1 | #include "MDriveCom.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 |
5 | #include "coord.h"
6 | #include "MAstro.h"
7 | #include "MCosy.h"
8 | #include "MString.h"
9 | #include "Ring.h"
10 |
11 | using namespace std;
12 |
13 | bool MDriveCom::ReadAngle(TString &str, Double_t &ret)
14 | {
15 | Char_t sgn;
16 | Int_t d, len;
17 | UInt_t m;
18 | Float_t s;
19 |
20 | // Skip whitespaces before %c and after %f
21 | int n=sscanf(str.Data(), " %c %d %d %f %n", &sgn, &d, &m, &s, &len);
22 |
23 | if (n!=4 || (sgn!='+' && sgn!='-'))
24 | return false;
25 |
26 | str.Remove(0, len);
27 |
28 | ret = MAstro::Dms2Deg(d, m, s, sgn);
29 | return true;
30 | }
31 |
32 | bool MDriveCom::ReadPosition(TString &str, Double_t &d1, Double_t &d2)
33 | {
34 | if (!ReadAngle(str, d1))
35 | return false;
36 |
37 | if (!ReadAngle(str, d2))
38 | return false;
39 |
40 | return true;
41 | }
42 |
43 | bool MDriveCom::CommandRADEC(TString &str)
44 | {
45 | Double_t ra, dec;
46 | if (!ReadPosition(str, ra, dec))
47 | {
48 | cout << "ERROR - Reading position from RADEC" << endl;
49 | return false;
50 | }
51 | if (!str.IsNull())
52 | {
53 | cout << "ERROR - Too many bytes in command RADEC" << endl;
54 | return false;
55 | }
56 |
57 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " RADEC " << ra << "h " << dec << "d '" << str << "'" << endl;
58 |
59 | ra *= 15; // h -> deg
60 |
61 | RaDec rd[2] = { RaDec(ra, dec), RaDec(ra, dec) };
62 |
63 | //cout << "MDriveCom - TRACK... start." << endl;
64 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_TRACK, &rd, sizeof(rd));
65 | //cout << "MDriveCom - TRACK... done." << endl;
66 | return true;
67 | }
68 |
69 | bool MDriveCom::CommandGRB(TString &str)
70 | {
71 | Double_t ra, dec;
72 | if (!ReadPosition(str, ra, dec))
73 | {
74 | cout << "ERROR - Reading position from GRB" << endl;
75 | return false;
76 | }
77 | if (!str.IsNull())
78 | {
79 | cout << "ERROR - Too many bytes in command GRB" << endl;
80 | return false;
81 | }
82 |
83 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " GRB " << ra << "h " << dec << "d '" << str << "'" << endl;
84 |
85 | ra *= 15; // h -> deg
86 |
87 | RaDec rd[2] = { RaDec(ra, dec), RaDec(ra, dec) };
88 |
89 | //cout << "MDriveCom - TRACK... start." << endl;
90 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_GRB, &rd, sizeof(rd));
91 | //cout << "MDriveCom - TRACK... done." << endl;
92 | return true;
93 | }
94 |
95 | bool MDriveCom::CommandZDAZ(TString &str)
96 | {
97 | Double_t zd, az;
98 | if (!ReadPosition(str, zd, az))
99 | {
100 | cout << "ERROR - Reading position from ZDAZ" << endl;
101 | return false;
102 | }
103 |
104 | if (!str.IsNull())
105 | {
106 | cout << "ERROR - Too many bytes in command ZDAZ" << endl;
107 | return false;
108 | }
109 |
110 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " ZDAZ " << zd << "deg " << az << "deg" << endl;
111 |
112 | ZdAz za(zd, az);
113 |
114 | //cout << "MDriveCom - POSITION... start." << endl;
115 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_POSITION, &za, sizeof(za));
116 | //cout << "MDriveCom - POSITION... done." << endl;
117 | return true;
118 | }
119 |
120 | bool MDriveCom::CommandPREPS(TString &str)
121 | {
122 | str = str.Strip(TString::kBoth);
123 | if (str.IsNull())
124 | {
125 | cout << "ERROR - No identifier for preposition (PREPS) given." << endl;
126 | return false;
127 | }
128 | if (str.First(' ')>=0)
129 | {
130 | cout << "ERROR - PREPS command syntax error (contains whitespaces)." << endl;
131 | return false;
132 | }
133 |
134 | str.ToLower();
135 |
136 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " PREPS '" << str << "'" << endl;
137 |
138 | //cout << "MDriveCom - TRACK... start." << endl;
139 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_PREPS, (void*)str.Data(), str.Length()+1);
140 | //cout << "MDriveCom - TRACK... done." << endl;
141 | return true;
142 | }
143 |
144 | bool MDriveCom::CommandARM(TString &str)
145 | {
146 | str = str.Strip(TString::kBoth);
147 | if (str.IsNull())
148 | {
149 | cout << "ERROR - No identifier for ARM command." << endl;
150 | return false;
151 | }
152 | if (str.First(' ')>=0)
153 | {
154 | cout << "ERROR - ARM command syntax error (contains whitespaces)." << endl;
155 | return false;
156 | }
157 |
158 | str.ToLower();
159 | if (str!="lock" && str!="unlock")
160 | {
161 | cout << "ERROR - ARM command syntax error (neither LOCK nor UNLOCK)." << endl;
162 | return false;
163 | }
164 |
165 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " ARM '" << str << "'" << endl;
166 |
167 | bool lock = str=="lock";
168 |
169 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_ARM, &lock, sizeof(lock));
170 | return true;
171 | }
172 |
173 | bool MDriveCom::InterpreteCmd(TString cmd, TString str)
174 | {
175 | if (cmd==(TString)"WAIT" && str.IsNull())
176 | {
177 | //cout << "MDriveCom - WAIT... start." << endl;
178 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " WAIT" << endl;
179 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_WAIT);
180 | //cout << "MDriveCom - WAIT... done." << endl;
181 | return true;
182 | }
183 |
184 | if (cmd==(TString)"STOP!" && str.IsNull())
185 | {
186 | //cout << "MDriveCom - STOP!... start." << endl;
187 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " STOP!" << endl;
188 | fQueue->PostMsg(WM_STOP);
189 | //cout << "MDriveCom - STOP!... done." << endl;
190 | return true;
191 | }
192 |
193 | if (cmd==(TString)"RADEC")
194 | return CommandRADEC(str);
195 |
196 | if (cmd==(TString)"GRB")
197 | return CommandGRB(str);
198 |
199 | if (cmd==(TString)"ZDAZ")
200 | return CommandZDAZ(str);
201 |
202 | if (cmd==(TString)"PREPS")
203 | return CommandPREPS(str);
204 |
205 | if (cmd.IsNull() && str.IsNull())
206 | {
207 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " Empty command (single '\\n') received." << endl;
208 | return false;
209 | }
210 |
211 | cout << "CC-COMMAND " << MTime(-1) << " Syntax error: '" << cmd << "':'" << str << "'" << endl;
212 | return false;
213 | }
214 |
215 | void MDriveCom::Print(TString &str, Double_t deg) const
216 | {
217 | Char_t sgn;
218 | UShort_t d, m, s;
219 |
220 | MAstro::Deg2Dms(deg, sgn, d, m, s);
221 |
222 | MString txt;
223 | str += txt.Print("%c %03d %02d %03d ", sgn, d, m, s);
224 | }
225 |
226 | bool MDriveCom::SendReport(UInt_t stat, RaDec rd, ZdAz so, ZdAz is, ZdAz er)
227 | {
228 | // rd [rad]
229 | // so [rad]
230 | // is [deg]
231 | // er [rad]
232 | const MTime t(-1);
233 |
234 | rd *= kRad2Deg;
235 | so *= kRad2Deg;
236 | er *= kRad2Deg;
237 |
238 | rd.Ra(rd.Ra()/15);
239 |
240 | // Set status flag
241 | if (stat&kError)
242 | SetStatus(0);
243 | if (stat&kStopped)
244 | SetStatus(1);
245 | if (stat&kStopping || stat&kMoving)
246 | SetStatus(3);
247 | if (stat&kTracking)
248 | SetStatus(4);
249 |
250 | MString txt;
251 |
252 | TString str;
253 | Print(str, rd.Ra()); // Ra
254 | Print(str, rd.Dec()); // Dec
255 | Print(str, 0); // HA
256 | str += txt.Print("%12.6f ", t.GetMjd()); // mjd
257 | Print(str, so.Zd());
258 | Print(str, so.Az());
259 | Print(str, is.Zd());
260 | Print(str, is.Az());
261 | str += txt.Print("%08.3f ", er.Zd());
262 | str += txt.Print("%08.3f", er.Az());
263 |
264 | return Send("DRIVE-REPORT", str, kFALSE);
265 | }
266 |
267 | bool MDriveCom::SendStatus(const char *stat)
268 | {
269 | return Send("DRIVE-STATUS", stat, kFALSE);
270 | }
271 |
272 | bool MDriveCom::SendStargReport(UInt_t stat, ZdAz miss, ZdAz nompos, Ring center, Int_t num, Int_t n, Double_t bright, Double_t mjd, Double_t x, Double_t y)
273 | {
274 | // miss [deg]
275 | // nompos [deg]
276 | const MTime t(-1);
277 |
278 | miss *= 60; // [arcmin]
279 |
280 | // Set status flag
281 | if (stat&kError)
282 | SetStatus(0);
283 | if (stat&kStandby)
284 | SetStatus(2);
285 | if (stat&kMonitoring)
286 | SetStatus(4);
287 |
288 | MString txt;
289 |
290 | TString str;
291 | str += txt.Print("%05.3f ", miss.Zd()); //[arcmin]
292 | str += txt.Print("%05.3f ", miss.Az()); //[arcmin]
293 | Print(str, nompos.Zd()); //[deg]
294 | Print(str, nompos.Az()); //[deg]
295 | str += txt.Print("%05.1f ", center.GetX()); //number
296 | str += txt.Print("%05.1f ", center.GetY()); //number
297 | str += txt.Print("%04d ", n); //number of correleated stars
298 | str += txt.Print("%03.1f ", bright);
299 | str += txt.Print("%12.6f ", t.GetMjd()); // mjd
300 | str += txt.Print("%.1f ", x);
301 | str += txt.Print("%.1f ", y);
302 | str += txt.Print("%04d ", num); //number of detected stars
303 |
304 | return Send("STARG-REPORT", str, kTRUE);
305 | }