#include void DrawMarker(TVirtualPad *pad, Double_t r0, Double_t phi0, Double_t r1, Double_t phi1) { TView *view = pad->GetView(); if (!view) { cout << "No View!" << endl; return; } TMarker mark0; TMarker mark1; mark0.SetMarkerStyle(kStar); mark1.SetMarkerStyle(kStar); mark1.SetMarkerColor(kRed); r0 /= 90; r1 /= 90; phi0 *= TMath::DegToRad(); phi1 *= TMath::DegToRad(); Double_t x0[3] = { r0*cos(phi0), r0*sin(phi0), 0}; Double_t x1[3] = { r1*cos(phi1), r1*sin(phi1), 0}; mark0.DrawMarker(x0[0], x0[1]); mark1.DrawMarker(x1[0], x1[1]); return; Double_t y0[3], y1[3]; view->WCtoNDC(x0, y0); view->WCtoNDC(x1, y1); mark0.DrawMarker(y0[0], y0[1]); mark1.DrawMarker(y1[0], y1[1]); } int fill(const char *fname, TGraph *g, TH1 *h) { /* TH2F h2res1("Res2D1", " Dataset positions on the sky ", 32, 0, 360, 10, 0, 90); h2res1.SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); h2res1.DrawCopy("surf1pol"); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); gPad->SetTheta(90); gPad->SetPhi(-90); DrawMarker(gPad, 45, 0, 0, 0); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); return; */ ifstream fin(fname); cout << "Reading " << setw(23) << fname << "..." << flush; while (1) { TString str; str.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; if (str.Contains("#")) continue; Float_t alt, az, dalt, daz, mjd; sscanf(str.Data(), "%f %f %*f %*f %*f %*f %f %f %f", &az, &alt, &dalt, &daz, &mjd); if (dalt==0/* || GetResidual(alt, az, alt+dalt, az+daz)>0.1*/) continue; mjd -= 53140.097505; Double_t res = MAstro::GetDevAbs(90-(alt-dalt), -dalt, -daz); g[0].SetPoint(g[0].GetN(), g[0].GetN(), fabs(dalt)); g[1].SetPoint(g[1].GetN(), g[1].GetN(), fabs(daz)); g[2].SetPoint(g[2].GetN(), g[2].GetN(), res); h->Fill(res); } cout << "done (" << setw(3) << (Int_t)h->GetEntries() << "/"; cout << setw(4) << g[0].GetN() << ") " << flush; return g[0].GetN(); } struct Description_t { const char *fName; const char *fTitle; const char *fFile; }; const Int_t counts = 29+11+18+1; Description_t desc[counts] = { /* // 29. Apr. 2004 ~25800 // 5. Aug. 2004 ~32000 // 19. Aug. 2004 ~33530 // 7. Jun. 2005 ~57650 // 8. Jun. 2005 // 9. Jun. 2005 ~57860 // 12. Sep. 2005 ~68338 // 24. Nov. 2005 ~75562 // 17. Oct. 2006 ~103130 // 17. Jun. 2007 ~248193 */ // Culmination tests //{"0411", "TPoints Residuals 11/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0411.txt"}, //{"+0412", "TPoints Residuals 12/2004" , "tpoint/tpoint0412.txt"}, // 1: Worse pointing due to realignment of the mirror {"0503", "TPoints Residuals 3/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0503.txt"}, // New pointing model installed (29.4.2005) // MIRROR MISALIGNMENT (WHEN?) {"0504", "TPoints Residuals 4/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0504.txt"}, {"+05051", "TPoints Residuals 5/2005-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0505-1.txt"}, // 2: Mirror alignment has been fixed {"05052", "TPoints Residuals 5/2005-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0505-2.txt"}, // Pointing model changed due to fixing a screw {"0506", "TPoints Residuals 6/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0506.txt"}, // New pointing model applied (7.-9.6.2005) {"0508", "TPoints Residuals 8/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0508.txt"}, // New pointing model applied (12.9.2005) {"0509", "TPoints Residuals 9/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0509.txt"}, // Quick-and-dirty mirror alignment (only 4 TPoints) {"+0510", "TPoints Residuals 10/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0510.txt"}, // 3: New mirror alignment after Tenerife meeting {"05111", "TPoints Residuals 11/2005-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0511-1.txt"}, //New pointing model installed (24.11.2005) {"05112", "TPoints Residuals 11/2005-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0511-2.txt"}, {"+0512", "TPoints Residuals 12/2005" , "tpoint/tpoint0512.txt"}, {"+0601", "TPoints Residuals 1/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0601.txt"}, {"+0603-1", "TPoints Residuals 3/2006-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0603-1.txt"}, // Changes to the mirror {"0603-2", "TPoints Residuals 3/2006-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0603-2.txt"}, {"+0604", "TPoints Residuals 4/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0604.txt"}, {"+0607", "TPoints Residuals 7/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0607.txt"}, {"+0608", "TPoints Residuals 8/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0608.txt"}, {"+0609", "TPoints Residuals 9/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0609.txt"}, {"+0610", "TPoints Residuals 10/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0610.txt"}, // 5: 6/10/17 {"0611", "TPoints Residuals 11/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0611.txt"}, {"+0612", "TPoints Residuals 12/2006" , "tpoint/tpoint0612.txt"}, {"+0701", "TPoints Residuals 1/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0701.txt"}, {"+0702", "TPoints Residuals 2/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0702.txt"}, {"+0703", "TPoints Residuals 3/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0703.txt"}, {"+0704", "TPoints Residuals 4/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0704.txt"}, {"+0705", "TPoints Residuals 5/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0705.txt"}, {"+0706", "TPoints Residuals 6/2007" , "tpoint/tpoint0706.txt"}, {"+07071", "TPoints Residuals 7/2007-1" , "tpoint/tpoint0707-1.txt"}, {"+07072", "TPoints Residuals 7/2007-2" , "tpoint/tpoint0707-2.txt"}, // 7/6/17 {"0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_08_23_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_08_24_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_08_25_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_08_26_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_09_01_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_09_03_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_09_13_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_09_15_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_09_20_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_10_04_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0708", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2007_10_05_TPoints.txt"}, {"0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_01_15_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_01_18_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_01_25_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_01_26_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_02_26_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_03_16_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_03_17_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_03_18_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_03_19_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_03_25_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_13_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_14_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_15_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_16_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_17_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_23_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_24_TPoints.txt"}, {"+0801", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/2008_04_25_TPoints.txt"}, // New pointing model 080611 {"0806", "TPoints Residuals 7/8/23", "tpoint/tpoint0806.txt"}, // New pointing model 080618 }; void plot2() { TGraph g[3]; MBinning bins(100, 0, 0.2); TArrayI n(counts); TH1F hx[counts]; Int_t num = -1; for (int i=0; iSetBit(kCanDelete); obj[i]->Draw(i==0?"AP":"P"); } TLegend leg(0.905, 0.86, 0.99, 0.99); leg.AddEntry(obj[0], " \\Delta\\theta"); leg.AddEntry(obj[1], " \\Delta\\phi"); leg.AddEntry(obj[2], " \\Delta"); leg.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete); TLine l; l.SetLineColor(kBlue); for (int i=0; iSetBorderMode(0); gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); gPad->SetFillColor(kWhite); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.01); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.01); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.06); gPad->SetGridy(); //Int_t col[] = { 12, 15, 17, 19 }; //Int_t col[] = { 12, 16, 18, 0 }; Int_t col[] = { 13, 16, 19, 0 }; TH1 *h = &histres[2];//result[3].GetHistogram(); h->SetXTitle(""); h->SetYTitle("Residual / arcmin"); h->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); h->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); h->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.75); // h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); // h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelColor(kWhite); TLine line; for (int j=2; j>=0; j--) { histres[j].SetMinimum(0); histres[j].SetFillColor(col[j]);//12+2*j); histres[j].DrawCopy(j==2?"":"same"); /* //result[j].SetLineColor(kBlue); //result[j].SetLineWidth(2); //result[j].SetMarkerColor(kBlue); result[j].SetMinimum(0); //result2.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); //result[j].SetMarkerStyle(23); result[j].SetFillColor(col[j]);//12+2*j); result[j].DrawClone(j==3 ? "ABX" : "B"); // E3 B */ } resultm.SetMarkerStyle(20); resultm.SetMarkerSize(0.8); resultm.DrawClone("P"); line.DrawLine(time[0], 0, time[0], histres[2].GetMaximum()); for (int i=0; i<11; i++) line.DrawLine(time[i+1], 0, time[i+1], histres[2].GetBinContent(i+1)); TText txt; txt.SetTextSize(0.037); // txt.SetTextAngle(-45); txt.SetTextAlign(23); for (int m=4; m<13; m++) { Double_t monl = MTime(2005, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t mont = MTime(2005, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/05", m)); txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); } for (int m=1; m<13; m++) { Double_t monl = MTime(2006, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t mont = MTime(2006, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/06", m)); txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); } for (int m=1; m<13; m++) { Double_t monl = MTime(2007, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t mont = MTime(2007, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); } for (int m=1; m<6; m++) { Double_t monl = MTime(2008, m, 1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t mont = MTime(2008, m, 15,0).GetAxisTime(); // txt.DrawText(mon, -0.12, Form("%02d/07", m)); txt.DrawText(mont, -0.10, Form("%d", m)); line.DrawLine(monl, -0.12, monl, 0.12); } Double_t y6 = MTime(2006,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t y7 = MTime(2007,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t y8 = MTime(2008,1,1,0).GetAxisTime(); Double_t y9 = MTime(2008,5,1,0).GetAxisTime(); txt.SetTextSize(0.042); txt.DrawText(y6-(y7-y6)/2, -0.6, "2005"); txt.DrawText((y6+y7)/2, -0.6, "2006"); txt.DrawText((y7+y8)/2, -0.6, "2007"); //txt.DrawText(y9+(y9-y8)/2, -0.6, "2008"); line.DrawLine(y6, -0.7, y6, 0.26); line.DrawLine(y7, -0.7, y7, 0.26); line.DrawLine(y8, -0.7, y8, 0.26); line.SetLineStyle(3); line.DrawLine(y6, 0.26, y6, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); line.DrawLine(y7, 0.26, y7, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); line.DrawLine(y8, 0.26, y8, 1.05*histres[2].GetMaximum()); line.SetLineColor(kBlue); line.SetLineWidth(2); line.SetLineStyle(kSolid); line.DrawLine(time[0], 1*360/16384.*60, time[12], 1*360/16384.*60); line.SetLineStyle(9); line.DrawLine(time[0], 2*360/16384.*60, time[12], 2*360/16384.*60); line.SetLineStyle(7); line.DrawLine(time[0], 3*360/16384.*60, time[12], 3*360/16384.*60); /* result.SetMinimum(-0.06); result.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); result.DrawClone("LP");*/ }