call SetMjd first!
1566 | fSao->SetPointing(time.GetMjd(), *fRaDec);
1567 | fCZdAz->SetCoordinates(fSao->GetZdAz());
1568 |
1569 | MStarList stars;
1570 | fSao->SetBox(230); // Region of interest around center
1571 |
1572 | // very careful: If center of camera cannot be determined
1573 | // sgcenter jumps to (0,0)
1574 | double sgcenteroffsetX = 0.0;
1575 | double sgcenteroffsetY = 0.0;
1576 | if ((double)sgcenter.GetX() > 0.0 && (double)sgcenter.GetY() > 0.0) {
1577 | sgcenteroffsetX = sgcenter.GetX()-53.2;
1578 | sgcenteroffsetY = sgcenter.GetY()-293.6;
1579 | }
1580 |
1581 | // we obtain stars in the effective star FOV and draw them.
1582 | // coordinates are video frame coords.
1583 | // We determine the ideal starfield using camera sagging info
1584 | // from the LEDs
1585 |
1586 | //cout << sgcenteroffsetX << " " << sgcenteroffsetY << endl;
1587 |
1588 | fSao->CalcStars(stars, 530, 292,
1589 | -8+2-3+sgcenteroffsetX, //x: star<spot =>subs
1590 | 31.5-3+sgcenteroffsetY); //y: star<spot =>subs?
1591 |
1592 | fSao->DrawStars(stars, cimg);
1593 |
1594 | // There are two corrections to the misspointing
1595 | // - Sagging of the camera as measured with the LEDs
1596 | // - Star not ideally centered on MAGIC Camera
1597 |
1598 | // Next we evaluate the offset given by the LEDs. This we obtain
1599 | // in Zd/Az and add it to the tracking error.
1600 |
1601 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStarguider))
1602 | {
1603 | Leds spots;
1604 | f.SetBox(230);
1605 | // f.SetCut(1.5);
1606 | double bright;
1607 | f.ExecuteAndMark(spots, 530, 292, bright);
1608 | MString txt;
1609 | txt.Print("Sky Brightness: %.1f", bright);
1610 | fSkyBright->SetText(txt);
1611 |
1612 | ULong_t color;
1613 | gClient->GetColorByName("Green", color);
1614 | if (bright> 60) gClient->GetColorByName("Yellow", color);
1615 | if (bright> 85) gClient->GetColorByName("Orange", color);
1616 | if (bright> 95) gClient->GetColorByName("Red", color);
1617 | fSkyBright->SetBackgroundColor(color);
1618 |
1619 | bool rc = CalcTrackingError(spots, stars, fD, t);
1620 |
1621 | if (rc && (bright <= 1.75* fLastBright) && (bright < 110)) {
1622 | fStatus = MDriveCom::kMonitoring;
1623 | } else {
1624 | fStatus = MDriveCom::kError;
1625 | }
1626 |
1627 | if (fCosy)
1628 | fPos = fCosy->GetPointingPos();
1629 |
1630 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargAnalysis))
1631 | fStargHistograms->Fill(spots, stars, fD,
1632 | fSao->GetZdAz(), sgcenter, sgcenterzdaz,
1633 | star, bright, fPos, t);
1634 |
1635 | fLastBright = bright;
1636 |
1637 | if (fCosy) {
1638 | MDriveCom &com = *fCosy->GetDriveCom();
1639 | com.SendStargReport(fStatus, fD, fSao->GetZdAz(), sgcenter, spots.GetEntries(), bright, time.GetMjd(), 0, 0); // Report
1640 | }
1641 |
1642 | } //kStarguider
1643 |
1644 | f2.DrawCircle(skycenter, 2.0, 0x0a);
1645 |
1646 | f2.DrawCircle(skycenter, 7.4, 0x0a); //0.1deg
1647 |
1648 | f2.DrawCircle(skycenter, 2.06*.5*74.0, 0x0a);
1649 | f2.DrawCircle(skycenter, 2.32*.5*74.0, 0x0a);
1650 | f2.DrawCircle(skycenter, 3.50*.5*74.0, 0x0a);
1651 | f2.DrawCircle(skycenter, 3.84*.5*74.0, 0x0a);
1652 | } //CalcStars
1653 |
1654 | // Draw Circles around center of Camera
1655 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter))
1656 | {
1657 | f2.DrawCircle(center, 0x0a);
1658 | f2.DrawCircle(center, 5.0,
1659 | fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFindStar)?3:0xb0);
1660 | f2.DrawCircle(center, 115.0, 0x0a);
1661 | f2.DrawCircle(center, 230.0, 0x0a);
1662 | f2.DrawCircle(center, 245.0, 0x0a);
1663 | }
1664 |
1665 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStargCaosFilter))
1666 | {
1667 | f2.DrawCircle(sgcenter, 0x0a);
1668 | f2.DrawCircle(sgcenter, 5.0,
1669 | fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFindStar)?3:0xb0);
1670 | }
1671 |
1672 | // if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog))
1673 | // {
1674 | // fSao->PaintImg(cimg, 768, 576);
1675 | // const float r = 60*60/fSao->GetPixSize();
1676 | // f2.DrawCircle(0.5*r, 0x0a);
1677 | // f2.DrawCircle(1.0*r, 0x0a);
1678 | // f2.DrawCircle(1.5*r, 0x0a);
1679 | // }
1680 |
1681 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter) ||
1682 | fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog) ||
1683 | fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFindStar) ||
1684 | fOperations->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kRoqueLampAna))
1685 | fImage->DrawColImg(img, cimg);
1686 | else
1687 | fImage->DrawImg(img);
1688 | }
1689 |
1690 | void MStarguider::UpdatePosZoom()
1691 | {
1692 | MString txt;
1693 | if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog))
1694 | {
1695 | // FIXME: Necessary?
1696 | fSao->Now();
1697 | AltAz aa = fSao->CalcAltAzFromPix(fDx, fDy)*kRad2Deg;
1698 | if (aa.Az()<0)
1699 | aa.Az(aa.Az()+360);
1700 | txt.Print("%.1fd/%.1fd (%d, %d)", -aa.Alt(), aa.Az()-180, fDx, fDy);
1701 | }
1702 | else
1703 | txt.Print("(%d, %d)", fDx, fDy);
1704 | fPosZoom->SetText(txt);
1705 | }
1706 |
1707 | Bool_t MStarguider::HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event)
1708 | {
1709 | const Int_t w = fImage->GetWidth();
1710 | const Int_t h = fImage->GetHeight();
1711 | const Int_t x = fImage->GetX();
1712 | const Int_t y = fImage->GetY();
1713 |
1714 | if (!(event->fX>x && event->fX<x+w && event->fY>y && event->fY<y+h))
1715 | return kTRUE;
1716 |
1717 | Int_t dx = event->fX-x;
1718 | Int_t dy = event->fY-y;
1719 |
1720 | if (dx<kZOOM/4) dx=kZOOM/4;
1721 | if (dy<kZOOM/4) dy=kZOOM/4;
1722 | if (dx>766-kZOOM/4) dx=766-kZOOM/4;
1723 | if (dy>574-kZOOM/4) dy=574-kZOOM/4;
1724 |
1725 | fDx = dx;
1726 | fDy = dy;
1727 |
1728 | UpdatePosZoom();
1729 | return kTRUE;
1730 | }
1731 |
1732 | void MStarguider::Print(TString &str, Double_t deg) const
1733 | {
1734 | Char_t sgn;
1735 | UShort_t d, m, s;
1736 |
1737 | MAstro::Deg2Dms(deg, sgn, d, m, s);
1738 |
1739 | MString txt;
1740 | str += txt.Print("%c %03d %02d %03d ", sgn, d, m, s);
1741 | }