1 | #ifndef COSY_MTcpIpIO
2 | #define COSY_MTcpIpIO
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MThread
5 | #include "MThread.h"
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef MARS_MTime
8 | #include "MTime.h"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 |
12 | class TString;
13 | class TSocket;
14 | class TServerSocket;
15 |
16 | // A generalized class for receiving over tcp/ip
17 | class MTcpIpI : public MThread
18 | {
19 | private:
20 | Int_t fPortRx; // Port on which to listen for connections
21 | Int_t fTimeout; // [ms] Timeout to listen for data to be received
22 |
23 | Bool_t fConnectionEstablished;
24 |
25 | Bool_t WaitForData(TSocket &sock);
26 | void WaitForConnection(TServerSocket &server);
27 |
28 | Int_t Thread();
29 |
30 | virtual Bool_t ReadSocket(TSocket &rx) = 0;
31 |
32 | public:
33 | MTcpIpI(Int_t rx, UInt_t timeout=5000) : MThread(Form("MTcpIpI::%d", rx)), fPortRx(rx), fTimeout(timeout), fConnectionEstablished(kFALSE) { /*RunThread();*/ }
34 | ~MTcpIpI() { CancelThread(); }
35 |
36 | Bool_t IsConnectionEstablished() const { return fConnectionEstablished; }
37 | };
38 |
39 |
40 | // A generalized class for sending over tcp/ip
41 | class MTcpIpO
42 | {
43 | private:
44 | TSocket *fTxSocket;
45 |
46 | public:
47 | MTcpIpO(const char *addr, Int_t tx);
48 | ~MTcpIpO();
49 |
50 | static TString GetSocketAddress(const TSocket &s);
51 | static bool SendFrame(TSocket &tx, const char *msg, int len);
52 | static bool SendFrame(const char *addr, int port, const char *msg, int len);
53 |
54 | TString GetSocketAddress() const;
55 | bool Send(const char *msg, int len);
56 | };
57 |
58 | // This class es espcially meant to receive and send ascii messages
59 | class MTcpIpIO : public MTcpIpI, public MTcpIpO
60 | {
61 | private:
62 | Bool_t ReadSocket(TSocket &rx);
63 |
64 | public:
65 | MTcpIpIO(const char *addr, Int_t tx, Int_t rx);
66 | ~MTcpIpIO();
67 |
68 | virtual bool InterpreteStr(TString str);
69 | };
70 |
71 | #endif