1 | #include "MTracking.h"
2 |
3 | #include "MLogManip.h"
4 |
5 | #include "macs.h"
6 | #include "shaftencoder.h"
7 |
8 | #include "MCosy.h"
9 | #include "SlaStars.h"
10 |
11 | #include "MDriveCom.h"
12 |
13 | ClassImp(MTracking);
14 |
15 | using namespace std;
16 |
17 | //#define EXPERT
18 | #undef EXPERT
19 |
20 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 | //
22 | // request the current positions from the rotary encoders.
23 | // use GetRePos to get the psotions. If the request fails the function
24 | // returns kFALSE, otherwise kTRUE
25 | //
26 | bool MTracking::RequestRePos()
27 | {
28 | for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
29 | {
30 | //
31 | // Send request
32 | //
33 | fCosy->fMac2->RequestSDO(0x6004);
34 | fCosy->fMac1->RequestSDO(0x6004);
35 |
36 | //
37 | // Wait until the objects are received.
38 | //
39 | fCosy->fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x6004, 0, 500, i>0);
40 | fCosy->fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x6004, 0, 500, i>0);
41 |
42 | //
43 | // If waiting was not interrupted everything is ok. return.
44 | //
45 | if (!Break())
46 | return true;
47 |
48 | fCosy->PrintError();
49 | }
50 |
51 | //
52 | // If the waiting was interrupted due to a network error,
53 | // print some logging message.
54 | //
55 | if (fCosy->HasError())
56 | gLog << err << "ERROR - while requesting re pos from Macs (SDO #6004)" << endl;
57 |
58 | return false;
59 | }
60 |
61 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 | //
63 | // Sets the tracking velocity
64 | //
65 | // The velocities are given in a ZdAz object in re/min. Return kTRUE
66 | // in case of success, kFALSE in case of failure.
67 | //
68 | Bool_t MTracking::SetVelocity(const ZdAz &v)
69 | {
70 | for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
71 | {
72 | //
73 | // Send the new velocities for both axes.
74 | //
75 | fCosy->fMac2->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)v.Zd()); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
76 | fCosy->fMac1->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)v.Az()); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
77 |
78 | //
79 | // Wait for the objects to be acknoledged.
80 | //
81 | fCosy->fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1, 500, i>0);
82 | fCosy->fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1, 500, i>0);
83 |
84 | //
85 | // If the waiting for the objects wasn't interrupted return kTRUE
86 | //
87 | if (!Break())
88 | return kTRUE;
89 |
90 | fCosy->PrintError();
91 | }
92 |
93 | //
94 | // print a message if the interruption was due to a Can-node Error
95 | //
96 | if (fCosy->HasError())
97 | gLog << err << "ERROR - while setting tracking velocity (SDO #3006)" << endl;
98 |
99 | return kFALSE;
100 | }
101 |
102 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 | //
104 | // Initializes Tracking mode
105 | //
106 | // Initializes the accelerations of both axes with 90% of the maximum
107 | // acceleration. Set the status for moving and tracking and starts thr
108 | // revolution mode.
109 | //
110 | bool MTracking::InitTracking()
111 | {
112 | // FIXME? Handling of Zombie OK?
113 | if (fCosy->fMac1->IsZombieNode() || fCosy->fMac2->IsZombieNode())
114 | return false;
115 |
116 | //
117 | // Start revolution mode
118 | //
119 | if (!SetAccDec(fCosy->fMac2, fTrackAcc, fTrackDec))
120 | return false;
121 |
122 | if (!SetAccDec(fCosy->fMac1, fTrackAcc, fTrackDec))
123 | return false;
124 |
125 | fCosy->fMac2->SetRpmMode(TRUE);
126 | if (fCosy->fMac2->IsZombieNode())
127 | return false;
128 |
129 | fCosy->fMac1->SetRpmMode(TRUE);
130 | if (fCosy->fMac1->IsZombieNode())
131 | return false;
132 |
133 | fCosy->SetStatus(MDriveCom::kMoving | MDriveCom::kTracking);
134 |
135 | return true;
136 | }
137 | /*
138 | void MTracking::StopTracking()
139 | {
140 | //
141 | // Set status to Stopping
142 | //
143 | fCosy->SetStatus(MDriveCom::kStopping);
144 |
145 | //
146 | // set deceleration to 50%
147 | //
148 | cout << "Stopping tracking (dec=20%)..." << endl;
149 | fCosy->fMac1->SetDeceleration(0.2*fMac1->GetVelRes());
150 | fCosy->fMac2->SetDeceleration(0.2*fMac2->GetVelRes());
151 |
152 | fCosy->fMac2->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)0); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
153 | fCosy->fMac1->SendSDO(0x3006, 1, (LWORD_t)0); // SetRpmVelocity [re/min]
154 | fCosy->fMac2->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1);
155 | fCosy->fMac1->WaitForSdo(0x3006, 1);
156 |
157 | cout << "Waiting for end of movement..." << endl;
158 | fCosy->WaitForEndMovement();
159 |
160 | //
161 | // Wait for the objects to be OKed.
162 | //
163 | fCosy->fMac1->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
164 | fCosy->fMac2->SetRpmMode(FALSE);
165 |
166 | //
167 | // Wait for the movement to really be finished.
168 | //
169 | //cout << "Waiting for end of movement..." << endl;
170 | //WaitForEndMovement();
171 |
172 | //
173 | // Check whether everything works fine.
174 | //
175 | fCosy->CheckForError();
176 | cout << "Movement stopped." << endl;
177 | }
178 | */
179 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 | //
181 | // Limits the speed.
182 | //
183 | // This function should work as a limiter. If a tracking error is too large
184 | // to be corrected fast enough we would get enormous velocities. These
185 | // velocities are limited to the maximum velocity.
186 | //
187 | Bool_t MTracking::LimitSpeed(ZdAz *vt, const SlaStars &sla) const
188 | {
189 | // vt[re/min]
190 |
191 | // Calculate approximate velocity of both axis
192 | ZdAz vcalc = sla.GetApproxVel(fCosy->fRaDec); // [rad/rad]
193 |
194 | //vcalc *= 1./(24*60); // [U_tel/min]
195 | //vcalc *= fCosy->kGearTot; // [U_mot/min]
196 | //vcalc *= fCosy->kResRE; // [re/min]
197 |
198 | vcalc *= fCosy->kGearTot*fCosy->kResRE/(24*60); // [re/min]
199 |
200 | // Set return code
201 | Bool_t rc = kFALSE;
202 |
203 | //
204 | // How to limit the speed. If the wind comes and blowes
205 | // we cannot forbid changing of the sign. But on the other hand
206 | // we don't want fast changes!
207 | //
208 | ULong_t vrzd = fCosy->fMac1->GetVelRes();
209 | ULong_t vraz = fCosy->fMac2->GetVelRes();
210 |
211 | #define sgn(x) (x<0?-1:1)
212 |
213 | //
214 | // When speed changes sign, the maximum allowed speed
215 | // is 25% of the |v|
216 | //
217 | //const Float_t limit = 0.25;
218 |
219 | //
220 | // The maximum allowed speed while tracking is 10%
221 | //
222 | const Float_t maxtrack = 0.1;
223 |
224 | if (fabs(vt->Az()) > maxtrack*vraz)
225 | {
226 | vt->Az(maxtrack*vraz*sgn(vcalc.Az()));
227 | gLog << warn << "Warning: Azimuth speed limit (" << maxtrack*100 << "%) exceeded (" << fabs(vt->Az()) << " > " << maxtrack*vraz << ")... limited." << endl;
228 | gLog << "Vcalc: " << vcalc.Zd() << " " << vcalc.Az() << "re/min" <<endl;
229 | rc=kTRUE;
230 | }
231 | if (fabs(vt->Zd()) > maxtrack*vrzd)
232 | {
233 | vt->Zd(maxtrack*vrzd*sgn(vcalc.Zd()));
234 | gLog << warn << "Warning: Altitude speed limit (" << maxtrack*100 << "%) exceeded (" << fabs(vt->Zd()) <<" > " << maxtrack*vrzd << ")... limited." << endl;
235 | gLog << "Vcalc: " << vcalc.Zd() << " " << vcalc.Az() << "re/min" <<endl;
236 | rc=kTRUE;
237 | }
238 | return rc;
239 | }
240 |
241 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------
242 | //
243 | // Return pointing position of the telescope based on the
244 | // Shaftencoders with interpolation with motor encoders.
245 | //
246 | // GetPointingPos [re]
247 | //
248 | ZdAz MTracking::GetPointingPosRE(Bool_t pdo) const
249 | {
250 | // Conversion factor from se to re
251 | //const XY re = fCosy->kGearTot/fCosy->kResSE; //[re/se]
252 | const XY re = Div(fCosy->kGearTot, fCosy->kResSE); //[re/se]
253 |
254 | // Check wether moving direction has changed
255 | const bool bool1 = fCosy->fZd1->DirHasChanged();
256 | const bool bool2 = fCosy->fZd2->DirHasChanged();
257 |
258 | // If both directions have changed reset the flags
259 | if (bool1 && bool2)
260 | {
261 | fCosy->fZd1->ResetDirHasChanged();
262 | fCosy->fZd2->ResetDirHasChanged();
263 | }
264 |
265 | // Get shaftencoder positions
266 | // Ignore the shaftencoder which has not yet changed its value
267 | const Int_t pzd1 = fCosy->fZd1->GetPosDirCorrected();
268 | const Int_t pzd2 = fCosy->fZd2->GetPosDirCorrected();
269 | const Int_t paz = fCosy->fAz->GetPos();
270 |
271 | const Int_t res1 = fCosy->fZd1->GetPhysRes();
272 | const Int_t res2 = fCosy->fZd2->GetPhysRes();
273 |
274 | // Get current shaftencoder position of the telescope
275 | Double_t seposzd1 = ((pzd1+res1/2)%res1)*re.X();
276 | Double_t seposzd2 = ((pzd2+res2/2)%res2)*re.X();
277 | //Double_t seposzd1 = pzd1*re.X();
278 | //Double_t seposzd2 = pzd2*re.X();
279 | Double_t seposaz = paz *re.Y();
280 |
281 | // distance between (To+dt) and To [re]
282 | // position time difference < 5usec
283 | // fRePos does the synchronization between the
284 | // Shaft- and the rotary encoders
285 | const ZdAz repos = pdo ? fCosy->GetRePosPdo() : fCosy->GetRePos();
286 |
287 | // Get rotary encoder positions
288 | // Get stored offset if one SE has not changed its direction yet
289 | const Int_t offset1 = fCosy->fZd1->GetOffsetDirCorrected();
290 | const Int_t offset2 = fCosy->fZd2->GetOffsetDirCorrected();
291 |
292 | // Calculate the part of one SE which the motors moved
293 | // since the last SE has changed its value
294 | const Double_t offzd1 = repos.Zd() - offset1;
295 | const Double_t offzd2 = repos.Zd() - offset2;
296 | const Double_t offaz = repos.Az() - fCosy->fAz->GetOffset();
297 |
298 | // Correct for the direction in which the motor is moving
299 | // (in which the shaftencoders should change its values)
300 | if (offaz<0)
301 | seposaz += re.Y();
302 | if (offzd1<0)
303 | seposzd1 += re.X();
304 | if (offzd2<0)
305 | seposzd2 += re.X();
306 |
307 | // If the correction exceeds one shaftencoder step stop interpolation
308 | // of shaftencoder positions using rotary encoder values.
309 | //ofstream fout("offsets.log", ios::app);
310 | //fout << MTime(-1) << " " << offaz << " " << offzd1 << " " << offzd2 << endl;
311 | /*
312 | if (TMath::Abs(offaz)>re.Y())
313 | offaz = TMath::Sign(re.Y(), offaz);
314 | if (TMath::Abs(offzd1)>re.X())
315 | offzd1 = TMath::Sign(re.X(), offzd1);
316 | if (TMath::Abs(offzd2)>re.X())
317 | offzd2 = TMath::Sign(re.X(), offzd2);
318 | */
319 |
320 | // and interpolate the shaftencoder steps using the motor
321 | // encoder positon (Be carefull the minus-sign is important)
322 | seposzd1 += offzd1;
323 | seposzd2 -= offzd2;
324 | seposaz += offaz;
325 |
326 | return ZdAz((seposzd1-seposzd2)/2, seposaz);
327 | }
328 |
329 | void MTracking::TrackPosition(const RaDec &dst) // ra, dec [rad]
330 | {
331 | SlaStars sla(fCosy->fObservatory);
332 |
333 | //
334 | // Position to actual position
335 | //
336 | sla.Now();
337 | ZdAz dest = sla.CalcZdAz(dst);
338 |
339 | gLog << all << sla.GetTime() << ": Track Position " << dst.Ra()*kRad2Deg/15 << "h, " << dst.Dec()*kRad2Deg <<"deg" << endl;
340 |
341 | // If the star is culminating behind the zenith (South) we want to
342 | // align the azimuth angle between -180 and 180deg. If the star is
343 | // culminating before the zenith (north) we want the star to be
344 | // aligned between -180 and 180deg (which is the default of CalcZdAz)
345 | if (sla.GetPhi()>dst.Dec() && dest.Az()<0)
346 | {
347 | // align az from -180/180 to 0/360
348 | gLog << inf2 << "Star culminating behind zenith: Adding 360deg to Azimuth " << dest.Az()*kRad2Deg << endl;
349 | dest.Az(dest.Az() + TMath::TwoPi());
350 | }
351 |
352 | // Position the telescope to the current local position of the
353 | // star. Do not reposition but start the tracking after the
354 | // first positioning step
355 | if (!SetPosition(dest, kTRUE))
356 | {
357 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Cannot start tracking, positioning failed." << endl;
358 | return;
359 | }
360 |
361 | //
362 | // calculate offset from present se position
363 | //
364 | //const ZdAz sepos = fCosy->GetSePos()*fCosy->kGearTot/fCosy->kResSE; //[re]
365 | if (!RequestRePos())
366 | return;
367 |
368 | // Estimate Offset before starting to track
369 | ZdAz repos = fCosy->GetRePos();
370 | fCosy->fZd1->SetOffset(TMath::Nint(repos.Zd()));
371 | fCosy->fZd2->SetOffset(TMath::Nint(repos.Zd()));
372 | fCosy->fAz->SetOffset(TMath::Nint(repos.Az()));
373 |
374 | fCosy->SetTrackingPosRE(GetPointingPosRE());
375 |
376 | // Initialize Tracker (slalib or starguider)
377 | fCosy->fRaDec = dst;
378 |
379 | RunThread();
380 |
381 | //
382 | // Init accelerations and Rpm Mode
383 | //
384 | if (!InitTracking())
385 | {
386 | fCosy->StopMovement();
387 | return;
388 | }
389 |
390 | // Get current nominal local position
391 | sla.Now();
392 | ZdAz pos = sla.CalcZdAz(fCosy->fRaDec);
393 |
394 | // Some output
395 | XY xy(TMath::RadToDeg()*dst.Ra()*24/360, TMath::RadToDeg()*dst.Dec());
396 | gLog << all << sla.GetTime() << " - Start Tracking: Ra=" << xy.X() << "h Dec=";
397 | gLog << xy.Y() << "\xb0 @ Zd=" << pos.Zd()*kRad2Deg <<"deg Az=" << pos.Az()*kRad2Deg <<"deg" << endl;
398 |
399 | //
400 | // We want to reach the theoretical position exactly in about 0.5s
401 | //
402 | // *OLD*const float dt = 1; // 1 second
403 | const float dt = 5;//3; // 2 second
404 | while (!Break())
405 | {
406 | //
407 | // Request Target position for Now+dt
408 | //
409 | sla.Now(dt);
410 |
411 | //
412 | // Request nominal position for this time in the future (To+dt)
413 | //
414 | const ZdAz pointing = sla.CalcZdAz(fCosy->fRaDec); // [rad]
415 | ZdAz dest = fCosy->AlignTrackingPos(pointing); // fix ambiguity
416 |
417 | //ZdAz vcalc = sla.GetApproxVel(fCosy->fRaDec);
418 | //vcalc *= fCosy->kGearRatio2*4./60.; // [re/min]
419 |
420 | float dtime = -1;
421 | //if (kFALSE /*fUseStarguider*/)
422 | // dtime = Starguider(sla.GetMjd(), dest);
423 |
424 | ZdAz repos;
425 | if (dtime<0)
426 | {
427 | dest = fCosy->fBending(dest); // [rad]
428 | if (!fCosy->CheckRange(dest))
429 | break;
430 |
431 | // Destination position at t+dt in re-units
432 | dest *= fCosy->kGearTot/TMath::TwoPi(); // [re]
433 |
434 | // Request absolute position of rotary encoder from Macs
435 | // Such that the RE position used in GetPointingPos is
436 | // as up-to-date as possible.
438 | if (!RequestRePos())
439 | break;
440 |
441 | // *NEW* offset handling
442 | // Get current position of the telescope and
443 | // forward this position to MCosy
444 | ZdAz sepos = GetPointingPosRE(); //[re]
445 | fCosy->SetTrackingPosRE(sepos);
446 |
447 | // distance between (To+dt) and To [re]
448 | // position time difference < 5usec
449 | // fRePos does the synchronization between the
450 | // Shaft- and the rotary encoders
451 | repos = fCosy->GetRePos();
452 |
453 | // Now calculate the distance to move from now
454 | // to a time in t+dt.
455 | dest -= sepos;
456 |
457 | dtime = dt;
458 | }
459 |
460 | //
461 | // Velocity to go [re/min] to reach the right position at time t+dt
462 | // correct for the duration of RaDec2AltAz
463 | //
464 | /* --- OLD --- */
465 | ZdAz v = dest*60.0/dtime; //[re/min]
466 | /* --- NEW --- seems to work worse! */
467 | //const Double_t dtaz = sla.GetTime() - fCosy->fMac1->GetPosTime();
468 | //const Double_t dtzd = sla.GetTime() - fCosy->fMac2->GetPosTime();
469 | //
470 | //ZdAz v = dest*60.0;
471 | //v.Zd(v.Zd()/dtzd);
472 | //v.Az(v.Az()/dtaz);
473 | /* --- END --- */
474 |
475 | //*fCosy->fOutRep << "> Dt: " << dtaz << " " << dtzd << endl;
476 |
477 | if (LimitSpeed(&v, sla))
478 | {
479 | gLog << dbg << "vt: " << v.Zd() << " " << v.Az() << "re/min" << endl;
480 | gLog << "Dest: " << dest.Zd() << " " << dest.Az() << endl;
481 | }
482 |
483 | //
484 | // calculate real velocity of future [re/min]
485 | // believing the Macs manual '/4' shouldn't be necessary, but it is.
486 | //
487 | ZdAz vt = v; //[re'/min]
488 | //lout << " " << vt.Zd() << " " << vt.Az() << " ";
489 | vt.Round();
490 | //lout << " " << vt.Zd() << " " << vt.Az() << endl;
491 |
492 | //
493 | // check if the drive is fast enough to follow the star
494 | //
495 | if (vt.Zd()>.9*fCosy->fMac1->GetVelRes() || vt.Az()>.9*fCosy->fMac2->GetVelRes())
496 | {
497 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Tracking speed faster than 90% of possible maximum velocity." << endl;
498 | break;
499 | }
500 |
501 | //
502 | // Set theoretical velocity (as early after calculation as possible)
503 | // Maybe we should attenuate the changes
504 | //
505 | //*fCosy->fOutRep << "> SetVelocity1: " << vt.Zd() << " " << vt.Az() << endl;
506 | if (!SetVelocity(vt))
507 | break;
508 | //*fCosy->fOutRep << "> SetVelocity2 " << endl;
509 |
510 | //
511 | // Now do 'unnecessary' things (timing)
512 | //
513 | fCosy->fVelocity = vt/fCosy->kGear; // [U_mot/min]
514 | // *OLD* fVelocity = vt/kGearRatio2*4;
515 |
516 | if (fOut)
517 | {
518 | fOut->Lock("MTracking::TrackPosition");
519 | *fOut << "RE-REPORT 00 " << MTime(-1) << " " << repos.Zd() << " " << repos.Az() <<" " << vt.Zd() << " " << vt.Az() << endl;
520 | fOut->UnLock("MTracking::TrackPosition");
521 | }
522 |
523 | //
524 | // Update speed as often as possible.
525 | // make sure, that dt is around 10 times larger than the
526 | // update time
527 | //
528 | // The loop should not be executed faster than the ramp of
529 | // a change in the velocity can be followed.
530 | // (This is important on fast machines >500MHz)
531 | //
532 | usleep(1000000); // 1s
533 | }
534 |
535 | sla.Now();
536 |
537 | CancelThread();
538 |
539 | // If CancelPoints are used we have to make this a Cleanup!
540 | fCosy->StopMovement();
541 |
542 | gLog << all << sla.GetTime() << " - Tracking stopped @ Zd=";
543 | gLog << fCosy->fZdAzSoll.Zd()*TMath::RadToDeg() <<"deg Az=";
544 | gLog << fCosy->fZdAzSoll.Az()*TMath::RadToDeg() <<"deg" << endl;
545 | }
546 |
547 | Int_t MTracking::Thread()
548 | {
549 | if (fCosy->fZd1->IsZombieNode() && fCosy->fZd2->IsZombieNode())
550 | return 1;
551 |
552 | if (fCosy->fAz->IsZombieNode())
553 | return 2;
554 |
555 | if (!fCosy->fMac1 || !fCosy->fMac2)
556 | return 3;
557 |
558 | gLog << inf2 << "- Tracking Thread started (" << MTime(-1) << ")" << endl;
559 |
560 | //const XY re2se = fCosy->kGearTot/fCosy->kResSE; //[re/se]
561 |
562 | SlaStars sla(fCosy->fObservatory);
563 | sla.Now();
564 |
565 | //ZdAz time;
566 |
567 | ZdAz soll = sla.CalcZdAz(fCosy->fRaDec); // [rad]
568 |
569 | //
570 | // only update fTrackingError while tracking
571 | //
572 | bool phca1=false;
573 | bool phca2=false;
574 | bool phcaz=false;
575 |
576 | //ZdAz wasse = fCosy->GetSePos();
577 | //ZdAz oldse = fCosy->GetSePos();
578 |
579 | while (1)
580 | {
581 | // Make changes (eg wind) smoother - attenuation of control function
582 | // This is the time constant which defines how fast
583 | // you correct for external influences (like wind)
584 | //const float weight = 1.; //0.3;
585 |
586 | // Check for changes of the shaftencoder values
587 | //*fCosy->fOutRep << "> ResetPosHasChanged" << endl;
588 | fCosy->fZd1->ResetPosHasChanged();
589 | fCosy->fZd2->ResetPosHasChanged();
590 | fCosy->fAz->ResetPosHasChanged();
591 | //*fCosy->fOutRep << "> Check for PosHasChanged" << endl;
592 | do
593 | {
594 | phca1 = fCosy->fZd1->PosHasChanged();
595 | phca2 = fCosy->fZd2->PosHasChanged();
596 | phcaz = fCosy->fAz->PosHasChanged();
597 |
598 | usleep(1);
599 | TThread::CancelPoint();
600 |
601 | } while (!phca1 && !phca2 && !phcaz);
602 |
603 | // Get time from last shaftencoder position change (position: ist)
604 | // FIXME: Is this correct?
605 | // time.Az(fCosy->fMac1->GetMjd());
606 | // time.Zd(fCosy->fMac2->GetMjd());
607 |
608 | //Double_t mjd1 = fCosy->fZd1->GetMjd();
609 | //Double_t mjd2 = fCosy->fZd2->GetMjd();
610 | //Double_t mjd0 = fCosy->fAz->GetMjd();
611 |
612 | Double_t mjdaz = fCosy->fMac1->GetPdoMjd();//mjd0;
613 | Double_t mjdzd = fCosy->fMac2->GetPdoMjd();//TMath::Max(mjd1, mjd2);
614 |
615 | // get current position of shaftencoders (interpolated
616 | // using motor encoders)
617 | const ZdAz istse = GetPointingPosRE(kTRUE)/fCosy->kGearTot*TMath::TwoPi();
618 | //const ZdAz istse = fCosy->GetSePosPdo();
619 |
620 | // calculate offset for both axis (only one is needed)
621 | // *NEW* offset handling
622 | //.const ZdAz offset = istre; //(istse*re2se - istre)*weight + fRePos*(weight-1);
623 | // if Shaftencoder changed position, calculate nominal position
624 | if (phca1 || phca2)
625 | {
626 | ZdAz dummy = sla.CalcZdAz(fCosy->fRaDec, mjdzd);
627 | dummy = fCosy->AlignTrackingPos(dummy);
628 | fCosy->fZdAzSoll.Zd(dummy.Zd());
629 | soll.Zd(fCosy->fBending(dummy).Zd()); // [rad]
630 |
631 | fCosy->fTrackingError.Zd(soll.Zd()-istse.Zd());
632 |
633 | TThread::CancelPoint();
634 | }
635 | if (phcaz)
636 | {
637 | ZdAz dummy = sla.CalcZdAz(fCosy->fRaDec, mjdaz);
638 | dummy = fCosy->AlignTrackingPos(dummy);
639 | fCosy->fZdAzSoll.Az(dummy.Az());
640 | soll.Az(fCosy->fBending(dummy).Az()); // [rad]
641 |
642 | fCosy->fTrackingError.Az(soll.Az()-istse.Az());
643 |
644 | TThread::CancelPoint();
645 | }
646 |
647 |
648 | //fCosy->fZdAzSoll = soll;
649 | /*
650 | // Calculate the aligned tracking position from 'soll'-position
651 | if (phca1 || phca2)
652 | fCosy->fTrackingError.Zd(soll.Zd()-istse.Zd());
653 | if (phcaz)
654 | fCosy->fTrackingError.Az(soll.Az()-istse.Az());
655 | */
656 | }
657 |
658 | gLog << inf2 << "- Tracking Thread done. (" << MTime(-1) << ")" << endl;
659 | return 0;
660 | }